• Published 23rd Jun 2019
  • 2,852 Views, 112 Comments

The Lone Wolf of Equestria - JNKing

A werewolf from an alternate dimension is taken to Equestria, and must find a way home.

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Chapter 18: Myst's Rage

Author's Note:

Well, to say Logan loses it in this chapter would be a monumental understatement.

How do you think he does against the others? Does he seem too weak? Or does it feel like how a fight between an alicorn and a magic wolf would go?

Thanks again for your time, and I hope you enjoy. We're getting closer to the ending. At least, the ending of the first part.

Logan was in a daze. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t even know where he was going. All he knew was that he had to get away; get his mother to somewhere safe. His paws tripped over stone and grass, and he lay where he fell, his only comfort being the sharp sweet scent of grass, and the scent of his mother.

His mother. He couldn’t believe she was finally back to him. He had finally gotten a member of his pack back. And yet… he didn’t want her like this.

She was grimacing, clutched in his arms. Her whimper of agony tore his heart.

Her legs… by everything sacred, where are her legs?! he thought in horror.

“Mom,” he whimpered, holding her close, “Mom, I got you. I got you; you’re okay.”

Her eyes fluttered open, silver eyes like his locking on him.

“Logan…?” she whimpered, pawing at him.

“It’s me, Mom,” he whimpered, his tail briefly thumping. She didn’t have her tail, but the light of relief that shined in her eyes conveyed all the emotion he needed. “Hang on, I’ll…” his voice died in his throat as he looked down at her wound, hopelessly unsure what he could do.

“Logan,” she sighed, pulling his face to hers, “My boy…” She coughed. “You were gone… so long…” she whispered, “I’m… so glad I found you…”

“I’ll never leave your side again,” Logan whispered, his fur glowing as he tried to will her into staying with him, “I’m gonna make you better, and we’ll…”

Despite him not knowing what to do, Reaper simply cupped his face and pressed his head to her neck.

“My son…” she whispered again. She breathed, like she wanted to say more. But she was silent. And even as Logan held her, he felt something about her… leave. She was still. Too still.

“Mom?” he lifted his head, but her eyes were blank, staring without seeing. Her head lay back, no twitch in the muscles. “Mom?”

He shook her gently, but she didn’t respond. It didn’t make sense… why wasn’t she responding? Why was she so limp? She couldn’t have…

A voice cut through his thoughts. Blurry and unfocused.

He looked up through blurred vision. Something… Twilight Sparkle! She was standing behind him. In some sort of garden maze. He wasn’t sure how he had gotten there. Part of him didn’t care.

“Logan?” Oh, that’s what that noise was. She was saying his name. “Logan, what’s wrong? You don’t look good.” She looked towards the bundle in his arms. “What is that?” Her eyes widened. “Is that…?”

“Twilight, stay back!”

Logan didn’t turn at Celestia’s voice. He wanted to respond, but his tongue wasn’t working. These people didn’t belong here. They were closing in… like predators.

He bent over, protecting his mother’s body. The hair raised along his back. There were too many people, but he couldn’t speak. He couldn’t even growl; only a sharp choked keen came out. His mom was gone. His pack was gone. He was the only wolf there. He had no help; he was on his own.

“Logan?” That voice that called to Twilight. He recognized it. Celestia. “Logan, I know this is hard for you, but please…!”

But her voice only brought the anger to full force, bubbling through his veins. His fangs gleamed white as his lips drew back all the way to the gums. He had to fight.

Fight,his mother had advised. For death is sweeter when it is greeted with a roar, than a whimper.

She was right. Had to go down fighting! Had to… Fight…

But who was he supposed to fight?

“What happened?” Luna. That was her voice. Celestia didn’t respond, but the silence told the story either way. “Sister,” she asked, softer than before, “What hast thou done?!”

“I…,” Celestia stammered, with regret and shame in her voice.

Regret? The voice of the wolf roared in Logan’s ears. She KNOWS NOTHING OF REGRET!!

Lightning flashed. A storm brewed overhead. Logan’s eyes began to glow. He was targeting. He knew his foe. The one that had taken him from his pack in the first place. Captured him like the dog the humans wanted.

“What? What happened?” Twilight asked. The rest of the Mane Six swam into view; they were looking worriedly at Logan as well.

Logan practically gagged, another choked keen coming out.

“I… can’t send him back,” Celestia finally said. “I’ve tried, but it’s not safe.” She indicated Reaper sadly. “As you can see… it isn’t safe.”

