• Published 16th Jan 2018
  • 5,948 Views, 156 Comments

Spike 10 - Silver Butcher

  • ...

She's Coming

Spike yawned as he leaned back in the chair, Twilight was examining the watch.

"I just don't like it, most of your transformations are ok, some are heroic, some are annoying, but this guy...he's just...just..."

"I said I was sorry for scaring you guys," Spike said as Twilight continued staring at the Ghostfreak Icon. She squinted at it

"He freaks me out."

"That means he's effective." Spike replied as he moved his hand "Besides, I've only used him those two times to scare you and apologize...hm...I should use him again, just to even things out." He said as he pressed the button on the side and deactivated the selection. Twilight looked at him,

"So what did Starlight wanna talk to you about?"

"She told me not to use the watch so much, said extensive use lessens the time of the Transformations or something;"

"I think It's a good Idea, you use it way too much." their conversation was put to a stop when the sound of screaming was heard. The two ran outside and saw a large Cragodile terrorizing the town.

"Dammit, I have to much work to do today to deal with..." She stopped when Spike waved her off.

"I got it." He said and in a flash he was Arctiguana.

"I'll cool this guy off in no time," He said as he ran down the hill towards the town. The Cragodile had a chunk of a building in its mouth when Arctiguna yelled "YO!" The Creature turned and was blasted in the face with an Ice Blast, freezing its face. after a moment The Entire Creature was Frozen, Arctiguana looked up at it. "well that was anti-climatic." He turned to leave when the Cragodile jaw snapped open, breaking the ice and dropping chunks of it everywhere. "Spoke to soon." He said as he turned to face the angry creature as it broke free and made its way towards him, SLowly Arctiguana walked backward, blasting it every now and again to slow it down, and keep it angry at him so it would still follow. Arctiguana then turned and yelled out

"I Was Wrong, I can't cool him off Tag-in, Tag-in!!" Twilight sighed and lit her horn, the Cragodile was engulfed in her magic and was teleported back to where She had last seen one in the Everfree forest. Artiguana walked over to her and nodded "Kewl, Kewl" he said when Rainbow Dash made her appearance,

"Darnit I missed another one" she turned to Spike "Come on dude leave some for the rest of us!"

"Not my fault you were late," Arctiguana said with a shrug. "Things needed doing, and we were to only ones doing em," He said pointing to himself and Twilight. Rainbow made an irritated noise and shook her head

"Fine whatever, I was gonna come here later, but since I'm here now," Rainbow tossed Twilight a letter

"Princess Celestia tried to send that threw Spike mail, but He was Ditto so she couldn't get it threw, so she sent it through the normal mail

"Spi..." Arctiguana covered Twilights mouth as some of the ponies of Ponyville made their way towards them

"Arctiguana" he whispered angrily "Secret Identity yo!" Arctiguana made his way towards the crowd while Twilight opened her letter and read through it

"Wha's it says?" Rainbow asked when Twilight read the letter

"Princess Celestia is coming over for tea" Twilight stood in silence, then turned To Rainbow "Distract Spike at all cost, if the princess found out about this it could...could.."

"Could what?"

"I don't know, and I don't wanna find out. If he turns into that Freaky ghost thing she..."

"Ghostfreak." Rainbow corrected, there was silence for a moment

"why do you know that?" Rainbow shrugged

"We've ended up hanging out a lot since he got that watch." she said "I'm sure I can think of a good way to distract him" Rainbow turned and looked as Arctiguana tried to sign something,

"I don't think my fingers bend right to hold it," he said as a pony offered him a pen, Rainbow shook her head as the two watched Arctiguana try to hold the pen only for it to fall to the ground, Arctiguana scratched his head and started talking to the guy as Rainbow turned back to Twilight

"I'll think of something to distract him" Rainbow walked over and stopped in her tracks as she held in a laugh, Arctiguana had broken an Ink bottle on the ground and was signing the papers with his handprint

"Innovation, Don't cha know?" he said when he saw the look on Rainbows face, she walked over to him and placed her hand around his neck

"Come one Arctiguana, you have the stuff to do" It took a minute but Rainbow finally managed to get the fans to leave

"Keep going on like this, and your gonna have 10 fan clubs fighting over witch you they like more," she said as the two made their way to the Castel.

"Ya know, I Think it be fun to see who'd win in a fan fight," Arctiguana said when the Icon beeped, Rainbow and Spike made their way up the stairs

"Or at least, I'd be fun to watch," he said as they walked inside

"Rainbow Dash you idiot, why are you taking him into the Castel."

"Taking who into the Castel?" Twilight almost had a heart Attack when she heard Celestia's voice

"PRINCESS!!! So sorry, Spike and Rainbow Dash have just become good friends and I was just trying to get her to get him out and about, you know how lazy he can be." Celestia looked down at her and nodded

"Indeed, He has gotten a little chubby, befriending an Atletic friend like Rainbow Dash might help him get back into shape, some friendly competition, like a race.." Celestia raised an eyebrow as Twilight flinched at the word race "Something wrong my dear student?"

"No Princess, why don't you come in? We can talk more Once I make the tea." And on that note, the two Princesses made their way into the Castel.