• Member Since 10th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Writing’s pretty fun.



The domino effect, one action making another happen resulting in a chain of events bigger than the one you started.

Little Apple Bloom had the misfortune to start a domino effect. And she will be caught in a special event. The main star in the Theater of The Damned. Left to try and escape the Theater, even if their isn’t an audience.

Takes place in Bridle Gossip.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 42 )

A face appears on it, wearing a type of mask, “Hello, Apple Bloom. You are going to play a game. No, not Monopony or Tag, my types of games. You will be put through multiple tests in the near future, and your choices will decide life or death for other ponies. Chose wisely, Apple Bloom. Welcome to the Theater of The Damned. Break a leg, probably somepony else’s.”

1. When I first read the title I read theater of the diamond
2. Is that a saw reference?

I thought this was a Black ops zombies crossover. I was mistaken. I will still read it though.

Well, the whole naming process was based off of pictures, and then when ‘Theater of Death’ or ‘Puppet Master’ didn’t have any good results, I decided Kino Der Toten would be like what this looks like. So I might as well get ‘Theater of the Damned’.

This entire idea is a reference to Saw.

Is orb-thing trying to break applebloom or something?

That might be a part of the games

I'm getting Saw vibes, here.
I'll also be waiting to use that song.

Is this a crossover with the upcoming movie Hellworld?

Isn’t a crossover with anything, although I may use some quotes from popular characters every once and a while (I.e this entire chapter.)

The pony sighs, “It’s always with that question, ‘why’? Can nopony be patient and wait for me to tell them? Ask, where, who, how, or anything else? No, it’s always ‘why’, why me, why am I here? See, Twilight, I am powerful, on the level of your precious little Princess. I don’t conform to your rules, I bend them until they conform to me or they break. I try, and try to break ponies, and most of the time it works. But Apple Bloom here, she’s special, she won’t break easily. So, believe me, she will return to you just fine. Either with knowledge of ‘why’ or no memory of her time there. But, come after me, more ponies die. I’m a being of his word.”

Yeah, I'd say we trust him, don't want more ponies to die now do we? (Even though more are just gonna die anyway...)

Wait I thought that pinkie was helping to look for applebloom? Now I'm confused...

There is a mystery tag, and it’s not just for the search. If you wanna try a guess, here’s a little hint,

The door to the soul is always open, but what if there’s no soul?

So pinkie's soul got killed (or at least part of it) but not her body? And if so then what about the pony who ate the cake?

That’s not it, but I will leave you to figure it out, don’t want to spoil it unless you come up with it yourself.

And so it all unfolds pre00.deviantart.net/1a02/th/pre/f/2015/310/c/9/sinister_angel_by_jeatz_axl-d9fqkgs.png
I think I have a pretty good idea with where your going with this
(Will this tie in with all your other stories or will it just be a standalone?)

If you have any ideas, go ahead and state it. The point of a mystery is for people reading together to try and work for a single solution, and see if it was right.

(Everything is a tie in, and never will there not be one)

I think the (apparent) grandfather is putting applebloom through various tests to prepare her to face threats he faced in the past.
Still not sure about the ponies getting murdered though
(So you saying the series will never end?)

The series never ending depends on what series. If it’s the main one with Raven and co then yes, they will end eventually. But the multiversal thing shall only end when I stop. Every story is in the same multiverse, even if some won’t come into play.

He looks right at me, “The eyes are the window to the soul, but what if there’s no soul? All these ponies I’ve ‘killed’ were illusions. Just mist made to look like a pony, and speak like one. Nopony died here. Their ‘death’ is like the death of a book character. It may seem real from a perspective, but when you realize it’s a book, you know it’s fake. This was all a test, and you passed with flying colors.”

1. Ahh so that's what the hint meant, I wasn't sure but I had a sneaking suspicion
2. Are the ponies who died outside the Theater illusions too?
3. Nice batman reference

This is the one line I didn’t do a Batman reference, what are you seeing here?

I know it is I just didn't feel like quoting another line

Hooray for mentally traumatizing tests!

No matter what story you write I will always wait for the one where celestia won't be a jerk
(Raven's Celestia doesn't count)

You know, it’s been months, but this comment still has problems with it.

Slendy, Survivor, McBad, Jester, Karma. There are some examples.

(Oh yeah, have you read Orc yet?)

Slendy is arguable
Survivor I don't remember
Mcbad you have a point
Jester is more 50/50
Karma barely even shows up
And I didn't even know of orc until you mentioned it

Spike sees the state of the room. He takes a long look at it, before spinning in his heel and marching back up, “Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope. All the nope’s from Nopeville in Nopeworld.”

He took that surprisingly well

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