• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012
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Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.


Opaline had stolen the cutie marks from half of Equestria and was rapidly conquering the rest. Even the fake alicorn Sunny Starscout and her minions were faltering before her. One more push would bring Opaline to her final victory.

Then she surrendered.

And even Opaline doesn’t know why.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 36 )

Huh! That's a very different, and very interesting, take on Opaline. Even if it's a somewhat AU, it feels... I can't say plausible, but it makes emotional sense.

That was a good read!

Part of me would have liked Opaline to interact with the rest of the protagonists, but another part understands the value of limiting the story to just Sunny and Zipp, with that small participation of Hitch.

Zipp smiled easily. “You don’ t know that you’re looking

Small spelling correction there, the 't' should not be separated from the 'don´'.

“First of all I didn’t kidnap Misty,” Opaline snapped. “I found her in the woods. There were timber-wolves and dead unicorns, so forgive me for making the compassionate and logical conclusion she had no one left but me.”

It's been a while. But is this true? Opaline's right though. She was all Misty had, and wouldn't have known who her family was even if she wasn't a villain to give Misty back to.

Well. Whatever she used to be, she was Opaline now.

Some might be disappointed at the lack of clarity regarding the relationship between Opaline and Celestia (Are they one and the same? Alter egos?), but I think it actually adds a lot to the theme of brokenness that permeates this story. Opaline isn't like the other ponies because she wasn't born a pony; she is the avatar of Celestia's frustration, desire, and rage, the return of all she tried to repress. The fragmented nature of her mind isn't an obstacle in the story, it's the point; Opaline's mind is fragmentary because she was broken when she was conceived. She isn't whole because she wasn't designed to be whole, only those parts which Celestia thought a ruler needed. We're all familiar with complaints that certain characters are one-dimensional, but here Opaline turns that familiarity into a sucker punch by asking "What's it like to actually be one of those characters? What's it like to be created by someone else for one specific purpose and lack anything unrelated to that purpose?"

What does Opaline like to do aside from ruling? Doesn't matter, her only reason for existence is to rule.
Why does Opaline want to rule? Because her creator told her to.
Why is Opaline's memory so fragmented? Because Celestia pushing past her HATE HATE HATE of ruling was an act of such emotional violence that it broke her. Subordinating one's desires to the good of the community is praiseworthy, up to a point; beyond that, the hatred thus created, both directed towards the self and towards the community, becomes so great that it becomes problematic. Opaline wasn't born of Celestia, Celestia's hatred of ruling broke her down into Opaline. She is the scion of destruction, not creation.

This Opaline isn't Sombra or Tirek, she's Rosencratz, a one-note character thrust into the role of antagonist not by their own choice. What she did while she was there was her decision, yes, but at the same time, did she know of any other way? If you were born as the incarnation of Peace Through Strength, can we fault you for not pursuing peace through ways which you were effectively programmed to believe were less effective? How much agency does a redshirt actually have?

While I personally prefer a more villainous take on Opaline (Euron Crow's Eye-style "Everything else is food for me" is my personal headcanon), I do think this was a very skillful take on a more nuanced version of her. Well done, Soldier, and may Opaline surf until the Moon rises.

This was an excellent read, there are currently very few good G5 stories on this site, a very interesting AU if the author considers exploring it in the future.


It's been a while. But is this true? Opaline's right though. She was all Misty had, and wouldn't have know who her family was even if she wasn't a villain to give Misty back to

I don't think it's ever clarified exactly how Opaline got ahold of Misty.


Aaaa, thank you so much. Nothing's better for an author than giant, insightful comments. :heart:

I'm not really a big fan of redeeming Opaline... but I have say if I was then this is definitely how I would like to see it done. Bonus points for focusing on characters besides Misty.

The tale leaves it a bit unclear what actually happened to Luna. But that, as they say in The Neverending Story, is another story and shall be told another time. :twilightsmile:

Ooo, this is good, real good.
If you plan to, I hope you'll be able to expand on this story in the future.

Iʼll confess that Iʼm not familiar with G5. Havenʼt watched, read or seen anything beyond the original movie. I donʼt know who Opaline is or what her story is.

And yet, I donʼt need to.

You, dear author, make it work. For someone unfamiliar with G5, I still felt every single emotion Opaline felt. I, Opaline is an evocative piece about loss of self, purpose and identity. Itʼs beautifully crafted, with the occasional sprinkle of sadness. Particular shout-out to Zipp; freakinʼ love the way she’s portrayed here.

Excellent work, Rune, and congrats on a well-earned spot in the Featured list.

Missed Heartstrings by a hairʼs breadth since, like I said, I donʼt know G5 and therefore it didnʼt hit me quite as hard. But this has earned a spot in Best of Drama!

Okay, this story needs a sequel. Cause I think I speak for a lot of people when I say we wanna see where Opaline goes from here.


Bit of cut content that 'Luna' originally was to have a proper chat with Opaline, which ended up feeling wrong for a couple reasons and dropped. But the idea was for Opaline's last question to be "Did I kill you?" and Luna's response "No, Opaline, you did not," giving the silent implication that perhaps 'Celestia' did and Luna wished to spare her that.

