• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 5,411 Views, 238 Comments

Pony POV Series Season 5.5/6.5 Side Story: Seven Dreams/Nightmares - Alex Warlorn

With princess Luna's aid journal of Bonbon's distant ancestor lands in the hooves of Twilight and Pinkie Pie, prepare to learn of the connection between all generations of the My Little Pony Cartoon.

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Bright Eyes' Story Part 2 "Zipzee faces the darkness"

My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic
My Little Pony Tales
Pony POV Series Side Story Episode 6 of 7
Part 3 of ?
MLP: POV Seven Dreams/ Seven Nightmares
Written By Alex Warlorn
Edited By Kendell2 and Louis

Why were so many of the flowers blue? And why did they all look the same? It was really scary. The sky...oh right, I guess I forgot to mention that after seeing all our friends not being our friends. It was black. Not like at night, it was like the sky wasn't even there anymore! And even though the colors of everything but ponies were faded, the blue flowers were still bright blue. I flew close to one, but every instinct inside me screamed that these flowers were wrong, and I flew backwards from them like they were on fire. ...I didn't even sneeze around them...

Breezie Blossom, looked so wrong. Everything was so still. This isn't right at all. What's going on? What did any of us do to deserve this?

Everything was so silent. I could hear my heart pound in my ears. How could even your own home, become so scary just by being empty?

"I don't like this!" Tra La La whimpered.

"Me neither!" Tiddlywink hugged her.

No one here to greet us, no one here to say hello? This wasn't the Breezie way.

"This.. this is all just a bad dream, right, Zipzee?" Little pink Tiddlywink asked.

"Hellllooooo!" I called holding up my hooves like a megaphone. "Everybody! We're back! Bad things are happening in Ponyville, and our pony friends really need our help!"

No one answered us back. That never happened in Breezie Blossom. There was always a friend to hear what you had to say.

"Where is everyone? Did they go to Ponyville to help and we missed them?" Tra La La asked.

"Maybe," I answered back, I didn't have a clue. What had happened to poor Rainbow Dash? Why was everything faded except us and those blue flowers that felt so not-friendly? Feel not-friendly you ask? We are the Breezies, if anypony knows how flowers feel, it's us. These flowers weren't friendly or playful, it was like they were the opposite of those things. Flowers are always happy to listen to us, these flowers didn't want to listen. I felt this horrible sense that something awful would happen if we touched them.

We heard a purring. Was there a kitty cat nearby? Did it want to play? Did it want a hug? Maybe it was scared too.

There was this fluttering and we saw a bright colored ball with wings flying through the leafs. It smiled at us happily as it flew in front of us. We noticed it had four tiny black legs. It was purple with green eyes.

"Hello, new friend, who are you?" I asked flying close to it. He just looked at me happily and gave me a sniff and nuzzled against me. "Oh aren't you friendly." I said hugging back, happy to have something anything that felt nice even if this strange creature was out of nowhere, "Where did you come from? Do you know where our friends are? What's your name? My name is Zipzee, and this is Tra La La and Tiddlywink. Are you missing your friends too?"

It smiled even wider at me, those big innocent eyes looking at me like it didn't have a care in the world. At least with everything bad going on, we could still make new friends.


We turned around and saw a handful of our Breezie friends hiding underneath the blue flowers being careful not to touch the blooms. They looked so scared, but why would they be silly enough to be scared of a ball that was just being friendly?

"Flight Shine! It's great to see you all! We were all really worried!" I waved at the green Breezie and the others, "Why didn't you say anything when I called? There really are some bad things happening in Ponyville and they really need our help so we should get going, maybe our new friend will want to-"


I turned back around, and saw our friend now had a really really big mouth stretched bigger than she was, a lot bigger. It was closing in around me like a dark cave. No, I didn't like this dark...

"ZIPZEE!" Tiddlywink and Tra La La pulled me back as the jaws came crashing down and all the ball got was air. It looked around confused and bewildered then spotted me and cheered up again.

Flight Shine said, "We thought if we hid they'd just go away if they couldn't find us! OH NO!"

Purring. And it was like it coming from every direction. More of the colored balls came, all with bright cheery green eyes like jewels, and all the colors of the rainbow. They fluttered into sight like some big cloud of candy. We were surrounded.

"NO!" Flight Shine cried out.

"Where is everyone else?!" Tra La La asked.

One of our expert gardeners, Flights Flighty, shakily raised a hoof at the swarm of bugs. "Right there."

"They...they...they ..." Tiddlywink couldn't say it. I couldn't think it! No, no no no no no no! This wasn't happening! This was a nightmare! A nightmare! A nightmare!

"No." A purple coat and blond mane Breezie friend name Daisyslow whimpered she was curled up in a ball, "They...they put them in their mouths...then spat them out...but...but..."

