• Published 23rd Jun 2019
  • 2,851 Views, 112 Comments

The Lone Wolf of Equestria - JNKing

A werewolf from an alternate dimension is taken to Equestria, and must find a way home.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Fallout

Author's Note:

Hello again everyone,

Just a small question: is Fluttershy too assertive in this? I do try to explain that since Logan is a dog, she'd be more protective of him and other animals, but I'm still not sure if she's a bit too protective.

Please let me know what you think of her characterization, and whether it hits close enough to home.


The next minute was overwhelming, to say the least. Enraged yelling mixed with furious barking, the pounding of hooves on furry flesh mixed with the blasts of magical energy, matched only by the yips and screams of pain as wolf teeth and claws slashed and bit hard into pony flesh and pony hooves and magic rained down hard on the wolf.

The battle ended up going out of the clinic, the door shattering easily under the combined efforts of a wolf battling an earth pony, a pegasus and a unicorn all at the same time. Even as the three mares held the advantage, with Twilight easily lifting him up and slamming him several times into the ground while Rainbow Dash and Applejack went to work with cloven hooves, the wolf still held his own, snapping and biting down several times on the girl’s hooves. Each time, they required another bashing from Twilight to jar him loose. His fights failed to break any skin, but after about a half minute of him chewing on their legs, both Applejack and Rainbow Dash had to jump back, the former limping from the bruises Logan’s teeth left on her.

Yet, even as they backed off, the wolf still tried to charge after them, teeth reddened with blood and bloodshot eyes wide with anger. His legs trembled as he rushed them, but with his defiant growl, the tremble was nearly impossible to see.

Rainbow Dash matched his rush, the two bashing shoulders. They growled at each other before Rainbow Dash knocked him back, rearing back to buck him while he twisted to bite into her back legs. Twilight and Applejack rushed to intercept him, when…

“STOP!” a voice shrieked, louder than all the others. The fighters all froze in place before whirling around to see who had spoken.

Fluttershy had a terrifying glare centered on the fighters. The dominance in this normally timid mare instantly got Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Twilight to back off, and even sent Logan to his haunches.

Pinkie and Rarity both were behind Fluttershy, with looks of clear discomfort that mixed both pity and anger.

However, the one expression that Logan locked on was Celestia. Not only had his attack done nothing to her, but she didn’t even look angry about it. If anything, she just looked concerned.

“Are you alright?” she asked him.

Logan’s shocked look faded right back to rage. He spat blood at her feet and snarled.

She simply chuckled. “Well, I suppose you don’t feel completely healthy at the moment, now do you?”

Logan snarled, glaring nukes at Rainbow Dash and Applejack. “You want me to respect this?” he demanded, “A coward that hides behind minions?”

“Hey!” Twilight shouted, “You BIT her! What did you think was gonna happen?”

“If she had a problem with it, she can blast me herself!” Logan snapped back.

Celestia’s face fell. “As much as a surprise as it was to be so blatantly attacked, I still see more coming out of your appearance here. Yes, I cast a spell that brought you here. Yes, you got angry and you lashed out.”

Pinkie’s eyes widened in excitement. “Oh, I can play that game; yes, Twilight put him in a spell and threw him through the walls. Yes, Rainbow Dash and Applejack kicked him in the ribs, but he just bit them in the legs. Yes, Princess Celestia put him under some kind of spell so that Applejack, Twilight and Rainbow Dash didn’t break every bone in his body and put him in one of those ‘forever’ comas. Yes…” she was stopped when Rarity put a hoof over her mouth.

“He gets the idea, darling,” she replied.

Logan just laughed. “You think I needed YOUR protection?” Logan snapped at Celestia.

“Don’t think I’d take being bitten so easily,” Celestia said coldly, “But I still want to answer the ‘why’s in this equation: why you, why now, why here?” Her smile came back, “Besides, I don’t imagine Twilight and her friends would benefit emotionally from your death.”

