• Published 16th Jan 2018
  • 5,941 Views, 156 Comments

Spike 10 - Silver Butcher

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Not the best day

as the trio was flying through the snow and wind Spike was holding on for dear life doing his best to not be sent flying.

"Why is the wind so bad?" He called out, his words being swept away with the winds as he tried to speak, He saw Rainbow's mouth moving but failed to hear them, though he figured she had probably cried out to turn as she proceeded to sharply turn and crash into Twilight sending the three all falling, in a flash Stinkfly was there to try and save the day, only to be sent away from his friends as he tried to take flight and was instead sent flying.

"Curse you Hindsight!" he cried out as he was sent blasting off with the wind, he was sorta saved when the wind and cold became too much for Stinkfly and he suddenly turned into Artiquana in midair, He had a second to enjoy his immunity to the harsh cold before he plummeted and hit the ground. Artiquana lay in his snow crater for a moment before sighing.

"Well, least I ain't cold no more," he crawled out of his hole and looked around. "Which way did I come from?" he questioned as he looked across the snowy expanse, before picking a direction at random he loudly told the Omnitrix to activate the Life form lock, and a metal cap covered the symbol on his hand, no longer having to worry about the cold Artiguana set out to search for either his friend or Train tracks. all he could see was hills of snow and ice, no signs of the train tracks or his friends. "How far away was Stink fly sent flying?" He wondered aloud as he climbed to the top of one of the snow hills, in the far distance he could see the shine of the Crystal Empires protective barrier. Waisting no Time Artiguana began moving as fast as he could to get to the empire, he was about halfway down the hill when he heard someone cry out in alarm, he looked over to the source of the cry just in time to be hit in the side by an electisity spell, causing him to fall over and roll the rest of the way down the hill, landing hard on some ice at the bottom.

"Today is not my day," he decided as he pulled himself back up and was instantly met with multiple spears being pointed at his face as several Crystal Empire guards surrounded him. Before he could say anything one of them spoke up.

"Stand down and surrender creature, or we will be forced to take you down with force,"

"I'm sorry what?" Artiguana asked in confusion, the unicorn guards all instantly hit him with more taser spells

"Surrender!" The guard repeated, instantly followed by more tasers, after this was repeated twice more Artiguana managed to get a word in.

"I surrender, just stop tasing me!"

"Detain him!" The guard said loudly, Artiguana was expecting to be bubbled by a spell or tied up with magic, instead, they all started tasing him again. Instantly Artiguana let spat out a stream of ice at his feet sending him flying away from the guards and scattering them with the blast, as soon as he landed he made a wall of ice between him and the guards and turned tail and ran for it, the guards blasted down the wall and gave chase, several throwing their spears and thankfully missing by a mile. their taser spells were on point and Artiguana was hit several more times, one of them hit his arm and he fell on his face and was instantly overtaken. he to get up but was overwhelmed by taser spells and fell unconscious.

Articguana opened his eyes in confusion, every inch of his body stung and his arm and legs had been tied down with magic, he was being carried to the Crystal empire by the guards, who all seemed very proud of themselves for tasing him.

"Did you see me out there?" one of the guards said, "It was terrified of me, the look on its face when I struck it with the old tase spell,"

"We all hit it with the tase spell," One of the other unicorns replied as he rolled his eyes at the boasting guard "I'm just glad we caught this guy before he could join those other three,"

"You better not have just tased the heck out of me for no reason other than being an alien," Artiguana said angrily making the guards jump.

"Oh look who's awake," The leader of the guard group said as he eyes Artiguana "You know maybe if you have just cooperated and surrounded we could have done this the easy way-"

"I did surrender!" Artiguana snapped back, "You tased me anyw-" one of the guards tased Artiguana again and told him to be quiet. Artiguana stopped talking but was very close to turning them all into guard-sicles when he was suddenly tased again with a snicker from one of the guards, followed by a third tase.

"Tase me again," He said loudly and angrily "Go ahead, do it again, see what happens," instantly every unicorn began tasing him again and he let out a scream before blasting his icy breath below him and once again sent himself flying, breaking the spell holding him in place as the unicorns holding him jumped away at his attack. As soon as he landed he stood his ground and began firing ice's blast at the guards, scattering them as he did so, instead of stopping Artiguana aimed up and blasted his ice beam into the sky, he didn't stop until he ran out of breath, and by then he had done what he had set out to do as Rainbow Dash flew to him from the direction of the empire.

"There you are," she said, looking out of breath, she quickly changed one when she got a good look at him and noticed a lot of singe marks and even a few burns. "What happened to you?" her answer was given when one of the guards fired the tase laser at him again and he fell to the ground in defeat.

"That," he said into the ground as the guards regrouped and began detaining him again only to be stopped by Rainbow.

"Hey," She said angrily "Who's in charge here,"

"That would be me," The leader said proudly "No need to thank us for capturing this alien criminal, just part of the-"

"This guy is here specifically to help you take down the alien criminals, he came here with Princess Twilight and was separated after a fight with your alien criminals,"

"Well then the princess can come here and tell us that, until then I'm afraid I'm going to have to place you under arrest,"

"I'm sorry what?" Rainbow demanded as she and Artiguana were both put in a magic bubble.

"You'll be questioned for any connections between these alien invaders and will be tried fairly for your crimes again your own kind,"

"What are you stupid," She said angrily "I'm Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty!"

"Yeah, yeah, sure you are," The guard said with a laugh "Any pegasus can dye their mane, now let's deliver these two to the dungeon and report back to the guard captain,"

Author's Note:

the reason Spike didn't get an Electricity alien when he was getting tased as Artiguana was because he was in Life Form Lock.

Stupid guards are stupid.