• Published 2nd May 2024
  • 383 Views, 28 Comments

The Pony Guard: Friendship Games - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard travel to Canterlot High to help Sunset as they prepare for the upcoming Friendship Games meeting new faces and new discoveries.

  • ...

Returning to Canterlot High with Double Greetings

Returning to Canterlot High with Double Greetings

In the Ponyville Castle, Bunga continued curiously tapping his finger onto the surface of the mirror, which was still glowing purple and releasing light purple lightning strikes which still did not harm anything or anyone. However, as time was passing, they were slowly becoming brighter and vibrant. Bunga continued to play around with it by putting his paw in and out of the portal continuously. Right up until Applejack lassoed the honey badger away from it to get him to stop.

"Whoa! Hey! What did you do that for?!"

"Because you kept constantly fooling around with it! And now is not the time for playing around with something we shouldn’t be meddling with!" The country pony returned in annoyance as she and the rest of the Pony Guard and Lion Guard have gathered to communicate with their leaders on the opposite end. They can hear their voices but they too can’t The whole crew was gathered inside Twilight's castle not long after she had called them about what was happening.

"It's been like this ever since we just stepped through here.” Kion told everyone from the Canterlot High side of the fence. “And now we can’t get through.”

“Rainbow! Wait! Don’t…” Twilight then said in sudden alarm when Rainbow Dash tried rushing towards it head on to try to break the barrier, but just like with Twilight, once she made contact with it…


..., it created a force field which shocked her upon impact and caused her to fall backwards onto the floor. “...fly into it.” Twilight then finished while both Kion and Sunset could only shake their heads in dismay in response.

“Wow!” Rainbow remarked while rubbing her head in pain feeling woozy already. “That hurt even more than I though it would.”

“But wait…” Fuli spoke up trying to make sense of it. “...it kept you, Kion, and Rainbow from passing through, but didn’t keep Bunga out too…” She then decided to give a try by carefully and cautiously placing a paw on the mirror and much to her own surprise she found it first paw that it didn’t affect her. “...what?! And me too?”

“Huh?” Ono then moved to try touching it himself and ended up getting the same reaction as Fuli and Bunga. “That’s odd. It’s like it’ll let only non-ponies to go through.”

“But if that’s the case then why didn’t it let me go back through here?” Kion asked from the other side.

“I don’t know. Maybe there’s some kind of magic inside of you that gives you the same effect as Twilight and the others?” Ono replied completely unsure himself.

“Because I’m part alicorn?”

“Could be.”

“But just how exactly did this happen?” Rarity asked in concern.

“Someway somehow these two strangers that just recently came by here did something to meddle with it’s magic.” Twilight explained. “We couldn’t get a glimpse of their faces since they managed to run off and escape before we could identify them but it was definitely them or mainly the girl herself who’s touch caused this to happen.”

“You don’t suppose it was someone who snuck through here without us noticing them.” Fluttershy asked.

“No, because only us knows about it and I have alarm spells in place whenever we’re absent from the castle.”

“So that rules out somebody from the school.” Kion added. “Otherwise we along with Sunset would have recognized them.”

“Don’t suppose it was one of our enemies?” Spike asked. “From here or there?”

“I highly doubt so. Even if Scar knew about this, it wouldn’t be in his interest to cause a scene without thinking things through. And he’s more low profile with his plans and schemes these days.” Twilight answered.

“Okay, great.” Ono sighed in relief briefly before remembering. “But what about the first group of Evil Lions from the Pride Lands Past? Don’t suppose they’re back in spirit?”

“Unless someone discovered a resurrection spell which this world doesn’t have, they’re not coming back.” Twilight quickly assured.

“Okay, but that still doesn’t explain who our mystery portal fiddlers are.” Fuli replied still very concerned and wary about them. “And unless we know who they are and what they are doing, we’re never going to know for sure what’s really going on.”

“Or do we?” Pinkie said very ominously.


“Do we?” She repeated in the same tone.

“Absolutely not.”

“Aw, you’re no fun.” Pinkie then pouted.

"So what now?" Rarity asked, "Since we can’t go through the portal and only Fuli, Beshte, Ono, and Bunga can, it only makes sense that they come over to help you both solve this mystery?”

