• Published 4th Jul 2019
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Dragonball MLP: Buu's Calamity! - ultrapoknee

An evil wizard named Babidi unleashes a terrifying monster bent on universal destruction!

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episode 46: Yosha!!!

(Another New Intro)

Scootaloo finds herself floating aimlessly in a void of darkness. She cracks her eye open to see her friends Applebloom and Sweetie Belle alongside her. She peeks further to see Spike, her fellow student, in front. Then, the juniors came into view, all of them in a state of unconsciousness, as they floated further down. Deep in the void, a giant pair of black and red eyes watch the group before admitting a sinister laugh. We zoom away from Cozy Glow's maniacal laughter as Equestria defenders lay defeated. Buu stands to her right, licking the icing of a cake off his face. Amidst the flames, a figure surveys the scene from afar. We pan upward to see Gera taking notes before adjusting her glasses, producing a flash.

The flash reflects off of fat Buu's broad grin as he battles a Super Saiyan three Goku. As Buu commits to a wide punch, Goku flickers away. Enraged, Buu shoots smoke from his holes, enveloping his body. Super Buu cuts through the smoke as he faces the fusions in the time chamber. Scootaloo and the others unleash a volley of Ki attacks that keeps Super Buu at bay. Gohan appears behind Buu with a fully charged Kamehame ha and fires, blowing Super Buu to pieces. However, the chunks of pink flesh attach themselves to our heroes—Buu reforms with an orange Gi as his power surges.

The Majin with Gohan absorbed catches the punch while blocking a kick from Vegeta. Before dodging a kick by Goku. Chrysalis fires a beam of magic, but Buu throws Vegeta into it before kneeing Goku in the stomach and slamming him toward the ground. Buu smiles down at Chrysalis before firing a large blast. Chrysalis's eyes widen in shock as Ocellus teleports in front of the attack, instantly incinerating her. Chrysalis falls to her knees in sorrow. However, Ocellus' particles turn into energy that seeps into Chrysalis' being. At the same time, Goku recovers and tosses another earning two Vegeta. The Saiyan prince reluctantly accepts and places it on his right ear. Super Buu watches as two pillars of light shoot into the sky as he growls. And two new figures, shrouded by the light, step forward to face him.

[Earth - Wastelands - Third Person POV.]

"Ah, I remember you. You were the one that blew up in my face. Vegeta. Yes, I suppose I should thank you for the inspiration. It seems it's quite the effective strategy," Super Buu said.

"Hmph, I guess all those blows finally fixed your childish mind. Too bad it didn't do anything for your fashion sense," Vegeta counters.

"Aw, but garbs signify more than a simple costume change. I've evolved beyond our battle. Did you do the same?"

"Why don't we find out!"

Vegeta charges forward with his fist outstretched. However, Buu merely dashes back as Vegeta's attack destroys the landscape. Vegeta pursues Buu as he shifts his body for a roundhouse kick. Buu's face morphs in mock surprise as he bends backward while Vegeta sails past him. Vegeta shifts in the air again to launch a Ki blast. But, the Majin flips forward and thrusts his foot into the ground. Buu's foot collides with Vegeta's chin, sending the Saiyan prince skyward. Buu turns to his left to see Goku charging at him. Buu tries the same with Goku, but the crafty Saiyan warrior saw it coming. He stomps down as soon as Buu's foot surfaces and uses it as a stepping stone. Goku launches a roundhouse, but Buu jumps higher into the air. Vegeta returns with a ball of ki in his hand and fires multiple shots. Buu easily dodges. But, Vegeta's attack had no consideration for anyone else. Goku had little choice but to dodge and deflect the blasts away. Goku looks up when the last of Vegeta's attack clears. There, he saw the Saiyan prince in a vicious exchange of blows. A fight he was sadly losing.

Goku entered the fray and assisted Vegeta. The Saiyan prince growled in annoyance. Although, Goku felt it was more towards him than their opponent. Buu, on the other hand, was having a grand time. A big smile adorns his features as he quickly deals with the Saiyans' attacks. Slipping under Vegeta's hook, Buu connects with an undercut. Leaning back from Goku's attempt to keep their pressure, Buu knees the Saiyan in the gut. With both his enemies reeling, Buu summons his magic again. A large dome surrounds Goku and Vegeta. A crystal protrusion with a jagged edge on the sphere's surface appears around the duo. With a vicious smile, Buu launches the crystal from every angle. Goku and Vegeta tried their best to defend themselves. But, their movements became hindered by the tight space. The two Saiyans would bump into each other, causing their concentration to wane, and several shards would slice against multiple parts of their body.

