• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 11,431 Views, 1,203 Comments

A Hero Of War (UNEDITED) - DontWakeTheNeighbour

Rainbow Dash finds herself on the frontline in one of the most fearsome battles in existance.

  • ...

Captain Bishop

“…. *Sigh* …. Not again.”

Rainbow Dash leaned against the concrete wall of the small room she was being held in. She felt frustrated rather then threatened; she planned on making a more subtle approach to seeing Bishop again, instead she made a complete mess of it.

She stood up, walking to the door, seeing someone stood outside, using her wings to match the guards height she hovered next to the window.

“Hey!” She shouted. “How long am I gonna be stuck in here?”

At first the guard ignored her, furrowing her eyebrows she kicked the door, making the guard jump out of his skin.

“Hey! I’m talking to you! I don’t like being stuck in here!”

“J-just.” The guard stuttered. “Just, please stop talking. …. It’s really creeping me out.”

“Where’s Bishop? …. Is he coming?”

“*Sigh* …. Y-yes. He’ll be coming soon. …. J-just wait.”


Hours seemed to pass; Rainbow Dash was knocking her head against the wall as she waited. Tapping her hooves, she was trying to think of what to say to Bishop, she had plenty of time to do so. Not knowing if he would be pleased upset or angry, she tried to think of what would be best.


Rainbow Dash’s ears perked up as her head darted to the left, she smiled as she saw the decorated soldier walk into the room. However her smile soon turned into a frown when she saw the disappointment in his eyes as he closed the door behind him, leaving just him and the Pegasus in the room.

As the silence continued, Rainbow Dash looked at the scarred man in front of her, finding it difficult to look him in the eye, as she turned away the sergeant was first to break the silence.

“You know.” He said leaving a pause. “Three months ago, when you disappeared in that hospital. I was upset but I was happy, knowing that you were finally back home. …. I thought that I would never see you again but I was glad. Because I knew you were safe again.”

Rainbow Dash cringed as she detected a hint of growl in Bishop’s voice.

“You and I both knew that it was for the best. Yet you’ve come back, knowing what’s waiting for you. For me?”

Dash began to feel fresh tears begin to well up in her eyes as she tried to speak.

“I. …. I.”

“Do you have any idea how this makes me feel? That now I’ll be responsible if anything happens to you, that I now have my burden on my shoulders. What the hell are you thinking?!”

Bishop turned to face the wall behind him, the Pegasus brought herself to look up at the captain as she thought what to say next.

“I. …. I’m sorry. …. I-I thought.”

“…. *Sigh* …. Thought what? …. That I was hurt? Dead? …. If I was I was you would have come here for no reason and you probably would’ve gotten yourself killed. You damn lucky I WAS in that meeting, otherwise they would have punished you for trespassing and I don’t know if human rights apply to talking ponies!”

“I’m sorry okay!” Dash shouted back, to Bishop. “I’m sorry! I was scared! I didn’t know what to think! I didn’t even get the chance to say goodbye!”

“Well here’s your chance! Say goodbye and go back home! Because I’ll be dammed if I’m gonna have another death my conscience! I’m fine, you can see that I’m alive and I’m perfectly happy here!”


The captain recoiled, his eyes widened, speechless; he couldn’t believe what Rainbow Dash just said.

“…….. What?” Bishop said, clearly shocked. “What did you say? …. You have my journal?!”

“I. …. When I was home something weird happened and it appeared. I read the last thing you wrote in it.”

“…. Damn. …. I thought I lost it in that motel. …. *Sigh* …. I spent hours looking for that damn thing. …. Well know you say that, I can’t blame you for being worried. But I was broken back then, I’ve changed a lot in the past three months. I’ve gotten stronger.”

“So have I. …. I have you to thank for that?”

Rainbow sat on the floor looking at Bishop with a small smile on her face, after a while Bishop’s cold frown also turned into a contempt grin.

“So.” Bishop started, his tone much calmer then it was before. “Can you go home? …. Do you have that. …. Element?”

