• Published 4th Jul 2019
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Dragonball MLP: Buu's Calamity! - ultrapoknee

An evil wizard named Babidi unleashes a terrifying monster bent on universal destruction!

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Episode 49: Regression and Destruction!

(Another New Intro)

Scootaloo finds herself floating aimlessly in a void of darkness. She cracks her eye open to see her friends Applebloom and Sweetie Belle alongside her. She peeks further to see Spike, her fellow student, in front. Then, the juniors came into view, all of them in a state of unconsciousness as they floated further down. Deep in the void, a giant pair of black and red eyes watch the group before admitting a sinister laugh. We zoom away from Cozy Glow's maniacal laughter as Equestria defenders lay defeated. Buu stands to her right, licking the icing of a cake off his face. Amidst the flames, a figure surveys the scene from afar. We pan upward to see Gera taking notes before adjusting her glasses, producing a flash.

The flash reflects off of fat Buu's broad grin as he battles a Super Saiyan three Goku. As Buu commits to a wide punch, Goku flickers away. Enraged, Buu shoots smoke from his holes, enveloping his body. Super Buu cuts through the smoke as he faces the fusions in the time chamber. Scootaloo and the others unleash a volley of Ki attacks that keeps Super Buu at bay. Gohan appears behind Buu with a fully charged Kamehame ha and fires, blowing Super Buu to pieces. However, the chunks of pink flesh attach themselves to our heroes—Buu reforms with an orange Gi as his power surges.

The Majin, with Gohan absorbed, catches the punch while blocking a kick from Vegeta. Before dodging a kick by Goku. Chrysalis fires a beam of magic, but Buu throws Vegeta into it before kneeing Goku in the stomach and slamming him toward the ground. Buu smiles down at Chrysalis before firing a large blast. Chrysalis's eyes widen in shock as Ocellus teleports in front of the attack, instantly incinerating her. Chrysalis falls to her knees in sorrow. However, Ocellus' particles turn into energy that seeps into Chrysalis' being. At the same time, Goku recovers and tosses another, earning two Vegeta. The Saiyan prince reluctantly accepts and places it on his right ear. Super Buu watches as two pillars of light shoot into the sky as he growls. And two new figures, shrouded by the light, step forward to face him.

[Inside Buu - Third Person POV.]

"H-How?! How are you inside your own body!?!?" Chrysalis shrieked. It goes beyond what she and her changelings can do with the hivemind. It was a projection of oneself in the metaphysical plane. Some might even say it was spiritual. But physically inhabiting the mind while your body was still functioning was impossible.

"Well done, Buu. I must say you are one good surprise after another. The gift that keeps on giving. Even I would have some reservations about going into my head. Especially after that whole accord nonsense," Discord stated. However, even the spirit of chaos couldn't hide his nervousness.

"So, you haven't been absorbed as well. All of you are intruding. I hear many voices inside my head. It's time for silence!"

Buu instantly charges ahead as Chrysalis takes Ocellus and pushes her out of the way. She tried to summon her magic, but Buu was too fast. One hit to her temple was enough to break her connection. Chrysalis faded from Buu's mind, leaving our heroes to assume the worst. Goku growls and flickers to Buu's position. He throws a roundhouse kick, but Buu blocks it with his forearm. Buu throws a straight jab that grazes Goku's cheek. Goku grabs the offending arm and tosses Buu over his shoulder. The Majin flies to the fleshy wall. However, instead of impacting it, Buu sinks into the flesh. Goku looks around in shock, only for a fist to shoot out from below, connecting with his stomach. Goku flies into the air as a result and slams onto the ceiling.

Vegeta rush in at Buu's blindspot. But, the terror twists his head one-eighty degrees to face the Saiyan prince. The sudden and bizarre move distracts Vegeta enough to allow Buu to fire a mouth beam. To the Saiyan prince's shock, Discord appeared in the beam's path and swung his oversize mallet. However, Buu's attack was more potent than the draconequus had hoped. The detonation tosses Discord away while providing Vegeta an opportunity. The Saiyan prince fires several Ki blasts through the smoke before vanishing. Buu weaves his body like a serpent to evade. Buu's arm whips out like a snake and grabs Vegeta by the next. He twirls the Saiyan prince above his head before slamming him onto the ground. Vegeta momentarily fell unconscious as the flesh around him began to move.

