• Published 8th Feb 2013
  • 22,154 Views, 845 Comments

Adaptation - A Changeling's Story - CoAlFire

A changeling officer, now alone after the Canterlot invasion failed, must adapt to life in the world of ponies.

  • ...


The musky smell of old books filled Echo’s nostrils. Opening her eyes, she saw that bookshelves had been carved into the walls of the room. On the opposite end of the room was a desk with quills, ink, and parchment strewn around. Sitting at the desk was Twilight Sparkle, grasping a quill in the glow of her magic, scrawling something. Hurriedly, Echo glanced at her hooves. Her disguise had held through her loss of consciousness. Maybe the universe doesn’t hate me so much after all.

“Oh, you’re awake!” Twilight said.

“Uh... yeah.” Echo replied. “You scared me...”

“I can tell. I’m sorry!” Twilight didn’t even turn around from her desk. “I know that Pinkie has that effect on some ponies. She can be a little confusing at times. Take my advice and don’t try too hard to understand her; just accept it and move on. It’ll only cause problems if you try to figure her out.” Echo saw Twilight shake her head. Finally, Twilight set the quill down, got up from her seat, and turned around to face Echo. “I’m -”

“Twilight Sparkle.” Echo interrupted. “Element of Magic, personal protégé of Princess Celestia, and sister to Shining Armor of the Royal Guard.”

“Well... yes. How did you know?”

Smooth move, Echo. “I’m … kind of a fan of yours.” That almost hurt her to say. “I’ve never been to great with magic, but I always wanted to be, and you’ve been something of a household name in Equestria ever since Luna’s return.” That’s the idea. Don’t tell her that you personally received her dossier from the Changelings that had been spying on her for months prior to Canterlot.

Twilight blushed. “I... don’t really know what to say. Do you want something to drink? Eat, maybe?”

“No, thank you.” Echo returned. “I’m quite alright.” Just let me out!

“Alright. So what are you doing here in Ponyville?”

Out! “I’m just a wanderer, passing through.”

“Where did you come from?”

OUT! “Manehattan.” The conversation came to a halt for a few awkward seconds. Twilight chuckled.

“I’m sorry,” she croaked. “I’ve never been great with starting conversations.”

“I can see that,” NO, BAD ECHO. “I mean, since you’re such a brilliant unicorn, your studies must take up a great deal of time.” Nice save, Echo. Twilight gave echo an awkward stare. Okay, maybe not that nice. “Sorry. I’ve never been too great with carrying on conversations.” LET ME OUT!

“Boy, now there’s something I can relate to. Let me share some of my lessons with you!” the unicorn turned to a shelf and pulled down a box big enough to fit a pony inside, full of scrolls. Oh, Chrysalis, what have I done?

* * *

Four hours had gone by, and Twilight Sparkle was still talking. Echo was beginning to wish for death.

“... 'a good friend always has your best interests at heart. Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle.' So Pinkie Pie taught us all the value of trusting your friends, even when things seem wrong."

“That’s great Twilight.”

“Do you really think so, Candlelight?”

“Yeah, totally. Great lessons about Friendship, Twilight. Please, tell me more.” I’m going to die here.

"So you can really understand my lessons?”

Does she... no. No way. “What do you mean, Twilight? Of course I understand.” Twilight looked at Echo with concern. “Look, I’ve got to get going, Twilight, so it’s been great and all.”

“Oh?” Twilight said. Oh no. That look is never good. “Where are you staying?”

“Just out in the forest a little.”

“THE EVERFREE?” Twilight belted, knocking Echo back a pace or two. “That’s crazy, it’s dangerous out there!”

“I’ve been just fine up until now...”

“Well, then you’ve been really lucky up until now. I’ve got an idea. What did you say your special talent was?”

She expected me to listen to four hours of her lectures but can’t remember my talent? “I make clothes.”

“Right. Come with me, I’ll introduce you to my friend Rarity. You two are going to get along so great!”

“Sure! What could go wrong.” Anywhere but here is okay by me.

* * *

There are sentences from which I should stay far away. Rarity bounced around Echo, taking measurements and tightening various strips of fabric. Every inch that Rarity tightened the dress made Echo feel like she was going to faint, and she really didn't want that to happen, since she might lose control of her illusion spell if she did.

“Rarity?” she croaked. “I can’t breathe!”

“I know, darling, isn’t it FABULOUS? I can scarcely breathe myself.”

“No, Rarity, I think she actually can’t breathe.” Twilight interjected.

“What? Oh my!” Rarity relinquished her hold on Echo’s midsection, and Echo gasped. “Well... I suppose that’s enough dressmaking for tonight, isn’t it darling?” Echo nodded in agreement.

“Candlelight needs a place to stay, Rarity. She’s been staying in the Everfree.” she said the last word like it was dirty.

“Oh, gracious!” the white unicorn said. “We can’t have that, now can we? I have a spare bedroom at the top of the Boutique. It’s yours for now, Candlelight. We’ll work out a rent arrangement tomorrow sometime.”

“No, really, I just want to go back to my tree and -”

“Nonsense. I will not have a fine mare such as yourself sleeping in the Everfree. The room is yours. Don’t worry, you have complete privacy. I won’t come in without your permission.”

“I appreciate it, but I -”

“No. I won’t hear another word. Now off you go, darling.”

Defeated, Echo slinked off up the stairs to her new room as Twilight said something to Rarity. When she reached her door, she took another deep breath. This is insane, Echo. Ignoring herself, she pushed the door open to reveal a small space with an ornate bed, simple kitchen space, and a restroom. Echo had to admit that for such limited space, Rarity’s decorating skills were remarkable, although there wasn’t enough green for her tastes. Climbing onto the bed, she considered her surroundings. I suppose this is better than a hollowed out tree. She concluded as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

* * *

Backed by the night’s sky, the thunder clouds boiled in a purple froth. The moon bathed everything in a soft ivory glow, sending down pillars of light through the holes in the cloud formations. On the ground below, Echo was walking through the streets of Ponyville. Everyone was bustling around and going about their business, completely defiant of the night’s cold embrace. Everypony gasped and recoiled when they made eye contact with her, but she just kept walking. Glancing down, she realized that her disguise was not in place. This is suicide, what am I doing?

“Run it through with a spear!” somepony shouted from the crowd. She turned to him and gave an evil hiss. By this point, the ponies had congealed along the sides of the street like plaque in an artery, some bearing fury in their eyes, others bearing fear. Echo kept walking, holding her head high despite the fluttering terror in her heart. At the end of the road, she could just make out the silhouette of a unicorn. Coming closer, she realized it was Twilight Sparkle.

The studious unicorn’s eyes were firmly closed. Twilight’s eyes shot open, glowing white as Echo stopped just a few hooves’ distance from her.

“I knew it.” Twilight shouted matter-of-factly. Her gaze distorted into an accusing glare. “You’re a changeling! Explain yourself!”

Echo stared forward, her eyes narrowing. She lowered her front end to present the point of her horn to Twilight. Her temper flared, and she lost control.

“You all think that we changelings are monsters.” she began. “You think that we are insincere, incapable of appreciating love, but you don't know how wrong you are.” although her eyes still burned brightly, Twilight’s gaze became quizzical. “What is more genuine than a creature that literally cannot survive without love? Who would better know the joys it brings, and who would possess more respect for its bounty? Changelings are deeply sincere. We love that we may live, and we live in the hope that we may be loved. Ponies do not need love to survive. You can subsist on nothing but bread and water.” Echo turned to address the crowd gathering behind her.

“I am Echo. I am a changeling. I am proud of myself, of my race, and of my Queen. I have loved many, and been loved by none,” Full of fury, she drew herself higher, and her horn glowed bright with magic. “and I will not suffer this inquisition any longer!” A bright orb of green emanated from the spot where she stood, blinding her. As it began to clear, her world dissolved once more.

* * *

Echo’s eyes opened. Raising her head to look down at herself, she saw the form of Candlelight. A dream. Another awful dream. Rousing herself, she trotted downstairs to the parlor of the Boutique. As she was about to turn the corner, she heard two voices. One was Rarity, and the other was... Oh, no.

As she glanced hesitantly around the corner, her suspicions were confirmed. Twilight Sparkle was sitting at the table, laughing with Rarity. Echo composed herself, and trotted into the room. “Good morning, everypony.” She said groggily.

“Oh, good morning, darling!” Rarity chimed.

“Good morning, Candlelight.” Twilight spoke without blinking. You're a creepy unicorn, aren't you? Echo took a seat at the table, and Rarity poured her a cup of tea.

“Oh, darn it.” Rarity hushed herself. “I’m sorry dear, I’ll be back in a moment, I have to start another kettle.” The fashionista gracefully pranced off to the kitchen. As the door closed, Twilight spoke again.

“Or, should I say ‘good morning, Echo?’”

Oh, Chrysalis, I’m going to die. “I - I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She stated rather unconvincingly.

“I’m sorry, that must be a little confusing for you." Twilight glanced around the room for a moment. "We heard you shouting in your sleep this morning. You were saying that your name was Echo, but that’s all we were able to make out. If you prefer Candlelight, I can use that name.”

“Yes, please.” Echo was not convinced. This was the Element of Magic and Celestia’s personal student, there was no way she was this thick.

“Okay, Candlelight. Sorry. What were you dreaming about?” Twilight still hadn't blinked. Together with her unerring grin, this was beginning to be more than a little disturbing.

“I’d rather not talk about it.”

“I understand. Just know that if you need a friend, you can talk to me about anything. I mean anything.”

As Echo prepared a vitriol retort, she was interrupted by the sounds of a great commotion outside. In a moment, Rarity came running back into the parlor.

“Twilight, come quickly! There's a changeling in Ponyville!”

“What?” Echo’s blood ran cold.

“Where?” Twilight asked, glancing quickly in Echo's direction.

“Outside. They’ve just found out that Time Turner was being impersonated. They’ve got the changeling locked up in a jail cart, but they want you to put a spell on it so that the changeling can’t break through.”

“Alright. Tell them I’m on my way.” Rarity ran outside. “Looks like our talk will have to wait, Ec - I’m sorry. Candlelight.”

This is bad. Echo thought as she followed Twilight outside. Just a short trot from the Boutique was a wooden wagon with bars made of iron. Inside was a buzzing changeling, frantically trying to break his way out. He looked like a housefly bumping into a window.

“You’re killing me!” he was shouting. “There is no more Empire! We aren’t a threat anymore! You’ve got to listen to me!”

Echo gasped. The Empire is gone? Looking around nervously, she decided that she had to form a link with this changeling. It was a little risky in public, but this was not an ordinary situation.

“Soldier!” she spoke directly to his mind. “State your designation.” the changeling immediately snapped to attention, ceasing his struggles.

“Why did it stop fighting?” one of the guards muttered.

The changeling looked around the crowd quizzically for a moment, his eyes scanning for irregularity. “Nexus, Ma’am. 8th battalion, changeling strike brigade, squad 56, unit 8 of 10. Request officer designation.”

“I’m your commanding officer, Nexus, that’s all you need to know. You’re saying the Empire is gone. What do you mean?”

“Just that, ma’am. Gone. After the invasion failed, the hive mind was split in two directions, the loyalists and the insurrectionists.” The guards were pointing at the stoic changeling and murmuring between themselves, and Twilight was casting a spell around the changeling and his cell. The prisoner stood completely motionless - save for his eyes, which darted around the crowd, trying to pinpoint the other changeling. “It didn’t end well. Those of us who split from the queen have been forsaken. Without the swarm, without our queen, we have no hope. The Empire is weak, and should no longer be recognized. I don’t even have to answer to you, come to think of it. Shut up and help me!”

“I can’t do that, Nexus.”

“DAMN YOU, HELP ME!” The changeling shouted out loud, his eyes darting around the crowd. “DON’T JUST STAND THERE AND GAWK, HELP ME! TRAITOR!”

“Well, it’s back to shouting.” one guard said. “Shut up, thing.” the guards moved back to the front of the carriage and hooked themselves in.

The changeling continued to shout as they began to walk toward Canterlot. “I KNOW YOU’RE IN THE CROWD! I KNOW IT! HELP ME DAMN YOU!” His voice faded into the distance, and Echo felt herself break as she realized was no longer able to hear it at all. She lost her composure and sobbed. I'm alone.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! As a thanks to those of you that put up with me yesterday while I was figuring out how the formatting system works here on FiMFiction, I've decided to give you an update nice and quickly. We're well and truly out of the buildup phase, and we're moving on to the meat of the story. I hope you enjoy, it should only get better from here on out.

Thanks, you guys are the best.


Edit: Okay, I slapped some patchwork over some of the inconsistencies that were pointed out. Unfortunately, some of them would require me to retool all 17,000 words that I have waiting in the wings, so hopefully you can just enjoy the story despite its faults. Thanks to all of you that pointed out the problems!

I really do hope you can enjoy the story in spite of them.