"What is that fool doing? Surely, he's not that weakened?" Chrysalis said.

"I don't know!" Twilight exclaimed. Twilight closes her eyes as she telepathically links with Goku. 'Goku! Why are you not using all your power?'

'Ah! It's complicated!'

'How? Are you out of strength?'

'Sorry. Can't Talk!'

"What are you waiting for, princess? Blast that shields like before!" Ember stated.

"Buu is using a more potent shield spell this time. And, Buu's attention might come back on us! But, I got an idea!" Twilight closes her eyes again. 'Goku! Vegeta! You can't escape that shield if you both fire at the top and bottom of the sphere!'

"Great idea! We got to hit the top and bottom of this shield--"

"Silence, Kakarot. I heard the horsewoman!!!" Vegeta snarls as he charges a blast. Goku does the same, and the two fire at the same time. The attacks struck and detonated against the shield, shattering it into pieces. Vegeta turns to Buu with a look of rage. "You'll crumble just like that barrier!!!"

"Ooh~ Scary," Buu replied.

Vegeta grits his teeth and flares his aura again. Lightning bolts danced around his body as his blonde hair got sharper. "Vegeta, no! That's not going to work! Buu is much more powerful than you two last fought. Our only chance to beat him is with fusion!"

Vegeta lets out a dismissive huff. "I'd die at the hands of Buu than join bodies with you, Kakarot. You say he's the strongest in the universe, and maybe he is, but just like you, he does not have pride!" Goku growls in frustration, but Vegeta continues. "I don't expect you to understand, not you, Kakarot! I sent myself into cold oblivion, and I did on a lie!!!"



Vegeta's aura roared along slide his declaration. He rears back and fires several blasts at Buu. But, they all change direction as Vegeta supplies more. Once the ki orbs surrounded Buu, Vegeta closed his arms. The balls flew at Buu, but the Majin erected another barrier and deflected the spheres away. Several explosions went off, creating multiple dust clouds. Vegeta barrels through one of them, hoping to catch the pink terror off guard. Buu's eyes widen momentarily before flickering behind Vegeta and putting him in a full nelson. Goku responds by grabbing Buu's antenna and connects with a hook, thus separating them.

"Do not help me, Kakarot! DO NOT HELP ME!!!"

"Well, it looks like you two have some issue to work out," Buu chuckles.

"I know a good way to fix friendships in turmoil. We can start by sitting in a circle and sharing our feelings," Cozy shouted. "How does your friend make you feel?"

Instead of responding, Vegeta prepares a blast to incinerate the annoying filly on the spot. However, Buu flickers in front of Vegeta and crushes his Ki in his hand. Vegeta howls in pain while Buu kicks him away. Goku jumps in again with a right jab. But Buu blocks it with his foot and headbutts Goku in the face. Vegeta tries to attack from behind, but Buu grabs his neck with his antenna. He elbows the prince in the stomach before turning back and kicking Goku. Spinning his head, Buu hurls Vegeta into Goku before flickering above them and slamming them into the landscape with an overhead strike. Twilight and the elements rush over to the downed Saiyans as they search the rubble. Goku emerges first. His body shows the damage he's suffered—several cuts and bruises on his arm and face. The clothing on his body appeared as though it had gone through a paper shredder. Vegeta was no better - displaying the same number of wounds and torn clothing - but still defiant to the better end.

"Oh my, are you two okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"Ahaha, define "okay," Goku grunted out.

"Why are you two playing around!? Join bodies and maim that menace!!!" Chrysalis spat.

"I hate to agree with the bug queen, but she's right. He's turning you two into pressed cider!" Rainbow stated.

"Yeah, and not the tasty fun kind," Pinkie added.

"Levy, your trivial concerns elsewhere and stay out of the way of true warriors!" Vegeta barked.

"Darling, I can understand your warrior code, but the situation cannot afford it!' Rarity rebuffed.

"Yeah. This bickering is not the time to be as stubborn as a mule out here! Our worlds are in trouble!!!" Applejack reminded.

