• Published 11th Jan 2013
  • 1,493 Views, 39 Comments

Wrath of the Broken Crown - Doctor Magnum

Who is The Writer? Where did he come from? Why is he on Equestria? What is the Fire he keeps talking about? What is the Crown and Sword he seeks and where are they? The denizens of Equestria are about to embark on an epic quest to find the answers.

  • ...

Chapter 2: The Writer's Wrath

Oh noble creature of grief and wrath,
your beautiful rage shall light the path,

Ponyville Hospital
A few hours after the arrival

"How's it doing, doctor?" asked Princess Celestia.

She was in the Ponyville hospital in a room that was designed to hold bigger patients but even so the "alien creature" barely fit on the bed. Its legs hanged off the end and were being supported by a table and its arms barely fit on the sides. They had a heart monitor going on it and the beeps seemed to echo throughout the building as all staff and patients had been evacuated in case it tried to blow up the hospital. An oxygen cord was strung along it's.....well they guessed it was its nose....the strange protrusion on the middle of its face that had two holes which they were pretty sure were nostrils. The creature breathed peacefully and its face was relaxed now that the pain had passed.

The doctor whom Celestia had spoken too turned from his newest and by far strangest patient to address the princess.

"Well your majesty, I can't be too sure on these readings as he isn't really anything I've worked on but we have managed to stabilize his heart rate and burns and stop a bit of his bleeding but after taking several X-rays I can honestly say I'm surprised this subject was able to stand let alone lift all that rubble that was on top of him when he landed."

"Why is that doctor?" she asked.

"Well as you can see in these first X-rays there are many broken bones and even a bit of internal bleeding. Both of his hind legs or the ones he was standing on had several fractures in them which is why I'm baffled that he could stand and walk. His left foreleg with the strange hoof is unscathed save for a few bruises but his right one was.....well at first there was no bone left. It looked like it had been pulverized to dust. Plus there were the incredible number of broken ribs and the shoulder and the nasty concussion he had here-"

"Doctor if I might interrupt?" asked Celestia.

"Yes princess of course." said the doctor.

"First off you say "he"? So I am to assume this is a male....thing?" she asked awkwardly.

"Yes highness judging from its physical appearance and amount of hair and muscle we believe it to be of the male sex. I doubt we would be willing to truly investigate that further. I'm sure you understand."

"Of course" she said blushing. "Also from the way you talked about his injuries it sounded like they have already healed?"

The doctors eyes lit up with a bit of excitement and said, "That's correct your highness I was just about to show you."

He then placed several more X-ray pictures of the creatures body and in each the princess could see that the bones were actually healing themselves, the fractures in the hind legs were closing together as was its concussion and it's ribs were slowly moving back to their original position and mending themselves, and the internal bleeding was all but gone by the third photo. But what astonished her most was where the bones of its right foreleg were all but dust she could see all the particles coming together and making brand new bones in the arm. She stared wide eyed at the pictures and said, "What does this mean doctor?"

"I wish I could say," he responded, "This is one extraordinary creature: it has power unlike anything I've ever seen, it's beyond strong and it has the ability to rapidly heal itself even able to create new bones from nothing. Whoever he is princess it's a safe bet he's about as powerful as you if not stronger."

The princess turned and looked at the unconscious creature and was surprised to find that she agreed. She felt that this creature could actually be stronger than her and that scared her. But maybe....

"Does he have a name?" asked the doctor.

The princess shook herself from her thought and turned back to the doctor.

"I'm sorry?" she asked.

"Well they told me he spoke to you. Did he give you his name?"

The princess stared at the ground, trying to remember what all it, no he, said to her before he passed out.

"Writer" she suddenly whispered.

"What was that, your highness?"

"He said his name was Writer" she said louder.

Both the princess and the doctor turned back towards the creature.

"What a strange name..." said the doctor thoughtfully. "Do you suppose that it's some sort of title or something. It doesn't sound like a name to me"

"I don't know" responded the princess.

She turned back to the doctor, "When do you think it will wake up?"

The doctor quickly turned back to the photos and said," Well by the speed of his healing and this is just a rough guess, I'd say he should be fully healed and awake in.....twelve hours give or take. Maybe even before he's fully healed."

The princess thought for a few moments and then nodded.

"Very well" she said, "Keep an eye on him and keep trying to figure out more about him. I shall return to Canterlot to try and find anything on him from my end. Princess Luna and Shining Armor will stay here to help and possibly talk to him when he wakes up."

