• Published 2nd May 2024
  • 384 Views, 30 Comments

The Pony Guard: Friendship Games - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion Guard travel to Canterlot High to help Sunset as they prepare for the upcoming Friendship Games meeting new faces and new discoveries.

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Prepping for the Games and Crystal Prep's Arrival

Prepping for the Games and Crystal Prep's Arrival

During the following two weeks, the training for the upcoming The Friendship Games went underway. Since Kion and Twilight couldn’t return to their home until then, they moved to live with their friends who very so generously offered them a room for to recuperate until then.

Bunga got to alternate between spending the nights with his other Bunga along with Pinkie Pie since they get along very well together. At the same time, Twilight alternated between Sunset and Rarity, while Kion alternated between Sunset and Applejack.

During the daytime, when school is not in session is training time in order to prep up for the games and that includes getting up early in the morning to prepare for them.

Outside of the Lion and Pony Guard in this world, the other students chosen to represent the school for the games are Bon Bon, Lyra Heartstrings, Sanderwood, Micro Chips, Derpy and Flash Sentry. Though tired and weary from having to get up early, they were all more than willing to go through with it if it means gearing up for a chance to win these games.

From what they have been informed and learned is that the competition is devised into two events. The Academy Decathlon where their focus relies on mastery of chemistry, home economics and everything in between. The next competition is the Tricross Relay, which will include motocross, archery and short track.

On the dawn of day one, everyone in attendance were all awaken from their drowsy state when Twilight blew her air horn directed up towards the ceiling. Standing by her side at the center of the gym, were the others from the Pride Lands all wearing CHS caps and whistles around their necks, with Ono and Fuli both carrying clipboards in their hands.

Once everyone was awake, Twilight addressed to everyone speaking in an upbeat yet authoritative tone of voice.

“All right everyone, rise and shine! Because starting today up until the next two weeks we are going to be training for these upcoming games even if we have work hard through the day to get it right. So as this moment I am in charge of each and every one of you, do I make myself clear!”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“I can’t hear you!”

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Yes, sir, ma’am, sir!” Pinkie herself stated.

“Kion.” Twilight said to him to allow him to give his turn in speaking to the group.

“All those who are talented in Academy Decathlon activities that include chemistry and home economics report to the east side and all others who are talented in Tri-cross activities that include motocross, archery, and short track report to the west side of the gym.”

“Get ready, because today is the day we start preparing to show those Crystal Prep kids of what we’re made of!” Twilight spoke again. “Starting now!” With a blow of her whistle, the training montage began.

I'll Make an Wondercolt Out of You

First up is chemistry, which none of the students had any trouble with. Next up is baking and as the students did so, The trainers Twilight, Kion, and the rest of the Pony Guard from the Pride Lands all watched and observed them in action. Flash and Bon Bon proved to have trouble with it to which Pride Lands Bunga moved to jot it down on his clipboard. That way it can serve as pointers of to improve upon it next time around and ensure everybody at the top of their game before going up against Crystal Prep.

The next was constructing a bird house, which many struggled, aside from Rarity, Fluttershy, Fuli, Bunga, and Applejack. Pride Lands Beshte took notice and wrote it down on her clipboard which sparked a little worry in the others upon seeing it. But it was part of the learning process.

The next test was a spelling bee competition, to which Twilight and Pride Lands Ono both took lead on given that they are both great spellers and can easily teach them a thing or two on how to master it.

Then Kion and Fuli observed the students while they ran laps. Inspecting them closely they both wrote on their clipboards of the notes they needed to take. Though the students still weren't sure what their approach is, but still trusted it none of the less.

On day two, they tried again with Bunga showing Flash and Bon Bon how to properly bake. It took some time, especially with both himself and his human counterpart unable to resist eating some of the ingredients. But none of the less their time with Pinkie sure helped them improve and show them of how to master creative cooking.

Both Twilight and Ono managed to figure out a way to help the others kids with spelling. Twilight had them do sit ups while spelling the words she picked for them while Ono watches over with the words on flashcards so he can see if they are spelling them correctly. For each word they spelled incorrectly they did more push ups. It took a while before the students realized how much it is helping them to the point they can tackle hard words without breaking a sweat.

