• Published 11th Jan 2013
  • 1,493 Views, 39 Comments

Wrath of the Broken Crown - Doctor Magnum

Who is The Writer? Where did he come from? Why is he on Equestria? What is the Fire he keeps talking about? What is the Crown and Sword he seeks and where are they? The denizens of Equestria are about to embark on an epic quest to find the answers.

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Chapter 1: The Wish And The Arrival

This story begins, as some do, on a clear, quiet, peaceful night on a strange world filled with magic. We find six friends lying on a grassy hill, stargazing. They see a falling star and gaze in wonder at its brilliance, unaware that the star contained something that would change their lives and everyone else's lives on that world......forever.
He was called The Writer.

Twilight had been looking forward to this night ever since she scheduled it at the beginning of the week. After a long week of shopping and studying it felt good to just lie back and gaze into the night sky. The fact that her five friends could also join her made it that much better. They were lying in the grass and stargazing together, finding constellations and generally seeing who could count all the stars in the sky. They had had a picnic together earlier while they were waiting for the sun to set, the remains of which lay behind them on a checkered blanket. On that blanket amongst the plates and silverware, lay a sleeping purple and green baby dragon. Snoring loudly, small puffs of smoke would escape his nostrils with each exhale.

"It really is a beautiful night." said the one called Rarity. Her eyes sparkled from the light of the stars as she gazed upward.

"I gotta admit this is pretty neat." said the pegasus Rainbow Dash.

"Thank you all for coming" said Twilight, "This is the best night ever."

Unbeknownst to her, it was about to get a lot more interesting.

Twilight suddenly noticed a flash of light in the sky and turned to see a brilliant falling star slowly making its way across the sky.

She gasped and the others noticing, spotted the star as well and each of them gasped in turn. Their faces were full of wonder as they stared at the comet.

"Where did that come from?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I don't know." said Twilight, who had gotten up and was now looking at the star through her telescope. "But it's amazing. I've never seen one of that size before. And its glow is just brilliant."

"It's like the most brilliant diamond in the universe." said Rarity wistfully.

"It’s beautiful." said Fluttershy in a soft voice.

The others stared speechless, even Pinkie Pie who only managed to whisper "wow" at the sight of the falling star.

Nearby in a small town other ponies were noticing the star as well, stopping in the streets or looking at it through open windows. Each one transfixed by the brilliant comet.

But far away, in a great city built into the side of a mountain, in the castle where the two Princesses lived, Princess Luna was gazing at the comet too. But her face wasn't one of wonder; it was one of confusion and apprehension. One of her guards noticed this and approached the princess.

"What is wrong, your highness? It's a beautiful night tonight is it not? The moon is full and brilliant, and would you look at that amazing falling star. I've never seen anything like it!"

"That’s the problem" said the princess.

"Whatever do you mean?" asked the guard.

"I don't know. It's just that that comet feels out of place, like......like it's invading my night sky. It shouldn't be there."

The guards face was one of confusion as he and the princess continued to watch the star in silence.

Back on the hill, Twilight turned towards her friends and said, “You know girls, it’s said that if you make a wish on a falling star it’ll come true.

Rainbow Dash sat up excitedly, “I wish we could all go on another adventure. It’s been way to boring around here and we need something exciting to happen again.”

The others all nodded except Fluttershy who whispered, “Oh….I don’t know Rainbow. You should be careful what you wish for you know? Uh but its whatever you want….”

Applejack put a hoof around the shy pony and said, “Ah come on Fluttershy. We jus want somethin exciting to do, it don’t have to be dangerous.”

No sooner had the words left her mouth then the so called falling star suddenly turned, altering its course as if guided by some unseen hand, and rocketed straight towards the planet below.

Back on the hill, Twilight noticed this through the telescope and said, “Huh…What’s it doing?”

The friends watched the star’s sudden change in confusion when suddenly Rarity spoke up, “Um girls? Is it just me or is that comet getting bigger?”

Suddenly a soft rumbling could be heard and the glow from the comet turned from white to a bright orange as it entered the atmosphere. The faces of the six friends changed from wonder to horror as they realized what was happening.

“Oh no,” said Twilight, “It’s gonna crash into the planet!”

“And it’s headed straight for the town!” cried Rainbow Dash.

Back in Canterlot, both Princess Luna and the guard gasped in horror as they witnessed the stars entrance into the atmosphere. Luna tracked the path of the comet and realized in horror where it was going to land.

