• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Swarm: Nova's Assault

While Raynor was paying a visit to a now-released Kerrigan, an upset Valerian walked up to Sweetie.

“Do you realize how much worse you made things by adding Banelings to Kerrigan’s little demonstration? The sublevel is a caustic mess thanks to all the acid they splashed all over the place.”

Sweetie shrugged, “Next time you want to experiment on Kerrigan, don’t. Her ability to control Zerg had no bearing on whether or not there was still mutagen in her body. My only concern about the mutagen is that Amon could manipulate her through it. Having her control a hive cluster in your little environment was just begging for disaster. She caused the Zergling rampage to show you that the Zerg will not be contained. I caused the mess to give you a lesson in humility. You may think that things couldn’t get worse with a Zergling rampage, but things can always get worse at any time.”

Valerian sighed, “I will take your lesson to heart.”

As Lyra and Sweetie walked away from Valerian, Lyra giggled and commented on how Sweetie was as brutal as ever.

Not even an hour passed before alarms went off in the station, signaling that they were under attack. A number of Dominion Battlecruisers closed in on the station. Once one was within range, it launched a number of drop pods to infiltrate the station.

Among the pods emerged a number of Marines along with a certain Ghost who ordered every Dominion soldier who entered the facility to hunt down Kerrigan.

One unfortunate team found Kerrigan and ended up completely destroyed by Kerrigan’s psionic power.

Another unfortunate team composed of Marines and a Ghost came across Sweetie and Lyra. Lyra took control of the Marines long enough to have them empty their clips into the Ghost before she ended the rest in a split second.

After fighting through more Dominion infiltrators, Sweetie and Lyra met up with Raynor and Kerrigan.

Valerian informed the four of them that he and the Raiders were cut off from their location and the four of them would have to find their way to Raynor’s ship.

The four move along a walkway and saw a pair Dominion Marauders in front of them. Kerrigan obliterated one with a Kinetic Blast while Sweetie used a Mindblast to kill her victim.

A Firebat and some Marines came in from a nearby corridor. Lyra unleashed a psionic blast that incinerated the small group.

Since the door the unfortunate group came from was sealed, the four moved further down the walkway.

A group of Umojan Marines greeted them and let them know that a Dominion insertion team was headed their way. What they saw was a group of Marines around a Ghost. Sweetie’s Mindblast was all that was needed to end them as their heads exploded.

A Umojan scientist directed the group to a recovery terminal in case they had sustained any damage or needed a recharge. Since the group’s reaction times were faster than the Dominion troops, they were still unharmed but used the terminal anyway since Sweetie had been using her abilities the most.

A group of Marines and a Marauder were engaging in a fight with the Umojans while the Dominion troops’ backs were turned to the group. Kerrigan raised the enemies into the air and crushed their armor with the people inside.

The Umojans ran in the direction the four came from. A few drop pods landed near their location, though two ended up falling through the floor. Sweetie and Kerrigan each handled a team that emerged from the pods.

A group of Umojans saw the four headed toward them. A drop pod landed on one unfortunate Umojan. Lyra avenged the poor man by slicing up the Dominion that emerged from the pod.

Raynor informed everyone that they were near the tram station that would take them to Raynor’s ship. A Umojan informed Raynor that the corridor to the station was blocked and they needed to cut through the sublevel to get to the station.

With the main corridor blocked, Raynor requested for Valerian to open a side door. Valerian warned that some of the Zerg specimens escaped. Kerrigan was afraid to control the Zerg again but Sweetie wasn’t. When the side door opened, a number of Zerglings, Roaches and a Baneling emerged from the opening. Sweetie immediately took control of the Zerg and had them rally to her.

The now large group boarded the freight elevator to the sublevel. As the elevator descended, Nova spoke over the intercom, <”Kerrigan, my forces have taken control of the security hub. We are putting this facility on lockdown. Make this easy on everyone and surrender now.”>

“Ladies and gentleman, the Dominion’s biggest tool,” Sweetie quipped.

<”I heard that!”>

“I hope you did!”

When the elevator came to a stop, Sweetie moved the Zerg ahead of them to deal with any Dominion they came across while Sweetie, Raynor, Lyra and Kerrigan followed. While the fighting was happening elsewhere, Sweetie and Kerrigan took in the damage caused by a combination of her’s, Kerrigan’s and the Dominion’s actions. The area was wrecked and there was still acid everywhere.