Kion and Fuli then both taught Sandlewood, Micro Chips, Lyra and Derpy to build a birdhouse. Since the former is good with tools and given the latter’s past experience at Winter Wrap Up they each managed to make out in minutes. They both showed the boys how to do it properly and after a few several attempts they managed to accomplish a decent and well constructed house. Fuli looked on with a proud smirk seeing that they are mastering it.

Next, Twilight had the students learn roller skating, which was no different from ice skating she learned how to do doing her spare time with Pinkie Pie. As crazy as some of her ideas may be she knew how to skate and they sure came in handy when she mustered to courage to learn how. She even managed to teach Rarity of how to effectively skate along with good form to boot.

Meanwhile, Fuli instructed the kids in motocross, thanks to quick lessons from other Fuli while Ono instructed in archery where Applejack, other Ono, other Bunga, and Fluttershy showed great natural skill in the sport. All while both Twilight and Kion looked on proudly. So far, these kids were becoming stronger, faster and more confident in themselves. They were now hungry and determined than ever to win these games.

While this was happening and during their spare time, they spotted Askari and his men observing them from behind the bushes. Upon spotting them Askari gave a thumbs up at their work in progress. Clearly they have learned from past experience. In addition, he gave the two along with Sunset the rundown on their research of magic and what they believe works out the math behind the magicical logistics here in this world. Judging from their expressions, they have yet to fully understand it, but they are sure they will figure it out in due time and at least understand it partially.

Before long, most of the students, even the nerdy Micro Chips and clumsy Derpy, were roller skating with ease. By the time the two weeks has passed every student has shown great improvement. They were ready for the Friendship Games!

Spike growled as he pulled harder and harder on Twilight's jacket while she packed her things. "Ugh! Come on, Spike! I was always gonna go to Canterlot High for the Friendship Games. Ich!" She gave one final yank, releasing her jacket form his teeth, "The only difference now is that I have to compete. Besides, it's not like Principal Cinch gave me much of a choice."

“She sure didn’t!” Kion remarked with flat out contempt for the lady. “And how she hasn’t been arrested for blackmailing us, I’ll never know other than not enough eyes are turning in her direction."

Spike whimpered sadly until Twilight petted his head and scratched his chin, "I know, Spike. I don't like it either. I probably won't be able to collect anywhere near as much data as I thought." She picked up her round device and thought for a moment. Then she smiled when she saw some kind of advantage out of this. "But maybe I can still get some." She tied a string around the object and hung it around her neck. The poor puppy whimpered once more. "Spike, I wouldn't leave without you." She happily placed Spike inside her backpack before zipping it up, "Just remember to be quiet. And try not to shed."

“And I’ll try to keep my temper under control.” Kion then said like he is trying to make a promise to his best friend while secretly packing what seems to be weapons and tools he feels he'll need at his disposal.

Once they made it outside, both Kion and Twilight spotted the two busses that would take the students to Canterlot High. However, Twilight wasn't so sure which buss she was suppose to get on due to how identical they are. Regardless since they have to compete they need the bus where her teammates were going to be. She approached the first bus, where she saw Dean Cadance inspecting on her clipboard.

"Dean Cadance, I'm not really sure where to go."

"One second, Twilight." Cadance said, briefly heading towards the second buss to check on something.

"You could try the end of the line!" One of the Crystal Prep girls said, sourly. She had light yellow skin with freckles, pink hair tied into a ponytail and light streaks. Her eyes were purple and narrowed at Twilight earning herself a glare from her friend Kion for that remark.

"What did you say?" Twilight asked while adjusting her glasses.

The girl, named Sour Sweet, spoke in a sarcastic sweet tone, "Just that someone smart as you should definitely go first."

"I…I didn't mean to. I was just asking."

“Sour Sweet! She didn’t mean to. She was just a little confused, okay.” Kion firmly and politely said in her defense.

Dean Cadance arrived once more, smiling at the young girl and boy. "This is the right bus, Twilight. Go ahead. You too, Kion."

"But… I didn't mean to cut in front." Twilight innocently apologized.

"Ugh, well it's too late now." Sour Sweet said bitterly under her breath.

“I heard that!” Kion returned.


