• Published 17th Sep 2023
  • 555 Views, 18 Comments

Incarnate: Conversations - Revel Montaro

A collection of short, one chapter fill in the gaps and plot that occurred throughout the Incarnate Series.

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Because I Can

3 months after the portal to Equestria was destroyed. 22 years before the new Lunar Lock Mirror restoration.

Twilight Sparkle entered her apartment and set her keys down in the bowl near the door. Correction, she thought, our apartment. She was not alone. She had a roommate. Not just any roommate, however…

Twilight smiled serenely, took in a deep breath, and sighed happily. She was a high school graduate, valedictorian, with an impressive transcript and list of extra curricular activities, and character references from principals, small business owners and Canterlot City's mayor. Which had all served her well in getting through the door to her selected college and scholarships to help with finances. Still, a roommate helped further with said expenses, plus companionship in case Twilight started to slip back into her old habit of locking herself away in a lab for days on end.

She was now living away from the only home she had ever known on the other side of the country in her first apartment and was living with her best friend who also happened to be her girlfriend. An added bonus like no other, she thought. Those delightful realities combined with the sight of said individual stretched out on their couch with a game controller in hands, eyes still glued to the TV, brought it all back to the forefront that this was all, in fact, real. No pinch required.

Sunset Shimmer paused her game for a moment to glance over, smile, and wink at Twilight. It was not the first time and, fate willing, it would not be the last time she felt her heart flutter and her face flush at such a heavenly, beautiful sight that had eyes only for her.

“Hey babe, welcome back. I cleaned up like you asked, took Spike for a walk, and there is a pasta salad chilling in the fridge. It’s vegetarian, obviously, but if you want to add some meat, I think you still have some salami in the deli tray you can add to yours.”

“Thank you,” Twilight replied. She was not hungry just yet, but after wrapping up college orientation and meet and greet with her campus advisor and student counselor Twilight wanted nothing more than to just sit and relax the remainder of the day. Classes would be in full swing on Monday and though she had some of her basics out of the way thanks to AP High School dual credits there was still plenty to do considering the heavy load Twilight had selected for herself. One did not double major on the road to double doctorate by taking it slow and steady.

Problems for another day. For now, she had the rest of the weekend to rest. Twilight moved to the couch and sat. Sunset curled up to make room while resuming her game. After a moment to wipe her glasses, and let her hair fall from the bun she had it tied up in, Twilight took note of the action and characters on screen. She had seen this one before… more than once, in fact.

“How many times have you played this game?”

Sunset shrugged. “I dunno. I lost count. It’s one of my favorites. I love the characters, the story, the game play is enjoyable, and you can always redesign your main if you get bored. It has great replayability, especially when you kick it up a notch to the harder difficulties like I have it now. Insanity is well labeled. Every one of these bastards has both shields and armor.” As if to emphasize the point, the sniper round struck true, but the target Sunset had intended to obliterate still remained standing. She growled but just prepared to fire again.

“Okay, those are all good reasons, but there must be more to it. You have plenty of other games.”

Sunset paused and tapped the controller against her chin in contemplation. “Hmm... If I have to elaborated, I'd say it is mostly because I can. To be honest, and don't judge, but it’s a bit like a favorite movie or book. I’ve played it so many times I know every line by heart. I know what is expected of me and how to get it done fast and efficiently. It’s… comforting. I like to play it for the familiarity and relaxation it brings. I guess I felt like I needed some of that after the move and getting unpacked and having all your family around asking me so many questions. Don't get me wrong, I love your family, but so much interaction and the questions they were asking really tested the limits of my discomfort threshold. This was already a major change in both our lives and it was right on the heels of so many other major changes I've had to get used to and mental and physically deal with.”

Twilight did not hesitate to wrap herself around her girlfriend and nuzzle close. Their foreheads touched as their fingers interlaced. Sunset smiled and sighed at the delightful touch. Nothing was said for at least a minute until Twilight finally whispered with a slight quake to her voice, “Do you regret it?”

