• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 6,141 Views, 364 Comments

Rarity's Colt - Mocha Star

Rarity, among others across the land, signed up to be foster parents for foals after numerous disasters struck the nation. Few expected to be called upon, among the least was Rarity.

  • ...

Accidental Affections

The days seemed to pass faster than Snickers could handle. He spent mornings with his mother and aunt, afternoons after school was spent with the CMC where he tried once for a cutie mark and ended up upside down tangled in rope from an apple tree, then he’d spend time at the library with Twilight and Spike.

Twilight took an interest in Snickers’s reading of science and engineering books while Spike would randomly toss wadded paper at Snickers and the colt would bat them back in a form of catch that they’d both enjoy. Rarity never came up, as it was the best option for them both.

After that, Snickers would meet with Fluttershy and be taken on a short flight to a cloud where the colt would rest on the yellow mare’s back, wings, or belly and tell her about his day and feelings. It was a great schedule that Twilight had made and it quickly became routine for the rest of the week, each night ending in a shared bath with Sweetie Belle and finally cuddling and snuggling to sleep.

Saturday, Snickers took a placement test for school before his routine began, and the following day was the first change in his routine, starting in the evening.

“Sweetie Belle, we’re here,” Scootaloo called from the showroom floor with Apple Bloom behind her.

“Snickers and me are in my room,” Sweetie called back.

“Snickers and I,” Rarity shouted from the kitchen getting a groan from Sweetie that could almost be heard outside.

“Why is everypony a dictionary?!” Sweetie lamented. Snickers chuckled from across the checkers board at his aunt.

“Maybe because you need to read one, first.”

Sweetie moved her piece. “I am not reading the dictionary! Your turn,” she pouted.

Snickers jumped three of her pieces. “Ha, King me!”

Sweetie giggled. “You mean Princess you. You’ve gotta learn the rules of the game, silly.”

Snickers rolled his eyes. “Then Prince me, since I’m not a girl.”

Sweetie covered his piece with one of his older ones and she prepared her move when Scootaloo ran into her room and jumped onto the bed. Apple Bloom stopped beside the bed and looked at Scootaloo as the orange filly began to bounce and jump. “We’re here, we ain’t too late, are we?” Apple Bloom asked looking at the two playing their board game.

“Uh, no. Why would you even ask that when you see we’re still dry? It’s barely after supper, at that,” Snickers said snarkily.

“Well, no reason ta get snippy,” Apple Bloom snarked back, “Scoots ‘n me didn’t wanna miss our first bath as a herd, and we were almost late thanks ta ‘hoppy’, over here.”

Scootaloo did a flip between jumps. “Hey, I need to bring my shampoo! It’s special for a pegasus.”

“Well, get it and let’s get wet,” Apple Bloom cheered. Sweetie, having learned some of Snickers’s humor, looked at the colt and they both giggled. Sweetie blushed a little, though.

“Okay, I’ll tell Rarity to start the bath and we can do that, but that’ll be a few minutes. Anypony have to go before we start?” Sweetie asked. Everyone raised a foreleg and then they all scrambled out of the room to the bathroom and got stuck in the doorway.

Apple Bloom wiggled against Scootaloo. “Scoot, get outta my way. Ah gotta go.”

“No way, you can hold it way longer than me,” Scootaloo shouted back.

Snickers planted his forehooves and pushed himself back, watching as the three fillies fell forward onto the tile. He laughed as they got up and started to wrestle. Taking the opportunity, Snickers pranced past them and stood over the toilet and started to pee.

“Hey, no fair,” Scootaloo shouted and pointed to Snickers, “fillies first! That’s the rule.”

Sweetie shoved Scootaloo. “Who made that rule up?”

Apple Bloom shoved Sweetie and they all giggled. “Who cares, colts should go first since they’re so special.”

“Special my dock,” Scootaloo said and shoved both her friends getting a double shove in return. “Heh, he’s just special cuz he’s the only male in the herd, if we had others--”

“No way,” Snickers say stepping on the pedal to flush, “I’m not sharing with another dude. I already said that.”

Scootaloo shoved past the other fillies and made it next, swishing her tail and catching it before she sighed in relief.

“Ah know,” Apple Bloom said moving into line after Scootaloo, “that’s pretty normal, but if we had a large herd then we’d probably have ta have one more stallion. Ah heard it’s a lotta work fer one stallion ta take care’a more than five mares, especially once they start foal’n.”

Scootaloo finished and was unceremoniously shoved away by Apple Bloom who took her place and grabbed her tail. “Yeah, you’re a pretty tough colt,” Scootaloo said letting her tail sway freely, “but you probably can’t even handle us three… oh, except Sweetie Belle,” she corrected. “How do you think you could handle a bunch more of us?”

Snickers shrugged and scratched behind his ear. “Magic?”

Sweetie and Scootaloo rolled their eyes while Apple Bloom snickered. “That’s right, there’s always a spell, right Sweetie? Go blast him with somethin’ ta make him go longer or whatever it is adults do.”

“Euck, no way. He’s family, and I don’t know that kind of magic yet. Maybe I never will,” Sweetie shrugged and began to tap her rear hoof.

Apple Bloom looked at Sweetie Belle. “Okay, hold yer reins, Ah’m almost done, Sweetie.”

“I’m trying! Seeing you go is making it worse,” Sweetie complained and Snickers shook his head, walking to the doorway.

“Mom? Bathtime!” He called out.

“Be right there,” Rarity called up. Sweetie carefully moved over the squat toilet and checked her hoof placement before she grabbed her tail and looked at her friends for emotional encouragement.

“You got this, Sweetie,” Scootaloo said with Apple Bloom nodded beside her.

“Yeah, I didn’t do anything stupid this time,” Snickers joked and looked away as Sweetie started. He moved back to the door and watched Rarity reach the top of the stairs and he moved as she walked in.

“Oh, Sweetie, it’s so nice to see you going by yourself! Snickers, isn’t it nice to not have her hold onto your tail finally?”

Snickers blushed and nodded. “Yeah, surel,” he swished his tail, proud he had that much mental control over it now.

Rarity smirked and used her magic to turn on the water while adding a few drops of various scented oils. “Very well, then. Can I trust you all to turn the water off while I’m downstairs finishing the dishes?”

“Of course.” Scootaloo said then called loudly and happily stomped her hooves when the toilet flushed. “Sweetie did it! Whoo-hoo,” they all cheered and Rarity flashed her horn in praise as well.

“Congratulations, little sister! I knew you could do it,” Rarity hugged Sweetie and was joined by the others.

“Okay, I need to breathe,” Sweetie said with a giggle.

“This calls for a little ice cream after your bath to celebrate! I’ll prepare some while you clean up and have your fun.”

Stomps and cheers followed Rarity out of the bathroom. Scootaloo was the first in with help from her wings, followed by Apple Bloom who showed off the strength in her hind legs from learning to buck trees. Next was Snickers, who managed to hoof his elbows on the tub ledge and was pulled over the rim by the other fillies.

Sweetie was last, smartly grabbing the step stool by the sink and hopping over the edge with a cocky grin. “What, I have to be careful and Rarity loves me so much that she bought me a little stood to help me reach higher places.”

The water was knee deep and it was enough for Sweetie to be soaked by her herdmates. She tried to block her face with her forelegs, but the water just went over, under, and through since her legs weren’t thick enough to actually block water. When they were done splashing her they turned on one another and Sweetie ran between them and shook like a dog, coating them all with slightly smelly water.

“Bleh, gross, Sweetie,” Snickers coughed, “what is that flavor?”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom winced and stuck out their tongues, dipping them at the same time under the faucet. “Ith thwet ang durk.”

“Ang thung-thing thinky.”

Snickers looked at Sweetie. Sweetie blushed and rubbed her foreleg with the other. “I kinda fell into the pond and somepony put some fish in it and I thought if I rolled in the dirt it would get the smell of fish off…”

Snickers gagged and shoved the other fillies from the water and dunked his head under, scrubbing his mane. He was shoved back out of the stream of water by Apple Bloom. “Gah, fish juice,” Snickers shouted and fell to his knees, reaching both forelegs to the ceiling. “Why must it be fish juice?! Bleh,” he fell over with a splash.

Scootaloo gasped with Apple Bloom and they both took a side by his head and carefully lifted him out of the water. “No… Sweetie Belle, how could you?” Scootaloo asked, a forehoof on her forehead.

“Ya did it, ya killed him! Ah can’t believe yer plan worked after all these months ‘a plannin’ yer plan.”

Sweetie grinned devilishly. “Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha… and another ha-ha-ha. Now I shall be herd alpha and none shall challenge me,” she stood proudly with her mane plastered across her cheek and neck.

Snickers gasped and the fillies holding him did the same. “Ah… it seems the cure was here all along, evil Mistress of Stinky Fish Water… the power of,” he poked Apple Bloom and pointed above them to a bar of soap in a soap dish. Apple Bloom got up and reached for it, sliding it out of its cradle and into the water with a splash. Snickers grabbed the soap and rubbed it between his hooves.

“Uh, the power of soap shall defeat you,” Snickers said and ran at Sweetie. She shrieked and tried to keep him at bay with splashes, but the tub wasn’t nearly large enough and he caught her, rubbing his soapy hooves into her side. A second later Scootaloo and Apple Bloom joined in, their hooves soapy and scrubbing Sweetie until she was sudsy and fluffy.

Scootaloo added some bubble soap to the water, then added six times as much more than was needed or required. She was stopped by everypony with a shout in worry and surprise when she was about to toss the bottle out of the tub without making sure it was closed tightly. The time seemed to fly by as they played, splashed, used soap and shampoo to turn their manes into various styles and create beards that brought them to tears laughing.

“Alright, little ones, bath time is over for the night,” Rarity called walking in and scanning the floor with sharp eyes for anything but water that was spilled from the bath.

“Awww… do we have to?” Snickers and the others said in unison, getting a round of giggles from the swimming foals.

Rarity pulled the stopper from the tub. “I’m sorry, but it must be so. You don’t want to turn all pruny, do you?”

“I don’t care if I turn into a raisin as long as I get to play in the bath some more,” Sweetie pouted.

“C’mon,” Scootaloo said excitedly, “remember? We get celebration ice cream!”

Snickers nodded in agreement. “And all we had to do was wait for Sweetie to pee,” he said and brought a blush to his aunts cheeks.

“Well… if I didn’t then we’d just be going to bed without ice cream,” Sweetie retorted as she was the first taken from the tub and covered with a towel. The others were treated the same and Rarity let her magic fade.

“Well, while you all debate the nuances of how this prize came to be, your prize will be melting and shall soon be soup.”

Four little voices started rambling as they each tried to dry themselves enough to leave the bathroom under Rarity’s harsh and specific gaze. Eventually all four foals made it downstairs and into the kitchen to see bowls and spoons set up, but no ice cream. “Oh, surely you think better of me,” Rarity said mirthfully as she opened the freezer. “I won’t serve melted ice cream, especially on such an important occasion. Now, who wants what flavor? I have about six gallons of each between here and the chests in the basement.”

After the treats and a story, the four CMC’s retired to Snickers’s room and crawled into his bed. “So, what’s this Sweetie’s talkin’ about you bein’ the snuggliest pony ever?” Apple Bloom asked.

“You sure she didn’t mean the ‘ugliest’?” Scootaloo asked and got a swat on her ear by Apple Bloom. “Ouch! I was just joking.”

“That ain’t funny, teasin’ our stallion like that,” Apple Bloom draped a foreleg over Snickers, “right?”

“Sure… why not?” Snickers said uncomfortably. “Hey, since I’m family with Sweetie Belle, how about she chooses who I… snuggle with,” he offered, the words embarrassing him as he spoke.

“Yeah, choose me, Sweetie! I’m older.” Scootaloo said.

Apple Bloom climbed over Snickers and sat on his side. “Only by a couple weeks, ya been my friend longer, Sweetie. Let him cuddle me!”

Sweetie sat up and glared at her friends. “Snickers isn’t some bag of bits we can fight over, let’s just ask him.”

Snickers looked between the six sets of eyes on him and gulped. “Can’t we just go to sleep?”

The fillies looked at one another and nodded. With Sweetie to his right and Scootaloo to his left, he turned to Sweetie and pulled her close, yawning with a squeak as he got comfortable. Until Scootaloo pulled him firmly and rolled him to face her, then flipped over and scooted back to him.

Sweetie crawled over him and jumped onto her friend starting a brief fight that he wouldn’t have a part in. He rolled away and off the bed, moved to the door and left the room to go to Rarity. “Mom,” he said, the word coming more naturally now that it ever had before and seeming less awkward as each day passed. He reared up and turned the handle, shoving the door open to find Rarity on her bed writing in her diary. “Can I sleep with you?”

“Oh, darling, whatever is the matter?” Rarity asked, then the sound of three fillies arguing and fighting entered her room. “Ah, fighting over you, I take it?”

