• Published 17th May 2019
  • 1,616 Views, 899 Comments

Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Setting the Foundations for the Future

Two weeks had passed since the agreement made by Celestia and Tassadar to establish a colony on Equus. The agreed-upon colony would be specialized in the research of Equus’ various species and the magic wielded by the world’s denizens.

In exchange, Equestria would receive knowledge of the cosmos beyond their world and help train their Royal Guard.

When the colonists were finally ready to leave, Sweetie was surprised to see who was leading them.

Lasarra approached Lyra and the Alicorns. “My people are ready to leave once you are prepared,” she said.

The Ponies boarded Sweetie’s Leviathan while the colonists warped aboard their ships and prepared for the long journey back to Equus.

Onboard the living ship were Celestia, Luna, Lyra, Sweetie as well as those who volunteered or had nowhere else to go such as Swann, Stetmann, DuGalle, Stukov and Hanson.

Since the four who decided to take up permanent residence on Equus were altered into Changelings, they each decided on what form they would take. Sweetie had informed them that the Ponies of Equus came in a wide variety of colors. Stukov and DuGalle decided they would be Pegasi while Stetmann decided that his form would be a Unicorn and Hanson decided that her form would be an Earth Pony. Their colors were yet to be determined.

Celestia decided to have a talk with Sweetie. With a sad sigh, she said, “I know that you intend to deal with my nephew when we get back. I can only hope that you have had time to consider how you do so.”

“Actually, yes I have decided on a way to punish Blueblood for his actions and even right the wrongs he has committed.”

Celestia’s ears perked. “So you don’t plan to kill my nephew?” she said hopefully.

“Nope, though after what I do, he may wish he were. He is going to provide for the future of the nation whether he likes it or not.” Sweetie whispered her idea to Celestia. She was disgusted with it at first but since conventional means of keeping him under control had failed, Sweetie’s idea became more enticing by the minute.

After thinking it over for a while, she agreed to the proposal on the condition that if she ever tried it on another Pony that she gain permission from both herself and Luna, as well as Cadance and Twilight when they became aware of the duties of the Xel’naga in the distant future.

After about two months of travel, Sweetie’s Leviathan as well as the colonist ships finally arrived over the planet the Ponies called home.

The Protoss ships flew to the part of the planet that was designated by Celestia as unsettled and where they would receive the most sunlight relative to the options.

Since a massive flying organism half the size of Equestria would be met with mass panic, the Ponies teleported to Canterlot’s throne room while Sweetie’s Brood prepared drop sacs to land in the Badlands to establish a forward position near Chrysalis’ hive.

Meanwhile, Sweetie and Lyra had some business to attend to that had been a long time coming.

Prince Blueblood was in his office going through the paperwork that his position continued to pile on him. Most of it was proposals that circulated throughout the nobility and invitations to a noble’s lavish party. While many of the proposals got rejected by his aunt, he considered working with the other nobles to gradually strip the Princesses of enough of their power to push through the proposals that he needed to be pushed through.

He had also heard rumors that the survivor of S.M.I.L.E. was developing an obsession toward avenging her comrades. He began considering whether or not to put a bounty on Sweetie Drops’ head and send the bounty hunters after her while giving him just cause to send his elite guard to hunt her down and eliminate her. After thinking about it, he would set it up next week.

Outside his mansion, two ponies approached the main gate. One was aquamarine-colored with a mane and tail of aquamarine and white and wearing a set of otherworldly golden armor. The other was cream colored with a pink and navy blue mane and tail and wearing a black tuxedo.

While the citizens looked at them with a mixture of curiosity and wariness, the guards at the mansion noticed the duo stop in front of the gates. They quickly raised their guard and raised their rifles. “Who are you?” one of them asked.

The Pony in the suit answered them, “We have an appointment with Prince Blueblood. The name is Sweetie Drops.”

The guards’ eyes became like dinner plates as one moved to raise the alarm but stopped and pulled his hand away from it. When the other guard asked his partner why he didn’t pull the alarm, he suddenly had a change of mind. “Very well, please enter,” the guard said.

Sweetie and Lyra cloaked themselves and entered the mansion. While looking around to find the location of the source of Sweetie’s anguish, one of the servants asked where the master was to which another servant replied that he was in his office going through some paperwork.

The duo followed the servant until she was in front of Blueblood’s office. After she delivered his food and left, the duo entered his office before the door closed. To make sure no one got in or out, Lyra placed a small void barrier on the door to seal it. Sweetie then lifted her cloaking ability.

Blueblood heard the sound of hooves clopping in front of him before the lights dimmed then went out. He lit his horn to figure out the problem and wondered why no sunlight was getting into his room through the windows.

In the next moment, he spotted the one mare that he dreaded meeting again. “Sweetie Drops?! I see, so you have finally come to kill me,” he said as he pushed a button under his desk.