“I’m not sure which ‘it’ you are referring to, but I’m gonna say no to all of them. Am I’m going to miss Canterlot City, sure.
But we can always go back to visit. Who knows, we might even want to move back when this is all over and you have every degree you want to get your busy purple hands on. I am going to miss seeing our friends in person, but we have multiple social network accounts and video chat to help hold us over.”

Sunset’s eyes drifted over to the bookshelf where a large tome was sitting, currently disguising itself as an ordinary book and not the magical, two way communication device that it was.

“I’m going to miss Equestria... again. Princess Twilight and Celestia, er, mom. Still getting used to that. But the portal's gone along with our magic and geodes. We're just normal high school graduates just like so many other girls.” Sunset flex her fingers, clenching them into fists. Careful to not accidentally crush her game controller. “I suppose that’s not entirely true. I still have magic in me. This new human-alicorn form I have has taken some getting used to. At least I haven’t accidentally broken anything lately. Those first few days were... awkward.”

“And you got so many new clothes out of it because none of your others fit anymore.”

“And here I thought you would have been happy to see me run around the place naked.”

Twilight smiled brightly before licking her lips a bit. “Life sometimes has its little bonuses.”

All things considered the transition had gone remarkably well. Twilight had left a few things with her parents that were not needed or could be shipped later if desired and Sunset had been given permission to place a few storage containers of items that she did not need or wanted for later in the basement of Applejack’s farmhouse. Granny Smith had not hesitated for a second to say yes. There had been no on road incidents, no vehicle breakdowns, and even the places they had stopped for food had been remarkably accommodating considering Sunset’s vegetarian diet. Three weeks had flown by and here they were, moved in and ready to start their lives as a couple in a new and budding relationship out on their own. Twilight giggled to herself as she moved to go assemble a late lunch.

After making two bowls of pasta salad before returning to the couch to watch Sunset play and eat at the same time, Twilight felt compelled to inquire more about what she was watching as the dialogue options popped up on screen. “Isn’t this one of those games where you can have characters hook up? I'm almost certain I've seen you do that with some of them.”

“Oh, yeah. It’s one of the biggest selling points to these roleplaying fantasy games. You, of course, can design your main, male/females and all that, but then you get options on who you want to romance at some point. I change it up sometimes depending on the character I build. Unlike some other games it’s not so much a Good Guy/Bad Guy dynamic and is more a, you can be super goodie girl scout and save the galaxy or you can be a hardcore badass, who does occasionally bad things, and still saves the galaxy. I know you love your Wars and Trek shows, but this to me is one of the best sci-fi series out there because it is so well fleshed out. Also, unlike the other ones, you get to participate and drive the outcome, which I like.”

“Don’t forget about B5. Also well thought out and fleshed out. Plus, dark and gritty, much like this.”

Sunset nodded, “Absolutely.”

Sunset set her bowl aside and continued to play. Making a poignant mental note to NOT leave it on the table until it started to grow its own life forms. A hard 'line in the sand' that Twilight had pointed out would not be tolerated if they were to be living together. Such “organized chaos” would be reserved to the garage below that was set aside for Sunset’s motorcycle and art studio. Twilight had already claimed the back bedroom for guests and her office/computer lab. It was a tight fit, but the futon mattress was comfortable. She had tested it an accidentally ended up taking a four hour nap on it a few days ago. Sunset had chosen not to disturb her since the sleep was obviously needed.

Unlike Twilight, Sunset Shimmer would be attending community college on Monday and was not expecting a grueling class schedule. Which was just as well. Though she had a decent stack of backup funds, Sunset had full intention to secure a part time job to pad those cushion funds and pay for desired art supplies. Otherwise, she probably would just sit around all day and play video games while snacking. At some point she should get her game stream set up again, Sunset concluded. Some fans were getting restless for new content from the Shimmer Code according to her web blog. Another reason to keep the apartment reasonably tidy. Perhaps even consider getting a backdrop, Sunset considered. With the right color sheet, she could set up an augmented reality background and keep things looking fresh week to week, even if it was fake.

