• Published 10th Nov 2020
  • 3,622 Views, 98 Comments

Friendship Among Games - RedPegasus

A new challenge will make Sunset return to the place she left behind. Old friends vs new friends, and one new challenger, there can only be one winner. -Sequel to Sunset Among Shadows-

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Decathlon 3th Part

Cadence stands in front of both teams to make her announcement.

“We will start the first decathlon sporting event.” She declares the dean of Crystal before all the students gathered in the gym.

“The first sports competition will be…”

She leaves a little pause before announcing it.

Rainbow Dash crosses her fingers and smiles. “Please, be soccer. Please, be soccer.“

“Tennis!” Dean Cadence finally breaks up.

“OH, COME ON!” Yells Rainbow.

Cadence continúes. “Each team must choose up four players to participate. The team that wins 2 out of 3 games will win the competition.”

With that she finishes the explanation and the teams meet to discuss the matter.

Rainbow is not happy. “Tennis? TENNIS?! Why not better play golf? It’s even more boring.“

Rarity speaks to her. “Come on Rainbow Dash, it’s not too bad.”

“Urgh! I hate tennis. I can’t play it … “

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Rainbow Dash can’t play a sport?”

Rainbow crosses her arms. “I can’t play something that doesn’t amuse me! And tennis is boring! You have to run in a small square hitting a ball with a rope paddle. It’s… just… stupid!“

“Isn’t it like baseball?” Pinkie asks curiously.

“Of course not! In baseball, the harder you hit the ball, the better. And you have to run a much greater distance before they catch you,” explains Rainbow. “It’s more challenging.”

Sunseen decides to speak. “Well, boring or whatever, the thing is we have to play it, so… does anyone play tennis?”

The whole team looks at each other and is silent.

Meanwhile, on Crystal’s team, Indigo seems excited. “Oh yeah! This is what I was waiting for! Time for action!“

Lightning seconded her. “I’m not excited about tennis, but it doesn’t matter as long as we win.”

The team seems to agree, but Sunset looks very thoughtful placing a hand on her chin.

“We'll win!” Indigo assures. “Lightning! You and I will team up and crush them!”

Sunset then speaks. “No. You musn’t.“

The team captain receives looks from everyone.

“What? What did you say Sunset?“

“I don’t think you and Lightning should enter this competition.”

Lightning frowns and looks annoyed. “Are you an idiot or are you playing being idiot? We are the best athletes in school. It’s obvious that this is our moment.“

Sunset takes a second to think before speaking again. “Dean Cadence said this is the first sporting event,” Sunset puts a bit of emphasis and gets everyone’s attention. “That means there will be more.”

Lightning crosses her arms and looks at Sunset with some annoyance. “So what?”

“You’re right that you guys are the best athletes.” Sunset continues. “And for that, we need both of you to be fit to participate in sports games.”

There is a brief pause where Lightning raises an eyebrow. The rest of the team is interested in what their captain says.

“It’s more than certain after tennis we should participate in something else, and therefore it is not recommended that both play tennis. You will be too tired to participate in the next event.“

The reasoning reaches several members of the team.

Trender comments softly. “That may be true.”

“That’s bullshit.” Lightning gets angry. “Zap and I can handle anything. We could win the rest of the competitions without problems if they were all sports.”

“I don’t doubt it’s possible,” says Sunset. “But we won’t take risks. Indigo, can you play tennis?“

“Pff! Even with my eyes closed.” Our girl with googles assures.

“Then you will compete now. Lightning Dust, we’ll save you for the next competition.“

“It is a joke?”

“No. It’s the captain’s order.“

Sunset is very serious and clashes glances with the blonde athlete. Lightning lowers her shoulders and huffs in annoyance.

“As the captain orders then.” The blonde speaks with annoyance and some sarcasm.

That ends the matter. Except for…

“Well, who else will play then?” Neon Light question.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

It doesn’t take long. A net is placed in the center of the gymnasium playing field.

On one side are Indigo Zap and Neon Lights, with Crystal Prep’s sports uniforms

On the opposite side, Vinyl and Flash, also dressed in the Canterlot’s sports uniform.

The Canterlot gym teacher is the referee.

The dean announces “Let the game begin!”

The teacher’s whistle starts the meeting.

Indigo is the first hitter, sending the ball straight into Canterlot’s field.

The rebound is barely stopped by Flash, but when he returns the ball Indigo has no problem stopping it and sending it back where it came from. Both teens from Canterlot try to stop it but are unsuccessful.

“15 – 0!” The teacher announces and the audience begins to get excited.

