• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,425 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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Metal Gear Sweetie Belle

Cadence stood in shock, the sudden revelation of the entire resort being changelings was the last thing any pony could have expected after all. Chrysalis stood watching with a smile and then she pointed and announced to her minions,

“Get her!!!” The changelings leapt at Cadence who instantly threw up a barrier shielding her and Sweetie Belle, the changelings all dog piled onto the barrier beating against it with their feet over and over. Sweetie clung to Cadence’s neck her eyes shut tight, face buried in the back of Cadence’s neck.

“Cadence!!! What do we do!? I’m scared!” she whimpered. Cadence tried to keep up her barrier but there were so many Changelings she was using way more magic than normal to maintain this barrier and with all of them beating against it she wouldn’t be able to keep it up for long. The sound of Chrysalis laughing while watching only made Cadence more fearful, she had to get away and find some place safe for Sweetie. Cadence’s barrier began to crack from the constant attacks, small chips and holes beginning to appear across it. Cadence shut her eyes and focused the best she could her horn glowing a bright blue and in a sudden bright flash of light that briefly blinded the changelings around her. When Chrysalis looked back Cadence and Sweetie were both gone, Cadence having escaped with the use of a teleport spell.

Chrysalis’ rage was swift and sudden as she shouted at her minions, “WHERE IS SHE!?! Don’t just stand there, find her!!! She couldn’t have gotten far!” Every changeling scattered rushing to search for the missing princess and filly,

“OCELLUS!!” Chrysalis shouted. A single small changeling stopping and looking back at her afraid, the Queen stomped towards her and leaned down towards her.

“This was your FAULT! I gave you one chance to be part of the invasion force, and you couldn’t even get a simple name right! Go to the cavern this instant! Watch the prisoners with Thorax and try not to screw this up, understood!?” she shouted. Ocellus timidly nodded and then scurried off before her queen could yell at her more.

“I won’t be denied this victory...I don’t know why HE told me the royal family would be here, but I’m not wasting this opportunity.” Chrysalis thought as she stormed away.

Sweetie slowly opened her eyes and noticed they were back in their hut, Cadence was collapsed on the floor beneath her exhausted.

“Oh my gosh! Cadence! Are you alright?” Sweetie said hopping off Cadence and walking around to face her.

Cadence lifted her head a bit and smiled, “Yeah...I just used a little too much magic is all, just need to catch my breath...that barrier and teleport combo took a lot out of me. Not sure how Twilight makes it look so easy…” Cadence said before resting her head down on the floor. Sweetie quickly scurried around the room getting a pillow and blanket for Cadence to help her better rest.

“What do we do now? Those bug things are everywhere, and we still don’t know where every pony else is!” Sweetie said. Cadence wasn’t sure what she should say right now, she knew the changelings were likely holding her family and the resort staff nearby but she didn’t know the first place to look. Worse yet she was worn out and needed time to recover which was dangerous right now given that the changelings were actively looking for them.

“Just give me a few seconds Sweetie, and then we’ll go look for...help...alright?…” Cadence closed her eyes and drifted off. Sweetie tried to wake her but it was no good, Cadence was too tired now. Sweetie wasn’t sure what to do, she was just a filly after all and she had no idea what to do right now. But getting help was a priority and she needed to find some way to keep Cadence safe if only for a little while.

“Stay here and rest Cadence, I’ll go look for Twilight and Spike, or any pony who can help us!” she said as she stood confidently.

Sweetie crept out of the hut she turned moved a few nearby pieces of furniture in front of the door hoping that maybe it would keep Cadence safer for a little while longer at least. Sweetie quickly got away from the huts and hid in the brush of the resort, she continued to look around checking for changelings, everywhere in the resort they were changelings now, scurrying about and constantly searching. Sweetie was scared, she kept wondering whether she should go back and wait for Cadence after all. But her mind thinking about Spike and the others, sacred as she was she knew that she had to find them all first then she could go back for Cadence she thought. Sweetie moved through the brush hopping from bush to bush trying to find some sign of her missing friends. Sweetie found herself nearby the main building hiding in a bush beneath one of the trees there, she looked about and saw two changelings near the entrance talking to one another.

