• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 5,224 Views, 111 Comments

The Great and Powerful ... Walter? - Westphalian_Musketeer

In a world where dozens of bronies are becoming characters from My Little Pony, Walter Krimm finds himself foisted with the body of the Great and Powerful Trixie. Now a closet brony is stuck dealing with a character known for drawing attention.

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Ch. 7 Fans

I looked around to assess the situation. I was in the middle of a swamp in Alabama, on top of a gigantic gummy bear summoned by Discord. With me were Enrique and Pablo, now inhabiting the bodies of Snips and Snails respectively. Lastly were my resources: one star-studded set of a cape and hat, and the bags that had been inside the overturned car, and a ceiling fan. The first and last items had been helpfully provided by everyone’s favorite disordered draconequus.

I stepped to the pile of supplies and fished around the disordered contents, hoping to find something I could use as a paddle. As I searched Pablo was helping Enrique learn to walk. The sugary gelatin assisted the effort by cushioning Enrique every time he fell.

“Laptop, no, ice scraper, why would we even need that this far south? Uggh! Nothing!” I shouted as I backed out of the car. “There is nothing here we can use as a paddle! And I don’t think I packed enough clothes to make a sail!”

“¿Tal vez tú puedes usar tu magia?” Pablo piped up.

“English please, something about magic?” I returned.

“He said,” Enrique offered, “‘maybe you can use your magic?’”

“The biggest thing I’ve been able to move was a desk back in my home,” I replied. Seating myself on our sugary island, I gestured to the gummy bear and the car. “This is a little bigger.”

Enrique wobbled up onto his four legs and walked over to the ceiling fan discord had left. “We could use this fan, push the gummy bear like an air boat.”

I pondered for a moment and lifted a hoof to my chin. “That might actually work,” I said. “Okay, Pablo, Enrique, stick the ceiling fan in place and I can spin the blade. But be careful, I don’t want your horns to be damaged. It would hardly do for my retinue to look bedraggled.” Oh dear, that last sentence should have stayed inside.

Pablo immediately complied while Enrique raised an eyebrow at me before going to stand beside his brother. The two of them braced the ceiling fan against the gummy bear and had it positioned so it was facing opposite of the highway about one hundred feet away. I focused my magic and began to imagine it spinning the fan blades. My horn glowed and a matching soft blue glow surrounded the fan. When it started spinning, I put more effort behind the spell and was pleased to see the blades turn faster. I scrunched my eyes to squeeze as much energy as I could when Enrique spoke out.


“Not now,” I interrupted, “I’m trying to get us back to the highway!”

“But you’re spinning the fan the wrong way!” he yelled in response.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I groaned when I saw that the highway was now a little smaller. “FUCK!” I yelled, trying to regain control of my magic and spin the fan the other way. It ground to a halt and then began spinning in correct direction. “Alright!” I called once the gummy bear started moving towards the highway.

The candy island floated slowly over the brackish water, I cast a quick glance backward and smiled as I began seeing individual scratches in the metal of the guard rail. Then the gummy bear bounced off the shore. “Oh come on! You were going too fast!” Enrique shouted. Soon we settled a dozen feet from shore.

I breathed in deeply, trying to gather myself. I failed and began stomping about, my hooves thumping the glucose ground beneath them. “Dang-blasted, foul-throated, thunder-humper!” I shouted, supressing my urge to delve into ear-singeing invectives.

“Trixie?” Pablo questioned.

“I’m Walter!” I screamed. “I’m Walter and I will be the one to accomplish this. ME! Not her! This is a problem, and its going to be my mind that solves it.” I huffed and started pacing. “Okay, its only a few dozen feet, maybe we could swim? But then all our stuff would be ruined. We can’t go to New York soaking in swamp juice! I would never stoop to that!”

I stopped in my tracks as grin formed on my face, a wonderful idea forming. I trotted back to the pile and retrieved one of the most useless items I could find, one of the maxi-pads I had packed before I had left home. I set it on the ground and looked at it. A few moments later I looked over at the side of the highway, then back at the pad. This time I imagined the hygienic product appearing in the ditch a dozen feet away. I felt a tension in my horn, like the resistance you feel when chopping a frozen vegetable. With a pop I looked back to the ditch and saw a little white package by the road.

“Perfect!” I announced, turning to Pablo and Enrique. The two fellow ponies were looking at me attentively. “Help me gather everything we’ll need,” I requested. “I think I might be able to teleport us the last little distance.”

A few minutes later we had decided on our supplies. It was mostly toiletries, food, our wallets, and one set of clothes apiece that we all stuffed into one bag. In addition was my laptop; it was my connection to what was going on in the rest of the world, and I would be damned if I was going to find myself in the middle of nowhere without it. As long as I could find some place with WiFi, I would be able to keep on top of events. With Discord prancing about making everypony’s lives difficult, that was going to become more important.

I focused my magic again and imagined it instantly transporting us to the highway. The spell came easier this time, and I felt a shifting of myself as I landed on the soft grass. The next instant a cutting headache arched through my horn. I panicked as I felt energy continue to drain from myself. I didn’t even have time to pronounce the first thought in my head, “Balls.”


“Ugh,” I moaned as my eyes fluttered open. “Last time I use the Trixie branch of FedEx.”

