• Published 10th Sep 2022
  • 3,089 Views, 777 Comments

A King to a God - JDPrime22

It’s up to the heroes of Equestria to form unconventional bonds, discover the primordial evil living beneath their world, and fight a battle they could never have prepared for. When Godzilla and Kong clash, and until the last king stands.

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Chapter 32 – By Our Hooves

Canterlot, Equestria

T.I.T.A.N. had rented out a café for the long night. One of many.

It was like a small party was unfolding in one of the rare sources of light shining in the shadows of the capital of Equestria. The streets of Canterlot were, for the most part, peaceful once darkness set in and Twilight’s moonlight glittered across the roads and buildings. But as for a couple blocks, businesses were wide awake and T.I.T.A.N. troops were well alive.

They looked to be more than alive, as if this night was their last to actually feel alive.

Skeleton crews and special agents had become so much more since T.I.T.A.N. had been refunded a year back, and they were more akin to soldiers now. Like a standing military that didn’t just serve a global organization, but the creatures of the world. There was honor in that position, surely. Yet, the idea of serving the greater good had begun to grow more and more blurred as the days and weeks of fighting these titanic monsters soured their hearts and cracked their spirits.

Earlier that day, the directors ordered all personnel to prep all battle stations and ready every able-bodied fighter and reserve they had. Word had grown like a disease in all the ranks of Equestria’s T.I.T.A.N. Orders that muddied into rumors and whispers. Dreaded rumors that spelled only thing…

They were going to war.

Nopony knew how, or why, and worst of all, they didn’t know when. The order could come at any time.

And so, that late at night and even into the early hours of the morning, T.I.T.A.N. personnel—now soldiers—spent what freedom they had drowning their fears and anxieties in salt and hard drink. Once esteemed soldiers and agents now shambled about aimlessly in the brightly lit roads of Canterlot like the drunkards they became, moving from one café to the other, one bar to the next, all while laughing, jeering, and stumbling over one another.

The owners and workers of the cafés, bars, and shops knew T.I.T.A.N. to be their protectors, so it surprised them to a degree to see them acting in such rambunctious ways. Like carnal beasts needing as much alcohol in their systems before taking their partners to the hotels to spend what hours they had left in passion. No love, just raw desire covering the dread that resided in each of their hearts.

But not every establishment was like this. One in particular was calmer, more tranquil in the early hours of the morning darkness. The band was playing late, and a soft jazz filled the smoky air inside the café. Trumpets, trombones, drums, and the piano combined to form an atmosphere that was warm and welcoming, peaceful even in times of war. Rumors spread from the decisions of the Hall of Unity, but nopony outside of T.I.T.A.N. knew what was really going down, or what was surely about to happen.

Nopony but the lost souls partying in the streets of Canterlot. In this tavern, however, these souls of T.I.T.A.N. found peace in the calm. In one another. In the music, the drinks, and the warmth they brought each other.

A small unit of Solar Bolt pilots crowded around the bar, three stallions and two griffons. In fact, most of the tavern was filled with pilots, or “Air Heads” as the other divisions of T.I.T.A.N. jokingly referred to them. Sitting in the high chairs with nearly empty drinks and salt pouches splayed before them, Red Reign and his troop simultaneously listened to the radios and stared up to the television screens.

Listening for any update from command. Watching the black and white screens as they played news broadcasts and replayed Titan preparation and evacuation videos. The TVs hung high over the bar, with nearly every eye around the bar trained heavily on them.

After the news report, the overly sophisticated and ecstatic voice from the TVs began again, playing the same message in every Titan prep video. “Here at the Tactical Investigative Titan Assimilation Nexus, or ‘T.I.T.A.N.,’ our job is clear and present: your protection! With the emergence of Titans to our delicate and fragile ecosystem, proactive preparation for a Titan emergence event is critical. A single towering force of nature has the power to permanently alter the lives of millions. It is our job, our duty, and our mission to prepare you for that force. The Titan Preparedness Plan is your guide to staying safe in the face of monster attacks. These are the three steps you need to know; it could just save your life!

Step 1: Know Before You Go. Identify the locations of your local T.I.T.A.N. bunkers. Every major city and settlement has been equipped with a nearby T.I.T.A.N. facility and/or installation, so don’t be shy and refer to your local T.I.T.A.N. personnel for help! Just like our young fillies and colts here…

Many of the TV screens showed a silhouette of a monster attacking in the background, a group of young ponies approaching an armored T.I.T.A.N. agent, asking quickly the location of the nearest bunker. After addressing their concerns appropriately and efficiently, with thank yous all around from the children, the agent ruffled the nearest colt’s mane and sent them on their way.

The camera focused on the armored agent. “I’m doing my part!” the T.I.T.A.N. agent declared with a wide, toothy grin. The crowd of fillies and colts all cheered in unison, “And we’re doing ours!” as they galloped into the bunker, the vault door shutting tight behind them.

Next to Red Reign’s left, a griffon pilot snorted out a mixture between a laugh and a scoff, the cigar dangling from the edge of his beak, smoke rising up to the ceiling.

Step 2: Run and Take Cover. In the case of a Titan emergence, do not panic and calmly sprint to the nearest T.I.T.A.N. bunker or shelter. If bunkers are at capacity, seek the lowest level of a basement. Finding shelter outside the city limits is always a viable option as well.

“‘Calmly sprint…’” one of the pilots muttered and shook his head, downing the rest of his hard liquor.

Step 3: Stay Informed. Follow all instructions from local authorities and T.I.T.A.N. personnel. You can also stay up to date via newspaper, radio, and television. Our eyes are vigilant 24/7, so you can rest assure any oncoming Titan-related incident will be tracked and nearby settlements will be warned well in advance. With our T.I.T.A.N. forces at the ready, there is no threat too great to prevent us from safeguarding our future! Join us in building a safer, more resilient community! T.I.T.A.N. We are here to protect you!

The videos ended, the screens shifting to the same news broadcasts displaying the reconstruction efforts in Manehattan, Panthera, Trotsylvania, and more. All aftermaths of Godzilla’s attacks.

“They’re pushin’ out the propaganda hard,” one of Red’s pilots mumbled.

Red’s mind wasn’t nearly as fuzzy as his fellow pilots’. The dim lights of the bar hung overhead and illuminated his dark red and white mane and light red coat, dark blue eyes rising from his glass. “Is it propaganda if it’s saving lives?” Reign responded, leaning over the bar to spot the pony who made the comment.

“You tell us,” the griffon with the cigar said, turning his chair to face his superior, cutting off his line of sight from the other pilot. “Is it saving anyone?”

Red Reign was far from a doubter. Hay, most of his life had been spent as a secret agent serving the hidden organization, and its reemergence into the spotlight doubly reinvigorated the organization as well as him. He was as loyal as they came, but witnessing these attacks, seeing T.I.T.A.N.’s failed defenses, efforts, and further politicization darkened the pride he once felt to serve. The most peace and calm he felt in recent memory was tonight, feeling the drink cloud his foggy thoughts. His peace—no matter how hard he wanted it to be—wasn’t with T.I.T.A.N.

“I’d like to believe that, but recently…” Red responded, letting his voice slip away from him.

“Your drink’s gettin’ a little low, sir,” the bartender noted, bringing every pilot’s head forward. “Let me get you a fresh one; on the house.”

“Appreciate that,” Red said with a weak nod.

“My hero,” the other griffon to Red’s right said with a grin, holding out his glass to be refilled. “You’re making our lives a heck of a lot easier, ya know that?”

“Oh, no. You fine folk are the heroes here, not me. Thank you all for your continued service to our world,” the bartender responded, offering the strongest smile he could offer.

With his glass full of liquor and his mind well warm and fuzzy, the griffon chuckled and nudged Red’s rib cage. “Looks like the propaganda worked,” he whispered, to which Red could only scoff, pushing it off as a laugh to which his fellow Solar Bolt took.

