• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,435 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

  • ...


Rainbow Dash started to hyperventilate, her mind was racing and her whole body was shivering, she started to whimper.

"N-no. .... I gotta get out of here! .... I wanna go home! I wanna go home!!"

No matter how hard she tried she couldn't stop the images of all the violence she has just witnessed. Flesh being torn, blood spraying like a fountain, the strangled cries of all the soldiers who were killed in front of her eyes and when Dixon crushed that Germans head as if he was nothing more then a petty insect.

Rainbow Dash could no longer suppress, she let out a tortured wail, her screams echoed through the corridors of the hospital, she could feel herself starting to shut down, she then felt a hand touch her back.

"Hey! It's alright-"

That was as far as sergeant Cole got before Rainbow Dash smacked his hand away.


Rainbow Dash was then picked up off the ground, she flailed wildly before she was face to face with sergeant Bishop. She kicked and squirmed as hard as she could before the injured sergeant shook her firmly.

"Snap out of it!!"

The Pegasus struggled for longer before she couldn't fight anymore, she broke down, she threw herself forwards and wrapped her hooves around the sergeants neck, openly sobbing as tears poured down his shoulder.

"I just wanna go home!! .... WHY CAN'T I JUST GO HOME?!!"

Sergeant Bishop returned the hug, streaking her coat, careful not to let his nose bleed on her now fresh fur. Sergeant Cole walked up and looked at Bishop.

"What are we going to do Bishop?"

The sergeant paused, still holding the devastated mare in his arms.

"We need to go. Right now."

"What about Dixon?"

".... *Sigh* .... I don't know, head back to the ward and start packing, we've got a shitstorm waiting for us."

Sergeant Cole nodded before running towards the ward, sergeant Bishop paused before walking towards the window, shielding the Pegasus in his arms from the gruesome sight he was about to see. Rainbow Dash rested her head on his chest as she felt the warm sun on her body. The sergeant then leaned out the window, seeing only the mutilated soldier lying on the ground, blood still spreading, staining the concrete and fractured teeth shattered across the ground as the rain slowly washed it all away. The sergeant had a lump in his throat as he looked at what was left of Dixon's handiwork.

"Fuck. .... Come on. We have to leave."

As he started to walk back to the ward he felt the Pegasus shuffle in his arms before he looked down to see those large magenta eyes staring back at him.

"P-p-please, don't leave me. .... I don't want to die. I don't want to die!"

Rainbow Dash laid her head against the sergeants chest before she started to loose her strength. Sergeant Bishop felt the Pegasus go limp in his arms as he entered the ward.


The cold handle of the blue box felt strange on her hoof, she felt an odd tingling sensation go through her body before she pulled the handle, it didn't budge, she pulled harder, it still didn't move. She then pushed the handle instead, the heavy door opened inwards as she heard a loud explosion coming from inside, she quickly pushed the door open and looked inside, instantly she was taken back by the shear size of the room she just entered.

Rainbow Dash stumbled back before she stared in disbelief. She ran around the blue box staggered by how it was bigger on the inside. Just then the light on top of the blue box started to glow brightly as a strange noise came from the inside. Rainbow Dash ran to the front door as fast as she could, before she could enter the box again she tripped on the step, landing in a heap on the floor.

She shook her head before she looked into the large room, there was a strange machine in the middle of the room, she looked at all the buttons, levers and lights which covered the strange contraption. She then looked down, she began to see the floor of the cave through the floor of the blue box, she then heard someone shouting in the distance, a male voice that carried a strange accent.



Rainbow Dash woke up to the sound of metal crashing, as she jumped to her feet she saw sergeant Bishop throwing Dixon against the wall, screaming in his face.

"You STUPID motherfucker!! .... Do you have any, ANY idea what you've just done?!!"

The drunken sergeant stumbled before pushing Bishop off, he then began to laugh before he walked up to the enraged sergeant, squaring up to him, breathing in his face. Bishop stared into Dixon's drunken eyes, waiting for him to speak first.

"Do that again and I'll put you're head on a fucking pike."

"They were scout soldiers you dumb fuck. When their convoy finds out that they're not coming back, they're going to know that we're here. They're going to send every Nazi soldier they have to hunt us down and kill us. And now you're threatening me?!! THEY'RE THE FUCKING ENEMY!! NOT ME!!"

Dixon then turned to look at Rainbow Dash, he smirked before turning to Bishop again.

"If I didn't kill them they would have most certainly have killed you're little furry freak. If anything it's that cunts fault."

Bishop looked at the blue Pegasus, seeing she was awake and looking back at Dixon.

"You had no right to kill a man who was clearly surrendering."

Dixon then grabbed Bishop by the collar.

"You think those bastards would have shown us any mercy?!! .... HUH?!!

Bishop shoved the sergeant away, without warning Dixon threw a punch which sergeant Bishop was lucky to dodge. Bishop then threw a bone crunching right hook to Dixon's rib cage, knocking the wind out of him, before throwing a punch to his face, making the sergeant fall to the floor, groaning in pain before spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"That's why you're no better then them. You're just scum!! You hear me motherfucker?!! SCUM!!"

Dixon roared before clambering to his feet, the soldier then sprinted towards sergeant Bishop, but the charge was cut short when gunfire showered the room. Bishop, Dixon, Andy and Cole all dived to the ground. The deafening firefight carried on as Bishop and Dixon both looked at eachother before grabbing their weapons.


The three soldiers ran straight for the exit as Bishop looked around the room for Rainbow Dash before seeing the terrified Pegasus in the distance, shielding her head with her hooves.


She opened her eyes before looking at Bishop, she closed her eyes before galloping towards the sergeant through the hail of gunfire which was slowly destroying the entire building as it began to collapse around her. She leaped into the air and into Bishop's open arms. The sergeant held Dashie tight before he started to run to his waiting team, taking cover behind an overturned desk.