• Published 23rd Jun 2019
  • 2,851 Views, 112 Comments

The Lone Wolf of Equestria - JNKing

A werewolf from an alternate dimension is taken to Equestria, and must find a way home.

  • ...

Chapter 4: The End of the First Day

“Why did I listen?” Logan grumbled, as Rarity wrapped a measuring tape around his front leg for the tenth time.

Despite their rough first impression, Rarity managed to work out a deal with Logan; she’d repair the jacket, exactly how it had been, but in exchange, Logan had to give her some of his own fur and let her sketch him for some of her dress designs. Logan agreed almost before she was done talking, though he didn’t seem as happy once she had shorn his shaggy blonde fur and left him looking cropped like a military dog, then proceeded to have him stand still for almost an hour as she sketched out his appearance.

“Your fur is simply exquisite, darling,” Rarity gushed as she sketched him, “And so unique,” she added, glancing at the material, “If the Timber wolves or the Diamond Dogs had coats like yours, they would be so much more widely accepted.”

“I feel like I should be insulted,” Logan replied.

“It was meant as a compliment.”

“Well, it failed.”

Rarity didn’t reply. After finishing her sketches of him, she began to measure him. And measure him. And measure him some more.

“Is this… really necessary?” he asked as she measured his waist for the third time.

“I may have the pieces,” Rarity explained, “But repairing clothing isn’t the same as putting a puzzle together. There are dimensions; sizes that have to be taken into account.”

Unlike his previous actions, her explanation was enough, and he stuck up with them. But, as a half hour passed and she still kept measuring him, Logan started to glance around with a bored light in his eyes.

“Something to share, darling?” Rarity asked, noticing him giving her dresses a less than impressed look.

“How do you stand living here?” he asked, “It’s so… high-class.”

“Honestly, darling?” she said with a grin, “If your opinion of my residence is that low, you would have a marvelous reaction to proper establishments.”

Logan rolled his eyes. “Formal snobs, right? Princesses and lords and other titles that don’t really mean anything.”

“Come now, you have to have leaders,” Rarity replied, “And leaders have to look fabulous.”

“Leaders?” Logan asked, “You mean Alphas?”

“If that’s what you call them, yes,” Rarity replied. “Wouldn’t you rather listen to an ‘Alpha’ that looks marvelous?”

“I’d rather listen to an Alpha that’s strong,” Logan replied, “Flashy stuff is for humans, and humans are cowards.” He shifted as she started measuring his left foreleg. “Although, if they have to go through measurements like this, maybe they’re a little braver than I thought.”

“You’re just oddly proportioned,” she said, frowning as she poked his front leg. “I mean really, all that excess fur made you look chunky, and yet you’re such a thin being underneath. And your legs are far too long, and…”

“Oh, we playing the insult game now?” Logan asked, “I can play that; you wear too much makeup…!”

“I wasn’t insulting you,” she said quickly, wrapping a tape measure around his right foreleg, “While I can understand what you’re feeling, it doesn’t mean you have to be rude.”

“Really?” Logan asked, partially sarcastic and partially curious, “So you got taken from everyone you knew and cared about, and got plopped into a whole new world?”

“Yes, actually,” Rarity replied, “One time, I was kidnapped by Diamond Dogs. And let me tell you; instead of repairing my things, they tried to have me harvest jewels for them.”

Logan’s eyes widened, and he looked away with a huff. “Dang…” he muttered, his sarcastic tone gone. “Maybe I underestimated you.”

“Yes, perhaps you did,” Rarity replied smugly.

“Don’t push your luck,” Logan growled.

A few more minutes later, she finally let the measuring tape go. “I think I’ve gotten everything I need to repair your jacket,” she announced.


Logan instantly started stretching, his back cricking and his joints popping. As he did, he let out a massive yawn.

“That wasn’t so taxing, now was it, darling?” she asked sweetly.

Logan just glared at her.

“You know, your bitter look would work if it wasn’t on your face all the time,” she noted.

Logan pondered that, and then pulled a massive cheesy grin that showed off his teeth.

“Happy?” he hissed at her.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Fine,” she admitted, “The bitter look’s better.”

Logan smirked, and wandered outside.

“Don’t go too far, darling,” Rarity cautioned him, “This shouldn’t take long.”

“You worry too much,” Logan replied, “I won’t go far.”