He knew his team meant well. They were realists, didn’t toe the line and didn’t hide from reality. That, he could appreciate and respect. Only meant they didn’t hide behind a veil that the rest of T.I.T.A.N. currently were attempting with these psychological campaigns. They knew what was coming, the leadership of T.I.T.A.N. knew what was coming, but still they promised the world that war would not be the final solution. This next operation of theirs would be the final solution, but in reality… it all led to the same thing.

The drink was warm down his throat, and admittedly, it made the bad thoughts go away. Or maybe it was her voice when it filled the air.

“Hey, fly boy!”

It was directed at him, and Red was slow to react. When he did, when he turned to the voice, he saw a sight that made his brows arch considerably. Brown mane and tail with black streaks. Lime green coat and bright blue eyes. A mare with a face that took his breath away and nearly made him cough on his drink. Especially when the unknown beauty asked him, “How ‘bout a dance?”

Gulping down whatever residue was left in his mouth, Red stared at her uniform, the patch of the Solar Bolts knitted on her shoulder. The same as his uniform. Smirking to the mare, Red responded, “I don’t know about that, fly girl. I think we’re all clocked out—”

“Humor me,” she interrupted, earning a look of surprise from Red and his squad. Especially when she held up her hoof to him. “When are we gonna have another night like this?”

Reign was at a loss for words. Her forwardness and courage left him momentarily speechless, fumbling his words so horribly that his fellow pilot picked him up out of the gutter.

The griffon on his right leaned forward and responded, “Ma’am, you’ll have to excuse my friend here. He’s an Air Head for a reason, and he gets nervous in front of those he finds beautiful. Miracle he managed to lead a squadron of all us beautiful boys.” That earned a giggle out of her, making Red’s heart leap. “But yes, he would oh-so love to dance… if you’re, um, friends would like to as well.”

His talon pointed over to the crowd of mares gossiping and giggling at the display their friend was making with the pilots at the bar.

“I think that can be arranged,” she said with a laugh, tilting her head back to her group of mares she spawned from. With a sharp whistle, the mare smiled to see the girls come bounding over, partnering with each pilot at the bar until the floor was filled with duos. Even the griffons found a dance partner, one of them sighing and plopping his cigar into his drink, letting the fire sizzle out before he was ushered onto the dance floor. The other griffon seemed more than excited to be able to do something except gulp down his sorrows with the rest of his troop.

Leaving just Red and his lone admirer. She held out her hoof for him to take, and with a breath-filled laugh and one last shot of liquid courage, he took her hoof and led her to the dance floor.

Standing face to face, taking her hoof, Red’s mind was barely blurred, and he could thankfully still keep himself in line. He minded his manners and asked, “And who do I owe the pleasure of this dance?”

“Private Dew Springleaf,” the mare responded, looking down to his hoof curled in hers and smiling.

He smirked. “That’ll do, Ms. Dew.” Her laugh filled his heart with such warmth, he almost couldn’t believe it. “Commander Red Reign, by the way.”

“A pleasure, Mr. Reign. Hey, chief!” Dew called, craning her neck back to the band in the corner of the bar. “Play something slow for us, will ya?”

The lead instrumentalist saluted her way. “Anything for our heroes in the skies,” he said with a toothy grin, tightening his cap and nodding to his band. The piano started it all, leading into a gradual and wonderful crescendo from the drums, to the trombone, and so on.

The dance of the pilots started slow and meaningful, nothing crazy or intense. It anything, it brought a certain tranquility that drink and salt just couldn’t compare. A minute in, and the rhythm of the music flowed with their bodies, something even a flat-hoofed pony like Red Reign could follow.

“Something you should know about me, miss,” Red noted with a chuckle, “each hoof of mine is a lefty.”

She laughed, throwing her head back a little. “You seem like a fine enough dancer so far. I’d say you’ve impressed,” she mumbled with that same fiery smile of hers.

Another several seconds of silence, just their smiles communicated to each other, before Red managed to start the conversation again. “So, what spurred the need for a dance in ya?”

Dew threw her mane back, pushing her tongue into her cheek and breathing out a smile. “You’ve seen the doom and gloom, I’d assume. Kinda got sick of it myself until we came here. You and your boys were the only ones we’d seen with more self-control than others. I mean… I don’t mind a drink or two, and a salt cube here and there, but I’d rather stay coherent for this. For something fun… you know?”