“Any sign of them?” one asked, the other shook his head.

“Nothing, how much longer do you think this is gonna take anyway?” he asked. The first changeling grit his teeth in annoyance before answering,

“It’s all Ocellus’ fault, all she had to do was just get a name right! Now we gotta search all over this stupid place to find that last alicorn.” the two changelings stood angrily glaring at the thought of the mistake Ocellus had made.

“At least she’s at the cavern standing guard now, no way she or Thorax can screw that up. Come on, let’s check the next area already. Sooner were done, the better.” Sweetie’s eyes widened at the mention of a cavern and wondered if that’s where they were keeping every pony. But where was the “cavern” at she thought? Sweetie tried to think of all the places that were at the resort, she had looked over the map a lot with Twilight while they were on their way here. She remembered a waterfall and spring not far from the where she was now, it was a long shot she thought but maybe that’s where the cavern was at? Being behind a waterfall would obstruct ponies from seeing anything and the sound of the falls would help as well. Once the two changelings left Sweetie moved through the bushes keeping low hoping she’d make it to where she needed to go. When she finally got to the waterfall she didn’t see any changelings nearby, but she had a feeling that there were some nearby watching. Worse yet, the area around the waterfall and spring was fairly exposed she wouldn’t have the option of creeping through the bushes now. Taking one last look around the area making sure there were no guards before finally walking out of the bushes. Sweetie wasted no time and rushed to the water just as she was about to reach the waters edge she heard a voice shouting. “Hey!” Sweetie turned to see a single Changeling land close to her.

“What are you doing here?” he asked, a small hint of timidity behind his voice though. Sweetie began to panic and think of a way out of this, but then she remembered the changelings before mentioning a name. She suddenly stood upright, closed her eyes and snapped back angrily,

“SHUT UP THORAX!” When she opened her eyes the changeling in front of her was completely recoiling in response to her raised voice. It almost left her dumbstruck that it worked, but she didn’t waste time and followed through.

“I’m in disguise right now! And the Queen told me to come check on the prisoners! And how come you’re not in disguise?!” Sweetie shouted. Thorax recoiled more his expression turning even more nervous as he swallowed the lump in his throat,

“I’m sorry, I forgot is all.” he said before changing to a random pony with a flick of his magic. Sweetie glared angrily back at Thorax keeping up her act, she was so glad this changeling had no backbone right now. She angrily pointed away from where they were standing and shouted at him again,

"Now go stand guard idiot! I’ve got work to do!” Thorax nodded and quickly trot off, once he was out of sight Sweetie almost collapsed letting out a deep, deep sigh of relief. Her heart was racing right now and she couldn’t believe she’d just acted her way out of all that just now. She turned back towards the waterfall and put up a small barrier above her head walking through the water, when she opened her eyes back up she was awe struck to see there was a cave behind the waterfall! Scrunching her face and making a small light from her horn she continued onward hoping there were no more changelings ahead. As Sweetie walked deeper into the cavern she noticed an eerie green lit chamber ahead, she rushed over and hid behind a nearby rock and cautiously peeking over she saw a room full of green cocoons each one containing a sleeping pony. Sweetie kept looking around the cavern, there must have been at least a hundred ponies in here she thought way more than just the resort staff. She recognized a few of the ponies as members of the resort staff, Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Indigo Zap, then in the center cluster of the room she saw Spike! And Twilight! She smiled at the thought that she’d found them! Now she just had to get back to Cadence...

Author's Note:

So before anyone asks about the chapters Title, I couldn't think of anything better and just went with something funny. It also seemed appropriate given the chapter focuses on Sweetie Belle. This one took a while to come up with though, I did get some help from friends though and now I have a better idea of what to do next chapter too. Hope you guys like the update, and look forward to the next chapter.

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