• Published 4th Jul 2019
  • 4,298 Views, 414 Comments

Dragonball MLP: Buu's Calamity! - ultrapoknee

An evil wizard named Babidi unleashes a terrifying monster bent on universal destruction!

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episode 38: Friendship, Again?

Author's Note:

First off. I am deeply sorry this chapter took so long. I got sick back in October, and now I have to change up my eating habits. It's killed my motivation to write. But, I've adjusted as best I can, and now I'm back to my regular schedule. Please enjoy, and I'll try and give you more updates on the story progress.

(New Intro!)

Amidst a torn and broken landscape, Goku proceeds to walk forward with a fierce look of determination on his features. Image of his latest battles flashes above before he transforms into a Super Saiyan. Spike lands beside his master. The top portion of his Gi is gone to allow two new sets of wings to expand from his back. He is noticeably taller and more muscular than before. Images of the remaining dragons and Ember roll by in Spike's mind while his aura flares. It is now green with a shimmering gold outline. On Goku's left, an alicorn sharing some aspect of Scootaloo's features lands. She is as tall as Princess Celestia with a vibrant wingspan as long as Spike's. Flashes of the elements having a slumber party with the crusaders appear. Her aura flared out along with her magic as the trio came to a stop. The trio glare into a haze as Majin Buu emerges with Cozy sitting on his shoulder and several shadow figures behind them.

On The Supreme Kai planet, Gohan vigorously trains with the Z sword under the watchful eyes of Kibito and Supreme Kai. However, the sword begins to emit a bright light before the appearance of an Elder Supreme kai shocks the group. He holds his hand towards the boy as Gohan releases a bellow while his aura towers into the sky. Back on Equis, Chrysalis scoffs at the new Changeling kingdom as she starts to turn away. However, Ocellus grabs her hand and pleads with the former queen. The minor nymph points to the ominous aura in the distance. Chrysalis features soften for a moment before she sighs and flies off. Elsewhere, Sombra holds a box containing stone fragments while he stares at them somberly. A hand grips his shoulder as he turns to his wife and daughter. He hugs them before his loving smile turns stoic at the Glow over the horizon. He breaks the hug and flies over to it.

Sombra and Chrysalis land next to Goku's group as they power up. The shadows behind Buu begin to morph into a slender shape as it smiles sinisterly at our assembled heroes with red eyes. It crosses its arms as its clothes flowing in the wind with the prominent Majin insignia upon its belt shines. However, several shadows from behind our heroes as well. The first is of a boy sporting a cocky smile before a golden aura forms around him. Next to him were various other creatures native to Equis. Finally, another figure with spiky hair floats to meet the other shadow. The sparkle of its earrings catches the light as the opposing forces face each other. Buu made silly gestures with his tongue while Cozy flashed a cute smile before it turned manic. Goku narrows his eyes but sports a confident smile as he becomes a Super Saiyan 3 and leads the charge.

[Planet of The Kai's - Third Person POV.]

"You want a kiss?!" Goku asks.

"Yes, a simple kiss. Not from any of you, of course. I want a kiss from a pretty young lady. You agree to my condition, and I will train the boy here," Elder Kai informs.

Everyone instantly turned to Chrysalis, who, in turn, cringes in disgust. "You can't be serious!"

"Chrysalis, come on. It's for a good cause," Goku said.

"A good cause? That is always your excuse to get me roped into something vile. Just like the time you had me belly dance for those lecherous older men for you worthless trinkets. Besides, he wanted a younger 'lady' - meaning a woman - not a changeling mare that's well over a thousand years old!"

"Oh, mare or woman, it doesn't matter. I'm not picky. And, besides, just one of my years is like a thousand lifetimes for you lot," Elder Kai said.

Chrysalis snarls as Gohan speaks. "Please, Chrysalis. The fate of the universe is at stake. Surely, one measly kiss is worth saving it,"

"Then why don't you have your mares and that girl kiss him. I am sure they'll leap at the chance to do their part! Six for the price of one~,"

This time, Gohan recoils in disbelief. "What!? I am not having my girlfriends kiss that old fossil!!!" Gohan covers his mouth as he realizes he has included Videl as a girlfriend.