“We’re not technically at war, Ms. Dew. There’s still plenty of fun to be had.”

“Yeah, you and your fly boys seemed to be having a ball before we showed up,” she jeered with a smirk. That was enough to get another chuckle out of Reign.

“Can’t be so sad and uptight all the time, Red. That’s what politicians are for,” Springleaf teased, but even Reign could find some truth in her words.

If even spurred him to ask, “And what do you think we’re for?” He spun her around, Dew instantly returning to his hoof and his embrace.

“Concerning work… it is ‘our job, our duty, and our mission to prepare and defend the world for any Titan-related force’… or something along those lines,” she laughed, before her mind started to wander and her eyes trailed up to meet his. “Outside of work… I like to imagine we’re meant for something like this. A little slice of something… peaceful. And you?”

There was peace to be had. During the early days of Twilight’s reign, to the year after the Battle of the Three Kings… and to this moment now, Red knew peace was possible. What tomorrow would hold was unwritten, but for just a moment, Reign didn’t seem to mind. The fear and the anxiety was gone. It was just him and her and a wonderful song.

“I wouldn’t mind a little more peace in my time.”

Dew grew a smile that made his heart dance something fierce. “Guess we’re of the same heart,” she replied.

The music started to slow down considerably, the jazzy flow bringing the two closer and closer together. Until she could smell the liquor on his breath. Until he could feel the coolness of her breath make him shiver. A strand of black hair fell in front of her eyesight, almost blocking Dew’s view of him. Seconds later, the magic from his horn brightened, and the blue aura wrapped gently around her mane strand and gingerly pushed it back behind her ear.

The caress made her shiver in response, the flight of the trumpets making their hearts fly in tandem. The elevating cry of the music brought them so much closer, until their eyelids shuddered shut and their breaths momentarily ceased. Under the starlight and majesty of Canterlot, under the bar lights and smoky air, that peace was made true to them, even if it be for just a night.

They stopped. The music stopped. All of it stopped when it was drowned out by the alarm sounding off in the T.I.T.A.N. radios.

Inches apart, hearts once warm, now cold and darkened, Red Reign and Dew Springleaf opened their eyes and turned back to the bar. Every head and every eye seemed to follow them, spotting the T.I.T.A.N. radios sounding off an alarm that was made specifically for them. A siren that signaled a call to arms and a call to action. There was no voice to signal that it was a drill.

The morning came with a dark omen etched into all of their hearts to hear that alarm play for seconds on end… with no end. Red and Dew turned back to one another in that silence in-between each radio cry. Even their voices lacked the life they once felt, replaced by shells of soldiers called to the inevitable.

“Looks like we’re going to war after all,” she whispered.

“Looks like it,” he whispered.

Hours later, and Canterlot had undergone an immediate change in atmosphere. There was a rush among the civilians, ponies leaving rapidly for the train station after warnings from the Titan Preparedness Plan played over every radio and TV broadcast. Canterlot was not threatened directly, but T.I.T.A.N. ensured its ponies were ready.

Many fled accordingly to the bunkers and shelters at the base of the mountain, while T.I.T.A.N. HQ within Canterlot Mountain was called to arms. Full steam ahead. Every able-bodied agent, soldier, and reserve in the Equestrian sector of T.I.T.A.N. answered the call and united at the headquarters. By the time the sun rose on that bright, burning morning, half of the Equestrian fleet was prepped and nearly ready for launch.

Leaving behind the other half of the aircraft fleet… as well as Mechagodzilla. Final preparations with the Mecha were still undergoing tests, but Twilight was ensured their secret weapon would be ready for them soon. The Mecha, and the other half of the fleet, would be called when reinforcements were absolutely needed. No exceptions.

As for Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Radiance, she and her crew were beginning to board the mighty, lead airship. The Radiance was fully fueled, equipped with an impressive new armament, and ready for takeoff after supplies, fuel reserves, and the crew were aboard.

