• Published 31st Mar 2024
  • 424 Views, 54 Comments

The Glue of Harmony - Twidashlover123

Spike is alone on Hearths Warming. Strange things happen. What will he do about it

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Talking to a friend

As he walked to his closet, many things were on Spike's mind right now. He was leaving Ponyville and maybe Equestria for good tonight and he was starting to wonder if he was actually ready. Swimming in his mind was also the fact that he saved Ponyville from weird wild beasts yesterday, and now today, he saved Ponyville from black ooze mounds which caused many to go to the hospital. And now a strange letter gets delivered to him from somepony naming himself Spike, saying that he has to meet him in a cave during, "The calm before the final storm." Spike is starting to think that these attacks on Ponyville are not a coincidence and that this creature calling themselves "Spike" is behind all of it.

Spike's heart raced as he mulled over the events of the past few days. The coincidence of his own name being used by this mysterious figure was unsettling. Could it be some twisted prank, or was there a deeper connection that he hadn't yet uncovered? He reached for the letter, examining it closely. The paper was aged and worn, the ink slightly faded, but the message was clear and unnerving. "The calm before the final storm." What did it mean? Was there some impending danger looming over Ponyville, something even more sinister than the recent attacks?

Spike made a decision that before leaving all he's known, he should see what this "Spike" wants from him. Spike knew that he didn't have a life with Twilight and her friends anymore, nor a purpose with them. They surely wouldn't care or even notice if he was even missing. But what about Derpy and the Doctor? They showed him true friendship unlike Twilight and her friends and he hopes that they will be ok after he leaves.

Lost in thought, he didn't notice he arrived at the closet door until he bumped straight into it. Rubbing his forehead, he reached for the handle of the closet door, his mind still grappling with uncertainty. As the door swung open, a wave of nostalgia washed over him. The closet was filled with memories of his time in Ponyville with Twilight and her friends. There were pictures, his double headed costume for Nightmare Night and several gems and trinkets from gem hunting with Rarity. He grabbed one of the very few pictures with him on it along with some gems from his closet. He closed it, placed the items on his bed and went down to the kitchen to grab things. He grabbed more gems, some bits and some "shaving cream." He went to another closet in the castle and found a walking stick and a bandana of sorts. He got back to his room where his other stuff was, put everything in the bandana, tied the bandana to the walking stick to make a knapsack, and got a firm grip on it.

Spike sighed to himself. "I just have to see what this "Spike" guy wants of me and then I'm leaving to find a better life. But first, I should take a nap and then get something to eat right after." So he put the knapsack right next to his bedside, and settled down in his bed. Spike closed his eyes, seeking solace in the embrace of sleep before facing whatever lay ahead. As he drifted off, thoughts of his friends, some old and drifting away, some new, danced through his mind. Twilight, Rarity, Derpy, the Doctor... Each had left an indelible mark on his life in their own way. He shook these thoughts away however, so he could focus on sleeping before his journey, after a few minutes, his mind drifted off and he fell asleep.

Spike woke up a few hours later, and saw that it was darker outside. Spike assumed that while Celestia and Luna were busy having fun celebrating the holiday at the Crystal Empire, they found time to set the sun and rise the moon. His thoughts were interrupted when his stomach growled. He then realized that he hadn't eaten anything for the last few hours. He grabbed his knapsack and untied it to look in it. He saw 75 bits next to his "shaving cream". He decided to go to the Hay Cafe in Ponyville before leaving for dinner, so he put on his coat and hat, put some bits in his coat pocket, left the room and out of the castle.

Ponyville was quiet at this time. Most families were inside their own homes celebrating Hearths Warming eve with their families and telling their little ones about how Equestria was created 3,000 years ago in which the pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies joined together in harmony after an abnormal blizzard which froze everything, thus it created Hearths Warming. The walk to the Hay Cafe was an easy walk with nothing really stopping Spike. When he arrived, there weren't a lot of ponies in there, so he walked in the smell of hay fries and other goods filled his nostrils. He walked over an empty booth in the corner where he sat and waited for his order to be taken. A few minutes later, a waitress walked over to him.

"Hello puddin', what can I get you on this fine Hearths Warming Eve night?" she asked

"I'll just have some hay fries and a chocolate shake please." he told her.

"Alright puddin'. Coming right up." And with that, she went to the backrooms to get some hay fries and a chocolate shake.

As Spike was waiting, an important thought jumped into his head. He didn't know where this cave was. He was pondering where this specific cave may be for 2 minutes until his thoughts were interrupted by the waitress coming back with his order.

"Here's your order puddin'. That will be 5 bits." Spike opened his coat pocket and took out 5 bits to give to the waitress.