“Teaching your thugs how far the chain goes, huh?” he growled, grinning as Celestia’s face darkened. “Worried one of them will challenge you for control of the pack?”

But that just broke her back into her contented smile, making the young wolf shake in rage.

“I’d hand over the rule of Equestria to anyone that managed to honestly hurt me.”

“Challenge accepted,” Logan snarled, lunging at her again, only to be easily repelled by another force field from Twilight.

As Rainbow Dash and Applejack rushed in to begin another beatdown, Fluttershy sprinted between the wolf and the mares, shoving Logan back before whirling on her friends.

“Alright, STOP IT!” she screamed.

Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Applejack instantly backed off, their expressions shocked. Even Logan stared at her in surprise.

“Fluttershy,” Twilight stammered, “You can’t be defending his actions. I don’t know what in Equestria’s possessed him, but…”

“Twilight…” Celestia tried to put in, but Twilight didn’t listen.

“Nothing justifies trying to attack Princess Celestia,” Twilight screamed. She leaned over Fluttershy to glare at Logan. “What makes you think that’s okay?”


“You’re lucky…"

“I’M LUCKY?” Logan roared, having to be held back by Fluttershy this time.

“Twilight!” Celestia barked. Twilight paled and deflated under both Logan’s more forceful voice and the stern look Celestia shot her. But it didn’t work on Logan, who nearly knocked Fluttershy onto her hind legs as he tried to charge Twilight.

“You think I’m lucky to be ripped from my pack, huh?” Logan demanded, “You think I should be happy I got kidnapped?!”

“Logan…” Fluttershy whispered, but Logan still wasn’t done.

“You stole me from my pack!” he screamed, “My mom? My brothers and sisters in arms? They need my help, and thanks to you, I can’t do anything! What if they’re being killed right now?!”

“Logan, you’re already hurt…” Fluttershy said, holding him back as he tried to get out of her grip.

“NO!” Logan shouted, “This purple witch thinks that I’m lucky for all this! You glorified mules think being taken from the only people who ever cared about me is some sort of privilege?” Even as he said it, the pain in his body seemed to finally register as he slumped in Fluttershy’s grip. “My pack needs me…” he whimpered, “What if I never see them again because of this?” Fluttershy moved her hoof up and down his back, comforting him.

“I’m so sorry, Logan,” she whispered, “We’re going to do everything we can to help you. I promise. But fighting us isn’t going to help.”

“My mom…” Logan whispered, “Carol…” He looked up at Celestia again, this time with the sadness behind his rage easier to see. “If they’re dead, and you took them from me…” he repeated, his voice petering out as Fluttershy started rubbing him behind the ears.

However, his outburst did the trick. Applejack and Rainbow Dash deflated, and Twilight’s horn, which had been glowing and sparking with magic, died out. Their ears wilted and they looked at each other with shame.

As for Fluttershy, she just kept stroking him. “I’m sorry,” she continued to say, “I’m so-so-so-so sorry.”

For a minute, Logan just leaned his head against the yellow mare in a nuzzle, and let her tend to him. But then…

“We’re going to do everything we can to help you through this,” Fluttershy whispered.

Logan’s ears instantly flared up, and he squirmed away. “Help me ‘through this?’” he demanded, “How are you supposed to ‘help me through this?’ My pack is gone! My way of life is likely out the window…” He glared at Celestia. “Nothing short of getting me back to my home is going to fix this.”

“Logan,” Celestia started calmly, “I understand you’re young, and scared, but there is a lot at play here than simply re-opening a portal. From what you have said, the only established link is with less-than-savory beings…”

“Then I’ll help you!” Logan insisted, going to her, “What do you need to open the portal safely? To open it near my pack? Anything, just…” he shivered, “Don’t tell me I’m stranded here… unable to see my pack again…”

“If you want to help, you’ll stay here; rest and recover,” Celestia replied, “Unless you know how to bend the fabric of time and space, you won’t be much help to me.”

