• Published 31st Mar 2024
  • 426 Views, 54 Comments

The Glue of Harmony - Twidashlover123

Spike is alone on Hearths Warming. Strange things happen. What will he do about it

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Fear: Part Three: The Truth

When the bright light went away, Spike found himself back in the void Darkness made. His eyes still red and puffy from crying, he tried to find Shooting Star, but he couldn't find her anywhere.

Spike's heart sank as he frantically searched the darkness for any sign of Shooting Star. His mind raced with worry and fear, wondering what could have happened to his friend. Was Shooting Star okay? Had something gone wrong during their journey through the bright light?

As he called out Shooting Star's name, his voice echoed into the emptiness, but there was no response. The silence was deafening, and Spike felt a sense of hopelessness creeping over him.

But then, in the distance, a faint glimmer caught his eye. It was a tiny speck of light, barely visible against the vast expanse of darkness. Spike's heart leaped with a flicker of hope as he dashed towards it, his determination driving him forward. He had to be sure she was ok.

As he drew closer, the light began to grow brighter, and soon he could make out the familiar shape of Shooting Star. Along with Spike, her eyes were still red and puffy from crying and she was frantically looking for Spike. Relief flooded through him as he reached out to his friend, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"Shooting Star, you're okay!" Spike exclaimed. "I was so worried about you."

Shooting Star started sobbing. "I never should have gone through that horrible portal."

Spike's tears started anew again. "Why did we ever agree to go into that portal in the first place? I wish I never saw the things I saw, they're too horrible."

Darkness spoke once again.

"I told you that there were some horrible things that you didn't want to see."

Darkness' voice sent chills down both Spike's and Shooting Star's spine. Not only that, but there was some newfound anger in their emotions as well


Darkness chuckled for a few seconds before the dark void started to dissipate. As the cave started to come back into view, the void itself was being morphed into a creature that looked like Spike and had pure white glowing eyes. Spike and Shooting Star just glared and snarled at the creature that before was a massive void while he just had a smirk on his voice.

"Well, to be honest, you shouldn't have expected anything else."

"Darkness, what do you mean by that?" Spike asked.

"Ah, my dear friends," Darkness replied, its voice echoing through the cavern.. "You see, the alternate realities you witnessed were but reflections of your true importance to existence."

A sense of dread crept over Spike and Shooting Star. The once comforting presence of their friend had morphed into something sinister and foreboding.

"You only saw dark realities because that was all there was when you went through the portal. You never make anypony's life better, as you are completely worthless or ruin their lives further."

The words hit Spike and Shooting Star like a physical blow, leaving them stunned and speechless. They had always believed in the power of friendship and the ability to make a positive impact on the lives of others. But now, faced with Darkness's chilling revelation, they couldn't help but question everything they thought they knew.

Spike's mind raced, trying to make sense of Darkness's words. "But... but we've always tried to help ponies. We've done good things, right?" he stammered, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Shooting Star nodded, her eyes filled with confusion and disbelief. "Yeah, we always help friends when we can countless times. How can that be worthless?"

Darkness gave a big sinister smile to them as he continued explaining while walking around the both of them.

"Shooting Star, the alternate reality that you faced was if your parents never died. They would never be able to support you financially, so they had to resort to getting bits from loan sharks."

Shooting Star was starting to cry again. She never knew this would happen if her parents never died.

"But because of you, they weren't able to pay the loan sharks back, so they burned your home, murdered your mother and made your father their slave. Your parents would still die, but it would be you who sealed their fate."

Shooting Star just broke down sobbing. Spike immediately went over to her to comfort her. As he was comforting her, he glared back at Darkness.


"And now we get to you Spike. Unlike Shooting Star, you actually got to see two things happen instead of one."

Darkness's words sent a shiver down Spike's spine. He listened intently, dreading what he might hear next.

"In one reality, Twilight always let you have fun with them. You would get to go to hangouts, get-togethers, parties and many other outings with her and her friends. The truth is however, that they were only looking for bad things you usually do. Deep down inside their hearts, they're scared of you and they will always be scared of you. They always thought of you as a ticking time bomb, so they knew they had to get rid of you before you did something horrible."

Spike's heart sank as Darkness revealed these horrifying alternate realities. The very foundation of his beliefs and relationships seemed to crumble before him.

"But... but Twilight and her friends... they're like family to me," Spike murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. The thought that they could fear him, that they could see him as a threat, was almost too much to bear.

Darkness chuckled darkly, its presence looming over Spike and Shooting Star like a shadow.

"Ah, but appearances can be deceiving, can't they? Just because they treated you kindly sometimes doesn't mean they didn't harbor doubts and fears about you."