"As always, you fools expose your ignorance. You think I should join bodies with this clown after he humiliated me!" Vegeta said.

"What? I never--"

Goku started, but Vegeta cut him off. I know all about your secret technique - your Super Saiyan 3 - You hid it from me during our battle! You allowed me to believe that I could beat you!"

Goku looked ashamed and tried to explain. "Yeah, I do have the ability to turn into a Super Saiyan 3. But, I can only do it for a short amount of time,'

"Enough of your lies!"

"You can cry about your fragile ego when the fate of our world isn't at stake!!!" Chrysalis shouted.

And why should I care?" Vegeta stated bluntly.

"You want to know why? Here's why!" Twilight throws a chocolate bar in front of Vegeta.

"What nonsense is this?"

"That nonsense is your wife!" Vegeta's eyes widen in horror at that revelation. "I tried everything to change her back. But, Buu's power is too strong. He did this to everyone on the Lookout and the world below. He turned the entire planet into a pastry dish for him to eat!"

"...Urgh, Bulma...!"

"Gohan and the others have it worse. They've become a part of Buu. They can't even die!!!" Goku fiercely states.

Vegeta looked down in shock as Rarity spoke up. "I can understand having pride in oneself and their work. But, I am not a warrior. We've saved Equestria dozens of times. But the world is so much bigger. I fear that we do not have the strength. But, you do, darling. We need you," Rarity all but begged.

"I'm all about showing off and being the best. But, there comes a time to put others first. We can't let that jerk do whatever it wants!" Rainbow said.

"We owe it to everyone counting on us right now. Our friends, our family, or else we'll lose all of them," Applejack said.

"I know how scary some things are out there. And that Buu creature might be the scariest thing we faced. But, we need to work together," Fluttershy stated.

"Look, you've always talked about our Saiyan race-- how we're the last of a mighty people. Well, it's time to accept we're starting a new race- one that can be just as strong and proud! But not if we're so caught up in our old birthright to see what we have right in front of us! We lost our old race, Vegeta! Let's not lose this one too!!!" Goku said.

"Please, Vegeta," Pinkie added.

Up from the air, Buu watches the scene with his arms crossed. "Hmm, you're talking again. I am beginning to think you aren't taking me seriously. So, let's remedy that..." Buu holds out his right arm as his energy gathers. If I blow up the planet, you may regret wasting my time. Sure, I'll lose out on all the treats lying around. But I can merely go back to Equis and start from scratch there,"

Upon hearing, Vegeta stood up sharply. "Kakarot! How can you be sure this fusion will be enough to stop him?"

"I don't know for sure, but it's the best chance we have!!!" Goku said.

"Time to die!!!" Buu roars, charging forward.

"Quickly, throw me the blasted earing!" Vegeta shouts.

"Alright, thanks, Vegeta," Goku tosses the Potara as Vegeta catches it. "Oh, and one more thing; once we join bodies, we'll be stuck that way forever,"

"Idiot! You tell me this now. Don't you think that's important information!!!"

Vegeta fumbles for a time before finally securing the earring on his right ear. The mystical relic glows white in correspondence to the other on Goku's left ear. Then, both Saiyan was suddenly flung toward each other as their bodies collided. A flash of white light encompasses the Saiyans, blinding everyone present. The sudden flash stops Buu in his tracks as even he has to shield his eyes. A moment later, the light dies down while slowly collapsing. It took the form of a single figure slightly hunched over as more definition became evident. A man with even spiker hair than either Saiyan stood in their place. He wore the inverse of Goku's Gi but had white gloves and boots like Vegeta. Two bangs of hair covered his eyes before he looked up with a confident smile.


"I-It worked!" Twilight gasped.

"He's - no, they're awesome. Are you girls feel that?" Rainbow asked in an excited tone.

"Oh, my," Fluttershy said in awe. "He certainly looks intimidating. I almost can't tell who he favors more between Goku and Vegeta,"

"That's mighty impressive," Applejack's voice trembled. The power seemed to radiate off the being like the sun.

"Amazing. The clothing is a blend of both Goku's and Vegeta's. It complements well enough. Far better than Goku's old attire. But, that mane...!" Rarity said while bitting her lib. "No, we're not going through that again,"

"What do we call him? Oh, how about Veku? No, wait! Gogeta. No, how about Kugego!" Pinkie suggests.