The bugs were getting closer, a wall of smiling winged balls, closing in on us!

"Please Pink Velvet stop!" Twinkle cried out flying in front of the purple ball, "You can't want to do this! Please! We're your friends! We're all your friends! None of you can want to do this! Stop. Just stop!"

The others were too far away. We were too slow, what we had just heard, it was impossible, it was scarier-than-scary, we actually fell to the ground like rocks we couldn't think to fly, what we just heard couldn't be true.

Pink Velvet? I always thought it was funny how she was named Pink Velvet but had...a purple coat.

We snapped back only when Pink Velvet closed her giant mouth around Twinkle Shine...my friends saved me, but I couldn't save her...I'm an awful pony. It wasn't fair. It was a cheat. That happens to her and not to me? That's not fair. That's not fair at all.

Pink Velvet spat Twinkle out...instead there was a ball that was blue just like Twinkle's coat, with green eyes...looking at us the way pegasi look at ice-cream.

"Twinkle," Flights Shine whispered.

The colored balls were right on top of us now. We panicked and scattered. The three of us stayed together out of sheer habit. They tailed behind each of us, always smiling, looking at us happily like it was all a game.

Their colors. I recognized them all. Aloes. Azalea Bloom. Midnight. All the Breezies I had known and loved.

It was...there was a word I didn't...so much happening at once...and no way to...to fight back...all at once...while they did as they pleased. Slaughter. The word was slaughter.

Flights Shine flew up, and up, and up in a straight line, the swarm followed her like a vapor trail. They closed in like a dome above her, each one wanting to be the one to eat her. I watched the ball that used to be Twinkle open up like a cave above her, and Flights Shine couldn't stop herself in time.

Flights Shine, you were the one who knew I was being overeager and getting in over my head when I wanted to take Wysteria's place working on the promenade.

The balls began crowding each other, they were few and fewer of us.

This was the end? This is what happened to the Breezies? Is this what the patchwork thingie meant when it said there was nowhere to run?

What was happening? Why was this happening?

All I ever wanted was for everyone to be happy and for us Breezies to help in every way we could. Did we just not try hard enough for something? Nothing made sense.

Daisyslow stayed where she was, curled up, crying, I wanted to cry and never ever stop.

The three of us moved like lightning, but the bugs were everywhere. We were also the biggest morsel, there being three of us. All together. Nice and tasty. We acted as spotters for each other; none of the bugs were able to take us by surprise.

I wanted to scream and shout for us to stand together, but we'd just get eaten fast. I wanted to tell us all to run, but the bugs didn't leave a place to run to. I wanted to beg the bugs to stop, but we'd get eaten. I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry.

They closed in around Flights Flightly like a huge nest made of themselves...I saw the nice hat Rainbow Dash had made for her fall to the ground...becoming faded and pale like everything else, the flower on the hat's front withered away.

There were just four of us left.

We were proving trouble to catch, so the bugs all turned their identical eyes towards Daisyslow. She was still just laying there crying...why wasn't she moving? Why wasn't she doing anything!? Why?

There was nothing left. We didn't need to speak to each other to know we made the same choice. We flew towards Daisyslow as she quivered and the cloud of our changed friends came down on her.

We pushed through the storm.

Flights Flighty and Twinkle pushed against each other wanting to be the one to eat her.

Tiddly Wink rammed into them heads first as fast as a Breezie can be, pushing them through the blue flowers and hard into the ground.

Tra La La and I flew back to back to Daisyslow.

"Daisy! GET UP! We have to leave! Now!"

Go where? I dunno!

Daisyslow didn't even react to us, she just kept crying, it was like she couldn't even see us.

Tiddlywink joined us brushing against the blue flowers. They came without hesitation.

Fighting is bad. Fighting is wrong. Fighting is something you should never ever do no matter what.

We fought back.

We kicked and head-butted, but they just kept smiling and crowding closer. It was like nothing mattered to them except eating us... . What would they eat when all of us were like them? ...The big ponies? Each other?

We began to tire out. We Breezies can work an entire forest as our personal garden. But we still need to eat and sleep. These things, it was like they couldn't get tired.

They were a storm of mouths and green eyes. We held against the crashing tides. Then we cracked.

Tra La La's wings stiffened, she fell, her eyes half open, Flight Shine flew under her mouth open. I tried to save her. I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY DID!!! HONEST I DID!!! But Twinkle, Pink Velvet and Midnight and a zillion others formed a wall between us.

"Zipzee, I love you," Tra La La said as the green ball, Flights Shine, ate her, then spat out a deep purple ball that looked at me like I was just a cookie.

I felt like my heart died and the rest of me just forget to too.

Why were they stopping? They were like a giant dome now, all those green eyes looking at us like were candy. All their eyes on me.