"Yes, he'll bring me great power!" Buu said before a magical aura surrounded Vegeta, saving him from absorbing. Buu snarls as he turns to Ocellus. "Stupid girl! You dare get in the way!"

"You're not touching him or anyone else!" Ocellus bravely said.

Buu went to move, but Discord returned and coiled around Buu. Facing the Majin, Discord blinds Buu with a pie to his face. However, Buu licks it off as he smiles at the draconequus before stretching his body. The two coiled around each other as they bounced around the cavern. Finally, Buu gained the upper hand as he tangled up Discord in the form of a ball. He gave the spirit of chaos a light kick as he rolled off. Turning back to the changeling, Buu smiles sadistically. Ocellus gulps but holds her ground. She transforms into an Ursa minor. Buu continued to laugh as Ocellus dug her paw into the ground. She lets out a roar as she charges. Buu remained in her path as OCellus drew closer. However, Ocellus morphs at the last second into an armadillo and rolls between his leg. Buu turns to her in confusion while all she did was the point behind the pink terror.

"Kamehame-HA!!!!" Goku yelled out. The beam slams into Buu, forcing it to the far side of the area. Vegeta reappears and cups his hands over Goku's. "When I say now, fire!"

"When I say now, you fire!!!" Vegeta corrected.

Buu stumbles out of the cloud as Goku and Vegeta primed their next attack. "NOW!!!" Goku and Vegeta roar as the combined blast engulfs Buu and blows him to pieces.

"Is it over??" Discord said, bouncing next to Ocellus. "If so, I could use some help here. My chiropractor appointment wasn't due for three months!"

"We still need to destroy the pieces," Ocellus said as she got to work untangling Discord.

"Tch. Reduced to clean up? How unbecoming!" Vegeta said while blasting several chunks.

"Well, you can say it's the easiest part of the job," Goku said, blasting another wad of pink flesh. Goku moves to another one before jumping back in shock. The chunk twitched until Buu's face was smiling back at him. Moments later, multiple Buu's spawned from the flesh around our heroes. "N-No way!"

"Is there no end to this madness!?" Vegeta snarls.

"You all look shocked. Did you forget where we are?" All the Buu's said at the same time. "My body, my rules. There is no winning for you. So, give it up!"

"Sorry, freakshow. You should know better by now! Pull yourself together as much as you want; you'll die eventually," Vegeta said.

"More like you all will run out of steam eventually. I am invincible. Both inside and out!" Buu counted. It was an invertible truth that the Saiyan warriors had to knowledge.

"Oh? Shall we put that to the test?" A familiar voice rang out. Everyone turned to see Chrysalis standing by the original Buu pod. She looks over her nails as her magic holds the pod's attachments.

"Queen Chrysalis!" OCellus exclaimed in joy.

"N-No! STOP! DON"T TOUCH THAT!!!" Buu hollers.

"My, my. That's quite a reaction. So you can exhume fear. I wonder why that is, considering you're invincible and all,"

"No, you don't understand. If you pull those attachments, I won't be me anymore!!!"

"Well, I suppose you couldn't get any more repulsive than you are now. So, let's find out," With a wave of a hand, Fat Buu's pod fell to the ground.

The effects were immediate. Super Buu clutched his head as his clone howled in pain. Moments later, all the Buu's melted into a puddle as the interior began to shake. "I think it's time to go," Discord said.

"That's the most sense you will make-- Huh?" Chrysalis began but noticed her body becoming transparent.

"Chrysalis! What's happening to you?" Goku asks.

"The hive connection is going wild. It seems that bubble gum freak was right. The hivemind is breaking down! Hurry and get out--"

[Meanwhile - Gera's Secret Lab.]

"Out!!!" Chrysalis exclaimed as she returned to the physical world. She recoiled immediately as Pinkie Pie was inches away from her face.

"Hey, girls, Chrysi awake!" Pinkie said.

Chrysalis shoves Pinkie aside and runs to the display screen. "Whoa! What got a fire under your hooves?" Applejack asks.

