• Published 9th May 2016
  • 3,699 Views, 466 Comments

Between Bassdrops and Bowstrings - Quillian Inkheart

Following Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, and many of Equestria's musicians in their struggles to bring music to Equestria and all it's ponies. A tale about music, romance, destiny and what it means to try and change it.

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Chapter 18: Forget Me Not

Chapter 18: Forget Me Not

Vinyl yawned, sitting up in her bed, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. She moved to slide off her bed, but stopped, feeling a slight tug.

Octavia had her hoof around her lower torso, and was hugging to her while she slept. Vinyl smiled a little, slipping back into a comfortable position, resting her head on top of Octavia's and closing her eyes again.

Life was good. No, it was better than good; it was nearly perfect in every way. Ever since they returned home, Octavia and Vinyl hadn't spent more than three hours apart at any one given time. Vinyl knew this wouldn't last forever - Octavia needed to eventually return to her concerts and Vinyl herself had some gigs to play - but as she held Octavia close, smelling the fragrance of her hair and feeling the warmth of her body, Vinyl found herself wishing that moments like this could last forever.

Octavia awoke not long after, giving a very small, indelicate snort, before opening her eyes and yawning widely. She went to lift her head, but stopped when she felt Vinyl lying against her. The mare had fallen asleep again, but Octavia could tell she had already woken up once. The blankets were still covering her; Vinyl always kicked them off during the night.

Shifting, she kissed the base of Vinyl's neck, slowly moving up until she was kissing the bottom of her chin. Vinyl had, of course, woken up through the course of this, but was feigning sleep.

"Vinyl. Wake up, you lazy bum." Octavia giggled, giving her lover a faint push. Her lover. By Celestia, she never thought she would think those words in relation to Vinyl. Fear and doubt had been blown away, leaving only unbridled joy.

Vinyl feigned a groan and shifted her body, pulling Octavia's face into the fur of her chest. "Mm... Five more minutes. Don't wanna move..."

Octavia giggled, snuggling her face into her special mare. "Oh, alright, you win. But we've got to meet Twilight and the others at the train station by noon. We're going to the Trader's Exchange, don't forget."

Vinyl snuggled back, smiling. "Yeah yeah... Her Highness can wait though. She may be royalty now, but she ain't a cellist and she isn't half as sexy as the pony I got right here."

Octavia blushed, still not used to being complimented so liberally. Vinyl always lavished her in flattery, not that Octavia was complaining.

The two had learned, rather suddenly upon their return to Ponyville that they had missed several events in their long stay in Las Pegasus ranging from extraordinary to calamitous. First, Twilight had become a Royal Princess. The news had floored Octavia, while Vinyl had just shrugged and stated that she'd seen it coming a mile away.

On a less pleasant note, the Everfree had gone berserk, wreaking havoc on Ponyville. Vinyl had returned to find her father's house damaged, much of her equipment broken and more than one invention destroyed. Octavia had cradled her cello for hours, she was so happy it had been unscathed.

"Well, we shouldn't keep her waiting, Vinyl. She's still our friend, Alicorn or not. It would be rude to not show her punctuality."

Vinyl tilted her head, not moving it from its resting spot in Octavia's mane. "Well, fine... We'll just need to share the shower then." Vinyl snickered mischievously and Octavia flushed.

"Oh, you perverted little..." Octavia whispered.

"Ah, you know you love it." Vinyl laughed, kissing the top of Octavia's head.

Octavia smiled. "Do I?" She pretended to think. "Yes. Yes I do... But not this morning, Vinyl. Please, I don't want to keep Twilight waiting. Your usual..." Octavia cleared her throat, feeling her face heat up more. "... Antics in the shower would make us late for sure."

Vinyl let out a mock sigh, leaning back from Octavia. "What, has the Princess stolen you from me? Are wings really that attractive?" She grinned and hopped from the bed, Octavia following at a more leisurely speed.

"Don't even joke." Octavia laughed, moving to her vanity. "Do you know how long I've been trying to rope you, Vinyl? Longer than even I knew. I'm not about to let you slip through my hooves now."

"Oh, I'll slip through your hooves all you want, Octavia. I know you love that too."

Octavia giggled, brushing her mane. "Vinyl, you are incorrigible."