"Tiddlywink?" I looked at her, she look horribly sick, she couldn't even fly as she lay on the ground. Daisyslow finally opened her eyes and whimpered at Tiddlywink and inched away from her.

"I don't feel so good." She sounded awful. Her feelers actually began to wither before my eyes. She looked at me. I finally took note of the blue pollen on her, it hadn't made me sneeze. Maybe it wasn't pollen. "It hurts... everywhere..." Her eyes became green gems. "I...I'm...I'm...I'M HUNGRY!!!"

She twisted shape and form, she...she became...no no no no...those blue flowers...where they? Did they do...

Daisyslow wailed and covered her head. She was waiting for them to eat her. This is why she didn't run? She knew we were doomed no matter what happened? I landed on the ground and stood next to her.

All my friends but her...all looking back at me. No, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Minty, Wysteria, Pinkie Pie, Spike, they were still out there, waiting for me, waiting for us, they were still my friends, our friends.

They began to inch closer, savoring us. Like we were treats. These things, no, my friends, my family, those I loved more than anything. They wouldn't do this. They couldn't do this. This wasn't right! Couldn't be right! SHOULD NOT BE RIGHT!


I shouted using Wysteria's Voice, I stared at them, those walls of green eyes. I saw my reflection in them. I was angry. So angry. I didn't think this kind of anger even existed! The look on my face left me surprised but I didn't stop, I couldn't stop, I didn't want to stop!

The swarm of whatever-had-happened to my friends stopped, looking confused, bewildered... scared?

Daisyslow finally looked up at what I was doing.

They began to move forward again, but like they were being pushed, like they didn't WANT to come closer to me, like I was an inferno.

"I don't know what's happened to you! But I know you aren't making these choices! And there's got to be a way to help you! And I will, we will save you!"

No, they are gone.
They are lost to you.
There was never a way to win.
The sooner you accept this. The sooner I shall drink of your despair.
Fall into the blackest pit of your soul. Recall what was rewritten.
Watch your child die. Mother of the world.
Realize you have been playing a game with no pieces.
Accept that all you see before you is your sin. Your failure. Your fault.

No. Not now. Not ever.

Give into the comfort of despair. It is your only salvation. There is no hope. Hope only brings pain.

I said I am not giving up!

Then you are as mindless as them. A mindless creature mindlessly bashing its brainless head against a mountain thinking that'll move it.

No. They are still my friends. Princess Rarity belief restored the world's rainbows. Minty told us how the love and friendship between her friends was strong enough to save Christmas! And it'll be strong enough to save my friends!

Breezies have nothing, you are nothing. You don't have individuality! None of you have personalities! You exist just for fluff! You've done nothing with yourselves! You've added no substance to the universe! You're a waste of space!

We...We brought Princess Rarity to Ponyville when she was lost and all alone! We saved Princess Rarity and our friends' lives when they were about to go over a waterfall! The entire forest is beautiful because of us. We love the world, we love each other, we love our big pony friends. That is not nothing. Nothing is that blackness in the sky. We aren't nothing.

You speak nice sounding words. You spew pretty sounding noise. You have no substance. You are dolls. These mindless soulless creatures that exist only to devour and multiply are more alive than you.

No. They're JUST AS alive as me! Nature doesn't pick favorites, all lives are equal.

You who love forever the world the gods gave you and adopted it as your own.
Accept, that their deaths are your fault. So you might find redemption:
though your own death. Let your very Concept be devoured and consumed.

I wouldn't want my friends to give up on me, and my friends wouldn't want me to give up on them either.

Yes they want you to throw yourself in an abyss after they've fallen into it.
To throw away your life after theirs is lost.
You waste your time!

It's my time. And I'll waste it however I want! And I don't KNOW they're beyond hope. So I chose to believe! I chose life!!!

You choose a fantasy.

Then I'll make it real!

One tiny spark of a concept doesn't have that kind of power. Fool.

At least fools are willing to try!

Try what? Idiot. Despair is your only logical conclusion. Walk away from the game of life that there is no way to win.

I don't know, YET. But all will be well. Everything will turn out okay! There's always night-time, but there's always dawn too!

Lancer. Night Eyes. Mom. Dad. I love all of you with all of my heart. I love nature and its forests and all it gives us.

Tra La La. Tiddlywink. All my Breezie friends. We're one big family. And I love you all more than there are words for. Just like I know you love me!

Tiddlywink and Tra La La flew closer, their mouthes wide as I kept staring at them all, come towards me almost like magnets, wanting to devour me, to consume me.

"Don't worry everyone. All will be well.
Dreams do come true. Yes they really do.
Sometimes you can find your hearts desire, just by wishing it.

I promise, you will see, dream do come true,
true for you and me.
Sometimes you can find your hearts desire, just by wishing it.