Spike felt a surge of anger and betrayal rising within him. He had always trusted Twilight and her friends, believing in the bonds they shared. To discover that they might see him as a danger was like a knife to his heart.

"Eventually, they found you eating some of the crystal of a crystal house in the Crystal Empire because you were starving. They knew that they could finally get rid of you for commiting a crime, so the very next day, the royal guards ambushed you, put you in a jail cell to starve, beat you senseless, broke your arms and legs and ultimately put you to death."

As Darkness's chilling words hung heavy in the air, Spike and Shooting Star were overwhelmed with a mixture of disbelief, horror, and anger. Spike's heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to comprehend the nightmarish alternate realities that Darkness had unveiled.

"NO! That's not true! Twilight and her friends would never... they couldn't..." Spike's voice trembled with emotion, his mind reeling with the implications of Darkness's revelations.

"Then why are you always left behind whenever they have fun anywhere in Equestria? Why is it that they always make you do work so you're never around them. They're scared of you, all of them. Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, even Applejack and Rainbow Dash. And one of these days, they'll find something to get rid of you once and for all."

Spike just dropped to the ground, crying his eyes out. Shooting Star on the other hand has calmed down and she raced over to Spike. She wrapped her hooves and wings around the sobbing dragon as he buried his face into her chest fur and continued sobbing.

Shooting Star glared daggers into Darkness. "That was uncalled for. You should never say anything this terrible to any creature."

"All I'm saying is the truth my little pony-"

"STOP CALLING US THAT!!" she shouted.

"Now let's move on to the second reality, but unlike the first one that might happen soon, this one actually happened in this universe. You got to see your parents."

Spike just covered his ears, not wanting to relive what he saw. Darkness on the other hand, extended his arms into long ropes and grabbed his arms away from his ears.

"Now that we literally got that out of the way, I shall continue. You were an accident Spike, even at birth. Your father hated you from the moment you were born, and while your mother hated you less than your father, it wasn't by much. Both you're parents thought you were worthless, but only your mother didn't believe in killing younglings. But when she defended you from being killed by your father when he proposed the plan to kill you, he took it the wrong way and murdered her in cold blood, literally."

Spike was having trouble speaking due to sobbing from everything being said. "B-but I thought she loved me. She gave her life to defend me."

Darkness' smirk grew even bigger.

"That's where you're wrong Spike. She might have defended you, but that didn't mean she loved you. It was you that ruined both of their lives. It was you that sealed the fate of your mother and father.

When Darkness finished that sentence, he was enveloped in another light, only this time, it wasn't a pure white light, it was a dark light. Spike and Shooting Star could only watch in horror as he was enveloped in the dark light. It lasted for 15 seconds until he appeared in a completely different form, the form of someone Spike knew all too well.

Twilight Sparkle, at least a dark version of her.

"It's finally happening. The ritual for the prophecy of 800 years has finally begun."

Spike and Shooting Star stared in shock and horror as Darkness transformed into a dark version of Twilight Sparkle before their eyes. The implications of what they were witnessing sent shivers down their spines.

The dark Twilight Sparkle smirked wickedly at them, her eyes glowing with an eerie intensity. Spike's mind raced, trying to comprehend the significance of Darkness taking on the form of his closest friend, albeit in a twisted and malevolent way.

"What... what do you mean, the ritual for the prophecy?" Spike stammered, his voice quivering with fear and confusion.

The dark Twilight chuckled darkly, with Darkness' voice echoing with a chilling resonance that seemed to reverberate through the cavern.

"Ah, dear Spike, Shooting Star, you've stumbled into something far beyond your understanding,"

"Wait, why do you still have Darkness' voice?" Spike asked. "I thought that since you changed into Twilight, then you would have her voice as well."

"That would make me sound like a changeling. I am not that type of creature. I am one to spread fear to all of Equestria

The dark Twilight's response only deepened Spike and Shooting Star's sense of unease. The eerie combination of Twilight's appearance with Darkness's voice created a chilling aura that seemed to permeate the very air around them.

"What... what prophecy are you talking about?" Shooting Star asked, her voice trembling with apprehension.

The dark Twilight's smirk widened as she leaned in closer to them, her eyes gleaming with malice.

"You will know soon Spike. Now for the next part of the ritual, let me get some help."

Darkness then charged up her horn to bring in help. This included dark versions of Twilight's friends, the princesses and Shining Armor. They all surrounded Spike as Spike himself couldn't do anything but tremble in fear.

"Oh, and before I forget Spike, I'm afraid that I haven't been completely honest with you."