"Maybe it doesn’t have to be that way.” Rainbow attempted to suggest otherwise. “Maybe this mysterious magic has passed through already…” ZAP! “Ow!” She rubbed her flank in pain. “Never mind. Strike that last statement.” ZAP! “Ow! Seriously?!”

“As much as I hate saying this, but it seems like it’s our only option at this point.” Fuli said with a look of resignation before adopting a more serious ready to get down to business stance. “All right. Let’s get this over with.” She adopted a ready to run stance. “Ready?”

“Ready!” The others replied adopting the same stance.

Before any of them could go on ahead. “Wait!” Fuli quickly spoke before turning to the hippo. “Beshte, you go first.”

“Good call, Fuli.” Beshte proceeded to move forward ahead of them while both Kion and Twilight wisely get a safe distance from the portal on the other end.

“Don’t worry, Kion, Twilight. We’re coming!” Ono assured before steeling his nerves to be ready to cross over.

“Ready?” Everyone nodded at Fuli’s question. “Go!”

“Twende Kiboko!”


“Zuka Zama!”


One by one, first Beshte, then Fuli, then Bunga, and then Ono all ran inside the portal all ready to join their friends on the other side all while the others can only watch from the other side with nothing else they can do but pray that they can succeed like dealing with any other mission while on patrol.

Just then Pinkie had another random question. “So, why exactly did Beshte go first through the portal, exactly?” She asked the others who look on wondering why she is thinking that. “Oh, right. Because Beshte’s big and it’s to avoid him accidentally crushing the others when they land on the other side.”


“Though we could have done without the overly detailed explanation, darling.”

Both Applejack and Rarity returned with annoyed expressions considering she knows the whole team dynamic very well.

“Uh-huh.” Fluttershy closed her eyes and resisted the urge to throw up at the very thought of broken bones.

“Oh.” She nervously giggled upon realizing. “Right.”

Seconds later on the other side, one by one the rest of the Lion Guard came screaming out of the portal, landing on the hard ground, all landing on top of one another the same order they came through.





“Ugh…” Fuli groaned as she was the first to pull apart from the dog pile. “...well that happened.”

“Yep.” Ono replied equally annoyed.

Just then both Kion and Twilight rushed over to help assist them up on their feet.


“Are you all okay?!”

“Yeah, Kion.” Beshte assured while standing up and stretching his back. “We just had a rough landing is all.”

“Well that’s good.”

“Yeah, but now that that’s over with we’re here…” Bunga happily stated before looking at their friends new appearances. “...and everyone is looking great as humans.”



“Why do you say that…”

The others asked in confusion.

“Well if you take a look at each other along with the nearby mirror, you’ll see what Bunga’s talking about.” Twilight explained as the others proceed to do so.

When they all did, they all looked on in surprise with what happened to them, from African animals to ordinary humans.


“What the…?”

“What is this?”

The three all asked as they processed that they are all standing on two legs, have hands, and have new clothes to go with their new appearances.

Beshte himself was now wearing a light gray T-shirt, with a gray jacket, matching gray jeans and matching white and blue sneakers. In addition he’s as big as a football player but only fitter with the same gray skin as his hippo form, with the same blue eyes and short black hair.

“Poa! So this is what being a human is like! And boy, do I look great!”

“Just try not to get too attached to it Beshte.” Fuli returned hoping that won’t be the case before taking her turn in processing her own appearance. She herself was wearing black jeans, a white tank top, with a yellow and brown cheetah colored athletic jacket, and yellow and black running shoes. Much like Beshte, she retained the same yellow colored skin and green eyes. “No matter how cool these outfits are.”

“No kidding.” Ono returned while managing to get a look at himself. “These aren't half bad.” He himself was wearing a white sleeved shirt with an orange stripe in the center, blue jeans, and white cap with an orange stripe in the round center.

“Yeah, I know. It takes some time getting used to these changes. Along with becoming human.” Twilight explained. “And that’s because there aren’t ponies around along with animals, at least not roaming freely in these parts of town, these transformations are to help us blend in more here.”

“Makes sense.” Fuli accepted that without question before turning their attention to the building in front of them. “And this is Canterlot High School that you both have been talking about?”

“It is.” Kion nodded. “Want to see what’s really like?”

“Heck, yeah!”

“Then let’s go on ahead in!”

“But first…” Twilight then said as she moved back towards the portal when she see and hear the voices of her pony friends once more. “...girls!”