Snickers nodded. “I don’t think I can do this herd thing… at least not yet. They’re always fighting over me and it’s too much right now,” Snickers said as he climbed onto the bed.

“Very well, but when your herdmates come in here, I’ll have to lie between you and you’re still going to be one filly short that needs your attention and cuddles.”

Snickers groaned. “Can’t there be a rotation or something? Some way I don’t have to fight with them all night?”

Rarity nodded. “That’s exactly how it works, actually. Good work figuring it out. You have two, one on each side, so you spend time holding them both or you lay and let them hold you. Then, later in the night, one of them switches and has their turn, or perhaps another night they sleep in different places. It’s the best way, and oftentimes the ones your aren’t holding or paying attention to will focus their attention on one another, so you don’t need to worry about the stress of dividing your attention.”

A quiet knock got their attention. “Hey, Snickers… can you come back to bed, we’re sorry we were fighting over you.”

Snickers gave Rarity a hug and followed Sweetie back to his bed. “Fine, but any more and I’ll sleep alone, got it?”


Snickers awoke to a tickling under his chin and he shivered with giggles, then looked down and his lips brushed against a very sleepy Scootaloo’s, waking her much faster. She blushed and pressed her hooves to his chest, hesitating whether to push him away or not before she leaned closer and kissed him intently.

It was short, chaste, and more than the colt could handle. Feeling a stirring under himself, Snickers leaned back from Scootaloo and into Apple Bloom, who was holding him tightly. He tried to move the covers over himself, but Scootaloo’s wings prevented them from moving any higher and he was trapped and exposed, unable to hide himself from prying eyes.

Glancing down between them, Scootaloo didn’t pay Snickers’s growing problem and mind and touched his cheek with her hoof. “That was my first real kiss,” she whispered to him and scooted closer. He felt the problem he had press between them and she nuzzled into him again, humming contentedly as their cheeks rubbed together, making the problem he was having worse. He felt it twitch and wanted to vanish at that very instant.

Snickers was blushing brightly and was confused as all hell, unsure of what was happening and how it wasn’t getting so much worse. Scootaloo wasn’t teasing him or even paying it any mind, like it wasn’t even there; even though he could feel her chest fluff against it. Reluctantly, still tired for it being very early in the morning, Snickers draped a leg over Scootaloo and drifted back to sleep.

The next time he woke up it was to the bed shaking from three fillies as they left Snickers’s room, leaving the drowsy colt unsure of what had happened the night before. He knew it would be a terrible moment ahead, but he knew he had to ask his mother about the previous night. He got out of bed and shook his body, stretched his legs, and did some squats to limber himself for the morning ahead before he left his room for the bathroom, only to find himself at the end of the line this time.

Snickers turned and left the room to wait outside the doorway and be left with his thoughts over the night before when Scootaloo nuzzled him while he was in thought, giving him a quick kiss on his cheek and buzzing her wings afterward. “H-hey… um, about last night. I don’t want you thinkin’ I’m sappy or anything, alright?”

Snickers nodded and touched his cheek where she’d kissed him. “Yeah, you’re too tough to be sappy,” he said and let a smile crease his lips. Scootaloo nodded and walked past him, stopping and swaying her hips and tail so it would brush against his foreleg, a fine effort on her part. She giggled and ran back into the room and started whispering to her friends and they shared giggles.

Snickers leaned against the wall and let his mind wander on his feelings for a pony filly, something days before he’d have found awful were now endearing and worrying. He turned and ran downstairs to the kitchen. “Mom?!” Snickers shouted when he entered and stopped at the entrance when he saw a stack of pancakes almost as tall as he was with plates for each of them around the table. Syrups, chocolate chips, creams, and berries were set up, all ready to go on the breakfast disks that almost curtailed his mindset.

“Snickers? Whatever’s the matter? I have breakfast ready, if you’re concerned about food before your first day of school,” Rarity said without and worry as she flipped a pancake for him to see.

“No… I think,” he hesitated and felt a pit in his stomach at what he was realizing, “I think I love Scootaloo,” he finished weakly.

The pan and spatula in Rarity’s magic fell to the floor as she gaped at him and silence filled the room. Rarity took a step closer and started to smile. “Well… that’s nice to hear, son. You didn’t happen to realize this during any untoward activities last night, did you?”