They numbered quite the crew, consisting of Twilight, the T.I.T.A.N. Directors Celestia and Luna, the Council of Friendship minus Fluttershy, and hundreds of Canterlot’s best scientists, engineers, pilots, and top agents serving as Twilight and the directors’ personal guards.

As for Spike…

“Awww, come on, Twilight!” the young drake groaned, flying beside the princess as she trotted her way over to the Radiance. They were joined by dozens of Royal Guards and T.I.T.A.N. personnel loading up the aircraft, the landing pad filled to the brim with several other airships and Solar Bolts. The morning sun was blinding, making the upcoming journey east all the more difficult.

Something Spike just couldn’t seem to grasp like Twilight could. Telling herself that, Twilight sighed and stopped in her tracks, spinning around to stop him as well. “I already told you last night, Spike: This operation is going to be extremely dangerous, and I don’t want you risking your life.”

Directors Celestia and Luna paused, turning back to see Twilight and Spike’s inevitable confrontation concerning his involvement. There was no rush as of yet. They wanted Twilight to take her time with matters such as this.

Looking past Celestia and Luna, Spike leaned out to spot the lone Royal Guard protecting the entrance to the Radiance, practically stonewalling anypony not qualified for the mission ahead. He frowned, explaining in a deadpan tone, “But it’s totally cool if Pinkie Pie and Rarity get to go?”

Twilight frowned, puffing out her lower lip. “We’re going to need all the Elements of Harmony for this mission. You should know that—”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Spike huffed, crossing his arms and turning away in defiance. “Gonna need all the Elements to free Godzilla. I get the gist.”

Her frown slowly dissipated seeing his slumped, almost defeated posture turn away from her. Twilight knew the fight ahead wasn’t going to be easy, and Spike certainly wasn’t making it any easier. Still, she understood his plight, knowing the courage Spike could wield, having witnessed it personally. And to be held back despite it all had to be frustrating. She only wanted him to understand from her point of view.

So, she laid her foreleg over his shoulders and tugged him close. “It’s the same reason I didn’t want the students to join, no matter how much they wanted to,” Twilight explained.

Spike snorted. “The students didn’t get to fight in the Crystal Empire. I did.”

Twilight pulled him closer, leaning her lips close to his ear. “And you were very brave back then. But this isn’t just Ghidorah we’re dealing with, it’s Godzilla, too. It’s the Bewitching Bell. It’s… evil beyond any of our understanding. Because of that, we don’t entirely know what to expect. We’re making the choice that needs to be made, risking our lives to fly out into the dark. I need to know you’ll be safe from that.”

Having explained her reasoning to the best of her ability, Twilight pleaded within that Spike could hopefully come around, to understand her decision. She felt him shivering. “Then I need to know you’ll be safe, too!” he suddenly exclaimed.

Those shivers changed into soft trembles, followed by Spike’s voice cracking and breaking down. With her heart kneaded just right, Twilight spun Spike around to face her, pulling him into the tightest, warmest, most reassuring embrace she could manage for her little brother.

“We’re going to win this, Spike… and then we’re coming home. I promise,” she whispered.

Eyes swelling up, Spike relinquished the growing fears and gripped his sister as tight as ever, claws nearly digging into her coat, not wanting to let go. Twilight didn’t wince to it. She held him even tighter, giving no sense of wanting to let go, either.

In their tearful hug, not a soul took notice to the six figures sneaking onto the Radiance. Initially, they were just five figures, turning out to be Smolder and Silverstream flying from over the edge of the landing pad, carrying Yona around the mighty balloon of the airship, and sneaking onto the ramp. Gallus followed while carrying Sandbar, the five running into the lone Royal Guard.

Only for the guard to transform back into Ocellus. And now reunited, the Young Six went completely unnoticed as they entered the Radiance.

With one last hug goodbye—and a little extra squeeze for luck—Spike stepped away to join the Royal Guards behind him, watching as Twilight turned to join Celestia and Luna. Together, the leadership of Canterlot stepped aboard the ramp of the Radiance and climbed into the hold of the gargantuan airship.