The group didn’t have time to admire their work as the area was in the middle of being locked down and they needed to hurry past the first security partition. Dominion and Zerg were fighting each other while Sweetie noticed more feral Zerg in the area and took control of them. Numbers bolstered, the group forced their way through the Dominion forces.

Raynor and Kerrigan took the time to reminisce about the old days and joked about the changes in their hair.

The group made it past the first terminal and continued to the next one. Some debris was in their way and an Ultralisk was on the other side. Sweetie commanded the hulking beast to break through the debris and charge forward ahead of them. The Ultralisk eliminated a small Dominion team in its path. Another debris pile and another Ultralisk awaited them. The matter was handled the same as the last. Sweetie order the two beasts to clear the debris ahead of them and allow them past the second partition doors.

The psychics sensed a large number of Dominion in the next part. A security camera revealed some heavy machinery in the next room. Kerrigan used the terminal to release the Zerg from their cages. The Zerg tore into the Dominion and Sweetie took control of the Zerg that remained.

After one last group of Dominion, the four made it to the tram and past the last security doors. The Umojans told them that the Zerg were not to be allowed on the tram. Sweetie shrugged and she and the others boarded the tram.

Valerian let everyone know that he and everyone else were headed to the Hyperion.

Aboard the tram, everyone took a precious few moments to relax before one of the Umojans let them know that the Dominion breached the tunnels. Vikings and Wraiths began attacking the tram engines to strand the group in the tunnel. Kerrigan liberally used her Kinetic Blasts and Crushing Grip. Sweetie used her Lockdown and Psionic Lash as well as Mindblast when Medivacs dropped their cargo. Lyra carved up any vehicles that landed and she stole the life force from any Firebats that touched the tram and used that energy to knock Wraiths and Vikings out of the air.

Eventually, the tram came to a stop at the next station.

The Umojans greeted them and let them know that the Dominion deployed a heavy mech in the shuttle bay where Raynor kept his ship. They followed the Umojans to the shuttle bay, killing a few Dominion teams in the process. The pilot of the large mech called it the Archangel. Sweetie, Lyra and Kerrigan moved across the bridge while Raynor fought off some Dominion. The Archangel launched a barrage of missiles at the bridge and destroyed it, cutting the ladies off from Raynor who told them that he would find another way to them.

The Archangel engaged in battle with the Umojans and psychics. The machine started by trying to shoot a hailstorm of bullets ahead of it but Lyra sliced off the chainguns. It launched a barrage of missiles into the area but Lyra returned to Sweetie and Kerrigan and teleported everyone out of the targeted area.

When the Archangel launched into the air to deliver a strafe, a few Dominion pods landed. Kerrigan crushed one group while Sweetie used her Mindblast on another.

The Archangel landed with a stunning, heavy impact which Lyra helped the others avoid by teleporting them away from the impact radius. Sweetie took the time to unleash a Psionic Lash to heavily damage the Archangel. Pulling out her rifle, Sweetie fired a penetrating shot that went into the cockpit and hit the pilot in the head, leaving the Archangel without anyone to pilot it.

Raynor moved up the alternate path to the shuttle bay only to find that there was too much debris blocking the way. He received a transmission from Kerrigan, <”Hurry up, Jim! I think another wave is coming.”>

“Sarah, I’m cut off. I can’t get to your location. Take my ship and go,” Raynor said.

<”We just found each other again. I am not leaving you behind.”>

Valerian’s voice was suddenly heard from their communicators, telling them that he was aboard the Hyperion and heading to the rendezvous point. He asked about their status.

“Kerrigan is taking my drop ship. I need extraction,” Raynor said.

Valerian said he would send a team to pick Raynor up while Kerrigan warned Valerian to not screw up Raynor’s rescue since the scenario was digging up a certain painful memory for her.

Kerrigan, Sweetie and Lyra boarded Raynor’s ship and fled the facility.

Unfortunately, the Dominion anticipated their actions and attacked the Hyperion, leaving Raynor without an escape route.

The door next to him exploded. Walking into the corridor was Nova. Raynor was mildly surprised to see her at the moment.

“Well well, Jim Raynor. A pity you’re not Sweetie Drops. I have a score to settle with her. I suppose you’ll do for now.”

“Alright, Blondie, take your shot!”

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