"You know, that is a good point. Since Majin Buu is threatening both of your worlds, it's only fair that I get two kisses," Elder Kai injects with a laugh.

"Oh, man. Talk about playing hardball," Goku chuckles nervously. "Are you sure you don't want something else?"

"My, oh my? Such resistance for such a small token. Very well, I suppose the universe will have to fend for itself," The Elder Kai said, turning his back to the group.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on, Elder Supreme Kai. I happen to know a gorgeous lady that will be happy to kiss you back on Earth. If it's to save the universe, she won't refuse. And, there's a mare on Equis whose a princess of a whole kingdom. She won't turn you down. So, could you please train Gohan?" Goku bargained.

"Um, dad, are you sure the princess would go for us?" Gohan whispered to his father.

"Well, we have four to choose from, so one of them is bound to say yes,"

"Hmm, well, that's Earth taken care of, but I see no reason to agree to this deal as it is now. You could take my training and hail tail it once we finished!" The Elder Kai accused.

Chrysalis snarl as the conversation comes back to her. "This is ridiculous! How do we even know if this wrinkled mummy can help!?"

"To even utter such words is blasphemous! All Supreme Kai's are the noblest of nobles and are incapable of deception! Unlike you and your ilk. Keep your projections to yourself," Kibito berated.

"Ah, at least one of you knows how to respect your elders," Elder Kai quips.

Kibito bows, while Chrysalis scoffs before the younger Kai approaches her. "How about this Chrysalis; I will personally request an audience with King Yemma. My word carries a lot of weight in Otherworld. I can see to it that your term is null and void if you help us now,"

"Haven't I been helping you already?" Chrysalis asks rhetorically.

"You did so as part of your term. Now, you have free choice. I believe you do not want to see the universe in peril for all of your snide comments and arrogance. Or, at the very least, you want to protect your progeny,"

Chrysalis snapped her head to the Supreme Kai with an intense glare. "And what do I care if those traitors get what is coming to them!?"

"You do care, Chrysalis. The proof is in your hand-- a gift that a young nymph gave to you," Chrysalis' glare vanished as she stared at Ocellus' pendent. A look of melancholy and a hint of regret flashed across the former queens' features. "Does her gesture truly mean nothing to you?"

With a sigh, She marches over to The Elder Kai, who turns back around with an expecting grin. She shudders as she turns to Goku. "You, oaf, I want to be revived! Gather those balls and bring me back! Understand!!!"

Everyone collectively sighs in relief as Goku replies. "You can count on me. Yamcha is going to be thrilled,"

Chrysalis ignored him turns back to the old Kai. Chrysalis had to keep the bile out of her mouth as the Elder Kai closed his eyes and puckered his lips. As the former queen leans in, an idea pops into her head. She quickly mouths into a Bufogren and kisses the Kai before anyone can protest. The slime the frog produced was visible on Elder Kai's lips while the others looked on with disgust. Satisfied, Chrysalis morphs back to normal, leaving the Elder Kai none the wiser. Elder Kai stood lost in bliss before wiping his mouth and chuckling with joy.

"Aw, it's been a while since I've felt that sensation. You are quite the kisser,"

Chrysalis performed an overly exaggerated bow in response. "I am to please,"

"Now then, boy, what is your name?"

"Uh, Gohan, sir,"

Elder Kai nods. "Well, Gohan, for us to begin, you need to follow my instruction to the letter! Understand?"

"Yes, sir! What should I do?"

"No need to be so severe. You need to relax. Just stand perfectly still. You mustn't move a muscle,"


"Ok, let's see..." The Elder began with doing some light stretching, eliciting several cracks from his joints. "Oh, not so limber anymore. Now!" Elder Kai started shuffling around Gohan in a circle. He bizarrely flailed his arms while sighting an equally odd chant.

"Uh, what are we looking at?" Goku asks.