We'll together, this is not the journey's end.
I know we'll make it through, me and you.

I feel something magical, it's in the heart.
It's a special glow from inside me and you.
Cause I know, in the end, dreams do come true.

I know we'll make it through. Me and you.
Sometimes you can find your hearts desire, just by wishing it,

Just keep dreaming, who knows where we'll go from here.
But anywhere we go, our heart will be together.
Because I know, in the end, dreams do come true."

Someone hugged me... Daisyslow?


"I'll believe too."

Bright light shined from inside me, and then from inside Daisyslow, and light jump from inside me to Tra La La and Tiddlywink, then it jumped to Pink Velvet and Flights Shine, Twinkle, Midnight, and Azalea Bloom and Aloes, and then to more, and to more, and to more, and to more!

The balls quivered like they were going to fall apart, they filled with light, and...exploded in a mass of sparkles...I covered my eyes at the flash.

When I opened them again ...

Ta La La and Tiddly Wink hugged me.

"ZIPZEE!" They cried out together. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!"

The other Breezies cheered and clapped and laughed. They hugged each other. They hugged me. I hugged them. It didn't matter who hugged who, we all had something to be happy about!

Our laughter was the only sound echoing through the entire forest.

We did cartwheels in the air, we zoomed along in the forest without a fear or worry, everything becoming a little bit less pale as we did. We all danced, a sea of laughing colors in the forest.

We never felt so alive!

"What happened to all of you?" I asked.

Flights Shine said, "Well, Pink Velvet and I were talking about if we could maybe find or figure out a magic spell that could make Breezies the size of the big ponies or shrink big ponies down to normal size, when this weird animal, that looked like was bunch of different animals put together, appeared out of the sky out of nowhere, ya know, like Rarity when she magicked herself here. He waved happily at us, and we all waved happily at him, he was really nice.

"He said 'Hello! Nice to meet you all! Look at how cute and pretty you all are! I'm a friend! Call me Mr. D! I--I hope you're not all scared by how I look!' Of course we weren't scared of him. He was just a new friend to play with. That's the Breezie way, and we told him so.

"'Oh my! Such wonderful and friendly little ponies! You all deserve a big bright gift!' And that was when the blue flowers grew everywhere. They were all so bright and cheery. We didn't stop to think and check if there was anything wrong with them. They were a gift from a new friend after all. A lot of us got the blue pollen all over ourselves. Then they got really sick. And Mr. D was laughing. When...when they all... change...he laughed harder...he said to run and hide, or they'd eat us too."

Pink Velvet hugged herself and we all hugged her. "I remember being really sick, and I hurt all over...then, all I knew was that I was hungry, really hungry, and no matter how much I ate, it would never be enough, and that...and that...my friends, were the only thing that looked tasty."

"Mr. D. said he'd have more fun with us, but he had to be somewhere, and he just vanished. He told us 'Enjoy the poison joke. And don't let the parasprite bite.' " Flight Shine continued. "We tried hiding in our houses but ... they just follow us...And everything turned pale, and the sky turned black."

Tra La La asked, "Why did you hide underneath the flowers if you saw what they did?"

"We thought it would be the last place that the...parasprites, would look for us. It kinda worked. A little. We didn't know what we were going to do until you three came back."

"And lured our changed friends back," I said sadly.

Tiddlywink and Tra La La, okay, everyone, hugged me for that one. "Don't be sad! You did your best. And it saved us all."

I couldn't help but smile at those words.

"Our pony friends! Really bad things are happening in Ponyville! Ponies are becoming different ponies, and fighting and not kissing and making up! It's awful! We have to help them!"

"Yes we do!" We all said together. No it's not scary or sad. Why would that be? We're united in heart. We stand together as one. We work together as a whole. We support each other like feathers on a wing. We're friends and family.

"What about the blue flowers?" Flights Flightly asked.

"We can ask our Pony friends to help dig them up, or maybe we can get Mr. D to see what he did was really not nice at all so he can fix his gift."

We all nodded at that perfect logic.

"My little parasprites! Have you eaten up all the Breezies yet? Please say you haven't! Oh right you can't speak! Ok, two squeaks if you have, one if you haven't! Oh right, you can't understand me either! Or think! Oh but I hope you haven't eaten them all yet! I really want to watch the last of them squirm and whimper before they're-" He made tasty mouth sounds -"gobbled up, tasty treats!"

"...Everyone but Tiddlywink and Tra La La, get inside." I said looking up.

Mr. D was smaller now, pretty much the size of a big pony or a bit smaller, and he was made of different animals from before, I guess he liked to look different at different times. He was looking this way and that with his paw over his eyes like a sea-captain.

"I want to stay too," said Daisyslow.

"And me too," said Twinkle.

"And me," said Pink Velet.