"Why thank you puddin'. Enjoy your food and have an excellent Hearths Warming." With that, she walked away, leaving Spike to his own devices. Spike ate his hay fries and his milkshake while also dipping his fries into the milkshake every once in a while. After he was finished, he got up from his table and left the cafe.

Spike was walking around, trying to figure out where the cave may be, when he heard a choir singing not far from the outskirts of town. The sound of the choir piqued Spike's curiosity. He wondered what could be happening on the outskirts of Ponyville on such a quiet night. With a mix of caution and intrigue, Spike followed the direction of the sound until he reached its source. As he approached, he saw a gathering of ponies illuminated by lanterns and candles, standing on a small stage. They were singing traditional Hearth's Warming carols, their voices harmonizing in the chilly night air. Spike felt a twinge of nostalgia as he remembered past Hearth's Warming celebrations with Twilight and her friends and once again asked himself "Where did that time go?"

He sat down in a random chair, listening to the beautiful song that was being sung by the choir. He looked around the area and saw a few ponies there in the chairs, but there was one pony that caught his eye. He saw the familiar black fur and orange and yellow mane and tail and the meteor cutie mark. Spike knew this pony as Shooting Star. He got a better look at her and saw that she had tears rolling down her eyes while sniffling.

Spike's heart twinged with concern at the sight of Shooting Star's tears. He knew Shooting Star as a usually cheerful and optimistic pony who loved giving hugs, so seeing her distressed was unexpected. Quietly, Spike approached her, trying not to disturb the choir's performance. He went over to her and Shooting Star looked over at him.

"Um, hi Shooting Star." Spike greeted, not knowing what to say.

"Oh, umm... Hi Spike." Shooting Star greeted, like Spike, not knowing what to say.

"Do you mind if I sit down next to you?"

"Not at all Spike. I could actually use some company." So he sat down next to her. Neither of them moved for a minute before Spike just decided to give her a hug. Shooting Star froze up as she was somewhat surprised.

Spike felt her freeze for a minute so he told her, "I feel like you need a hug right now. Besides, you love giving hugs, so I think it's time that the favor was returned and I give you a hug."

Spike's words were comforting, and Shooting Star slowly relaxed into the hug, her body tenseness melting away bit by bit. She leaned into Spike's embrace, feeling the warmth and reassurance it offered.

"Thanks Spike." she murmured, her voice still filled with emotion.

"May I ask why you're crying Shooting Star?" Spike asked.

"It's just that Hearths Warming just brings back pretty bad memories for me. Ever since a few years ago, Hearths Warming has filled me with nothing but dread and made me hate the holiday."

"I don't mean to pry Shooting Star, but what happened that made you dislike Hearths Warming?" Spike asked her, hoping the story isn't too bad.

She smiled at him before saying, "Its ok Spike. I appreciate your concern, but I can tell you." Her face and tone turned serious then. "My father was a very inspirational pony, spreading inspiration to everypony around him. That was how he met her wife and my mother. After 2 years of dating, they eventually got married and a year later, they had me." she told him before continuing.

"Life was perfect for the 3 of us for the next 9 years with my dad being still as inspirational as ever, and my mom showing nothing but love and kindness to everyone around her, especially me and my dad. But all that changed one day when my dad saw a flier for the Canterlot royal guard." Shooting Star paused, her voice trembling slightly as she recalled the painful memories. "He was always passionate about serving Equestria, so he decided to join the Royal Guard. My mom and I were so proud of him, but little did we know that it would be the last time we'd see him." Spike's gut dropped at that, but he still listened with empathy and concern.

"During his first mission, there was an accident," Shooting Star continued, her voice growing quieter, saying in between sobs. "A terrible accident that took his life, and I don't really know the exact details. I was devastated. My mom, she... she couldn't bear the loss. She fell into despair, and it changed her. She became distant, withdrawn, spending nearly every minute of every day in her room either crying or drinking. She stopped spreading her kindness and love and she started acting all hostile towards me as a result of it. And... a few months later, on Hearths Warming Eve, I found her dead in her room. She was hanging on a rope that was hanging on the ceiling, indicating she took her own life. Since then, Hearths Warming has been a painful reminder of what I've lost." She said before ultimately breaking down into tears.

Spike felt his heart ache for Shooting Star as she poured out her story. He couldn't imagine the pain she must have endured losing both of her parents, especially during what was supposed to be a joyous time of year. He tightened his hug around her, offering what comfort he could.

