• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,425 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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The Galloping Gala

A few days had passed and it was finally time for the gala, it was late in the afternoon as all the guests had begun to gather. The royal guard was on duty both inside and outside of the castle keeping every pony safe. Inside the ballroom Twilight, Spike, and Kibitz stood at the entrance greeting the guests as they came in. Twilight was excited but also made sure not to let on that the highlight of the gala was introducing Luna, who stayed out of sight until the right time. Sunset entered the gala alongside Wallflower and another pony journalist,

“Hey Twi, looks like every pony managed to show up this year.” she said. Twilight eagerly smiled and looked around the ballroom answering,

“Almost every pony is here, Kibitz says there are only a few more guests left to arrive. Once they’re here we can finally get things started.” she said. Wallflower stepped towards Twilight,

“Thanks for inviting me this year Twilight, Princess Celestia usually doesn’t invite the press to this event. I’ll do my best to get some good pictures for the paper. Plus I brought Page Turner like Sunset asked, he’s one of the best journalists the Canterlot Times has.” Wallflower said. Twilight and Sunset looked at one another smiling,

“Trust me Wallflower, this is going to be one of the best Gala events in Equestria for years to come. Now why don’t you help yourself to some of the party’s refreshments.” Twilight said pointing towards the table where the food was at. Wallflower and Page Turner smiled and walked in excitedly, Sunset giggled and followed them shortly after.

“Oh Twilight! So good to see you darling.” a voice called out, Twilight turned to look and saw Rarity and Sweetie entering the together. Rarity was dressed in a pink dress with yellow and purple trimmings, Sweetie was in a simpler pink dress and white dress. Spike immediately walked up to greet Sweetie complementing her on her dress.

“Hi Rarity, I’m glad you and your sister could make it.” Twilight said with a smile,

“Oh we wouldn’t miss this for the world Twilight dear, I do apologize for getting here so late though. Sweetie Belle’s dress took a tad longer than expected to get ready.” Rarity replied.

“Well I hope you have fun meeting all the ponies here Rarity, and I hope Sweetie has fun as well.” Twilight added.

“I promise that Sweetie and I will be on our best behavior darling, after all I hope you’ll invite us again next year. I also must admit I am looking forward to meeting some of Canterlot’s elite, especially Prince Blueblood, I’ve heard so many stories about him.” Rarity looked at Twilight as she finished talking and noticed the slightly annoyed look on her face, she held her hoof up and shook it saying to Rarity.

“Trust me on this one Rarity, you really don’t want to meet him...” Rarity wasn’t quite sure what Twilight meant, but was quickly distracted as Sweetie and Spike rushed off into the party. Rarity chased after Sweetie shouting for her not to run as she did. Twilight looked at Kibitz eagerly,

“How many more guests are left on the list Kibitz?” she asked, he turned and smiled at Twilight showing her the checklist he had.

“I believe Ms. Rarity and her sister are the last of the guests Ma’am.” he said. Twilight danced in place for a moment excited,

“Okay, I’m gonna go get Mom and tell her everything is all set.” she said before walking off. Celestia was at the back of the ballroom talking to some of the guests when Twilight approached her,

“Oh Twilight, is there something I can help you with dear?” she asked,

Twilight answered. “Kibitz says every pony on the guest list is here now, so I think its safe to say we can start tonight’s festivities.” Celestia smiled knowing what Twilight was really talking about, she looked at the nobles she was speaking with and excused herself and headed towards the stage at the back of the room with Twilight.

“Alright Twilight, I’ll get started on the introduction. You go get Cadence and Luna okay?” she whispered, Twilight nodded and walked to the backroom behind the stage. She pushed her way through the curtains and found Cadence making some last second adjustments to Luna’s mane and dress.

The two noticed Twilight approach and Cadence spoke up, “Is it finally time?” Twilight nodded.

“Mom’s giving her introduction on the stage right now.” she replied, she handed Luna a small stack of index cards from her pocket.

“I got everything that you’ll need to say written down, all the stuff you did with Mom, and the things you did for Equestria, with no mention of Nightmare Moon of course.” Twilight explained, Luna looked over the cards for a moment a nervous look on her face.

“Is this what you spent so much time in the library on, and why you asked me so many questions the other day?” she asked. Twilight eagerly nodded,

“Just make sure to read the cards all you’ll do great. No pony could possibly hate you after tonight I promise.” Luna smiled looking at Twilight and Cadence,

Shining walked backstage and whispered to the three of them. “Hey, Mom’s speech is about to wrap up.” Twilight and Cadence looked at Luna, she took a deep breath calming herself.

“Okay Luna, you can do this...just no Canterlot voice, just read the cards.” she thought as she walked out onto the stage.

“...and so it is with my great pleasure to formally introduce you all to my beloved little sister, Princess Luna.” Celestia said as Luna walked onto the stage. She walked over beside Celestia, a few ponies could be heard clapping as she reached the end of the stage.

Celestia gave her sister a hug and whispered to her, “Good luck.” Luna smiled and faced the ponies in the ballroom, she looked down at the cards Twilight had given her and began to read them aloud.