Spike looked at Dark Twilight, fear present in his eyes. "What do you mean?"

""I'm not you from an alternate universe, I never was. In truth, I am a being of darkness, insanity and evil. I was created by the mighty King Naeus himself, and my true name is... TIMOR!"

The revelation struck Spike like a bolt of lightning, sending a surge of terror coursing through his veins. The name "Timor" echoed in his mind, conjuring images of darkness and malevolence that chilled him to the core.

"Timor..." Spike whispered, his voice barely audible over the eerie silence that enveloped them.

The dark Twilight, or rather Timor, grinned wickedly at Spike's reaction, reveling in the fear and uncertainty that radiated from him and Shooting Star.

"Yes, Spike, I am Timor, the harbinger of chaos and despair. After King Naeus was defeated by Princess Celestia many centuries ago, I was created and sent out to finish his work."

Timor's voice dripped with malice. He chuckles again as his dark lackeys also did the same.

Spike's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. Everything he thought he knew about Darkness, about Twilight, about the world around him, had been shattered in an instant. He felt a sense of betrayal and helplessness wash over him, knowing that they were now at the mercy of this malevolent entity.

With what little courage he had left, Spike said, "I may not be able to defeat you, but me and Shooting Star will find a way to stop you."

Timor had a deadpan look on his face, a look that said, 'are you serious buddy?'

"So confident words Spike, but it's really too bad that you got things all mixed up."

Timor then turned to the dark version of Pinkie Pie before saying, "Do it"

Dark Pinkie took her party cannon out of nowhere and shot cannonballs at Spike. It hit him and blasted him into a wall, earning a painful grunt from the small dragon.

"SPIKE!!" Shooting Star screamed as she tried to intervene, but couldn't because she was frozen in fear.

"Looks like you aren't going anywhere with that type of pain buddy."

"Stop, stop stop stop.. stop. Please don't hurt him, please don't hurt him, I-I" Shooting Star stammered.

Just then, Dark Cadence picked him up in her magic and said, "Oh, but I don't ever want to stop. His screams are like music to my ears, and his form is so helpless and tiny." She then used some type of dark magic to cause pain to Spike's entire body. Spike screamed a scream that reverberated across the entire cave. It scared Shooting Star ten fold in the process and she let out a wheezy squeak.

Dark Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity stepped up the the injured dragon. Dark Rainbow Dash started, "What do you say girls, should we teach this lowly creature a lesson?" Dark Applejack and Rarity nodded and Dark Rarity used her magic to hold Spike down. Dark Applejack and Rainbow Dash then started beating him up and bruising him all over with Spike giving more pained grunts in response.

Shooting Star was crying. She wanted this to stop and for all of this to be a horrible dream. "I-I can't do anything. I can't move, to-too scared. I'm sorry, I'm sorry-y-y." She loudly sobbed.

Dark Celestia and Luna then stepped up to him, making him more terrified than he has ever been in his life.

"This monster should go back to where it came from, rot with the monsters."

"There's no need to be scared, he has gems of all kinds waiting for him.

"Spi-ike." Shooting Star continued crying as Dark Celestia and Luna unleashed on him what felt like the full power of the sun and moon on Spike, making him scream in total agony for 5 seconds.

They continued hurting and causing Spike pain for another minute until suddenly, a bright dark purple light shot up out of Spike and continued shooting up, causing holes in the cave ceiling until it shot into the sky of the Everfree Forest.


Spike, still recovering from the onslaught of pain, gruntily said, "What happened? What did you just do?"

Timor turned to look at Spike and said happily, "I fulfilled the prophecy of 800 years. As we speak, that dark light you just emitted is turning into the biggest most massive abnormal blizzard you have ever seen. This Spike, is the final storm. A massive blizzard that will never stop until all life in Equestria is dead. That was my plan this entire time Spike. All life in Equestria will die in this blizzard, and you helped make it happen.

Spike's heart sank. Was this really all his fault?

Thank you Spike. If you never have come to my cave, then this would have never happened. You turned your back on those you love to come to me, even your own friends. Not really loyal of you."

Timor's horn then charged up with dark magic. "This, shall be your final scene."

Spike's eyes widened in horror.

"Magic." Upon saying that, he unleashed a magic more powerful than chaos magic onto Spike. Spike took the full brunt of it and he fell unconsious from a pain overload.

Timor, along with his dark lackeys then shot up into the hole that was created by the dark light that shot out of Spike, leaving Spike and Shooting Star alone.

Author's Note:

The name "Timor" actually means something in another language. Whoever guesses it first will get a recommendation from me.