She turned to the guard and said in a commanding tone, “Wake my sister and alert Shining Armor! It’s going to hit Ponyville!”

The guard paled at her words but regained his composure quickly. “At once your majesty!” he said before sprinting off.

Luna turned back to the star and continued to watch it’s decent. She knew there was nothing she could do to stop the star. She could only watch and pray for the safety of the town.

Back in Ponyville, citizens were starting to panic as they saw the star barreling straight towards them. Ponies ran through the streets trying to get out of the path of the meteor. Suddenly a loud explosion was heard and everyone looked up in shock to see the star suddenly break apart. Several pieces fell from the star and scattered over the planet. Two of these pieces landed not too far from the town in a massive forest. The star was now suddenly reduced in size but continued its path towards the town.

Back on the hill the explosion rocked the six friends and the noise woke the young dragon from his slumber. He sat up yawning and rubbed his eyes as he woke up.

“What’s going on you guys?” he asked lazily before turning his head and finding himself staring directly into a fireball.

He yelled as he beheld the comet, mere feet away from the top of the hill. Twilight yelled “DUCK!” as she grabbed the dragon and threw herself on the ground. The others followed suit as the comet rocketed overhead. The sound was deafening, the ponies covered their ears as they felt the comet barely miss the hilltop. Twilight, despite the sound and heat, managed to look up at the star as it passed over. Time seemed to slow as she looked into the star. She saw what looked like a fiery crystal, and inside…… “Was that a face?” she thought.

She could have sworn she saw a strange face inside but regardless of what she thought the comet continued its path towards the ground. It hit the ground and skipped over a river before hitting the ground again with a blinding white flash. It continued to slide along the ground tearing out trees and obliterating rocks that were unfortunate enough to be in its way. The sound of the impact rocked the town as buildings shook from the power of the stars landing.

It skid a good distance before coming to a slow stop on a path directly in front of the gate to Sweet Apple Acres. Behind it laid a huge trench and several fires were seen in the grass around it. At the site of where the comet stopped all that could be seen was a pile of earth and rubble and thick smoke. A soft light still seemed to glow from the spot where the star stopped for a few minutes and then faded out.

By that time, ponies were starting to gather around it, wondering what it could possibly be. Three ponies came up to it from the farm it had nearly destroyed, a big red stallion, an elderly green mare, and a small filly with a big red bow who hid behind the red stallion.

“What in tarnation is that?” asked Granny Smith. “Did that mail pony crash into the gate again?”

But the stallion remained silent, watching the pile in case anything dangerous should appear. Some of the braver ponies started to approach the site, trying to look into the crater. Suddenly he heard a voice from the crowd.

“Big Mac! Keep everyone away from that thing!” He looked and saw his sister, Applejack appear with her friends in tow. He and a few others started to herd everyone away from it, giving the six friends room to examine the strange object.

As the six friends slowly approached the pile of rubble where the star lay, Twilight wondered what could be underneath. Fluttershy and Rarity were hanging back, nervous to approach it. Rainbow Dash flew over it trying to see through the smoke.

“What do you think it is?” she asked Twilight.

“I don’t know” she replied.

Suddenly Pinkie Pie perked up, “Ooh ooh what if it’s an alien?! Then we could throw it a “Welcome to Equestria” party!”

“Pinkie ah highly doubt it’s an alien” said Applejack.

At that point some of the smoke had cleared away and Twilight, having gathered her courage, stepped towards the pile as she tried to see what was inside. Suddenly she saw something poking out of the earth and rubble. She gasped as it came into focus through all the smoke. The others heard and looked too, their reactions were no different.

“Ew! What is that?” cried Rainbow Dash.

It looked to Twilight like a strange hoof with five appendages. It was broad and hairless and looked like it could grab her whole face. The foreleg behind it was wrapped in some kind of strange black cloth. The hoof lay open and limp so she approached it and looked closer at it. She could see several scratches and burns on it. She gently nudged it with her nose wondering if it would react. As she pulled away the strange hoof fell back down, having not made a single reaction. For a silent moment, nothing moved.

Twilight straightened her head up disappointed when suddenly it moved. It stretched out as if reaching for her. She yelled at its sudden movement and shot out of the crater along with her friends. They watched as the the five appendages came together into a ball and try to move but found that it was unable to.