“Mares and Gentlecoats, I am Princess Luna, the Princess of the night...” she slowly stopped reading the cards and looked towards her audience, they watched her intently waiting to hear what she had to say. Luna looked back at Twilight’s cards, she closed her eyes and took another deep breath. She turned to Celestia and handed her the cards,

Twilight watched from backstage and whispered loudly. “What is she doing?! She’s supposed to read the cards!” Twilight went to rush on stage but Cadence and Shining stopped her,

“Twilight, calm down! Let her talk!” Cadence whispered back. Luna looked towards the audience again,

“Please, allow me to start over. Mares and Gentlecolts...I am Princess Luna, daughter of Gaia Elm and Iron Heart, sister to Princess Celestia. And for a time...I was Nightmare Moon...” she said, the audience began to whisper among themselves as Luna paused in her speech.

“I am here tonight to tell you all that the rumors you have heard are in fact true as well. A thousand years ago I let my anger, my jealousy, and pride consume me. I attacked the good ponies of Equestria and was banished by my sister for my actions, and more recently I attacked both my sister and her family during the Summer Sun festival, destroying much of the Canterlot castle as well. But I am not here to ask for forgiveness, nor will I ask any pony to forget what I have done. One must take responsibility for their actions and that is what am I here to do today. To admit I was wrong, I made poor decisions and I hurt those closest to me in ways I will never forget. My only true request here tonight is, that I be given a chance, a chance to prove I’ve changed, to prove I can be better, and most importantly that I can still be a part of my family.” Luna closed her eyes and hung her head slightly, a hush fell over the room for a moment. When suddenly the sound of a single pony clapping broke the silence, then another, Luna looked up and soon saw the entire room was applauding her. Luna was genuinely surprised, she looked at Celestia and saw her smiling back, she looked over her shoulder to see her nieces and nephew watching as well but not a one was clapping which meant the applause she was getting was from the ponies in the room approving of her and her alone.

Luna looked back towards the crowd she wiped her eyes to keep herself from crying and said with a smile. “Thank you...all of you.”

The next hour of the party consisted of Luna meeting the different nobles at the party, as well as getting a brief interview from Page Turner and her picture taken by Wallflower. Eventually Luna found herself talking to Fancypants and Fleur De Liss, Twilight and Cadence alongside her.

“I must say, I did find it quite the surprise when I learned that Princess Celestia had a sister. Up til now I would’ve never believed she had any blood relatives at all.” Fancypants exclaimed,

“Well, my sister had good reason to keep it a secret of course. I assure you she meant no offense to any pony.” Luna replied,

“Oh of course not, Princess Celestia has been one of the most fair and noble pony's in all of Equestria. I’m sure it won’t take you very long to convince every pony that it runs in the family Princess Luna.” Fleur added, Fancypants agreed and the group all chuckled together.

“Well, it was an absolute pleasure to meet you Princess Luna, and I do hope we can meet again soon. But Fleur and I must get back to the party you understand, but please if you’re ever in need of any help do not even think to hesitate to ask for either of us.” Fancypants said,

Luna smiled and replied. “You have my word, I will certainly be sure to ask for your help should I need it.” Fancypants and Fleur both gave a polite bow, which Luna returned before the two walked away. Twilight walked up alongside Luna,

“This is going really well.” she said, Luna nodded in agreement but then Cadence let out an annoyed groan. Twilight and Luna looked back at her puzzled,

“Is something wrong Cadence?” Luna asked,

Cadence pointed ahead and replied. “There will be in a moment...” Twilight and Luna looked at where she was pointing and Twilight immediately noticed Blueblood approaching, she rolled her eyes annoyed knowing he had even come to the party.

“Princess Luna, such a pleasure to meet you. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Prince Blueblood, esteemed noble pony and Princess Celestia’s nephew.” he said offering to shake her hoof, Luna shook his hoof but was also a little puzzled.

“You’re related to my sister? I was unaware.” she answered,

Cadence quickly explained the annoyance in her voice obvious, “He’s only related in name, he isn’t actually a blood relative.” Luna looked back at Blueblood who cleared his voice and greeted Cadence,

“Um...hi Blueblood, its bee a while.” Twilight spoke up, trying to be civil. Blueblood looked at Twilight for a moment then continued to talk to Luna bragging about his family and himself, Luna looked back at Twilight not paying attention to Blueblood before interrupting him.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you Blueblood, but why did you not greet Twilight like Cadence? Is she not your kin as well?” she asked, he glanced at Cadence who he could see staring daggers back at him. He knew he’d have to choose his words carefully or incur Cadence’s wrath.

“Ahem, well you see Princess Luna. ‘Twilight’ and her brothers were adopted by Princess Celestia, they actually don’t have a direct connection to the royal family.” he explained, Cadence’s face started to turn red with anger.

“I see...” Luna spoke up, Cadence and Twilight looked at her surprised, Blueblood sighed with relief.