I don't have any plans for a sequel, but maybe I'll keep that if I do, maybe not.

They had this exchange every morning. To Opaline, the lack of title felt somehow wrong. Like she would insult him by skipping it, despite his preference to the contrary.

I would say that's pretty interesting that she thinks of hitch is a higher authority I guess that's cool

If not a Sequal perhaps a continuation from Misty's Prospective?
This in effect her Adoptive mother who was a melodramatic Ham villain almost all of mistys life and now she's this seemingly tired and lost Mare.
There would have been moments of care for the tiny misty by Opaline tucking in and care for when she got ill etc.
If only to care for her Minion to herself.

Well, this is a different end than the canon lore, and in many ways it is better, as it leaves Opaline with a future, rather than being locked in the tree for at least a thousand years, unless she, being a fire Alicorn, can find a way to burn herself out, I suppose. I'm not sure this story needs an actual sequel, it's sometimes fun to leave things dangling for the reader to make up his or her own next chapter, as it were, but I do agree that retelling the story from Misty's point of view might be interesting, if that's something you are willing to do. Anyway, nice story, thanks for posting it. :yay:


Iʼll confess that Iʼm not familiar with G5. Havenʼt watched, read or seen anything beyond the original movie. I donʼt know who Opaline is or what her story is.

And yet, I donʼt need to.

You, dear author, make it work.

This is very high praise. Imagine writing a ponyfic and someone who knows nothing of ponies still being able to appreciate it. Thank you, that was a wonderful compliment.:heart:

Youʼre welcome. :heart:

“No,” Sunny voiced firmly. “I’m not going to rule over anyone, and I’m sure not going to get ordered into it. And I won’t be a Twilight or Cadence either, promoted to royalty because an older alicorn says I should. No offense.”

'should be', perhaps?

A few instances of 'hand'writing instead of 'hoof', but perhaps Opaline has a different pespective on things than most with her past experiences. Maybe that's how she percieves it.

Great read, thank you for this :twilightsmile:

Very good read! Thank you for sharing! I thought it was a pretty unique take! :heart:

I went in, hoping for some Opaline story about her conscious.

Mid way through, I had imaginations that Opaline was Celestia, but a cooled down Daybreaker version at the first vague hint. But it wasn't conclusive, not until her memory breaks. More specifically, regained clarity.

So imagine my utter surprise and joy at the same time when it clicked. I wasn't expecting you to go this route since some fics that alludes to some things doesn't always bring a satisfying conclusion or compromise.

I really love this story. Just like another story where Misty has so many stories about Opaline herself that seems to clash with each other distinctly.

Really well written, Wordsmith!

Luna, that was the name. Opaline did not feel so bitterly towards her. She did not pretend or try to be perfect. Opaline had fights with Luna, even some very nasty ones. But they always made up. Opaline could not remember, but she had… memories of memories, she supposed. The feeling of laughing with the overshadowed sister, of sharing some undefined joys. Like a foal’s first friend, whom thirty years later they can barely recall.

I mean Luna would have get along with each other if you were not too distant

You fool! Using those colours and that name in a post. Are you trying to invoke Her?

“Maybe to you. But Luna got to grow up free of expectation. She got to play in the mud while Celestia was bombarded with teachers. Then she went on to be a cool adventurer with excitement, stories, and travels to far-off lands until the wings grew and the whole world decided she had to rule because that’s what alicorns do.”

To be honest yeah Celestia could not do anything fun I remember back in season 9 she always wanted to do things that she could never do when she was a princess and she was bored of her mind

Opaline peered at her own atrocious handwriting. “One: While I was a very poor parental figure for Misty, I did raise her and I know she wanted me to do better. Therefore, I must marry Alphabittle and become a good mother.”

Whoa ok I did not see that coming I mean I get that she's trying to do something nice for Misty after what she did to her but wow

Ok wow I got to say this is a pretty interesting turn of event of having Opaline turning a new Leaf of her life which I've always interested to Redemption stories so it looks like she's reflecting everything in her life how things could have gone but during the final battle she decided to give up everything and she has no idea why she did it I guess she lost that eager to rule over Equestria was it something that Misty said or did something snapped in her memory about Luna and Celestia who knows what's going on in her mind but definitely she really is going to try which it's always nice to see something like that this was a pretty good story keep up the good work

This depiction of Opaline is quite compelling. It really draws the reader in. Stellar job!

Ri2 #28 · March 11th · · ·

Sorry Opaline, Alphabittle's taken.

Way better than the g5 writing for Opaline than in the show

Well, then, maybe you should pay Pauline.

Hey I did not notice this part. I think I did not read carefully. So cool

As her power grew, so did the speed of her harvest. One fueled the other, fueled the other

Why did you say “fueled the others” twice?

Poetically showing that it was a seemingly endless cycle of the two bouncing off each other back and forth.

Dang, why couldn't we have gotten this Opaline in the show? I hadn't realized how fascinating a post-defeat Opaline could be. This was a super good read.

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