• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 6,141 Views, 364 Comments

Rarity's Colt - Mocha Star

Rarity, among others across the land, signed up to be foster parents for foals after numerous disasters struck the nation. Few expected to be called upon, among the least was Rarity.

  • ...

The Curse of Hope and Harmony

Snickers, Rarity, and Sweetie tucked into bed under Sweetie’s green aura pulling the blanket over them. Rarity kissed each on their forehead before sighing. “It’s great to be home.”

Sweetie grinned. “Yeah, I missed it. When’re mom and dad gonna be back? I wanna hug ‘em like I haven’t seen ‘em forever.”

Snickers stayed silent, looking at the ceiling.

“Oh, I haven’t thought of them. They’re gone so often, a week a month for mother’s work, and you know she just has to take father along for her stress relief.”

Snickers snorted very quietly.

“Is there something you’d like to add?”

“No,” he replied, “just the loss of innocence and hypersexulization of modern Equestria.”

Sweetie sat up to look over Rarity. “Hey, don’t complain about my world when you don’t even know yours.”

“Sweetie?! That was uncalled for, apologize.”

Sweetie fell back and crossed her forelegs. “No, he should apologize. Just ‘cause he’s a colt he thinks he can get away with saying whatever he wants.”

“Regardless of the fact, apologize to him.”

Snickers sat up and looked at them both. “‘Because I’m a colt’,” he mocked Sweetie. “Forget you both; we’re back home, so I’m going to my room to sleep in my own bed for the first time in my life here.”

Rarity didn’t stop him when he threw the covers off and stomped to the door, opened it, then slammed it behind him. Snickers went to his room after passing the bathroom and remembering the night everything started, then he went in and looked around. It was as clean as the first time he’d seen it, the toilet was spotless, the soaps were restocked, and the room smelled of blueberry.

He stood just inside the doorway for a minute, then went to his room. Leaving the light off, he climbed into the bed and snuggled onto the pillow. “My own bed. My own room. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have it so good. A mom that loves me, an aunt that cares. Rainbow Dash to teach me how to be and stay awesome. Fluttershy to listen and hold me.

“What else could I ask for?”

He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, a white void welcoming him into its embrace.


Snickers inhaled deeply, lips pressed to his forehead as he heard Rarity speaking softly. He felt tears leaking from his eyes. “Let it go,” she said softly. Love, trust, and memories flashed through his mind and he whimpered. The forehoof against his chest he held onto was warm, but tugging away from him.

He let Rarity go suddenly and fell back, looking around the hospital room. “What the fuck?!” He shouted and slapped the floor between his legs.

“Snickers, after such a magical moment I’d expected you to have more of a positive reaction.”

Rarity scolded him while Sweetie, still hanging from a contraption looked down at him with a frown. She quickly drew the shorthand sign for a bit, enraging him. “Shut up, you shut up, too!” He pointed at Rarity who stood over him and shook her foreleg. “What about the last day? What about the last couple years?!

“What happened to all that?”

“Snickers, I haven’t a clue what happened to you when you welcomed Harmony into your heart, but this is not the reaction one typically has. Shall we remind you of the good you’ve experienced since you began the day… after our disagreements when you arrived?”

Snickers spat at her hooves, getting her to hop back in disgust. “You don’t know what you’re talking about! I spent time with you, both of you going through hell. You were our protector, Sweetie was a singer. She got her mark for singing and distracting the guards so I could break you out of their cages!”

“I got my mark?! Cool, what was it?”

Snickers opened his mouth and exhaled a short, tiny squeak. He didn’t know.

“Snickers, you know my sister and her friends have their little club you’ve joined just today, and teasing her about her mark isn’t something you should do, knowing how important it is to her.”

He stepped back until he bumped his rump against the wall. “Wh-what? N-no, y-you lost your hair to lice and fleas. Don’t you remember?”

Rarity gasped with a forehoof on her chest. “As if. I care about my mane and tail far too much to not know several spells to keep my entire body parasite free. Not to mention a way I can make shampoo from any,” she hurked, “compost… as a last resort, mind you.”

He looked between them with fear, sadness, and confusion growing inside him. “No… no!” he shouted and ran past Rarity. She let him go, believing he needed to work his issues out like any colt his age should; through crying and spending time alone with his thoughts.

He ran down the hall, following the same path he’d followed earlier with Rainbow Dash to the waiting room, meeting a dead end with a snack room to the right and a janitor’s closet to the left. There wasn’t even a window to show him what was on the other side. He turned and galloped, starting to cry as he got lost, everything being too large for him to navigate around while mentally mapping his path.

He tried to remember events that had happened, he tried to remember Sweetie’s cutie mark. He only remembered two names, but didn’t have faces to go with them. How could he have gone years with Sweetie and Rarity, but not made any friends between them all that needed names?