He briefly started sniffing around for Fluttershy, and found a scent of her. Eagerly, he tracked her scent to the outside of town. Evening was already falling, so thankfully, there wasn’t much in his way. As he got to the outskirts, a new scent caught his nose. It seemed to lead to a dark, ominous looking forest on the outskirts of town. His ears pricking up, he stared at the forest for a minute. It almost looked like…

Logan remembered his childhood. He had stared at a forest just like that one. And right beside him.

Logan keened as he remembered his father. Tall as Celestia, with fur as black as the night, and eyes that shined like the full moon. Back when he still had his head.

“Remember, Logan,” his father had cautioned, “The woods may be our home, but it is also home to many different creatures. And you shouldn’t face these creatures without your pack.”

“Right,” Logan had said, “I’ll never leave your side, then.”

His father chuckled. “If only that was a promise you could keep,” he said.

“I will,” Logan said, “I double-promise.”

His father’s grin didn’t fade. “Well, just in case you find yourself alone, for any reason,” his dad said, “Simply howl, and we’ll be there for you.”


“Like this…”

As the memory faded, Logan found himself copying the movement his father had done so long ago. His head tilted up, and his voice broke through the silence. At first, it was just a classic wolf howl, but as he was allowed to continue, the howl split up into a melody. The melody was unlike any wolf’s howl; the entire forest seemed to wave and bend to his howl, branches clashing against each other, forming a rhythm and melody that seemed to make the forest itself dance.

“Whoa,” a voice cooed.

Instantly, Logan covered his mouth. The music stopped. The forest returned to normal. He spun around, his back fur flaring at the sight of Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Fluttershy backed up at the absolute hostility in Logan’s glare, but Twilight was oblivious as she tilted her head.

“Wait, why did you stop?” she asked, “I didn’t know wolves could do that! How did you manage to…?"

“HOW DARE YOU?!” Logan roared, causing her to flinch back, “That was… I was…” he stammered and turned in place before letting out a howl of anger. “That was not for you. That wasn’t yours!”

“I’m sorry,” Twilight squeaked briefly before her curiosity once again won out, “But seriously, was that what you were going to do at first? Is it some type of magic? How did you manage to formulate the lyrics in sync with the sound effect…?”

“It’s none of your business!”

Twilight’s head tilted back, irritation crossing her features. “Well, excuse me for being curious about powers and a culture no-ponies’ ever had contact with before.”

“And excuse ME,” Logan shot back, “For not being a cooperative prisoner.”

“You’re not a prisoner!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Oh, what am I then,” Logan snapped, “An ambadassador?”

Rainbow Dash cackled at that, while Rarity sighed, walking over.

“It’s ‘ambassador,’ darling,” she said.

“Whatever,” Logan snapped, “Let’s not forget your princess KIDNAPPED me, Sparkles. How do I know this isn’t some… evil plan to take over my species?”

Twilight rubbed her temples with her hoof. “That’s not what’s happening,” she growled.

“Then keep your questions to yourself!” Logan growled back.

“Oh, but back on the subject,” Rarity cut in before Twilight could argue, “I repaired your jacket.”

Instantly, Logan’s hostile look faltered, and he turned back to her.
“Really?” he asked, a cheerier expression as he followed after her. “That didn’t even take that long.”

“I’m a very good seamstress,” Rarity replied.

“No kidding,” Logan said.

Twilight glanced at Rainbow Dash and wordlessly pointed at Logan with an exasperated look of confusion.

Rainbow Dash could only shrug.

Back at Rarity’s home, she brought out the fully repaired jacket. Logan’s ears perked completely up, and he pressed his head into the fur like his actual father was standing before him. The sight was enough to make everyone who saw it coo.

Logan briefly glared at the ones who made their affection too loud, but his anger didn’t last, as he draped the jacket across his back, tying the sleeves around his neck like a bandana. His paws proved to be rather dexterous, and the fabric settled easily against his fur.

“See why I had to measure you for so long?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah,” Logan admitted, looking at her with a grateful light in his eye. “Thank you, Rarity,” he said, his tone a far cry from the growls and snarls he had been throwing around before. “This means… I don’t have words for it.”

“It’s no trouble, darling,” Rarity said, “As the Element of Generosity, I’m always happy to help a friend.”

Logan’s ears perked at the mention of friend, and his happy expression died down by a fraction. He turned away, moving his paws over the fabric, though his expression looked rather conflicted.

“And the fur will work for you?” he asked.

“Of course,” she assured him, “It’s quite lovely.”

He nodded. “Good,” he said, turning back for the forest.

