• Published 16th Jan 2018
  • 5,941 Views, 156 Comments

Spike 10 - Silver Butcher

  • ...

The Society

Rainbow dash sighed as she lay against the side of the bubble with her back hooved resting on Atriguana, the guards had moved into an odd formation with the leader now standing in the back and two other's flanking the side while the remaining 4 guards all stood in a line in front of the bubble.

"This sucks," Rainbow declared, one of the front unicorns scoffed.

"Shut up we're almos..." The Unicron was cut off sharply as he and the other three in front were all suddenly coated in Crimson lightning shot at them from the three in the back, they screamed before falling to the ground unconscious.

"Ah," Articguana said as the 'leader' and his two companions made their way to the front of the bubble "So it was some idiot guards and some traitor guards,"

"No, sadly most guards are like this," The leader said as he reached for his face and pulled it off, revealing his entire body as an illusion, with his real face under yet another mask.

"Mask-seption," Artiguana said with a nod, "confusing but kinda kewl,"

"What is happening?" Rainbow demanded as the two other ponies revealed themselves to be of similar ilk.

"I am Enoch," the leader said "His voice sounding infinitely different from before,"

"This has helped explain nothing," Artiguana noted before blinking and staring at Enoch's face then his companions "Wait one second, none of you are unicorns but were still in a magic bubble, and you tased me and your fake friends, how in the..." the eye's of Enoch's mask began glowing and Artiguana was tased yet again, as Artiguana was being tased Enoch spoke up.

"I suggest you don't use that breath of yours, it will break the barrier but not before it freezes your friend,"
"Oh, come on, did I just become a double hostage?" Rainbow demanded, Artiguana's reply to this was to flip up the metal plate and said plainly and clearly

"Disable Life form lock," with a bright flash he was Spike again and smiled.

"Interesting," Enoch said as he gave Spike once over "You can turn into a dragon, this changes things," Enoch turned and motioned his two cronies forward and Spike and Rainbow were split into separate bubbles. "You are not like the three we have been researching, you warrant special study," Enoch turned to Rainbow, gave her a once over, then turned to his two goons, "take her far from the empire, and dispose of her, make sure there is nothing left to find,"

"Man this got dark," Rainbow said as the two goons set off to do their task "Good luck in escaping Spike,"

"Same to you," Spike replied with a wave as Enoch began rushing towards the Empire with Spike in tow.

"So tell me, creature," Enoch said as he made his way closer to the empire "what is your connection to the three other's aliens who are invading this land?"

"I'm here to kick their cans out of Equestria," Spike replied with a confident smile.

"Ah, rival aliens, trying to invade the same land," Enoch said "Well we shall put an end to both you and their attempts at control,"

"Dude I'm trying to help you here," Spike said as he pushed against the sides of the bubble "I'm pretty sure we're on the same team here," Spike was taken aback by Enoch's laugh.

"Yes, the same team, honestly I'd be insulted but I've heard of the aliens in Ponyville, who I know now are one alien, you. The citizens have taken your bait and welcomed you as a hero, but we are not so easily fooled, after all the technology used to attack Ponyville was of alien origin, funny how you show up not too long before it hm?"

"I swear, I have no idea who keeps sending giant Lazer robots after me," Spike's defence fell on deft ears as Enoch stopped a half-mile away from the Empire and dug his front hooves into the snow, Spike watched dumbfounded as a hatch rose up from the ground, Enoch entered, the hatching closing itself behind him and quickly being hidden beneath a thick layer of snow. Spike sat in silence as he saw multiple ponies, all dressed identically in odd-looking medieval knight armour.

"Does Celestia know about you guys?" Spike asked with a noticeable tone of concern as he looked at their rather alien-looking weapon's, glowing swords, energy mace's, and normal looking lances he suspected were less than normal. The response to Spike's question was a laugh, but it wasn't Enoch's laugh, it was a familiar laugh that made him sick as soon as he heard it, Spike turned on the spot and stared bluntly as his least favourite relative approached.

"Blueblood," Spike demanded in confusion as his cousin walked towards him "What kind of nightmarish fever dream am I in?" Blueblood gave no sign of noticing Spike and instead look to Enoch.

"Why is that in here?" He demanded with a groan "My aunt is a moron but she'll notice if her number one student's assistant goes missing,"

"I am sorry sir," Enoch said "But I'm afraid this is no dragon, it is some kind of alien changing," Blueblood made a face and made a few motions with his hoof, Enoch nodded and suddenly Spike's bubble turned from Red to Blue.

"What's this do?" Spike asked, he was given no response and upon looking back at his captures found them talking, "Oh, it a magical mute button. Like this wasn't confusing enough without knowing what's going on around me," Spike looked at his watch and sighed, knowing it would be a while before it recharged. Spike lay on his side and watched Blueblood say anything to Enoch before turning away, Spike's Bubble was left blue and he was carried around the underground system to what Spike figured was their holding cell's Spike's Bubble was placed between two small pillars and Enoch left him, Spike sat in silence and cried out in vain.

"What is happening?"

"A good question," A pony said making Spike jumped as he looked to his left, where an adult Earth Pony stallion was examining him, Much to Spike's shock, "Though I doubt you'll find your answers screaming at a bubble,"

"This situation no longer makes logical sense to me," Spike decided as she rubbed his eyes and found the Stallion was now standing outside the bubble, tapping away at several buttons on the Pillar, after a moment Spike fell to the floor and the Stallion helped him up.

"Yes, well you'll have to expect that from time to time now that the Omnitrix is clamped onto your wrist,"

"Who in the what are you?" Spike demanded as he gave his rescuer a solid once over. He was light brown, with a Black mane, he wore a white lab coat over a white shirt with a brown vest and black tie, along with a pair of goggles with green lenses dangling around his neck, the Stallion pulled out a pocket watch and nodded.

"Ah, we haven't yet met, well allow me to introduce myself, I am Professor Paradox, and I am here to save your life,"

Author's Note:
