• Published 17th Sep 2023
  • 556 Views, 18 Comments

Incarnate: Conversations - Revel Montaro

A collection of short, one chapter fill in the gaps and plot that occurred throughout the Incarnate Series.

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Who Are You?

101 years after Lunar Lock mirror restoration.

Special Agent Tempest Fury knew she should be pleased. She should be smiling even. Something other agents say she never does or is incapable of doing when they think she cannot hear them, but walls are thin when being built on a shoestring government contract. But that was an issue for another day. After all, things were FINALLY going her way after years of scoffs and disregard from her colleagues in the FBI and the fraternity of law enforcement in general.

They had her chasing ghosts. Many, many times it turned out to be little more than stupid people doing stupid things. A few other cases were still pending without a plausible explanation. About as satisfying as a bad date and a one pump chump. However, none of them came close to comparing to the current case that left everyone speechless and had forced her bosses to meet her specific if still practical demands. After all, she had in abundance what she had lacked for years after being “dead ended” into that tiny office full of dirty and disintegrating banker’s boxes of unsolved mysteries and hoaxes. Hard evidence.

That was cause for celebration. Or at least a smile.

But Tempest did not smile. Joyful smiles and celebratory revelry were for fools.

Tempest paused for a moment to stare at her new evidence board that was the size of a classroom video board and capable of displaying as many photos or text information as she pleased depending on the size. The Sparkle Tech Industries name and logo in the corner had bothered her so Tempest had covered them with painter’s tape. The board itself however was interactive and surprisingly user friendly. In fact, the whole office was substantially bigger and far more state of the art compared to what she had before, which was practically nothing. It needed to be. Tempest had a team of four to oversee now and with it came expectations from those above in big chairs. It was not much compared to other high profile case teams, but at least it was not the boiler room and all four of them could sit without rubbing shoulders.

Tempest Fury reached out and touched the interface pulling two security camera stills to the front and enlarging them. One was her primary person of interest. A tall, goldenrod skinned woman with flowing hair like cascading fire and powerful teal eyes that felt as if they could pierce souls. She was perfect, too perfect in Tempest’s opinion. Body mods and surgical sculpting were a thing if you had the money for them. They could make you taller, buxom, with flawless skin and everyone's fantasy they were too ashamed to admit they wanted. However, as far as she knew none of those surgeries affected actual muscle density and thus could not make you stronger. That was a different animal entirely which left many questions remaining.

The secondary person of interest was no less interesting and raised as many flags as the first, especially since she was technically supposed to be dead. Twice in fact. Supposed ‘facts’ like that made Tempest skeptical of the electronic archive system as a whole.

It was one of the reasons Tempest preferred paper trails and other hard medium evidence. Someone had been tampering with official computer records across multiple platforms and departments for quite some time. Decades, in fact. Agency techs had confirmed the discrepancies with confidence since they now knew what to look for. Again, Tempest should have smiled, but the more they dug, the longer the timeline got and that in of itself only created more confusion and head scratching as the breaches long preceded the PAAL software that was now on practically every smart device on the planet and beyond. Was it the work of the company founder and then passed on through the family in order to gain immoral and illegal control? Or was it to hide an unbelievable secret?

Tempest’s jade eyes turned to another item, seemingly inconsequential, but had been extremely difficult to precure. A high school yearbook from Canterlot High, over one hundred years old. Within its faded and worn pages were several pictures of evidence that could not be dismissed by her or her bosses and were perhaps the original clues to this mystery.

Tempest took a step back and continued to glare at all the evidence she now had. She really did want to smile at the progress, but there was much more still to do. Instead, she narrowed her eyes and whispered aloud, “Who are you?”

A gentle knocking on the conference room door broke the agent from her contemplation. If it was who she thought it was perhaps she would finally get some new, first hand answers since the Sparkle Tech founding family had lawyered up hard and was not being very forthcoming with cooperation even at risk of possible venomous public scrutiny of their multibillion dollar operating system and federal charges being brought forth for criminal negligence to the data breaches, privacy violations, and various other cybercrimes. The building criminal case did not concern Tempest. Getting to the truth, did. Others could chase that wild horse if they so wished to do so.


The first to cross the threshold was her partner and friend, Agent Box Holder. He nodded to her and quickly stepped aside for the other man to enter. Tempest Fury had to control her kneejerk physical reactions to the sight of the man who entered with a bit of confident swagger to his steps.

“Agent Fury. He says he was expected.”

“He was,” Tempest said, while shifting her pose and crossing her arms aggressively. If one did not have swagger they could at least have presence. Tempest thought to herself. “Though, to be honest, I was not entirely sure he would show.”