Rarity lost her foreleg… the same one he was holding when he woke up. He shut his eyes and fought the thoughts. He didn’t wake up, he was still asleep. He had to wake up, it was all a bad dream he could wake up from and go back to the life he’d built.

He ran into somepony, their bodies tumbling over one another ending with the other on top. He heard a mature mare’s voice, next. “Oh, my. Are you okay? Don’t cry, I didn’t hurt you when we rolled over, did I? Nurse?! Help!”

There was a flurry of hooves clippity-clacking to them and Snickers heard mares asking questions of him and the other mare. He waved his legs and cursed them all, getting them to stop their attentive tasks. “Get the fuck off me, what the hell? I’m a fuck up, leave me alone! I can’t even dream right!”

He was on his hooves, tears blinding him as he looked blindly around. A green blur moved in front of him and stomped a hoof. “Look, I don’t care who you think you are or what happened, but you will not talk about yourself like that ever again, got it?” She poked him in the chest. Before he could retort, she went on. “And you don’t get to talk bad about dreams, those are all some ponies have to keep them going, even you.”

Another poke prodded him before she was shoved back by what he thought was a nurse who moved closer to him and knelt down. “Young stallion, do you know where your mommy is?”

The sound was akin to a wet towel being snapped when he slapped the mare with all he had. He was enveloped with a magic aura and tugged away from the group just as the mare he’d struck screamed at the cut he’d given her. He heard one of the nurses passing out while he was moved away from the gathering.

“Put me down, now!”

The clopping of hooves kept moving until they entered a room and the door closed. “What was that?” the mare from before asked him in a hushed tone.

“What’re you talking about? I didn’t do anything nopony had coming.”

“Your grammar…” she whispered, “look, my name’s Lyra, what’s your name?”

“Fuck you, that’s my name. Now let me go before I piss on your face,” he tried to fight free, he felt himself lowered to her eye lever.

“Try that now, smart guy.” He growled at her and snapped his teeth in her direction. “What’s your problem?!”

“I don’t know! I finally felt happy, I was finally part of a family… and it was all a dream! Fucking Harmony raped my mind and filled my head with a bunch of lies,” he turned his muzzle away from her, trying to hide his trembling lip.

She sighed and moved him to a bed, lying him down on it. He covered his eyes with his posterns and breathed in sharp breaths.

“Look, Harmony is a weird thing. I know it better than you might think,” he heard her say, “I was a filly and welcomed Harmony into my heart after a huge fight with my parents because I didn’t want to be arranged to marry a colt… because I didn’t and don’t like colts that way,” Snickers peeked at her.

“My parents are traditional unicorns and marrying me into another house would have gotten them a monthly stipend of the other family’s wealth, all I had to do was foal before I was 12,” she shook her head. “I was seven at the time. I barely knew about the specifics of unicorn society, then I’m thrown into the deep end like a zebra and told to swim.”

He sat up and looked at her. “Y-you know they can’t swim; Zebra’s.”

She shrugged. “Not usually, but some can get special training and are pretty good. There’s a zebra in the Everfree you should meet, she went to the lake one year and she swims like a fish. Fast, accurate, and can even slap a mare’s flank under water like…” she bit her lip and looked into space.

“Hey, stop thinking about getting hooved by a stripe! That’s just wrong.”

She came back to the world and looked at him in shock. “That’s a horrible thing to say, and racist. You can’t call a zebra that.”

“The fuck I can’t,” he glared at Lyra. “They’re worthless and better off dead then--” Lyra closed his mouth with magic and moved closer to him with ill intent in her eyes.

He tried to back away but her magical hold was on the space his muzzle was, not on his body. “When I let your naughty muzzle go, you’re going to apologize to me for saying that. Then,” her eyes seemed to literally darken, “you’re going to apologize to Zecora when you meet her. Do I make myself clear?”

He couldn’t stop nodding while looking into her eyes. When she let him go he apologized, backing up until he was sitting on the pillow. “What the…”

“That’s just something I learned dealing with my marefriend,” Lyra said with a twist of her head to send her mane over her back.

“Is she some kind of eldrich abomination that you have to tame?” He asked, she whispered something he couldn’t hear, but she was smiling when she looked at him again.

“Anyway, it sounds like parents are a touchy and slappy subject for you; so who’s watching you?”

He climbed from the pillow and lay on the bed, still guarded. “Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, to a lesser extent Sweetie Belle, then at the bottom is a puddle of pee, then I guess Rarity, since I have to be back.”

She nodded. “Great, so let’s get you back to her so she and I can have a talk. Can you walk with me, or should I carry you with your muzzle zipped shut and legs bound until you’re in her magic again?”