The embarrassed girl walked up the stairs and into the bus followed by her only friend, only to be surprised when one of her classmates, Indigo Zap, started shouting; "Are we gonna win?!?!"

"I…I don't know." Twilight said unsure herself.

Indigo Zap was a tomboy girl with spiky blue hair with various streaks in different shades of blue, yellow eyes and wore googles on her head, along with several ear piercings. She is coming fueled with the same determination and loyalty as Rainbow Dash. Only, Indigo's loyalties were not for her teammates…but to herself.

She shouted again in response. "Wrong answer!! Try again! Are we gonna win?!?!"

“Yes we are, Indigo Zap!” Kion stated to her while getting in between her and Twilight. “Just quit giving the poor girl a hard time. I’m sure she gets it by now. Okay?!”

"Yeah...Um...I guess? I-It's just...I mean...I heard that CHS is doing well now. With their reputation. And, I mean, it's not better than ours, of course. But we can't let them do it, you know? Win, I mean? Right?"

The other students rolled their eyes in annoyance clearly seeing that she has the least energy and competitive drive inside of her. All wondering why she was chosen to be a part of their team. All of feeling it’s only because she’s the most prized student getting special treatment.

"You're gonna have to take a seat!" The bus driver instructed of the two.

“And we will.” Kion assured before following after her friend.

Twilight walked down the bus, looking for a place to sit, but every student only slid to the empty seat, not wanting her to join them. Twilight then tried to take a seat next to Suri, but she placed her bag on the empty seat. The only one available was at the far back, opposite another student with light purple skin and mint colored hair with plum colored eyes and wore a pair of glasses. Her hair was styled into two long ponytails that stuck out from the back of her head with an odd bun tracing on the back of her head.

Twilight smiled politely at her as she tried to greet her. "Hi, Sugarcoat."

"That was a really bad speech." The girl returned, rather bluntly, "You should consider not speaking in public."

“And maybe you should consider taking kindness classes.” Kion assertively fired back. “You probably could learn a thing or two from them.”


With that bitter brief exchange over with, Kion then moved to sit beside Twilight as the bus’s engine started before making it’s way to Canterlot High.

Twilight then unzipped her backpack and smiled at her only other friend. "Well, Spike, aside from Kion, at least I've got you with me."

Spike whimpered softly when the girl next to Twilight started banging her head, listening to the rock heavy metal music from her headphones. Her skin was pink with yellow green hair, medium shades of dark and bright streaks, and had blue eye shadow. Her name was Lemon Zest, well known for her love of music and high energy.

"Dude, you have gotta hear this!!" She shouted while placing her headphones onto Twilight's head. The poor girl could feel her teeth vibrating from the loud sounds of the music. If her ears were sensitive enough she could go deaf because of it.

“Thanks for sharing.” Kion kindly returned while relieved that she had the decency to not be mean to them for once. He then moved to adjust the volume of her headphones to a reasonable volume so Twilight can comfortably hear the music. He then sighed in dismay. “This is going to be a long trip.”

And not only that, he also felt this was the perfect time to mentally prepare himself for what’s to come, knowing that he’ll be returning to a sight of old memories and familiar faces.

The Rainbooms with spare time on their hands along with their friends stopped by their practice room where the Pony Guard themselves moved to take a crack at the latest song they were working on. And when it happened the Rainbooms were in for an astonishing surprise when Princess Twilight and Prince Kion took lead.

Dance magic!

Once you have it

Let your body move, step into the music

Dance magic

And it's electric

Let your body move to the music

Sunset's jaw literally dropped at seeing them playing their instruments…with pony features.

Sure they have seen them play instruments but not their alternate self's along with actually showing pony features themselves. Both Beshte and Bunga sported the ears while Fuli and Ono both sported ears and wings. And Kion himself with ears and majestic alicorn wings much like Twilight. All of them sporting long hair and manes like they would when they were ponies.

Dance magic!


Once you have it

(Once you have it!)

Let your body move, step into the music

Dance magic

And it's electric

Let your body move to the music


Once the song ended, their pony features disappeared just as they magically appeared when they started.

“Wow!” Other Bunga remarked in awe. “You were amazing!”

“This is quite something.” Other Fuli remarked feeling very impressed.