"I don't know the meaning of the word." Vinyl moved up behind Octavia, looking at her in the mirror. "No, seriously, what does that mean?" She slipped her head in beside Octavia's, nestling it under her chin, while Octavia continued to brush her mane. Seeking vengeance, Vinyl returned the kisses Octavia had placed on her neck, doing the same right back.

The neck was Octavia's weakness, not Vinyl's. The grey mare shivered, setting the brush down. She tilted her head up, exposing more of her neck. "Vinyl, stop... We're going to be late... Vinyl?" Octavia shivered again, this time all over, as Vinyl started nibbling instead. "Oh... Dammit, Vinyl..." Octavia laughed and threw her hooves around the Unicorn, tackling her to the floor.

The two raced, chests heaving, their stuffed packs weighing the both of them down. "I told you we needed to hurry!" Octavia complained, sweat leaking down her face. The shower they'd taken had been completely useless now! Well... maybe not completely useless...

"Don't worry! We'll apologize when we get there, a'ight?" Vinyl heaved out, panting more than Octavia was. The Unicorm might have magic on her side, but her supplies had far more metal worked into them than Octavia's belongings, making them much, much heavier.

Octavia rolled her eyes, but lagged back. "Give me one of those, you silly thing. I can carry one of them just fine."

Vinyl levitated one of the bags over onto Octavia's back, thankful for the help.

The cellist slowed, securing the bag, before rushing to catch up with her lover. The train station came into sight and the two slowed, stopping and looking for their company. "Ugh... They went on ahead, I bet. Let's go find them; I'm not looking forward to explaining why we were late..."

Vinyl shrugged. "Like I said, just say you missed your alarm."

"I don't have an alarm, Vinyl. You're practically my alarm."

"But the Princess doesn't know that." Vinyl winked and grinned.

Octavia gave a well-practiced scoff. "You're implying that I should lie, not only to a dear friend and fan, but to the newest Alicorn in Equestria? Vinyl, that is an absolutely terrible idea."

Vinyl bumped her flank to Octavia's, her grin growing. "Oh? So you're going to tell her the truth then? I mean, I know you're bold and all, Tavi, but that right there is... interesting."

Octavia flushed from what felt like head to hoof, shaking her head. "Nope! I mean... no, I most certainly missed my alarm."

"Thought so." Vinyl snickered as they offered their tickets, purchased in advance, and entered the train.

The ride to Rainbow Falls was uneventful. Vinyl and Octavia had decided last minute to accompany Twilight and her friends to the Trader's Exchange, mostly on a whim. Octavia had never gone before and was openly curious about what she would find, while Vinyl had been once prior and found the whole process rather daunting. The last time, all the jumping from pony to pony, hoping to find just the right thing at just the right time had made her head hurt.

The two parted ways from the Princess and her friends almost instantly. Each of them seemed to split off into pairs and Octavia felt it would be rude to intrude on their time together. Smiling, she and Vinyl started among the stalls, her eyes roaming among the merchandise.

"Is that a stall for stringed instruments?" Octavia slipped off, Vinyl watching her with amusement. She had the patience for a place like this. Vinyl was sure she'd find what she wanted.

Vinyl, on the other hand, trotted off to find her booth. She had purchased a spot days ago, hoping to sell off an invention or two. She was eager to see how her latest attempt at a Dubtrot Mane-dryer sold.

Octavia slipped between ponies on her way to the booth in question. As she was just about to reach it, Octavia blinked, hearing a faint, beautiful sound. Turning, Octavia spotted the source, a small bird perched at a booth not far away. The bird was like none Octavia had seen, a small creature with brownish feathers and a splash of white on each wing. It trilled happily, looking around at all the ponies, seeming excited.

Octavia felt herself smile and turned her body from the Classical booth, heading over to the small critter. She had been considering a pet for some time now, but the idea of a bird hadn't ever occurred to her. She watched the little creature sing it's heart out, ponies stopping to look, but never showing much interest beyond soaking in the show. But for Octavia, this had become more. Could she raise a bird? She tilted her head and the bird, which looked her way, tilted it's head back.

"Look, I'm like, super sorry..." Vinyl said quickly, once she'd finished helping the mare pat the flames out of her mane. "I-I've never had it do that before. Honest..."

The mare glared at Vinyl, and then walked away, muttering angry, foul things under her breath. After that little display, Vinyl's booth was being given a rather wide berth. Sighing, she walked back behind her stand, putting up a small sign that read 'The DJ is Out' onto the counter.

