• Published 9th May 2016
  • 3,699 Views, 466 Comments

Between Bassdrops and Bowstrings - Quillian Inkheart

Following Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, and many of Equestria's musicians in their struggles to bring music to Equestria and all it's ponies. A tale about music, romance, destiny and what it means to try and change it.

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Chapter 22: My Special Somepony is a DJ

Chapter 22: My Special Somepony is a DJ

"In all my years, making music and spreading the sound of it all over Equestria – even beyond – I've never been happier than I was two months ago. When I called Vinyl and Octavia to meet me in Griffonstone, I had expected talk about their misadventures, perhaps about the music they've made and probably a little tidbit about their current relationships. Never, in my wildest dreams, did I wake up that morning, expecting to have those two tell me that they were dating! Aside from being knocked off my hooves and right onto my flank, I was also probably the happiest father in all of Equestria – perhaps in the entirety of the world. And, I feel the same way once again today.

"But, back to two months ago. Not only did they drop that bombshell on me, the lovely couple had the audacity to knock me off my hooves again, by giving me this wonderful news; my daughter was getting married!" Echo Scratch shouted the last sentence into the microphone, eliciting a cheer from all the gathered ponies. The days leading up to this unconventional wedding had left Echo in a state of emotional high. When he had returned to speak with Gyro, the Griffon was upset that he was leaving, but understood, so long as he hurried back after the ceremony. They still had a tour to finish, after all.

Echo had arrived in Ponyville and spent the past two months helping his two girls prepare for their big day. Now, standing before this grand crowd, the immense reality of it began to sink in. His little filly was all grown up.

Twilight Sparkle, a Royal Princess who had ascended to the throne in Echo's absence, had arranged for the wedding to take place in the royal gardens of Canterlot Castle – a huge honor. She was apparently friends with the couple and had owed Vinyl for some previous mistake she had made. Not even knowing the quizzical, purple Princess, Echo just had to wonder what odd adventures the pair of mares had gotten into that they didn't tell him about.

Echo had been amazed to see that Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and even Princess Cadence and her husband were all present. Each one offered their own blessings to the couple-to-be, as well as individualized, personalized gifts. Almost the entirety of Ponyville, as well as a good chunk of ponies from the rest of Equestria, sat behind the three Princesses and their company, packing the royal gardens to near bursting. However, it appeared that no one – except some of the more anti-social animals – much cared.

Pinkie Pie, still the party animal he remembered, had insisted that she prepare the after party; rather intensely, in fact. Vinyl had asked – or rather, demanded – that the music playing be a swap-up between her father's DJing and either half of the newly-married couple, when and if they wanted to play.

Echo's mind, however, was on everything but the music. He looked over to his daughter, standing to his left, garbed in a custom-made tuxedo. Echo had suggested a less-traditional approach to attire, but Vinyl had refused. Echo was fairly certain it was all an attempt to avoid wearing a dress.

He gave her a light bump to get her attention, smiling at her. "Your mother would be so proud, Vinyl."

Vinyl smiled at her father's words, nodding as she looked to him. She took a deep breath, looking back down the empty aisle with her nerves starting to bubble to the surface. She shifted, adjusting the tie on her tuxedo for the tenth time in the past minute. With a flick of magic, her hoof was pushed down.

"Stop that."

"Ugh... How do you stand this, Neon? It's like I'm being strangled." Vinyl complained, looking over to her friend, who was standing opposite her father.

Neon smirked and tipped his shades down. "Well... Marriage feels like that sometimes, I hear."

Vinyl chuckled, turning her eyes back to the aisle. Soon, she was fidgeting again, the minutes feeling like hours. She adjusted her tie, bit her lip, and shifted around on her hooves. The suspense was killing her.

But, when the music finally started playing, it all seemed to be going too fast. She looked around, a little frantic, as if she could find the pony playing the organ and hit them with something until they stopped. She wasn't ready!

The flowerfillies skipped down the aisle, heralding the approach of the bride. Vinyl found she couldn't remember their names, but she knew they were sisters of some of Twilight's friends. They were throwing the flowers with impressive gusto, like being flowerfillies was the purpose of their entire lives. One batch, thrown by the unicorn, hit one of the guests in the face.

Not far behind walked Fiddlesticks, her head held high and her smile absolutely radiant. Vinyl caught her blush when Neon winked at her, giving a small chuckle.

For the outfits in the ceremony, Vinyl and Octavia had turned to the shining gem of fashion in Ponyville, Rarity. The fashionista, for her part, had been overjoyed at the request. Octavia had stressed the desire to capture the essence of Ponyville in the outfits, wanting to make the town as much a part of the ceremony as the two brides would be. In the end, Rarity had decided on a theme of seasons, as the changing of the seasons are a time of great togetherness for the ponies of the small town.

Fiddlesticks herself was dressed for simplicity, a short gown that was the color of fallen autumn leaves. Her insistence on keeping her cowboy hat had forced Rarity to build the dress around the concept. All-in-all, Vinyl liked the effect, thinking the colors matched her little soon-to-be-sister-in-law well. Not only that, but she appreciated the message it held.

Her attention was stolen, however, by Octavia.

Where Fiddlesticks was radiant, Octavia was positively blinding. She, unlike Vinyl, had been eager to get into her wedding gown. The flowing material was stylized after springtime, and bore a fade from auburn to green, starting with the colors of fallen leaves closer to her coat and filling with vibrant color and life as the tail of the dress grew farther away. The dress itself was styled in a classic style, making her look even more regal than she normally did. It bore a long tail, which was held up by a handful of birds, who Fluttershy had prepared for this event. The whole sight was enough to steal Vinyl's breath away, if that smile, hidden behind the thin veil, hadn't taken it already.

Octavia was having trouble not laughing. Vinyl's jaw looked practically unhinged. She saw people giggling out in the crowd, but maintained her composure. She was the bride and she'd not let herself devolve into a giggling fit before she even reached the podium.

Vinyl looked absolutely dashing in her tuxedo, a sharp ensemble that Rarity had given a color scheme to match the DJ own coat and mane. The tuxedo was primarily white – sticking to a winter theme – trimmed with purple and accented with blue and cyan. Rarity had even gone so far as to outsource, getting a special pair of shades custom made to match the outfit.

A part of her still couldn't believe this was all happening. It was like a dream, a fantasy, and yet here she was, walking down the aisle towards Vinyl. Finally.

Her mother, walking by her side, whispered to her, but she didn't hear her. She was lost in this moment, as if it were one of her songs. Nothing could take her from the feeling of joy that was flowing through her body.

Behind her, the sun was lowering – Princess Celestia was using her magic even as she observed the ceremony. This was Vinyl's suggestion, that they have the ceremony right as the sun set. Octavia had been impressed at Vinyl's romantic suggestion and had fully supported it. Now, her gown was basked in the orange glow of the sunset, making her literally shine as she stepped up to the dias.

As Twilight stepped forward, standing between the couple, a hush fell over the crowd. The ceremony had begun.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts," Twilight began, looking out over the assembled crowd, "we are gathered here today to bear witness to a truly unique and powerful bonding." She looked between the two mares in front of her, offering a supportive smile. "I myself have been blessed enough to consider these two ponies my friends. That is why I can say, without a doubt, that this bond will be among the most magical that Equestria has ever known. Both of these ponies before me are well known for their contribution to the music of Equestria, each a legend within their own genre." Twilight paused faintly, for dramatic effect. "However, it's my firm belief that these two ponies are a shining example the truth of our differences; that they are insubstantial and easily overlooked, with the right mind. Be it tribe, gender, or even something as obscure as genre, no boundary is too great for those with the will to overcome it. I stand before you, humbled by the love displayed between these two mares." Twilight lowered her head in respect, taking a step back. It was time for the couple to say their vows.