“Indeed.” Rarity said with great admiration towards them.

“But how?!” Sunset asked still jaw dropped stunned before Applejack moved to close it for her to help her recompose herself.

“To be honest, we really don’t know.” Kion replied.

“We just gave a go to see if we can replicate, and then one thing led to another which led to this all happening.” Twilight then added.

“Pony ups!” Pride Lands Bunga proudly stated with thumbs up.

"But how?" Sunset asked. "How is this all possible?!"

“Like I told you, if I knew I would tell you.” Twilight repeated. “Though I may have an idea how it works here.”

Sunset's eyes looked on very hopeful for whatever she has to say next. "Really? Like what?"

"That magic in this world works differently than in Equestria. Same magic but it has adapted differently into this place with how it does depending on when tested."

"Just like back home." Pride Lands Ono chimed in. "With given of how similar magic works with different ways it works it allows things to blend in a little more. Like Equestria’s winter weather shared inside the Pride Lands allowed cooler weather for them during the dry season along with ponies getting wings and ears. Temporarily of course. Maybe that's why it's so hard to understand it here since it's starting to become its own."

"But is there a way to control it?" Sunset asked hopefully.

"That part we still haven't figured it out yet." Fuli regretfully informed. “Sorry.”

Hearing this wasn’t good enough for Sunset to feel at ease. The games were starting tomorrow and they couldn't afford to have magic running like crazy during them. "We have to keep trying. We're supposed to keep magic out of the Friendship Games, remember?"

"Easier said than done, darling." Rarity said while inspecting her reflection in her mirror, "Like they say, magic in Equestria works differently. And…"

"This isn't Equestria." Sunset lowered her head, gripping her left arm in despair.

Human Fuli placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry, we're getting there. At least it’s progress."

"And while you work on keeping the magic out of the games, I've been working on what to put in!" Rarity giggled, which concerned Applejack.

"Rarity, what'd you go an' do?"

To answer her question, Rarity pulled out several clothing ranks, all filled with an assortment of costumes and uniforms for practically all events.

"Well, I have a lot of time on my hands, so I made a few options for uniforms!" Rarity managed to, somehow, get Rainbow Dash into a track-racer's outfit.

"You really didn't have to do that." Rainbow said.

"I know."

"No. You really didn't have to." Applejack arched an eyebrow while looking at the uniforms, they were ones for baking, track racing, archery, even bird building with bird-like patterns. Some just didn't look fitting for the sports competition either. But, Rarity was just too excited to even notice.

"I know!" She giggled adorably while the others look on knowing full well of what’s going to happen next.

Outside, the two buses from Crystal Prep arrived. The students exited the vehicles and Principal Cinch walked out as well. Her eyes narrowed in disgust at the school. Disgust that nothing of interest in her eyes has changed since her last visit here. Disgust that the school is still bright and sunny all around. Especially towards Principal Celestia, who in her mind got lucky to be put in charge of this school. Not to mention her sunny and cheerful demeanor heavily clashes with her own personality which is the opposite of feeling young and vibrant like her. Ironically, they used to see eye to eye with Cinch once having that same personality as Celestia up until it wasn’t the case when the former decided to grow up her own way.

Principal Celestia smiled at the woman, despite her cold expression. "It's good to see you again, Principal Cinch."

"Yes, it is." The woman replied, equally cold. None the less, Celestia did her best to be as warm and welcoming as she could be.

"Well, we are certainly looking forward for the games to begin. Vice Principal Luna can help your students get settled if you'd like me to show you around. There have been quite a few changes since your last visit."

"Oh, yes, Principal Celestia. I'm sure that would be fascinating. Hm."

While the two principals were being formal with one another, the vice principal and the dean greeted one another in a friendly hug given that they are both old friends with one another.

"Oh, it's always such a pleasure to see you, Dean Cadance. Even if it means another defeat." She said the last part rather sadly.

"Thank you, Vice Principal Luna, but I hear it's not going to be so easy this time."

Twilight poked her head out from the bus, seeing the school for herself with Kion doing the same seconds later. To Twilight, this was her chance to collect the data she needed to get. And as for Kion, he looked on with disdainful eyes as his memories started to come back to him with a sense of dread inside.