“Yes, Twilight?” All of them asked in unison with perked up ears upon hearing her voice.

“Just wanted to let you all know we’re all okay.”

Everyone inside all sighed in relief, upon hearing that.

"Anything we can do to help out from the outside for the time being?” Applejack asked.

“Yes. Keep watch on the portal in case something else happens while we meet up with Sunset.”

“Sure thing, Twilight.” Applejack vowed.

“You can count on us, darling.” Rarity also vowed.

“Please be careful.” Fluttershy pleaded already feeling the anxiety from great worry over her friends.

“We will.” Turning her head back to the others, now trying to sound optimistic about things going forward. “Okay, now let’s go on the tour and meet up with Sunset.”

Once inside both Twilight and Kion led the way for her friends as they walked through the hallways of the school, which are completely vacant with not a single other student around occupying them. Through the tour, the group of visitors found themselves fascinated by what they were seeing. One of them being the trophy case, filled with decor, medals, pictures, and trophies.

“Wow!” Fuli was the first to voice her amazement at what they were seeing. “Well decorated for a simple high school.”

“Given that Canterlot is one of the richest cities in this world much like our world. It’s a given.” Twilight replied as it’s nothing new to her.

For Fuli, she was fascinated by the sight of the school’s athletic accomplishments. For Ono, the knowledge accomplishments. For Bunga, it was the posters featuring the various bands from the earlier Battle of the Bands competition from both Kion and Twilight’s last visit. For Beshte, just seeing of what the school itself is like is a wonder in his eyes.

“At least Canterlot High is still standing so far.” Ono commented with slight relief.

“Thankfully.” Kion returned equally relieved.

Just then Fuli sniffed something that had her sporting an odd expression. “Phew! What is that smell?”

“That is the smell of growing up.”

“It happens when a human becomes a teenager with a changing body. Something that’ll happen when you five reach that phase in life.”

The two leaders of the Guard explained.


“Good to know!”

Both Fuli and Ono replied seeing that as a satisfactory answer.

At the same time, Bunga sniffed the air and took it with great pleasure with a heavy sigh. “I’m already looking forward to it.” The others returned frowns of disgust before scooting away from him to avoid pursing this topic any further.

“Anyways…” Beshte then said changing the subject already. “...where is everyone.”

“Normally, everyone would be in class at this hour.” Kion replied.

“But because from what I hear is a big announcement and pep rally going on today…” Twilight added as they all manage to hear the sounds of many students from the gymnasium. “...they’re all over at the gym right now.”

The group all moved to make their way over there, but before entering, Twilight and Kion both stopped their four accompanying friends from setting a foot inside.

“Just a minute.”

“Put these on.” Twilight handed them sunglasses and sweaters for them to wear. “This so we don’t alarm the whole school should they happen to see double of you all.”

“You mean…” Ono asked.


“Our alternate us’s are in there.”

Both Kion and Bunga replied.

“Which means you’re little reunion with other you is going have to be put on hold until everyone else is gone.” Twilight added much to the pouting boy’s disappointment.


“It’ll be worth the wait, I promise, Bunga.” Kion assured which cheered him up enough to comply with his and Twilight’s instructions to properly disguise themselves and find a corner for them to avoid being spotted by the other students and principals who are both making their way up to the microphone stand on stage. And upon seeing them, had the three look on quite amazed to see the great resemblance of them along with their other counterparts who are along with most of the girls including Sunset are sitting on the highest part of the bleachers.



“Talk about an uncanny resemblance.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Twilight nodded before raising a finger over her mouth to gesture to them be quiet since they have arrived just in time for the announcement. “But for now, shh.”

"Good morning, students." the principal, Celestia, spoke to the students who still looked far from excited. "As I am sure you all know, in two weeks, Canterlot High School will be hosting our fellow students from Crystal Prep Academy as we join together in the spirit of excellence, sportsmanship, and fidelity to compete in the Friendship Games."

Unenthusiastic cheering and flat applause filled the room, much to The Lion and Pony Guard’s surprise including the latter’s human self's leaving them all to wonder why no one is actually looking forward to them.

"Since the games only happen every four years, I'm sure you're all curious as to what goes on."

"You mean other than us losing?!" Flash called out much to Ono and Fuli’s amusement as they both cracked a smile upon hearing that remark.

“Well that’s one way of putting it.”

