• Published 10th Nov 2020
  • 3,627 Views, 98 Comments

Friendship Among Games - RedPegasus

A new challenge will make Sunset return to the place she left behind. Old friends vs new friends, and one new challenger, there can only be one winner. -Sequel to Sunset Among Shadows-

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Let's GO Wordercolts

A very extensive mathematical equation. Sunset Shimmer, or Sunseen, solves it almost without a problem, gaining the approval of the teacher and the surprise of the students.

Rarity, who is among them, is surprised but smiles and starts clapping. The act is soon followed by severa students, and Sunset feels embarrased.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

The History teacher gives the reports to each of the students. Applejack sees hers as an approved note; she feels satisfied, but when turns around she sees Sunseen’s smile that she got a perfect grade. The farm girl doesn’t avoid giving an impression hiss.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

In the chemistry lab, Trixie Lulamon pours a drop on her chemical mixture but in doing so it evaporates and creates a cloud of smoke that leaves her disheveled.

Pinkie, on her part, seems to be having fun pouring as many colored jars as her hand reaches into a container. The result is a gigantic mass of pink foam that grows to cover her completely. Still the pink girl just laughs in amusement. Tough she is more amused when next to her Sunseen uses tweezers to heat a test tube over a mini flame; when the content begins to boil she pours it into a bottle mixing it with another substance, changing color, giving a small sparkling cloud and remaining stable.

Pinkie forms an ‘O’ print, the Chemistry teacher smiles and writes down the good work. Sunset just smiles.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

In literature class, Fluttershy looks away from her book for a moment to see Sunseen who is standing reading aloud from the book in her hands with the other students, and also the teacher, following her reading with their eyes.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

In gymnastics, the students do a few laps around the running track, then a couple of push-ups, and it’s up to the group of girls to play volleyball.

Rainbow is focused on the game, although she can’t help but notice Sunseen who moves around the field quite agilely. A sports band holds her glasses on.

Sunseen runs through her area and hits the ball quite hard even though she looks tired, but continues.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Walking alone through the corridors, Sunseen sees Micro Chips carry a large pile of books in his hands. Making it impossible for him to open the classroom’s door, she rushes to open it for him which Chips thanks with a smile, although somewhat nervous.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

At lunchtime, as the hottie lines up for her and carries her tray, Sunseen notices that she gets the last muffin for dessert. When taking it she hears a worried little voice; turning to her side sees Ditzy Doo, who is sad because there are no more muffins. Sunseen just smiles and doesn’t hesitate to give her the last one, which surprises the blonde but makes her very happy. Sunseen can only laugh at the sight of her.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

While looking for a book in the library, out of the corner of her eye Sunseen sees Bon-Bon sitting at a table. She apparently has a hard time solving a problem; slowly but without embarrassment she approaches, and surprises the caramel-haired girl a bit by sitting next to her. Sunseen begins to help her even though Bon-Bon seems uncomfortable at first, however she soon smiles at her gesture.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

The last bell of the day rings, and some students head home. Not so the Rainbooms, as they go to their practice room with their newest member accompanying them.

“Damn girl,” Rainbow exclaims suddenly. “You’ve been here less than a week and you’ve already earned the whole school!”

The athlete talks to the new girl. It seems like a complaint, but her slightly teasing and friendly tone shows that it isn’t.

Sunseen, by her part, looks at Rainbow somewhat confused. “Umm, earned the school? What do you mean?”

“Ya've mastered all the classes, sugarcube.” Says our well-known farmer girl.

“And you are winning the affection of all.” Adds the fashionista.

“Affection?… I’m just trying to be nice.“ The new girl comments wanting to downplay the situation.

“More than nice you are charming.” The dressmaker confirms again.

“You’ve been helping a lot of people,” adds the animal caretaker. “That’s very kind of you.”

Sunseen looks away, embarrassed and flushed. “I just want everyone to like me. At first, it seemed like they were avoiding me, so… I want to show them that I’m not a bad person.“

That phrase surprises everyone and leaves them in silence. Lowering their heads, the Rainbooms look thoughtful.

