• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,425 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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Midnight Reign

Midnight Sparkle stood smiling back at Luna and her family, they all looked back at her unsure of what was coming next.

Midnight’s horn began to glow, “Well now, shall we take it from the top?” Twilight’s family rushed to fight.

“Just do like we did with Rarity! We just have to separate the two of them again!" Sunset shouted as she rushed in first, she swung her hoof to try and punch her but was stopped just shy by a barrier. Sunset gasped in shock as Midnight smiled back, Shining leaped through the air and swung his axe trying to attack only for Midnight to move away with a single flap of her wings. Once in the air Luna and Cadence unleashed combined blasts of magic at her the blasts stopped just just before hitting her again but this time they gathered together and were merged into a single attack now under Midnight’s control.

“You would not believe the power this one has, I’m so glad you brought her Luna. She’s a much better host than you ever were.” Midnight taunted before pouring her dark magic into the ball of magic before her increasing its size to double what it was. Luna watched in horror at how much stronger this monster had made Twilight, then Midnight raised her wings and threw her attack at them. Luna and Cadence raised a barrier as strong as they could muster to try and block the attack but it was easily shattered the attack colliding with the two alicorns and knocking them down. Sunset, Spike, and Shining charged at Midnight who almost mockingly landed in front of them. Shining swung his axe but missed Midnight then countered kicking him in the side and knocking him away as if he were made of paper. Next Sunset charged in trying to tackle Midnight, but when she collided with her Sunset was shocked to see that her opponent didn’t even flinch. Midnight smiled and then grabbed Sunset with her wings throwing her behind her and onto the ground with a colossal thud. Then Spike unleashed the full force of his fire engulfing Midnight in his flames hoping that it would weaken her enough to free Twilight.

But then he felt a hoof tap his shoulder he held his breath and then heard Midnight whisper in his ear, “Not good enough little dragon...” Then in a flash she struck Spike with her hoof knocking him senseless and onto the ground. Midnight stood looking at how easily she was able to defeat the House of Sun with Twilight as its host now. She turned to leave only to have a mass of blue chains erupt from every direction and restrain her, holding her in place.

“Really? This old trick?” Midnight groaned as she turned to see Luna standing her horn glowing with magic. Luna cast another spell and Midnight felt a tug inside her, Luna was trying to split the Nightmare creature from Twilight.

“Nice try Princess, but she allowed me take control of her willingly to save her friend. It’ll take more than you to break the hold I have on her now!” she said before spreading her wings and shattering Luna’s spell, she charged and tackled Luna slamming her into a wall, Luna screamed from the pain of the hit.

“How is she this strong? How much power was Twilight hiding?!” Luna thought.

Midnight then began to cast another spell, “I’ll be going now...and you, you’ll stay right here.” Midnight said. A small red rune appeared on Luna’s chest and Midnight released her, she dropped to the ground her body gone limp from the force of Midnight’s previous attack. Luna tried to stand, she tried to cast a spell and stop her but as she looked up dark magics and shadows enveloped Midnight Sparkle and in the blink of an eye she was gone.

“No! Tia, don’t let her escape! Please...” Luna begged.

Celestia looked out the window at Canterlot, Rarity and the rest of her family sleeping peacefully around her. Then the air suddenly began to turn cold, Celestia looked around before realizing that the dark magics pouring out of Twilight’s sleeping body were the cause.

“No! That can’t be...” she said, Celestia rushed over and begin to cast as many spells as she could to try and contain the dark magics out of her daughter. Despite everything she tried nothing worked and soon a massive burst of shadows erupted from Twilight and she changed into Midnight Sparkle right before Celestia’s eyes. Midnight softly landed on the bed and smiled back at Celestia.

“Princess Celestia...so nice to finally meet you after all this time. I don’t suppose you’d be willing to step aside and let me claim the Canterlot throne would you?” she asked. Celestia’s horn glowed with magic as she prepared to attack,

Midnight rolled her eyes and groaned. “I didn’t think so...besides, its more fun this way...” From outside the castle the tower suddenly exploded Celestia being thrown out into the night sky, she fell a short distance but then quickly recovered turning her attention back to Midnight Sparkle as she emerged from the castle interior with a smile. Celestia glared back and charged into the sky at Midnight Sparkle,

“Release my daughter at once!” she shouted. Celestia crashed against the barrier around Midnight and the two forces of magic began to spark and crack, Celestia pressed her attack trying to push through Midnight’s defenses.

“You might actually give me a better fight than your family did.” Midnight taunted, Celestia’s face turned to shock and the second her concentration shifted Midnight pushed back shattering her attack and blasting her with magic sending Celestia falling to the castle courtyard. The white princess recovered just in time and landed with a thud, then the shadows around her began to shift and from each a black wolf like shadow emerged. Celestia looked around and saw there had to be at least 20 of them, no more a small army almost.