"Well, guess I might as well go see what I can find. What a total bust." Vinyl would've at least liked to have stayed with Octavia for a little longer. Maybe she would still be where she left her... With a defeated sigh, Vinyl started out, walking easily along the thinning crowd. It was starting to get later in the day and many ponies already had exactly what they wanted.

Spotting the String Booth, Vinyl frowned when she didn't see Octavia. She could be here all day, looking for her in this crowd. Shrugging, she turned and started off. "Eh... I think it's time for food..."

"You hunger?" The voice was strange, enough to make Vinyl turn and face the speaker. The pony was tall, standing a little higher than Vinyl did. He wore a large cloak, covering all his features. Vinyl did notice, however, a light, golden glow coming from under the hood. "I asked you, little mare... Do you hunger?"

"Uh... What, you a food vendor or somethin'?" Vinyl approached cautiously. This was really strange. Nopony else seemed to want anything to do with this booth. When they looked at it, they just turned away, like there wasn't anything there.

"Or something," the hooded pony replied. Vinyl was finally able to pin down what was so off about his voice; whenever he spoke, Vinyl wasn't entirely sure she was hearing him speak. She was feeling him speak. It was a realization that made her shiver slightly. "You wonder about me. About why nopony else sees what you see. I am only visible to those who I wish to be visible to... To those who need my assistance..."

"Assistance?" Vinyl tilted her head, frowning. "Sorry dude, but I don't have a single clue who you are or what you could help me with."

"Oh, you wouldn't know me, Vinyl Scratch... But I know you. I know you well, deep down into your heart. You could say that I am already a part of you." The pony leaned forward, seeming to tilt his head in a same direction as Vinyl. "As for what I can do for you... I can make a trade, of course..."

Vinyl rolled her eyes, sighing. "Oh joy... Let me guess, you want some ancient, antique jar filled with horn polish that I can find on the complete opposite side of the Exchange, right?" Vinyl wasn't normally so surly, but she was hungry, upset, and missed Octavia. This unfortunate pony was just dealing with her at the wrong time.

However, if her attitude bothered him, the pony made no comment. He leaned back again, seeming to sit on his haunches. "No. What I desire is something you carry with you now. I seek your most prized possession."

Vinyl raised an eyebrow, genuinely confused now. "What're you... What could you possibly give me that would be worth something like that?"

"Anything." The pony sounded amused, giving a strong laugh. Vinyl felt the laugh shake her, vibrating her horn in a slightly painful manner. "I will fulfill your deepest desire. A fair trade, is it not?"

Vinyl looked around at the ponies around her, all unable to see this shady merchant and, she only just noticed, her as well. They walked around her as if she wasn't there, eyes never quite focusing on her. It was a sobering thought, but she believed this pony. For some reason, she believed he could do exactly what he claimed.

"Alright, big guy." Vinyl trotted right up to his stand, tilting her head. "My desire is simple, but big. I want Octavia to be happy. I want to make her the happiest mare in all of Equestria. Is that too much for you?"

The merchant hesitated, and then nodded. "Yes. This, I can do."

Vinyl nodded back and levitated her glasses off, setting them on the counter. "These are the first pair of glasses I ever purchased. They're the ones that made me who I am. Take 'em. Make Octavia smile." She pushed the glasses across the table with a hoof. "We've got a deal."

The merchant tilted his head faintly, resting a covered hoof over the glasses. "The deal is sealed. I will claim what is mine."

Vinyl blinked and took a step back. Something about the way he said that worried her. "Well, yeah... They're right there, in front of you. Take 'em."

"No." The merchant pony pushed the glasses back. "They are not what you cherish most. There is something more." Vinyl felt herself tense. She couldn't move. She couldn't even blink. What was happening?

The pony leaned forward, putting both hooves up on the counter. Vinyl heard a sound, like a whispered chant, only drawing inwards. A light glowed in her eyes, making the world fade to white. The light was siphoned up and out of her, drifting under the hood of the merchant.

"The deal is struck."

It had been a pleasant shock, stumbling on Fiddlesticks here, of all places. Apparently, Octavia's sister ran a booth here for the Apple Family, trading antique farming tools for newer, more effective tools. There was always somepony interested in a vintage pitchfork, Octavia swiftly learned.

"An' what're you doin' here, sis? I ain't never seen you at one of these here Exchanges before." Fiddle asked, smiling to her sister from over her counter.