“Don’t bother calling you elite guard to help you. They don’t have the equipment to get past Lyra’s barrier.”

“You even brought that disgrace of a Unicorn?”

Sweetie smirked, “She may not be the scholarly type, but I can say with certainty that she is probably the best assassin on Equus. You can’t even tell she’s right next to you.”

Blueblood jerked his head in every direction to find Lyra but couldn’t find even a trace of her. He then decided to use a detection spell to find her only to find out that he had a blade of crimson light next to his neck.

“Put him against the wall,” Sweetie requested.

Lyra held Blueblood in her psionic telekinesis and pulled him out of his chair and pressed his back against a wall. She bound his body in a Maelstrom.

“Even if you kill me, my aunt will have no choice but to send the Royal Guard after you. You will be a wanted fugitive for the rest of your life. And you just dragged an innocent mare into being an accessory to your crimes,” Blueblood shouted.

“Are you done ranting? I don’t recall saying anything about killing you. All you’re doing is making assumptions when the reality is that you have no idea what I plan to do to you. As for what that is...Let’s just say there are fates worse than death out there. In my travels in the past two weeks...relatively...I have learned that there are worse people out there than you; people who would take billions of lives for the sake of ruling with an iron fist while manipulating people’s opinions to make himself look like a hero. There are those who are so blinded by their pride that their race was divided in accordance to beliefs. There are those who would seek to control an entire race and use them in acts of mass genocide to remake worlds in their own image.

“What I intend to do to you is make you restore the honor of my fallen comrades and to make you confess to the public that you had falsely accused them of treason and that you will clear them of all charges since I know that you were the one who pressed them in the first place. The Princesses will vouch for it since they knew of your crimes in the first place.”

Blueblood smirked, “And how are you going to make me?” His smirk faded and turned to one of horror when he saw a glowing green sphere of slime with an otherworldly lifeform inside.

“This is how,” Sweetie responded as she shoved the sphere into Blueblood’s face. While his face was covered in slime, the lifeform disappeared. Blueblood looked around to see where the creature went but her next words had made him tremble in fear, “I just phased a parasite through your skull and now it’s planted on your brain. Whenever I want it to, the parasite will act in accordance to my will. If you do something I don’t want you doing, the parasite will control you. If you go to a doctor to have it looked at, they won’t find it because I designed it to be undetectable.

“Now for a demonstration, bash your head against the wall three times.” Blueblood did nothing for a few moments before his body started moving on its own and he found himself slamming his face into the wall once...twice...thrice… He regained control of his body immediately after. “Now, you can either fulfill my demands or the parasite will. Also, if you prove to be too dangerous to be kept alive at some point, the parasite knows where the medulla is.”

Blueblood gulped before Sweetie continued, “We will be waiting for a public announcement by the end of next week.” With that, the two mares disappeared and the light returned to the room, leaving him paralized in fear and collapsed in a puddle of his own urine.

A few hours later, Sweetie and Lyra appeared in the new hive cluster in the Badlands after a series of teleports. Stukov and DuGalle were observing the known location of Chrysalis’ hive from where they stood. The two were in their Changeling forms since the mission didn’t call for disguises.

However, the other hive apparently felt a need for disguises since Lyra saw one of Chrysalis’ changelings disguised as a Zergling. Lyra’s detection sight allowed her to see through the disguise.

After Lyra tackled the spy to the ground, Sweetie returned to her Alicorn form and walked up to him and gave him a request, “Tell your Queen this through your hive mind: ‘I want to open negotiations with you. Meet at the location where I’m taking this drone. Bring your two best guards and I will bring mine.’

Two hours later, Sweetie, Lyra and Stukov were waiting for Chrysalis and her entourage. Lyra, who was carrying Shadow Mind, the foal that Sweetie created, teleported ahead to see if the Changeling Queen was coming. When she was spotted, Lyra teleported back to Sweetie. “They should be here in about fifteen minutes at their current speed,” she said.

Stukov spent those fifteen minutes telling Sweetie and Lyra some of his stories from his past to pass the time. A few questions were asked and answered.

Before long, Chrysalis showed up with two of her elite guards. The Queen looked them over and raised an eyebrow. “I don’t remember you among the Royal Family. You must be new.”

“Yes, I am new and yes I know about the Xel’naga matters.”

“Hmph...Celestia must be insane if she thinks the same method will yield the same result. She told me about the role of the Xel’naga the moment I ascended. She ended up forever cursing me into this form just because I wanted nothing to do with her precious Infinite Cycle. Are you here to show me the error of my ways?”

“Personally, I don’t care about the Infinite Cycle. All it is is a means for the Xel’naga to keep themselves going by transferring their essence to a new host for the sake of continued existence. Maybe I will find someone to transfer my essence at some point but not for a pony’s lifetime at least.

