• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,421 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

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Making an entrance

Rainbow Dash took off once again, avoiding the security before looking down at the base, not knowing where to start she began to circle around the base. Squinting her eyes, she realised how difficult it was going to be to find one man in the midst of thousands.

Watching the small convoy drive across the bridge she spotted a gap between two large buildings in the distance. Still keeping her eyes on the two trucks she began to descend rapidly, occasionally looking around to see if she was being watched. Slowing down she momentarily caught a glimpse of a group of men stood by the main doors of one of the buildings, noticing they were dressed in suits rather than war attire she thought it would be best to start there, keeping her distance she waited before she could see them walking into the tall building.

Rainbow Dash flew as quickly as she could towards the building, lying flat against the wall, staying in the shadows, scanning left and right for other people. With nobody in sight an idea came into her mind, she quickly flew to the roof of the building, landing on the roof however she saw two soldiers looking away from her, unaware of her presence, she looked at them both before looking to her right.

“Yes!” She cheered to herself.

In front of her was an air vent which went straight into the building itself, sneaking over to it she noticed it was big enough for her to fit into. Using her wings to lift her off the ground, she looked over her shoulder one last time before climbing into the vents.


“Urgh. It’s so dark. …. Oh no. I’m lost. …. Oh nononononono! I’m so lost. Darn it! How will I get out? I can’t even see! …. I’m going to be stuck in here! FOREVER! …. Wait. Hold on.”


“Ow. If I could just reach it. ….. Nrgh! Got it!”

Her surroundings brightened up as she held her element in front of her, the magical glow was still shining from when The Doctor modified it, helping her observe her surroundings. As she stayed quiet she heard a conversation coming from in front of her, using her back legs, she started to scoot towards the noise, holding her element in one hoof and dragging herself with the other.

As she neared the conversation she recognised one of the voices, it was the man from the radio. She picked up the pace before slowing down again, realising the noise she was making.

“The hell was that?” She heard from below, making her whole body freeze.

Seconds passed as she held her breath, she felt like she could feel the tension swimming around her as she laid still.

“Someone in there?”


“Nah man. Nobody can fit in there, it’s probably a mouse or something.”

“…. *Sigh* You’re right.”

“You’ve gotta lay off the coffee. That stuff can make you edgy.”

“You know I fall asleep on the night shift. I need this shit to stay awake.”

The voices faded as the two men walked away, Rainbow Dash slumped to the ground, sighing in relief. She carried on, crawling towards the conversation in the distance, before long she was looking through a vent which looked down on a large table, surrounded by men in suits, sat in silence as a decorated general walked into the room.

“Good morning gentlemen. My apologies for postponing this conference for so long but as you know it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find a secure meeting place. As I’m sure you all know we have had one of our top spies in Germany for over a year now. Ever since we detected a threat we’ve sent in total 13 spies to gather as much intelligence as possible. Thomas James, was the last one to be sent. Three months ago he was KIA by nazi soldiers as one of our rescue teams were sent to bring him back. However, despite this valuable loss, Captain Bishop, sitting to your left, who despite being the only one left in his platoon, managed to gather some incriminating information on Adolf Hitler’s next attack on European soil.”

As the general sat down Rainbow Dash noticed movement coming from the left, her heart raced as she searched for the captain, but just as she could see him, he walked out of sight. Groaning in frustration, she looks around the room, to which she sees another air vent in the ceiling which looked down on the meeting.

Shuffling to her right she saw a steady incline in the vents, no doubt leading to the opening in the ceiling. She began to crawl her way up the slope as she heard Bishop’s voice, focusing too hard on trying not to make a noise she couldn’t catch what he was saying, but she didn’t care, she heard Bishop’s again. Still holding her element in her left hoove she quietly made her way towards the vent on the floor, looking through she finally saw the captain again.

At first she happy to see Bishop, alive and walking but that soon changed when she took a closer look at Bishops face. She gasped, Bishop had many more scars and wounds on his hands and face since she last saw him. One scar went from his left ear to his chin, another went over his left eye. As she squinted her eyes she also noticed a deep scar which went across the width of his neck. Dash cringed, placing her hooves on the vent, thinking of how he got th-


Rainbow Dash fell through the metal gate below and onto the solid wooden table, creating a large crash as she screeched in pain. Papers flying everywhere, she gasped for air as the wind was knocked out of her again. Slowly opening her eyes, she looks around, seeing everyone staring at her with dumbfound looks on their faces. She then turned to look at Bishop, seeing his jaw drop as he looked at the Pegasus with horror in his eyes.

“Um. ….. Hi?”

“R. …. Rainbow?”