"I... I'm so sorry, Shooting Star. I had no idea you had to go through so much. I can't even begin to imagine what you've been through. Losing both your parents like that... it's just... it's heartbreaking." he said. Shooting Star rested her head on his shoulders and sniffled.

"Thank you so much for being here for me tonight. You really are a kind dragon." Her words were starting to make Spike tear up too. Why couldn't Twilight, her friends or the princesses see what Shooting Star sees in him? He started sniffling too. This wasn't lost on Shooting Star however.

"Spike? Are you Ok?"

"Y-yeah, I-i'm fine." he said. Shooting Star wasn't convinced in the slightest.

"Spike, if you think telling me your problems after me telling you mine will be selfish, then you're wrong. We all should seek comfort in those we trust, and we can trust each other." she told him.

Spike looked down and sighed. "All my friends and family abandoned me again." he told her.

"What do you mean?"

"My friends and family are celebrating Hearths Warming Eve at the Crystal Empire. However, they didn't even bother to bring me. They never bring me along to anything fun, whether it be in the Crystal Empire, Canterlot or literally anywhere in Equestria, they never bring me along to anything. I wasn't even invited to my own caretakers birthday party in Canterlot. They just make me stay at home so I could cook and clean everything in the castle. Guess you could say that I'm basically a slave to them." Shooting Star became shocked at this.

"They never bring you along to anything? Do you remember any time they brought you along to something?"

"There are a few times I was brought along to something, but I was the butt of any joke they threw at each other. Like this one time, I was invited to the dragon migration a few years back, but in the end they just called my lame because I was small and wearing an apron." he said looking down.

Shooting Star was mortified. She couldn't believe the kind and loving dragon could get treated this way by his friends. He deserved better and she knows it.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that Spike, but I promise you that I will never treat you the same way as your other friends do." she said looking very serious.

Spike smiled. "Thanks Shooting Star, but I'm going to be honest. I'm leaving this place for good tonight." This worried Shooting Star."

"Is it because of the treatment of your friends?"

"Mostly, but there's another reason to it. I got this strange letter from somepony impersonating as me telling me to go to a cave 3 hours away if I want to see all I hold dear again. After I see what's happening, then I'm leaving for good."

"Oh my. Are you gonna be ok?" she asked

"I don't know, but I don't want to see you or anypony else suffer." Spike told her. She then made a decision that she would help Spike figure out what's going on and journey with him to the cave.

"I'm coming with you Spike." This shocked him.

"Wait what? Are you sure? I want you to be safe and I don't want you to be killed because of me."

"I don't want you to get yourself killed either. I'm your friend and a true true friend helps a friend in need and they always look out for each other."

Spike smiled. "Thanks. I was actually going to that cave before I heard this choir singing and talking to you."

"Then this would be the perfect time to get to the cave. Let's go."

"Shooting Star, wait." She stopped dead in her tracks and turned around to face Spike.

"Yes Spike?" She asked

"Before we leave, I wanna be honest with you. A few nights ago, I had a dream about you." Spike said looking away, while Shooting Star's face turned red.

"You... You did?"

"Yeah. I was walking around Ponyville before we saw each other before you greeted me and started hugging me, then everything went dark and a dark version of me appeared and---" his face turned to horror.

"Spike, what's wrong?" Shooting Star asked.

"I think I may know who sent me that ominous letter. A dark version of me appeared and talked to me before leaving my dream. That might be him who sent the letter. He might also be the one responsible for this snowstorm, the weird wild beasts and the mounds of black ooze. If everything I said is true, then... This is worse than I thought. We need to get to that cave ASAP!" Spike said.

"Then we need to go now." With that, Shooting Star and Spike leapt from their seats and away from the small stage. They ran until they were in the marketplace which was all fixed up. "So do you have any idea where this cave might be?" she asked.

"Actually no. I know that the cave is 3 hours away but I don't know which direction the actual cave is in." Spike said sheepishly.

"Seriously?" she asked with a deadpan look. Just then, 2 lights illuminated the air. One was red and one was white. They both travelled to the duo where the white morphed into the paper with circles and letters, only this time there was an additional H to one of the circles, meaning that only one circle was left to be filled before the big one was all that was left, while the red light hit the ground and created arrows that lead straight into the Everfree Forest.

"Well these arrows might lead us to that cave, so we should follow them. Are you ready Shooting Star?" Spike asked.

"Yes I am Spike. Onward and Upward." And with that, they ventured into the Everfree forest, ready for the cave and whatever danger may cross them. They had to get to the Dark Alternate Spike before another plan of his plays out.

Author's Note:

I'm not gonna lie, I teared up a little when I was writing Spike's and Shooting Star's conversation.

Also, what do you think the letters on the paper could possibly mean