Octavia lifted her veil, still smiling, and turned out to face the crowd. "My roommate," she began, "is a 'bassist.' And perhaps we're not so different, she and I." She looked back to Vinyl, laughing. "Genre be damned. It's the music that drives us. The harmonies that bind us." She leaned in, resting her head against Vinyl's. "The friendship that found us."

"The love that surrounds us." Vinyl finished, nuzzling into Octavia. The two stood silently for a few seconds and soon, Twilight started looking around, as if wondering if she should speak. Before she could, though, Vinyl stepped back, clearing her throat.

"Tavi... Octavia... You know me. You know I don't do well with speeches and stuff... But we've known each-other since we were little fillies. In all our time together, I've wanted nothing more than to make you happy and healthy through anythin' that came our way. That hasn't changed one little bit. You mean the world to me, you stuffy grey cellist." Vinyl smirked, winking at Octavia, who found herself giggle a bit. "I promise, from this day on, nothin' will stop me from makin' you smile. Even if all of Equestria falls apart around us, I won't shake from that duty. Not in my entire life."

Vinyl bowed her head and motioned to Octavia, signalling that it was her turn. The cellist hesitated for only a half second, before proudly stepping forward.

"Vinyl, you are possibly the most unyielding, thick-headed, sporadic, manic, and unusual pony I have ever met. You're brash, impulsive, and have a way of overshadowing everypony around you, without even realizing it.

"However, it's these things that make me love you so much." Octavia chuckled to herself, shifting on her hooves. "You are my opposite in many ways. I am overly confident, but skittish and afraid to be anything less than perfect. I don't like to put myself in risky situations without good cause, and only then if there is more to gain than to lose. I'm narrow-minded, quick to judge, and wholly ignorant of anything I feel uncomfortable with. I won't lie to myself, and claim that I'm perfect. Nopony is. But you and I: together, we are perfect. We balance the other, keep them steady in rocky times. We hold one another up when neither can walk. We hold one another close when we both feel like crying. We have always been there for for the other, no matter how much distance rested between us, to help in times of need. I vow, on this day, to keep you safe as well, Vinyl. Without you, I'd be little more than an imperfect and lonely musician. Together, we're something more than the sum of our parts. We're something grand, a gift to each-other and to those who would receive us."

Octavia lifted her head proudly, looking up at the purple twilight sky. She was crying, tears of joy streaming down her face as she continued. "I will take care of you in sickness and in health; through storms, high waters and floods of chaos, I will be there for you, never far from your side. Unified, we are more blessed than we had ever dreamed of being. I know I certainly am." She placed a hoof to her chest, looking back down to her partner. Vinyl was starting to cry as well, fighting back the tears. "Never, in all my happiest dreams, could I have hoped for anything more than being with you. And I will repay this blessing tenfold, Vinyl. You have my word. I will love you forever."

As Octavia stepped back, she became acutely aware of some in the crowd crying with her. Echo was silently wiping away tears from his place beside Vinyl, smiling warmly at Octavia. She felt her mother, at her own side, press up to her proudly. She could hear Fiddle trying to silently blow her nose. There was a brief moment while everypony recovered themselves.

Twilight stepped forward, beaming with pride at being present for such a beautiful pair of proclamations. "While I don't imagine anypony here will object, I must, by tradition, ask..." Twilight looked over the collected crowd, face serious. "If there is anypony here who has anything to say, who feels these two should not be together or if there is a problem with their union, speak now or forever remain silent."

There was a very brief pause. Near the front, Harmonic Flare shouted, "Get on with it!"

He earned a few laughs, including one from Twilight. The Princess turned her eyes back to the couple, stepping back so they could see one another again. It was time for the final part of the ceremony. "Vinyl Scratch... Do you take Octavia Melody to be your loving mare; to care for her through the darkest of times and to hold her close to your heart and soul? Do you swear this, here in the royal gardens of Canterlot?"

"I do." Vinyl said carefully, as if she was afraid to stumble over the two words.