"Well, I came here thinking I would spend my time perusing classical instruments, but..." Octavia smiled, looking up to the small bird, perched on the front of her mane. "When I heard this little one sing, I just couldn't help myself. She is beautiful, isn't she?"

Fiddlesticks smiled, nodding. "I think that breed's called a Mimus. Ain't too certain though. You'd be better askin' Fluttershy."

"A good suggestion... I think I will—" Octavia cut off abruptly, snapping a hoof to her head. She groaned, closing her eyes and shivering. She felt strange; not exactly in pain, but like a part of her was melting away. She couldn't explain it any better than that. As Octavia recovered, she held a hoof up to stall Fiddle, who was walking around the booth to check on her. "I'm fine. Don't worry."

"If ya say so..." Fiddle went back to her seat, frowning a little. Just as she went to speak, a familiar voice drew her attention.

"Yo, Fiddle! I got the stuff you were lookin' for." Neon Lights trotted over, offering Fiddlesticks a soda and Hay Fries. Octavia gave a knowing, triumphant smirk. Fiddle waited until Neon wasn't looking, and then stuck her tongue out at her sister in retribution. "Oh, yo Octavia. Cute bird. You here with Vinyl?"

"Hello and thank you..." Octavia smiled, tilting her head and closing her eyes. When she didn't say any more, Fiddle blinked and adopted a worried expression.

"Sis? Y'all right?"

"Hm?" Octavia opened her eyes and frown. "Ugh... Sorry, it's that infernal ringing again..."

"Ringin'?" Fiddle tilted her head, raising an eyebrow. "I ain't hearin' nothin' like no ringin'"

"No, you wouldn't. It seems only I can hear it. It's been a regular problem, ever since..." Octavia trailed off. "Huh... I... Can't seem to remember when. I remember hurting my ears and hearing this foul ringing sound, but everything else is... fuzzy."

"Hurt your ears? You mean that time Discord attacked?" Neon asked, moving beside Fiddlesticks with a concerned look on his face. He had a few sinking suspicions about that ringing sound...

"Yes... That's right. It was back then. I hurt my ears doing... something..."

"When you fired the bass cannon." Neon offered.

"Pardon? What is that?" Octavia tilted her head.

"What's what?" Fiddle looked beside her, thinking Octavia was asking about something she was looking at.

"A bass cannon. What is that? I don't recall ever hearing the term..." Octavia frowned now as well, looking worried. "At least... I don't think I have."

"Of course you have." Fiddle trotted around her booth, ignoring Octavia's prompt this time. "It was one'a Vinyl's inventions. It went haywire and blew up her house. Remember?"

Octavia shook her head. "No... In fact, while I'm at it... Who is Vinyl?"

Vinyl's mouth tasted like she'd been licking up sawdust. The world came back into focus slowly, like she was just waking up from some weird nightmare. What had that merchant done to her? She looked around, suddenly frantic. He was gone. His booth was gone. How long had she been out?

The sun hadn't moved very far; Vinyl put it at about five minutes. Maybe. She wasn't really great with all that astrology stuff. Levitating her glasses back on, Vinyl cracked her neck a few times. "Weirdo... Why was I even talkin' to him...?" She shook her head, her stomach grumbling in protest. "Right right, stop shoutin' at me, you. Food, I know." She trotted off, licking her lips and humming a tune she'd made up just then.

"Who's Vin— Octi, you feelin' okay?" Fiddlesticks put a hoof on Octavia's head, though the cellist quickly pushed it away.

"Yes, I'm fine... I feel a little uneasy, but I'm not hurt or sick. But something is wrong." Octavia shook her head, hoping to rattle something back into place. "I think I need to walk some and clear my head."

"No, what you need is to think. What do you mean who's Vinyl? You're dating her. You stole her away from me." Neon didn't really sound accusatory; he was just talking like it was just the easiest way to sum it up.

"Um... Neon, you've been single for as long as I've known you. I have no idea what you're talking about." Octavia took a step back. "I've never had anypony I care about enough to date..."

"He's tellin' the truth, Octi. You'n Vinyl have been friends since you were fillies. She helped you get your Cutie Mark..." Fiddle attempted.

"No... No, you're mistaking Echo Scratch's name, Fiddle. He was the one who helped me get my first cello."

"And how did ya meet him, huh?" Fiddle asked, anger cropping up, due to her growing concern.