"And what were you doing?" Twilight asks. "We've been trying to wake you for a few minutes,"

"Yeah, you picked a great time to nap! Even I don't fall asleep during a crisis!" Rainbow said.

"Urgh! I was in Buu's head, thanks to the hivemind link I have with the nymph! I found her and your friends trapped in pods, where we pulled them free and fought that monster again!" Chrysalis explained.

"You fought Buu inside his head!?" Twilight exclaimed. "That's not physically possible!!!"

"That seems like fun! I bet we can have loads of parties,"

"Fascinating. And you said you freed the others?" Gera comments. "That would explain why Buu's power is currently fluctuating,"

Everyone watches Buu with a pained expression on his face. He was hunched over as veins appeared all along his body. "Oh my. He looks like he's hurting," Fluttershy stated.

"You'll forgive my lack of sympathy, darling," Rarity said.

Cozy was busy fretting over her friend when all of a sudden, Buu's muscles expanded to minotaur-like proportions. "Hey! I thought he was getting weaker. He's using Scoots power again!" Rainbow cried.

"No, there is no crimson aura. Something else is happening!" Twilight noted. As everyone watched, another peculiar event unfolded. The elements exclaimed in shock as their friends, who were once absorbed, were now free from Buu. "They're free!!!"


Ember shot from her position and threateningly at Gera. "Take us back, now!!!"

"Fine, this latest change does invoke a more hands-on approach," Gera said as she pressed a button on her console and teleported everyone back to the battlefield.

[Coastline of East City.]

"Mister Buu. Say something! What can I do!?" Cozy cried out. She's been trying to get his attention since they were midway to another city. Then, his clothes disappear before he lands on a cliffside. Nothing she did could get his attention. Then, he started screaming. Buu thrashed and howled about while Cozy backed away in fright. she tried to approach him, only for Buu's body to bulk up and knock her away. "Mister Buu?"

Moments later, Goku and the others appeared out of thin air, causing Cozy to cry out in surprise. She quickly dove under the cliff as our heroes took the pods to a safe distance. "Alright, they should be safe here," Goku said, gently patting his sons' pods.

"Aw, they look so cozy in their meat pajamas," Discord said.

"Hmph, you two can stay and guard them," Vegeta said.

"Shouldn't we get them out?" Ocellus asks.

"Not while Buu is still around. He's considerably weaker now. So, we can finish this fight!" Goku said.

"Let's go, Kakarot!" Vegeta commanded.

The two Saiyans took off into the air. Discord and Ocellus watch on as the draconequus conjures a bag of popcorn. "Want some? I am glad to be on the sidelines for once,"

"Oh, um, no thanks," Ocellus said.

Discord shrugs as Goku and Vegeta hover in the air. Discord squints as he beholds Buu. "Seems our pink friend has undergone another change," Buu was panting from whatever transpired. Sweat poured from his brow before he caught his breath. Buu's new form was a fraction of what he was previously.

"He looks like a foal. Maybe we did more damage than we thought,"

Discord could only frown as a foreboding sensation wrapped around his being. "Weaker, yes. But appearances are not everything..." Discord's frown shifts as he feels a familiar presence. Snapping his fingers, he left a confused Ocellus as he reappeared in front of Fluttershy. "Fluttershy! Oh, my dearest friend in the universe. It's good to see you again!"

"Discord! You're okay. We saw you come of Buu. Thank goodness," Fluttershy said.

"Is it wrong? I was kinda hoping we wouldn't see him again?" Rainbow whispered, earning a slap against the head from Applejack.

"Where's Spike?" Ember asks.

"And Sombra!" Radiant Hope added.

"Fret not, everyone. Our friends are currently sleeping on the job in their meat bodybags. Completely unreliable, if you ask me," Discord joked.

"Well? Take us to them!" Twilight said impatiently.

"Hey, look, there's Buu. Wow, he lost a lot of weight. What's his secret?" Pinkie said.

"Why is he looking like a little colt now?" Applejack asks.

"He's like my age," Flurry said.

"Or maybe, the creature had a son?" Obsidian said.