Logan shook his head, unsatisfied. “Can I at least see the portal?” he nearly pleaded.

“That’s not an option,” Celestia said instantly, “Your temper is already a matter of some concern. Adding to that, you bear too much resemblance to Diamond Dogs – a race of canine-like creatures known for stealing gems and enslaving ponies.” She glanced outside cheekily, where more than a few ponies were still staring around, skittish from his previous howling. “Having you near where the portal was made would cause a panic among the ponies who live there.”

“I can be dis-uh… dis…” he mumbled for a second, “I can keep secrets!” he finally said meekly.

Rainbow Dash indicated the skittish ponies outside again. “Forgive us if we don’t believe you,” she said.

Logan fumed, his fur bristling, but there wasn’t much he could do to argue that point. He finally let out a huff of frustration, turned on his paw, and stormed off.

“Now, don’t run off on us yet, darling,” Rarity said, “You’ll still need a place to sleep, and you must let us...”

“Must?” Logan spun around, “I don’t have to do anything. Not if it involves being around you thugs.”

“You are still far too young to be on your own,” Rarity insisted, “And we simply cannot let you wander around Equestria when we are the ones who brought you here in the first place…”

“Oh, right, I forgot,” Logan snarled, “I’m your prisoner now. You got a cell for me?"

“You are not a prisoner,” Twilight said, her tone testy, “There are plenty of other races that would make it clear you’re a prisoner.”

“I’d rather have been found by them, then,” Logan shot back, “At least they’d be honest about what I was.”

Celestia’s wings ruffled, miffed by his comment, but Logan didn’t care. He turned towards the nearest wooded area and stormed off for it, Rarity following after him.

“At least let us help you,” Rarity begged.

“After what you did to me?” Logan snapped, limping towards the trees, “Screw off.”

“But you must…” she tried to grab at his tail, but it was tucked between his legs.



Logan spun around and howled in her face. “NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!”



It was once again Fluttershy who broke it up. “STOP!” She yelled before giving a brief cough, “Please… You have no idea how tiring this is getting.”

As her yell finally broke up the arguing mare and wolf, Rainbow Dash leaned over to Applejack.

“Geez, where did this Fluttershy come from?” she asked.

Applejack sighed, “Well, animals are Fluttershy’s special talent. And Logan is still a dog...”

“I heard that, you…!” Logan snarled at Applejack, before Fluttershy cut in front of him.

“Logan,” Fluttershy said, “If you don’t want our help, I understand, but… you’ll need a place to stay. At least somewhere comfortable to sleep until Princess Celestia figures out how to send you back.”

Celestia started to raise a foreleg, like she wanted to protest, but wisely decided against it. Logan already looked like he was ready to fight all of them again. Yet as he locked on Fluttershy’s innocent azure eyes, his defiant expression wilted. Rarity gave an exasperated snort and pouted, as if she had been denied a prize.

“I know a few places where you’ll be able to sleep,” Fluttershy said, “I live near a forest that’s home to…” she paused, searching for the right words while Logan’s eyes narrowed. “…others like you.”

“Humans? Pets?” he asked, glaring at Applejack. “Dogs?”

“No humans. Just… those who aren’t ponies,” Fluttershy remedied, smiling hopefully as Logan’s suspicious look faded, “But ponies aren’t mean to them, and they live in very good conditions. You’d be able to rest there. At least let your injuries heal.”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea,” Celestia commented, but instantly, Logan’s defiant glare returned, as did his teeth as he whirled back on the alicorn.

“No one asked you!” he snapped, surprising the alicorn enough that she nearly stumbled backward. Right as Twilight nearly rushed up to start another argument, Fluttershy held up her hooves, her glare coming back. Twilight reluctantly backed down.

“And no pony’s telling you to,” Fluttershy responded to Logan, “It’s your choice.”

Again, that defiant expression came back, but it conflicted with a piteous expression. Like his appreciation of her standing up for him was at war with his defiant need to disagree with everything any of the ponies said. He sighed.