"Get inside please!" I stared at them. The others all startled at me, wide eyed, nodded and quickly flew into our flower homes and other homes made from natural things in the forest.

My two best friends flanked me as I looked up at Mr. D.

He finally saw us. No. I wasn't afraid. I couldn't afford to be. And I was really too...what's that word? Angry? Thanks! I was too angry to be scared. "I knew I missed some the first time, it won't hurt if I had just a little more fun with-"

Rainbow Dash, the pegasus she now was, rammed into him from behind so fast I didn't even see her until after she hit. Mr. D did several tumble overs in the sky like a barrel, he suddenly stopped with a screeching noise just floating without even using his tiny wings. Rainbow Dash ...you... you came back.

Mr D did not sound happy. "OW! Owwwww.... Hey! Why you! Ya stupid horse! Yer gonna get it now you-"

"Come Along, Discordance, You've Dallied Long Enough Young Draconequus."

That big voice...it sounded scary, but it didn't sound...well, like the thing Mr. D was being. Mean? That's the word? Don't be silly, 'mean' is when you're trying to explain something.

"Uh-oh... FINE!" Mr. D looked really really really scared. "I have... uh, important work to do!" Then he grabbed Rainbow Dash's head! "So I guess you get off easy this time, Little Miss Remade! Enjoy your all-expenses-paid trip to that wonderful place where souls-yet-to-be-born-go! But I'm gonna REMEMBER you, stupid horse! And the next time, I'll break you in two!"

We zoomed up to help without a word to each other.

She stuck out her tongue at him. It was funny. "Ooooh, look at the badflank, I'm shaking in my little horseshoes."

"In-TWO!" He hissed, still rubbing where Rainbow Dash had hit him and like a light switch he was gone.

Rainbow Dash startled, and she looked really sleepy. Her wings folded, and fell from the sky. All three of us caught her. Then a lot more of us caught her. Huh?

I looked around. Flightly Shine. Daisyslow. Pink Velvet. Midnight. All of us.

"You didn't really think we'd let you do this alone, that isn't the Breezie way," Twinkle said.

"No...no it isn't." I gently shook my head.

We carefully brought Rainbow Dash down into Breezie Blossom. I was wrong. I was so completely wrong. Rainbow Dash. She was still in there after all. She came back, only a friend would do that. She smiled in her sleep. She looked magnificently dashing darling.

We laid her gently on the ground, hovering around her. I flew closer to her, and lightly brushed some strands of hair out of the way on her face. She slowly opened one eye at me. "Hmmmm?" She hummed, still asleep.

"It's okay, Rainbow Dash, you can rest right now," I said kindly, "Thank you for protecting our friends. We can talk later. I promise." I kissed her as she closed her eyes. It felt like the right thing to do.

None of us said anything to how while Breezie Blossom was colorful again, everything outside it wasn't pale anymore, it was like the sky, fading to black.

There was another big pony among us. No flash of light nor nothing, she was just there, and she was bigger than any pony we'd ever seen before. What was even weirder was how she had the wings of a pegasus and the horn of a unicorn and the figure of an Earth pony. HEY! Why not the feelers or wings of a Breezie? That's not fair. Or did she? It was hard to tell.

She looked around, but unlike with Princess Rarity when she dropped in on us, she looked more surprised than confused. "Oh my." We all held our breath, until her eyes settled on me, then she looked like Puzzlemint when she found the clue that caused everything to fit into place. "Oh I see. That's why."

"What do you see?" I heard myself ask.

"That this world, that you, had one last miracle in her after all," she said calmly, she reminded me of Kimono.

She had a blue coat, and a white mane like shinning pearls, her cutie mark was a pair of doves' wings. She was wearing red barding with a small red crown.

"Excuse us, but who are you?" I asked for all of us....She felt...nice...Like someone who would always listen...I don't really understand.

She spread out her wings held her head high, then lowered herself to be eye level with us and looked at me warmly. "I've had many names. Starglow, Angel Pony, the name given to me by My Parents is Abbatissa...I am an Alicorn, the Concept of Prayer."

Prayer. I'd heard that word someplace before, but where? I felt like it was just at the tip of my brain, along with a whole bunch of things! It had something to do with being married. What did that word mean again?

"It's not safe for all to be here anymore. You need to go someplace safe," she continued.

"We can't just leave Breezie Blossom," Tiddlywink said flying between her and me.

"If you stay, the shadows and the nothingness will devour you as they devour this place."

"Then we're not going," Tra La La said.

"We're staying here," Daisyslow said.

"And what'll happen to Rainbow Dash?" I asked.

"She is safe. The shadows can't touch her. She simply needs to wait a long long time for the world to catch up with her again."

"...So, she's like Spike was? Sleeping until its time to wake up?"

She nodded slowly. "I believe that is as accurate comparison as is possible, given the circumstances."