"Who cares about that monster or its prodigy? Take us to them already!" Chrysalis shouted.

"Sheesh, so bossy," Discord snaps his fingers as Ember, Hope, Chrysalis, Dende, and Obsidian vanish. "Aw, peace,"

"Hey, what gives? Why are we still here? Surely, your friends will need all the protection they can get. Who better than Earth's world champion," Hercule stated.

"You and Bluey here seem to have a connection with Buu. Maybe, you can use that to your advantage," Discord said.

"You foolish creature! You risk putting all of the Equestrian royalty in danger!" Blueblood argued.

"Aw, surely the fair and gallant prince wouldn't leave these fair maidens alone. Such an act would bring disgrace to your station,"

Blueblood sputters a response as Fluttershy speaks. "You have to go too, Discord,"

"But, Fluttershy, we reunited after I befell a gruesome fate. Who will protect you from that chaotic monstrosity?"

"I know you don't want to, but Ember and Chrysalis will need you. And so will our friends. Don't worry about me. I got the girls by my side,"

Discord morphs his face to that of a dog while using the puppy dog stare, but Fluttershy remains firm. "...Fine..."

As Discord snapped away, Gera spoke. "You all should pay attention. Something is about to happen..."

Meanwhile, Cozy was ecstatic. She floats around admiring Buu's new appearance while the Majin coldly follows her every move. "Wow! Like at you, Mister Buu! You're like my age now. I guess I can't call you a mister anymore. But this is great. Now, we have even more in common. It's like our friendship is constantly evolving for the better!"

"..." Kid Buu remained stoic as he hunched over and screamed out of nowhere. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" Instantly, black thunderclouds and pink lightning covered the sky. Tornados and tsunamis ran rampant while the Earth began to quiver. Cozy, being so close to Buu, covered her ears and screamed in pain despite Buu being louder. Then, all at once, everything returned to normal as Buu stopped. Buu held his hand toward Cozy without another word while the filly's back faced away.

Cozy was too busy holding her ears while a sharp ring in her eardrums persisted. She could feel the blood seeping from her earlobes as tears fell from her eyes. She finally regained some measure of composure as she turned to her friend. "Buu! Why did you do that? My ears hurt! Can you heal me?"

"..." Buu said nothing as he kept his posture.

"Buu, what's wrong--"

"WHAT!?!?!" Goku exclaimed.

There's a bright flash as Buu's blast tore through Cozy Glow's frame. Her body instantly vaporized the moment Buu's Ki touched her. The only mercy anyone can gather from Buu's actions is that Cozy's end was painless. But the result was the same; the end of their tentative friendship. However, the attack kept going, forcing Vegeta to react. He fired a blast of his own that cancels Buu's out. Kid Buu's eyes briefly widened at the interruption, but he made no movements. Everyone else was left entirely unsure what to make Kid Buu's actions. Twilight wore the most horrified expression. "He killed her just like that..."

"Uh, w-what?" Hercule said in disbelief.

"That's impossible. As miraculous as it seems, Buu had the biggest attachment to that little demon," Blueblood denied.

"How could he? I may not have liked her, but she's just a foal!!!" Rarity stated, feeling faint.

"Why...?" Pinkie said in a heartbroken tone. "Only a mean old monster would do that! She was your friend!!!"

"He's not even sad. There are no feelings inside him anymore!" Fluttershy said, seeking safety behind Rainbow.

"I guess he's finally showing his true colors," Applejack said in disgust with an undertone of fear.

"You might be right. That wasn't a simple attack. Buu was going to destroy the planet!" Twilight stated.

"But that's crazy! He would've got blown to bits too!!!!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Not if he could regenerate afterward," Gera stated. "A remarkably frightening ability if it allows one to survive this. True immortality,"


"Tch!" Kid Buu scoffs as he turns to Goku and Vegeta.

Vegeta couldn't help but chuckle. "Ha. You are a gifted speaker now, aren't you? And just when I believed you could not get dumber,"

Instead of responding, Kid Buu smiles as he holds up his right arm. A pink ball of energy quickly gathers in his palm before growing exponentially. "No, no! That can't be for us! That's too much energy! It's enough to blow up the Earth ten times!!!" Vegeta grunts in frustration at the truth of Goku's words. "Vegeta. We can't stop that...!"

