• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Liberty: Revealing the Truth

Raynor observed the prison planet, New Folsom, from the bridge of the Hyperion and admired the work that his boys had performed this day.

“Fifty years and no one’s ever escaped from New Folsom...but we broke it open in an afternoon,” he said.

“I can hardly believe we pulled it off,” Matt said.

Tosh, who had maintained his Cloaking and Sweetie had been ignoring his presence until now, reappeared in front of everyone else while playing with his butterfly knife. “You guys did good. Now me and my Spectres’ll finish the job, we’ll kill Mengsk and burn his Dominion to da ground.”

“Maybe nothing that extreme, Tosh,” Sweetie interjected. “Humanity still needs leadership; a reliable banner to get behind. Arcturus needs to be removed from power, one way or another. But, humanity still needs the Dominion, we just need to find the right leader to replace him once Arcturus is gone.”

“Oh? And who would you suggest?” Tosh asked.

“Preferably someone with ideals to inspire the people, but not naive enough to believe that pacifism can solve every problem. On the other hand, not corrupted by vengeance and megalomania. One who values the lives of their people without needlessly sacrificing them, but understands that not all casualties can be prevented. And one who is charismatic for the people to rally to; popular and willing to stand up to the rest of the governing structure if it means protecting the people.”

Tosh scoffed, “And you think Mengsk’s boy fits the bill?”

“I did not say that. I was talking about the kind of person the people need to realize the dream for a better tomorrow. If Valerian does indeed fit the description, then so be it. If he truly is the man who the people need, I can only hope that you and your Spectres will support his bid for the throne when the time comes.”

“We shall see…” Tosh reactivated his Cloaking and Sweetie watched him walk out of the bridge.

After having a drink at the cantina and listening to the latest news talking about the recent prison break and the usual biased context that Donny uses, Sweetie went to the armory to see Swann.

“Hey ranger, how’s it goin’? Your pal, Tosh gave me the data to build more Spectre gear. I even added the Nyx Cloaking Module while Tosh taught them how to use that crazy Psionic Lash attack of theirs.

“But that’s not important. What is important is that I finally figured out the proper size to firepower ratio to bring out the full potential of the Odin model,” he said victoriously. Swann adjusted the terminal to bring up a display of what appeared to be the Odin. “I call it the Thor. It’s smaller than the Odin but a damn lot more practical than that showpiece and is just small enough to be produced from a Factory. Their 330mm Cannons are almost as devastating as Nukes and they are equipped with a module that allows them to repair themselves to full working condition should they take too much damage.”

“If they’re at least a significant fraction as powerful as the Odin, that would be great. Especially since we are planning on attacking Augustgrad to broadcast Mengsk’s war crimes soon,” Sweetie said.

“Heh, glad to know we’re still stickin’ it to ‘em despite this little alliance we got goin’ with Scooter.”


“It’s the nickname I came up with for the kid.”

“Ah.” Sweetie said, before another thought came to mind. “Where do you come up with the names for these machines anyway?”

“Oh, right...you don’t know anything about our mythology. You guys have gods or some kinda religion?”

“No, my people don’t have a religion. The closest thing we have to goddesses are the princesses. And they raise and lower our sun and moon every day.”

“What? Like figuratively?”

“No, literally.”

Swann’s eyes bulged. “Didn’t realize there were powers in the universe that could do something that impressive.” He leaned against the railing to try and process what he just heard.

Sweetie waited a few minutes for Swann to recover. When he didn’t, she left Swann to his thoughts and returned to the bridge.

After being everywhere on the ship, Sweetie noticed that Tychus was missing. On the bridge, Sweetie asked where Tychus was.

“Actually, since we were planning to hit Korhal I called in every favor I had to get the Odin into Augustgrad, with Tychus inside. Thankfully, our raid on the Valhalla facility hasn’t even been reported yet. The Dominion have no idea we stole the Odin,” Matt said.

“Seriously? We went to Haven, Typhon, and New Folsom since we stole the Odin and they still haven’t reported anything?”

“Truth be told, I’ve had a series of fake transmissions being sent to Korhal to delay any investigations. Good thing we’re doing this now because I wasn’t sure they would have bought it much longer.”

“I see...So, they’re still expecting to film at the UNN studio later today?”

“That’s right -- and we won’t disappoint them. Seeing as he’s the only one with experience, Tychus will pilot the Odin and hit the studio guards with a surprise attack. They’ll be confused for several minutes - and won’t even know who to attack at first.”

Sweetie facepalmed, “Tychus in a populated area driving a hulking battle machine of death and destruction...you see where I’m going with this?”

Matt thought about it for a moment before coming to the same conclusion as Sweetie before mimicking her facepalm. “I just set Tychus loose in a city where he’s going to cause untold collateral damage to both Dominion and civilian alike, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did. And you know that’s gonna happen if we both know Tychus as well as we think we do at this point.”