Octavia looked down at the dirt, thinking. She stared until her pupils seemed to dilate and her body started trembling. "I can't remember. I can't remember how I met him. I was just... At his house. Why would I go there without...?" Octavia chuckled. "Oh... Now I remember..." She looked up, sweating, but looking less worried. "I went there because I idolized him. He was one of the best musicians in Equestria and he was in y neighborhood. Of course I'd look for him."

Fiddle shook her head. "And how'd ya know he was in Ponyville in the first place, huh? Who'd you sit next to all the way through school?"

Octavia wagged a hoof dismissively. "I knew he'd lived in Ponyville all along, just not where. I'm sure I must have just gotten directions. And how am I supposed to remember such a stupid, meaningless fact, Fiddle? Don't yell at me because you're confused."

"I ain't confused! You're the confused one! Octi, you—" Fiddle cut off as Neon pushed her back. He moved in front of her, looking to Octavia.

"How'd we meet?" He asked, plainly.

"You were at some contest; a scratch off, I think. Fiddle was invited, so I went with her." Octavia responded, after a moment of thought.

"Who did I play against?" Neon returned.

"I don't know," Octavia replied without a second of thought. "It wasn't really important enough to remember, I guess." Neon gritted his teeth. He stamped a hoof towards Octavia, making her flinch.

"Okay, this isn't funny anymore. You and Vinyl got together on that island, after you fell of the cruise ship. Remember that?"

Octavia frowned, shaking her head. "I was alone on that island, Neon... What has gotten into you two? Is this some kind of sick joke?" Octavia took another step back. "Just because I've never found a special somepony doesn't mean you two can mock me over it."

"We ain't mockin' you, sis. You don't seem to remember Vinyl at all!" Fiddlesticks said, walking around Neon.

"Because she isn't real!" Octavia stamped her hoof forward, jarring the Mimus on her head. "I think I would remember if I'd fallen in love with somepony, don't you? Leave me alone!" Octavia was starting to cry, her eyes regaining that haunted quality.

Neon scowled. "Something's fishy about this..." He looked over to Fiddlesticks. "Keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't go anywhere. I'm gonna go see if I can find Vinyl around here somewhere."

Vinyl burped, leaning back in her seat. She had been relieved; for a while there, she wasn't sure if she would need to exchange some weird item for her food too. Thankfully, the only exchange they wanted was good, hard bits. She closed her eyes, her sunglasses dimming the glare of the sun. The Exchange wouldn't be going on for too much longer and Vinyl could head back to Ponyville with her friends. Maybe she would go watch the Princess do her thing for a bit...

Why did she feel so... bored? No, it wasn't boredom. She just felt no motivation to do anything. Even the song she'd made in her head was so sub-par that she'd trashed the entire idea. It wasn't like her... She sighed out through her nose, giving her head a small shake. "Come on, Vinyl... Get your shit together."

"There you are!" Neon's voice made Vinyl jump, nearly falling out of her chair. "Hah! I knew you'd be around here somewhere!"

"Uh... How?" Vinyl asked, raising an eyebrow. She paused, and then laughed. "Oh, right... I forgot I had my name on that booth... How're you doin, dude?" Vinyl stood, shaking herself off a bit, trotting over to Neon and giving him a rather liberal kiss. "Long time."

Neon jumped back before the kiss got too liberal; he almost felt some tongue there. "Whoa, Vinyl... What about Octavia?"

"Who?" Vinyl tilted her head, smirking. "What, you makin' up ponies for me to sleep with? You're filthy, Neon." She laughed, turning. "Come on, I was just about to go check up on the Princess."

"No. No, you need to come with me." Neon took a few steps forward. "Fiddle was..." Neon trailed off, staring at Vinyl as she stared at him. This was his big chance... If Vinyl didn't remember Octavia, he could have her back again. He felt a knot constrict his heart as desire battled against the good in him. Evidently, he wasn't as selfish as he believed... "Fiddle has somepony for you to meet."

Vinyl frowned a little and nodded. "Kay... I wouldn't mind talkin' to you a bit anyway... I've been feelin'... weird."

"How so?" Neon asked as they started walking, keeping one eye on his ex-lover. How had he resisted that chance?

"I dunno... I just feel... empty, you know? I tried writin' a song and... well, here." Vinyl levitated the crumpled ball of paper from her saddlebag and straightened it out, showing it to Neon. "I've never written something that... bad before. It doesn't have any soul in it..."