Once inside, the shining sun exemplifying Twilight’s strength and brilliance tore through the glass windshields of the Radiance’s bridge. Despite that, everypony was focused and getting right to work. The pilots gave the directors a notice that the ramp had been risen, all doors had been shut and locked, and all supplies have been successfully loaded into the airship's storage hold.

With that confirmed, Celestia and Luna took their seats near the head of the bridge, looking down the different levels to see Twilight join the other members of the Council of Friendship. It was like nothing had changed, a strong sense of déjà vu filling the two sisters. Just a little more than a year ago, they were all in a similar situation, all joined together to face the evils waiting just beyond the horizon.

Applejack stood directly in front of the windshield, facing down the glaring sun with a fearless glare of her own, tightening her Stetson hat and hopping down to the floor below, joining Twilight and the rest of her friends. Pinkie Pie could hardly contain her excitement, having sped through breakfast provided by the finest chefs Canterlot had to offer to be the first pony on the Radiance. And that was before the pilots had settled the ship on the landing pad. Even they were shocked to see the pink pony miraculously hidden in plain sight in the bridge.

Rarity sat around the large map in the center of the bridge, Pinkie Pie hopping up and down beside her. She greeted Applejack appropriately once the cowpony joined her, the unicorn lighting up when Twilight settled on the opposite end of the table. With her came Rainbow Dash, the fearsome Pegasus having flown around the wide, spacious bridge just enough to tire out her wings. She knew it was going to be a long flight, and she’d rather get as much of a workout as possible before launch.

Together, all five of them sat around the table, the map of Equus nestled between them, as Twilight laid her hoof down and began to go over the plan one more time. Celestia and Luna sighed in tandem, smiling at the sight.

The Elements of Harmony.

Soon, they would reunite with Fluttershy and the rest of Shining Armor’s fleet.

Soon, the Elements would save them all.

But before Twilight could go over the plan, the sirens were blaring and the lead pilot announced loud and proud over the radios, “Alert! All systems are green for takeoff! Clear the landing pad and strap down for launch in ten… nine… eight…”

It all seemed to move so slow for so many ponies. For Twilight in particular. Though joining with her closest friends once again for another adventure was always a dream come true, she couldn’t help but feel oddly cold about the whole ordeal. The plan was sound for the most part, and if they followed it, if everything fell into place, victory would be theirs.

But that was where she felt off. That was where the cold, enveloping darkness emerged. She remembered last year feeling nostalgic for times like these, for battling the forces of evil alongside her friends, traveling to uncharted wilds, meeting new people, new places, and helping spread the magic of friendship. Now, it seemed all the adventures she had with her friends were world-ending catastrophes all centering around the Titans.

And now, for the first time since Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow… the Bewitching Bell was involved. It was in the enemy’s hands, either Ghidorah or… something else. It somehow brought Ghidorah back, and now a greater threat was presented to them beyond Godzilla.

That was the cold Twilight felt. A cold that just wouldn’t wash away, not even under the warmth of her morning sun.

Not even as the Radiance rose from the landing pad and slowly turned to fully face her light. It was spectacular. It was gorgeous in every sense to witness the lands of Equestria so high above the world. It didn’t burn away the cold in her heart, but it helped ease it. Just enough to get a smile out of Twilight, enough to join her friends as they gazed in awe to the majesty of their home.

Far beneath them, they could see the Canterlot train station and the locomotive currently leaving the capital city. The first train ride of the day, and one in particular that left a warming peace in Twilight’s soul. The rest of the Council took part in that peace and comfort, seeing the same train as Twilight and smiling because of it.

Because aboard that train, the Young Six were on their way back to Ponyville safely. Their mysterious friend had joined them, fully intent on seeing the end of her journey further west. Whatever that journey would entail, Twilight wished it one last wish of good luck. Perhaps fate would bring their paths together again.

One day, but not today.

Today belonged to them, and they would see to it victoriously.

The Radiance rose from the landing pad and escaped Canterlot’s airspace, quickly picking up speed. Joining the lead ship were a small fleet of airships and Solar Bolt squadrons serving as support and backup to protect the royalty. Flying past Canterlot Mountain, Twilight and Celestia and Luna gave it one last lingering stare. Reinforcements would join them when they were ready. The Radiance would receive word when that time came.