“Yes. …. But I can’t leave. Not yet. Apparently this thing has to charge up again, traveling through galaxies uses a lot of energy.”

“…. Alright. …. I suppose for now it’s okay, given the circumstances. We’re in a pretty safe part of the world. Come on, I told the general that you’re okay, you free to leave, so as long that I don’t let you out of my sight. Until you go home.

Rainbow Dash leaped into the air and into to Bishops arm, wrapping her hooves around his neck as her tears began to dampen his shoulder.

“Thank you. …. Thank you.” Dash sniffled.

“…. Come on. It’s getting late, you can sleep in my motel room tonight.”


Bishop walked with Rainbow Dash out of the building and through the car park, Rainbow Dash looked around, seeing soldiers passing by giving her curious glances. Nervous, Rainbow Dash moved closer to the Bishop’s side.

When Bishop stopped, Rainbow Dash looked up to see a peculiar shaped vehicle in front of her. She tilted her head looking at her reflection in the metallic paintwork.

“You like it?” Bishop asked, opening the passenger door.

Rainbow Dash looked around inside the vehicle before jumping onto one of the seats. Bishop closed the door before walking to the other side and sitting into the driver’s seat.

“What is it?” The Pegasus asked.

“It’s a 1940 Cadillac lasalle . It’s my grandfather’s. …. Never got a chance to drive it.”

“…. What does 1940 mean?”

“The year it was made.”

“Oh. …. What year is it? Actually day what is it?”

“Um. December 6th 1941.”

Bishop took some keys out of his pocket before putting one of them in the ignition, Rainbow Dash watched as he turned the key making the metal beast roar into life.


After a lengthy journey Bishop pulled up outside a large motel, turning off the engine before turning to see Rainbow Dash asleep in the passenger seat.

“Hey.” He whispered, placing a hand on her back.

Dash’s eyes fluttered open as she stretched.

“We’re here.”

Rainbow Dash looked out the window to observe her surroundings, her eyes watered as she was caught off guard by the bright neon sign the car was parked next to. Bishop opened the door, the cool breeze sent a shiver down her spine as she jumped out.

“You the window up there.” Bishop pointed to the top left corner of the building.

“Yeah.” Dash replied, rubbing her eyes.

“I’ll open it up for you. I’ll be 2 minutes, just sit tight.”


“Seriously. Don’t go wandering off around here; it’s easy to get lost around here.”

Bishop jogged into crossed the road, walking into the building as Rainbow Dash stretched her wings before taking off into the air. Focusing on the window she took her time, embracing the wing as it caressed her aching wings. Meters from the window she hovered in front of the glass, looking inside the dark room. Seconds later the light was switched on, Dash saw the captain walk into the room, giving her a smile as he walked up to the window and opened it.

She flew into the room before landing on the soft carpet, looking around the classy hotel room she quickly spotted a couch before jumping onto it. She looked at bishop as he took his jacket off, throwing it on the bed, as he took his tie off he turned to Rainbow Dash.

“I’m gonna go get a shower, just call me if you need anything.”


Bishop walked into the bathroom unbuttoning his shirt as he closed and locked the door behind him.


Rainbow Dash was looking out the window, gazing at the stars as they lit up the night sky. She began to think about what must be going on back in Equestria, her friends must be giving The Doctor a hard time, does princess Celestia know? What would she do if she did?


Dash turned around as Bishop walked out of the bathroom, shirtless with a towel on his shoulders, brushing his teeth. Walking next to the wooden box in the room, he pressed a button, making an image appear on the screen. Rainbow Dash then caught a glimpse of yet more scars which went across Bishop’s back whilst also slyly admiring the toned definition of his muscles.

As the captain sat down on the couch, Rainbow Dash quickly followed, jumping onto the furniture before pretending to watch the TV. Rainbow Dash looked at Bishops toned arms to see yet more past injuries showing on his skin, curious, she wanted to ask she but didn’t know what to say, in the end she gave up and just said it.

“What happened when I went?”