"Perhaps a forgotten ritual?" Supreme Kai offered.

"I-It must be, sir," Kibito said hesitantly.

"Yes, you are correct. This movement is the dance to bring forth one's latent potential. Now keep quiet," Elder Kai stated.

"How long does this take?" Goku asks.

"Twenty hours,"

"Twenty hours!?" Gohan exclaimed. "The universe could be gone by then!!!"

"Quiet! Do you want this training or not?"

"..." Gohan reluctantly nodded as the old Kai got back to work.

"Oh, yes, our worlds are in good hands," Chrysalis cracked.

[The Chaos Dimension.]

The juniors and Sombra all fell screaming before they remembered they could fly. "Discord!" Sombra hollers. His voice seemed distorted and wobbly. "You juvenile pranks are not welcomed!"

"I assure you, my 'liege,' this is no prank," Discord said, floating down to the group with an umbrella. "Anyone missing limbs?"

"No, but are we in space?" Goten asks. The sky resembled that of space, black, with a hint of dust floating around it. Several landmasses were drifting about the realm and vortexes that spilled out various streams of liquid.

"Why, yes, we are in space. It's all around us," Discord said with a toothy grin.

"That's not what he meant," Gallus huffs. "So, why is I can't use my wings?"

"Different dimension, different rules. For this little slice of chaotic haven, what you think is normal doesn't apply here,"

"Does that mean solid ground doesn't exist here?" Smolder asks, flailing her arms.

Ocellus and Yona managed to touch one of the floatings islands on the ground, only for it to be a crude paper mache that collapsed under their weight. "Hmph, Yona is not that heavy,"

"Um, Mister Discord, how are we supposed to train like this?" Ocellus asked.

"It's quite simple, my little nymph; this realm is a place of wonder and impossibility. Your enemy is a creature of improbability. So, how does a group of foals defeat such a being?"

"Um, with fusion, right? What are you getting at-- Ah!" Trunks ask before a pie hits his face.

"Discord! Wha--" Sombra started before a pie met his face as well. Soon, the whole group was under siege by pies flying from every direction. Sombra clears his eyes as he snarls, but his scowl falters as he sees the pies coming from pigs with wings. The sight brought confusion upon the former king, but he shook it off and waved his hand. Black crystal shards struck the swine. However, the pigs exploded into cupcakes that pelted our junior heroes.

"Aargh. Way to go, king doofus," Trunks exclaimed, dodging cupcakes left and right.

"Respect your elders, son!" Sombra stated, casting a shield around them. But, the cupcakes phased through it and found their targets again.

"Hey, I got an idea!" Goten exclaimed before opening his mouth and eating a cupcake. However, his face turned green as he spat the nasty treat out. "Urgh! It tastes like pigs' feet with skunk balm!!!"

"Ah! That one was hard as a rock!" Gallus shouted, clutching his head.

A blast flew by the griffon and destroyed a cupcake as Smolder snarled in irritation. "What's the point of this?"

"Do I have to spell it out?" Discord said, rowing to them in a bathtub. "To face your enemy, you must learn to adapt to unpredictability. Nothing in here is as it seems. The same with Majin Buu. If you can conquer the chaos here, you can do it anywhere,"

Discord tips the tub over as molten rock spews out of it—Silverstream yelps before pulling water out of the air. Expect, what the seapony got was a stream of whip cream. The two attacks collided as streamers shot out like vapor. Goten searches around in a panic as he spies another landmass. Picking it up, he tosses it at the tub and manages to clog it.

"Way to go, Goten!" Trunks cheered.

"Yeah. That was easier than--" Goten didn't get to finish as a giant jelly bean struck him from the side by a jello plate. The young Saiyan blinked in confusion as jello surrounded his vision.

"Hold on!" Silverstream and Sand Bar said. They ran to their downed friend, only for snake poppers to appear and coil around them.

"What madness is this!?" Sombra shouted as a giant monster made of jello with a plate on its head approached them. In an instant, Ocellus and Yona joined Goten as well. Sombra fires black crystals towards the beast and manages to impale it. But, the gelatinous body morphs around the attack with no lasting damage. Sombra snarls as his fight with Buu resurface in his mind. Except that this creature wasn't Majin Buu. So, Sombra closes in and drives his fist into the mailable mass. The jello monster started to surround him. But, Sombra opens his hand as a vortex of shadows drew in the beast into his shadows. Sombra allowed himself a satisfied smile right until he slipped on a banana peel and fell to the ground that quickly turned into quicksand.

"Alright, slag this! Gallus!" Smolder called out. The griffin nods and assumes the fusion dance with her.

"FU-SION! Huh?!" Just as Gallus and Smolder's fingers touch, a bowl of pudding flee on their hands. Discord snickered above them, laying on a lawn chair while spilling a bowl.

"It's amazing how easy it is to mess up precise movements. Oh, and by the way, that pudding acts like adhesive glue. Try not to tug too hard," Discord said. A sudden yell got Discord's attention as Trunks came barreling towards him. "Aw. A new challenger has entered the ring. Well, my punch happy friend. I'll have you know that I am no stranger to fisticuffs," A pair of mismatched boxing gloves appeared on each hand.

"I'm going beat that crooked face of yours straight!" Trunks started charging at the spirit of chaos.

Trunks threw several rapid punches towards Discord's face, but the dracones moved his head like a serpent to evade. Trunks throw a roundhouse, only for Discord's head to cave into his body like a turtle. The young Saiyan turn only to see Discords' glove closing in to strike. The young Saiyan blocks, only for the sound of a whoopie cushion to go off on contact, and Trunks receiving no damage. Trunks looked confused but shook it off and went back on the attack. However, while wearing a ballerina dress, Discord dodges all Trunks' attacks with grace and poise. Discord also took the opportunity to tag Trunks with his gloves that made a different sound each time. Growing frustrated, Trunks fires a blast aimed at Discords' face. But, the draconequus split his head apart as it sailed away. Trunks stood there stunned.

"I - What? - Ah! Will you make sense!?" Trunks hollers.

"Now, where's the fun in making sense?" Discord asks back. He dons a matador outfit and taunts the young Saiyan with a red cape.

"Ok, you asked for it. HAA!!!"

Trunks transform to Super Saiyan as Discord frowns. "Well, that hardly seems fair..." Discord pulled a remote out and began clicking it, changing the color of his fur to gold. "Hmm, too uncomfortable. Gold isn't my color. Fluttershy wears it better,"

Trunks charges in again, With his Super Saiyan powers, the boy was sure he'd be ready for anything. He manages to tackle Discord's midsection and push the spirit of chaos back. The two went further and further for what seemed like miles. Trunks began to notice something was amiss and stopped. That proved to be his mistake. Discord's torso stretched to impossible from Trunks' attack to where Discord looked like a rubber band. Trunks realized this too late as the draconequus' body flung him back. Boxes flew out of control until he landed in something squishy. Trunks found he was with Goten in the jello. And, despite his immense strength, he couldn't free himself. Discord reappears before the group with a satisfied grin at the various states of capture.

"Hmm, for your first performance, I'd you all earned a D minus. But, fret not, we have all the time to improve. Before that..." Discord snapped his fingers, and everyone was free. he teleported them into his home with a plate of scones and tea available. "I usually have this time reserved for Fluttershy for our gathering, but I will make an exception this time. Now, eat up. You'll need all the energy you can muster,"

[Smoky mountains.]

Hercule peaks out from behind the rock as he looks at Majin Buu's house. "Alright, there it is, Buu's house," Hercule stated.

"We've already covered where we are, oaf. Stop daddling and face this certain!" Blueblood replied.

"Says the guy hiding under some cloak. What, were you too cheap to bring more?"