The moment they stepped off of the bus was the moment, Kion decided to do everything in his power to protect her friend from harm, starting with Indigo Zap, who came running straight out of the bus.

"Comin' through!" She yelled while causing Twilight fell backwards into another student, Sunny Flare.

Said girl is everything but true to her name. The girl with blue skin, super short hair, colored purple with pink streaks, and rose colored eyes, sneered at the girl with glasses in response.


"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to." Twilight nervously fiddled with the loose strands of her hair and Sunny just walked away, not bothering to say sorry or even at least helping her up off the floor leaving Kion to help her up but not without tossing a random orange he found on the ground right at her along with the previous girl who shoved her way by.


Twilight then groaned, only for Sour Sweet to suddenly get in the way, "Oh, sorry. Why don't you go ahead?"

Sour Sweet's widened like that of a puppy dog as she prepared to speak sweetly to Twilight falsely so before being cut off by Kion who quickly got in between then.

“Sour Sweet!” He sharply warned against saying anything else to his friend.

“Fine.” She bitterly moved to leave her alone but not without glaring right back at her defender. “Since you are such a sweetie...!” She said mockingly with pretend sweetness. “…I am watching you!" she said the last part very sourly before walking away, keeping her hawk eyes onto her while Kion fiercely looked on back with fiery daggers in his eyes in return.

Lemon Zest walked out, dancing to her incredibly loud music, followed by Sugarcoat, "You are kinda being a doormat right now." The former said to Twilight, incredibly blunt, like before.

“And you’re still being rude and need to get a move on. Now!” Kion angrily ordered of her while glaring at the other girl into intimidated silence before running off while leaving behind a few drops on the ground.

The sound of beeping caught Twilight's attention and she looked down around the device around her neck. The circular lip started to glow, creating a moving star-like symbol on it. One of the corners of the device started to beep purple, aiming directly at the high school like a compass. Twilight smiled, the energy was coming from inside, no question about that. Quietly, both Twilight and Kion snuck away from her classmates and headed up towards the stairs of the school, with the former not taking her eyes off of the device she held, keeping a close eye as to where the energy was coming from while the latter kept watch in case those who caught them the other day saw them again.

Lyra and Bon Bon walked out and spotted the two. Bon Bon waved, "Hi, Twilight." She greeted before gasping and happily greeting with the same wave but with more happiness. “Hi, Kion!”

“Good to see you again!” Lyra equally happy also greeted.

“Oh!” Kion recognized them and smiled at them in return. “Hi, Bon Bon. Hi Lyra.”

Twilight however did not return the greeting as she moved to continue on into the school leaving both Lyra and Bon Bon looking at one another in confusion.

“Sorry about that.” Kion apologized. “She’s just really not used to this kind of greeting.”


“I would think she should have, considering we just saw her earlier.”

Now it was Kion’s turn to feel confused himself, mildly so. “Really?!”


“Okay, well. Nice seeing you both again, we’ll catch you later.” Kion waved after them before quickly playing catch up to Twilight.

Once inside, Twilight keep her gaze onto the device, but was taken off guard when another student walked up to her and said; "Hey, Twilight! Hey, Kion!"

Both the boy and the girl turned around, seeing the girl with green hair waving at her happily and kindly. To Kion, she definitely recognized them, while Twilight looked on clearly confused and caught off guard.

None the less she continued her research while Kion is the only one returning the greeting.


And that continued with every turn, every hallway, every student they walked across, all greeting them kindly.

"Hi, Twilight. Hi, Kion."

"Hi, Twilight. Hi, Kion."

"Hey, you, lookin' good. Both of you."

“Hi! Hello! Thanks!” Kion returned just as friendly as always.

This was becoming stranger and stranger to Twilight. "Um, hi." she managed to say, only to receive more hellos as she continued to walk. She was so distracted she nearly forgot about the energy source she was researching.

"Hey, what's happenin'?"

"Really nice to see you."

"Twilight, Kion, how ya both doin'?"

"Twilight, Kion, yo!"

"Hi. Hello. Um, good."

“Hello. Hello. Doing just fine, thanks.”

Overwhelmed by her impossibly sudden popularity, Twilight didn't see the next person she bumped into. Bumping into people was a rather rare skill of hers. Her glasses fell off of her face and landed on the floor.

