• Published 10th Nov 2020
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Friendship Among Games - RedPegasus

A new challenge will make Sunset return to the place she left behind. Old friends vs new friends, and one new challenger, there can only be one winner. -Sequel to Sunset Among Shadows-

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Decathlon 1st part

The Canterlot gym, for a change, is groomed and decorated. This time, the purpose is to welcome the students from Crystal Preparatory.

The two schools come together, and while some of the Canterlot students are willing to be friendly and hospitable, Crystal’s have little interest. There is a lot of tension between the two institutes.

The Rainbooms and their new friend head to the gym. But far from being happy, they are focused and somewhat concerned about the issue at hand.

“Can you repeat what happened to us again?” Rainbow asks her new friend.

“I put my hand on the statue, where the portal you’re talking about is supposed to be,” Sunseen explains. “But instead of a portal, there were some strange flames that stuck my hand to the wall!” She exclaims showing some fear when remembering it. “For a moment I thought it would rip my skin off or something.”

Applejack thinks for a moment. “Well, the portal should be closed by Princess Twilight.”

As they continue to discuss the matter, they all walk into the gym.

“I don’t know anything about ‘Princess' Twilight,“says the spectacled girl from Canterlot. “But I think THAT Twilight has something to do with it.”

Sunseen emphasizes the phrase as she looks away at the scientist Twilight trying to check her pendant without others noticing.

“I’m going to find out what happens.”

Decidedly, Sunseen walks over to the scientist and watches her.

“Twilight, what are you doing?!” She demands to know, and Twilight recoils at the tone of her voice. More before she can speak or act, Lightning Dust appears and confronts the fire-haired girl.

“Who wants to know?!”

Now it is Sunseen who backs down intimidated but Rainbow Dash returns the attack.

“We are!”

Applejack steps between the two athletes and tries to calm them down. “There, there. Ya don’t have to get competitive before the games.“

Sugarcoat walks up to them. “The games are not competitive because we have never lost.”

Surprisingly, Fluttershy speaks. “Saying that is not very kind.”

“~ Ow, guess what sweetheart ~,” Sour Sweet says in a sweet voice. These games aren’t kind. She ends the sentence alternating with her aggressive voice.

Rarity decides to reply, “This is no excuse for not showing politeness.”

Feeling intimidated by the tension between both groups, the two girls with glasses back off and Sunseen runs into Pinkie.

“Did you discover something, Sunseenie?”

“Um, not really, but I can tell she keeps looking at that thing on her neck. I hope I’m wrong, I think that is a spectrometer.”

“Uuuuuh specters! Does it look after ghosts?“

Sunseen is somewhat intrigued by such a question. “Um, no. A spectrometer detects electromagnetic energy signals that-” She interrupts herself when notices that the pink teen’s smile means she isn’t understanding here. “Measure, some things. But no ghosts.“

“Then maybe it measures the party!”

“Yeah, why not? Not that there is much to see at this party.“ The Sunset Shimmer of Canterlot comments seeing how the surrounding environment, in addition to being tense, is calm. Bored.

Pinkie also notices and begins to think. “You’re right, something is missing. Ah! I got it!”

The pink girl comes up with an idea, and before Sunseen can even scream she had already been pulled by the party girl out of the place.

For her part, our Sunset notices the agitation among the groups and approaches.

“What’s going on here?”

“Your little Crystal friends happen!” Rainbow replies still annoyed. “They’re being assholes.”

“Excuse me! Bacon Hair was the one who started.” Strikes back Lightning Dust.

“You started it!”

“You two, enough!” The equestrian girl orders extending her arms to separate them from each other. “There won’t be more fights between you. If you have problems, solve them in the games.“

Rainbow Dash crosses her arms but stops arguing. Lightning, by her part, gets angry.

“You don’t give me orders, Shimmer.”

“Actually, she can.” The googles athlete comments approaching with some seriousness, behind her come Sunny Flare and Lemon Zest. “Sunset is the captain of the team, you have to do what she says.”

Lightning crosses his arms and turns his gaze from her. “She’s only captain for the games, she won’t tell me what I can’t do.”

“Come on Light, don’t be grumpy.”

There is silence as the blonde athlete and the indigo haired girl look at each other for a moment.

“When did you go soft, Zap?”

There is no answer, just curious looks. Finally the blonde athlete retires, and both Sugar and Sour decide to do the same and each go to their own way.

Rainbow lets out a snort before looking at her former friend. “Damn Sunset, how can you put up with people like her?”

Sunset is a little nervous, unsure. “Lightning isn’t that … bad.”

“Meh, you have to know when to stop her. That’s all.” Indigo says with a shrug to downplay the matter.

Sunset turns to her acquaintances in Canterlot. “Sorry about that, girls.”

“It’s not your fault, sugarcube.” Applejack assures her.

Rarity seconds her. “Yes, Crystal students always act uneducated.”

“Not all of them.” Sunny slightly defends crossing her gaze with the Canterlot’s fashionista.

The two groups separate without further incident. Sunset stays with her friends.

“Hey Indigo, thanks. I didn’t want to get into a fight with Lightning Dust.”

In response, Indigo gives her a playful pat on the shoulder that Sunset must rub herself. “Don’t thank me, Suns.”


“The truth… I thought about what you said earlier,” mentions the athlete with glasses. “We’re better than Canterlot, but that doesn’t mean we’re bad winners, does it?”

Sunset is shocked for a moment, but then rolls her eyes with a smile. “Yes, of course. I’m glad you understood.“

Indigo wraps her arm around Sunset’s neck and smiles broadly.

The Canterlot principal takes the stage and officially welcomes the rival school. She likewise introduces herself to the team members.

And as this happens, Pinkie and Sunseen each return pushing a huge box decorated as a gift inside the gym.

“Ghhhh! What is supposed to be in these boxes?“ Asks the girl with glasses, tired and a little sore from the effort.

“Party cannons, of course!”

“Party What NOW?!”

The principal follows her welcome talk and introduces the participants in a general way. Meanwhile, Pinkie changes the sandwiches on the tables, the lighting of the place, and even she infiltrates Vinyl’s DJ booth to give her a music CD.

The young woman with dark glasses doesn’t question anything, she only plays on the CD.

Instantly the atmosphere changes, the lively music and the low lights make a much more festive atmosphere, even there begins to be interaction between the students.

Crystal’s scientist looks around slightly in amazement. “What happened?”

Sunset laughs a bit before answering. “Pinkie Pie, that happened.”

The comment makes the young woman in glasses turn and see the party girl in the doorway, with two large cannons.

She would have questioned something had it not been for the spectrometer to start working again; and seeing that Sunset wasn’t looking, she decides to investigate.

Meanwhile the other Sunset looks at her friend behind those colorful explosive weapons, “Pinkie, are you sure about this …?”

“Sure I am!”

Her gaze and her voice, instead of the typical childish joy, are charged with security and determination. And she fires the cannons.

There is a shrill, comical sound when the cannons fire. The impact causes Sunseen to fall, and when she looks up sees colored confetti and streamers raining down virtually all over the place.

The students begin to dance and enjoy the new party. Crystal’s Sunset friends are the first to enjoy the dance floor; and as if they were following the example, the other students follow them. Both schools start dancing together.

That image of everyone happy awakens the magic of Pinkie who transforms, shines and floats.

“Oooh, they all float!”

Sunseen gazes at her friend in the air. That, until she spots Twilight standing nearby.

The spectrometer does it again, Pinkie’s magic is sucked into the center of it and leaves the energetic girl very tired.

Pinkie Pie stops shining, floating, and with a look of exhaustion she falls against the wall. “Uh … I think the party got spoiled…”

Twilight struggles to close the device, and she doesn’t notice some kind of spark leap from it, falling under the steps of the gym.

Sunseen stands up and rushes over, causing the scientist to flee.

The fiery-haired girl stops when Twilight loses herself among the crowd, however she notices a glow under the bleachers. And when she looks closely, sees a vision of an unknown place.

“Magical world? …”

Not another minute passes, and the atmosphere is virtually destroyed by Principal Abacus Cinch.

The music cuts out. Sour Sweet, next to the DJ station, is holding the music CD and the lights seemed to have been turned on again by Sugarcoat.

Next, the bitter principal begins her own speech where she chooses to discredit Canterlot and its ways.

This annoys Celestia and Luna a lot. And even more so Sunset, who frowns at her with strong contempt for her own principal.

Despite her frustration towards the woman, the interest in our flamed haired girl quickly shifts to her known group of hostesses. Seeing Pinkie’s state, she worries and approaches them.

“What happened? Pinkie, are you okay?”

Pinkie still looks dizzy. “Ouch … I don’t know … everyone started having fun, then Sunseen and I fired the cannons and then I transformed …”

“Heh, that doesn’t surprise me.” Sunset comments with a slight smile.

“… but then I felt weird, like something was drawing my magic …”

Sunset’s smile fades. “What do you mean by ‘drawing’?”

Applejack looks around for a moment. “Pinkie, ya said that Sunseen was with ya. Where is she now?”

Pinkie looks around her for a moment. “Ah well… I don’t know. She was, right here.“

They all look around for her. Sunset looks concerned and talks to herself.

“Twilight isn’t here either.”

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Shortly thereafter, the voice of the Crystal Prep’s dean can be heard throughout the school.

Cadence calls the students teams from both schools to meet at the entrance. It is time to start the games.

“Welcome to the first event, the Academic Decathlon!” The youngest adult woman in the place announces to all the students who had gathered. “The constestants will compete in the fields of Science, Art, Biology, Athletics and Literature, ending with the Elimination Equations competition,” explains Cadence in front of the watchful eyes of everyone present. “But remember, only the six members with the most points from each team will advance to the second round.”

As the dean explains, the teams look at each other. Some are with a defiant attitude and pose, there are a few who seem scared, the rest look at each other with rivalry.

But it’s Sunset and the Rainbooms who cross glances the most.

There is a mixture of tenacity, rivalry, and tension between the six girls. Even Twilight and Sunseen look somewhat concerned by such a scene.

Finally, the games begin.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Both teams are taken to the school laboratory.

“First event! Chemistry!” Crystal’s Dean announces. “Each student must individually prepare a sample of the solution written on the board.”

There are a number of tables, all set up with elements of chemistry, as well as protective gear. Each student rushes to take a seat, adequately protects themselves, and goes to work.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash are noted to have trouble, more at reading labels than anything else. While Rarity and Fluttershy can be seen to cope more easily at the event.

Pinkie, on her side, seems to have chosen to ignore the board and just be Pinkie.

Micro Chips and also Sunseen seem to be the ones with the most facility.

And Ditzy, for her part, her mixture ends up exploding and leaving her disheveled. Also, with her face somewhat smoky.

Celestia, Luna, and Cadence are in charge of evaluating and grading each student.

Contrary to Canterlot, all of Crystal’s students work at almost the same level. Some are doing easier than others, but all show dynamism, care and concentration.

The only exception is Lightning Dust, who doesn’t seem very focused, mixing with little care.

Sunset allows herself a look at the whole team, some of them sees her and give their captain a sign of success. The fired haired girl smiles when she sees everyone well.

From the other side, Sunseen sets her mix ready and gazes at his doppelganger with keen interest.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

In the next event, the students still in the laboratory had to assemble an electrical device which lights a lamp.

This time both teams are showing slight problems, both Canterlot and some Crystal students take time to assemble their devices.

Only half of Crystal’s lamps are on. Still, there are some in Canterlot that look more unarmed than when they started.

There is a significant difference in Crystal’s lead on both tests. Upon exiting the lab, Crystal’s team is greeted by their cheerleaders.

“Crystal Crystal, hoo-ray! Crystal will win! YAY!“ A very lively Sonata exclaims, waving her pom-poms.

Aria and Adagio mimic her movements, but the pigtail’s face shows her frustration. “Aurgh! How did I end up here? “

“Don’t complain Aria, just thinks it’s to help Canterlot fail.” Her older sister says to cheer her up.

The thought wins the interest of the violet siren. “Go Crystal, wuuu!” She raises her voice to cheer, although her face is still quite rough.

The cheerleaders do her job, to a large extent. Lightning and Indigo are pleased to have cheerleaders, and the guys in the group enjoy them just as well.

Sunset, on her part, slaps her forehead with her hand, she almost looks embarrassed. Her friends cheer her on.

On the side of Canterlot’s team is surprised to see such cheerleaders.

“The Dazzlings!… Cheerleaders?! It’s .. That’s… why don’t we have a cheerleading squad?!“

“Is that yer biggest concern?” Applejack questions Rainbow Dash.

“But they have cheerleaders!” The rainbow haired girl repeats the obvious.

“They … they won’t try something bad … right?” Fluttershy asks notoriously concerned.

Applejack answers by looking just as concerned. “Ah don’t know, sugarcube.”

Flash looks at the girls, then the Dazzlings, and seems to want to talk but he doesn’t. By her own part, Sunseen is intrigued by everyone’s reaction.

“Sirens … are they …?” The fire-haired girl from Canterlot thinks for a moment about what her friends had told her earlier.


“Rainbow Dash!” The dressmaker scolds the multicolored young woman.

“Now where do we get cheerleaders from?” The athlete interrogates without caring about her scolding.

Suddenly, Baton Switch cuts through the group with her wand in hand turning it around. “We don’t need cheerleaders, we have something much better!”

~ Friendship Among Games ~

No one knew how or when, but soon the Canterlot’s Orchestra had arrived and began to play.

“Ooooooh yeah! That’s what I was talking about!“

As the team, and the Canterlot’s students, feel their energy renewed by the music, Crystal’s seem to get frustrated.

“Where did they get an Orchestra?!” Indigo asks with the same frustration Rainbow showed earlier.

Lightning groans, but responds disinterestedly. “Tch, does it matter? It won’t do them any help.”

Sonata seems depressed when she sees her dull truncheon, Aria is as she usually is, and Adagio is calm but impressed.

“Come on girls. No one has ever eclipsed us.“ Mention the leader of the Dazzlings.

“Except Sunset and her friends.” Sonata corrects.

Adagio rolls her eyes and Aria becomes more frustrated.

“Except that time. Come on, Canterlot won’t beat us again!“ The leader is determined, and her sisters seem motivated by it, so they start their cheer again but this time with more enthusiasm.

Other students join the cheers to rival the Canterlot’s Orchestra.

The venue principals and judges are a bit surprised by the ‘impromptu competition’ that has just emerged.

Celestia and Luna are truly amazed to see Crystal’s students cheer on their team in such spirit. Cadence, on her side, smiles brightly; her face almost seems to glow with joy.

“I haven’t seen Crystal so … happy?” The vice principal comments.

“I KNOW! Is not wonderful?!”

The dean’s joy is compared to the spirit of the students. And the principals of Canterlot are still surprised – and intrigued.

Cinch stays away, saying nothing or expressing emotion. She just watches her students.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

The next competition it’s here.

This time it’s cooking. The teams are divided into pairs.

Pinkie, being in her element, wears the oven mitts as if they were boxing, throwing punches into the air.

From Crystal’s side, Cinch watches the team closely. Especially Sunset.

Sunset pairs Suri and Upper Crust. Both are confident.

Teams get started, some more easily than others. And the results are mixed too, Canterlot and Crystal have ups and downs.

Both Suri and Upper smile at their perfect Shadowbolt-themed cake. They even dare to deliver a slice to each judge, who doesn’t hesitate to try it.

It is, however, when they turn to see the duo of Pinkie and Fluttershy that the Canterlot pastry chef shows the most confident smile – and even conceited they has ever seen – with a cut in half of her cake showing its inside: the colors and shapes simulate the painting of the Mona Lisa.

Sunset’s eyes widen in surprise and the judges drop cake plates at such an impression.

“Let’s go, WONDERCOLTS!” The Canterlot High students exclaim excitedly by such a victory.

Sunseen is with the team, sharing that joy, yet notices how on the other side the young girls of Crystal mourn the defeat. Worse still, they are terrified when Cinch gives them a stern look.

Suri’s hands are shaking, and that causes her to drop the rest of the cake on the ground. Abacus Cinch grabs the bridge of her nose, and resisting a growl from her just walks away from them.

Both girls are depressed, until Sunset appears and with a hand caresses the head of both congratulating them.

That encourages them, even Suri gets hearts in her eyes, but Sunset doesn’t notice it because her attention is won by the piece of cake that Upper Crust has, and without a doubt she decides to take it and bite it willingly.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

New event, this time the teams in pairs must make a house for birds. Fluttershy is happy at the idea, and Applejack with her tool belt looks ready for work.

On the other hand, Crystal’s team looks attentively at her captain who seems to meditate for a moment; after a review from her notebook, she pairs Indigo Zap with Sugarcoat.

The googles girl raises her palm to her silver haired partner. Sugar shows no emotion, she only agrees to her request by joining her hand with Indigo’s — but only a touch, not a shock.

While some in Canterlot seem unsure of how to put together a bird house, Crystal has a detailed blueprint.

Although it doesn’t work out well in the end, the apparent lack of experience makes both teams pretty much the same.

Micro Chip and Sandal Woods have the most deplorable, which is broken with a single touch.

It’s Fluttershy and Applejack who improve the streak, showing off a well-built and solid birdhouse.

The judges score everyone’s performance, and when it is Indigo and Sugar’s turn they leave their work behind a cloth, which when revealed shows a bird house twice as high with surfaces surrounding it as if it were a balcony, on the sides containers for seeds, and at the bottom a small surface of water that makes a source.

The judges drop their notebooks shocked by such work.

Sunset along with the entire team gather to exclaim. “Let’s go, SHADOWBOLTS!”

The team celebrates. The cheerleaders keep cheering for them. Even Cinch allows herself a very faint, pleased, but somewhat sinister smile.

Meanwhile, the Canterlot students mourn their defeat. Micro Chip and Sandal Woods are especially down, but Fluttershy and Applejack cheer them on.

From the very part of her, Sunseen looks at her team; instead of sharing her sadness, she becomes more interested in her counterpart as her team seems to congratulate her.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Cadence takes the stage in full view of everyone. “Welcome to the fifth event. Interpretive Dance!“

The school gym is given up this time, and all the students are curious about such an event.

“Dance? What does that have to do with these games?“ Indigo Zap asks.

For some reason everyone sees Sunset, who just shrugs.

Cadence proceeds to explain. “The teams can choose the number of members they want, they must choose a music and perform a dance according to it. Skill, creativity and coordination will be assessed. Good luck to you all.”

Both teams are somewhat uncomfortable with the description.

“So, what can we do now?!” Indigo asks again, this time desperately. “We haven’t prepared anything related with dances!”

Lightning crosses her arms. “Is there even someone here who knows how to dance?”

Between all looks at each other, but there isn’t a real answer. Trenderhoof looks at the team captain. “Sunset, what do we do now?”

“Yes ‘captain’, what is your plan?” Lightning interrogates with some suspicion.

Everyone awaits the fire-haired teen’s answer. Sunset, on her side, looks at her notes for a moment; then she concentrates trying to think. At one point, she turns her gaze and notices the cheerleaders accompanying them.

Sunset snaps her fingers. “I have an idea!”

Meanwhile, Canterlot also seems engrossed in strategizing. Rainbow puts a hand on her chin. “Okay, dance … um, does anyone here know how to dance?”

There is no immediate answer.

“I am a musician, not a dancer.” Flash answers in a low voice.

Fluttershy shrinks into herself. “Dancing in front of people terrifies me…”

“But ya dance at parties.” Applejack says.

“Yes, but only because people aren’t looking at me. And therefore, if I make a fool of myself, no one will notice.”

Rainbow looks around the team. Ditzy Doo smiles and improvises a few moves.

“Err, we will need something better than that.”

Pinkie raises her hand. “I can dance! I know the hound dance! The chicken dance! And the Tasmanian dance!“

As if wanting to prove it, she begins to spin to the point she turns into a pink tornado.

Rarity meditates for a moment. “We need a type of dance that we can all do. Dancing at a party is not the same as doing a dance performance.“

The group is thoughtful.

Baton Switch takes the staff out of it and turns it around a bit. “Well, maybe I can do something. I just need you to follow in my footsteps and some good music.“

It doesn’t take two seconds for the whole team to see Vinyl, who shakes her head in time at her headphones. She doesn’t appear to have heard the conversation. Still, when she notices everyone looking at her, she smiles and gives them a thumbs up.

Students gather in the bleachers and seats placed in front of the gymnasium’s set-up stage, the lights slightly dimmed for a more elegant atmosphere.

The three judges are behind of some makeshift desks, ready to evaluate.

Sunset looks at the stage and then turns around.

“Alright, are you… ready… girls…?”

Sunny is wearing a slightly fitted short skirt in purple and embroidered with glitter, her left arm has a sleeve up to the wrist, but her right arm has a short sleeve. Something curious is that the dress has decorations, studs.

Lemon wears tight maya pants as well, a purple dotted blouse, and the highlight is a green fur jacket, which she matches with her own hair.

“Where did you get those suits from?”

“They’re cute, right?!” Sonata asks appearing next to her and scaring her a bit. “We were saving them for a special occasion. We wanted to use them after conquering the world, but since you stopped us in the Battle of the Bands, we couldn’t.“

Sunset blinks a few times and lowers her shoulders and decides to not ask any more.


“Sunset! The competition is about to begin! Is everything ready?“ Asks the girl with googles as she rushes towards the group.

“I think so. Um, hey, what about Sugarcoat?”

“Don’t be agitated, pony girl.” The lead siren answers when she approaches, and Sugarcoat appears behind her.

The silver-haired girl wears dark boots up to the knees, pants that go only to her thighs, and a light purple top decorated with triangles, which extends to her thighs as well. A gold-colored belt decorated with a moon that matches a ribbon on her chest. A dark jacket on top of everything. But in addition, her hair was left down, and arranged to look wavy and spread to the sides.

The image of the silver haired teen surprises everyone.

“I was just fixing her hair. It looks better that way, doesn’t it?“ Adagio ends with a somewhat smug smile.

“Wow, Sugarcoat, you look… different.” Says Sunset

Sugarcoat gets close enough and keeps her expression emotionless as she speaks. “This isn’t the image that represents me, but on the advice of our questionable experts, I have agreed to wear this outfit.”

Sunset laughs a little nervous.

“You look beautiful…”

It’s a soft voice from Indigo, loud enough for some of her to hear and turn to see it. That makes the indigo hairy girl blush and shake her hands nervously.

“I mean great! Great, yes! As the star of Amarerican Idol and… that…“

“I appreciate the compliment. Now, it is not feasible to waste time.“ Sugar heads to the stage, but before going upstairs, she takes off her glasses, and hands them to Indigo who is closest to her.

“Can I trust you to take care of my glasses?”

“Uhh… Ah, yeah! Sure! I take care of them, don’t worry. “

“Very well then.”

Without saying more, the silver-haired girl takes the stage without noticing, or ignoring, the attentive look that the girl with goggles gives her.

Sunset is surprised by the athlete’s attitude but decides to return to the topic.

“Yeah, well. Dazzlings, ready?“

“Ready!” Sonata says.

“Yes, yes, whatever.” Aria responds.

“Sunny? Lemon?”

Sunny smiles and nods and Lemon strikes a military pose.

“Alright! On stage, everyone!” Sunset orders, but smiling and the girls go up, although Aria does it with a frown almost annoyed.

“I do it because I want to, not because you order me to.”

Sunset can’t help but laugh, but she stops when Adagio hands her a microphone. By reflex she takes it.

“Here, you will sing.”

“Eh?… EEEEEEEEH?! Me sing?!”

“We need a third voice, and I don’t have the magic to do it.”

“B-But I-“

Her complaint dies when the leader of the sirens hands her a sheet of paper.

“There’s the lyrics, just keep up with the others.”

“But… but…”

Sunset cannot argue anything because Adaigo has already taken the stage with the others.

Stage’s lights focus on Sugarcoat in front, Lemon on the left, and Sunny on the right; outside the lights, Sonata, Aria, and Adagio stay close to them, and settle in with each other.

The music begins to play, Aria and Sonata sing their voices, while both – and also Adagio – raise their hands at the same time describing an arc. Around the same time, Sunny, Lemon, and Sugar mimic their movements.

🎵Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

You didn’t know that you fell🎵

As Aria and Sonata sing her song, Sunset looks at the sheet in her hands and brings the microphone to her lips.

🔥🎵Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Now that you’re under our spell🎵🔥

🔥🎵Blindsided by the beat

Clapping your hands,

Stomping your feet

You didn’t know that you fell🎵🔥

While the music is intoned the Dazzlings continue to dance partially hidden by the shadows, they move their arms and waists with delicacy and elegance; the three dancers watch them attentively, and imitate each movement


Now you’ve fallen under our spell🎵


The music becomes more intense, as does the movements of all the girls.

🔥🎵We’ve got the music,

Makes you move it

Got the song that makes you lose it

We say “jump”, you say “how high?”

Put your hands up to the sky🎵🔥

🔥🎵We’ve got the music,

Makes you move it

Got the song that makes you lose it

We say “jump”, you say “how high?”

Put your hands up to the sky🔥🎵

They roll onto their side, point at the audience, stomp, and lean over, then extend a hand upward in one swift motion.

🔥🎵Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

You didn’t know that you fell

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Now that you’re under our spell🎵🔥

Sunset follows the letter on the paper carefully.

🔥Listen to the sound of my voice🔥

🎵Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh🎵

🔥Soon you’ll find you don’t have a choice🔥

🎵Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh🎵

🔥🎵Captured in the web of my song🎵🔥

The entire audience watches carefully and is surprised. The Wondercolts and all of Canterlot are in awe of that dance.

🔥🎵Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh

Soon you’ll all be singing along


The other Shadowbolts grin in amazement, but the show cheers them on, there are even some phones that take photos. Principal Cinch herself observes the dance that is shown with great attention.

🔥🎵We’ve got the music,

Makes you move it

Got the song that makes you lose it

We say “jump”, you say “how high?”

Put your hands up to the sky🎵🔥

At this point Sugar, Sunny and Lemon dance almost reflexively following the movements of the Dazzlings in an astonishing imitation.

🔥🎵We’ve got the music,

Makes you move it

Got the song that makes you lose it

We say “jump”, you say “how high?”

Put your hands up to the sky🎵🔥

🔥🎵Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

You didn’t know that you fell🎵🔥

Sonata and Aria subtly guide Sunny and Lemon to approach. Sugar, who imitates Adagio, remains standing moving her body in the same place.

🔥🎵Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Now that you’re under our spell🎵🔥

🔥🎵Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

You didn’t know that you fell

Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh

Now that you’re under our🎵🔥

🔥🎵Spell… 🎵🔥

Guided by the sisters, Sunny Lemon and Sugar are almost united in a final pose with Sugar extending her arm, while Lemon and Sunny are subtly supported by her.

With the music finished, the three judges applauded enthusiastically before recording the results.

Crystal’s students clap cheerfully and some cheer at three. While Canterlot doesn’t avoid feeling insecure after that act.

The six girls walk off the stage and are immediately approached by their teammates, congratulating them.

“GO AWAY! You’re going to hit me with your friendly bacteria!” Aria exclaims annoyed as she yells at them making everyone back up and she takes the opportunity to walk away from the group.

Neon Light watches her go. “What’s her problem?”

Sunset can only laugh a little nervous. “Heh, she has a difficult character. She is cute once you meet her… I think?”

Indigo sees Sugar coming down the stairs and shakes her hand to help her, then hands over her glasses and the silver haired girl puts them on.

“You were amazing Sugar! … I mean, you three were amazing.”

Sugar looks at the girl for a moment and then they both rejoin the entire group.

Trenderhoof also congratulates the captain. “That was a good strategy Sunset. Risky, but it worked.”

Neon seems intrigued. “What do you think Canterlot will do now?”

Indigo seems confident. “Pfff, what does it matter?! There is no way they can overcome that.“

Sunset looks to hee side, sees how the Canterlot team seems to prepare. “I wouldn’t be so sure.”

Despite Sunset’s doubt, the team continues to congratulate her teammates, and especially the team’s cheerleaders.

“You girls were great too!” Indigo exclaims. “I didn’t know you could be able to dance like that!”

“Neither do I! Sonata, why didn’t you tell me you and your sisters knew how to dance?” Lemon asks the younger siren. “I’ll make you dancers for the ‘ Sunset Among Shadows’!”

“Forget it, I don’t want to mix with you.” Aria says in annoyance.

“Come on Arie! It will be fun! We can sing together like before!" Sonata says very happy.

Aria closes her eyes and looks away from her, but that doesn’t put anyone off. Instead, all the Shadowbolts start cheering for them.

“Dazzlings! Dazzlings! Dazzlings!“

Sonata is thrilled to be acclaimed, and Aria can’t help but smirk.

Sugar, despite her stoic appearance, is pleased with the threesome. Sour and Lightning smile slightly as they look at them.

Even Sunset, seeing the rest of them, can’t deny her own smile and join the others. “Dazzlings! Dazzlings!”

The three sisters enjoy the moment. More Adagio’s smile dies, when she feels something on her neck.

Author's Note:

84 years have passed ...
Since my last update. I have no excuse! I just got tired of doing the translations. But don't worry! I'll be sure to finish this story very soon! Pinkie promise!

Anyway, I just wanted to comment, how have you seen, I have added a couple of new events, in order to develop a little more rivalry and relationship between both schools.
The games will continue in the next chapters and I hope these new events are to your liking.
See you soon! And this time it will be soon.