“Whoa, hang on a sec,” Rainbow Dash yelled, “Where you going?”

“Into that forest,” he replied, indicating the forest he had been howling in front of.

The others did a double take.

“B-But that’s the Ever-Free Forest!” Twilight exclaimed.

“So?” Logan replied.

The others glanced at each other, looking as though Logan had just said he was going to fight a dragon.

“Logan, that forest is dangerous,” Fluttershy explained, “It’s not natural.”

Logan cocked an eyebrow. “How so?”

“The animals care for themselves,” Fluttershy whispered.

“And the clouds move…” Rainbow Dash added with a nod.

“All on their own,” Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy said together.

However, their expressions fell at the utterly deadpan expression on Logan’s face.

“Again… so?” Logan asked.

The mares stared at him, unable to believe what they were hearing. He scoffed, and turned away.

“You guys are weird,” he said, before a force field appeared around him.

“You are not going into that forest,” Twilight insisted, glancing irritably at the others, “Independent animals and clouds are one thing, but there are actual monsters and predators in there. You could get hurt.”

“Oh, more hurt than I have been by you?” Logan snarled, looking ready to bash through the force field.

Twilight’s ears flared up, but thankfully, Fluttershy jumped in before it could turn ugly.

“Logan, wait,” Fluttershy said diplomatically. “I’ve got a forest near my cottage. You’ll be able to explore that one all you want. It’s quite safe there.”

Logan gave her a suspicious glare. “I’m not living as your pet,” he said.

“No, of course not,” Fluttershy said, “But… I take care of animals. I just want to help, Logan. Please.”

Logan glared at her, before his expression faltered. As Twilight and Rainbow Dash glanced at each other hopefully, his glare centered on them.

“Either of you smile, I swear…,” he warned them. Twilight fumed.

“Fluttershy, are you sure?” Twilight started to ask, but Fluttershy gave her a smile.

“Don’t worry, Twilight,” Fluttershy said, “Logan and I will be just fine.”

Twilight sighed, but dissipated the force field.

“Well, if that’s settled,” Rainbow Dash started to say, before…

“Oh, wait-a-minute!” a voice screeched.

Logan instantly jumped in front of Fluttershy, snarling before realizing that the voice had come from Pinkie, who had appeared practically out of nowhere.

Though his brief snarling fit got both Twilight and Rainbow Dash to jump between him and Pinkie, the former’s horn flaring while the latter pawed the ground. Another fight likely would have broken out, save for Fluttershy grabbing Logan and keeping him from lunging.

“It’s okay, Logan, it’s okay,” she soothed, stroking his back, “It’s just Pinkie Pie.”

Her words reached him, and he calmed, allowing Twilight and Rainbow Dash to relax as well.

“So…” Pinkie said mildly, “Like I was saying, I totally forgot, we need to show Logan…” she paused, and settled for a meaningful waggle of her eyebrows.

Logan tilted his head. “What does that mean?” he asked, copying Pinkie’s gesture at Fluttershy, “What does this mean?”

“Nothing,” Pinkie said quickly, “But, say, Logan, I just found out that I need a wolf for a special project tomorrow. Do you think you could stop by Sugarcube Corner to help me?”

Logan raised an eyebrow. “Help you with what, exactly?” he asked.

“You’ll see,” Pinkie said, “I think you’re gonna like it.” Despite her assurance, Logan’s suspicious look didn’t falter.

“Yeah, I’m not going into this if I don’t know what you want from me,” Logan said, turning away.

“What’s the matter?” Rainbow Dash asked, “Scared?”

That did it. Logan’s face set in a determined glare, and he spun back around, glaring down Rainbow Dash. Normally, the cyan mare was one to accept challenges, and while she kept her own confident smirk, a bead of sweat did drop down her mane as the wolf’s eyes burned into hers.

“Name the time,” he growled.

“Ten tomorrow,” Pinkie replied.

“I’ll be there at nine,” Logan said with a grin.

Pinkie gasped in glee before her expression turned solemn. “Pinkie Promise.”

He turned fully to her. “Pinkie. Promise,” he said.

Pinkie bounced with glee. “Okie-dokie. See? This is turning out to be a pretty good day.”

Logan’s grin faded. “My pack’s still in danger,” he growled, “And thanks to your princess, I can’t help them.”

Pinkie stopped bouncing at that, her expression perplexed.


“If you try and say how it could be worse, I’m going to bite you too,” Logan warned.

