• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 5,219 Views, 111 Comments

The Great and Powerful ... Walter? - Westphalian_Musketeer

In a world where dozens of bronies are becoming characters from My Little Pony, Walter Krimm finds himself foisted with the body of the Great and Powerful Trixie. Now a closet brony is stuck dealing with a character known for drawing attention.

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Ch. 3: The Grand Reveal

I floated over a chair to my door and braced it shut. I didn't have much time before my mother--


... Before my mother, Greta Krimm, started demanding I come up for breakfast. I couldn't very well call out to her to answer, I had Trixie's voice now. I comforted myself knowing that somewhere in the world, some poor sod was likely going through a similar experience.

I cleared my throat and then tried to speak as lowly as I could. "Hi, mum." By the sun and moon, I sounded like one of those women who had a chip on their shoulder about men. There was no time to refine my voice to a modicum of what it once was. Stomping footsteps were coming down the stairs and towards my room.

A loud knocking came at the door. "Walter, come out! Breakfast is ready! Are you still asleep?"

"NO! I'm awake, don't come in here!" I called back, wincing as I strained my voice octaves lower than it usually was.

"Are you sick? You sound sick, do you want me to get a Tylenol?" my mother asked from outside my room.

"No, I'm not sick, I just..."

"Are you masturbating?" Jeez, now I knew it was my mother's side of the family that I got my bluntness from. "I'll just leave you alone, it's pancakes and sausage for breakfast by the way."

"Wait don't go!" I clapped (clopped?) my hooves to my mouth. I had done away with my fake voice. There was silence from the other side of the door.

"Walter..." my mother began. "Is there someone in there with you?"

"No, I have something I need to tell you but I really need to do it at my own pace, okay?" I called out through the door.

I moved to my bed and hopped back on, laying on a corner and trying to make myself as unassuming as possible. It was easily done and I called out again.

"Promise me you won't scream when you see me?" I called out.

"Why does your voice sound like that? Did something happen to you last night?" she questioned.

"I guess something did, but it will make sense once I explain everything." I used my magic to lift the chair away from the door. It opened slightly and I saw my mother enter my room.

She looked right at me and our eyes met. I smiled slightly to indicate myself. Her eyes widened.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"The Great and-! I mean, mom, it's me, your son, Walter, I've become... well... this." My mother fell to her knees and I was left worrying if she'd faint and hit her head on something.

"I don't... you look like one of those..." She began.

"Ponies from that children's show that my younger cousins watch, yes." I completed her sentence for her. I might as well have done this fast, like ripping off a band-aid, or pulling out a railroad spike out of one's leg. No point in dilly-dallying, I continued.

"The show is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and, as I am sure you know, it has adult audiences as well. I am one of these adult members, bronies, some people call it. This morning I woke up like this, no idea how it happened." I looked at my mother and waited for her to talk.

"I heard something about this on Yahoo, but I just thought it was a joke." She said.

I shook my head. "Nope, it's real, near as I can tell."

My mother stood up again. "How are you handling this so well?"

"I got through my doubts about an hour ago, it's not so bad, sure, I'm shorter than a lot of midgets now, but..." I gestured to my horn with a hoof. "I'm a unicorn, and I'm able to perform magic, like this."

I concentrated on my alarm clock beside me and lifted it up, waved it around to make sure my mom noticed it, and set it back down.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a brony until this happened?" That question hurt a bit.

"I don't go insisting to know every single detail about your leisure time. In fact there are moments when I would prefer it if you remained silent on such matters. I guess I was just extending the same courtesy, no point in telling everypony my little hobby." Oh dear, I had just used another ponyism, hopefully that didn't worry her.

"So what now?"

"Now," I said, standing up. "We have breakfast, and tell dad."

"How do we go about it?" Mom asked.

"I suppose I should just get it over with quickly, or would you prefer to tell him a few things first?"

"I don't really know what I'd tell him, I don't know much about this show..."

"Would you like to see an episode? I look a great deal similar to one of the characters in it." She nodded.

With a glowing horn I set up my laptop to play "Boast Busters" on youtube. When the end credits my mother looked at me.

"You were rather prideful when you were younger. Trixie, huh." My mother was looking at the wall with a blank expression on her face.

I stood up again and walked towards her. She looked at me and smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"You're wearing shorts, but you're so small they're like a full set of pants."

"Yes well, I didn't want you to see me naked, least I could do."

"Come on, let's go tell dad."

I followed her through the basement and to the stairs where I stopped. The stairs were a varnished wood, and I was worried to slip, given the steep incline. I lifted one hoof to the step and my mother, already half way up, looked back at me. I lifted another hoof and pulled my self up onto the next step. I had once been able to take the steps two at a time, no longer. It was now more like climbing a ladder than a set of stairs, but I made it, and was standing by our house's kitchen. I walked to the living room next to it and laid myself down on the ground.

"Alright, you bring him over," I said.

My mother went back to her room to retrieve dad and I was left sitting on the floor. I shifted my legs out from underneath me and took in a sharp breath as the fly of my pants rubbed along my underside. Crud, I'd forgotten to put on underpants, and now the still cold metal zipper was driving me nutty. I waited, and tried to hold still, finally I gave up and stood. It had been five minutes since I had laid down. Mother was taking a long time.

"He's what?" I heard from the bedroom and immediate footsteps.

I rolled my eyes and waited to be noticed by my dad, Frederick Krimm. His eyes skipped over me, literally, he was looking to high up to see me.

"Ahem," I said, waiting for his eyes to lower over me.

"What are you?"

"Nice to see you too dad," I deadpanned, I wasn't in the mood for entertaining any delay in explaining the situation. "I have, for some reason, turned into Trixie Lulamoon, unicorn mare illusionist of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." I waved a fore hoof in front of me and struck a pose.

Dad was staring at me. He opened his mouth to speak. "This was on the news."

"Mom told me something similar, perhaps you could turn on the television and we can all be informed of this situation?"

Without questioning my father walked over to where he kept the remotes and used one to turn on the TV.