Lyra walked into the room and greeted Rarity, who was shocked and took Snickers from Lyra’s magic and set him on the floor. Snickers and Lyra moved to Sweetie’s side while two nurses and a doctor stood before Rarity, who was apologizing for spanking a nurse and throwing her into the hallway.

“-can’t apologize enough. Should you ever need anything, I’ll create you an ensamble for 40% off. Please, can you forgive me for acting so rashly?”

The doctor looked at his nurse, who was flanked by another nurse as a witness. She spanked nurse glared at Rarity. “I want those shoes, then we’re even.”

“Wha-?! But-”

“That way she can’t hurt anypony else while here,” the nurse justified her statement and looked back to Rarity, who was flabberghasted and stuttering. Finally she frowned.

“Fine, if that’s the way you wish to play the game, then you may have them, but my offer is recinded if you go through with this.”

The nurse smirked. “I’ll take the loss, hoof ‘em over.”

“Doctor, can’t we work something else out?” Rarity whined.

“No, the punishment fits the crime. My nurse has a mark from your shoe on her haunch, it’s reasonable she takes your weapon away.”

Rarity whimpered, whined, then slid her shoes off and kicked them one by one to the nurse. “There, I hope you’re happy,” she pouted.

The nurse kicked one gently and gasped. She stepped onto one and the put her weight on her leg with a sigh. The rest were on her hooves and she bounced in place. “Wow, these are amazing. Too bad you had to wear such amazing shoes and then abuse my poor back side with them, huh?”

Rarity took a threatening step toward the other mare, but was stopped by the doctor’s foreleg between them. “Mares, let’s not act rashly over shoes. Nurses, please leave. Miss Rarity, please stay and think about what you did.”

Rarity stomped each of her hooves in frustration while the staff left, the nurse wearing her shoes began bragging about them before she left. The doctor turned back. “And please, remember you have foals in the room, so don’t act so petulantly.”

He shut the door with his magic, leaving an angry and sad Rarity behind him. Snickers moved closer to her, then remembered everything that had happened earlier in the day from having soap for lunch to having ice put somewhere it shouldn’t have been. He didn’t know how, but he blamed Rarity for it all.

Lyra noticed him moving, then his face turn to anger, so she stepped up to Rarity to comfort her. Sweetie looked down at Snickers, turning slowly. “So, feel better?” she asked casually.

“No, I’d rather go back to sleep and wake up where I was than be here for another minute.”

“Heh, I know what you mean. Sometimes dreaming is better than real life, but you’ve gotta wake up sometime, right?”

Their eyes met and he sighed in defeat. “What happened to me? Why’d all that happen? Show me such great things and then take them away?”

Lyra’s legs stopped in his periphial vision and he looked at her. “Harmony does exactly that, Snickers. It’s not going to torture you with good dreams and happy feelings; Harmony shows you what is possible if you accept it into your heart, just like everypony else has.”

“This sounds like a cultist religion,” Snickers replied.

“Well, it is technically a religion. We don’t have objects to worship or prayers to make… it’s more of a spiritual belief. There’s no one being or object that makes up Harmony, it just is. And when you become with it, it shows you what will bring you the best there is to complete yourself,” she looked at Rarity. “Does that make sense?”

“Hm, you’re quite on point, mostly. Snickers, what happened may seem like a terrible joke played on you, but like Lyra said, it only showed you what you needed to do to be happy with yourself. Is there anything I can do to help you understand?”

He nearly called her ‘mom’, clenching his teeth before it happened. “No, I need to think about this a bit, okay?”

“Of course.”
“Yeah,” Sweetie chimed in when her sister agreed.

Lyra tapped her hoof on her chin. “Snickers, I have a group I host you may like to join. Rarity, would he be a good candidate, do you think?”

Rarity looked at her, then memory sparked. “Oh, yes! I believe so, you should tell him.”

“Snickers, I host a group called “Love Thyself.” I got the idea when Princess Luna came to Ponyville’s Nightmare Night and wasn’t very happy with herself or her past. I believe you’d do great with us, won’t you come with me?”

He barely smirked at the opportunity to make a joke. “I dunno, maybe. Do I have to answer now?” he asked Rarity who was looked nonplussed.

“No jokes or innuendoes about what she said?” Rarity pointed at Lyra, who took a step away in defense.

“No, this’ more important that some stupid joke. This’ my life, okay?”

“Okay, darling. I apologize, I was only expecting what you’re shown me throughout the day. I can hardly be blamed for following the example you’ve set.”

He opened his mouth, stopped, then smiled. “Good point. Lyra, was it?”


He held his hoof up to bump. “Nice to meet you, I’ll be in touch about cumming with you.”

Rarity face hoofed and Sweetie giggled at Rarity. “Aren’t you glad you took the shoes off, sis?”

“Certainly, dear.”