Flash takes the ball and seeing Indigo ready, decides to launch in the opposite direction, attacking the side of Neon Lights. He manages to return it, Vinyl runs and returns it, but again is Indigo who with a shot gets another point.

“30 – 0!”

Both Canterlot students mourn silently. In the stands, their teammates – although worried – seek to cheer them on.

Crystal’s stands are beginning to get excited, and there’s no shortage of the cheerleading trio waving their cheers.

The game goes on. Although Flash and Vinyl make an effort, they end up losing the first match.

There is joy on Crystal’s part and regret with Canterlot. Flash and Vinyl return and apologize to their team. They try to cheer you up.

Indigo and Neon are back with their gear as well, the indigo haired girl drinks a nearly full bottle of water before exhaling in good spirits.

“I told you this would be easy. Canterlot doesn’t have a chance in sports.“

Sunset is keeping a bit serious. “Don’t be overconfident. Canterlot hasn’t use Rainbow Dash yet. She is the best athlete in school.“

“Pfff! Nobody is better than me. Neon, ready for the second round?“

The young man sitting on a seat in the place wipes his face with a towel and exhales wearily. “I don’t think so … I’m very tired.”

“Oh come on, it was just a game. How little you can take.“

“I’m not very athletic, I am more of practical work.”

Sunset speaks. “Don’t worry, we will make a change.”

After a short break to settle the pairs, both teams prepare to play again.

This time Indigo is accompanied by Sunny Flare. While Canterlot changes to Applejack and Rarity, who instead of sports suits wear uniforms made by the dressmaker.

This time, Applejack takes the first hit to start the game. Indigo receives it and returns, Applejack manages to return it and Sunny Flare hits. Rarity receives it and returns it. Both pairs trade strikes a couple of times before Indigo hits home and scores.

“0 – 15.” Pronounce teacher and refer.

Applejack gets frustrated, Rarity gets discouraged. The rest of Canterlot is beginning to really worry. While everyone at Crystal is happy and confident.

A few minutes later, another entry from Crystal is seen.

“0 – 30.”

At this point almost everyone present was sure of the result. With a pretty exhausted Canterlot, and a Crystal smirking and a little arrogant.

Rarity on the field looks down, but out of the corner of her eye sees Applejack crestfallen with a look full of pain, clutching the tennis ball in her hand.

The fashionista approaches the farm girl and takes her hand in hers.


Applejack relaxes at Rarity’s touch but she’s still worried.

“… Ah really thought we had a chance this time Rarity … but Ah think Crystal will always be better than us.”

“Applejack, don’t worry about it. The games aren’t over yet.”

The seamstress tries to cheer up her southern friend with a smile, but it shows in her voice that she is worried too.

“Ah thought that with this we could overcome what happened before. But… what if we lose… what if the school gets depressed again?…“

Rarity squeezes Applejack’s hand and they both stare at each other. The dressmaker swallows her concern and smiles, this time sincere.

“Then we will have to cheer it up again.”

The farmer looks up a bit more to her.

Rarity continues. “It’s like Sunset said, we can’t worry about the past. You just have to keep going. And if we can, we can help others in the same way.“

This time Rarity sounds more confident in her words.

Applejack seems to relax, and Rarity squeezes her hand a little tighter and smiles more encouragingly.

“Cheer up, darling! Whatever happens, we will get through it together.“

That makes the farm girl smile, and she calmly drops her shoulders. Sunny Flare, from across the field, gives the couple a curious look.

Applejack prepares to take out again. One last look and smile shared with her partner, and she throws.

The ball bounces from one field to another for a few minutes. While Indigo is in her element, Sunny Flare seems calm but Applejack and Rarity are more determined.

A missed shot that hits the net allows Indigo to throw a serve from his side. She gets into position and so doed Applejack and Rarity, both more than willing to face the athlete.

Indigo gets more serious, throws the ball and kicks into the opponent’s court.

Both, fashionista and farm girl, rush to stop the shot. They brandish their rackets at the same time, and manage to stop the ball, together, overlapping one racket over the other.

Both shine for a moment, and that shine covers their rackets; they fire in unison giving a powerful shot. Sunny Flare sees the ball but she can’t even react, Indigo barely sees a flash of light fall on her field, and even though she tries, she can’t stop it.

“Annotation! Canterlot scores,” says the referee. “The score is 15 – 30.”

Such a scene surprises everyone. Both Crystal and Canterlot remain static, and soon there is a soft but firm celebration from the seconds.

Applejack and Rarity smile, look at each other, and then hug.