“W-wh-what is that thing?” stammered Rainbow Dash.

Everyone watched apprehensively as the hoof opened back up and slammed down onto the ground. A strange sound suddenly came from the rubble, it sounded like groaning or was it growling? Then the pile started to shake as something underneath began to heave the rocks. Then another leg exploded out of the pile. It too had a strange hoof that was curled in a ball. It slammed down onto the ground and the pile began to slowly move away as a shape began to rise up from the rocks.

It was rather large and they could see it was trying to stand on two back legs. As it started to throw off some of the heavier rocks it let out a rather loud noise, startling the ponies. Pinkie Pie stood up and pointed at the creature and yelled, “ITS AN ALIEN!”

At that point many ponies were starting to panic, some ran away and others hid as the creature continued to try and stand. Twilight tried to figure out what to do, should she cast a spell and knock it out or put up a shield?

Then the creature finally managed to shove off all of the stone that had lain on top of it and stood at its full height. Twilight stared at the creature, not believing how tall it was. It was at least 7 feet tall and muscular. It was clothed in the same black cloth as before around its chest, back and forelegs and its hind legs were covered in a strange, dark blue, dense looking material. Its feet were clad in a pair of big boots and its head was covered in long dark hair that obscured its face.

The ponies were frozen with fear as they beheld the size of the creature. It slowly started to stagger forward out of the crash site and approached the six standing before it.

“Don’t come any closer!” yelled Applejack suddenly.

The creature stopped a few feet before them and looked at her, she could see past the dark mat of hair were two intense pure white eyes that seemed to bore into her soul. She cowered under the creatures stare as it looked over each of the six standing in front of it. Rarity felt herself grow faint as the creatures gaze passed over her. Rainbow Dash shut her eyes when it looked at her and Fluttershy cowered down, covering her head and whimpering as the thing looked down at her. Then it looked at Twilight, as she looked into its eyes she suddenly started hearing something like……screaming and possibly crying but it was very faint. She looked over its body and was shocked to see it was covered in many cuts and burns, its clothes torn in many places. It was also holding its right foreleg close to it like it was broken and she could see blood was starting to drip down its face.

Then the creature turned to Pinkie Pie. The party pony’s face was one of no reaction for a few seconds before she stood on her back legs and started waving up at the creature with a huge smile and said, “Hi mister alien guy, nice to meet you! Please don’t eat us!”

The other ponies just stared at her, dumbfounded at her sudden change in reaction. But the creature did not say anything back. In fact it acted like it hadn't even heard what she said. Twilight noticed it seemed to be in a daze as it started to turn around taking in its surroundings. It stopped when it saw the crash scene behind it and the multiple fires that had started around the ditch in the ground. The grass was catching quickly and even a tree had gone up. The creature suddenly growled at the scene before it and to everyone’s surprise started speaking.

“Fire…” it said, its voice a whisper, “Extingues omne fire!”

The last sentence was much louder and startled the ponies. Twilights eyes were huge as she realized the creature could talk and had a language all its own as well as her language. She was debating whether to start asking it questions when suddenly the creature began to glow. The wind picked up and started to swirl around the creature making its hair blow around its face. The white glow from it became brighter and brighter until it burst and the creature became surrounded by lightning. The electric power coursed through its limbs and flew around its body. The sight before them terrified the ponies as they watched the creature raised its left foreleg and held it straight out. Its five strange appendages on its hoof shaped into a claw and the electricity began to head up its foreleg and to the tips of them where a ball of power began to form. When all the lightning had formed together in its hand and the wind seem to hit its climax, it unleashed the power upon the site. Great arcs of white electric power coursed through the air and ground and struck wherever there was a fire. It seemed to snake along the ground and jump up into the air at points like a living thing. The sheer amount of power nearly blew the ponies onto their backs. The light illuminated their frightened faces. Then the power reached the tree and coursed through the trunk and branches as it engulfed the fire and extinguished it. The whole tree was now lit up with the white power of the creature as was the rest of the crash site. The ponies were stuck in awe and fear at the sight; some even thought it was strangely beautiful.

When all of the fires had been put out, the lightning receded back into the creature and it was once again surrounded by electricity. It slowly started to turn and look into the crowd of ponies as if it was searching for something. The ponies began to back up as the creature looked over the whole crowd. Suddenly it saw Big Mac and stopped, a look of anger forming on its face. The huge stallion stared back as he pushed Apple Bloom behind him. The creature stared at the red stallion and every second they stared each other down the creature seemed to become more and more angrier at the sight of Big Mac. Twilight was trying to understand why the creature was acting this way towards the stallion. Was it the fact he wasn’t backing down or his size or maybe….