Bishop turned to face her, still brushing his teeth.

“Those scars.”

Dash pointed at the injuries, to which the captain sighed before walking back into the bathroom, spitting the tooth paste in the sink. Walking back out he patted his face with the towel before sitting back down.

“You really want to know?”

Dash hesitated to answer before she gave a timid nod, not sure if she wanted to really did.

“…. I never got picked up by a helicopter.”

“What? …. Why?”

“There not as assessable as you’d like think.”

“W-why didn’t you tell me?”

“You wouldn’t have left if I did. …. I managed to call HQ on one of the radio at the hospital. The only transport they could offer was a boat that was 50 miles away. It should’ve taken no more than a day; instead it took me a four. …. Every mile was struggle, every step I took I had to look over my shoulder to make sure nobody was hunting me down. When I got there, they were waiting for me, medics, foot soldiers, the lot.”

“That doesn’t explain the scars.” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“Yeah. ….. Well, at some point, someone must’ve found out what was happening. They sent a heavily armed platoon to take us out.”

Dash looked back down at Bishop’s injuries, looking up and down at the scars that covered his skin, trying to picture how painful it must have been.

“We must have fought for a good two hours, when we thought we took them all out we made our way towards the boat. When we least expected it one jumped out of a bush holding a large knife. I tried to disarm him but he was too quick, he got me twice.” He said pointing at his eye and chin.

“He then knocked me off balance before he got me in the neck. I can’t remember what happened after that, next thing I knew, I woke up in the hospital bed. …. That’s it I guess.”

Bishop stood up, walking to the bedside table where he picked up a bottle containing a golden liquid inside. Twisting the cap off he poured it into a small glass before taking a swig, glancing at the Pegasus on the couch as he finished his drink.

Bishop poured himself another before walking to the couch and taking a seat.

“H-how much did it hurt?” Rainbow Dash asked lifting her hoof to touch one of the large scars on his arm.

“A lot. …. But at some point your heart’s beating so fast that you can barely feel it. It’s like I’ve stuck my head in a bucket of cold water. That same chill you get up your spine, that rush that goes through your body when you’re too scared to even move.”

Bishop flinched as he felt a cold hoof press against his arm, looking down he saw the Pegasus moving her hoof down the length of on of the scars on his bicep. Rainbow Dash felt the leathery texture of the wound as she felt it.

Bishop turned back to face the TV before finishing his second drink with one gulp.

*Knock!* *Knock!*

The captain quickly stood up to walk to the door, Dash slowly brought her hoof to the couch as Bishop opened the door. She looked at the bottle across the room, curious she flew off the couch before hovering next to the bottle. Grabbing it open with one hoof she sniffed the open top, the potent smell burnt her nostrils.

She briefly paused before she took a sip from the bottle, nearly choking on the burning liquid before she swallowed it. She gagged, it had a spicy tinge to the taste, reminding her of the time she tasted a rainbow for the first time.

She quickly put the bottle down, flying back to the couch before landing on the cushions, the burning taste still strong in her mouth. As she heard the door closed she turned to look at Bishop to see he was holding an extra set of cushions in his hands and a small blanket.

“Can’t have you sleeping in the cold, here.”

Bishop passed the pillows and blankets to Rainbow as she looked at him.

“I’ve got another meet up in the morning, we need t be up early if we’re gonna make it there on time.”

Bishop switched off the light, only the moonlight illuminated the room as he made his way towards the bed.

“Sleep tight.”

“Goodnight Bish.”

The captain climbed into his bed as Rainbow sighed, arranging the quilts on the couch before she crawled underneath them. As her head poked out the top she took a moment to look at her surroundings as thoughts began to circle her mind. ‘Can I convince him to let me take him back? He’s so loyal to his country.’ She quickly focused her mind back to trying to sleep, knowing it was going to be difficult as the spicy taste still tickled her taste buds. But as she took one last look at the brave soldier sleeping in the darkness, it wasn’t long before her eyelids grew heavy, slowly closing before she drifted off to sleep.