Sunseen sees their expressions and concerns. “W-what? What happen? Did… did I say something wrong?“

The girls take a while to answer her.

“No sugarcube, it’s not ya. It’s just …“

They all observe at each other as if they share a single thought. And although it would hurt them to touch the subject again, their new friend had the right to know.

Thus began the story for what seemed like hours, but it will have been only a few minutes. Among all of them they told in a way, as briefly as possible, everything that ‘Anon-a-Miss’ caused and meant for the school. And for themselves.

They decided to omit, for the moment, the true identity of the protagonist of that story. It is better to tell it at another time.

Sunseen didn’t interrupt except to ask an occasional question, to clear her doubts. But at all time she was focused on listening to them, on learning and understand that undoubtedly important event she didn’t experienced.

Rainbow Dash finishes the explanation. “To make it shorter: after a long time, feeling bad, she came and told us we had to leave the matter behind. That holding it back would only do us more harm.”

After all the explanation, they all seem to relax as if each one is shedding a weight.

Sunseen seems thoughtful about the situation. “And her? Your friend… your ex - friend?”

Rarity answers. “She is still at her new school. She made new friends there, and well… “

“She decided to stay, I don’t blame her.” Rainbow Dash finished.

Applejack takes the word. “At least we've been able to fix things. To a large degree.”

There is silence until Pinkie decides to make her happy spirit work for her.

“Well, enough of the sad stuff! We have to cheer up! Let’s play something that encourages us!“

Rainbow perks up. “Yes, I vote for that. Are you sure you don’t want to join Suns?“

“No thanks. I like music, but not to play it.“

Without further drama, the group begins to play with the flamed-haired girl attentively enjoying their songs.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

The school is almost empty, but although classes are over the principal’s work is still active.

Celestia keeps busy in her office like she couldn’t be otherwise: checking, signing, reviewing and filling out forms. Maintaining order, or whatever is within her ability, of the school.

She hears a knock at her door. Before she could answer, it opens. It cannot be other than her younger sister and viceprincipal, who leaves some documents on the desk that the older one takes and reviews.

“Here I have ready the loan forms to the bank. If everything goes well, we will finish the payments before the end of the year. “

“Well, let’s pray that another magical being don’t show up to destroy our school.” Her voice is a bit sarcastic but at the same time quite serious. She keeps the newly received papers in her desk drawer.

There is silence between the two sisters. Celestia notices that Luna is looking at her, a shadow of curiosity in her eyes.

“Alright, anything else you want to tell me?”

“Well, I know you don’t want to touch on these topics but…” Luna pauses for a little, which leaves the older sister quite interested in whatever subject they are going to talk about. “The Friendship Games, sister.”

She says that simply, and Celestia is slightly surprised but at the moment lowers her head with some sadness.

“It is a tradition that we have maintained since you became the principal.” Something reminiscent of the younger sister. “And I’m sure Crystal Preparatory is already getting ready.”

Celestia remains silent, not looking at her sister. She just sighs.

The younger sister keeps talking. “I know. We haven’t gone through the best moments, but we had left it behind us sister. The school is fine now. “

Celestia takes a moment to catch her breath before speaking. “I know that.”

There is silence for a moment. Celestia finally looks at her younger sister. “Tell me Luna, do you think it’s okay? The Friendship Games, I… wanted to do something in order to bring the students together, to create bonds between our school and Crystal Prep. We all know how it has worked so far. “

“You can’t blame yourself for that.” Declares Luna. “Everyone knows that Crystal Prep is not a ‘friendly’ school.” She makes a quotation mark with her fingers on the last word.

Celestia stifles a sigh. “I know, but it’s just… Urgh, the Friendship Games always end up being an unpleasant competition; it completely fails in the spirit I try to give. Students are always depressed, and I don’t want to see school like this again.“

The younger sister takes the older sister’s shoulder with her hand, a way of supporting her.

“I understand you, sister. I don’t want that either.” Luna walks away from her and lets out a light sigh. “I know that you always do the best you can for this school, that’s why you are the principal. No matter what you decide, I know it will be the right thing to do.“

There is no more conversation, both sisters only look at each other in silence for a moment, until the youngest decides to withdraw leaving the older one alone with her thoughts.