"Those are cute, Pinkie," The merged Saiyan chuckles at the names while throwing several punches and kicks. "But I think my name lies in a simple math question. Vegeta plus Kakarot. That would make me Vegito," The merged Saiyan glances up at Buu, who wore a scowl.

Vegito was about to say something before Cozy Glow flew into his face. The Saiyan warrior blinks as the small filly glares at him. "You're a bunch of cheaters! What? You can't win without ganging up on Mister Buu!"

"Excuse me, little missy, but I'm pretty sure Buu has more than a dozen people inside him. So, I'd say it more than balances out. Besides, Buu's a big boy now. He can handle a little roughhousing,"

"It was your side that started this whole freaky fusion body thing!" Vegito merely shrugs with a mocking smile as Cozy becomes more irritating.

An aura wraps around her and pulls Cozy back as Buu lands. "I must say these names are getting a little ridiculous. Super Buu. Vegito. But I guess I can live with this outcome. Those two I fought before were boring. Now, I can have some real fun,"

"Be careful what you wish for, taffy man. I tend to play hard,"

Vegito flickers from his position and appears behind Buu. The Majin raises his hand to block the surprise kick, but the force still staggered him. Buu looks down at his arm and growls at Vegito's indention on it. Vegito charges again with a straight jab. Buu deflects and throws a hook. Vegito dips his head back to dodge before catching Buu's arm. He pulls Buu forward and tosses him into the air. Buu recovers and turns around just in time to receive an uppercut. With a smile, Vegito lands a flurry of punches against the Majin before dropkicking him away. However, Buu's antenna lashes out and grabs Vegito by the leg. The merge Saiyan had no time to react as Buu pulled him into a headbutt. Now it was Buu's turn to deal out damage and lands several punches of his own. With a final hammer strike, Vegito fell back to the ground. Far from satisfied, Buu charges his Ki in one hand and magic in the other. He tosses both orbs directly onto Vegito's position, taking advantage of the violent reaction the two energies had with each other. Another explosion erupts while shaking the landscape. A thick shroud of smoke over Vegito's form cause alarm. However, the smoke was clear, and any concern vanished with it as Vegito stood unharmed.

"Alright, that got the blood pumping. I'm still breaking this body in after all," Vegito smirks. "I'm sure you can understand. You've been stealing bodies all day,"

"Hmph, the only merit to this fusion is a boost in your arrogance and foolishness," Buu responds.

"Funny, you come up with that on your own, or did that filly help you?"

Vegito crouched down while Buu took a stance. There was silence in the battle before the merged Saiyan shot off the ground. Buu clenched both of his fists as his scales hardened. Vegito and Buu's fists collided in a massive shockwave. Vegito briefly grimaced as he pushed against Buu. Buu throws his fist, prompting Vegito to catch it. However, with their proximity, Buu opens his maw and fires a torrent of green flames at the Saiyan fusion. Thankfully, Vegito was able to strike before the flames did. He knees Buu under the chin to redirect the fire. Buu growled as his head jerked upwards, but he kept the flames going. The fire quickly morphs into a laser while struggling to bring his mouth down—Vegito grits his teeth in annoyance before summoning his Ki into his right hand. A blade of energy burst from his palm, cutting Buu's hand clean off and throwing off his attack. Buu looks at his arm in shock as Vegito presses the advantage. Buu summons Celestia's trident, but Vegito slashes it in half. Buu tries again with Luna's scythe. The Majin hurls it at the Saiyan, summoning a violent cold snap in the process, but Vegito hardly flinched. Vegito's Ki blade met with the princess of the night's famed weapon.

It did not live up to the hype as Vegito sliced clean through it and dispersed the freezing weather. "Vegito! You just destroyed both of the princess's weapons!!!" Twilight shriek.

"How is that a bad thing?" Chrysalis asks.

"The princesses can send me the bill. Although I'm willing to bet they would rather their toys destroyed than someone else messing with them," Vegito stated.

Buu growls and extends his hands. The purple vapor at the edge of his eyes began to bellow vertically. Vegito noted that everything around him went dark. Moments later, Vegito was back on Equis in Ponyvile. The merged Saiyan looked around before some shambling went off in Sugarcube corner. With nothing better to do, Vegito enters the building. There, he found all the friends and family Goku and Vegeta have come to know, only not as he remembers. The pony's colors were gray and faded out; each had empty eyes and gaunt cheeks. Their movements were jerky and unnatural. Vegito crossed his arms while the copy of Twilight spoke with contempt.