The person she had bumped into was yet another student who recognized her. And he was more than happy to see her, even if it resulted in some nasty exchanges between the two.

"Twilight? I almost didn't recognize you." The young man helped Twilight up like a gentlemen before Kion could come to her aid, but she couldn't properly thank him since she couldn't really see him clearly without her glasses. Luckily for her, Kion moved to pick them up and hand them to her.

"When did you start wearin' glasses?"

"Um, like, since forever." Twilight replied, still uncertain about what's going on.

“And believe me when I tell you that’s true.” Kion added while placing a protective hand on the girl’s shoulder.

"Oh, so how long are you both here for?"

"Just for the Friendship Games." Twilight answered as she put on her glasses so she can see who is she is talking to. There they got to gaze into each other’s eyes briefly.

It was there the moment he saw them he knew. This wasn't the same Twilight Sparkle, she looked just like her, yes, but her eyes…looked different compared to what he saw earlier. It was then he realized that he is seeing a completely different version of her.

Twilight herself met and seen a lot of boys before but this guy…he was more handsome than any guy she ever met in Crystal Prep. And for once her eyes on him and not her computers and papers.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were somebody else." The boy apologized politely.

Twilight could barely speak out of sheer nervousness while Kion watches on wary and cautiously with even more narrowed eyes at him. "I…Um…"

The boy gave her his hand to shake, "I'm Flash Sentry."

Shyly but with more confidence, she shook his hand in return. "I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"I know." He replied before looking on shock with she looked at him in confusion. “I mean, I only know because I met a similar girl with the same name.”

“You don’t say.” Kion returned in bewilderment with each and every time of hearing those identical words.

Though before anything else can happen between them the moment really was disrupted when Twilight's device started to beep around her neck. The circle surface stared to glow a strange purple, and a star-like symbol appeared to alert her that strange energy nearby.

"Uh, I gotta go." Twilight quickly ran off ahead, while Kion followed after her.

“Sorry about that. We’ll talk later, okay?” He said before running off.

Twilight then placed Spike back into her backpack before running off, still feeling too embarrassed by her outburst to look back.

Flash looked on as she ran off. "Uh, okay. Bye?…Aw." he sighed sadly and face palmed himself in disappointment with his poor choice words. He got some comforting sympathy from Derpy, who patted his back in reassurance.

Still, it was crystal clear that this girl was not the pony Twilight, nor was it the lion Kion. Though at the very least he would have liked to get to really catch up and get to know the identical duo.

While trying to catch up to Twilight, Kion barely had time to stop himself before he stopped himself from running into a girl. Said girl herself had to swiftly dodge with grace to avoid the boy crashing into her.

"Whoa! Sorry!"

"It's all right! No harm done! Just try to watch where you're going." The girl returned as she neatly brushed her hair back into place along with the accumlated dust on her suit jacket and skirt.

"Will do."

But before Kion could continue after his friend, the girl just so happened to recognize him after a double take. "Wait! Kion! Is that you?!"

"Uh, yeah." The boy returned though a little more feeling off-guard than annoyed. "Should be a no brainer at this point."

"I know but..." Said girl moved to look at the boy in the eye. "...it's been a while since we last saw each other."

"Have we met before? Are you sure you're not looking for another boy with the same name?"

"Positive. That is if you are who i think you are despite having different colored hair."

"Maybe I did in the past, but now it's the color you are seeing now."

"I see." Seeing that this is possibly not the Kion she met last time had her deciding it was best to move things along. "Well, feel free to talk me when you have your memories all sorted out. I'll be around."

"We'll see."

The two went their separate ways leaving both the boy and girl very confused with their latest interaction.

Elsewhere, Rarity was going back and forth, putting on the finishing touches on each of the girls' uniforms. Rainbow Dash was wearing what resembles a London police uniform, Fluttershy was wearing hockey gear, Pinkie Pie wore a cowgirl-like outfit, and Sunset Shimmer wore some kind of mechanics body suit and a wielding mask.

Rarity adjusted Applejack red jersey as the latter had a voice of concern with what she is doing right now. “Uh, Rarity, these outfits are great, but why would you put so much time and effort into clothes not all of us might even wear? You're gonna exhaust yourself before the games even start."