“No kidding.”

Principal Celestia looked on in annoyance while her sister arched an eyebrow at him for what he just said. But the former was not about to let their spirits drop just yet. "And that is exactly why I've asked Rainbow Dash to come up and give you all a little, um... context."

Said girl had already made her way on stage and proudly took the mic from the stand to speak to her fellow classmates with the same charisma and confidence as her pony counterpart. "Thank you, Principal Celestia." She cleared her throat before continuing. "I know a lot of you might think there's no way we can beat a fancy school like Crystal Prep at anything."

"Unless it's a "losing to Crystal Prep" competition!" Human Pinkie Pie called out, "'Cause we're really good at that!"
“Apparently.” Both Bunga’s whispered under their breath. “Phew.” They jokingly said while mockingly and acting like he is wiping the sweat away from his forehead before wisely shutting up to avoid seeing the glares from his friends.

Rainbow Dash groaned before continuing on with her speech. "And I know that CHS has never won the Friendship Games even once."

Rarity sighed. "Oh, dear. I hope this speech isn't meant to be motivational." she said to Sunset Shimmer. However, she found herself seeing that is indeed motivational like Rainbow said it would be.

"Crystal Prep students are super athletic, super smart, and super motivated. But there's one thing they aren't. They aren't Wondercolts!"

Band drums began to play as the curtain behind Rainbow rose up, revealing the school's marching band playing an upbeat musical sound, where Rainbow Dash moved to sing an uplifting song to lift their spirits up.

We've fought magic more than once

And come out on top


Oh, oh

Rainbow Dash;

There's other schools, but none can make those claims


Na, na-na-na-na, oh

Rainbow Dash;

Together we are Canterlot

Come and cheer our name


Oh, oh

Rainbow Dash;

This will be our year to win these games

The Lion and Pony Guard smiled as the song played on.

"All right. I see what you’re doing.” Fuli said already feeling impressed as they all watched human Rainbow Dash march across the gym with the band behind her.

Rainbow Dash and chorus;

We'll always be Wondercolts forever

And now our time has finally arrived

'Cause we believe in the magic of friendship

And you know, at the end of the day, it is we who survive

Among the audience, Vinyl Scratch added her own upbeat music to the number, using her portable D.J table to do so. Even while away from a large one she always has it whenever the situation calls for it.

Rainbow Dash tapped her foot, wearing a marching band captain's hat as the band members showed images of their fast foes; the demon Sunset Shimmer, the Sirens, and the first band of Evil Lions from the Pride Lands Past. This was intentional for Rainbow to want to remind them of all they had accomplished thus far and how they can use to motivate themselves. She was not about to let her school think any less of themselves.

Rainbow Dash;

We're not the school we were before



Rainbow Dash;

Yeah, we're different now


Oh, oh


Hey, hey!

Rainbow Dash;

We overcame the obstacles we faced


Overcame the obstacles we faced

Hearing the truth and wisdom in Rainbow Dash’s words sparked the motivation the students needed. After all, the competition has even started yet. And no matter what, they always have a chance.

Rainbow Dash;

We're Canterlot united



Rainbow Dash;

We'll never bow


Oh, oh


Hey, hey!

Rainbow Dash;

So get ready to see us in first place

The band members began tossing pony ears and pony tails to the students, who all gained the courage and confidence to dance and sing along with the same equal pride as Rainbow Dash.


We'll always be Wondercolts forever

(Three! Two! One! Go!)

And now our time has finally arrived

(Our time is now!)

'Cause we believe in the magic of friendship

And you know, at the end of the day, it is we who survive

At the end of the day, it is we who survive

Na, na, na-na-na-na

Wondercolts united together

Na, na, na-na-na-na

Wondercolts united forever

The Lion and Pony Guard sang along and clapped their hands along with the students as Rainbow Dash march alongside the band towards the stage.

Na, na, na-na-na-na

Wondercolts united together

Na, na, na-na-na-na

Wondercolts united forever

Rainbow Dash:

We'll always be Wondercotls forever

(Na, na, na-na-na-na

Wondercolts united together)

And now our time has finally arrived

(Na, na, na-na-na-na

Wondercolts united forever)

Cause we believe in the magic of friendship

(Na, na, na-na-na-na

Wondercolts united together)

Suddenly, something began to happen. Rainbow Dash's body was glowing, astonishing everyone but even it didn’t the song itself from going on. Pony ears emerged from Rainbow's head and her hair grew longer, looking like a tail, and a pair of blue beautiful feathered wings emerged from her back too as she had just unleashed her magic.

And you know, at the end of the day

It is we who survive

At the end of the day, it is we who survive!

Once the song came to a close, students cheered like they never cheered before. Thanks to Rainbow Dash, every student had regained the boost they need to regain their confidence, winning spirits, and the courage with the drive to try to win. Rainbow Dash waved at her fellow classmates from above the stage and slowly descended, as her pony attributes disappeared as soon just as they appeared.

“Way to go, Rainbow Dash!”

“And great work stepping up to leadership there!”

She gasped when she heard and recognized those two voices. And sure enough when she spun around and saw who she thought she heard, she smiled happily as she wasted no time in giving them a great big reunion hug.

“Twilight! Kion! You’re both back!"

“Of course we are!”

“Who are we, if we didn’t live up to our promise to do what we said we would?”

“Not me! And you both timed it just right.” She then took notice of the three additional friends accompanying Bunga.

“We sure did!” Bunga happily waved.

“Oh my gosh!” Rainbow Dash’s smile grew wider upon seeing them. “Not to mention you brought the whole crew together!”

“We sure did!”

“And I’m guessing by now you know are names and who we are, do you?” Fuli then asked with a knowing smile.

“Absolutely, Fuli! Along with you too, Beshte, Ono, and of course Bunga who I’ve already seen come by and visit twice alongside Twilight and Kion.”



Both Beshte and Ono greeted casually.

"Yep! You did! I was there!" Bunga proudly stated.

“Don’t I know it!” Rainbow returned with an affectionate hair ruffle to his head while wrapping an arm around his neck.

“Rainbow Dash, that was amazing!" Fluttershy said as she and the others walked up towards their friend. However, they gasped in delight once they saw their old friends.

"Kion! Twilight!"

The two friends were immediately swarmed and hugged them both to the point they had to take turns just so they can get equal friendly love.

“It’s so good to see you both, again!” Beshte happily greeted.

“You too, Beshte!” Kion happily returned to which the other Beshte that journeyed with him here had to resist the urge to say anything due to being in the presence of their mirror world self’s.

“Glad we can both take the time to see you all again as well.” Twilight happily added. “And judging from how things look around here it seems the party for what’s coming next has just begun.”

“It sure has!” Pinkie happily stated as she threw her hands up as she jumped up and somehow made confetti appear all over them.

Just then, Beshte, Ono, and Fuli all ended up reacting and gasping in shock upon seeing each other for the very first time with their mirror self’s who likewise just happened to make eye contact with them.




They all stated as their reactions mirrored their respective counterpart’s exactly down to form while the others watch on wondering how big of a shock it is and whether or not it is too much for them. Fortunately for them, they didn’t really lose their minds once the shock wore off as their expressions turn to look on at each other as they marvel and examine each other’s appearances.

“You’re me from the human world!”

“And you’re me from the pony world!”


Both Ono’s exclaimed to one another.

“Huh?” Pride Lands Fuli remarked with an arched eyebrow. “So is this what you like wear every day?”

“Yep. And I can take it you like your own outfit as well?” Human Fuli returned with the same arched eyebrow.

“Yep.” Pride Lands Fuli smiled proudly while posing. “At least it’s not a pink skirt.”

“I know right, Rarity just recently told us of how she made Rainbow and Applejack join the skirt wearing club.”

“Hey!” Rainbow returned feeling offended and embarrassed as Rarity took smugly smiled at them once more with crossed arms. “I wasn’t give a choice in the matter and neither was Applejack.”

“Yeah! And no one here is judging us for wearing them.” Applejack crossed his legs and arms as she sighed somewhat irritated at the joking around at their expense. “You wind up pulling a prank the wrong girl one time, and there’s always someone seeking to get a rise out of us. Isn’t there?”

“Oh, yeah!” Both Fuli’s continued to laugh as they shared a high five together.


“Nice jacket!” Pride Lands Beshte complimented.

“Same to you too!” Human Beshte also complimented.

“You part of the football team?”

“I will be next fall. And when that happens coach says I’ll get to be the next team quarterback! Isn’t that great?”

“It sure is!”