“I’m in the Dominion security network. Bringing up their locations now.” Matt brought up a display of each Dominion base in the area that were guarding one of the UNN broadcast towers. Each location was sent to Tychus.

The Odin was being paraded around the city of Augustgrad while being escorted by a number of Marines and Hellions. During this time, Tychus was very eager to cause a lot of collateral damage. Every Marine was just waiting to be squished. Every Hellion was waiting to be stomped on. Every statue of Mengsk was waiting to be leveled. He was not going to let anything get in the way of his fun.

The Odin was brought before a podium waiting for the representative to begin his speech. Tychus was growing impatient.

Suddenly, he heard Raynor on the radio. <”Alright, Tychus - do your thing.”>

“Thought you’d never ask.”

With that, the Odin turned around and started firing its cannons into the Dominion security crowd. Everyone began to panic as the Odin began its rampage. The Dominion foolishly clumped together and were easy prey for the Odin’s cannons.

Tychus moved into the perimeter of the broadcast tower number two and tore into its Command Center and the SCVs before bombarding the Factories with the dorsal cannons. Once all of the Factories were leveled, Tychus left the area alone and went toward tower number one.

On the way, some unfortunate civilians who were mesmerized by the Odin ended up getting squished by the massive mech. A few vehicles and streetlights were also caught in the Odin’s path of destruction.

Tychus employed the same strategy at the tower one perimeter as tower two. By this time, Matt alerted Tychus that an alert had gone out and the Dominion would soon lock him out of their systems. Tychus was not worried at all. Once again, he took out the area’s Command Center then proceeded to bombard the Starports with the dosal cannons. By the time Tychus had finished destroying the Starports, his rampage had to come to an end because the Dominion was ready to counterattack.

Tychus had quickly retreated to the park where Raynor and the Ponies had set up a base to prepare to fight off the Dominion and get a force together to take control of the broadcast towers.

Tychus’ rampage had crippled two of the three bases protecting the broadcast towers. Sweetie decided to make things worse for the Dominion by moving against a Dominion mining base by herself. Moving into range of the mining base northwest of the park, Sweetie unloaded all of the Dominion’s nuclear silos and completely blew the small base away.

Tychus did similar against an even smaller mining base east of the park.

As he moved to broadcast tower three, Tychus noticed something that caught his attention. For some reason he felt tempted to blast a lone Science Facility across a bridge. Giving in to his destructive desires, Tychus moved across the bridge and blasted the building apart before moving against the perimeter of tower three.

Matt was curious about what Tychus had just blown up and sent Lyra to investigate the ruined Science facility. Lyra took a look around the building and didn’t find much, before she left, she noticed some documents on the ground that were mostly intact. She picked up the documents and returned to the park.

While Sweetie and Tychus were further weakening the Dominion defenses in their own way, Raynor had a team ready to make their way to the towers. The group was composed of a pair of Thors and a few Goliaths and Siege Tanks. To deal with the remaining aerial forces near tower one, Vikings and Wraiths accompanied the ground forces. Lyra also joined the group.

Any remaining ships in the base were quickly shot down before the group moved into close proximity to tower one. Once the upload began, General Warfield called in Strike Team Alpha to repel the rebels. Lyra quickly carved up any ground troops and vehicles while the Goliaths and fighter ships shot down any Dominion ships that got in their way.

The first broadcast was soon uploaded and Raynor was confident that Arcturus was not going to be able to wriggle out of the political scandal that would soon be made known to the public.

Arcturus saw the broadcast and ordered General Warfield to eliminate the rebels.

Sweetie’s nuclear rampage had already cleaned up the last of the Dominion base near tower two. It was only a matter of the troops occupying the tower. Warfield sent Strike Team Bravo to drive the Raiders away, but the result was the same as tower one.

Tower three was the same as the last two. The Odin’s destructive rampage was more evident around tower three. Miraculously, the civilians had the common sense to get off the streets before the Odin could stomp them so the collateral damage was minor.

Tychus and Sweetie assisted with the occupation of tower three and repelling Strike Team Charlie. Dominion security was helpless to stop the Raiders from broadcasting Arcturus’ scandalous words all across Dominion space.

Before the Raiders evacuated, Sweetie ordered Tychus to scrap the Odin. With a pout, Tychus activated the Odin’s self-destruct and ejected before he was caught in the blast. To make sure there was nothing to salvage, Sweetie had Lyra slash apart any pieces that looked intact or important before moving away and allowing Sweetie to drop her last nuke on the Odin’s rubble.

Once reasonably certain that Arcturus couldn’t use the Odin against them in the future, especially since lugging that titanic machine around would have been a pain and then some, the Raiders escaped Korhal while furious citizens were beginning to riot on the streets.

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