“Oh… Logan,” Twilight whispered. She actually sounded heartbroken. Legitimately sad for him.

They’re not sad, his darkest thoughts whispered. They don’t understand. THEY’LL NEVER UNDERSTAND!! FIGHT! FIGHT!

What do I fight? His inner thoughts asked feebly.


Logan finally let out a blood curling howl. It was not a simple howl of grief. It was not a howl of song. It was a howl of pure, undiluted rage. A howl for vengeance. A howl of hate. The storm above flashed, lightning striking the floor nearby. The mares backed up, Rarity hiding behind Fluttershy.

“What’s happening?” Rainbow Dash asked, “How’s this storm forming?”

“Oh, no…” Twilight whispered, “Myst’s Rage.”

“What?” Applejack asked.

“It’s Myst’s Rage,” Twilight screamed, “We have to calm him down RIGHT NOW!”

Celestia forced the group back. “Leave that to me,” she said forcefully.

“But Princess, he won't listen to you...,” Fluttershy tried to protest, but Applejack pulled the yellow mare behind her protectively.

As the others backed up, Celestia turned to the wolf that had become a living lightning rod.

“Logan,” Celestia pleaded, “Please, hear me!”

He turned his eyes, glowing golden, on her. In the flash of his lightning, his wolf snarl looked more like a demonic grin.

“Please listen to me…”

Logan only let out a crazed hybrid of a grieving sob, a mad laugh and a bloodthirsty snarl, as lightning flickered all around him.

“I’m sorry for what I did…” she stammered, backing up at the look of murderous hatred in his eyes. “I’m so very, truly sorry, and I take full responsibility for all of this, believe me. But you’re not alone in this. We can help you.”

Logan sucked in enough of a breath. The blood lust roared in anger. It wanted out.

“You… can’t…” he got out. His voice wasn’t his own; it was crazed with hate and blood lust.

“Please, I’m so sorry! I…”

“You…” Logan’s head tilted painfully to the right, as his hackles and claws bared, “closed the portal on her… you killed her…”

“She did what?” Twilight asked.

“YOU KILLED HER!” Logan screamed.

Had Luna been a fraction of a second later, his teeth would have sunk into Celestia’s snout. As it was, Logan’s lunge got deflected by a midnight blue shield. Lightning blasted away from the shield as Logan was hurled back.

“Back!” Luna boomed, her voice radiating with the sound of thunder. “Do not touch my sister, beast!”

Logan rose back up, letting out that maniacal sob-laugh-snarl. His entire body was crooked, like he was being held up by puppet strings. The princess of the night pawed the ground, ready to charge as he continued to make his sounds of madness.

“Luna, no!” Celestia yelled, her own shield forming before Luna could charge Logan down.

“How can thou ask me to stand by as he attempts murder, sister?” Luna demanded. “I mourn his loss as well, yet he shows you nothing but contempt and hostility.”

“I know you see what I see!” Celestia insisted. She indicated Logan again, who was pacing protectively over his fellow wolf’s body, bloodshot glowing eyes staring hungrily into her soul. “I see someone in pain. Someone who has lost everything because of me. He’s lost, alone and grasping at straws.”

As she talked, the others became a bit more somber, some, if not most, of the ponies flattening their ears. Luna's shield faltered, as did Celestia's. But then...

“His family is gone,” Celestia said somberly. “So, we must be his family now.”

Like a pack is interchangeable? Logan’s crazed thoughts asked. Like you could ever replace my actual pack? Could ever replace my mother? My actual mother?! THE ONE YOU MURDERED?!

There wasn’t even time to put up a shield. His pounce knocked Celestia to the ground. His claws fastened around her neck. As she struggled with his iron grip pressing down on her throat, his teeth flashed in the lightning, and went for her eyes.

Logan’s teeth dug into the space above Celestia’s eye seconds before the lights dimmed. Luna roared and blasted the wolf with a full-on energy beam. He slammed hard into a garden statue, and an ominous CRACK emanated from his body before he slumped to the ground. Even then, he wasn’t down. As Luna advanced on him, eyes glowing and a midnight aura around her, the wolf pulled himself right up, snarling and biting madly as lightning flared around him like a shield.

Luna blasted him into the pillar again, but he stood fast against the blow, and blasted right back at her. Luna was hurled to the ground, and Logan launched for her, but she bucked back with a powerful blow from her back legs. The wolf tried to pull himself up, but another blast from Luna hurled him through the pillar. He was already pulling himself back to his paws, forcing Luna to hit him a third time, carving a trench through the garden.