Neon read the song, frowning. She was right. The song wasn't bad, but it also wasn't Vinyl. He stared past the paper to her, watching her stare ahead, as if she was staring at something only she could see. Suddenly, he was very glad he had resisted temptation. Vinyl had lost her muse.

"Yeah, that's.... pretty bad..." Neon crumpled the paper again, tossing it off to the side. "You can do better."

"That's just it, Neon... I really don't think I can. I was talkin' to this shady merchant guy and next thing I know, I wake up, I can't remember why I was talkin' to him, and I feel like... this." She gave her head a rueful shake. "It's been a really weird day..."

"This merchant... What'd he look like?"

"He wore a black cloak to hide himself. There was this weird glow under his hood." Vinyl looked over to Neon, smiling. "Say, after all this junk, you wanna go back to my place? We could have a little tumble, for old time's sake... Maybe that'll clear my head some." Neon bit his lip. This really wasn't like Vinyl. This wasn't the pony he'd fallen in love with.

"No... No thanks, Vinyl. You aren't really up for somethin' so strenuous, I think." Neon tried to smirk, but he knew it probably looked forced.

Vinyl raised an eyebrow and snorted. "What, are you still upset about me dumping you? I thought we put all that behind us?"

"That's not it..." Neon shook his head and chuckled. "I... You just don't seem like yourself, Vinyl..."

Vinyl stared at him for a second, and then lifted her head, staring at the sky. "No... This is me. I don't know, Neon. I know I wasn't this miserable this morning, but now? Now I just want to go home, lie down, and never wake up..."

Neon watched her as he walked, speeding up his pace. Fear for his friend gripped his heart. "Don't worry, Vinyl. I'm sure it'll get better."

Octavia stared at the bird in her hoof, the little creature singing merrily. However, for some reason, the music wasn't as beautiful as Octavia had remembered. She sighed, but smiled at the bird. "Calypso, do you think something is wrong with me?"

The bird looked at her and tilted its head. Naturally, it didn't answer.

"Sis, nothin's wrong with you," Fiddle said from her sister's side, leaning into her. "You just forgot somethin' important, is all."

"No, it's far more than that, Fiddle. It's like a piece of who I am is just... gone. I don't remember why I fought to be who I am now. Without that, what's the point...?" Octavia rose, walking over to where she had placed her cello beside Fiddle's stand. She'd brought it with her, hoping she could find parts to further augment it. However, now she found it painful to look at it. She remembered where it had come from; it had belonged to Echo Scratch's wife. However, she couldn't remember how she earned it from him or why she cared about it so much. It was more than an instrument and she had no idea why. She felt herself starting to cry; more tears of fear than anything else.

"Am I losing my mind, Fiddle?"

"Oh, don't be so dramatic, sis," Fiddle replied, turning to watch her sister. Her lies had grown much more convincing over the past year or so. "You're fine."

Octavia was silent for a time, and then smiled back to her sister. "So... You finally got the courage to ask out Neon?"

"Oh... No, uh... He's just here to help me with the stand..." Fiddle fidgeted. She was glad to get Octavia's mind off her troubles, but her own were just as numerous, it felt. "I couldn' get it out, you know? I wanted to ask him, but it was just... I wish I was brave, like you, sis..."

"Brave?" Octavia laughed. "I was never able to even feel love for another pony... I'm proud of you, Fiddle... I wanted you to know that. You've done nothing but make me proud, time and time again..."

Fiddlesticks smiled, looking to Octavia with wide, worried eyes. What if her sister really was losing her mind? What if Vinyl got here and they couldn't help her? What if she lost her sister? Fiddle felt herself start to cry, but squashed the feeling down hard. She wouldn't show weakness in front of her sister right now.

Without a word, Octavia trotted over to her cello, running a hoof over the immaculate wood. She rose into a playing position, Calypso nestling into her mane, peeking his head up curiously. She lifted the bow, took a deep breath and played.

It was an old composition, but it was lacking a certain power that Octavia normally carried. Her heart wasn't in her music right now. It was searching for something else; a missing piece that had become so entwined with who she was that she was a completely different pony without it.

"Yo!" Neon's voice made Fiddle turn her head, looking over to the two approaching Unicorns.

"Yo, Fiddle!" Vinyl waved, making Fiddlesticks sigh with relief. Vinyl was their best chance at fixing Octavia's memory.