“Well, you should still try to find the bright side,” Pinkie said, “Otherwise there’s just a dark side. And how’re you supposed to see in the dark?”

“With my other senses,” Logan replied, his nostrils and ears twitching for emphasis.

“I said ‘see,’” Pinkie elaborated. Before Logan could find a response to that, she smiled as if the matter was settled. “Well, see you tomorrow,” Pinkie finished, dashing away before Logan could really reply.

“Yeah, have a good night, dude,” Rainbow Dash said, “I’m gonna hit the hay myself.” With that, she flew off.

Fluttershy and Logan started to walk away, but then Logan noticed Twilight still staring after him, a soft smile on her face.

He glared back at her. “What?” he asked.

"Hm?" She shook her head. “Sorry,” she said, “It’s just… well, the scholar in me is really excited about all this: I get the opportunity to learn about a whole new species with a whole new culture. How great is that?”

Logan instantly bristled up.

“I’m not your science project, Sparkle,” he growled, even as Fluttershy put a comforting hoof around him, which he shrugged off.

Twilight sighed. “And there’s the downside,” she sighed. She raised her hooves as Logan’s fur bristled even further. “I’m not… you’re not a science project. I understand. I’m just… also sad that you’re here just because of everything that happened to you. I’d rather you be here of your own free will than by force of events.”

For once, Logan’s angry expression faded, replaced by sadness. “Me too,” he mumbled.

Twilight nodded politely and began walking home. Midway, she stopped and turned around. “If there’s anything you need, just let one of us know. We’re here for you, Logan. Remember that, okay?”

“Thanks,” Logan said, shying away from Fluttershy again as she tried to put a wing around him, “But I won’t need it.”

It wasn’t that far to Fluttershy’s cottage. Yet when they delved into White Tail Woods, Fluttershy’s expression faltered as Logan made his way off the trail, delving deeper into the untamed section of the forest.

“Um, Logan?” she asked, “The cottage is much more comfortable…”

“Fluttershy,” Logan said, his tone soft, but his entire body tense, “My pack is gone. They’re likely dead.”

Fluttershy wanted to say that wasn’t true; that they would be waiting for him. But he stopped her words with a single look.

“Please,” he said, “Just give me the chance to live as I did before.”

Her heart tearing in her chest, Fluttershy sighed.

“There’s a lake past the trees on your right,” Fluttershy said reluctantly, “The water’s fresh, and I find fish for the meat eaters there. I’ll also leave some food out for you in the morning.” She indicated a cottage at the top of the hill. “I-If you change your mind, I’ll be right up there if you need me.”

Relief spread across Logan’s face, and his body relaxed as he nodded, before delving further into the forest.

“Logan,” Fluttershy called softly, giving him pause. “I’m sorry. For, uh… all that.”

Logan was still silent. He glanced back at her and gave a soft nod. Fluttershy reluctantly headed for the cottage alone.

“Fluttershy,” Logan said quickly. She turned back to him. “Thank you,” he said solemnly, “Not just for the apology, but… for all that. Back there."

She smiled and gave a soft nod, and the two turned away from each other. Logan stamped out a small sleeping den for himself, and folding his jacket into an impromptu pillow.

As Logan closed his eyes, he mind sluggishly wondered if this was all a dream. If he would wake up back home the minute he fell asleep there. It was comforting, and pleasant enough to make him relax.

Please let this all be a dream,”he thought as he drifted off. “Please…”


The dreamscape was different tonight.

As Luna, the dark alicorn of dreams floated her way through the minds of her subjects, she noticed a new presence. A presence that did not seem to be one of ponies. Curious, she floated her way down to it.

Dreams weren’t the only thing she could make out in a mind. Luna was also capable of seeing memories. And as her curiosity brought her closer to the mind, she began to make out memories folded among the dreams.

A wild chase from humans.

A car bearing down on him…

“Interesting,” Luna noted, floating along the memory stream, excited to see where it went.

But then, the memory showed Celestia. It showed…

Luna’s jaw dropped as she saw the memory’s owner biting her sister. Her face turned red with outrage.

“How… DARE HE!?” she snarled.

Author's Note:

Just because Celestia's very forgiving doesn't mean Logan's getting out of suffering an alicorn's wrath. :fluttershyouch:

Also, a small note; originally, I had Logan sing the lyrics from the song in the hyperlink, but the rules said that songs outside of MLP weren't allowed. Sorry about that.

Please let me know if it still worked or not, and thanks for tuning in.