When my eyes fully opened I looked around, total blackness. I stood up with a start and cast my head every which way, terrified, was I blind?

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is not interested in shipping.”

I turned to the source and gave a sigh, which quickly developed into a gasp as I saw who had spoken. It was Trixie, the Trixie. Cap, cape, smug expression, she had it all. I looked down at my body and saw total blackness.

“So you don’t even let me see my body in my dreams, huh?” I asked.

Trixie looked confusedly at me, or perhaps through me.

“That is well within the Great and Powerful Trixie’s ability!” she announced after shaking her head.

“Right, how many fingers am I holding up?” I asked. I had a sense of self that told me I had fingers, and I directed them to raise up three.

“Ummmmm, four?” the blue unicorn offered.

“Wrong, you can’t see me either,” I answered.

“You are clearly lying to Trixie in an attempt to shore up your own woefully neglected pride in an instant of weakness.” She turned her head to the side and huffed.

“My weakness? It was your body that went and conked out the moment I teleported something a few dozen feet.” I kept my voice level. No point in escalating things beyond the truth.

“You overstepped our boundaries, and you paid the price, now you’re stuck here until her magical reserves recover,” Trixie replied.

“Like you did with your boasting about taking out an Ursa Major?” I retorted. I tilted my head slightly; it was odd, not seeing the movement in relation to my body, to any body in my possession.

“Exactly like that,” she responded.

I drew my head back and stated, “I never thought you would own up to that mistake.”

“And I never thought you were going to come out of the brony closet as quickly as you did,” she deadpanned, tilting her head as I had done previously.

“You... you knew... know about that?” My heart raced slightly. I had been keeping that little detail on the down low. It was something I wasn’t interested in addressing.

“Yes, you aren’t so different from myself. There’s a bit of a disconnect between what seems and what is. And now we’re rubbing off on each other.” Trixie stepped closer to me. “So, one being's unwarranted modesty with another’s unearned pride? Do you think you could allow this?” she asked.

“And be greater than the sum of our parts...” I drifted off, lowering myself to her. “So, when I wake up, you help me with magic, and I keep you from getting into a world of trouble?”

“And you have to start letting others call you Trixie, the Great and Powerful bit can be put aside until we thoroughly trounce Discord!” Trixie replied.

“Walter and Trixie, a showoff and a closet-brony, I like it!” I announced, reaching an invisible hand to her hoof.

When I felt my hand clasp it, her image faded. A few moments later white began seeping into my vision.


When the white became overwhelming my eyes snapped open to Snails' face inches from my own. His lips were puckered and his eyes were closed. Reflexively, I extended my fore-hooves, connecting with his muzzle and pushing him away with all haste.

“What they hell are you doing!” I yelled. “How dare you presume to assert yourself upon the Trixie! We are outraged!”

Pablo cowed his head. “Sorry! You had been asleep for hours, and I thought I saw you stop breathing!”

Enrique stepped down the ditch from the highway. “What is going on here?” he yelled.

I pointed a hoof at the orange colt in front of me. “This young buck tried to kiss us!”

Enrique stepped to Pablo and glowered. “Brother, I’ve told you a thousand times to respect... sorry for saying this Walter, women. Do you understand me brother?”

Pablo nodded. “Yes.”

“Anything you have to say to her... him?” Enrique pressed.

“I’m sorry Tri--”

“He wants to be called Walter,” Enrique interrupted.

“Actually we are quite fine with being referred to as Trixie,” I interjected. This caused both to look at me with puzzlement in their eyes.

“You are?” Enrique queried.

“¿Nosotros?” Pablo added.

“Yes, we are fine with being called Trixie,” I responded. “And you may also refer to us as she, or her, if you feel so inclined.”

“But that doesn’t answer my question,” Pablo said. “Why are you referring to yourself as ‘we’? Isn’t that something Luna does?”

“Uuuuummm, we’ve finally come to terms with our situation. Walter spoke in the first person, Trixie in the third. Taken together, we suppose that we end up with the royal ‘we’?” I glanced nervously at my two travelling partners.

This is just great, royal ‘we’? I though you said you wanted to cut back on the showboating? I pressed inside our mind.

Oh, don’t be such a bother, Trixie responded in our head, consider it good exercise for your confidence.

I sighed and looked at the two unicorn colts again.

“Well, as long as you don’t start calling me Snips,” Enrique requested.

I nodded to the dark green unicorn in answer.

“You can call me whatever you want Trixie!” Pablo responded excitedly.

“We think we’ll stick to calling you Pablo, and never touch us again,” I added.

I looked around at the sky and noticed it was night time. I cast a look at Enrique and asked, “What time is it?”

He shuffled through a pile of our stuff and took out a cell-phone. He examined it and then turned back to me. “Ten o’clock.”

“Well, there’s no sense in walking about in the dark. Might as well get some sleep. Are there any signs of a town, or a gas station, nearby?” In response to my question Enrique shook his head.

“That just leaves us with one thing then,” I announced, walking to the pile of our supplies. I pulled out Trixie’s hat and cape and put them on. When I saw Enrique staring at me I chuckled sheepishly. “What? I thought it looked nicer than the pair of shorts I was going around in!”