“Luna, enough!” Celestia cried.

Luna tried to stand down, but Logan was already pulling himself up.

"Sister, he won't stay down!" Luna screamed, being forced to blast the crazed wolf a fourth time. He howled in pain-streaked defiance, and hurled himself off the ground. A fifth blast sent him right into a garden statue, but a golden shield formed up before him.

Celestia enveloped herself in a white glow. Her wings spread and she levitated into the air. She let out a booming shout in an ancient language, and the ponies and wolf froze. Luna flinched down, her horn's glow fading and her features creasing in shame and fear.

The glow faded and the lights came back on. No pony moved a muscle. Every single pony was just staring at Celestia, who stood unmoving, her head, ears and wings drooped. The only sound was Logan’s weakened but still prominent growls and barks.

Then the others noticed that Logan wasn’t getting back up. Even as he snarled, growling and snapped, his body was as still as if he was dead.

Luna had snapped his spine.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were covering Pinkie and Fluttershy’s eyes while Rarity hid behind them. Twilight was crying, her look of fear mirroring her friends. Luna’s eyes shrunk to pinpricks as she realized what she did, her hoof covering her mouth in horror.

And yet, despite all of that, Logan was still trying to pull himself back up and either continue his attack, or make his way back to his mother, who lay still and unmoving on the ground. His head twitched and spasmed, trying to flail around, yet he only risked further injury to himself.

Celestia slowly walked over to Logan. The closer she got, the more frantic his snapping and biting became. His eyes glowed, and a lightning bolt flew from the heavens to strike her, but she blocked the attack easily with a shield, looking on him with sad contemplation. Her horn glowed. A white ball of energy covered Logan and lifted him into the air.

His snapping increased. Bloody flecks flew from his mouth as he kept trying to snap his head at Celestia, trying to sink his teeth into her face. But then, his paws started twitching. In a manner of seconds, his paws were flailing in the air. His tail tucked as he kept snapping and biting at Celestia, but she kept him at a safe enough distance that air was his only victim.

Logan’s snapping slowly ceased, as the feeling of his limbs came back to him. Bit by bit, the glow in his eyes faded away, and his demonic snarl changed to a confused pant. He looked down at his body, and then at Celestia. She lowered him to the ground. For a moment, Logan did nothing. He slowly walked back over to his mother, and adjusted the red cloak around her. Everyone was silent. Pony and wolf.

Then Celestia tried to put a comforting wing over him.

The second her feathers touched his fur, Logan slashed Celestia across the face. Lightning flung her back, and she clutched at her face, three cuts bleeding golden ichor – the blood of gods. But she didn’t scream. With Luna barely holding back by Celestia’s warning, the alicorn of the sun held back her pain as she stared at Logan’s sorrow filled grey eyes. She could see his desire to hate her warring with the gratitude he felt towards healing him. The young wolf trembled. It seemed to be a small miracle he didn’t fly to pieces.

His eyes shut and then he tilted his head back up and howled. This time, the howl of madness and rage was replaced by sorrow; helpless grief. The sound sent shivers through every pony’s spine. Lighting flashed again, smashing into the ground around everyone. Half of the ground was reduced to trenches of ash and dirt.

Then… Logan turned, seizing his mother’s body, and sprinted out of the castle, faster than even the pegasi could fly.

Twilight started to race after him, but Applejack stopped her with a grab of her tail, and shook her head.

As he raced down the street, his father’s words screamed in his head.

Fight! Fight, my son! Why are you running?

I can’t fight them. They aren’t foe!

Then where is the foe?

I don’t know!



Logan wasn’t stopped on his way out. Why not? He needed to fight. He needed to kill something. To dash their hopes and dreams just like his were. But the one person he wanted to do it the most to… he couldn’t. She had him at her mercy, and she let him go. To attack her after that… it wasn’t right. It didn’t feel right!

Logan’s mad dash brought him to the train station. Thoughts… memories flash through his mind.

a place… a place where he felt closer to home…

The Ever-Free! He had a destination!

The next train to Ponyville was pulling into the station. Logan forced his way into the car. A few other ponies were there, but they dashed off faster than he could growl at them. And Logan was left on his own.

Alone… no pack… no mother… no father… it sunk in so deep it felt like he was being impaled with a rusty dagger. He was alone.

He was truly the Lone Wolf of Equestria.