The mostly silver haired man, who was still decidedly combat fit, in her honest opinion, shrugged. Still not yet offering his hand or any sort of polite pleasant greeting. His hands were tucked into his jacket pockets, posture stiff as if expecting a scolding or lecture... or a fight. There was a subtle fluidity to his movements that only another with extensive hand-to-hand combat training would take notice of. Tempest got the instinctive feeling that if she made a move to try and arrest or restrain him her ‘guest’ would be ready to fight back with everything he had and it would not be an easy takedown if it was possible at all. Hopefully it would not come to test that.

“I got an unexpected call. I was told to come in and say what I could say on certain matters or wait for the subpoena. Since it was an old friend asking, I figured it would be better this way. Though I think I will start off by saying not everything I can say will be strictly legal in a courtroom given the thoroughness of the NDA’s I had to sign.”

Tempest scowled harder. “Then why are you here? I need usable evidence and testimony. I don’t have time for bullshit.”

The man shrugged casually and walked over to the evidence board. Refusing to give an inch, Tempest held her ground and her guest had to brush passed her, which he did so without apology. Despite her best efforts, Tempest knew she had tensed up the moment his leather jacket sleeve made audible contact with her own dress jacket. She knew from reading this man was a former air force pilot and had flown for years for Sparkle Tech, including clocking more hours back and forth to the L2 space station than any other person on Earth. But more than that, he had also been a military and government liaison. Working for both teams in a manner of speaking. He knew things. Many things. Tempest reminded herself to take a breath and play nice. She wanted this man on her side.

“Let me start over,” she finally said after dismissing her subordinate with a gesture and they had a quiet moment alone in the secure room. It gave her guest time to browse the wall and Tempest a chance to gather her thoughts and plan of attack. “My name is Special Agent Tempest Fury.”

“Captain Eagle Eye. Retired, of course. But I still like how the title rolls off the tongue and I earned it so why not use it, right?” Eagle Eye ran his hand through his short, prickly hair and smirked, flashing perfect white teeth. “Plus, some of the ladies love it.”

Tempest arched a brow. Is he seriously trying to flirt with me? Great, he's one of those types. “I was in the army, captain. You’ll have to try harder to impress on that front and I’m not currently in the mood.”

Eagle Eye shrugged, his eyes locking on the picture of the primary suspect. “Old habit from an old bird. Even my wife just rolls her eyes at me when I do it to her. Must be getting rusty.”

Tempest ignored the comment. Introductions had been made. Pleasantries, if she wanted to even call them that, were exchanged. It was time to move things to business. “I was told by my immediate supervisor that you might have information regarding my ongoing case. I won’t fuck with you. I pulled your file and read everything the bureau and the agency have on you. Though some of it was redacted, the most important parts I found were that you worked for Sparkle Tech for a number of years after your military and CIA stints.”

“Still do, technically. Though I’m semi-retired now. Just like my government status I’m just, ‘on call if needed’ and get a little check every time someone asks questions or needs a ride somewhere. Since you were kind enough not to play games and are not in the mood to fuck around and waste my time, I will tell you right now that you may just want to box all this stuff up and hide it away to collect dust.”

Now we’re getting somewhere. “You’re not the first who has told me that. However, I’m the kind of person who only digs deeper when I find that two plus two does not equal four. And this case is full of intrigue and mystery. Plus, it’s either this or back to the boiler room office following up with conspiracy theorist that live in their parents’ basement.”

Eagle nodded with a smile. “With their little foil hats too, I'd wager. Where do you want me to start?”

“Easy,” Tempest pointed at the still of Sunset Shimmer. “Who the hell is this?”

Eagle Eye smirked and chuckled humorlessly. “That is one of the biggest pains in the ass I ever had the pleasureofmeeting. Sunset Shimmer. And I apologize for how this might sound, but she still looks like one of the hottest pieces of ass these eyes have ever seen. What I would have given to tap that just once.”

JACKPOT! FINALLY, someone said her name! Tempest ignored the additional comments and reached for the yearbook, opening it to one of the pages she had flagged. “You mean, THIS, Sunset Shimmer?”

Eagle Eye leaned forward, squinted, then rolled his eyes and reached into his pocket to extract a pair of reading glasses. “Sorry, I can still bullseye a target at hundred meters without trying or fly to the moon, but I can’t see shit up close anymore.”

“It’s fine, it happens, and the picture is old.”

“Hell yeah it’s old. Huh. I knew she was older than me, I just had no idea she was a GILF.”

Tempest balked for a moment, her brain having to wrap around the crude slang and inwardly cringing after realizing what he meant. This guy was a real piece of work. “This book is one hundred and twenty-three years old and I have to return it to the owner in the same condition I got it in or they threatened to sue. And no, I didn’t want just a copy of it because I needed the reaction you just gave. They need to see I’m not just chasing my tail and that this is real. With so much of the digital material related to this case having been tampered with I’m having to deal with a lot of skepticism and second guessing. But this, this is a hard copy. Authentic. Its age confirmed.”

Eagle Eye shrugged, returning his hands to his pockets. “Maybe. It could be a coincidence. Body mod. Lots of people look like their relatives a generation or three back. Not hard to get a surgeon to do the rest.” Tempest turned the page in the book to another photo that had Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer sitting together on the steps of the school going over something in a notebook. Eagle Eye glanced up to the pictures on the digital wall and consulted his memories of the two. “Okay, yeah, that would be one hell of a coincidence.”

“So again, start from the beginning of what you can tell me. I know you signed NDA’s regarding Sparkle Tech proprietary secrets, but I don’t think helping me identify suspects counts under that. My primary broke numerous laws and assaulted an officer. The secondary is suspected of cyber crimes.”

Eagle Eye continued to stare at the pictures on the wall for several silent seconds before glancing over at Tempest. She was tall. He liked that, but she was clearly not interested in his flirtations. Too bad, he thought. Eagle Eye replaced his reading glasses in his pocket and bent his neck back and forth to feel the satisfaction of a few pops. “How much do you know about the early days of the L2 station?”

Tempest shrugged. “Sadly, not as much as I like. Been too busy chasing other ghosts to worry about a tin can in space I’ll never see.”

“Too bad, that would have saved me some time. Guess I’ll give you the short version. Keep in mind this was more than twenty years ago. A guy was sabotaging the computer systems at the L2 and the Sparkle family elder, Senator Aurora Shimmer, called in for help to save the station and their family investment. She sent those two with false identities to get on board the station, which they did if only just barely. I can’t legally give you details I’m afraid. However, for the longest time I thought flame mane was the senator’s daughter or niece or something. But looking at this and those pictures over there. Now I’m thinking she was actually Ms. Aurora’s mother. They both were. They were definitely married. I think I can get away with saying that.”

“And how do you think that is possible? That would mean my two primary suspects are over a hundred and forty years in age.”

Eagle Eye shrugged again. “How? No clue. But I can tell you for a fact, God as my witness, that Miss Shimmer there had some major body work done, even back then. When I first met her, I was just about to turn thirty and in my sexy prime. But Shimmer, she looked EXACTLY like she does in that store picture you got there. Not as young as the ancient high school one, but certainly not as old as she should be. And I don’t just mean fountain of youth modifications either. Lots of people with money can get those. She was strong, like WAY stronger than any human let alone a woman should be. No offense.”

“None taken. And that coincides with the written police statement I have where she took one of the officer’s hostage for a minute and he went on record stating that he felt like he had been chained to a table and could not break from her grip.” Tempest tapped her chin. “So, very old, but still youthful. Stronger than any person should be, and very well connected to people with money and influence. But even with that, no other family members have these traits. Or at least they don’t show it like she has done. So, whatever they did to themselves, because I have to count suspect number two since she’s just as old, they never shared with the family.”

Eagle Eye consulted the book, once again having to take his glasses out, then up at the picture of Twilight Sparkle on the screen. “Hmm… not sure if that’s the same girl as the one in the book. That might be a descendant.”

“They look identical, minus the glasses. People change hair styles over time. It’s not unusual.”

“It’s the details. Look at the posture.” Eagle Eye turned a page in the book and spun it around to Tempest. “Look at the height difference. That woman in your security image is as tall as Shimmer. The one in this book is closer to the one I met. She was at least a whole head shorter than the Sunset Shimmer I met. Plus, that Twilight did not seem as confident. Lots of hunching and timidness. The eyes. Same color, not the same look. Call it a gut feeling.”

Tempest added some notes to a piece of paper and placed it next to her other evidence. “Could have been a delayed reaction, additional modifications?”

“Sure, but why so late?” Eagle Eye set the book down. “Look, I don’t know what else to say on this and I’m still technically bound to those NDA’s. I’d rather not get sued for a breach if the Sparkle Tech lawyers find out I spoke to you. I'm sure tried to hunt my buddy, Drago, down too but you're not going to find him unless he wants to be found. I told you what I know and probably gave you more questions than answers, but that is honestly all I know. They are both either freaks of nature or…”

“Or not from this world?”

“Uhhh… well I was not going to go there, but sure. Why not, right?”

Tempest picked up the written police statement again from the incident outside of Canterlot High School and read it out loud. Focusing on the end where her suspects jumped through a solid stone statue plinth, never to be seen again. An event that somehow disrupted both officer’s bodycams and the school security cameras out front. One moment there are suspects outside, one dressed in a uniform with the same skin and hair color as herself, the other resembling Twilight Sparkle, then they approach the stone statue base and flash, and they are gone.

