• Published 8th Feb 2013
  • 22,154 Views, 845 Comments

Adaptation - A Changeling's Story - CoAlFire

A changeling officer, now alone after the Canterlot invasion failed, must adapt to life in the world of ponies.

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“Pardon my language, Twilight, but what the BUCK,” Echo said in disbelief.

“A completely reasonable reaction, really,” Chrysalis said, raising one eyebrow slightly, “if a bit crude.”

“Yes,” Twilight agreed, “it is. Let me explain a little bit. Chrysalis came to me a few days ago out of concern for you -”

“Me,” Echo repeated, “she's concerned for me?”

“Yes, Echo. She came to me a few days ago because she was concerned for you. I had Rainbow Dash give her a place to stay – since not many ponies go to her house – and Dash gave Chrysalis permission to use her shape as a disguise. I actually forgot about that for a minute there when you first arrived,” she chuckled, “but after you passed out, I kind of came back to my senses.”

“Okay,” Echo mumbled, rubbing the back of her head. “but I still don't understand why she's so concerned about me.”

Twilight began to speak, but Chrysalis interrupted her, “Twilight, maybe it would be best if I were to explain this part?” Twilight nodded, and Chrysalis turned back to Echo. “It was about twenty five years ago. I had just finished overseeing the latest batch of hatchlings, and I was about to get back to my royal duties, when Cluster called me back to the hatchery. He told me that the last one had hatched, and that she was a mutant. Mutants, as you know, are rare in our race, and so I came back to see this young one personally. I asked for you to look at me, and you did. I saw your red eye, and I recognized the mutation. Echo,” she paused, “the gene for that mutation is only carried by the royal bloodline.”

“Wait, do you mean that -” Echo stammered. Chrysalis waited for her to finish her sentence, but no more words would come.

“Changeling law prohibits us from seeking out our offspring,” Chrysalis explained quickly to Twilight before continuing, “you don't know how hard it is, Echo, to know a changeling is your own flesh and blood, but not to be able to express it to them,” the changeling queen's eyes remained stoic and regal, but her words betrayed her emotions. “The only thing I could do, as queen, was to give you your name. Things have changed though, since the failure of my invasion. My status as queen is,” she looked idly to the side, “disputed. This gives me a little bit more flexibility when it comes to legal matters. Which means that I can now take a personal interest in the well being of my daughter, and - apparently - my granddaughter.”

A long few minutes of silence followed. Echo realized that the situation must be very strange for Twilight – she was watching a rather profound family drama unfold and had nothing to include. On top of that, one of the changelings in the room was impersonating her sister in law recently, in an effort to take over Equestria. Come to think of it, it's a wonder that Twilight isn't trying to murder Chrysalis.

“Well, where do we start?” Echo huffed as she buzzed her wings again and hovered a yard or so off the ground. Flying was considerably less painful than trying to stand on the leg that had only just been properly set.

“Let's start by getting all of your friends together, Echo. If my studies have taught me anything, it's that you'll need their help to get Scootaloo back,” Twilight stated plainly.

“Here's two of them!” Pinkie Pie shouted, having seemingly appeared out of thin air. Surprise had materialized next to her, and the two were wearing the same enormous grin.

Chrysalis screamed. “Where did you come from?”

“Well,” Pinkie began pensively, “I was born on a rock farm, and Surprise -”

“That isn't what I meant,” Chrysalis was obviously displeased with Pinkie's unintended insult to her intelligence.

“Maybe we should move on,” Twilight said, stepping between the ponies and the queen, “before somepony does something stupid.” Echo couldn't tell who Twilight was talking about, but had a feeling that she was right.

“So,” Echo interjected, “that leaves Rarity and Applejack. Twi, if you can go get AJ, I'll head back to the Boutique and get Rarity. Your Higness,” Echo paused, “No offense, but it might be best if you wait here.”

“I wholeheartedly agree.” The changeling queen stated dismissively.

“Okay, Echo. Meet back here in half an hour, okay?” Twilight teleported out of the basement.

Echo turned and flew toward the staircase. Chrysalis stopped her just a yard short of the stairs, “Wait, Echo. You and I will have to talk later, I think. There is a great deal that we should catch up on.”

Echo didn't say a word. She turned back and flew up the staircase as fast as her wings would carry her. As she approached the library's door, she changed into an orange pegasus, to avoid starting a panic, and rocketed back to the boutique. As she flew, her mind raced. Why did this all have to happen now? Things were going so well for me. I had a simple, pleasant life and a loving daughter. Then it all comes crashing down in the span of a few minutes. Now Chrysalis is trying to be my mom, Cluster has kidnapped Scootaloo, and Twilight – somehow – is unfazed by all of this. What in the hell is going on?

She landed in front of the Boutique and knocked on the door. “Rarity,” she pleaded, “Open up, please, it's me, Candlelight!”

“One moment,” came a muffled voice from upstairs. Echo heard hoofsteps on the other side of the door. The latch clicked as the door opened. “What?” Rarity's face showed pure confusion, “you aren't Candlelight? Who are you and what do you want?” Her night mask was sitting on her head above her horn, and her mane was remarkably unkempt. Echo surmised that she had woken Rarity up, but couldn't stop to apologize.

“It's me, I promise, Twilight will explain. We need to get going, we have to meet her back at the Library. It's important.”

“I suppose... if Twilight says it's important, it must be. I do hope that she explains what is happening, though.”

Rarity started off in a gallop toward the library, and Echo fluttered overhead. She cursed her pegasus wings as she flew. Changeling wings are so much easier to fly with.

“I'm still confused,” Rarity huffed as she galloped, “about what is happening. Is there anything you can tell me?”

“It would really be better if Twilight explained.”

“Oh my,” Rarity's pace slowed for a moment, “something awful has happened, hasn't it?”

Echo flew ahead of Rarity and turned around, giving the unicorn a pleading gaze. With a nod, Rarity returned to a full gallop. A few minutes later, they arrived back at the library. Echo nearly broke the door from its hinges as she flew inside and down the stairs. Rarity huffed something about making a mess as she followed.

As the two of them rounded the bottom of the staircase, they were greeted to a room full of ponies. There was Twilight, Surprise, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and two iterations of Rainbow Dash.

“Excuse me,” Rarity stared at the two blue pegasi, “I … dare say that I'm missing something. Would one of you care to fill me in?”

The Rainbow Dash on the left looked at Rarity quizzically for a moment before her eyes widened in realization. “Oh, yes, my apologies,” she said before igniting a tower of green flame, revealing her true form as Chrysalis. Nopony in the room flinched, save for Rarity.

The fashionista recoiled in horror. “It's queen Chrysalis, oh Celestia help us, it's queen Chrysalis,” she shouted. Hearing no affirmations of her terror, she looked around the room at the faces of all the ponies whose expressions betrayed no surprise at all. “Let me get this straight,” she said, unsure, “that's queen Chrysalis – the changeling queen – who has been impersonating Rainbow Dash – who tried to take over Equestria – who nearly ruined your brother's wedding, Twilight – and everyone is okay with this?”

“That isn't all,” Chrysalis mentioned, nodding to Echo.

“Oh yes, that's another question, isn't it,” Rarity began to sound a little angry, “you said you're Candlelight, but you quite obviously are not – though you do have her eyes. How do you explain that?”

Echo stared expressionlessly into Rarity's eyes as she changed in a flash to her natural form. The insect-like buzz of her wings filled the room. Everyone else but Chrysalis, Pinkie, Surprise, and Twilight gasped, and Rarity promptly fainted. “Huh,” Echo said, “well that went beautifully.”

“She'll be back on her feet in a few minutes,” Twilight reassured.

Chrysalis looked down passively at the unconscious unicorn and stuck her bottom lip out just slightly, as she asked “she does this regularly?” Twilight nodded succinctly in response.

“Can we please get back to the matter at hand,” Echo pleaded, feeling exhausted from constantly flying, “you know, kidnapped daughter, insane changeling in need of my horn through his throat and my hooves in his skull.” She said the last part with a growl under her voice. Everypony in the room, save for Chrysalis, recoiled slightly at the changeling's outburst of anger.

“Attagirl,” Chrysalis smirked.

“Well,” Twilight intervened, “Let me introduce Echo. To those of you who have never seen her like this – which is, well, all of you – you probably know her as Candlelight, Scootaloo's new mom.”

“No way,” Rainbow Dash took into the air and began to fly in Echo's face, “you're telling me that Candlelight,” Oh, here it comes, she's going to hate me! “can FLY?” An enormous grin came over Dash's face as she flew around behind Echo, examining her wings. “How fast can you go with these things?” Okay, that was unexpected.

“I'm sorry if this is rude in pony culture, but can we get back to SAVING MY DAUGHTER, PLEASE?”

“Oh, yeah, sorry,” Dash looked away, embarrassed, “but how do we find this crazy changeling?”

“I've got an idea,” Echo said, “it's insane, but it's just about the only thing that I can do. Twilight, can you talk to the mayor and arrange for me to have the town square tomorrow?”

Twilight nodded. “Absolutely. I'll go talk to her now,” she said as she bolted off.

"Surprise and Pinkie, I want you to spread the word. Tell everyone that Candlelight is having a party tomorrow, and invite everyone you meet. Okay?” The two party ponies nodded before giving each other a hoof-bump and bouncing off up the stairs. As they were leaving, Rarity began to regain consciousness.

“Applejack, can you get some candy apples made for the party? I know it's short notice, but -”

“Say no more, sugar cube. You can count on me,” Applejack said as she, too, bounded away from the library.

“Rarity, do you think you could stay with me, you know, as moral support? You were the first pony to show me true kindness, and having you by my side tomorrow would be very important to me.”

Still disoriented, Rarity managed to nod at Echo and smile gently.

“Rainbow Dash, I'm counting on you to be my eyes in the sky. If you see an opportunity to end the confrontation, take it.”

“Speed's my game, Candlelight! I've got your back.”

“Your Highness,” Echo turned to Chrysalis, “your role is the most important in my plan.”

The Next Morning

The sun broke through the clouds on the horizon as it rose. Tendrils of soft orange morning light worked their way between the buildings of Ponyville, bathing the town in a warm glow. The town square was alive with ponies, and a party was already in full swing. Some ponies were asking each other if they knew what the celebration was for, but most were simply enjoying the festivities. Atop the steps of the town hall, Candlelight stood next to Rainbow Dash and Rarity.

Rarity turned to Echo with uncertainty in her eyes, “darling, are you sure this is a good idea?”

“Yes. Cluster thinks he knows what I will do. He built his whole plan around predicting my behavior. Up until now, he's been right. In order to beat him, I have to act in a way that he wouldn't predict. He knows about this party, and he's here now. There's no doubt in my mind. He couldn't resist. This party is just too unexpected.”

“Are you sure you don't want me to beat the snot out of him when I see him?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yes, Dash, I'm sure.”

The sun peeked up over the top of the buildings, and Echo took a deep breath. “It's time,” she said, turning to her friends. “Here goes nothing.”

She walked up to the podium that rested at the top of the stairs, and began to speak, “Mares and gentlecolts, let me thank you first of all for coming to this celebration today. Many of you are probably asking yourselves why I asked you all to come here,” she turned away from the podium for a second and exhaled deeply before continuing, “I have a confession to make. My name is not Candlelight. My name is Echo, and I,” she paused again, looking at the confused faces of Ponyville's residents, “am a changeling.”

The stage erupted in a flash of green fire as Echo shed her disguise. Her white coat melted away to reveal the hard black chitin, her legs filled with holes, and her eyes became one solid color. Her fangs glimmered in the early morning sunshine. Some ponies in the crowd gasped, and others stifled screams. One, however, had no reaction to her change. It was a light green unicorn with white stripes in her hair, and a lyre for her cutie mark.

“I'm still the same mare you know as Candlelight. I'm the same mare who adopted Scootaloo – which leads me to why we're here today. I called you all here because last night, my daughter was kidnapped by another changeling. He's here today,” she stared at the green unicorn, whose eyes began to widen in fear, “and I intend to rescue my daughter from him, no matter the cost.”

The unicorn's face twisted to show a smile, and her eyes closed half way. She began to walk slowly up to the stage. Ponies stepped out of the way, and the unicorn and spoke as she went, “very well done, Echo. I really didn't expect this. You found me. What exactly do you plan to do now?” Cluster took a few steps onto the stage as he dropped his disguise. “You can plainly see that I don't have your little chicken with me, so you can't kill me. So what's the next step in your brilliant plan?”

As Cluster mocked Echo, an unassuming pegasus took a step out of the crowd and walked up behind him without a sound. Slowly and silently, the pegasus' fur melted away, exposing the holes in her hooves and the black of her armor. Her eyes radiated the rage of a mother whose child was threatened. Without a word, she wrapped Cluster in a green aura of magic and slammed him forcefully into the stage. “You fell for the oldest trick in the book, Cluster. Who's the incompetent changeling now?”

“What?” Cluster's eyes widened in fear as he gazed into the fury of Echo's stare, “how is this possible? You can't be in two places at once!”

“No,” the other Echo said, “but she had help from her mother,” she said as she dropped her disguise, revealing once again the slender shape of the changeling queen, “whom you have thoroughly enraged.”

“Let's not be too hasty now,” Cluster stammered, “after all, if you kill me, you'll never find out where Scootaloo is, and it's going to take you a good, long time to get that information from me.” He grinned up at the two changelings, baring his fangs in self-assurance.

“Oh, don't worry,” Chrysalis said flippantly, “I'm the changeling queen, remember? I have ways of extracting information from my subjects,” she began to charge her horn with magic. She brought her head close to Cluster's ear. “Normally, this spell is painless, but I'm going to throw in a special gift just for you.”As Cluster tried to persuade her that he was willing to give up the information without any kind of magic influencing him, she touched the tip of her horn to the point where his had been severed. Green electrical sparks covered his body for a few seconds, and he grimaced in pain. The spell dissipated quickly, and Chrysalis looked down at him with shock in her eyes. “You bastard. You indomitable bastard. I'm going to kill you, do you understand me?”

Echo saw Chrysalis' eyes begin to water. “Chrysalis, what is it?”

“I'm going to kill you for what you've done. YOU DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE!”

“Chrysalis, where is Scootaloo?”

“I'LL KILL YOU, JUST LIKE YOU KILLED HER!” At this, she took Cluster from Echo's grasp and levitated him in front of her for a brief moment before she bowed her head and ran her horn through his gut.

He coughed twice, a small amount of blood escaping his lips. He inhaled once deeply before he croaked, “I win.” Chrysalis withdrew her horn from his abdomen and let his body fall limp to the stage. She stared in hatred at the corpse, which lay on the ground with a subtle grin plastered to its face.

“Chrysalis,” Echo managed to say, “where is my daughter?”

The changeling queen shifted her gaze to meet her daughter's, and Echo saw tears running down the monarch's cheeks. “She's in the Crusaders' clubhouse. I'm so sorry, Echo.”

Suddenly, there was an explosion. When Echo looked up, she saw a full-spectrum shockwave and a rainbow colored contrail leading off towards Sweet Apple acres. Echo took off, following the trail as quickly as she could. Her wings beat so quickly that they roared in her ears. The muscles in her back burned from the strain, and tears streamed from her eyes as she flew. It was only a few minutes until she reached her destination, but to her, it felt like hours. As she approached the clubhouse, she saw that the door had already been broken in. Landing inside, she saw Rainbow Dash hunched over in the corner, her back heaving as she sobbed. In her arms, she was cradling Scootaloo's limp body.

“No,” Dash cried, “No, don't die, please, don't be dead! Scootaloo, please!”

Echo stared at the scene in shock for a moment before she felt her legs give way underneath her. She sat with her belly resting on the floor of the clubhouse, watching as Dash tried desperately to revive Scootaloo.

“Please, Scoot, don't do this! You're stronger than this! Don't give up!” Rainbow Dash continued to plead. As Echo began to sob, she heard a small cough. Dash immediately began to shout, “She's alive! Oh, thank Celestia, she's alive!”

“We have to get her to the hospital, NOW,” Echo screamed through her tears. She reached out and grabbed her daughter before bolting toward the hospital as quickly as her wings would allow. She felt like her back was going to break from the strain that her wingbeats put on her, but she kept pushing. She's alive, thank Chrysalis, she's still alive!

She landed in front of the hospital and began to scream for a doctor as she walked inside. A few ponies gasped and recoiled in horror at seeing a changeling, but the hospital staff was far more concerned with the wellbeing of the young pegasus. A doctor quickly came over and called for a gurney. He placed her on it and a team of doctors began to wheel her out of the lobby. As the doors closed, Echo was able to catch a glimpse of one of Scootaloo's wings hanging limply over the edge of the gurney. Please, be strong for me, Scootaloo. She thought to herself as her strength once again faded, and she collapsed in a heap in the middle of the hospital's lobby.

Author's Note:

Okay, well here we go.

I hope you guys don't hate me for this chapter, I know there's some stuff in here that some of you are going to give me a lot of crap for, and I'm ready for it.

I just hope that the most of you are able to enjoy the story.

Next chapter is probably going to be the final chapter.

Thanks to Leux, you can count on AT LEAST 2 more chapters. Go shower him with praise.