Snickers flinched back. “No! No way… I…” he looked down and pawed the floor, “she kissed me when I woke up to her nuzzling me and,” he blushed and his voice cracked, “it came out, but it’s weird,” Snickers looked up and met Rarity’s firm gaze, “she didn’t do anything, just hugged me with it between us… and then we fell back asleep. Is that a normal thing for fillies to do?”

Rarity pressed her hoof between her eyes. “No, and yes. Come with me to the back room, I’ll discuss this quickly,” she said and followed him to the room adjacent that led to one of her work rooms. “Snickers, a stallion’s penis is a normal thing and everypony knows what they look like and what they are used for since they can crawl.

“When in a herd it has many uses,” she held up a hoof when Snickers looked irate and opened his mouth, “this isn’t a sex talk, per se. You’ve made it clear you know plenty about the topic, but nuances seem to be lost or are yet to be learned. When in a relationship with a mare, if you extend and don’t intent to mate; then it’s seen as a truly romantic gesture.

“It’s something ingrained in mares from ages before recorded time amongst all the tribes, that a stallion that shows himself, while close to his mare, and doesn’t intend to mate, is showing the greatest form of restraint and respect for his mare and is waiting for their readiness, willingness, and receptiveness.

“It’s something made even more pronounced since the Day of Sorrow so long ago, but what you did by showing last night was one of the most romantic things a stallion can do for his mare… you essentially showed Scootaloo that you are willing to wait as long as it takes for her to be ready before you sire their foals.”

Snickers felt his mouth open and while his mind was blank, the list of ways to describe his dislike of the newfound information was vast. “Fuck.”

Bellies full of food and saddle bags cinched tight, another bit in his jar as well, the little herd made their way to school and left Rarity home alone to worry about the future of her family and the foal she was finally bonding with.

Rarity cleaned up and ate several more pancakes as she worried and cleaned until she felt bloated. Cursing her habit, Rarity threw the remaining pancakes away and put on her own saddlebags and shoes. Heavy and made of a single piece of steel, she wasn’t very happy with them, but it was better than nothing on the dirt and gravel roads of rural Ponyville.

Rarity made her way through the market and to Fluttershy’s cottage where the timid mare was humming and feeding some birds in a tree higher than Rarity felt comfortable climbing, much less flying; even with magical wings.

“Oh, Fluttershy? Do you have a moment?”

Fluttershy flinched and dropped half the various dried bugs and seeds from her forelegs onto Rarity’s head and mane. After a loud scream that scattered birds and critters for a quarter mile and the help of Fluttershy and some squirrels, Rarity’s mane was at least dried bug free, as far as they could tell. The seeds, sadly, were there to stay until Rarity got home.

“Thank you for the help, darling. If I knew you were feeding creatures dried insects, I wouldn’t have stood under you.”

Fluttershy giggled into her hoof. “I understand, really I do. I’m sorry you got seeded,” she snickered, “Rarity. I hope it… comes out fine.”

Fluttershy winced when Rarity swatted her with a rolled up magazine she was carrying in her saddlebags. “That’s not very funny,” Rarity snerked, “okay, it’s a little funny. At least it was a skilled pony I trust that planted their seed in my mane and across my lovely face and not some stranger.”

Both mares giggled and tittered at their naughty jokes. “I’m sorry, Rarity. I don’t usually joke like that, but some of the animals are in season and their commentary is quite colorful.”

Rarity sighed. “I understand. In fact, that’s part of the reason I’ve come by today.”

Fluttershy inhaled, exhaled quickly, and grinned. “Oh, this is wonderful news! Is she already mated? When did it happen? Do you need me to supervise to make sure it takes?” Fluttershy asked and flapped her wings while prancing.

“Fluttershy, that is my sister you’re talking about! The last thing she needs is supervision when she is of age and who she chooses is her business,” Rarity said aghast.

Fluttershy ‘eep’ed and froze, falling to the ground. She covered her head with her wings and whimpered. “I… I’m sorry, I thought you meant Opalescence. Please, don’t be mad at me.”

Rarity sighed in relief and moved to help her friend stand up. “I’m not upset, I just misunderstood. My little Opal has preventative measures so she doesn’t go into season yet, she has to keep her feline figure for the time being and I can’t help take care of a litter of kittens. Anyway, the reason I’m here is that it seems Snickers has been in a herd with the CMC, as you know.”

“Yes,” Fluttershy said turning her head and hiding behind her curl, “most ponies do. It’s been very therapeutic for him and has helped him acclimate to life as a pony, since he still believes he’s some other creature.”