"This item is not easily accessible by the likes of commoners given it hides one presence. You're the Earth champion, so quit your whining. It's unsightly,"

The pair continued to bricker as a figure approached them. Gera lands behind them with her usual smile as she draws attention to herself. "Good evening," Both Hercule and Blueblood shouted in fright as Gera chuckled. "I must say, it is rare we have any guess. Especially, Equestrian royalty and the Earth's champion,"

"H-Hwy, who are you?" Hercule asks.

"Hmm, I guess you could say I am a hostage," Gera said. "Are you two dashing knights going to save me from the terrible monster?"

"Hmph! You seem well off as you are now. You can hurry off now while I, Prince Blueblood, slay this beast," Blueblood said in a haughty tone.

"Now hold on, pal. It's my duty as the champion of both worlds to defend the fans. Err, I mean citizens. Don't worry, ma'am. The world champ, Hercule, will take care of Buu and escort you to safety," Hercule declares.

"Well, you'll both get your chance right about now," Gera gestures behind them.

Both and pony suddenly felt a cold sensation behind them. Slowly turning, the prince and the champ found Majin Buu looming over them. A shadow covered Buu's features, leaving only his glinting eyes and the pearly whites of his devilish grin. "Hey, Buu, not see you two before. Why you come to Buu's house?"

"These two are very important guesses, Buu. They came all this way to see you," Gera stated.

"Um, yes, indeed," Blueblood said, dusting himself off. "A pleasure to meet you. Majin Buu. I must say the rumors don't do you justice. On behalf of Equestria, I present you with a gift," Blueblood pulls out the ring he had prepared. "Please accept this ring as Equestria's acknowledgment of your strength and everlasting harmony and friendship between us,"

Buu looks at the ring in confusion, unsure of what to do, until Blueblood us his magic to slip the ring onto Buu's antenna. The ring glows brightly as black electricity dances above the pink terrors head. However, it fizzled out moments later while the ring itself shattered. Blueblood looks at the broken circle in abject horror while Hercule seems dumbfounded. Gera arches a brow at the ring, unsure of its purpose, but she laments that she won't be able to find out. Buu tilts his head in confusion before he starts to laugh.

"Ahaha. Pretty ring tickles Buu. Do you have another one?"

"...No, that was the only one..." Blueblood said dejectedly.

Hercule pulls Blueblood over to him as Buu inspects the ring. "What was that? I thought you said that ring of yours would do the trick!"

"This brainless monster should be in a magically induced coma at best. I will have to fire my spellcasters for sufficient work," Blueblood stated.

"Hmph. Never let a dainty royal pony do the world champion's job. I'll be the one to stop Majin Buu after all," Hercule stated.

"I eagerly await your victory, champ," Gera said in an almost mocking tone.

Hercule gives Gera a thumbs up before approaching Buu. The pink terror notices the bag the champion is carrying. "Hmm? Do you have something for Buu too?"

"T-That's right. Um, hold on..." Hercule rummages through his bag as he pulls out a handheld. "I bet it gets real boring out here in the mountains. So, how about some video games. It's all the rage with kids these days," Hercule said, handing Buu the handheld and backing away to a safe distance. As Buu began to play, Hercule pressed down on a button, resulting in the handheld exploding. Hercule raises his head from his position and starts to laugh. "YEAAAHHH!!! How do you like that I defeat Majin Buu!!!!"

"What was that!?" Cozy Glow suddenly shouted. She flew off from Buu's house to find a giant dust cloud and three others next to it. "Hey, what's going here? I have to get my beauty rest before we make our trip-- Who are they?" Cozy said.

"The equestrian prince, Blueblood, and the Earth's champion Hercule," Gera answers.

"And what do they want?"

"To defeat Majin Buu,"

Cozy stares blankly at Gera. Then, to Hercule, who was still celebrating his victory. And, finally, to the dust cloud that starts to dispel, revealing Majin Buu, no worse for wear. "Haha. Buu like it when game explode!" Hercule stops his premature celebration as his eyes morph to pin sticks and a trail of snot falls from his nose. "You have more fun things for Buu?"

"Uh, I-I..." Hercule stutters.