"And do you, Octavia Melody, take Vinyl Scratch to be your loving mare; to care for her through the darkest of times and to hold her close to your heart and soul? Do you swear this, here in the royal gardens of Canterlot?"

"I do." Octavia replied instantly, her face heating with a blush.

Twilight spread her wings, lifting her head. "Then, by the power vested in me, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and by my peers, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence, I hereby dub thee a happily married pair of mares." Twilight lowered her wings, looking at the couple. "You may kiss the bride."

The moment of truth; Vinyl and Octavia closed the same number of steps until they were right in front of one another. Vinyl quickly felt her nerves rush back in, nearly smothering her. She'd never kissed Octavia with so many ponies watching. Was she seriously getting stage fright? Her? She hesitated for a half of a second, her nervousness creeping up into her eyes.

Octavia, however, made sure there were no issues. She dove on Vinyl, kissing her passionately, earning cheers from the gathered guests. After the kiss was broken, Octavia chuckled at Vinyl, who gave her another quick kiss.

"A new journey lies ahead." Octavia whispered to her wife.

"Yeah. And we'll be side-by-side through it all." Vinyl replied.


In lieu of the tradition, the couple had suggested an alternative to the normal items exchanged between couples; one that had been universally agreed upon as far superior. The couple cherished this idea far more than some flimsy metal bands. As the two started down the aisle, side by side, Flare slipped around the outside of the row of chairs, pushing something to the end of the aisle.

A pair of items rested on a plaque, purely decorative, but beautiful all the same. The items, a golden cello bow, strung with a shimmering line of silver thread, and a glorious golden vinyl record spotted with various gemstones, sat crossed together, custom made by Flare. Payment for the pieces had been made by the four Princesses, after all of them agreed that such a gift could not be given for free.

In the entirety of Pitch Perfect's history, never before had such a large payment been given. Quite simply, it was enough bits to keep Flare living in luxury for quite some time. However, the frugal pony wasn't likely to spend it on frivolous things.

The couple approached the mantle, each drawing off their respective golden pieces, holding them high over their heads. The crowd gave another enthusiastic cheer as the couple swapped items, before placing them back onto the mantle. The two touched noses, smiling, before turning to bow their thanks to the Princesses.

While Cadence comforted her husband – who was crying rather uproariously – Luna winked subtly at Vinyl, and Celestia inclined her head respectfully to Octavia. Twilight approached her peers, and just smiled, happy to see her friends together. She relaxed after a moment, then leaned before the newly-wed couple, bowing her head low to them.

"What should we do now?" Octavia asked Vinyl as they walked past the mantelpiece and off towards the banquet hall they had rented.

"Well, Pinkie's hosting the after-party, so you know I've got a few ideas on how to spice it up. Neon laid out the special effects, so it should be a good time." Vinyl snickered, bumping Octavia with her flank. "And after that, I say we go on our honeymoon. I hear Las Pegaus is kickin' this time of year."

"I was thinking we could go to the Crystal Empire, actually. But, Las Pegasus sounds just as lovely." Octavia nodded, bumping her special mare back. "Say... What do you think Echo picked for out for our dance song?"

"Who knows..." Vinyl laughed, looking over to her new wife with glee. "But I bet five bits that Neon's got the dance floor padded." The two shared a laugh as they slipped into the hall before the bustling crowd behind them. They walked close enough to touch, basking in the company the other gave them as the beginning of their futures, the next step in their destinies, came upon them.

Author's Note:

Whew! This chapter needed a lot of work.
Originally, Echo hadn't met up with Vinyl and Octavia. Not only that, but this chapter immediately followed, Tropical Octav3, meaning I had to include a ton of filler involving Fiddle and Neon, as well as Vinyl and Octavia. Now, I had to find a new way to fill that space.
Then there were the vows. I worked hard revising and rewriting these. Vinyl's vow was ultimately short. It just didn't suit her to say something long and drawn out; she was always very brief and to the point. But it's Octavia's that really shines... Right in the feels.