Celestia sighs, turns her chair, and looks out the window. And it is then she distinguishes in the statue of the school the most unique and colorful group of her students. In every sense of the word.

The Rainbooms chat with each other animatedly, they looks happy. Even the newest member laughs as she talks to them.

Celestia’s heart falls softly at the sight of them. She feels her breath soften and her shoulders drop slightly.

The image of those girls, to her mind come the bitter memories of a very short time ago where they were perhaps the most hurt and withdrawn.

Now, they are almost as radiant as they always have been.

It felt like an eternity to look at them, but only a few minutes later they all said their goodbyes and parted ways. Even so, they still looked happy and radiant.

The principal stands up.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Celestia decides to go down and approach the statue of the steed. A majestic creature that was always been strong, always firm, always with its forehead high.

In this powerful creature, Celestia saw her entire life reflected. Her student days, her younger sister’s bitter nightmare, the so warm reunion with her, and her students throughout her life as a teacher and principal.

The last memory of hers, a memory that made her enraged, clenching her fists until almost cutting off her circulation. She saw herself falling into depression, plunging into a dark well with nothing but tears, and alcohol.

Such a memory made Celestia feel sick, she held her stomach and for a moment thought she was going to throw up. But she looks up the statue again.

The steed, the powerful representative of the the school’s spirit.

Her cherry eyes erased that soft countenance usually attributed to her, replaced by determination – by decision. Celestia knew what to do.

“But I’m going to need help.”

~ Friendship Among Games ~

The next day.

Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack were surprised to find themselves all being called to the principal’s office.

With everyone gathered, Celestia spent a minute with her fingers interlocked, her head lowered, and her eyes closed.

Apparently she ponders what she wants to say.

“I thank you for coming.” Begins to say the woman with the aurora hair. “And I apologize for calling you so rudely.”

The friends are silent for a moment, Applejack is the first to speak.

“No problem, Principal Celestia.” Says the young farm girl, although uncertainly.

An insecurity that accompanies the rest.

“Yeah, um… what did you call us for, Ma'am?” The athlete asks the question that everyone is thinking about.

Celestia allows herself a deep breath, which she lets out through her nose. “I need your help.”

That is quite surprising for the young women.

“You should know that the date of the Friendship Games is approaching. The event that unites Canterlot High School and Crystal Preparatory every four years.”

The girls’ surprise and bewilderment is slowly replaced by what looks like pity, mixed with annoyance.

Applejack is the first to speak again. “Honestly, we'd almost forgotten 'bout it.”

“I do remember!” Announce the party planner. “Because I wrote it down on the calendar of school events and parties!”

That said, she shows a calendar that has each day marked with various colored crayons or fibrons.

“Why is everything marked?” Asks the Rainbow haired girl, straying from the topic at hand for a moment. “We don’t have many events.”

“Most are free spaces for possible surprise events.” Explains the pinkiest girl in the group. “Like the Marmot’s Open Season. Or the search for the school’s old lost treasure!“

Rarity chooses to ignore the comments from the pink member of the group and turns her attention back to the principal.

“Principal Celestia, you will forgive the question. Why exactly do you need our help?“

Once again, Celestia needs to think for a few seconds before speaking. She then stands up to get a better look at her students.

“The Friendship Games are an event to promote unity and good ties between schools. But I’m aware the spirit of the school has declined a lot lately. “

“That’s not enough to say…” The athlete girl speaks with a soft, low voice complaint.

“But I want to change that,” Celestia continues. “I want the school to shine again, that these games can restore the spirit it once had.” The woman’s gaze falls into regret. “But I can’t do it myself… that’s why I need you girls.”

Again, surprise and bewilderment on the part of all the girls.

“If anyone can bring the spirit of friendship back to the school, it’s the five of you.”

The principal takes the shoulders of Rainbow and Applejack, who were closest to her.

The latter seems to be very undecided. “Principal Celestia… Ah don’t know if we can do somethin’ like that. This was our fault. “

“You bring friendship to others.” Announces the aurora haired woman. “You can make these games different.”

Neither girl seems sure of those words.

Celestia smiles like she’s pulling an ace up her sleeve. “What do you think Sunset would do?”

That surprises the Rainbooms and leaves them pensive.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Later, the five friends met in her practice room.

“Hmm… the Friendship Games.” A comment that comes from the group’s dressmaker. “Is it wrong to say I’m not excited about that?”

“I don’t know if I want to see the games…,” says the animal lover. “I would rather play at home, locked in my closet, with my plush doll.”

The more she talks, the more our shy pink haired girl shrinks into herself.

“Ah don’t agree with the idea either.” The young farmer admits. “With everythin’ we’ve been through, gettin’ crushed by Crystal at the games is not something Ah want to bear up with.”

“Maybe this time it will be different!” Mentions the party girl of the group. “Maybe we win!”

Although she says it with good spirits, it doesn’t infect her friends. Even she deflates, not literally.

“Yeah, I know…”

Raimbow Dash was a little removed from the group, her mind deep in thought. The principal, the school, Sunset …

Her mind flies to the last encounter with the once a friend of hers.

“I’m sorry darlings, but I don’t think the school is in a position to deal with this.”

“And what are we supposed to say to Principal Celestia then?” The blonde asks a new question.

“Let’s do it.” Finally, the athlete of the group speaks, earning the eyes of others with interest. “Principal Celestia is right! We must make the school participate in the games.“

Her friends look at her with intrigue mixed with surprise.

Applejack is the one asking a question. “Rainbow … do ya really think that’s a good idea?”

“It’s like Sunset said! We have to put the past behind us and move on!“ Rainbow responds decisively. “Anon-a-Miss is gone! It’s over! Sunset got over it, so did we! And it’s time for the school to do it too!“

There is a moment of silence while the others seem to think about what Rainbow Dash said.

“But … how can we do that?” Fluttershy asks. “To tell the truth, I still feel a little sad…”

“We all feel the same way, darling.” Rarity confesses.

“Well, we won’t let that stop us,” Rainbow states still determined. “Sunset didn’t want the school to keep sadened. And without her here, it’s our duty to fix this! “

Applejack asks again once more. “And how we'll do that?”

Rainbow seems to think about it for a moment, and it’s when she hears what sounds like an orchestra that she has an idea.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Outside, in the schoolyard, a group of students is seen. They all carry instruments such as drums – small and large – trumpets, cymbals, among others.

And in front of all of them, a girl with a bun hairstyle holding a cane that moves animatedly. Is she who guides the music produced by all.

“ALRIGHT! Let’s carry on like this, troop! This school is not going to cheer itself up!“ The young woman announces to the band as they play.

At that moment Rainbow Dash comes running and calls the girl.

“Baton Switch!”

The bun haired teen turns and smiles at the school’s star athlete.

“Hey Rainbow! Let’s rest guys!“ She announces to the others and they instantly stop their instruments.

Rainbow and Baton reunite.

“What’s up, D?”

“Baton, I need your help! You know, the Friendship Games are coming. “

“Of course I know! That’s why we rehearse, to animate the competition. “

“Thats what Im looking for! The games are coming up and the school is not ready. We need something to encourage the Wondercolt spirit! “

“Encouraging the spirit is what I do,” Baton emphasizes her phrase by twirling the staff in her hands and turning it around on her feet. “Tell me what you need, D.”

Rainbow puts a hand on her chin and thinks for a moment, something seems to come to her.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Thus, the next day, with the students gathered in the gym, the principals announced the Friendship Games; and when the time comes, Rainbow and Baton begin their great act.

⚡We’ll always be Wondercolts forever

And now our time has finally arrived

‘Cause we believe in the magic of friendship⚡

As the music and song are sung, the members of the band throw the characteristic ears and ponytails at the students, who motivated by that spirit put them on and join in their singing.

⚡And you know, at the end of the day, it is we who survive⚡

Rainbow’s friends smile and catch it just like everyone else.

⚡At the end of the day,

It is we who survive⚡

The clapping of the students accompanies the great chorus that sounds throughout the place.

Sunseen, although somewhat removed from her classmates, observes everything with a smile.

~ Na, na, na-na-na-na ~

~ Wondercolts united together ~

Sunseen is a bit cut off from everyone else, and she doesn’t join in on singing. But she still claps her hands smiling at the music and everyone’s joy.

~ Na, na, na-na-na-na ~

~Wondercolts united together~

Celestia looks at her students, her face and her eyes shine with pure joy to see them so happy. She loves to see them, and her sister only allows herself a smile.

⚡We’ll always be Wondercolts forever

And now our time has finally arrived

‘Cause we believe in the magic of friendship⚡

Suddenly Rainbow’s body begins to glow. The ears, tail, and wings emerge from it.

~ And you know

At the end of the day,

It is we who survive

At the end of the day,

It is we who survive! ~

The song ends with Rainbow raised above the stage and a burst of applause that overshadows the Rainbooms’ surprise, which in turn is changed by amazement and joy at seeing her multi-colored haired friend and her magic.

But among so much joy and spirit there is a face that only shows amazement and confusion.

Sunseen looks at Rainbow intently, her face reflecting her disbelief.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Baton and Rainbow congratulate each other backstage after the end of the show. And when the athlete’s friends approach, the leader of the band moves away from her to let them talk.

“Rainbow Dash! That was amazing. Even I felt that we can win.” Contrary to her shy attitude, Fluttershy is very upbeat. Even her voice is louder than usual.

The others seem to share that same emotion.

“I feel like my pride in the school is stronger than ever!” Rarity exclaims, trying hard to not yell too much.

Only Applejack remains calm and doubting about a certain fact that happened. “Anyone else wonderin’ how Dash transformed? I thought we didn’t have magic anymore since Sunset left.“

“Well, it looks like we’ve got it back. Maybe it’s because I’m awesome!” Rainbow is proud of herself.


A familiar voice exclaims and they all turn to see her new friend. Sunseen’s eyes are wide open behind her glasses and her entire body is stiff as she approaches and almost corners Rainbow.

“What was that?! You started to shine! And then your ears… and those wings!“ The new girl practically sticks her face to Rainbow’s and demands an answer. “What did you do?! How did you do it?! TELL ME!”

“Wow, Wow, calm down Suns.” Rainbow responds disturbed by such attitude.

Applejack takes the new one in the group by her shoulders and gently pulls her away from her.

“Calm down, sugarcube. Everything is fine.”

“Fine?! Why aren’t you guys surprised?! … don’t tell me. YOU ALREADY KNEW IT?!“

“Of course we knew! We were transforming like that aaaaaall the time.” Pinkie answers, notoriously unaware of the situation.

“You WHAT?!”

Everyone’s surprise increases when Vice Principal Luna approaches them. “It’s not my place to get involved, but I can’t help but notice there are things that our new student hasn’t been told yet.”

Sunseen is incredulous. “Does the vice principal know about it too?! What kind of school is this?!“

“Calm down darling,” Rarity gently requests. “We didn’t want to tell you yet, so as you didn’t get scared.”

“Tell me what?! What are you hiding?!“

Luna, seeing the situation, decides to withdraw. “I will leave you to update her. However, I want to ask something before: be careful with the subject of magic. Principal Cinch can be very extreme, and if she sees you transforming… well, she could bring trouble to the school. And for you five.“

The vice principal gives a warning look, mixed with concern at everyone; and then she retires.

Sunseen takes a few seconds before speaking again. “Okay, I want to know what’s going on and I want to know now!”

~ Friendship Among Games ~

The explanation was more complicated than they expected. Summarizing the whole story from Sunset to Princess Twilight, going through the Sirens and trying to explain something that they themselves didn’t know, ended up robbing them almost all day.

And Sunseen was no better than when they started.

“Urgh. Portals and worlds… and ponies… you must be kidding!” The girl with glasses exclaims with some frustration. “Is there a hidden camera in this place?”

She looks around the practice room in hopes of finding something similar to a camera.

Applejack speaks softly. “Ah know it sounds crazy, but it’s true.”

“To be fair, we’re not sure about all of this either.” Rarity confesses.