The doctor was a bit surprised and seemed unsure about the fact that Celestia would be gone and Luna and Armor would be left here not to mention he had to continue studying the creature with very little protection. But he didn't question his princess as he was loyal to her and thankful for all she had done.

"As you wish, your majesty." he said with a bow. "I hope your search yields something on this creature."

"Thank you doctor." she said.

The doctor then began to escort her towards the exit of the building. As they left the room where the Writer was resting they found a nurse waiting outside.

"Good evening Nurse Redheart." said the princess.

The nurse blushed and bowed low.
"Greetings princess Celestia." she said.

The doctor cleared his throat and said to her, "He is still asleep and healing rather quickly. Keep an eye on his oxygen levels but keep your distance just in case."

She nodded and nervously made her way into the room and shut the door behind her.

"Is she going to be alright in there with him?" asked princess Celestia.

"I'm sure he won’t wake up anytime soon your highness and nurse Redheart is quite capable of handling herself. I wouldn't worry too much."

She nodded and they walked the rest of the way to the main entrance of the hospital in silence.

As they walked outside they could see it was still night and they both nodded to the four guards who stood at the entrance. They bowed low to the princess before returning to their rigid stance before the doors to the hospital.

The princess looked into the sky and said, "I should hurry back to Canterlot. It’s almost time for me to raise the sun."

The doctor nodded and said, "Of course your highness."

He then turned and looked towards the town not far from the hospital.

"Do you know how the Elements are holding up? They were the first to interact with the creature I heard."

The princess sighed and said, "Yes, they usually are at the center of trouble most of the time. They are doing alright, they're just glad he didn't hurt anyone and I can tell they are all curious as to who and what he is and why he is here. I have no doubt they will all be present when he awakes as well."

That put the doctor at a bit of ease; he had known the elements for a while and trusted all of them, especially Twilight.

"Very good. I should get back to my patient. I wish you safe travels your highness." he said with a bow.

The princess nodded in kind, "Thank you doctor. I will be back soon."

She then spread her wings and flew off into the sky in a flash of light. The doctor looked into the sky after her in deep thought. He was wondering what all this meant for Equestria. But then he shook himself and turned to return to the hospital and his new patient.

The Ponyville Library
Home to Twilight
A few moments later

"Twily I don't care what it did, it's dangerous and I don't want you going anywhere near it until I know it's safe."

"But Shining it wasn't going to hurt me. I swear I almost had it calmed down and talking. Do you know what we could learn from it?"

Twilight and her brother Shining Armor had been arguing for a good solid hour. The other five friends were lounging about Twilights library and were content to just watch the spectacle. They were all curious about the creature from the stars but they couldn't help but agree with Shining Armor.

"Twilight ah know you're all curious and excited about that....thing but ya'll saw what it did out there and we don't know if it'll do it again when it wakes up." Applejack said in an attempt to reason with her friend.

"I don't care Applejack; I saw the way it reacted to me when I talked to it. Its intelligent and most likely just scared. It looked to me like it was in a daze from its crash and didn't know what was going on. If I could just get a chance to try and talk to it..." said Twilight.

"Twilight I've already told you I am not letting you or anyone else near that thing until me and princess Luna have had a chance to talk to it." Shining interrupted.

"You mean interrogate it." Twilight retorted.

Shining was about to respond when another voice cut him off, "Stop calling him an “it” and a “thing”. It's a guy."

Everyone turned to look at Pinkie Pie with surprised faces. Twilight approached and asked, "How do you know that Pinkie?"

The party pony looked at every one who was in the room.

"Well it was kind of obvious wasn't it? I mean you saw all that hair that was on his head and around his mouth. Not to mention the insane amount of muscles on him, I mean he must be some sort of weightlifter *GASP* or maybe a fighter of some kind like a soldier. Ooh, maybe he's like you Shining. And did you hear his voice? It was all deep and gravelly and tough sounding so it's obvious it's a guy."

She smiled widely as she finished and everyone just stared, their jaws on the floor. Twilight was the first to speak, "Well actually that does make sense if you think about it."

The others all found themselves agreeing and nodded. But Shining Armor just shook his head.

"Regardless of what its sex is, it's beyond dangerous and I don't think you should be near it at all sis."

Twilight huffed in frustration, "Come on Shining I'll be fine. I can defend myself you know?"

As the two started arguing again, Fluttershy turned to the others and asked, "I've been wondering, um, why do you think it, I mean he, tried to attack Big Mac like that?"

Applejack huffed and said in an angry voice, "Ah don't rightly know but I do know ah'm gonna give him a piece of my mind bout trying to shock my brother."

"Yea," said Rainbow, "And did you hear what it said before it tried to attack. It said "Destruction" and if you ask me it sounded like that's all it wants to do is destroy this place."

Rarity had a thoughtful expression on her face and said, "Well now darling I'm sure that's not what HE wants at all. He seemed in a bit of a daze so I'm betting the poor thing had no idea what it was doing. Not only that, but he stopped when he saw Apple Bloom, don't you remember? I wonder why he did that."

"Hey yeah!" said Spike, who was going through the library looking for any books that might have information on the creature for Twilight, "And then he said something that sounded like a name. Maybe Apple Bloom looked like someone he knew or something but it was still really weird." He turned back towards the shelves and moved to another section.

The girls all had looks of deep thought and they returned to the argument between Twilight and her brother to find Shining was getting a bit mad at his sister.

"Twilight for the last time, no means no. I am your older brother and a Captain of the Royal Guard and I say that-"

He was about to finish when the ground shook and the lights blew out and an unearthly scream filled the night......

Princess Celestia's room
A few moments earlier

Celestia had been through all of the books she knew to have information on otherworldly things and none of them mentioned a being called the Writer or a place called Dien. She was growing more and more frustrated as she threw a large volume across her room. She expected to hear a crash but nothing happened. Curious, she turned to see the book had been caught by none other than the Captain of the Earth Pony Guard, Harbinger. The old, indigo captain had a look of concern on his bearded face.

"My lady? Is everything ok?" he asked.

Celestia sighed and said, "I'm sorry Harbinger. It's just I'm so curious about this creature but none of the volumes we have on other worlds has anything on him. I've been searching for the past hour and have yielded nothing."

Harbinger walked over to the princess and set the thrown book down on the table as well as another older tome.

"I thought as much." he said, "I'm not surprised there wasn't anything in those books what with them being from the royal library. That's why I went and got this from the vault."

He pushed the book towards the princess, its cover was old and dusty and the bindings seemed in danger of breaking. The pages were brown with age and badly wrinkled.

"What is this captain?" she asked.

"It's an old journal that belonged to Star Swirl the Bearded" he said, "It contains his writings about his travels through space."

Celestia's eyes went wide as she lifted the old book with her magic and slowly opened the cover.

"I've never seen this book before. It must have something on this creature. There's no telling what the old wizard could have found."

She quickly flipped through the pages scanning for anything related to The Writer and Dien, even looking for things like Destruction and Fire. She kept scanning, finding nothing relating to any of them until she suddenly hit a few at the end that were blank.

"No..." she said, "That can't be it, there must be something here."

She was about to lose hope when in desperation she turned to the very last page and saw that there was writing. It looked like it was written in haste and only took up one page.

Celestia and Harbinger both read the page, their eyes wide at what they read:

Before I end this journal there is one more place I must write down about: I do not know what it is called but I do know there are three planets that orbit a giant sun in this place in space but whenever I would try to view it, I would be blocked by a great force of magic unlike anything I have ever felt. This magic felt older than anything in Equestria and much more powerful. I felt one time the people of this place and felt they possessed great power but on my fifth and last attempt to view it, not only was I stopped yet again but my mind was temporarily taken over. I saw a face that looked nothing like a pony, it was strange and unfamiliar. But it was its eyes that I will never forget; its eyes were pure white and seemed to radiate power. It’s very presence sent chills down my spine as I felt it could crush me without an inch of effort. It also spoke to me, I was surprised to hear it speak in our native tongue, it said something that sounded like "keep away" or "stay away" as I couldn't really hear it's voice very well but I got the message. My advice on if you ever encounter a being from this place in the universe is to treat it with utmost respect and care and if that being has eyes of pure white and unbelievable power.........than may Mother Creation help you.

Celestia stared for several moments at the last line, her mind just couldn't wrap around what she had read. If this being could scare the likes of Star Swirl than he was a bigger problem than she anticipated. She quickly turned to Harbinger who was still staring at the page and said, "Harbinger, I have need of you."

The captain shook himself and bowed, "Whatever you need my lady it shall be done."

"I need you to tell the guards to ready a transport for me back to Ponyville. I must return there before the being is awake. After you have done so, run as fast as you can to Ponyville and tell Luna and Armor that this creature is now a Class-1 threat to Equestria."

The captain's eyes went wide at these words and he grew a bit pale.
"At once, your majesty." he said.

Celestia closed the book and began to pack it in a bag as she said, "You might want to tell Barricade and have her join you as well just in case."

"I shall your highness. Rest assured, I will-"

But Harbinger never got to finish his sentence as a mighty rumble shook the castle. It felt like the whole city was falling off the mountain. Then darkness enveloped them as dark clouds took over the sky. Both the captain and the princess were thrown to the floor by the shock. Before they could figure out what was happening, a terrible sound filled the air and trapped them in a fearful state unlike anything they had ever felt and Celestia immediately knew who it was....

Ponyville Hospital
One hour after Celestia's departure
Nurse Redheart checked all of the medical instruments currently being used on the strange creature one last time: the heart monitor was working well and all his vitals were stable at the moment and his oxygen levels were nominal. She nodded in approval and turned to look at the creature. She was standing directly at the side of the bed and was able to get a close look at it. Its face looked fierce and had sharp cheekbones and a wide chin. Its nose was round and the brow was shaped low with trimmed eyebrows. It had a wide forehead and its dark hair was splayed across the pillow. She took a look at its strange ears, they were round and large and most peculiar looking. Its lips were cracked they were so dehydrated but its mouth was also surrounded by dark facial hair that covered its upper lip and chin and continued up its cheeks to its sideburns. But she also noticed that the face also looked old and tired, like it had been carrying a great weight for a long time yet at the same time handsome and regal like a general or scholar or……a king. She then looked over its clothing and noticed all the places it had been cut or burned through. She wondered what could have possibly happened to this being before it landed here. No doubt she would find out when it woke up though she was nervous about what would happen when it did. She wondered if he was comfortable when she saw him shiver a little, it was kind of cold in the hospital. She used her magic to pull a blanket over his body. It wasn’t nearly long enough for him but he stopped shivering nonetheless.

Having made all the final checks she then walked over to a chair on the opposite side of the room and grabbed a book she had brought with her to pass the time and sat down and began to read. Had she stayed and continued to observe the creature she might have witnessed its wounds on its skin suddenly close up and disappear in the span of only a few seconds leaving behind no trace whatsoever.

Soon the only sound to be heard in the room was the beeping of the heart monitor: *beep*…..*beep*…...*beep*

The steady sound calmed the nurse as it let her know all was right with her patient.

In his office, the doctor from before was taking several notes about the being currently in his care: the fact he called himself The Writer, it was apparently from a place called Dien, and its description and amazing healing abilities as well as the information that it might be more powerful than princess Celestia herself.


The nurse continued to read and came to a rather comical part in the book and laughed a little at it.


It took a moment for nurse Redheart to realize the beeping of the heart monitor had stopped. Her heart began to fill with fear as she slowly looked up from her book towards the bed. She gasped at what she beheld: there standing up by the bed, looking down at her with pure white eyes, was the being that was supposed to still be out cold on the bed.

It was bending rather low due to the short ceiling which was designed for ponies and not for seven foot tall aliens. It stared at her with a look of shock and she stared back in kind. Suddenly it spoke, its voice only a whisper, “Non…”

The nurse was trying her best to decide what to do and started to stammer a little, the fear she felt as she looked at the creature now fully healed and awake made forming words rather difficult, “I…..I-I-I….um…uh”

But the being only turned away from her and started making its way towards the door of the room, all the while whispering, “Non….non…non.”
It reached the door and instead of turning the handle and opening it, it balled its right fore-hoof up into a ball and punched the door sending it crashing into the opposite wall.

The sound shook the nurse from her state of fear and she ran towards the creature and tried to get it to stop, “Please sir you must stop this and return to your bed. The doctor still needs to take another look at you.”

But the creature just pushed her out of the way and started to stumble through the hall, randomly falling against the walls and forcing itself to stand backup. It still had to remain hunched over from the short ceiling. Its voice was growing louder and louder as it repeated the word, “Non! Non!”

The doctor heard the crash of the door from his office which was near the main entrance and when he stepped out of his office he was greeted with the sight of the strange being barreling towards him with a hysteric nurse Redheart in tow.

“Oh my word!” he said as he narrowly avoided being run over by the creature. “Nurse Redheart what is going on? Where is he going? Why isn’t he in his bed?”

“I don’t know doctor!” she yelled, “Just help me try to calm him down please!”

Both nurse and doctor tried to stop the creature but it was far too late as it crashed through the door.

A few moments earlier, Princess Luna was making her way towards the hospital. She had decided to check on the alien creature herself before she retired for a short nap. It had been a long night and she was incredibly tired but she felt she had to make sure the creature wasn’t going anywhere while she was asleep.

She was approaching the hospital entrance and could see the four guards her sister had posted to keep anypony from entering the building. She smiled at them and sighting her approaching the guards all started to bow. But they were interrupted when the doors exploded outward and a seven foot tall shape bowled through them and stopped right in the middle of the courtyard and stared at princess Luna.

Luna could not believe her eyes as she saw there standing in front of the hospital, mere feet from her was the alien creature that her sister had assured her would not be awake for a long time. She backed away apprehensively, afraid the creature would attack her but instead stopped as she noticed the creature had a look of utter shock and disbelief as he stared at her.

He raised his right foreleg and pointed a single appendage at her, it hanged limply and then it whispered at her, “Non….non.”

She had no idea what it meant as she watched him look around at its surroundings growing more and more shocked and…..afraid? No it couldn’t be afraid. Could it?

It continued to speak in its strange language, “Hoc non potest esse ..... nullus enim dominus amabo hoc non esse verum ...... permitte me somniare ....”

The guards had picked themselves up and were slowly approaching the creature with their spears ready to attack should he threaten their princess. The doctor and Redheart were still standing inside the hospital, watching with wide eyes at the scene unfolding in front of them. Luna decided to try and speak to the creature and maybe calm it down but as she was about to speak she felt a great disturbance: something was wrong in her night sky. The creature must have felt it too for he suddenly clutched his chest and groaned in pain. They both looked up into the sky at the same spot to see a star in the sky suddenly disappear without a trace.

At this point the creature seem to become hysterical as it started screaming, “NO! NO! PLEASE NO!”

This time it was in her own language and Luna was just becoming more and more confused. The creature was reaching into under the cloth that was over its upper body and was struggling to pull out what looked like an amulet of some kind on a chain around his neck. Luna couldn’t remember seeing that on him before but she could see it was circular and the size of its hand and made of what looked like gold and it had six jewels spaced along the edge and one large diamond in the center and it had strange patterns carved into the gold surrounding the jewels.

The creature held the trinket in both its hands and started to speak to it in its language, “Amoletum potestate habeo amicos, quorum vita Quaeso repraesentes tibi ostenderet crystallis Amoletum O filii et virtutis ostenderet. Monstra placere vivunt, ostende quod factum est.”

Almost immediately the amulet began to light up and flew out of the creatures hand to float in the air in front of it at eye level. The jewels shone and it suddenly projected several pictures in the air. Luna paled in horror as she beheld what the pictures revealed.

One by one, the amulet showed beings similar to the alien creature but all were shown dying horrible and brutal deaths at the hand of an unseen enemy. There were five of them that the amulet showed and the creature suddenly started screaming and tears were falling down its face as he watched his friends die in front of him unable to do anything. Luna was appalled at the deaths of the apparitions cast by the amulet. Then the amulet showed another being, it looked to be male as well yet it was a lot younger and shorter than the alien being. The creature stared at the young boy in the picture and Luna could see a similarity between the two and realized that the young one in the picture was the alien’s son. The being had a look of relief as he saw his son alive; he reached out towards the picture and whispered, “Son.” The young man seem to hear his voice for it looked up into the alien’s eyes with a look of hope. Luna suddenly noticed its hands were bound.

But before his hand could reach the apparition, everyone was shocked as a hideous and jagged blade suddenly erupted from the young boy’s chest. Blood sprayed everywhere as the blade was thrust through the young boy. The alien let out a yell as he beheld the gruesome sight and Luna started to feel sick. The young man just stared at the blade, its face was one of shock and pain as it beheld the sword that had impaled it before its head suddenly went limp and life left its eyes. Then the amulet suddenly became dark and shattered into pieces that fell at the creature’s feet.

No one moved and not a single sound could be heard as silence filled the air. A soft light started to appear from the horizon as the sun began to rise. Luna was stunned, she couldn’t move and she couldn’t believe what she had seen. She could just stare at the spot where the pieces of the amulet lay on the ground. But then she heard the creature speak, “No…”

She looked up at him and saw his fore-hooves were balled up again and he was shaking. “My son….not my son…” he said, his voice rising.

Then the wind started to pick up and the ground shook softly as the creature started to growl, an anger rising in its chest. Luna became afraid of what the creature was about to do.

His face was scrunched in pain and he shook with anger as he said over and over again, “No. No. No.”

He suddenly reared his head towards the sky and let out a roar and his eyes started to glow with a white hot fire. The ground began to crack underneath him and the wind swirled around the place he stood as he started to glow again but this time the white glow became mixed a little with black and red lightning could be seen. Luna knew she had to do something before this creature attacked anyone.

She approached the creature as rage continued to boil and overflow inside of it. He felt so much pain and anger and sadness and grief at what he had witnessed. His son was dead and there was nothing he could have done. He just had to……let it out….he had to do something. And he felt a scream start to form as he began to let loose his power.

Luna was just a few feet from him as she tried to figure out something to say when he looked at her and she reeled back as she saw its eyes. They were flaming white and tears were pouring from them and she saw not anger, but pain. Then he reared his head and forelegs back and let loose a terrible scream and its power erupted outward as blast of power swept out knocking Luna away. The guards tumbled over each other and the blast shattered every single window of the hospital. Inside the doctor threw himself over nurse Redheart to protect her from the falling shards of glass.

The scream of the creature was terrifying to Luna; it was so loud it rang through all the lands of Equestria. In the library the Elements all cowered and covered their ears as the scream pierced their thoughts and filled them with fear. In Canterlot, Princess Celestia was trying to make her way to the balcony as Harbinger fought with all his strength to fight the grasp of the sound. In the lands of the griffons, Gilda was gripping her father afraid to let go and he was holding her fighting to keep his strength as the sound radiated around the land. In the land of the Minotaur’s, all was chaos as the Minotaur people ran around snorting and howling with fear. In the desert the bison race were frozen with fear at the sound unable to move and even the great Chief Thunderhooves was unable to contain himself as he became trapped in fears grasp. In her hut in Everfree Forest, the zebra Zecora was on the floor gasping in fear, her eyes were wide and moving wildly around as she searched for whatever was making that sound. Then darkness enveloped the inside of her hut as all the lights went out and a shadow moved over her and her possession. She scuttled into a corner trying to get away from the darkness as it covered everything. She looked up and saw all her masks had changed from their usual smiling faces to ones of anger, hate, grief, sadness, and pain. Then a red glow appeared and she saw it was a mask on the opposite wall that stared at her with fiery eyes and its face was twisted in a sick smile as it appeared to be laughing at the horrible sound. Zecora covered her eyes and prayed for the sound to stop.

At Sweet Apple Acres, Big Mac was trying to keep everything from falling over in the house as the earth shook and the sound of screaming filled the air. Granny Smith was comforting a crying Apple Bloom as darkness swept through the farm. Big Mac stared towards the source of the sound and darkness as a pillar of white power laced with shadow and red lightning erupted from where the hospital was located. He had heard that sound before and he knew it well. It wasn’t so much the sound but the feeling it brought, it was one of fear but also pain. He felt it when he saw his parents die at the hands of a chimera and he knew the alien from before was responsible and that something terrible had happened. This wasn’t just anger, it was pain. Pure and unhindered pain, it stabbed the heart and froze the body with fear as emotions ran wild through your mind. And everyone knew what would cause such pain, what that creature had now become. He was wrath. Personified.

In Canterlot, Celestia had made it onto the balcony and could see a huge pillar of power shooting upwards into the sky from Ponyville and black clouds formed from it and spread through Equestria, casting a shadow of darkness over the land. She knew the creature was responsible. She had to get there but knew she wouldn’t be fast enough but she knew somepony who was.

She turned to Harbinger and saw him standing with a determined look, struggling to keep his balance and his composure.
“Run Harbinger! Run to Ponyville as fast as you can and try to stop this!” she yelled over the sound which was incredibly difficult.

The captain heard her though and only managed to nod and disappeared in an indigo blur. Celestia then focused on trying to get herself to travel to Ponyville herself.

Harbinger ran through the halls faster than anypony could see and he called out through the chaos, “Barricade! If you can hear me make haste to Ponyville at once!”

He prayed she had heard him and he raced through the main gates of the palace and out of the city towards Ponyville running faster than he had ever ran in his life.

Back at the hospital Luna was trying with all her might to resist the power of the raging creature. She couldn’t believe how long it had been screaming, taking in deep inhales and letting loose again with horrifying screams of grief and pain. She suddenly felt completely helpless as she tried figure something out so she could stop the creature. Suddenly she heard a voice behind her, “Princess Luna!”

She turned to see Twilight Sparkle and the other elements approaching her through the wind. She smiled gratefully and as they finally made their way beside her she sighed in relief, “I have never been happier to see you all! We have to do something!”

“We know princess!” responded Twilight, they had to yell to be heard, “We’re trying to come up with something now!”

“Where is Shining Armor?!” asked Luna.

“Here your highness!” yelled the captain as he came struggling towards them.

Twilight and her friends could finally see the source of the chaos and found they couldn’t even see the being through all the light and power but they could hear him and his screams made them cringe. Fluttershy had tears in her eyes as she heard the being’s scream of agony.

“What happened princess?!” said Twilight.

“I don’t really know! He just crashed through the doors when I was about to check on him and then he pulled out this amulet and it showed what looked like his friends but they were all dead and it showed another being killed! I believe it was his son!”

The others all became shocked at her words. Twilight turned to her friends and yelled as loud as she could so she could be heard, “We have to help him! Maybe if we used the Elements we can calm him down!”

Suddenly the light around the being faded and his screaming stopped. The others looked at the where the alien should have been standing but instead beheld something else entirely.

Its entire body was black and had cracks that ran up and down its body that glowed white. It’s strange hooves suddenly had long claws on them and from its back were two great wings that shone white. But its face was disturbing to say the least, its hair had turned into white fire and where once a face was now was what looked like its skull with razor sharp teeth and fiery eyes. It let out a roar, its voice warped by the power and sounding like a thousand voices at once. Its uncontrollable rage had twisted and disfigured its body into a being of pure wrath. Twilight somehow knew if they didn’t get him under control the power would destroy Equestria or himself or both.

She summoned her magic and in a flash of light her and her six friends now had their elements on them. Her five friends had their necklaces and she was wearing the Crown of Friendship. The creature saw them and perceived them as a threat, it didn’t really care if they were or not it just wanted to kill something, ANYTHING!

It reared its ugly head and loosed another howl that made everyone cringe in fear but the Elements got back up with determination, especially Fluttershy who saw the creature as something in extreme pain and she knew she couldn’t let it just suffer like this. She racked her brain to come up with anyway to calm it down.

Twilight turned to the others, “Hit it with your elements and see if you can get it to control itself!”


“Whatever Pinkie!” yelled Rainbow Dash as she flew up and began circling the being of wrath. It saw her and summoned beams of power that surrounded it and prevented her from attack and began to charge for its signature strike. But Rainbow didn’t have to make a dive all she had to do was aim and fire, focusing her elemental power into her charm and a shot of power in the shape of her cutie mark struck the being in the head. It staggered and was suddenly filled with images of his friends, the ones who had always been by his side and helped him through tough times and felt that he must avenge them. It was his loyal duty to bring them back.

Then Rarity did the same with her power and the being staggered back as her bolt of generosity hit it in the chest. It suddenly remembered a hospital room and voices as the beings of this world rushed him onto a bed and started doing their best to save him from death. They had saved him and healed his wounds and he was currently raging about scaring them and destroying their homes. He felt a need to repay them for everything they had done for him. Then Pinkie Pie bounced up as if nothing was wrong and jumped up as she fired her element power right into the mouth of the being. It started to cough as the bolt hit its throat but then felt a slight tickling feeling and began to laugh a little, then a lot as pleasant memories of his friends and his world filled his mind.

The power around him began to fade and the horrible form he had taken was slowly turning back into his normal form.

Twilight realized it was working and turned to Applejack, “One more hit should do it. Finish it Applejack.”

She nodded and ran to stand in front of the creature and it actually looked like it was smiling at her. She charged up her power and was ready to fire and end this madness when Fluttershy thought of something: Applejack was the Element of Honesty. So when she hit him with her power then he would see the truth and that wasn’t really something he needed to know right now.

She ran at the cowpony in an attempt to stop her, “APPLEJACK NO WAIT!”

She tackled her friend but she was a second too late as the power of honesty hit the alien right in the middle of its forehead and it saw the truth…….and the truth was…..his world was gone and his friends were dead…..and he saw his own son die in front of him……everything he had built up and fought for was now gone forever and he couldn’t do anything about it because……because he was trapped in some random world in the middle of God-only-knows that was populated by talking, multi-colored midget horses that shot him up with their little shots of magic, all because of his friends desperate and crazy plan to throw him against his will through a portal to a random spot in space. AND HE HAD NO MEANS OF ESCAPING AND FINDING A WAY TO BRING THEM BACK AND HE WAS NOW REDUCED TO NOTHING AND HE HAD NOTHING AND HE WAS SO! GOD! DAMN! PISSED! OFF!

The ground shook again as power suddenly showed again in his eyes.

“Oops” was all Applejack could utter before the alien erupted again in a newly charged rage that was even bigger than last time. Her and Fluttershy were blown through the air and the ground began to explode out and the hospital began to crack and crumble as the being began to howl and scream again, “HUH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH HUH RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HUH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHAAAAAAAAAAAA HUH RHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!”

The sound almost made everyone curl up and submit to the fear that consumed them from the creature’s wrath.

“Oh no…..What do we do now?!” said Twilight who had no idea what should be done now to save the creature. Hitting it again probably would only tick it off more.

Suddenly she felt a hoof on her shoulder and saw Fluttershy staring at her with a strange look of determination.

“I have an idea” she said softly.

Twilight was stunned for a minute but then nodded and the other elements formed around her to hear her plan.

“You girls probably aren’t gonna like this but it’s the only way I can see us calming him down. Twilight I need you to stun it and make an opening for me. Rainbow as soon as she does so I need you to throw me as hard as you can straight at the creature.”

The others just stared in shock.

“Are you sure about this Fluttershy?” asked Twilight.

“What are you even gonna do when you land on him?” Rainbow inquired.

Fluttershy looked at the creature and felt a pain in her heart as she saw him scream in rage and agony.

“I’m going to give him a hug.”

The others stared with their jaws on the floor.

“Look we don’t have time for this just do it and this will all be over and we can help him!” she said fiercely.

The others were shaken out of their shock by the seriousness of her voice and they all nodded. Rainbow picked up Fluttershy and moved into a position.

“Please make sure you have a good aim on him.” said Fluttershy.

“Don’t worry. I won’t miss.” Rainbow reassured her.

Twilight moved to the front of the creature and charged her magic. Luna saw this and yelled out, “What are you doing, you’ll be killed!” The creature saw her as well and attempted to shoot her with its power but the others were distracting it.

“Hey Mr. Alien! Over here look at me!” Pinkie yelled at it and made a silly face at the creature.

The distraction worked as the creature turned to her with an angry growl. Twilight saw her chance and fired all her power at the being. It struck its force field and managed to actually make it through and strike it in the chest sending it reeling. The field around it went down and Fluttershy yelled, “NOW!”

Rainbow flew with all her might at the creature almost creating a sonic rainboom as she dived at the being. She judged the distance and at the perfect spot hurled Fluttershy towards it, the momentum carrying her through what remained of the field.

At that point an indigo shaped stopped in the courtyard coming from seemingly nowhere only to witness the Element of Kindness about to crash right into what looked like a hideous monster. Luna yelled out as she watched helpless.

Fluttershy flung out her hooves as she prepared for the impact. She prayed this would work as she didn’t want to think what would happen to her if it didn’t.

The alien saw her coming and opened its mouth in a surprised yell as it tried to stop her.

Then they collided…............

Author's Note:

Holy crap this is one big update. The other chapters shouldnt be this long well most of them anyway. Hope you like this one and thank you for all your positive feedback I really appreciate. And thanks to CurtisTheHalfling for showing me that Paradise Lost by Hollywood Undead makes a great theme song. Leave a comment and hey while we're at it why not shoot for the featured box? That would REALLY make my day. Next chapter will be up soon. Thanks for reading.

Hoc non potest esse ..... nullus enim dominus amabo hoc non esse verum ...... permitte me somniare .... = This cannot be.....no lord please let this not be true......let me be dreaming....

Amoletum potestate habeo amicos, quorum vita Quaeso repraesentes tibi ostenderet crystallis Amoletum O filii et virtutis ostenderet. Monstra placere vivunt, ostende quod factum est = amulet by the power I possess I beg of you to show me my friends whose lives you represent in your crystals and show me my son oh amulet of power. Please show me they are still alive, show me what has happened to them.

Non = No

Oh and heres something I thought kinda of really went with this chapter especially the end: http://youtu.be/hS2uC_OWMSo