"Of course he does, my rotund friend," Blueblood leans into Hercule's ear and hisses at him. "You better do something quickly, or we're both dead!"

"O-Oh! Well, after a round of video games, I always like to eat some snacks. Here you go," Hercule reaches into his bag and presents a box of chocolates.

Buu inspects chocolate before frowning. "Hmm, Buu usually like chocolate made from people,"

"Uh, well, that well and good. But, this chocolate is smaller so that you can eat more of it," Hercule's words seem to reach Buu as he goes for a bite. And then another, and another while everyone watches. 'Hehe, that's right. Eat up, Buu. There's enough cyanide in those chocolates to put down an elephant,' Or, so Hercule believed. Buu finished the candy with zero effect on himself, much to Hercule's horror.

Buu goes to Hercule and Blueblood. "Buu liked presents, so Buu make you two his new friends!"

"What!?" Blueblood, Hercule, and Cozy Glow said in surprise.

"Oh?" Gera said with a smirk, noting Cozy's irritated expression.

"Uh, yes, thank you, Majin Buu. You have exquisite taste in friend-making. A Canterlot elite such as myself will help your status immensely," Blueblood stated.

Naturally, Cozy Glow didn't like this. "Mister Buu. I thought we agreed that I would decide who would be our friends. And these two seem pretty shifty to me,"

"I, for one, agree with Buu's decision," Gera said, earning a scornful glare from the pegasus. "Having such high profile friends will make things easier. Plus, they are harmless,"

"Y-yeah, and some of my friends say I am an excellent cook. How about I whip us all something we all can enjoy," Hercule said nervously.

Hercule leads Buu to his home with Blueblood close behind. Gera started moving, but Cozy flew in her face with a scowl. "Don't think I'll let you get away with this!"

"Hmm? Get away with what?" Gera asks.

"You think you can undermine my position with Mister Buu!"

"I did nothing of the sort. Buu made a decision, and I supported it. That's all. Besides, it's just been us all this time. Having some new faces with us may live up this little meal we have here,"

Cozy snorts indignantly at her reasoning. "They're the champion of Earth and equestrian royalty! Those two are bound to cause trouble!"

Gera merely giggles and pats Cozy on the head. "Please. We both know those two are no threat. I just think it'll be interesting to see how long they can survive being in such proximity to Majin Buu. Would you like to take a bet?"

Cozy glares at Gera, then looks back at Hercule and Blueblood. "The whiny blonde colt in a suit would look good as a graham cracker,"

[Canterlot - Training Hall.]

Scootaloo pinched the bridge of her snout for the fifth time today. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle sat on the floor panting after another failed fusion attempt. While Sweetie Belle had the dance itself down, her Ki wasn't as strong as Applebloom, and they would fall out of sync. Applebloom was the opposite. The apple mare wasn't as graceful as Sweetie was with the dances, and her clumsiness would throw off the accuracy needed to fuse. Scootaloo friends were no closer to joining bodies than the moment they started.

"Come on, girls. At this rate, you could pass at ballerina tryout than fusing!" Scootaloo said.

"Well, if somepony was a little more elegant," Sweetie stated.

"Now wait an apple-bucking minute. Are you blaming me for messing up? I got to keep my energy matched up with yours while making sure not to fall over you. Would it kill you to straighten up your legs on the last bit?" Applebloom asked.

"Maybe if you didn't press yourself so hard against my fingertips, I wouldn't feel like I'm pushing against an Ursa minor!"

"Are you call me fat?!"

"If the boot fits!"

"GIRLS!!!" Scootaloo shouted, jumping in between her two friends. "We're not going to get anywhere fighting like this. We have to get it together. Everything is at stake,"

"Why can't you and I fuse first, then Applebloom?" Sweetie asks.

"You and Applebloom are closer together in power. When you two combine, I'll match it. If I fuse with either of you first, the fusion will be too strong for whoever is left out. And, we won't have time to match our power levels," Scootaloo said.

Both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle became dejected at that. "Sorry, Scoots, I reckon we are acting like a bunch of fillies..."