“Oh I’m so glad you understand, some ponies in our family don’t understand what it means to be of the upper class in Equestria and...” Luna quickly interrupted Blueblood again, lifting her chin as to look down on him as she spoke.

“And you believe this gives you the right to talk down to her I take it?” she asked,

Blueblood stood confused, “What?”

Luna continued to speak, a few of the party guests turning their attention to her as she did. “Allow me to explain, ‘Prince Blueblood’. When I ruled Equestria with my sister a thousand years ago, being among the nobility was about more than just one’s bloodline or who they were related to. Being a Noble in Canterlot was an aspiration, a goal for one to achieve, and more importantly an example to set for all pony’s regardless of their class. Plus having such status was a constant challenge, a goal to maintain and continue to strive for. Furthermore the belittling of others was often frowned upon by all Equestrian Nobility. In other words, my niece Twilight is far more a noble than you and you would be fortunate to even have so much as a hoof full of the class that she possesses.” Luna said, Blueblood stood silent as the all the ponies around them began to applaud Luna for her choice of words,

She turned to look at Cadence then Twilight and spoke up. “Cadence, Twilight, come. I believe I’ve spent enough time with my ‘nephew’ for one evening...” Luna walked away her head held high intentionally looking down on Blueblood who slowly shirked in embarrassment. Luna made her way to the balcony just outside the ballroom, Twilight and Cadence walked up beside her.

“Umm...thank you for that.” Twilight said a smile on her face, Luna smiled and hugged Twilight close.

“No need to thank me Twilight, I’ve been putting nobles like him in their place for years. I must admit, it never gets old either.” she said, suddenly Cadence burst out laughing as loud as she could tears forming in her eyes. Twilight and Luna looked at her surprised,

“Oh...Aunt Luna, you just became my new favorite relative.” she said between her laughs. A moment passed and Celestia walked out onto the balcony,

“Come to watch the sunset Luna?” she asked. Luna looked at the evening sky,

“Oh? I hadn’t even realized it was that time of day actually.” she replied, Celestia sat down next to Luna and looked up her horn glowing with magic. Slowly the sun set into the horizon,

“Well, I guess it’s my turn...” Luna said, the others looked at her surprised,

“Are you sure? I don’t want you to overexert yourself Luna.” Celestia asked, Luna smiled and nodded before standing up and closing her eyes her horn glowing a dark blue color. Twilight and Cadence watched as Luna’s face tensed up a small bead of sweat on her face, they looked to see the moon slowly start to rise. As the moon rose Luna’s tail and mane began to glow a bright white, and slowly change shape becoming longer and more ethereal. When the moon finally reached the top of the sky the white glow of Luna’s hair lifted off her scattering like tiny stars to reveal a gorgeous blue flowing mane and tail. Twilight and Cadence stared in awe, Luna sat down taking a deep relaxing breath.

“Wow...” Twilight spoke up, “Is that what you’re supposed to look like?” she asked, Cadence looked at Luna with a smile.

“You’re tail and mane are so beautiful.” Cadence added, Luna blushed a little embarrassed by their comments. The four sat together looking at the stars and moon before they heard a voice from behind,

“Twi, you gotta come see this!” they all turned to see Sunset standing by the doorway. She looked at Cadence confused before following Sunset, the others following.

“See what?” Twilight asked as Sunset brought her back into the ballroom, a gentle song was being played by the musicians as ponies were dancing slowly along the dance floor. Sunset stopped beside Rarity, and quickly pointed towards the dance floor. Twilight and Cadence looked and saw what Sunset was pointing at. There among all the adult ponies dancing they could see Spike dancing with Sweetie Belle. Celestia and Luna smiled, while Cadence gasped with glee,

“Oh, that is so adorable.” Twilight said, Rarity looked over and agreed.

“I know, aren’t they so precious together?” she asked.

Twilight stopped for a moment and thought, “But where did Spike learn to slow dance though?” she asked.

“Hmm...I wonder where?” a voice spoke up from behind, Twilight and Cadence turned to see Shining standing behind them a confident grin on his face.

“You? Really? You expect me to believe that?” Twilight replied,

Shining smiled and responded. “Guess I’ll have to prove it then...” he held out his hoof to Cadence, who smiled and put her hoof on his and walked onto the dance floor with Shining.

“You know, this is probably one of the best ways to end the night.” she whispered,

Shining smiled and answered. “I knew you’d say that.”

Author's Note:

Long chapter but a good way to end Luna's readjustment. Not to mention it's always entertaining making Blueblood looks like an a**. Also because I've been getting the occasional message asking me decided to throw in a quick little teaser of things to come.

1.Luna's readjustment (just finished)
2. Discord
3. Nightmare Force
4. Vacation/Changeling
5. Storm King
6. Sombra/ Crystal Empire
7. Tirek
8. Starlight Glimmer
9. and up? Not really sure which order I'll use the remaining villains/arcs after that, I'll probably end up playing it by ear at that point. But at the moment this the general idea I have for the story since I'm getting so many questions about what's next.

Well that's for anyone who's curious, sry if some of the writing was in gibberish btw. I was falling asleep near the end of writing this chapter.

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