“His color…” she whispered. She realized the bright red from Big Macs coat might be driving the creature to such an angry state.

The creature suddenly spoke again, its voice dripping with hate and anger, “Destruction…”

“Uh oh” said Twilight. This wasn’t gonna end well.

The creature then moved the electric power back into its hoof and began to charge the strike it had made before. It then raised its foreleg again and pointed a single appendage at Big Mac. A ball of power began to form at the end of it, the amount of power causing the wind to whip around at blinding speeds. It was then that the ponies realized what it was doing.

“NO!!” screamed AppleJack, “BIG MAC!”

“SOMEPONY STOP THAT THING!” yelled Rainbow Dash.

Rarity actually did faint at that time and Fluttershy let out a scream as she cowered behind Twilight, hiding her face in her mane. Pinkie Pie’s face was pale as she saw the creature prepare to kill Big Mac.

“Mister Alien, don’t do it!” she shouted, but the creature ignored her.

Applejack, Rainbow and Twilight all started forward to stop it but it was too late. The wind flung them back before they could reach the creature. Big Mac just stared forward at the creature with a determined look. Then the creature reached full charge and pulled its arm back to fire at the stallion.

It roared into the air, “DIE!” and began to fire.

Suddenly Apple Bloom dashed out from behind her brother and tried to place herself in front of him. “NO!” she yelled.

The minute she did this, the creature stopped dead in the middle of its attack. It stared at the small filly, now noticing her for the first time. The power in its hand slowly began to fade and the wind was dying down. The ponies looked on in shock at the creature’s sudden change. It stared at the filly and narrowed its eyes as it tried to look at her. Then a small whisper was heard from it.

“Cindy?” it whispered.

The ponies were confused at this and didn’t know what to make of it but then the creature started limping towards the filly. Big Mac pushed her behind him again but the creature tried to look around him. Its behavior made Twilight so curious, what was it trying to do and why is it so interested in Apple Bloom. The wind had all but stopped and Twilight then decided to step forward and try to talk to it.

She approached the creature and stopped just a few feet from it and cleared her throat to get its attention. The creature stopped and turned towards her at the sound of her and stared at her with a peculiar look. Its head tilted a little in confusion as if just now noticing he was surrounded by technicolor ponies. The two stared at each other for some time and Twilight was starting to get nervous. No pony made a single sound as they watched on.

Then Twilight mustered her courage and spoke to the creature, “Umm….Hello.”

Before the creature could respond a bolt of magic hit it in the back and made it squirm in pain. The sudden jolt of magic caused its charged power to backfire and it was shocked by its own electric attack for several seconds as it screamed in agony before the light faded and it stood still as smoke rose from its body.

Twilight just stared in shock when a thunderous voice descended from the sky, “THOU SHALT NOT HARM OUR SUBJECTS!”

Twilight and the rest of the ponies looked up and saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna descend and land with loud thuds on the ground in front of the Twilight. They glared at the creature and readied themselves to attack.

“Stand back Twilight. We will handle this.” said Celestia.

“No your highness listen it wasn’t…” Twilight began but stopped as the creature, still smoking, took a shaky step towards them before collapsing on the ground in a smoking heap. It groaned in pain as it laid there and Celestia approached it and with her magic turned it over on its back and stared down at the creatures face.

“Alien creature,” she spoke, her voice taking a commanding tone, “Identify yourself and explain your actions.”

The creature said nothing for a while as it gasped for air and its eyes began to flutter close. Then it started to mumble a few words.


Then the creature’s eyes closed and its head rolled to the right as it passed out from the pain. Darkness enveloped its sight and all it could hear was the sounds of screaming and the roar of a furious fire……..

Doctor Magnum presents
A FIMfiction original story
Starring The Writer and the Mane Six
The Wrath of the Broken Crown

Author's Note:

Here it is folks my very own original story. I hope you like it. For those wondering, yes the writer does speak a different language as well as the language of the ponies and that will be explain. Hope you're all excited for this because I know I am. Next chapter should be up soon and its a doozy let me tell you.
Extingues omne = extinguish all
Also Dien is pronounced: Die-en.