Both Indigo and Sunny are stunned, and see their opponents in surprise.

The game continues, and after that first point Rarity & Applejack begin to play with more courage, managing to catch up with the athlete with goals.

Both teams stay even, and the mood of both schools changes. After a match that felt longer than it was, AJ and Rarity make the final point. All of Canterlot explodes with joy, while Crystal seems annoyed.

Indigo Zap, in particular, throws her racket to the ground and stomps on it in frustration much to Sunny Flare’s concern. The purple haired girl then turns to her opponents, sees them congratulate each other with jumps and an effusive hug, again there is that curious look on her face.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

The playoff game is held. Indigo forces herself back onto the court, and now Sunny steps out to make way for Neon Light.

On the side of Canterlot, Rarity is tired, so she goes to rest and Flash returns to cover her.

Indigo plays with ferocity and dedication, but as time goes by, she becomes clearly tired. Applejack goes through the same situation, little by little she is exhausted so are the two boys who begin to take control of the field.

Finally, after much effort and tension in place, the referee blows the last whistle.

“Set and match, the winners are Canterlot High School!”

There are shouts of joy from the school and congratulations and hugs from the team. Between which Crystal is frustrated and dissatisfied with the defeat.

Sunset, arms crossed, lowers her head and Lightning Dust gives her a stern look.

“Great plan, captain.” Says in a whisper but with a voice full of sarcasm as she walks away from her. Sunset looks hurt and affected, although Sonata and Lemon try to comfort her.

For their part, all of Canterlot celebrates, although Rarity doesn’t avoid noticing Indigo Zap who departs from her group; her body trembles and she shakes herself in annoyance. Worried, the dressmaker goes with her.

“Um, excuse me, hi?”

Indigo listens to her and turns to see Rarity with a firm frown.

“And what do you want? Do you come to gloom your victory in my face?”

“Gloom? No, darling. I just… I noticed that you are affected.“

“Oh, what a news,” Indigo says sarcastically. “In case you didn’t notice, I just lost! Worse, I lost in a sport! I’m good at sports! I’m THE BEST in sports! How can I lose?!“

Rarity tries to speak but she seems to have a hard time putting together a new sentence.

“Darling, don’t be like that. Losing doesn’t make you less than you are.“

“Of course it does! I’m the captain of the sports team! I must win for them! So they can win! But if they see me lose…“

Indigo’s self regretting stops when Rarity takes her hand in hers.

“Indigo, even if you lose, that doesn’t make you less in front of others. You strive for yours. You are generous and as long as you keep trying, others will too.”

Indigo is silent looking at the fashionista.

Rarity just smiles at her. “If you want your team to be strong, you must be now. Don’t let yourself be defeated, keep going.“

Indigo is surprised, and feels calm at her words.

“… you were friends with Sunset, right?”

Rarity smiles wistfully and some sadness. “Yes. I learned from her that I have to keep pushing myself to get through the bad times.”

“Heh… yeah, it sounds like something she would say.”

There is a silence between the two for a moment. Rarity smiles kindly, Indigo is just a little shocked.

“Hey, why are you helping me? We are rivals here.”

“Please darling, the fact we are competing doesn’t mean lacking in education and respect.”

“Heh, Sunset said that too. I guess so.”

Rarity keeps smiling, Indigo looks embarrassed but calmer.

The scene is watched by Applejack, who smiles at the act of hee friend. Until she sees Sunny Flare approaching her.

“Congratulations on your victory, honey.”

“Uh… thanks. It’s nice of ya.“

“You deserve it. I thought we were going to win, but you and that girl make a good team.“
“Heh, Ah guess so.” The farmer speaks somewhat sadly.

Sunny suddenly gets a little serious “Tell me, is that girl your girlfriend?”

Applejack blinks in confusion. “WHAT?!” Applejack can’t help but blush and freak out at the question.

Sunny is intrigued. “You will excuse my meddling dear, it’s just that I saw you so close. I couldn’t help but think how cute you look together.”

Applejack gets pretty mad. “Y-Y-Yer wrong! Rarity and Ah just… we’re friends!” Answers the blonde still flustered and her blush rising.

Sunny from her side gives an almost conspiratorial smile. “Mh, are you sure of that, dear?”

Applejack seems to be sweating. “Of-Of course!… “

Sunny keeps smiling “Well, I don’t want to intrude. But you guys seemed so close, anyone can see you have a special bond.”

Applejack calms down and seems to think for a moment. “… Rarity has been mah friend since preschool. It’s normal fer us to be close.”