“Yes, yes, aliens trading bodies from different universes. Filly stories in cheap graphic novels, what concerns me is Scootaloo kissed Snickers while in bed last night and he,” Rarity used a forehoof to draw a straight line while raising her eyebrows suggestively.

“Oh? Oh! Oh, my… they didn’t have sex, did they? Oh, no,” Fluttershy hovered and covered her mouth with her forehooves, “you didn’t find out from… leakage, did you?”

“Oh, thank Celestia, no… Snickers told me about the event and that Scootaloo merely went back to sleep with him and the others, who seemed to be none the wiser. At least they will be until later, you know how fillies talk and colts gossip.”

Fluttershy landed and looked around the canopy. “Well, I certainly know enough about sex, but what it sounds like is he just showed her a little romance. It’s not uncommon for colts to do that from time to time, especially when learning about affection in herds.”

Rarity started to walk around the cottage to the back door. “Yes, but this is Scootaloo. The same filly with abandonment issues that’s looking for a male to stay in her life, as I heard you and Rainbow talking of the other day. Possibly falling in love with the same colt that doesn’t seem to understand the herding dynamics ingrained in us all from birth, that also happens to be fast falling into puppy love with Scootaloo!”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened and she bit her bottom lip in worry. “Oh, my. That is problematic… First a kiss, then the romantic action… they spend a lot of time together as well,” Fluttershy followed Rarity and stepped on the white mare’s flat tail, stopping her from entering her home. “I’m sorry, Rarity, but I have to go speak with Rainbow Dash. This is an issue we’ll both have to work with, I only hope it’s not too late to halt the bonding they’re feeling.”

Rarity waved her friend off as Fluttershy took off into the sky. Sighing loudly and letting it turn into an unladylike groan, Rarity turned and began the fifteen minute march back to town, upset her friend left before she could talk about anything else or plan a spa day.


Walking in pace with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom brushing their coats against his sides and Sweetie Belle just past Scootaloo, he was led to the schoolhouse, but stopped just past the market when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon moved from around a house to block their path.

“Hey, blank flanks,” Diamond Tiara looked at Snickers with stitches across her muzzle. Silver Spoon avoided eye contact with any of the CMC, choosing to take a more submissive posture to the entire conflict approaching. “I didn’t think you’d be taking this weak little colt to school, can he even learn, or is his head full of too much muscle and it squished his brains out?”

Diamond looked back to Silver Spoon. “Right, Silver Spoon?” Silver nodded weakly while looking at the ground. “See, even my best friend agrees that you’re just a dumb colt that got lucky. Why, I bet that if I tried to hit you, you’d just run away crying when I won.”

“Try me,” Snicker said in a tone that made his friends step away.

“Snickers, don’t do this. Ya promised ya wouldn’t fight anymore,” Apple Bloom advised.

“Forget that, make ‘em eat rocks, Snickers! Woo-hoo,” Scootaloo chirped and whooped. Sweetie stood back, worrying about the outcome.

“Shut up, losers. One hit is all it’ll take and you’ll bow to me like the colt you are,” Diamond said marching up to Snickers.

“Diamond, don’t do this,” Silver Spoon said, finally looking up.

Diamond ignored Silver Spoon until she was a leg’s length away. She squatted and pulled back a foreleg, lunged, and missed when Snickers leaned to the side. Not expecting to hit air, Diamond lost her balance and fell forward, snout first onto the road. Snickers, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle ‘ooo’ed, feeling Diamond’s pain.

Apple Bloom moved and tried to help the pink filly up, but got shoved away. Diamond turned back to the other foals and they all, except Snickers, grimaced. Blood was streaming slowly from the opened wound on her muzzle and now a bloody snout added to it. “You’re so dead for this!” Diamond screamed and started to charge at Snickers, stopping in mid air when she was taken in a green magical aura.

“Oh, I think not young filly," a mare said from a window above them. "I know you, Diamond Tiara, and I'm taking you straight to your father and telling him you were attacking a colt for no reason. Go to school, kids, I've got it from here," the mare said while she hoisted Diamond up to her window.

Silver Spoon looked at the window, then took several steps away from Snickers when she noticed he was closer to her. "I… I'm sorry about last time and… this time. Please, don't hold it against Diamond, she's never lost at anything before."

Snickers took a step closer to Silver Spoon and backed the filly against as house wall. Silver cowered down as low as she could go even before he came close to her.