When they reached a nice, cruising speed in the air, Twilight turned back to the map displayed before her friends. With the sun on her face, she laid her hoof down on the table and began. “Okay… this might be your last chance to ask any lingering questions about the plan. So, girls… are we ready for this?”

“Let the monkey beat on the lizard, use the Elements to get that dark gunk out of Goji’s head,” Rainbow Dash explained rather lazily, hovering above the table like she was laying on a cloud, wings flapping lazily to barely keep her afloat. “Wake me up when we got a challenge,” she yawned.

“It’s lookin’ ta be more of a challenge than that, Dash,” Applejack warned. “Ah mean, we can’t really ferget about that three-headed hydra hidin’ out there… somewhere.”

“And then there’s the Bewitching Bell to think about,” Rarity brought up, already shivering at the prospects of such a weapon in the wrong hooves.

To their surprise, Rainbow merely waved it off with a flick of her hoof and blowing a raspberry. “If the evidence we’ve heard is anything to go by, that undead snake is gonna be close to the Bell. And if Ghidorah’s really controlling Goji, he won’t be far behind once we free him.”

“An’ you can bet on that?” Applejack asked with a raise of her brow.

Rainbow flew down and planted her hooves on the map, though still retaining flight. “Well, no! But it makes sense! Come on, think about it: Ghidorah and Godzilla have had this huge rivalry spanning who even knows how many millions of years. If Ghidorah was finally given the power to control Godzilla and use him to attack the world, he wouldn’t let go of that leash. But if somepony yanked it right out of his slimy claws, he’d have no choice but to come for the ponies who took his prized pet. And then… wham!”

She slammed her hoof on the table, smacking the map almost hard enough to crack the glass. “We pelt that old snake with enough rainbow blasts to send him right back to the stars… preferably as stardust… hehe,” Rainbow chuckled evilly, a sly grin growing across her face.

“While I think we should discuss more on the use of the Elements against an unnatural force like Ghidorah, we really need to focus on that… ‘dark gunk’ in Godzilla’s mind, Rainbow,” Twilight explained, bringing the attention of the table onto her. She even earned the eyes and ears of the former princesses, but Twilight couldn’t see their expressions behind her.

She continued. “If these dark forces are really from the Bell, it’s a power we barely understand. Hay, even Star Swirl struggled to understand it. We could risk causing a nuclear meltdown if the corruption isn’t contained and cleansed properly. I mean, look what happened in the Crystal Empire,” Twilight noted, pressing the tip of her hoof to the ruins on the map of what was once the empire in the Frozen North.

Twilight said, “If Godzilla is too active and there’s too much of the Elements’ power infused with him, it could overwhelm and kill Godzilla like last time.”

“Shucks we don’t have a giant, god-like moth to sacrifice herself this time!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, resting her cheek sadly on the table. Applejack frowned at Pinkie’s comment, while Rarity merely patted the pink mare’s puffy mane in comfort.

“Riiight, but Twilight,” Rainbow interjected, finally landing on the floor of the bridge. “This dark magic can still be pushed out of him, right? The Elements of Harmony have beaten every bad guy we’ve used them against!”

It was several seconds before Twilight inevitably responded, taking that time to really mull over the limitations and potential of the Elements. They were crafted to represent the greatest virtues of the world’s greatest heroes of the time, and were then utilized to combat the age of darkness and chaos that followed the Pillars of Equestria’s disappearance to Limbo. Celestia and Luna wielded the Elements and brought an age of peace never before seen, defeating the likes of Sombra and Discord. Then came Twilight and her friends, using the Elements to best even Luna herself when she was corrupted by Nightmare Moon.

But the Bewitching Bell… the power of Grogar…

Finally, Twilight offered the best answer she could. “The dark magic can more than likely be purged; however, we would need Godzilla in a weakened state, thus giving us the opportunity to only cleanse his mind carefully, with surgical precision. If we can have that… I believe we’ll have no trouble freeing Godzilla. I… I really do believe that.”