As for the two Bunga’s they wasted no time in moving and facing each other in perfect sync before high fiving each other and then shared a friendly hug together!”

“So, I take you’re all hyped for these upcoming Friendship Games?” Twilight then asked.

“Oh, yeah!

“We are now!”

Both Rainbow and Applejack happily replied.

“Even I think we can win!” Fluttershy added already looking forward to them.

“I feel like my school pride is at an all time high!” Rarity added with eager glee.

“Speaking of things at an all time high…” Ono spoke up with a skeptical question in mind. “...how did Rainbow Dash manage to pony up without playing her guitar?” He moved his fingers around to gesture himself playing a guitar.

“I don’t know. And quite honestly, it’s the first time that’s happened.” Applejack honestly answered.

"I don't know." Rainbow said before smiling proudly, "It's probably because I'm so awesome!"

“Yes, Rainbow Dash. You are awesome…” Sunset complimented before putting her mind into thought. “...but there's gotta be more to it than that, right? It just seems so random."

“Sure sounds like it.” Kion replied finding it equally random himself.

"Well, it would be nice if you girls could get a handle on it." Vice Principal Luna said to them as she appeared behind them. "We'd like to keep magic as far away from the Friendship Games as possible. We don't want to be accused of cheating." The huge group of friends all looked on in startled shock upon seeing her. “And that includes exact look-likes from another world.”

“Does this mean we’re already in trouble?” Human Bunga asked.

“Because we just met each other.” Pride Lands Bunga added.

“No, since the games have not started yet. I’m telling you all know so that you know what to expect by then.”

“Oh, of course, Vice Principal Luna.” Twilight quickly assured. “We understand completely.”

"Besides, we don't need magic to defeat those hoity-toity Crystal Preppers." Rarity added completely sure that’ll be the case.

"Still, the Friendship Games are serious business. We don't want any surprises. Especially the kind that could cause us to forfeit."

“And we’ll make sure of it, I guarantee it.” Kion further assured.

Vice Principal Luna nodded in approval before turning to Sunset. “Sunset Shimmer. Since you came here from a world of magic alongside both your friends Kion and Twilight. Perhaps you can work with them to get to the bottom of our magical development.”

Sunset smiled as she vowed to put her foot forward in the matter. "We'll do our best."

"Good. And welcome back, Twilight Sparkle. You too, Kion.”


“Good to see you too.”

Luna smiled before leaving.

"So, if I may ask what’s up with these upcoming Friendship Games?" Pride Lands Beshte then asked. "Because up until Rainbow Dash’s speech nobody seemed to be looking forward to them."

"And what's Crystal Prep?" Pride Lands Ono also asked. “Because it sounds like the Crystal Empire back where we’re from.”

“No kidding.” Pride Lands Fuli rolled her eyes in agreement at the various similarities around them. “So many parallels in this world.”

“Yep.” Both Kion and Twilight returned sharing and acknowledging that’s so very true.

Applejack moved first to start explaining. "The Crystal Prep Shadowbolts are our biggest rivals."

Rarity nodded her head in agreement. "I wouldn't be surprised if those strangers in front of the portal were really students from Crystal Prep, coming over here to play a prank."

"Really? What makes you think that?" Kion curiously asked as both he and Twilight were all ears on this mysterious strangers.

Rainbow explained while showcasing an old yearbook she was carrying, "Because even though they beat us in everything – soccer, tennis, golf – they still have to gloat!" She showed Twilight, Kion, and Bunga from the Equestria and Pride Lands world the image of the horse statue, wearing a rainbow afro wig, funny glasses and clown pants.

“Whoa!” Pride Lands Bunga chuckled. “Talk about getting the school ready for a circus.”

“I know right!” Other Bunga laughed in agreement.

“Though it’s pretty hard to believe the event itself is called the Friendship Games if it’s that one sided and mean-spirited.” Pride Lands Fuli added finding it really hard to understand how the name makes sense.

“Even though it’s an attempt to encourage friendly competition with other schools, it’s still kinda hard to get along with someone who beats you at everything." Human Fuli explained.

Rarity scoffed in response. "That's putting it mildly, darling. They're still revamping the playing field in preparation."

"So, what are the events?" Pride Lands Beshte asked.

"Good question.” Rainbow replied. “Because actually don't know what the events will be. It could be anything."