It was then that Sunset had noticed that Twilight had snuck off and not to the kitchen this time. The redhead shrugged and returned her attention to the game. Assuming her girlfriend probably just wanted a shower and some unwinding time with a book or movie in the bedroom. Spike would probably appreciate the company, assuming he was not still sleeping like a loaf. Sunset had a secret bet going with Rainbow Dash on how long they could go before someone accidentally found out he could talk. I better start coming up with quick excuses on how that is a thing before we have to start worrying about Feds again. Maybe a robot dog or ventriloquism act? Bleh. That sounds stupid even in my own head.

Sunset Shimmer heard a giggle from the direction of their bedroom and smiled to herself. She absolutely loved that sound. However, of all the things that Sunset could have anticipated happening next not once would she have expected her girlfriend to run a lap around the living room, including past the TV and double sliding glass deck windows, that were only partially obscured, with a bounce to her step. Twilight giggled again before doing a little hop-skip-twirl, and then pivoted to run back the other direction. The random action was certainly unusual, if not unheard of for the brilliant, young scientist. However, it was the doing it completely naked that caused Sunset's brain to thoroughly lock up.

Sunset Shimmer blinked her teal eyes, repeatedly. Did… did that just happen?

She turned to find Twilight coming around for another lap, still giggling and smiling at her like goofball. Twilight then stopped and shook her bare bottom a few times before running off back to the bedroom without a single word of explanation. Slowly, a mischievous, predatory smile spread across Sunset Shimmer’s face. She quickly saved her game and jumped over the back of the couch, almost faceplanting, making a targeted beeline for the bedroom the mysterious streaker had run back to.

Sunset stood in the doorway to find Twilight spread out on the bed, just as nude as she had been only a few seconds before. It was not that it was anything Sunset had not seen, or touched, but the unexpected spontaneity of it demanded Q&A before her animal brain took full control of the situation.

“You feeling okay, babe? Annnnything you want to tell me?”

Twilight giggled again, the smile never leaving her face. “It just hit me all at once. This is OUR place.”

Sunset smirked. She completely understood. It was Twilight Sparkle's first real taste of adulthood freedom in the safety and security of a home that was just theirs. No parents, no nosey students, no rules beyond what they set for themselves. The care-free freedom that all teenagers desire for at college before the crushing weight of career and whatever the rest of life has in stored.

“Annnnnnd your first instinct was to go natural Equestrian and ditch all the clothes?”

“Yes. Because I can.”

“I approve.”

Sunset, in two swift motions was stripped down to just her underwear. Garments skillfully tossed across the room into the waiting hamper. “Feels pretty good, huh? Adulting doesn’t have to be just work, and pressure, and taxes. You get to do a little bit of what you want. We both have to remember that.”

Twilight nodded and beckoned with one finger for Sunset to join her on the bed. “This is better than anything I could have dreamed. This is everything I want in my life right now. And I love you all the more for sharing it with me.”

Sunset chose to respond by crawling onto the bed provocatively and press her lips to Twilight’s.

“Uuuugh,” came the sound of a small voice from the corner of the room. The kiss was broken and the two young women locked eyes with the purple dog who was giving them his best ‘I just woke up because of you’ deadpan. “Again? If this is going to be a regular thing with you two, I’m moving to the guest room.” Spike continued to grumble as he dragged his blanked in his mouth out of the room. Twilight and Sunset both burst out laughing before resuming their lip lock.

Author's Note:

Okay, I had fun with this one.

And, before I get accused of just being lazy and going for the pervy fluff this was inspired by an actual event! My wife did this exact thing after we moved in together after we finished moving her out of her parent's place. It was a wonderfully inspirational moment.