Down below, the elements had a similar reaction. Applejack slowly took off the stetson hat while faintly whispering. "...Oh my stars..."

Rainbow Dash's wings fell to the side while her eyes shrank. "He wouldn't...!"

Fluttershy held onto Rarity as she fainted legitimately for once. The shy mare slowly bought her hand to her face and covered her muzzle in horror. "No, please, no..."

Pinkie's usually cherry demeanor fell instantly. She became a dull shade of pink while her mane was straighter than ever. She turns to Twilight, hoping her genius friend has a solution. "Twilight. You got a plan, right? A secret spell to stop this?"

Twilight, for the first time in her life, had no answer. She fell to her knees while her eyes locked on her imminent demise. She found all her friends looking at her for hope. But she couldn't find it. Twilight turns to Gera, who wears a grimace while shaking her head. Gera answered Twilight's inquiry before she could pose it. Turning back to the doom, Twilight felt a tug on her arm. She looks down to see her niece, Flurry Heart, with tears in her little fillies eyes.

"Auntie Twilight. There's a way to stop that monster. Mommy and Daddy said you always have a plan and always win when villains try to hurt us, right?"

"I..." Twilight couldn't muster the words. She looks around once more to see the desperation on everyone's faces. Finding the strength to stand, Twilight teleports beside Goku and Vegeta. The two Saiyans were momentarily surprised by her appearance, while Buu looked annoyed. "Majin Buu. Please stop! Think about what you're about to do!"

"..." In response, Buu's energy ball expanded.

"There'll be nothing left. An entire planet and everything on it wiped out!" The ball expands again as Twilight begins to panic. "You'll be destroying so many lives. And what about the culture and the knowledge they can share? You would miss out on so many new sweets to eat!" Another bump as the sphere was now the size of a boulder. Twilight was beyond desperate now. "Please! Don't do this! I know there's good in you! But you were constantly misled by people that wanted to use you! No creature - on Earth or Equis - is this cruel. No one is beyond redemption!" For a moment, Kid Buu looked confused. Twilight took this as a sign that he was reconsidering. She held out a hand and offered a smile. "Will you accept my friendship?"

Everyone had their eyes on Buu now. The Earth was dead silent save for the humming of Buu's attack. Kid Buu stares into Twilight's soul, smiling back at her. However, it wasn't a smile of acceptance, friendship, or resignation. It was a cruel, sadistic smile of chaotic, rampant evil. Buu sent his energy ball barreling toward the Earth below with a vicious laugh and flick of his wrist.



"RIGHT!!!" Vegeta confirms.

Goku grabs Twilight's hand as he flies toward where they placed the pods. Discord sees them and snaps his fingers. Seconds later, all the pods were inside bubbles while the rest of the group as the rest flew up to them. Discord dons a captain's hit as he summons a pinwheel for steering. "Goku! The girls!" Twilight shouted, pointing to the ponies and Dende's location.

Goku grits him as he flies down with Vegeta close behind. Goku grabs Dende, Pinkie, and Rarity. Vegeta grabs Hercule, Blue Blood, and Applejack. Rainbow and Fluttershy follow with Ember, Ocellus, and Chrysalis. The giant ball of pink death was hot on their heels. Everything and anything that made contact with it disintegrated. The attack almost seemed sentient as it followed our heroes exclusively instead of hitting the planet. Ember grabs onto Twilight's tail, causing her to yelp. Chrysalis pulls Ocellus close as she holds onto Goku's boot. Vegeta grips Goku's other boot while Rainbow follows the Dragonlord's example and grabs ahold of Blueblood's tail. Discord's tail elongates to surround Goku's waist. Gera flies behind Goku and places a hand on his back. Goku puts his fingers on to head as he closes his eyes. However, try as he might, nothing was happening.

"What's the hold-up, Kakarot?" Vegeta shouts.

"It's no good! I can't concentrate!" Goku said, his answer causing panic among his friends.

"It's gaining on us!" Ember calls out.