"Oh, pff. Kch. Fff Ts! Don't be silly, darling! Putting effort into clothes is what I live for, and spending time with my friends fills me with energy!"

The girl's body began to glow as bright as a star and pony ears appeared on her head, followed by a long hair/tail extension as she stroked one final pose. The girls looked on in amazement at the transformation, especially Twilight who begins to try to spot the connection of her transformation. As if it sparks when someone’s true passion is tapped into.

"And magic, too, I guess." Sunset Shimmer said before shielding her face from the brightness with the welding mask.

At the same time the device on Human Twilight’s necklace continued its beeping, the corners kept on moving with a single purple glow. Like a compass with a pointed arrow, the glow directed Twilight to where the energy was coming from. Suddenly, the single glow caused the capsule to open up, its insides glowing a bright purple. Twilight was fascinated by this reaction while Kion looked on equally amazed yet concerned of what will happen next.

Inside the rehearsal room, Twilight felt a sudden sensation when she heard a voice from nearby. A whisper of some sorts along with heavy breathing accompanying it.

“You feel that?” Twilight asked Kion who got a good hear and feel of what’s happening.

“I do.”

At the same time, Rarity was feeling very strange herself, like her energy was being drained somehow leaking it’s way out of her body and out of the room. Something that both Twilight and Kion inside the room picked up on as the magic made it’s way inside the other Twilight’s device.

Rarity slowly descended down, suddenly looking like she hadn't slept in days as evident by her poor posture and dark circles under her eyes as her pony features disappeared.

"Actually, Applejack, now that you mention it, I suppose I could use a tiny break." She ended up fainting and Applejack caught her, gently placing her down on the floor.

"I told you."

With suspicion arising, Twilight and Kion made their way towards the door to find out what had caused Rarity to pass out like that. But just when they moved to open the door, the door itself opened first. And when that happened, nobody could believe their eyes of what they are seeing, especially both Kion and Twilight.

“What in the Pride Lands?!”

“What in Equestria?!”

There all eyes are all focused as there both Twilight’s and both Kion’s stood, foot to foot, face to face for the first time.



“Whoa! Drama!” Bunga said in awe as he and the other Bunga fetched themselves some popcorn to munch on while this scene takes place in front of them.

“This ought to be good.” Other Bunga said as they watch the scene unfold.

All of the Rainbooms along with the Pony Guard both parties standing to separate sides of the room to avoid further confusion all looked on as they see and tell apart both Twilight’s and both Kion’s. Mainly the human version of Twilight has glasses, and the human version of Kion has short black hair.

“Is that really you, Twilight.” Pony Twilight said to her human counterpart.

"Uh, yes?" Human Twilight greeted with uncertainty just like with everyone else as Kion continued to place a protective hand on her.

“And you’re Kion?” Lion Kion said to his human counterpart.

“Uh, yeah.” Kion returned like it should be obvious at this point as evident by his annoyed and irritated tone of voice. “Always has been.”

"Well, I'll be." Applejack said in amazement.

Even with the kindness and friendly gestures, Human Twilight still felt so uneasy around everyone expect for Human Kion standing in front of her who is in full protective mode.

Rarity cringed at Human Twilight's appearance, "Darling, those glasses. What are you wearing? It's so…severe."

"My uniform?"

"Your uniform for what?" Fluttershy asked.

"For…Crystal Prep. But why does everyone at this school know who I am?"

"Did you just say "Crystal Prep"?" Rainbow asked, seeing more and more of the contrasts between the two Twilight’s.

Twilight's backpack unzipped and Spike came out barking. The girls recognized him as well.


"You know my dog's name, too?" Human Twilight said with a gasp. “Guess I'm not the only one to smuggle her pet into school."

Seeing how awkward this girl was feeling, Human Fuli cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. "I’m sorry about all of this. I guess we’ve had a lot of parallel experiences together and it’s not every day you see eye to eye with someone else identical.”

“Yeah.” Human Beshte added in gentle agreement. “There’s nothing here to be afraid.

“Yeah!” Human Bunga agreed. “You’re with friends now!”

"Oookay. Thanks.”