"Yeah, it's a lot harder than we thought. But, from here on end, no more fighting," Sweetie said, offering her hand to Applebloom, who glad accepts it.

"Yeah, let's do this right! For Gohan-- Oh!!!" Applebloom clamps her hand over her muzzle as her eyes dart from Sweetie to Scootaloo.

Sweetie moves to Applebloom and lays a comforting hand on her shoulder. "For Gohan," Scootaloo nods at her friends as they get into position. Scootaloo noted the change in atmosphere in the air and the sheer determination emitting from her friends. Both their auras flared outward, with Applebloom's being near twice the size of Sweetie Belle's. The apple mare adjusts to the unicorn's height as she grunts until they match. Taking a breath, Applebloom nods to Sweetie. The two crusaders perform the technique in perfect tempo and unison as their fingertips touch. Much like with the juniors, there was a bright flash. Where two once was, now stood one. It was a mare of charcoal grey fur with a three-tone mane styled in a bushy swirl pattern. Scootaloo smiles broadly as her best friends finally got fusion down to a tee.

"Whoo wee! We're looking fabulous. I guess you can call us Apple Belle now," The fused mare spoke, flashing Scootaloo a grin. "You ready to blow the lip off this castle?"

Scootaloo got in position and matched Apple Belle's power output. "You know it. Hopefully, we won't make a big mess," The two mares stuck out their arm and performed the dance again. Every move, every breath was in perfect harmony.


[Twilight's POV.]

"Everything was in order now. We've managed to find a suitable sealing spell from the archives," I said.

"It seems that way, Twilight. Although, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. We have to get close to using it," Cadence said.

"We must have faith in your students' ability to weaken Majin Buu. Then, and only then, will we act," Princess Celestia assured? But that didn't sit well with me.

"I just wish we had more power ourselves. We're still throwing children in the face of danger!" I exclaimed.

"We know how you feel, Young Twilight, but--"


A violent shake rippled across the castle as we stumbled. I was about to speak when I felt an enormous pressure fill the air. I knew it was Ki energy. But, it was unlike anything I ever felt that didn't come from our friends from Earth. "What was that?" Cadence asked.

"This power. It's coming from the training hall," My horn was alit with magic as I teleported us to the disturbance. My friends were already there, but the training hall was in ruins. The walls and ground had cracks and broken pieces thrown everywhere. It was almost like a bomb went off with this plum of smoke permeating the area.

"Goodness! What happened here?" Rarity said.

"It looked like someone set off my experimental blunder cannon," Pinkie noted.

"Oh my, wasn't Scootaloo and the girls here?" Fluttershy pointed out.

"Scootaloo, Sweetie, Applebloom!" Diamond Tiara called out.

"Where are they? Do you think that monster came here?" Silver Spoon said with a shiver.

"No worries, Silvie. Everythings fine. I reckon we made a bigger mess than we thought, but you can't argue with the result,"
A new voice I had never heard before said. It sounded like the girls, but there was a distortion in their tone. We turned our attention to the center of the smoke. A figure began to fill out within the smoke. At first, I thought it was Sweetie Belle. But, her horn was far too long. It was as long as Princess Luna's. Then, two wings the size of Celestia's wingspan extended before flapping the dust away. The visage of the mare became apparent, and I wasn't the only one who lost control of their lower jaw. Standing before us was another alicorn dressed in the same fusion garbs as my students. She was just ahead, shorter than Celestia. But, her body form and muscle definition were more significant than any of us combined. Her fur was a pale orange, and her mane had the same aurora effect as Princess Celestia, shifting from the usual colors of the CMC's. The last stunning feature of this mystery alicorn was her deep red eyes that oozed confidence.

"A-Applebloom?" Applejack asked hesitantly.

"I-I don't think that's entirely accurate, darling..." Rarity said in awe.

"Scoots?" Rainbow asked.

"No, no. That won't do. Calling us any one of those names won't fit this new level of awesomeness. So, how about Blooming Essence. Equestria's strongest Alicorn!"

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