“And are you supposed to have magical powers from another planet that have all of you become into magical ponies?” Sunseen asks, she seems frustrated but at the same time intrigued.

“Exactly! Well, we used to…” Rainbow confesses looking away.

Pinkie gets a little depressed. “Ever since Sunsie left, we thought we had run out of magic.”

Sunseen takes a moment to order her head. And she asks something.

“Since who left?”

The five friends look at each other with doubt. In the end they all seem to speak with their glances, and to agree.

Then Rainbow decides to go ahead and explain it. “Do you remember that friend we told you about, who went to another school?”

Sunseen doesn’t answers and Rainbow just walks over to show her something on her phone.

Her turquoise eyes show amazement, the dim light from the phone slightly reflecting off on the glasses. There are no words, the only sound she hears comes from the phone itself, which shows a musical video.

The flamed haired girl can’t take her eyes off the device’s small screen, from the image of a fiery hair and a very similar face.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

“Alright, last record of the day.” The former equine says at the same time she writes down in a notebook. Her best friend is sitting in front of one of the computers inside that little research room of hers.

“Very well. Flows remain stable. There seems to be no change. “

“That is good.” Sunset comments as she records the results. Her voice and her expressions are calm.

“Yeah, I guess …” Unlike her friend, Twilight looks a bit disappointed. “… But, I think we’ve gathered all the magical data that we could gather here on Crystal. And yet we aren’t close to deciphering it.”

“One step at a time Twily, you won’t expect that in just a few days we can discover everything about a force that in principle shouldn’t exist here. Not even the great researchers of Equestria have been able to decipher all the secrets of magic.“

Twilight throws her chair back and sighs softly. “I know, I know. It’s just… ” She takes the pendant from her and watches the little device flicker softly. “We have all the necessary tools. But it seems that we don’t have a stable data source. The magic we have… is scarce.“

Sunset looks at her friend for a moment. She seems to want to speak, but doesn’t know what to say, so she follows the record.

“A greater source of magic … wait!” By reflex, Twilight gets up from the chair and looks at her friend with a smile. “Canterlot! That’s it! The portal to Equestria is there! And the school has hosted magical events! That place-“


Sunset suddenly interrupts Twilight. There is seriousness in her voice as she leaves her records and gets up to approach Twilight.

“We cannot research the magic in Canterlot. It’s very dangerous.”

Twilight is surprised by the change in her attitude. “B-but… but it’s our best chance! Canterlot is without doubt a superior source of magic. We can discover things-“

“No!” Sunset interrupts her again. “Canterlot’s magic is dangerous. Not only had magical girls, it has been in contact with evil magic. We already have doubts about our own magic, trying to do something in Canterlot would be too dangerous.“

“B-but …”

“Twilight,” Sunset puts her hands on her friend’s shoulders and looks at her seriously but gently. “Magic in this world is unstable; if we aren’t careful, the consequences could be dire. We are not ready to take such a big step.“

The girl with glasses bows her head sadly. Sunset takes her hands, placing the device between violet’s palms.

“Twi, do you trust me?”

Twilight takes a few seconds, but she speaks honestly. “Yes … I trust you more than anyone, Sunset.”

“Then look at me.”

The violet-eyed girl looks up, meeting the emeralds in Sunset’s eyes. Who smiles at her.

“We'll discover the magic, together.”

Twilight takes a second, but smiles. Sunset removes the smile from her and speaks seriously.

“But now, I want you to promise me that you will leave Canterlot out of this study.”

They look at each other, Sunset remains serious and Twilight somewhat dejected.

“… Okay, I promise.” Finally Twilight says with her eyes closed and her head bowed.

“Good girl.” Sunset smiles upon hearing her and kisses Twilight on the nose, which makes her laugh.

“Well, I have to go with the principal to properly assemble the team. I’ll you in the parking lot.“

This time Sunset kisses the teen’s cheek and winks at her as she leaves.

“Be a good kitty.”

“Don’t call me kitty!” Twilight complains but Sunset is already gone. The scientist snorts in annoyance, although is short-lived and she smiles softly.

Similarly, her smile dies when she looks back at her pendant, the spectrometer on her neck it’s still flashing.