"We have a small snag..." Neon said once he was right beside her. "Vinyl's in the same boat... She doesn't remember Octavia at all."

Fiddle felt her hopes shatter. "What does that mean? That they're stuck like this? Neon, we can't—" Neon covered her mouth with a hoof.

"I got a clue from Vinyl as to why this happened. We need to go speak with the Princess. A wrongful deal took place and it needs to be redacted." Neon smiled confidently. "That might solve this all..."

"Who is that...?" Vinyl's voice drew their attention. She was staring at Octavia, head slightly tilted and a frown on her face. "That song's beautiful."

"That's Octavia, Vinyl. The pony I've been telling you about..." Neon prodded, hopeful.

"Never seen her before in my life..." Vinyl shook her head and looked back to Neon. "Sorry to disappoint, but I think you hit your head or somethin'..."

Octavia's song drew to a close and the mare approached, slinging her cello over her back. "Hello... Who might you be?" Octavia smiled to Vinyl, who levitated her glasses off.

"Vinyl Scratch... And you're Octavia Melody... Apparently, these two are convinced we're bucking or something." Vinyl laughed, getting a blush and scowl from Octavia.

"Mind your language." Octavia lifted her head a little and looked to Neon. "I heard you say something about going to see Twilight. I know the way from here, if you'd like."

"Language?" Vinyl muttered to herself, frowning. "I'll show you language, you stuck up little— Hey!" Fiddle gave Vinyl's tail a little tug. "Fiddle, what was that for?"

"Stop, Vinyl... Just stop, okay? Trust me... Can you do that? Come with us; you made a bad deal and we need to get it undone." Fiddle pushed Vinyl a few inches before the DJ started walking on her own. Vinyl gave Fiddlesticks a confused look, but started walking regardless. Eventually, she was side by side with Octavia.

"... Wait, whoa whoa..." Vinyl stopped Octavia with a flicker of magic, the other two stopping with her. "How... That's my mom's cello!" Vinyl glared from under her glasses. "How the hay did you get it?"

Octavia looked over to Vinyl, blinking. "So... You really are Echo's daughter then?"

"Of course! But dad wouldn't ever give that away! You must've stolen it." Vinyl accused. "Or... Well, maybe it's a replica..."

"No, it is the original..." Octavia said bluntly."And how dare you accuse me of thievery? I knew your father well. He helped me earn my cutie mark in the cello. That is why he gave it to me, surely."

"When?" Vinyl demanded. "Because it was in his house when he left and vanished at some point."

Neon's eyes got a bit wide as an idea hit him. "And did it ever bother you before now?" Neon asked suddenly. Vinyl was suddenly struck dumb.

It hadn't. Her mother's cello had vanished and she'd just... not cared? No, that couldn't be right. "By Celestia, what's happening to me...?"

"Apparently, the same thing that is happening to me..." Octavia said carefully. "If they're to be believed," Octavia began, motioning to Neon and Fiddle, "then we're lovers."

Vinyl looked Octavia up and down, shaking her head. "Sorry, I'm not big on classical so..."

"Likewise for whatever music you play... I imagine that nose-bleed inducing Dubtrot..." Octavia said calmly. "It does make me want to dance though..."

Vinyl was silent for a moment, then smiled slightly. "And classical is really calming, sometimes..."

The two smiled at one another.

"Uh... Ladies." Neon said abruptly. "Sun. Setting. Move. Now!"

Twilight blinked in shock at the four ponies before her. "A memory erasing spell?"

"It had to be," Neon said soundly, nodding. "How else could it have happened?"

Twilight shook her head. "You don't understand... Erasing a memory or two isn't hard, but it's a very imprecise spell. You can't just erase one pony from someone's mind... It's impossible."

"And yet..." Neon looked to Vinyl and Octavia, who were standing well apart.

Twilight bit her lip. "We need to find this merchant. I'm extending this deal's unbinding period until—"

"There is no need." The voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere. As if he'd been there all along, the robed figure stood off to the side, the faint glow still radiating from under his hood.

Twilight leaned forward in her raised chair, lifting an eyebrow. "You're..." She blinked falling back into her chair, eyes wide. "Wait a minute, you mean you can still—"

"Grant wishes? Indeed, Princess Sparkle..." The figure reached up with a hoof, flicking back the hood. Underneath was the strange, near crystalline body of Dolus, the Mite. He bowed to the Princesses, looking over to Octavia. "Good evening, Mother."