"I'm not leaving her," I say.

"Zipzee, you've stayed at this world's side until the very end, like any mother should, it's time to come home."

It was like an electric shock went through me. "Mother?"

"Oh, right, you don't know that...Everything that exists that you've known before today, exists because of you. Every one who has lived in this world owes their lives to you," She said slowly, carefully, like she was going among a bunch of puddles without rain boots on.

All my friends gasped.

"Is it my fault everything is going wrong today?" I asked.

"...it isn't your fault Zipzee."

Something about the way she said that... I looked back at Rainbow Dash, sleeping...forget all that! "I'm staying with Rainbow Dash until she wakes up!"

"And we're all staying with Zipzee," Tiddlywink said as the rest crowded around me.

Abba... Abbaticia? Abbotissua? About-two-Susan? She looked really sad. Like her heart was going to break. "You truly live for the sake of each other..." Her horn glowed and her voice had a weird echo to it, "Your spirit will never vanish from ponies hearts."

I felt a chill go through me. The sky above was black. The forest beyond Breezie Blossom was black. It was cold, like a winter without Christmas. It was like the world outside had gone blind. And...something awful. Something bad. Like something that didn't like us because it didn't like us. Was the air getting thin? No. That wasn't it. Breezie Blossom was safe and would always be safe as long as we were here to take care of her.

"But where are all our pony friends? Are they are out there? In that darkness?" I asked for us all.

"...They are sleeping, like Rainbow Dash. The world had a bad mess up, and had to back up and start over again. They're just waiting for the world to catch up with them again. To put it simply, they're in a tomorrow waiting for today to catch up again."

"But why is Rainbow Dash now a pegasus?"

"Because that is how she'll be when the world catches up again."

"Why can't she just be how she was before?"

"Because the world won't have quite the same rules as before. She's this way because that's what'll help her fit into the new rules. And there are those that wouldn't like it if ponies didn't fit with the new rules that were made so the mess up just didn't happen again in the first place."

"Are all our friends...made different then?"

"Not all of them. Some of them are waiting for you right now. The rest will join up with you later."

I felt like we were all leafs in a river, helpless, being swept along by the currents. Or ants that a big dragon had stepped on and never even knew we were there.

"We're not leaving Breezie Blossom," Tra La La said adamantly crossing her front hooves. The rest of the swarm nodded following her example.

"My little ponies," the big pony pleaded, "There is nothing else left. This is a bubble. You are prisoners if you stay here. And if you do you won't be able to be with your friends outside of Breezie Blossom and Rainbow Dash won't be able to be with her friends. The rules of here, and the rules that'll be, will be simply too different for you to be with each other. You won't able to visit them, and they won't be able to visit you."

Breezie Blossom was our home...but our friends. But I had made a promise. Wysteria, what would you do? What could you do? You always made it look so easy. Taking ideas that couldn't work together and making them work. No matter how stubborn the others were about their own ideas you made them all fit together like pieces of a puzzle.

"What'll happen if we leave Breezie Blossom?" I asked. "TO Breezie Blossom?"

"... It'll fade away as the rest of the world has."

"...Tra La La, Tiddlywink, I want you to watch out for the rest of the Breezies," I said, "All of you, go to where our friends will be waiting for us. I'll...I'll stay here and look after Breezie Blossom and Rainbow Dash in the mean time."

They all gasped. "No Zipzee!" My swarm cried together, "You can't!"

I stared at them, they all cringed back, I felt guilty and sick looking at them that way, "I'll join you all as soon as I can. Don't worry, Breezie Blossom will still be looked after by the Breezie. I promise, it'll all work out."

"Breezies stick together."

"Breezies don't abandon each other."

"You either all go or I go instead! And... and... and I'll... " Wysteria help me out here. "I won't be able to keep my promise to Rainbow Dash."

They gasped, I stare, standing up straight, back hooves together and front hooves at my sides.

Tra La La and Tiddlywink hugged me. "We'll be waiting for you," Tra La La said tearfully as Abby looked at me sadly.

"Miss Abba-tissue, I mean... Abbatissa. Can you... please stay with me and Rainbow Dash for just a tiny bit after? Just a really tiny bit? PLEASE?"

Abbatissa sighed. She lowered her head. "I shall stay with you so that you can see me for a short while."

Tiddly Wink and Tra La La were crying, they kissed me. I keep myself stiff on the outside. It hurt so much! Being a cruel Zipzee.

Tra La La took Tiddlywink's hoof and flew back to the others. She sang.

"Till we meet again,
Even if we don't know when,

May time wash away these stains,
Till only our love remains.

I'm not sure what we'll gain,
I just hope it'll ease this pain."

No way, was I letting them leave on a sad song like that!

I sang back,

"It's does matter!
Because our hearts are never going to shatter!

