• Published 29th Nov 2013
  • 11,184 Views, 607 Comments

Byte sized - Sir Hat

It started with one: one little pony that decided to crawl out of my monitor. Now I'm stuck with a load of tiny ponies. Things could be worse. Things could be worse though they're entertaining to say the least.

  • ...


"Rainbow? Vinyl?" I wandered through my house, "Anybody?"

"Sean!" A panicked whisper came from below, "Sean!" Noteworthy started shoving my leg, "Sean you have to hide me!"

I leaned down and picked him up, "Why, what's going on?"

Noteworthy looked around from his now elevated position, "I think they're in heat. Sean, I need you to hide me, I won't make it out there alone!"

I started scratching his back, trying to calm him down, "What the hell is-" I was cut off by a blue streak slamming into the wall next to me, "Oookay then...Dash, you alright?" She shook her head out and stared up at my hand.

"Hey, can I borrow that?" Dash shot a hoof towards my hand, "Just for a little bit."

"Sean!" Noteworthy caught my attention again, "Don't do it, please." He started shaking his head violently, "Please don't!"

I shrugged and started towards my room. Dash zoomed past and blocked the way, "Sean...I need that."

I cocked an eyebrow and grabbed her. I dug my nails into her back as I leaned down and set the laughing mare on the carpet. With her out of the picture I scooted her away from the door and stepped in. I let Noteworthy walk down my arm and jump onto my bed, "Oh thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Sure mate," I sat on my bed and turned on the TV.

Things grew quiet as Noteworthy paced around the bed, "So, what now?"

I looked down at him, "I don't know. You can leave when you want."

Noteworthy shook his head, "Not yet, not for a while." He looked around, "You got something to read?"

"Just watch TV," I pointed at the TV. Some show showcasing some car chase was on, "...Err, maybe not." I got up and wandered to the shelves above my dresser. I pulled a stack of books down and set them down on the bed, "There, take your pick."

Noteworthy quickly looked over the spines of the books, "Got any about space?"

I lifted up the stack and looked them over, "Maybe." I picked one about and set it down in front of him, "Might like this."

Noteworthy laid down on the edge of the book and started reading.

A loud thumping kept coming from my door, "It's just Rainbow Dash." Noteworthy pawed at the pages, "Rose locked herself in her little house, Punch is...somewhere, in the kitchen I think. And Vinyl, Vinyl just- I don't actually know where she went."

"You're so helpful." I pinched the skin on Noteworthy rump.

"Ow, trying to read." Noteworthy whined angrily. A bit annoyed I stood up and started towards the door, "Sean?" I put my hand on the door, "Sean, what are you doing?!" I turned the knob and held it closed, "Sean don't!" Finally I swung the door open. Dash flew in and landed on my desk. Her wings fully extended, pose rather violent, entire body language rather aggressive, "Sean you asshole!"

Alerted by Noteworthy outburst Dash locked on and flew at him like an arrow. Noteworthy panicked, tumbling backwards over the book and trying to crawl away, "Oh no you don't!" Dash bit his tail and yanked him back, "Come here big boy!"

"Sean help me!" Noteworthy was nearly crying as he was nearly dragged behind a pillow. I intervened and pulled Dash up and away. She grew extremely angry, biting my hand and kicking with every limb she could move. I moved my hand around her barrel and held her tight, "Sean! Why!?"

I lowered the angry mare and stared at Noteworthy, "Do not bitch at me, I am not nice to bitchy people."

"Sorry! I didn't mean it!"

I nodded and started out the door, I kicked it closed with my foot and set Dash down. She started swearing and kicking the door, "Why!? What did I do to deserve this!?" She went from angry to crying rather fast, "Augh! Why!?"

I ducked down next to her, "Oh calm down, what's wrong with you anyways?"

She let her chin rest on the door as she slid down it, "Hot...."

I blinked hard as I shot upright, "Are we- we're talking about- oh wow." I picked her up and pet her. I rubbed her ears as I walked her to the kitchen. I set her down on my table and found a tray of ice cubes, "This might help." I set an ice cube on a plate and sat Dash on one. It quickly started melting, lowering Dash to the plate and causing her to effectively melt along with the ice cube.

I quickly switched her form ice cube to ice cube, melting them little by little until Rainbow was wearing a stupid smile as she laid in a puddle, "Oh my gosh..."

"You good?"

"Totally...I'm Rainbow Dash...I'm awesome." She quickly flattened out on the plate.

I picked her out of the puddle and held her dripping above the plate, "...All soggy now." I found a paper towel and wiped her down. I walked into my den and set the dopey mare on the nearest seat. Berry was sleeping on the carpet next to a shot glass. Three out of five accounted for.

I looked outside and saw the doghouse Rose had moved into rocking. I pulled the slider open and walked outside, "Rose? You alright?"

"Just fine! Go away!" I saw her head poke out the small window on the second floor, "What do you want!? Spit it out, go away!"

I ducked down and looked at her on her level, "So should I stay or go?"

She stared at me angrily, "I don't know...wait a minute." She pulled herself back into the door and walked outside, "What do you want?" Even while she asked she was constantly shifting her back legs.

"Just checking on everybody...something weird's going on."

"Oh ya think!? You're a freaking genius!" Rose sat down hard, "Augh...sorry, I don't mean it."

"It's cool. You gonna be alright?" I ran my hand along the short of her neck, "So what's going on?"

She wiggled her rump in the grass and enjoyed my hand along her head, "Don't worry about it, everypony's gonna be a bit moody for a while."

I sat back in the grass, "You gonna be alright?"

"No! Augh...sorry, I'll be fine. I'm dealing with it! ...Maybe not well, but I'm fine." Rose sulked in the grass, "The grass is cool."

"Eugh. I picked her up and brought her inside, "Can I help?"

She scrunched her muzzle up, "You want me to lift my tail for you ya weirdo!" She realized what she said and shrank back in my palm, "I'm really sorry. You leave me alone most of the time and that's fine, but I don't- I'm not- ...I'm not okay."

"Tea?" I started walking to the kitchen, regardless of her answer I could go for some tea. I set her down on the kitchen table, "Do you want tea yes or no?"

She stared at the water laden plate, "Yes...please."

I started up the kettle and waited.

"Tea...bag...." I mumbled as I dipped the bag, "Tea, bag? Teabag. Tea-bag."

"Can you stop!" Rose laid across the table, "Seriously, you're annoying."

"Teabag." I finished and poured her a shot glass's worth of tea, "There. Should help, maybe." Rose lazily brought her head up and lapped up the tea. Things went quietly as she sipped the tea.

"Okay, so this is good." She sat upright and drank her tea, "I'm really sorry for that. Yelling at you I mean."

"Ain't nothing but a thing." I groaned as I drank my tea. I was happily sipping my tea as the phone started ringing.

I picked up my cup and found my phone, Carmine's picture popped up, "Hello?"

"Sean! I figured it out- err- Hooves figured it out! Get the hell over here and bring the- Holy shit!" What followed was the sound of tires, a loud thud, and the plastic clattering of the phone.

I froze as the call dropped, my cup slid out of my hands and shattered on the floor, "Oh my god." I hit redial, "Come on man..." Nothing, "Carmine come on man!" Again, nothing, "Carmine!? Fuck!" I hurled my phone across the hall. I slowly walked back into the kitchen and plopped down into my seat.

"Sean..." Rose walked over and tapped my head, "What just happened?"

I stared at the table, "I don't know, nothing good."