“I’m not a dog; I’m not a pet,” he warned, though his voice didn’t quite have the same growl it had with Celestia. “And I’m trusting you on this,” he added with a dark look at Fluttershy, “If you try to put a collar on me or force me to do anything…”

“I won’t,” Fluttershy replied with a nod, though her gaze did darken slightly as she added, “But that goes both ways; I know how canines can get with rabbits and squirrels, but you are not allowed to hurt any of the other animals.”

His ears flared. “Like… any other animals?” he asked, nervousness creasing his voice, “I need food. Meat, I…”

“I provide fish and other protein substances,” Fluttershy said, “I’m not going to let you starve, but I’ve been caring for several of the animals for a long time, and I can’t just stand by and let you hurt them because of instinct or hunger.”

“So,” Logan asked after a moment, “Fish aren’t off limits?”

Fluttershy sighed. “Please, don’t make me regret standing up for you,” she pleaded, though her eyes had a more ominous glare to them.

Logan’s ears perked up at her warning glare, before he gave a slight chuckle, “I like you,” he admitted. As a smile creased Fluttershy’s face, Logan nodded, “Fine.”

Fluttershy gave a quiet nod, and Logan backed down. Twilight glanced back at the shattered clinic door, with Dr. Fauna peeking out from it with a terrified air. Celestia followed her gaze, and used her magic to start repairing the door. She then noticed Fluttershy leading Logan towards her cottage.

“Wait,” Twilight started to say, “Wasn’t he supposed to be discharged tomorrow?”

“Based on his jaw strength,” Celestia joked, “I think I can get him discharged right now. There’s hardly a reason to keep him here.” She waited until Fluttershy led the wolf out of earshot before turning to Twilight. “Twilight, he will likely act like he's fine, but you know that’s not true.”

“Princess…” Twilight started to say, but Celestia held up a hoof.

“He’s suffering, and it’s my fault for it,” she said, her gaze turning sad as she watched him and Fluttershy walking away, flanked by the other mares, “I’ll try to get him back to the ones he loves, but you need to play your own part: Befriend him. Let him know he’s not alone. And above all, keep him safe.”

“Not much can hurt him out here,” Twilight asked, “Ponyville’s the safest place to be.”

“It’s not the others I fear hurting him,” Celestia said, watching as Logan growled at Applejack when she got too close. The farm mare reluctantly mumbled something about her farm before walking off, followed by Pinkie.

“There is something about him that gives me pause,” Celestia said, “A power that even he might not fully understand. And now… without his mentors to teach him…”

“Power?” Twilight asked.

“He fought you and your friends, even though the spell I cast to protect him should have kept him from moving,” Celestia noted.

Twilight glanced at Logan curiously.

“But he won’t be concerned with such things,” Celestia noted, “Right now, he is consumed with worry for his family. And I believe you know the worst kind of foe some pony – or wolf, in this case – can face when controlled by fear.”

Twilight gave him a sad look, “Himself,” she muttered.

“If I can bring him back, we’ll be dealing with a brand-new species; one surrounded by humans I’d rather not have you encounter, the potential for great power, and worse… more than likely start a war if the first wolf to come across us returns only with stories of how horrible we were to him. And…” Celestia’ gaze fractured, “If I can’t bring him back, which is highly likely… he will need others to pull him from despair. From doing something all of us will regret.”

Twilight flinched, before Celestia put a wing on her shoulder.

“I’m trusting you, my faithful student. Please, don’t let him fall to darkness.”

Twilight looked up at Celestia with love in her eyes. “I’ll keep him safe, Princess,” she promised, “You can count on me.”

As Twilight followed after Logan, Rarity glanced back at the pieces of fur jacket he had left behind. Shooting a coy look at Logan, she gathered up the pieces and raced after him.

At first, as Fluttershy led Logan to her home, the wolf almost started to relax. There was a certain… scent to this place that was naturally calming. Much more peaceful and lush than his original planet.