We're birds of a feather,
through heaven and nether!

Inside we'll be together,
no matter the weather, we're as tough as leather!
Friendship is the strongest of tether!

... Because the Breezies will always know."

They sang back.

"How to put on a show.
With plough and hoe,
Our flowers will always grow.

We're one with the breeze, just let it blow."

Abbatissa's horn glowed, the others' wings curled around themselves as hugged their legs to themselves. They closed their eyes, they looked so peaceful. They started to glow and shine, like stars, then like shooting stars in reverse, they zipped up into the sky and out of sight.

I looked at Abbatissa as they twinkled away and out of sight. "Please send Breezie Blossom with them."

"WHAT?" "HUH?"

I turned to see, "DAISYSLOW! What are you doing here?!"

She put her front hooves behind her back, not meeting my eyes, looking as shy as a pegasus, "Well, when everyone else agreed, I didn't want to you to be lonely ..."

"UGH! Daisyslow...you were supposed to go with the others."

"Well, the unicorn pegasus big pony said you stayed here like a mom should, I stayed here like a friend should. I thought, one of us should stay with you."

Abbatissa got my attention back, "Zipzee! What do you mean? Send Breezie Blossom to them? My Father judged you all so innocent and pure even for your world that you were all free to come back home, the home all ponies' hearts came from."

"And what's there for them?"


"They can't have happiness if Breezie Blossom isn't there for them to take care of."

"And you think missing one of their FRIENDS is somehow less important-?!" The Alley-Corn boomed.

"I made a promise!"

"What makes you think what you're asking is even possible!?"

I'll admit, I maybe sorta might of not quite thought that far. But I was sure I was going to figure out something. Just watch Wysteria. But first,

"Daisyslow you have to go with the others."


"They're going to miss you."

"You think they won't miss you?"

"Both of you," Abbatissa said, "If Breezie Blossom were to be...'sent' to where the rest of your swarm is...then you'd either fade away, or be remade so you fit in the rules of the new world. And you saw what happened to Rainbow Dash."

"Yes, her heart is still there. She saved us. She still cares about us. That's what counts." Then I brightened, "So there IS a way!"

"I never said that."

"But you never said it was impossible!" I chirped!

"... It seems I didn't."

"So how does it happen!?"

"..." I knew that look, it was the look of a musician needing to make a new song on the fly. Her horn glowed again as she spoke. "It has never had to happen before. There is no precedent."

"I didn't vote for it," Daisyslow said.

"Not that kind of precedent. There are no rules for anything like this because it's never been brought up before. Selfish ponies have wanted to take things, and their places with them when they...leave since forever. Some ponies offer up things to those who have gone on ahead, but they are more tokens of expressing their love than actual things."

"Then this'll be the precedent!" I said. "You said there was one last miracle for me to save my friends. Maybe there can be one last miracle for everyone else."

"... If you do this, then all that'll be promised is that all three of you shall meet after the world is remade. Whatever happens after that is up to fate. Your place with the others will no longer be secure, you may lose it."

"Tell me."

"I am prayer. If you can remember what a prayer is, then pray. What you see around you is being kept alive by you alone. It is in a state of uncertainty. Between everywhere and nowhere. Pray from your heart not your own desires, pray what you hope for others. If they're answered, they're meant to be answered, if they aren't, then they weren't. That's all I can offer you."

Prayer. That word again. Familiar, but I can't remember when I last heard it.

What was I supposed to do? I had started doing it because I had loved someone very very very much. Well, then doing it again now makes sense.

I...pray, that Tra La La, Tiddlywink, Pink Velvet, Flights Flightly, Flights Shine, Twinkle, Aloes, Azelea Bloomd, Midnight, my entire family, could still take care of Breezie Blossom where they are, so they can be happy waiting for all our friends to join them.





I feel like someone just cut away a part of me like a piece of cake.

The colors...they weren't fading...they were being...lifted away, to where the others had gone. The bad blue flowers DID fade, they did disappear.

The four of us were the only four things with bright colors left.

Abby spread her wings, "Your prayer is answered. I have done everything I can. What happens now, is up to fate. I look forward to meeting you again someday Zipzee, Daisyslow, Rainbow Dash. I bid you goodnight."

And before I could say anything, she lifted herself off the ground with a flap of her wings, and she was gone.

"Zipzee," Daisyslow yawned, she leaned on him, "I'm feeling really tired right now, do you mind if I take a nap right now?" Her eyes were droopy.

"...no, I don't mind at all. Take as much rest as you want."

"Thank you... Zipzee... " She fell asleep in the air, I caught her and gently laid her on the ground.

I fluttered up and said, "It's alright you can come out now."

Just silence.

"No really, I promise, no one is going to hurt you, you don't have to be scared."