“Now then, let’s get started on my reign of Canterlot shall we?” Midnight shouted from above. Most of the wolves immediately scattered and ran into the city Celestia called out for them to stop but before she could act one pounced onto her back and bit down into her shoulder. Celestia screamed and blasted if off quickly, but another rushed over and grabbed her front leg. Before Celestia knew it they were all over her biting and clawing her, she tried to fight them off with her strength but it was too much the pain was overwhelming as they sank their teeth deeper and deeper into her flesh. Finally Celestia grit her teeth and released a burst of magic in every direction destroying the wolves attacking her. Celestia turned her attention and saw the wolves rampaging in Canterlot, the guards were trying to fight them but the numbers weren’t on their side she thought. Celestia tried to rush to help but as soon as she took a single step Midnight Sparkle came crashing down onto Celestia’s back smashing her into the ground and shaking the courtyard. The she released a massive burst of magic into Celestia's back keeping the blast going for almost a minute before stopping. Midnight stood over Celestia smiling, the princess lying on the ground not moving her body covered in teeth marks and burns from the magic attacks.

“Oh...don’t go to sleep just yet your highness. I have something else planned for you tonight...”

Moondancer rushed through the city streets, Sweetie Belle on her back holding on tight as she ran. The city guards all around fighting the shadow wolves and guiding every pony to the theater.

“What’s going on? Why are there wolves in the city?” Sweetie asked,

Moondancer turned her head to answer but kept her eyes focused on her path, “I don’t know Sweetie, I really don’t, but I promise. I WILL keep you safe, no matter what. I promised Twilight after all.” Moondancer and Sweetie finally made it to the theater the guards had gathered every pony in town at the theater as it was big enough to hold them and a good location to make a stand. Moondancer rushed inside the guards fighting off the shadow wolves that only seemed endless in number. Once inside, Moondancer set Sweetie Belle down and was quickly called out by Wallflower and Juniper who rushed up to her and hugged her tight, glad to see their friend was okay.

“I’m glad the both of you are here, do you have any idea what’s going on? Princess Luna didn’t change back to Nightmare Moon or something did she?” Juniper asked, Wallflower and Moondancer didn’t have an answer though. Then the sound of the fighting outside the theater suddenly seemed to stop, as every pony began to look towards the entrance as a booming voice echoed from the entrance.

“Ponies of Canterlot...” Moondancer gasped, it was distorted but she knew that voice, Twilight?! Moondancer, Sweetie Belle, and her friends rushed to the entrance to see all the guards and Shadow wolves standing apart from one another both sides looking eager to begin fighting again. Then rising from the shadows was a bound and beaten Celestia sitting in the center of the wolf horde, her injuries were fresh and dark shadows held her legs and wings tightly together keeping her from moving. The wolves closest to her growled and snarled at her but not one tried to attack her. Every pony looked in horror at the state their benevolent leader was now in, when suddenly descending from above her was Midnight Sparkle. Moondancer and friends gasped in shock at the sight of her,

“I am Midnight Sparkle...and as you can see, I have beaten the House of Sun and your precious Princesses. Celestia is defeated and Luna remains trapped in the dream realm. As such I now claim all that they once ruled as my own, submit and bow before your new Empress and I will prove a benevolent deity. Oppose me...well, just look at Celestia...that should answer your questions.” Midnight proclaimed, every pony stood afraid but none dared speak up. Between Celestia and the wolves at Midnight’s command it seemed as if there was no chance of defeating her.

“Well? Bow to your EMPRESS, PEONS!!” she shouted aloud her voice becoming almost deafening in volume as she did, then slowly every pony began to kneel out of fear of Midnight Sparkle who simply smiled back her rule now secure.

As every pony began to kneel before Midnight Sparkle’s might, a soft crying was all that echoed through the dark domain. Trapped within it, bound by dark magics and shadow lay Twilight, forced to watch the Nightmare creature unleash its fury from within her own mind and made to watch every second of it. This was Twilight’s fault and she knew it, she only wanted to save Rarity she thought, she only wanted to help her friend, and now her family was trapped, her mother a prisoner. And she knew it was because of her, she had doomed all of Canterlot and she knew it.

Author's Note:

Phew, got this one done quicker than expected.:twilightsmile:
That's part three of the Nightmare Forces arc, really needed to give this one a sense of hopelessness at the end and I think I pulled it off nicely. I'll try and get the next chapter up as soon as I can. Hopefully my job won't be too overwhelming and pokemon won't distract me writing as badly as it has the last few weeks so we'll see how things go. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter and leave me some comments. I always enjoy some positive feedback.:pinkiehappy:

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