However, the feeling of peace slowly gave way to dread as Logan and Fluttershy were forced to go through town. A town with ponies everywhere. Sure, Logan could assume there would be more equines than just the eight he had already met, but that didn’t make it any less unnerving. Nor did it prevent his fur from spiking and his tail from tucking.

As one pony glanced at him and did a double take, Logan’s paw lifted like he was going to step back. Twilight used his hesitation to catch up and gently nudged him forward.

“Easy now,” she whispered soothingly, “They’re not gonna hurt you.”

“Hurt me?” Logan spun back around and in her face, “They should worry about me hurting them,” he snapped.

“You do realize we outnumber you three to one, right?” Rainbow Dash asked, jumping right to Twilight’s side.

“Bring em on,” he snarled defiantly.

“Every pony, please,” Fluttershy said, yet even she looked nervous at the idea of going around her own kind, and her voice had dropped several octaves. She and Logan exchanged a glance, and his posture relaxed as he noticed her discomfort. “My cottage is on the outside of town,” she said, “I’m not exactly a fan of my own race either.”

“Then let’s go before they start…”

Before he could even finish his sentence, they did exactly what he was afraid of.

“Staring,” Logan deadpanned.

Logan grimaced as he started getting the first of many collective stares as he followed Fluttershy down the street. Each and every resident of Ponyville that he could see was paying him their undivided attention. They stopped walking, they stopped talking, they stopped buying and selling. They literally stopped everything just to stare.

After about a few steps, Logan’s fur rose and his snarl returned.

“What?” he demanded, whipping around at one of the ponies. “What?!” he barked.

The instant his own glare fell upon them, some of them jumped and went back to their business, now taking every precaution to avoid looking at him. Logan still kept glaring at them as Twilight tried to put a hoof around him with a nervous laugh. He instantly shied away from her, his glare turning to her.

“Look,” Twilight said, “They just get nervous around anything new, okay?” she asked, “They’ll get used to you…”

“I’m not staying here any longer than I have to.”

“Everything will be fine, darling,” Rarity said. Though, when she spoke, Logan sighted down on the pieces of his jacket she was holding with a magic aura.

His tone grew quiet. “What are you doing with my jacket?” he growled.

“Rarity?” Rainbow Dash asked, going to her side, but Rarity waved her off with a simple wink. She turned back to Logan, running her hoof over the fur with an intrigued expression.

“I’m curious,” she said, “You said this was… your fathers’?”

“Why’re you asking?” he shot back.

“Logan,” Fluttershy whispered in a chastising tone, patting his side. Logan gave a softer glare at her before sighing.

“It’s a custom among wolves,” he said reluctantly, “When one of our pack die, we… well, we skin the dead, and wear the fur as armor or clothing.” He rolled his eyes as both Fluttershy and Rarity gasped in horror at his explanation. “It works for us,” he said defensively, “And besides…” he looked at the pieces with a more mournful air, “It gives us something to remember them by.”

Rarity glanced back at the fur again, and then at his upper body.

“I see,” she said, still giving the jacket an uncomfortable grimace, before composing herself. “Well, I am a designer, you know?”

“No, I didn’t,” Logan admitted, “Is it important?”

“Only if you consider repairing it to be important…” Rarity said teasingly, only to stammer off as she found Logan’s silver eyes inches from her own.

“You can do that?” he whispered, his voice hopeful for the first time since they met.

“Y-Yes,” Rarity stammered, stepping back from his intense gaze, “I-I mean, I believe so.” She looked at the pieces again. “It wouldn’t be too much trouble…”

“No gems,” he asked, his fur spiking, “No decorations. Just… the way it was, right?”

Rarity raised a hoof. “Of course, darling.” She then gave a slight grin as she glanced at his fur again. “Though, if I may ask… there’s something I’d like in return.”

Logan’s ears wagged before he grinned slightly.

“A trade, huh?” he asked, stepping back to a reasonable distance. “I’m listening.”