"Dolus...? You did this to me?" Octavia asked, with a voice laced with deep-seeded hurt. She took a few steps towards the Mite, who simply stared at her.

"Indeed, Mother. Though it is not what you think." Dolus looked back to Twilight, visions flaring through his crystal form. "I am able to grant limited wishes only, Princess. My magic is bound to the setting and rising of the sun. During these times of ending and renewal, my wishes are unmade."

Dolus turned to Octavia, smiling. "Mother, you would have remembered everything within the hour. As would have Vinyl. I have been watching you from afar, sharing in the beautiful love Vinyl and you share. I decided I would best repay you by making Vinyl happy. So, I offered her a wish.

"Little did I expect what that wish would be. So, I decided I would give you both something you would never experience otherwise; perspective." Dolus looked up to the sun, just as Celestia finished the spell to lower it. As night washed over the gathered ponies, a glow emanated from Dolus, drifting to Octavia and Vinyl.

"Perspective is something many ponies all over Equestria live their lives without. I have seen them, not even knowing the true value of what it is they hold." Dolus looked between the two mares as the light suffused them. "Tell me, the both of you... With this new perspective, do you see anything new?"

Octavia's eyes were wide, filling with tears. She choked, lowering her head, crying softly. "I-I..."

Vinyl was in much of the same position, visibly trying to fight back tears. She failed in the end, gritting her teeth and lowering her head.

"Yes... You both see now." Dolus took a few steps backwards, taking them both into his vision at once. "Two parts of one whole. You crafted the other, even from your childhood, making the other into who they are today. Without the other, you are incomplete. Without the other, you will not be whole." A light flickered over Dolus, originating from inside him. "I know you knew this already. I saw it in your souls. But I also saw that the gravity of your relationship was still unknown."

Octavia looked to Vinyl, smiling through her crying, and rushed over, tackling down the mare. She kissed her passionately, ignoring everything else. Most every other pony present looked away, trying to offer the couple some privacy. Dolus showed no emotion as he watched them, giving a small nod. "I had to affect you both. Your destinies are entwined, thanks to the bond you share. To affect one, I had to affect the other. That is why I could remove your memories through Vinyl." Dolus kept talking, even as the couple finally broke the kiss. "Tell me... Was your wish granted? Are you happier now than before you lost your memories?"

Octavia stared at Vinyl and nodded, trying to sniff back her tears. "Mmhm..." Speaking was clearly beyond the cellist right now.

"Then it seems our debt is even, for the moment." Dolus bowed his head to Octavia, and then Twilight, before turning to depart.

"Wait." Neon trotted over to Dolus, staring at the Mite angrily. "That's it? You cause them all this pain and then you just... No. I'm not havin' that you little...!" Neon snarled, swinging a hoof at the crystalline pony. Dolus didn't move, taking the punch without any sign of pain. Neon hopped back, shaking his hoof. "Like punching a damn rock!"

"Your protectiveness of my mothers is admirable. You have earned my respect. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a place to be." Dolus bowed his head to Neon, before doing the same to Fiddle. "Be brave."

The two words, so brief, made Fiddle's eyes fill with tears. She stared at Dolus as he turned, taking three more steps before fading, the crystals that made up his form shrinking until they vanished. The cloak fell to the ground, empty.

"... We are never doing this again." Vinyl said sternly, hugging Octavia. After a second, she blinked, looking up at the top of Octavia's head. "Uh, Tavi... Why do you have bird poop in your mane...?"

Author's Note:

So, this is one of those chapters that just started writing itself after a little while. I love it when that happens. With a little editing and grammatical work, those are always the chapters that shine the brightest.
Just because Vinyl and Octavia are together doesn't mean things will start going smoothly for them. If the whole of MLP taught me anything, it's that normal life is not something that comes easily to the ponies of Equestria. If something isn't happening directly to them, it's happening around them. This makes for beautiful chances; chances to expound upon drama and build characters up in interesting, unique ways.

It's around here where songs from the fandom start to waver. If anyone can find me a good fandom song that suits a chapter, PM it to me and I'll give it a listen. Perhaps I'll alter the title to fit it. Who knows? If I do, I'll credit the sender, of course.

Musical Inspiration: Lux Æterna - "The Eternal Light") composed by Clint Mansell