In addition, Human Kion noticed someone that especially made his eyes widen with unbridled rage and shock upon seeing her. And said person was Sunset Shimmer who looked on in complete shock as memories came flowing back through her mind at the same time Human Kion’s did.


“Kion!” Sunset gasped as she felt her hair stand up in fright along with seeing his intimidating and angry expression.

But before that could be explored, the sound of Celestia's voice caught their attention. The doubles from Equestria all quickly ducked out of sight hiding in nearby areas where the two principals won’t see them as the former was showing that latter the school and stopped by the music room.

"And our music program has especially taken off." Celestia explained, only to gasp once she saw the violet skinned girl along with the golden skinned boy. "Twilight? Kion?"

Human Twilight rolled her eyes in annoyance. "This is getting ridiculous!"

“Hello, Principal Celestia. Good to see you.” Kion them said calmly while angrily frowning upon noticing Principal Cinch again.

While that exchange happened Spike managed to quickly jump back into Twilight's bag without the older woman knowing.

"I must apologize for the curiosity of my prized students." Principal Cinch said, placing a hand on Twilight's shoulder, subtly showcasing this girl was her property while Kion stepped aside when Cinch tried to do the same to him.

"Your students?" Celestia asked in disbelief, and confusion.

"The smart ones are always curious. And as for the brawny ones, well, they're probably wanting to pick a fight with
someone they have a beef with.“ Kion fierce and scowling eyes directed at Sunset’s scared and petrified soul proved her point that much. “I'll return them to check in with the rest of her classmates."

The cold hearted principal then led the shy girl and frowning boy away, leaving Celestia baffled, "I didn't know Twilight had a twin sister along with Kion having a twin brother too."

"They don't!" Pinkie Pie stated. "That Twilight is obviously the Twilight from this world since it couldn't possibly be the Twilight from the pony world since the Twilight from the pony world doesn't go to Crystal Prep or wear glasses and the same can be said for the Kion with black hair which is clearly different than the Kion who has red hair."
Celestia opened her mouth to say something, but quickly realized there really wasn't anything else she needed to know.

"Never mind."

Once she was gone, the girl all turned to the Pony Guard from the Pride Lands along with their Twilight and Kion.

"So, that was the actual Twilight from our world?" Applejack asked, still very shocked. “Along with the actual Kion?!”

“Apparently.” Human Ono said still looking on in disbelief himself. “And talk about a Freaky Friday.”

“Literally, too.” Other Ono returned feeling the same way.

"Definitely the strangest thing I have ever seen in my life." Princess Twilight commented unable to say otherwise herself.

"No kidding." Prince Kion said in agreement.

“Deja vu.” Both Fuli’s said in unison.

“Gesundheit.” Both Bunga’s returned much to their annoyance.

Author's Note:

Throughout these next two weeks, Twilight and the Lion Guard work hard in training the Wondercolts which have been effectively done by a simple analysis from the first attempt to allow them to teach them to do better the second time onward. As for trying to find a song for the training montage, it was a bit difficult finding something but I think I did it.

Moving forward to the big day, the Crystal Prep team has arrived at Canterlot High where both Human Kion and Twilight get to meet with the whole crew, foot to foot, face to face, and what happens next is sure where the dots start to connect...

Let's get down to business, to defeat the Shadowbolts

Did they send me Shadowbolts when I asked for Wondercolts?

You're the saddest bunch I ever met

But you can bet before we're through

Mister, Miss, I'll make a Wondercolt out of you

Tranquil as a forest, but on fire within

Once you find your center, you are sure to win

You're weak, pale, pathetic students

And you haven't got a clue

Somehow I'll make a Wondercolt out of you

Time is racing toward us, 'til the Shadowbolts arrive

Heed my every order, and you might survive

You're unsuited for the rage of competition

I should give up give in, you're through

How could I make a Wondercolt out of you?

(Be a Wondercolt) you must be swift as the coursing river

(Be a Wondercolt) with all the force of a great typhoon

(Be a Wondercolt) with all the strength of a raging fire

Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

you must be swift as the coursing river

(Be a Wondercolt) with all the force of a great typhoon

(Be a Wondercolt) with all the strength of a raging fire

Mysterious as the dark side of the moon