• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 6,141 Views, 364 Comments

Rarity's Colt - Mocha Star

Rarity, among others across the land, signed up to be foster parents for foals after numerous disasters struck the nation. Few expected to be called upon, among the least was Rarity.

  • ...

A Moment by a River

The girls found Snickers in the small river that led through the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres through the west orchards sitting and scowling at his reflection in the crystal clear water. He didn’t look up, but his ears told them he’d heard them approach. “Heya, Snickers. Ya found my family farm, what’d’ya think?”

He raised a hoof and splashed it into the water, scattering his image and turning his back to them. Sweetie Belle ran into the water and moved to his front and raised a hoof to her lips. She moved to hug him but stopped at his out stretched leg. The others approached, Scootaloo setting his melted drink in the grass before she joined them.

Scootloo groaned quietly when she reached her friends. “What now?” She looked at him and rolled her eyes. “Why’re you crying? You got away from Pinkie and made everypony look like idiots.”

She stood and splashed water at her. “Shut it! You don’t know what it’s like,” she wiped his eyes with his leg, “you’ve never been hurt like that. You’ve never had to fight every day for food or to not die! I get to this place and day fucking one I’m in a Tartarus like I thought I’d left behind me,” he grimaced and sat down in the water again.

“Don’t waste your time with me, I’m a lost cause no matter what. Just… go live your lives and build a future your friends can live and die in.”

“Hey, you don’t have to be a jerk about everything. It’s your fault you got your self into whatever you’ve--” he leapt at her, missing her by a second with a quick pegasi dodge.

“Shut… up!” He screamed loud enough to send nearby fruit bats into the sky and his voice to echo. He seethed at her and she stumbled back with a primal fear of being attacked by a stallion three times his size. “You don’t know what it’s like to live in hell, you never will,” he didn’t hold back his tears as they melted into the water they all stood in.

“Snickers,” Apple Bloom said quietly, “please, ya can tell us and get it off yer chest. Ah promise, we might not understand it all, but we’ll be here fer you the whole way.”

“Yeah, I Pinkie Promise that no matter what, I’ll try to love you even more. We’re family, we have to take care of each other, right?”

He took a step back and whined, looking between the two fillies before moving to them quickly and wrapping a leg around each, crying freely. “I… you’re so kind to me, why? How can you be so nice and do what you do?”

They hugged him back, Scootaloo watched from beside them and stayed back.

“We’re just us, nothin’ can change a pony as long as we’re true to ourselves.”
A few minutes later and they sat in the grass, their coats nearly dry and Snickers sucked his melted but slightly chilled drink in their silence. “Well, I guess I can tell you some of my story… but you have to keep it between us.” They all promised, Scootaloo staying quiet through the words and sluggish through the motions.

“I worked as what’s called an electrical engineer back home. It was a different place and the words I use don’t translate into Ponish, so they’re meaningless until they’re discovered later, I guess. My home was a horrible place where every day was a fight for survival if one wasn’t employed by a major power.

“There were a few, but honestly they all fought over resources more than anything else. I was lucky to not have to do that crap too often, but no job was permanent or stationary. I’d have to travel with trained soldiers and scavenge for supplies to trade to food to eat, only they got rations regularly.

“There were times I’d be captured by a gang and ransomed off,” he sniffled and looked into the distance beyond time into his past, “sometimes I’d be sold, sometimes I’d run away. There were always fights over who’d have me next and the males would be tame compared to the females when I was picked.”

Sweetie raised her foreleg. “What’s that mean? They sound like they were bullies, were they just picking on ya for being a colt?”

He chuckled and shook his head. “I was an adult, and it wasn’t as tame as being picked on. I don’t know exactly, but I must have a dozen kids back home from what they forced me to do.”

“Kids? Well, if ya think ya were a grown up, what’d they do ta give ya kids? Were ya a foalsitter?”

“Holy shit, you’re so damned innocent, aren’t you?”