The earth pony shape shadow gingerly stuck her head out from behind a tree. No, I wasn't afraid.

"It's alright, really, it's alright, come on...don't be scared." I said as gently was I gestured with my hooves for her to come forward. "There's no one here but us now."

The shadow timidly came out from her hiding place. She didn't make any other moves. She wasn't the voice I heard before, not at all.

"Look...the Alicorn is gone now. No one is going to hurt you."

The shadow slowly shook her head.

"Still someone who could hurt you?"

The shadow shook her head. And pointed at me.

"There's some one who can hurt me? Who?"

The shadow pointed at herself. She looked on the verge of crying. I flew closer, the shadow actually took a step back.

"You could hurt me?"

The shadow nodded.

"Like...what happened to Rainbow Dash?"

The shadow nodded again.

I could almost make out some details now. She had a long tail and green eyes.

"But what'll happen to you?"

The earth pony shadow gestured all around us, at the black sky, at the black place around our pale island.

"You'll just fade away?"

The shadow nodded.

"And then what?"

The shadow looked surprised, I don't think she thought I'd ask that next.

"Nothing happens? You just...aren't?"

The shadow shook her head. She made some miming with her front hooves and muzzle. It took a minute for me to realize what she meant.

"You're eaten?"

The shadow nodded.

"I...I understand why you wanted to be part of things when given a chance then. But...then why didn't you do anything? There's no one but us now."

The shadow looked at Rainbow Dash, looked at her own back, then up at the sky then at me.

"You want to fly?"

The shadow violently shook her head. She made a wiping away motion with her face then look at Rainbow Dash again. This time I think I did get it.

"...who you are, will be wiped away too? It's not one or the other, but a mix of both?"

The shadow nodded, looking like she was crying. Then pointed at me, and wiped her face.

"...you don't want to. But... why you and none of the others? They didn't care."

The shadow lowered her head, and slowly shook her head, looking ashamed.

"You don't even know."

She nodded.

"Maybe, maybe you're a shadow of being scared." I asked, not sure what I meant myself.

The shadow looked up at me, her pink mane covering half her face.

"But you don't have to feel just afraid anymore. Now you can feel all sorts of things. I promised I'd be with Rainbow Dash when she wakes up. We can there together for her." I flew closer.

The shadow backpedals and tripped and fell on herself, I giggled, she looked kinda cute like that. I could make out more details now. She had a yellow coat, and her cutie mark was six pink flowers. She had a green bow on the base of her tail (like all the shadows had).

"Shhhhhhhhh." I cooed, "Just stay right there. Everything is going to be okay. No shadow wants to be trapped in the darkness where it can't be seen. Don't worry, I'll be your night light."

I flew into her too fast for her to backpedal.

Posey. Her name was Posey.


Posey. Her name was Posey.



Little pony. I've heard heard it before.


Posey was my name!


A warm light inside!

Feeling feelings!

Thinking thought!

Remembering memories!

Hearing sounds!

Seeing sights!

A light inside the darkness to cast the shadow to fill the void!

I look with our green eyes, with our blue eyes.

I stretch our back, I stretch my wings.

Buds become flowers.

Caterpillars, becoming butterflies.

We love all nature has to offer and love our friends.

And we'll work hard to help those who can't help themselves.


I look around, what a lonely and lifeless place, but I'm not sad, because I know this place will bloom with beautiful flowers again, and animals will come back and fill the forest with their song again. This place may look a little scary, but I'm not alone. I may be weak on my own, but for my friends, I won't break.

It was so shy and scared, but I was willing flutter inside the shadows for another.

I see Rainbow Dash, laying down, she's sleeping so peacefully. I give her a little hug in her sleep. I know we'll be together. Sweet dreams, Rainbow Dash.

I'm happy for you, Rainbow Dash, your heart is stronger than Firefly's shadow.

Daiyslow, she's sleeping on the ground too. She looks so small now, so fragile. While I'm happy all my family is all safe, maybe a little company won't be so bad after all.

I settle down next to Daisyslow and slowly stroke her mane, I have to be so gentle, I'm so big now.

Flowers, animals, friends, they all need love and care.

Then Daisyslow starts to get bigger. And is changing colors as I stroke her. She stays blond (of course). Her antenna vanish, her four wings merge into two, and become all feathery. Her pale violet turns a soft gray. Her two starfish cutie mark (or were those star shaped flowers? Zipzee never asked her), split apart, and became bubbles. She snuggled deeply against me, and I brought a wing over her.

We were both ready for our long nap now. But I knew we'd all be together when we wake up. So I can dream without fear.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Fanart by Lord Evell http://lord-evell.deviantart.com/art/More-ponies-292630310

Dreams Do Come True, is the last of the G3 Songs, and IMHO the best, having been sung at the end of Twinkle Wish Adventure.