"And we're slowing down!" Rainbow said. She knows carrying this many people puts a severe dent in one's acceleration.

Just then, Kid Buu came flying around his death ball. Pounding his chest like an ape, Buu dives straight into our heroes. Because of the added weight of carrying everyone, Goku and Vegeta could not evade properly. Kid Buu barrels through them, and everyone shatters in the air. Discord fell unconscious while his shield spell failed, causing everything within it to fall. Goku and Vegeta scrambled to save everyone, but most were out of their reach. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were in a spin-out along with Chrysalis and Ocellus. Ember recovers in time to see Spike's pod on the ground. She also notices Rainbow and Fluttershy getting dangerously close to their demise. With time running out, Ember grabs the two pegasi and tosses them back to the two Saiyans. She turns around to see her mate swallowed up by the energy. The effect was immediate. Ember clutches her chest from a shape pain in her heart. She looks back at our heroes with tears before waiting while the energy attack swallows her. Dragonlord Ember didn't even let out a scream.

Radiant Hope and Obsidian were also not spared. The mother and daughter fall with Sombra as Hope creates a new barrier around them. Hope gently caresses Sombra's cheek while holding Obsidian close. The filly hugged her parents as best as she could with her father still trapped. Life in exile was rough, even harder, with their quest to restore Queen Amore. But Radiant Hope wouldn't abandon Sombra then, and even as death consumed them, she wouldn't leave the family now. Chrysalis found herself frantically trying to stabilize her movement. She could feel the fear pouring from Ocellus as she summons her magic. Her aura surrounds them both, finally stopping her spin. The slight relief Chrysalis felt vanished from the overwhelming dread coming from the nymph. Chrysalis turns to see Buu's attacks mere inches from her. At that moment, two horns flare to life. However, one was faster as Ocellus forced her magic outward, pushing Chrysalis to safety. Chrysalis only had time to register the sad smile on Ocellus's face as she faded into the light.

For Rainbow Dash, it was rare she showed any emotion. She was the epitome of awesome, so it took a lot to shred a tear. Not that Rainbow was devoid of emotion. He cried when she entered the Wonderbolts, albeit privately. She cried when A K Yearling retired from making Daring Do books, albeit in private. Now, she allowed everyone to see her tears as Scootaloo's pod bounced on the ground before falling into Buu's attack. Her number one fan, her sister, was lost forever. She struggled against Applejack's grip as she turned back to demand she let go. But, one look at the farm mare made her stop. Now, while Rainbow rarely cries, Applejack never sheds a tear. So, to see her friend's stern yet, free-flowing tears took the fight out of her. After all, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle also fell victim to Buu's assault. Rainbow was glad that Rarity was currently unconscious. She'd doubt their fashionista would handle the loss of her sister's half as well. But that offered little comfort.

For Fluttershy, it felt like her heart broke into a million pieces. She watched as Discord's limp body fell right on top of Kid Buu's attack. Fate played a cruel joke on her, not only with Discord but also with her friends and students. The usually timid mare let out a sorrowful wail of anguish that the ball of death's hum overshadowed. For Twilight, she felt everything her friends were feeling. Even though she knew it was useless, she tried to appeal to Buu and failed. Even with death looming behind her, she tried to save the princesses and Spike but failed. She was the head mare of the school of friendship, yet she failed to teach Cozy Glow the actual value of it. She was gone, along with her little brother, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence. It was all wrong. It was unfair. And now, she and her closest friends were about to meet the same fate. Twilight looks away from Buu's attack and back at Goku with a look of defeat.

"I'm sorry, Goku, Vegeta. I'm sorry, girls and Flurry. I am so, so sorry," Twilight cried.

Goku looked at the lavender mare and redoubled his efforts. "Don't give up, Twilight! We'll get out of this! I know it!"


The broken tone of Twilight made Goku feel horrible. But what could he say? What could he do? They needed a plan—a miracle. Just then, Supreme Kai and Kibito appeared before them. "Over here, quickly!" Shin shouts. Goku reaches a hand out as Buu's attack glows brightly and expands. In the deep reaches of space, amongst the endless void and distant stars, a bright flash flares briefly where the planet Earth once stood.

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