They all frowned. “Why do you have to use so many bad words? You know it’s not what nice ponies say,” Scootaloo spoke up.

“Well, being an adult I can say whatever I want. Being a kid just means I have to say them less,” he shrugged and sipped his drink again.

“Well, can ya not use any? Ah mean, yer nice enough, but all that cussin’ ain’t gonna do anythin’ but bring us trouble. Same fer fightin’, callin’ ponies names, and the like.”

“Well, I guess I can cut back, but it’s been part of my vocabulary and verbiage my whole life.”

“Whatever, girls. Let’s take what we can get and he can explain foalsitting for his scavengers, or whatever.”

“It was rape, you fucking twit. You’ve never had a stallion hold you down while another pounds you from behind, it’s worse than an ice cube shoved back there and hurts for days!

“Snickers, yer cussin’ still!”

“Do you listen to anyone before you talk or should you check in for a routine euthanizing?!”

“Woah, Snickers! We just talked about--”

“I’ll schedule you one, you fuckwit, if you keep talking to me like that.”

Snickers,” Sweetie shouted and her voice cracked getting her to cough a little, “you stop talking like that to our friend or I’ll do something really bad to you!”

He looked away from them and back to his drink, then tossed it into the river. “I don’t care. I’m not saying another word if she’s gonna be here,” he pointed in Scootaloo’s general direction. Scootaloo stood and shouted her dislike of him, running off and leaving them alone.

“You don’t have to be that way, you know.”

He looked at his aunt and pouted. “She doesn’t know what anything is like. She, all of you, this whole fucking place is paradise and I’ve still found the worst parts of it all.”

Sweetie scooted closer to him and placed her forehooves between her legs on the ground, looking at him. “You know, I know what the things you’re talking about mean. Rape and having kids, and all that.”

“Ah do, too. Ya see, it’s part of schoolin’. When we start goin’ inta estrus in a couple years, we have ta be ready and know the tells. Some stallions, they ain’t gonna take it kindly if we refuse ‘em, so we gotta know what ta say.”

Sweetie nodded. “If any pony calls rape, every pony nearby is gonna come running to stop it. It’s a word everypony knows, because it’s the worst thing one pony can do to another. Force a foal onto a filly or mare isn’t okay.”

“Exactly, so whoever did that stuff to ya back home, they’d get stomped and bucked if they’d been caught and probably spend years in the dungeons.”

“Or get gelded and put to hard labor,” Sweetie added in nervously. “It’s a horrible thing to think about, since everything colts and stallions have had to go through since the day of a Thousand Sorrows, but some males can’t be reasoned with.”

“What’s that day you keep talking about? I’ve never heard of it.”

“Oh… Apple Bloom, do you wanna tell him?” The filly shook her head. “Okay, well… I’m not okay telling the story because I don’t know it good enough, but maybe Miss Cherilee can tell you someday.”

“Oh, or Granny Smith! She knows just about everything about everything,” Apple Bloom said proudly.

“Well, how about we show him the clubhouse before anything else. Maybe,” Sweetie Belle stood and looked at Snickers, “somepony’s can exchange apologies and start fresh?”

He snorted and stood up, his emotions conveying regret. “I guess I can. I have to get my anger under control, I know that. Maybe I can get some drugs to help me balance out.”

Apple Bloom nickered. “No way, we’ll find a way ta help ya, but ya ain’t gettin’ any drugs if Ah have anythin’ ta say about it.”

“Sure, like you’re gonna stop me,” he smiled and challenged her.

“Ah think Ah can, all Ah have ta do is tattle on ya and Granny’ll have a posse get ya to the hospital in no time.”

He shuddered. “How about I just keep my nose clean and blood pure on this one?”

“Now that, is a plan I like.”

“Me, too, Sweetie. Race ya to the clubhouse?”

“On three,” Sweetie looked back to make sure he was going to run with them. “One, two…” she dashed off ahead of them and they shouted ‘cheater’, following as closely as they could.