“Speaking of the future, that’s what I want to talk to you about. Celestia seems to think that Equestria needs to enter a sort of technological golden age and wants to one day unite the races of this world in preparation for facing whatever lies beyond the stars. I think she and Luna want to create a space empire someday and wants all races on Equus, including yours, to be a part of it.”

Chrysalis growled, “Why should I? She is the reason I have to endure this miserable existence! My Changelings are having to ration love more and more because the Ponies are developing more ways to detect us and flush out our collectors. At the rate we’re going we will likely starve to death within the next few years. And now one of Celestia’s pawns seeks to recruit me for some project I couldn’t care less about? Go to Tartarus!”

Sweetie took a deep breath, “Here’s the thing, one, Celestia never expected me to be a subject for the Xel’naga experiments. Bringing me in on this was Discord’s idea.

Two, I have spent eight years fighting wars in space while only two weeks had passed on this world due to some strange time dilation phenomenon. I have fought a corrupt government who tried to make themselves look good by using alien monsters to attack planets before moving in and destroying them to make them look like heroes. I have survived a volcanic planet while some psychotic infested human bitch was hunting me. I had to deal with an arrogant alien government that were too blinded by their own pride to see that they were losing the war against said alien monsters. I had to outwit said psycho numerous time while I had a parasite in my brain. Then I had to work with said psycho to take down an expeditionary force of humans from a distant world that should have left well enough alone because they were playing with forces beyond their imagination...no offense, Stukov.”

Stukov shrugged, “None taken. I never actually thought the expedition was a good idea in the first place and Gerard was only following orders from the top brass.”

Sweetie turned back to Chrysalis to continue. “I spent about three years travelling the worlds as a mercenary while Lyra fought for her life during that time as a gladiator among an alien race with a violent culture. Lyra and I then went to war against a human regime whose Emperor was willing to watch the universe burn to get what he wanted. I had to free the earlier mentioned psycho bitch from herself so I could be friends with her and we could work together to take down that regime so someone decent could take the throne instead. Then we went to war against Amon himself where we ultimately killed him alongside Celestia, Luna and Discord.

“Three, I am not here on behalf of Celestia. I want to give my Brood a place to settle and I want you and the other Queens to be a part of it. I will become a big part of the Equestrian government soon enough once the Ponies are ready. Times are changing and we need to adapt. I also have something to offer that may help sweeten the deal.”

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow, “And that is…?”

“I have the power to manipulate essence.” Sweetie walked up to one of her guards who took a defensive stance. She teleported behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder before teleporting back to her original spot. “Tell me guard, are you hungry?”

The guard thought about it and said with surprise, “I am hungry...but not for love. It’s something else I’m craving.”

One of Sweetie’s Zerglings showed up on her command. Sweetie gave a silent request to Lyra who handed Shadow Mind to Sweetie before instantly moving next to the Zergling and decapitated it. Sweetie handed their foal back to Lyra and ripped one of the Zergling’s legs off and offered it to the guard who, along with Chrysalis and the other guard, were surprised that the guard was salivating at the sight of the offered meat. He grabbed the offering and started tearing away at the chitin and biting into the flesh beneath, smiling as he savored every bite. When he finished, he grabbed another leg and ate it before telling his Queen that he felt full for the first time in years.

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes at Sweetie. “What did you do?”

“I made a slight alteration to his essence. I changed his body’s need for nutrition from love and switched it for biomass, or meat. You can still eat Pony food and it will be more nutritious than before, though the biomass from Zerg will be the most nutritious from now on. I can do the same to you and your hive. Though I also suggest not overpopulating or indulging since I want there to be a balance between our hives. The consequence would be me culling your numbers to restore balance.

“I’m not asking you to be part of Celestia’s plans, I’m inviting you to be a part of my Brood; to live and fight alongside my Brood. With me, you will survive, you will adapt, and you will evolve. I will deal with anything related to Celestia. I will be upfront with you and say that I have plans for you; plans that will come with the promise of a better future.”

“And this applies to the other Queens as well?”

“Of course.”

Chrysalis hummed, “Do what you did on me.”

Sweetie placed her hand on Chrysalis who felt something inside of her changing. The Changeling Queen walked up to the Zergling carcass and began tearing pieces off of it and devouring them. Her eyes went wide as she began taking bite after delicious bite. She stopped as soon as she felt full. She felt her usual magic reserves being restored.

Upon finishing her meal, she developed a growing sense of hope for a future for her hive. She turned to face Sweetie and walked up to her before kneeling before her. “I pledge my hive to your Swarm, Overqueen of the Changelings and Princess of Essence.”

“Rise! You shall be the first of my Broodmothers. Now let us go and seek the other hives.”

Author's Note:

My prereader thought that what Sweetie did to Blueblood was a little grim. What do you think?

For those who don't know what the medulla is, it's part of the brainstem and the part of the brain that regulates involuntary functions such as breathing and cardiac functions. You can probably guess what would happen if that got damaged.

Last chapter is released tomorrow.

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