Pinkie Pie then pulled out both a cake and pie form her bouncy pink hair, "Pie eating? Cake eating?" She then shoved them down her throat while splattering her face into them with some splatters getting on the other’s faces. "Pie-cake eating?!"

“Oh-ho-ho! Those both sound good!” Human Bunga commented already feeling hungry.

“Are you kidding?!” His Pride Lands counterpart looked on like he is talking crazy. “They’re more than good! They’re great!”

“Oh, yeah!”

"Anything?!" Rarity widen her eyes looking on like she is in for so many surprises to come. "How will I ever pick the right outfit?!"

"They won't even let us see what they're doin' to the field." Applejack said while she and the others removed the frosting off of their clothes and hair.

"You think they'd at least tell competitors what they're competing in." Pride Lands Ono commented feeling it very puzzling.

“You would think.” His human counterpart returned feeling his frustration already. “And believe me this is news to me to. And it also doesn’t help that Crystal Prep has the money to buy out all the best coaches that could have helped train us for the games too.”

“It sure doesn’t.” Pride Lands Fuli frowned while placing a hand on her hip. “And it certainly helps me see why you all hate them.”

“I know right.” Her human counterpart returned doing the same posture feeling the same way. “It’s like the only thing riches help them out with is helping grow their over-sized egos. At the rate they’re going at, one of them is bound to become the next Heisenberg.”

“Really?” Pride Lands Ono returned very curious himself about what she’s talking about.

“Really.” His human counterpart returned very sure it’ll happen. “And the thing about him was even a high paying job as a chemistry teacher wasn’t enough to curb his own pride and ego from becoming a notorious drug lord who created the infamous Sky Blue Meth. And it was that same greed filled pride and ego that brought him down two years of self hidden secrecy.”


“But still…” Pride Lands Beshte then said hopeful there is something they can do to help them out there. “...there’s got to be a way to prepare for these games. Maybe we can help.”

“Yeah!” Pride Lands Bunga agreed. “With our training, we could definitely help you guys out, no charge!”

"You can at least train us.” Sunset replied before reminding them of what they were just told by the vice principal. “But as for the duplicates from the Pride Lands, no offense, but they need to stand by on the sidelines to avoid the double confusion and the risk of disqualification for cheating.”


“Of course.”

Both Pride Lands Fuli and Ono replied expecting that but still disappointed none of the less that only one of them along with Beshte and Bunga can compete.

“So…” Pride Lands Bunga then said. “...let’s have everyone train together, then only use our doubles to take our place in case one of us gets hurt.”

“Yeah! That’s a great idea!” Other Bunga quickly agreed liking the idea already.

“We’ll take that into consideration.” Sunset relented upon seeing that it can be useful to an extent.

“But…” Kion raised a finger to warn them of the catch. “...only, should it come down to that.”

“And by that we mean keep it to an absolute minimum.” Twilight sternly added. “Only when it is absolutely necessary. Is that clear?”

“Yes.” Both Bunga’s answered in defeated unison.

“Good.” Twilight replied upon seeing they have an understanding. “Because last thing we need is others seeing the two of us compete in the exact same event.”

“Yeah. Then everyone is sure to start asking question. Including some that are not meant to be answered.” Sunstet added.

“No kidding.” Kion also said in agreement. “So in the meantime while the rest of you get started on prepping for the games, Twilight, Sunset, and I will go figure out how Rainbow Dash managed to pony up during the assembly.”

“Sounds good to me.” Human Fuli said already agreeing with the plan.

“Well said.” Her cheetah counterpart complimented before she and the others waved the research party off as they split away from the group.

"Seems like they got everything under control." Pinkie Pie commented.

“Oh, believe me. They sure do.” Human Ono said in agreement before realizing along with his egret counterpart.

“Wait! Count me in on the research!” Other Ono yelled after them before pursing them.

Author's Note:

Okay, so thanks to odd magical logistics, the rest of the Lion Guard was quick to accompany their friends on the other side, and once they got there they all sure were in for a surprise when they start seeing themselves in the mirror. And by that one look would have one thinking they'd be seeing double.

On top of that we get to see an inspiring performance by Rainbow Dash in Canterlot High as she sparks a drive to get everyone pumped up for the upcoming games which they have quite a poor track record in regards to their superior rivals from Crystal Prep.

That being said we'll get to see more of what that's like there, in this next and upcoming part.