Snickers looked at Silver Spoon and then trotted up to her. She whined and lay on the ground covering her head and shivering, nearly wetting herself in fear.

"Hey," Snickers said softly, "we're cool."

Silver Spoon peeked from under her legs and winced back when she saw a hoof pointed at her, then she noticed the smile he sported. Silver looked past him at the fillies he was with and saw their uneasy but encouraging expressions. Silver Spoon reached out and slowly interlocked their pasterns and was helped to her hooves.

“Look, I know we keep meeting in the wrong, but you’re all right. That walking cunt that farts rainbows is the problem,” he said and then looked back when he heard his herdmates tapping the ground and looking at him with various forms of disappointment. “Oh, yeah,” he rolled his eyes and droned, “I’m sorry for swearing and I’ll do my best to not do it again.”

Silver Spoon, despite herself, giggled behind pursed lips and shook her head a little. “No, it’s alright. Diamond Tiara swears all the time, but never in public and never to a colt,” she looked down and noticed her braid was speckled with dirt. “Like, oh no! My braid is all dirty, and stuff… like, this is just the worst, right Diamond?”

Silver winced at the habitual comment and expected retribution from the impulsive colt she had come to know. Instead he was walking away from her. “You coming, or are you just gonna whine about your hair?”

Silver patted her braid absently several times, then ran to catch up to the herd. “Um… like, I’m not totally into you, just so you know. I’m just going the same way,” Silver said.

Scootaloo buzzed her wings and ran around Snickers getting muzzle to muzzle with Silver. “You better not be into my colt, Silver, or I’ll f- er… fight you,” Scootaloo said keeping her angry demeanor. Snickers grinned at Scootaloo, knowing she was a second away from saying something he’d approve of.

Scootaloo, keeping her angry glare on Silver Spoon, moved to the other side of Snickers again.

“Like, whatever, Scoota-loser. You don’t scare me, so just stay on that side of your hunk…” Silver slowed to a stop, a blush growing brighter as seconds passed before she turned a different way and galloped on her own path.

The herd watched Silver run away and then burst into laughter. Scootaloo leaned in close to Snickers and whispered in his ear. “Fuck.”

Snickers still laughed, but his attention was on Scootaloo and he felt the desire to kiss her again and show how much she meant to him. Thankfully, Sweetie Belle stepped between them unknowing of what was happening between the two. “That was funny, right?” Sweetie asked and bumped her flank against Snickers’s. “Let’s get to school, I think we can tease her about something finally.”

Scootaloo shook her head and stood opposite Sweetie, who was sidled with Snickers. Snickers kept peeking over Sweetie to look at Scootaloo. “Hey, Snickers?” Apple Bloom asked. When Snickers turned to look at her his lips met hers and their eyes widened, freezing for a second before they separated.

Apple Bloom looked at Sweetie Belle’s surprised face and then to Scootaloo’s scowl. Looking back at Snickers’s still puckered lips, Apple Bloom tackled him and pressed her lips to his in a much more forceful kiss. The farm filly was able to resist at first, but her herd sisters were able to shove her off Snickers.

“Ah… Ah’m sorry,” Apple Bloom said and noticed several ponies and a couple other foals on their way to school looking at their group. “Ah dunno what happened just now. It was mah first kiss and it was so warm and Ah was flutterin’ all inside mah body and under my tail that Ah… Ah’m so sorry, Snickers,” she said helping him up.

Sweetie looked at Snickers and snorted. “Well, he’s still smiling, so that’s something to be proud of, I guess,” she said derisively and shoved Apple Bloom.

Scootaloo cleared her throat and glanced down, the other fillies noticing what shouldn’t have bothered to show up to the gathering and they quickly sided him, blushing. “That, was great,” Snickers said breathily and leaned over to nuzzle Apple Bloom, who returned the favor with a sigh and a little nip under his chin.

Above them, Rainbow Dash looked down and chewed on her forehoof. “Oh no… this is not good. Where’s Fluttershy when I need her? This is really bad.”

Fluttershy panted as she landed beside Rainbow on the same cloud. “Rainbow Dash, I was looking for you. There’s something you need to know about Snickers and the herd.”

Author's Note:

Oh no... Snickers is adapting to life as a pony, but cultural nuances are starting troubles that his therapists have to nip in the bud ASAP. Puppy love can be a rough thing, but remember this is how foals learn to be adults, not to do adult things, before you start worrying about foalcon or the like!