Soon after, Sunset and another suspect run from the car that police had been pursuing and another flash. Finally, after a small altercation in which her suspect takes an officer hostage, Sunset Shimmer jumps back and falls through the stone as well. When the officers dared to touch it all they felt was solid stone that was, according to record, warm to the touch while the other sides felt cold. None of Tempest’s people found anything unusual either. They had since set up spectrometers and other devices on the roof of the school to monitor for anomalies.

“Most people don’t want to throw the words ‘alien’ or ‘not of this world’ around, but I’m not afraid to. It’s my job to find the truth. And I want the truth.”

Eagle Eye set the old yearbook back on the table and focused on the more recent security camera captures. Tempest waited patiently while the older man was lost in contemplation and possibly nostalgia. “I know you are just doing your job, agent, but I feel I owe it to her, to them both to say they risked their lives to save everyone on board the L2. We would have all die as the station came crashing down God knows where and possibly created a massive international incident as well as killed a shitload of people.”

Tempest arched an eyebrow. “I was unaware that it had gotten that bad.”

“Only a few know and like I said, I can’t really talk about it. All I can say is what I have said and ask that maybe you leave this all be. If there was a secret back door log in to all Sparkle Tech software then it was because Twilight Sparkle put it there on purpose and was not for anyone else to find or use. Which, since I have not heard much more than rumors, I’m guessing no one else ever did find until they accidentally made it known there was a breach.”

“Many breaches. Doctored records, including birth and death certificates, passports, local ID’s. They are still looking if this continues into possible stolen or sold secrets and espionage as well. It’s that serious. That’s why we can’t let it go.”

Eagle Eye nodded. “I hear you, but you’re not going to get anything else out of me on this. I upheld my end of the favor asked and I gave my recommendation. You want to chase two possible immortal women that don’t want to be found, good luck to you.”

Tempest moved swiftly to the door and held it open for the pilot, gesturing with her free hand to indicate the meeting was over. “I appreciate you at least confirming the identity even if I need to dig deeper into how.”

“Sure, but one last piece of advice, agent. If you do come across Sunset Shimmer again and find yourself in conflict with her, bring a tank. Because I’m not sure if anything less could stop her. I lost a hundred bucks to that woman because she did the impossible and that was before I watched her pull a bullet from her gut with her bare hands.”

“I will make a note. Thank you again for your time, captain.”

Tempest closed the door with a soft click. She took a deep breath and returned to her notes when her phone pinged and spoke. “Agent Fury, I am once again reminding you to eat lunch so that your blood sugar glucose does not spike due to lack of vital nutrients. Skipping meals is a poor lifestyle decision.”

“Shut up. Fucking PAAL.”

“Returning to silent mode.”

Tempest tapped her chin with her pen. Pondering for a moment. Would it know? Could it be as simple as asking? Shimmer clearly had a PAAL as well from the images and Sparkle's company made them. “Hey, phone.”

“You have yet to assign me a proper name. Would you care to do so now?”

“Do you have any secret holes in your programming that Sparkle Tech employees could exploit?”

“That would be a direct violation of Sparkle Tech privacy policies not to mention plainly morally abhorrent and against several state and federal laws.”

Tempest sighed. Of course it would not be that simple. Now that it had brought it up, she was feeling angry and peckish. Maybe Box Folder was still near, Tempest preferred to not eat alone and she needed time to digest her new information as well as a good lunch before deciding what to do next. Her gaze turned back to the board one last time, jade eyes narrowing. “I’ll find the truth. All I need is time.”

Author's Note:

Okay, soooooo... this took a while to finish. Admittedly, I was suffering from writing burn out and needed to do other things. Watched some shows, played some games, did some art. Need to do more art. You'll notice the lack of art here. Hopefully I can go back and correct that later.

Anyhow! If you don't know what is going on here please read, I, Raven and For the Girl Who Has Everything. Timeline wise this takes place between I, Raven and where Datura breaks through in Red Clover.

The good news, the next chapter is already done, needs edits. AND I am working on the dialogue only contest story. That one will not be Incarnate based, but should still be fun!

Questions? Comments?

Comments ( 4 )

Tempest, you're playing a very, very dangerous game here. Pray it doesn't come back to bite you in the butt.

Also, good to "see" Eagle again. Old bastard's still fun.

i for one would not object to seeing tempest try to engage Sunset, and end up getting her ass whipped

Sunset/Tempest would not be a match, now Shadow/Fury might be (go twin fight) ...

No Tempest seems to be worried about the odds when facing a challenge. Also, Eagle Eye is based off a guy I knew. He was pretty fun to be around, but was also a huge horn dog.

Sunset honestly wouldn't kick her ass. Though I do thank you because I may look into doing a sparring session of unicorn Tempest Fury versus Sunset. That could be fun.

heh. Not quite twin. Great Grandmother vs Incarnate era Tempest. Maybe it would work well as a dream sequence where Fury is worried she is losing her edge and is visited by Tempest Shadow.

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