It was a respite of peace. At least, a peace of mind. And belief in their actions to bring harmonic balance back to their world was the driving force to what led Twilight to the magic of friendship to begin with. She believed her friends were the key, she believed they represented essential aspects of the Elements’ power, and she believed now the Elements would be enough to defeat the forces of Darkness.

As they always have.

To Twilight’s great relief, Applejack chuckled. “Sounds good ta me!” she drawled, tipping her hat to Twilight with a wink. “An Ah’ll bet that Ghidorah feller won’t be far behind once we manage ta free Godzilla.”

“And with him, the Bewitching Bell! We’ll strike two birds with one stone!” Rainbow cheered, hoof-pumping in the air.

“No matter what happens, we are going to find that dreaded beast and end him, and find the Bell and those responsible for taking it,” Rarity assured the rest of her friends.

Pinkie Pie stood on top of the table, announcing loudly, “And then I’ll finally get to wield the Bell again, turn Ghidorah into cookie crumbles and the rest of the universe into ICING!”

The bridge of the Radiance was so quiet anypony could hear a piece of hair hit the floor. Every head had turned and every eye widened by Pinkie Pie’s strange outburst. A few awkward coughs among the pilots and engineers forced Rainbow to drag down Pinkie from atop the map.

“She doesn’t go anywhere near the Bell,” Rainbow said, pointing her hoof to the pink menace on her left who just couldn’t stop smiling maniacally. “So… Twi, when you say we need Godzilla in a weakened state… and if Kong doesn’t come through for us… do you mean we’ll have to…?”

In an instant, the Council of Friendship took a moment to really question something they hadn’t thought of earlier: their morality in this situation. There was no doubt that they would do anything to end this madness; they couldn’t just let it continue endlessly. But would that ensure a certain action would need to be followed? An action such as severely injuring Godzilla?

Would they do what was necessary to stop Godzilla’s rampage? Would they pull their punches, or would they hurt the creature that was once their ally? And… if all else failed… would they have the strength to end the life of the King of the Monsters?

Twilight gasped at the thought, quickly shaking her head to dash those thoughts away… for now.

“Once we have Mechagodzilla ready… it might come down to that. I have no doubt we have the strength and tools needed to finish this fight, and if that means hurting Godzilla… just a little bit…” Twilight explained, then quickly let her words trail away. As if she didn’t have what it took to say it out loud. At least, not yet.

She sighed. “It’s going to be hard… I don’t think any of us are in a position now to deny that. We don’t have to hurt him too seriously, just enough to stop him and flush out the evil corrupting his mind. If anypony has any issues with that…”

It was a hard truth to accept, but one they needed to. Almost all of their cards were played, and all they had left were a few more aces. Ones that shouldn’t fail, but Twilight and her friends had been proven wrong in the past. They had also been proven right. It was all a matter of trust within one another, trust with their larger team in T.I.T.A.N., and hope that harmony would triumph over chaos.

Rainbow Dash was the first to respond. Slapping her hoof on the table, she met Twilight dead in the eye, no humor to be found in her stare, and declared, “Too many creatures have died already. There’s no room for us to wuss out and not do what needs to be done. We’re gonna fight… and we’re gonna save Godzilla… no matter how much it hurts.”

Seeing Twilight’s stunned expression, she turned to the rest of her friends. “I’m ready for that if you all are.”

Applejack leaned in, laying her hoof down next to Rainbow’s without question. “Ah’m ready.”

Rarity followed, joining them. “We’ll do what needs to be done.”

Pinkie added her hoof to the center of the map. “And we’re going to save the world.”

That just left Twilight, with the four others slowly shifting their focus onto the Alicorn who had yet to respond. Only, Twilight was well in agreement. Her thoughts were on somepony other than herself. “The hardest part is convincing Fluttershy…” the princess mumbled, and realized it was the loudest sound in the bridge.

Because nopony, none of her friends, not even Celestia or Luna, could respond well enough to that. And they thought about that through the long, silent journey east, wondering just what to do with their animal-loving best friend.

Author's Note:

Artwork by Shrekzilla

Heading out to see Godzilla x Kong tonight! Expect a review either late tonight or early tomorrow :raritywink: