• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 5,411 Views, 238 Comments

Pony POV Series Season 5.5/6.5 Side Story: Seven Dreams/Nightmares - Alex Warlorn

With princess Luna's aid journal of Bonbon's distant ancestor lands in the hooves of Twilight and Pinkie Pie, prepare to learn of the connection between all generations of the My Little Pony Cartoon.

  • ...

The Many Adventure of Patch Optional Canon, side story.

Author's Note:


Be sure to visit our trope page! http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/article_history.php?article=FanFic.PonyPOVSeries

"How long is Starlight gonna be? I wanna bash some bad guys!" Patch said as she waved around her sword, Buddy.

"As long as it takes for her and Razzaroo to get Nightmare Manacle to break out of Nightmare Whisper's brainwashing without Nightmare Whisper noticing!" Bright Eyes said. "We don't want Nightmare Whisper moving her Fake Ponyville to another spot in time and space again, and we won't get another chance."

The Tales Seven, minus Starlight The First, waited on the spiritual plane. Since time didn't really exist on the spiritual plane, only cause and effect, boredom was not something that usually existed. But having to move through time alongside Nightmare Manacle's borrowed-without-permission pocket reality, the rules changed.

And behind the Tales Seven, were the spirits of all the defenders of Dream Castle and Paradise Estate: including General Firefly The First, Twilight The First, and Queen Majesty. Starlight The First's friends were the first wave, if they failed, the Paradise Ponies were to move in as the second wave.

The fact that the pocket reality was programmed to automatically relocate if a complete deity entered it made Razzaroo and Twinkle Wish, (whose ascendance was incomplete), perfect for this assignment.

Starlight The First was given this assignment by Mortis by herself, but Patch, Bright Eyes, Melody, Clover, Bon Bon, and Sweet Heart, had all insisted on joining her. Thus being made deputized grim reapers exclusively for this mission and this mission only. But they were ordered to wait for the signal to move in.

In order to keep things from getting too chaotic, the two waves were separated, since they knew they could be called on at any moment.

And so the girls were left to pass the time.

"Well, I have plenty of new recipes I wouldn't mind you girls taste testing." Having every famous cook in recorded history present to learn from was a huge plus.

That Bon Bon's special talent had been making sweets, yet she'd chosen a career in modeling would have been shocking to modern Equestrians, but for the ponies of Ponyland, cutie marks had been lower in the cultural identity pecking order.

"Or we could sing Karaoke! I have soundtracks that no longer physically exist on the mortal plane!" Melody suggested, impressing her friends that she didn't suggest signing 'Sweet Music' for the millionth time.

"Or I could finally explain to Patch how imaginary numbers work. How can you girls truly appreciate the universe if you don't understand its inner workings?" Bright Eyes said, helpfully holding up a book on abstract mathematics. She had several more books next to her, many that didn't exist on the physical plane.

"BLECH! After I finished school I never saw one of those outside of my nightmares!" Patch gagged as she, Melody, and Bon Bon, all took a step back.

Bright Eyes rolled her eyes. "We have all eternity to improve our state of being towards the infinite, learning math can't kill you when we're already dead!"

"We could look into alternate universes, that's... always interesting." Clover half-heartedly suggested.

"And creepy! No thank you!" Bon Bon said hugging herself.

"It should be something we can all enjoy," Sweet Heart said. While their generation all had 'get along with the herd' had been drilled into them, Sweet Heart had embraced it of her own free will.

"Like duh!" Patch smiled. "We all know what we should be doing to pass the time!"

The others reared back.

"I've got plenty of stories of toppling Evil Overlords on my thousand year quest to collect the pieces of the Rainbow of Light!"

Bon Bon, Sweet Heart, and Clover politely held back their groans.

Melody and Bright Eyes did not.

Bright Eyes thought, 'I calculate, according the land mass of Ponyland, and the area covered by Patch, that if Ponyland was that infested with Evil Overlords after the failure of... my failure of the Wish Spell... That it's a wonder that Evil Overlords could give terrifying speeches to the huddled masses without talking over each other!'

Taking the three polite smiles to the two groans as a majority vote in her favor, Patch began.

"There was the time I toppled the wicked Hippogriff princess Gale!"


"Work faster you pigs! Your princess commands it!" Shouted the little purple and lavender hippogriff fledgling. Of course her crown looked like it came from a McPony Happiness Meal.

The community green earth ponies worked tirelessly to construct her castle (not really tirelessly, but she wasn't about to give them a break).

Being a hybrid freak, Gale's family had been shunned. But that all changed when an earthquaked unearthed a still fully functional unicorn war golem still in pristine condition, having never been used, and one of the few ever made. And the one who happened to find the control crown (that she now wore underneath her Happiness Meal one), and had imprinted on the fledgeling. Ironic since the unicorns' had mostly been concerned with keep the griffin population in check before the Disaster.

The War Golem now stood behind her at all times, ready to crush any who opposed her. Given it had been given a mana-core as its power source (shaped like a golden egg), its battery would last another fifty years.

"Yoink!" Patch swung in and snatched the control crown and toy all in one sweet... with Bright Glow tightly holding onto the rope as Patch did her dramatic swing.

The War Golem shut down lifelessly, and the green earth ponies turn cautiously at first, then angrily toward their prepubescent oppressor.

The crown falling into the pink talons of Gail's far kinder and sane sister Stella.


"And that's how I epically toppled the wicked Princess and liberated the pigs and defeated her terrible war golem!" Patch finished her tale. "And of course there was the time I defeated that cowardly evil, evil Minotaur and his... ick! Well, let's just call it slavery, or something."


"And they said I was crazy for saying humans still existed!" Loud Mouth said, cracking his knuckles. "Now without all them pesky Big Government looking over my shoulder, and that pesky Big Business no longer getting in my way... I can open BBQs all over the land! Minotaurs will eat like they were meant to eat! The Minotaur Empire will rise again!"

"Say that again please."

"Oh sure! I love gloating and... uh... who are you?"

Patch said, "Just your average heroic wanderer. And my friend just finished untying and freeing all your 'stock', and they'd like to have a few words with you."

The angry families of humans who hadn't run for their lives had already overwhelmed his 'business partners', with Bright Glow's help. The mob picked up sharp farming tools as they went.

The Minotaur looked in shock.

"You can run away like a coward now, if you start running now maybe you can get away to live out your days in-"

Loud Mouth ripped off his shirt, revealing his muscular abs, flexing them. "BRING IT ON! NO WAY IS LOUD MOUTH GOIN' DOWN TO LIVESTOCK WITHOUT A FIGHT!"

The liberated humans with their make shift weapons charged the Minotaur's lowered pointed horns.


"And of course the time I fought the unicorn with his mind controlling beetle bongo music."

"I still can't believe you're not making that one up!" Bon Bon said.


"Hey mon! Do ya have some beetles?!" Sang the unicorn with sunglasses with a South Seas accent and dreadlocks. His cutie mark was a beetle with a bongo drum. His horn glowed as he managed to get the loud speaker somehow working.

Everypony in the grassy field dancing to his beat whether they wanted to or not.

Meanwhile, his large beetles beat on the bongo drums.

"While ya certainly got some pizazz,
what you got against smooth jazz?" Asked the zebra with am ink painting of a saxophone for a cutie mark. He was currently tied up upside down with his fellow zebra band mates over a vat of boiling coconut oil.

"What mon?! Cause it's stupid! It ain't got no beat! It ain't got no soul! It ain't got no fire!"

"Smooth jazz is like the ocean,
Why should it have fiery motion?"

"ENOUGH! Yer gonna be beetle juice! Every record label turned down my beetle bongo! Now mon I'm the only music in the land!"

"Not to sound windy,
But could you have gone indie?"

In response the unicorn turned up the music on his head phone and one of the beetles began to lower the smooth jazz band into the vast.

The beetle was beheaded in one swift cut, its body locked in place holding the band where it lay.

The swarm of beetles attacked, being bisected and eviscerated in droves. The unicorn continued to bob his head to his own music as the ponies below his massive tree house stage continued to dance as his puppets.

"Hey mon," the unicorn felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see a peace colored earth pony wearing ear plugs with a sword covered in green blood... behind her a garish pegasus stomping out the last of his army of beloved loyal bugs, but only briefly before Patch knocked him out with one punch.

"Those poor innocent beetles," Sweet Heart said.

"There was nothing innocent about them," Patch retorted. "And of course, who could forget about the time me and Bright Glow defeated the tyrannical Sky King and liberated his empire!"

"YEEEEEE-HAAAA!" Shouted the pegasus, leaning back in his flying car. A beautiful red hot rod he'd somehow gotten working again that zoomed over one of the three terrified towns he 'ruled' over. His cloud house had add-ons making it look more like a cloud castle, or at least a house with lots and lots of towers. The result looked like a child's sand castle.

He downed a bottle of booze in one gulp, with it almost empty he tossed it over the side, making a couple foals have to dodge the glass container as it shattered on the ground.

He combed back his huge pompadour. His cutie mark was a car engine with wings. The pegasus air cars had been an invention from the last days of the Age of Wonders, most had fallen out of the sky during the Disaster and shattered into a million pieces.

He randomly fired off his shot gun like it was toy, one of his 'boyz' knowing how to make ammo so what did he care? Accidentally shooting an innocent vulture as it was about to put a sick mouse out of its misery. That, and the ponies in the town having to take cover from the shots when they came back down.

The nasal country music blared out of the air car's loud speakers that took up half the weight of the car. Some ponies' had to stop their loved ones from doing something desperate to get away from the music.

The three towns were made entirely of Earth Ponies and some zebra. Any creature that could fly had either joined his 'boyz' or been 'gotten rid of.' He hadn't set hoof on the ground in years, instead swooping down to pick a fresh 'offering' of booze, ammo, gasoline, and everything else to sustain his lifestyle.

"To think, mom and dad been harping on me for years to get a job before the Disaster hit. I figured the Wish Spell was gonna take care of that... well, I'd made my wishes come true anyway! Ma! Pa! If you could more thank just drool now! Be proud! Huh? What's that?"

He heard his 'boyz' shouting, and heard guns going off, didn't they know he was the only one allowed to sound off his boom-stick when he felt like it? He was gonna have to remind his 'boyz' who was in charge. Maybe deny them 'maiden' rights for a while.

"Hey! Boyz! Keep it down you... " His 'boyz' were falling out of the sky, their air scooters flying out of control without them. "Huh? Did those morons get drunk or something?"

There was a thump on the hood of his car. Was there trouble with his favorite girl? Impossible, he always took the most loving care of her. He turned around to find a peach colored ground pony taking up space on the hood of his girl. She had an angry look on her face like his mom used to give before the Disaster finally shut her up. She also had a fancy looking sword with her.

"Nice gun, I'll be taking that."

The pegasus laughed and aimed his weapon at her, out of the range of her little toy. "Dame! I don't know what your game is but-"

Then a pegasus dame he didn't recognize swooped in and flared like the sun, blinding him. He heard metal against metal, and his girls' heart cry out in agony as she began bleeding. Then he was punched a lot in more places than he could count, and was pulled out of his seat (he never wore the seat belt, those were for ground ponies anyway), and felt something tying up his sacred Firefly given wings... By the time he recovered, he screamed in agony seeing his beloved girl smash into the ground.

And his ground ponies 'subjects' surrounding him.

"That was one epic battle." Patch said with a smile. "The skies themselves trembled!"

"Patch, dear," Bon Bon, "You seem to have forgotten a detail."


Everypony gave her a hard eye-lidded look.

"We were watching over you for most of your adventure remember?!"

"... Oh... right... well, it was still entertaining right? That's what counts? Who cares about historical accuracy right Bright Eyes? So how about the time I defeated the Evil Overlord of-"

A little bit later, the ponies were taking turns singing on randomly selected song from all over Equus during the Age of Wonders, the last top hits released before the Disaster (including a single by Adagio Dazzle Melody passed on her turn to sing).

And Sweet Heart sharing one of her many interesting stories of her days as a doctor. As was Clover and Bon Bon about their own epic tales of the many twists and turns that accompanied their rise to stardom, Bon Bon facing the problems with her weight, while Clover having to deal with the weight of being seen as 'Meadowlark-lite.'

Patch meanwhile, sat behind them, tied up and with a gag over her mouth. As Bright Eyes taught her advanced mathematics, while slipping in interesting anecdotes of her time as a veterinarian and environmentalist.

If this was a tale explicitly created to absolve Patch of any and all errors on her part, she would have seen the signal first, and tried desperate to inform her friends as they ignored her. Followed by a profuse apology later to her and vowing to listen to any and all her stories as many times as she wanted. Sadly for Patch, this wasn't that kinda story. Instead, it was Clover who saw the beacon first, and cut Patch free and took the gag off her in record time as the group made their way to help their friend.

Comments ( 31 )

Ah, imaginary numbers. I remember you from high school.

It seems even in Heaven, ponies can still be guilty of pride and ego.

This was an optional canon chapter because I didn't want it taken too seriously. I wrote it mostly just for fun. I'm happy you enjoyed it dude!

You're welcome! Yeah, that's one of the things I thought was beautiful, Melody's family still remembers that song after so many centuries :twilightsmile:

Got it. What do you mean, treating it as a punishment?

"You lose this bet, you have to watch Very Minty Christmas!"
"Oh no!"

Got it. I meant the part about how she saw the kind side of nature and learned to love nature so much right after Strife was telling her how nature was cruel.

You're welcome!

Was that mentioned in this story?

Which chapter?

During the Shining Armor Arc. The Smilie chapter.

Got it, I haven't gotten to that one yet.

Him being ticked off at the world being destroyed was supposed to be justified.

Cool, so why is the project failing Patches fault? Even from his perspective that should fall squarely on Starlight and company. All Patch did was find the place. He has every right to be angry at the world being destroyed, but Patch didn't deserve any of the blame for what happened. Might as well blame Christopher Columbus for 9/11. They just found the place, they didn't have any reasonable way of knowing that would happen.

Also, if it was supposed to be justified then there was some definite margin for error on that front.

You mean Patch? Okay.

Nope, I meant Buddy. Dude blew his lid on her and not what? thirty minutes later she's proposing to him.


Nope, I meant Buddy. Dude blew his lid on her and not what? thirty minutes later she's proposing to him.

Notice how it was Patch telling HIM to get married... I imagine at that point he would have never asked again.

Cool, so why is the project failing Patches fault? Even from his perspective that should fall squarely on Starlight and company. All Patch did was find the place. He has every right to be angry at the world being destroyed, but Patch didn't deserve any of the blame for what happened. Might as well blame Christopher Columbus for 9/11. They just found the place, they didn't have any reasonable way of knowing that would happen.

How rational would you be if the world got blown up and all your relatives were likely dead because of a Macguffin your other half found? How much would you bother thinking about the subtleties of the cause of things 30 seconds after it happened?


How rational would you be if the world got blown up and all your relatives were likely dead because of a Macguffin your other half found? How much would you bother thinking about the subtleties of the cause of things 30 seconds after it happened?

Fair enough I guess, but I still don't have to like it, or him for it.

You're making fun of a five year old typo?

If there are typos in there that span half a decade or more then you should probably get some people on that good ol' editing.

Ace was self absorbed and Starlight in the show needed to accept that changing herself completely to the point where she isn't the same person... then can she really say she'll be happy with him?

Maybe not, but if the people she keeps dating end up being one date a piece then either the people she's dating need to change, or she's the problem. It's one or the other.

Is actually among the scariest things a supreme deity can say.

Actually, Havoc's nickname for Sane Reality is "Buddy."

Why's that? Just because he's the guys opposite doesn't mean he can't have a point from time to time.


Coincidence? I think maybe!

And Havoc would ask, "Can I call you Daria then?"

Me? Nah, for the courageous, if stupid, decision to nickname Entropy, you can call me Darwin Award!

Stop picking on Destruction, poor dude has a rough job.

Tell you what, put him on trial for all the lives he's ruined then we'll talk. Seriously, poor Starlight got the brunt end of the stick, and at the hands of mr. made of good no less.

Incidentally....Starlight...Starlight...any connection?


She has an origin chapter here on my user page for the pony pov universe if you want to find out. (Done before her second appearance happened.)

And Destruction is dragged kicking and screaming to his job... which in the three divine comedies, we learn isn't a good thing.

Yeah, I agree, that was a very good character moment for her. Refusing to give up, bringing back her friends from her horrible transformation, and choosing of her own free will to fuse with Posey as she did. She didn't have to do it, but she did it anyway, taking Poseys Shadow out of the proverbial guillotine of non-existence.

Incidentally since this strange forces words are crossed out aren't they technically more nothing than Entropy, who speaks in caps lock? Just sayin'.

Entropy knows she's has no purpose without a reality to demolish to make room for the next universe.


And my best friend LOVES that song!

Secret of survival in a very nasty world?

I'm assuming I must have misread the context clues then? The influence of the human world and its traditions, the mention of a bible etc, and the religion in question was solely centered around the alicorns? If that's the case then I apologize for the misunderstanding. It must have been frustrating seeing me harping on something that wasn't meant to even be a thing.

Only by more puritan standards. Sex outside of marriage for the sole purpose of recreation isn't the same thing as hurting yourself.

Right, looks like I gotta go bug a doctor for a ride.

Oooooh I’m silly for not understanding that. Makes more sense though I have to wonder now if you ever wanted the King Sombra redemption comic as canon to your series those Shadow Ponies would fit the bill as the Umbra.

Hopefully maybe they’ll be given a chance to be free…

Yes, there’s only a few of us who loved Tales. It definitely had really good writing that in a way reminded me how Arthur or Doug was like which I’m sad the reasons for why the show didn’t get another season was a few things like it aired on a wrong time of day like Sunday morning of all days, barely any toys, this is just from the internet but I read someone asked one of the writers and they said Hasbro seemed fine just having one season to air over and over again which does happen to kid shows…

This is a rumor and I haven’t really found a source from what was said by the creators themselves but supposedly it was said that they wanted to do Season 2 and it could had added a new older sibling for Bon Bon as well having Clover being an Aunt. That was it… we don’t know what kind of older sibling Bon Bon could of had but I think in theory they would likely be in college or living on their like Clover’s older sister was. Also, I didn’t even realize it’s been like almost 31 years since the Tales show aired. Man, I really wished they did at least 3 seasons but at the time usually shows at the time had one season with 64ish episodes.

No problem! Maybe I’ll check the first POv story later on. I’m pretty wiped out reading this story and finding an old fanfic of tales that wasn’t on FimFiciton but had its own site long before FimFiction like 2006 old. Which looks like it was completed and the author is an artist and is still making the story into a comic this day. Hasn’t finished story one comic yet but glad he keeps going.

I'd want Radiant Hope to be canon with the fanfic. Because she gave Sombra a PERSONALITY rather than the 1-D evil overlord he was in all his other appearances.

Just beware.
I had some episodes of real bleakness while writing. But everything turns out alright in the end in spite of appearance.

Sooo, they read a book that shows the previous generations 1 - 3 before gen 4?


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