"You failed us...!"

"Did I now?" Vegito asks.

"You couldn't beat Buu!" Pinkie hissed.

"That's still a work in progress,"

"Of course, you had to put your ego before anything else!" Rarity spat.

"It is one of my more endearing qualities,"

"We trusted you to save us!" Rainbow growled.

"Blame your weakness then," Vegito countered. "Do I have to come running along playing bodyguard for every planet I visit?"

By now, the apparitions looked at Vegito in confusion. "You're as cruel as Buu!!!" Fluttershy stated harshly.

"Believe me, if you met the Saiyans before me, you'd thank your lucky stars I came and not them," Vegito chuckles.

"You don't care about anything!!!" Applejack growled.

"That's not true. I care about food, training, long naps, and battling strong opponents," Vegito quipped.

"Your ineptitude outshines your attitude. You're not strong enough to stop Buu!" Twilight shrieked.

"Haha, not strong enough? Honestly, Buu, these mind games don't suit you. Sombra was better at it, and it didn't stop Goku. What makes you think it will work on me?"

Vegito found himself on the Earth next. he was standing in the world tournament area. The audience was all featureless silhouettes that booed and jeered at him. Moments later, the ghostly copies of his friends from Earth appeared. From Master Roshi, Krillin, and Tien, to Yamcha, Chi-Chi, and Bulma. Piccolo appears behind the merged Saiyan and wraps him in his arms. Gohan and Goten followed suit by grabbing his ankle from the floor. Even Spike and Scootaloo landed on each shoulder to restrain the Saiyan warrior. Unlike the Equestrians, Vegito's family and friends began to attack him. However, despite this assault, Vegito remained calm. He was rather bored. Vegito flexed his power, and the illusion shattered like glass. Buu stumbles back as Vegito charges his Ki. He fires a sizeable ball at the Majin, who has no time to react. The blast detonated Buu's face as thick black smoke shrouded his position. Vegito waited for the smoke to clear as Buu floated in the air. The damage was substantial as both legs were gone along with his left arm. Buu grunted in equal parts anger, and pain, while Vegito continued to smile.

"So, if it's all the same for you, let's knock off all the petty magic tricks and get down to what we do best,"

A sly smirk dons Buu's features as his body heals. Buu began to boost his power as he held up both hands and gathered his Ki. The orb grew from the size of a beach to a small building dwarfing Canterlot castle. "You said you wanted to settle things the old fashion way? Well, nothing beats a good planetary detonation! This fight you lose!!!" Buu thrust his hands toward and launched his sphere to the Earth below. Twilight and the girls huddled together as the alicorn put a shield. Chrysalis felt herself sweat profusely, unable to move from the impending doom barreling towards her. Elsewhere, Obsidian held her mother tightly from the harsh gale of winds.

Ember shields her eyes from the bright glare of pink of the attack. Dende had his eye wide in horror at the potential destruction of Earth. At the same time, Hercule and Blueblood hugged each other in their last moments. Despite the situation, Vegito's confident grin was present as he held his hands. He took that attack head-on as he felt it drag him across the ground. Planting his feet, Vegito begins to slow down. After coming to a complete stop, Vegito took one step forward, then another, until he broke into a sprint, pushing Buu's attack back the whole way. Finally, Vegito punts Buu's attack skyward, watching as it sails past Buu and clear of the planet. Vegito flickers in front of Buu while the Majin frowns.

"Boy, that was a fun game of hot potato. Still, I'm surprised you would try and blow the planet so quick. A part of me thought you were bluffing," Vegito comments.

"Only partially. I figure you had the power to stop. I dare say you've been toying with me this whole time. After all, if you could deflect an attack of that magnitude, then you could've caused more harm to me," Buu said matter of factly.


"That's right. But you still don't compare. No one compares to me!"

"You're wrong, Buu! I am going to destroy you!" Vegito's muscles began to expand, starting from his legs to his arms and chest, before his Super Saiyan aura erupted from his body while static danced around his frame. "I know you poked fun at the names earlier. But, you can call me Super Vegito now!"

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