• Published 29th Nov 2013
  • 11,188 Views, 607 Comments

Byte sized - Sir Hat

It started with one: one little pony that decided to crawl out of my monitor. Now I'm stuck with a load of tiny ponies. Things could be worse. Things could be worse though they're entertaining to say the least.

  • ...

Straight man

*Bang bang bang* "Sean!?"

"Carmine?" I slowly walked to the front door. A quick peek through the peephole saw one of my few friends standing outside with a messenger bag. I unlocked it and pulled it open, "Carmine, what's up?"

Before he could answer I could see a faint streak of bright blue hair peeking its way out of his bag, "John told you to look that show up too...I think we have a similar problem...you mind?" He waved his hand inside.

"Uh...I really-"

"I already know..." I tilted his head towards his bag, "Just let me in." Carmine pushed past me, reaching into his bag, "John really screwed us over." When her turned around her had a small mare with a neon blue mane.

"Whoa..." The mare said looking around, "Mind if I look around?" She jumped down and ran off.

"Sean...Vinyl Scratch."

Carmine flopped back on my couch, "So yeah, shit's crazy." He lifted his legs just as Vinyl walked under him, "She likes to do that...."

"Yeah I do." She laughed as she trotted around my living room.

"Anyways....so far even Kenny said he had one...everyone John told about that stupid show got one." Carmine ducked as Dash flew into the room, "Jesus! They can fly!?"

Dash flew out with Vinyl chasing after, "Yeah...they ca-"

"Hello!" Rose walked in, "Who's this? Can I finally go home..."

Carmine was frozen, staring at the mare before picking her up, "Sean...why do you have two? Sean...answer me. Sean!"

"....Okay so maybe I-"

"Rainbow Dash said he did it..." Rose snitched, "So, who are you?"

Carmine slowly lowered Rose into his lap, staring at me with the fury of a norse god. "You do realize what I will do to you if you do it again, right?"

I swallowed hard, "Y-yeah...so...what-"

He stood up and handed me Rose, "I have to work...you take care of Vinyl, I'll try and figure this all out...delete the fucking program or hide it. If you do it again I will take them all away and smash your fucking computer.... Got it?"

"Yeah." I said with a slight tremble, "Got it."

Carmine just shook his head, "I'll drop by later. I'm sure I can figure this out...even if I have to do something stupid to do it." He walked out.

"Hmmm is he single?" Rose asked from my grip, "Cause that. That is a stallion with presence."

I just turned her around and looked her in the eyes, "Traitor..."


I grumbled something as I took her under my arm and walked her to the back yard. I'd set up a little garden for her since she showed up. Five days of ignoring me and she had already caused the plants to grow insanely fast. I set her down, "Rose can we-"

She just gave my shin a quick buck and trotted off. My suspicions about being quick friends was utterly shattered when she started berating me for forcing her to leave her garden unattended. Needless to say she was not a fan of mine.

I watched her drag the hose over before fumbling with the spigot. She was amazingly strong for being so small. Stronger than Dash at least.

I left her alone and walked back inside, I had learned to leave the door open and to stack things for them to jump higher on. Needless to say Rose never slept in the same room as me but she seemed to enjoy the couch, while Dash had taken to curling around my head each night.

I walked into my living room when a blast of dubstep burst from my office, "Jesus!" I had no idea my speakers could go that high!

I rushed into my office, Dash was plinking off the walls while the mare Carmine had dropped off was bouncing up and down on my keyboard, "Du-u-u-ude this things- got some bass!"

I quickly reached the computer and shut it off, "What the hell?! How did you even-"

I was cut off by a soft aura surrounding the button before cranking the volume back to max, "I- can- use- machines!" She said, her glasses bouncing up and down her muzzle, "Totally- gotta- get one- of these!"

It felt like my teeth were vibrating. I quickly grabbed Dash and ran into the hall, throwing the door shut and muffling the noise, "What the hell...she's gonna go-" Dash bit my hand, "Oi?!"

"That is DJ Pon3! Why'd you pull me out!?" She popped free of my grip and tried to move the doorknob, "I freaking love DJ Pon3!"

"Insanity..." I pulled the door just open, Dash flew in and was gone for a while. Leaving me alone with a house full of blaring music and an angry gardener. I decided to grab my laptop and go sit with Rose outside. At least maybe I'll have some quiet for a few minutes.