“That’s so sweet.” Sunny exclaims, she seems happier. “Honey, you shouldn’t hide your feelings like this.”

Applejack is puzzled. “Hide mah… what are ya talkin’ about? Ah-“

“No, please don’t say it.” Sunny gently interrupts her and sees her with a soft smile. “You don’t have to hide it, honey. It is important to be honest with yourself.” A small nostalgic smile is quickly followed by a friendly one. “I tell you from experience.”

Sunny is called by her team and after a gentle farewell to the farmer, she goes with them.

Applejack stares at her in surprise, and confused. “Honest … with mahself?”

~ Friendship Among Games ~

There is a very short break but immediately the next competition begins.

Pinkie Pie and Lemon Zest position themselves at the exit of the race track, the former drinking a milkshake and both carry a small green cane in their hands.

They look at each other with defiance but a smile of excitement. Pinkie tosses her already empty glass and gives a little burp that makes Lemon start to laugh. Pinkie joins in said laugh.

Cadence makes the announcement. “The next event, the Relay Race, is going to start. Runners, on your marks.“

Both, pink haired and green haired, stop laughing and get into position with a confident smile.

“Ready. Go!”

No signal to wait and they begin to run quickly down the track. At first they are quite matched but then Pinkie feels something in her stomach, and she smiles.

“Uh uh, that double fudge shake with whipped cream is working!”

Lemon looks at her strangely. “What-“

“Here I gooooooooooo!”

Out of nowhere, Pinkie’s stomach makes a deep sound and something runs through her body, Lemon is a little scared to see her start to shake as she moves forward and then.


To everyone’s surprise, Pinkie Pie accelerates by moving her arms and legs at superhuman speed, causing her to cross the track at high speed.

Both Lemon and everyone at Crystal are amazed by what they see.

At the starting line they are now waiting for Trendehoof on Crystal’s side, and Baton Switch on Canterlot’s.

Baton smiles confidently when she sees the pink girl approach and gets into position to run, holding out her hand towards Pinkie.

Pinkie immediately hands her the green cane and the bun girl starts running, although Pinkie runs alongside her without being able to stop. But she promptly veers away from her and ends up lying on one of the bleachers, falling asleep on a pillow, and Fluttershy covers her with a blanket.

Baton doesn’t stop her race and advances as fast as she can. Trender is concerned and turns to Lemon who is approaching.

“Come on Lemon!”

“I’m coming!”

Lemon forces herself to go the extra mile, and accelerates to give the baton to her partner who then goes out to try to catch up with his opponent.

Lemon needs to stop in place to catch up air, and in that she sees Lightning approaching. They look at each other for a moment, the blonde girl is extremely serious, and Lemon gets a bit uncomfortable.

Lightning says nothing, she just turns her back on Lemon and stands idly watching Trender trying to catch up with Baton who had a considerable advantage.

Rainbow Dash also approaches and sees the attitude of the girl, she looks at the green haired girl for a moment but she only returns with her team. Rainbow’s brow furrows more she doesn’t say anything.

In the race, Baton still has the advantage and listens to the spirits of the school and of her fellow band members. She is so motivated that she starts waving the cane like a baton encouraging herself.

Trender struggles to catch up with her, but he already looks tired.

Rainbow smiles when Baton approaches and as she is about to receive the staff she looks at Lightning.

“See you at the finish line.”

As soon as she says that, Baton hands her the wand and the multi-colored haired girl lives up to her name, running at high speed leaving Lightning behind.

Baton breathes and drops, raising her arm to join in the cheers that are now from her colorful partner.

Trender finally manages to get closer and seeing Rainbow already doing a great distance he talks to his partner.

“Lightning Dust! We depend on you!”

The blonde reaches for the cane and bends her knees. “I know. As usual.”

She wastes no time and starts running.

Both Rainbow and Lightning surprise everyone with their speed when running. Rainbow Dash turns and notices that Lightning runs catching up with her, so she puts more effort into accelerating.

Lightning Dust doesn’t give up and she accelerates too. They go so fast that they almost seem to leave a rainbow and a lightning behind them.

Rainbow Dash sees Lightning quite close to her, close enough that her competitive spirit overpowers her.

“You think you are faster than me, right?!”

Lightning is serious, but then puts on an arrogant smile. “No! I KNOW I’m faster than you!”

To emphasize her statement, she accelerates and almost catches up with Rainbow.


Rainbow also accelerates and they both stay close to each other, with Lightning still behind Rainbow.

“They don’t call me ‘RAINBOW’ and ‘DASH’ for nothing!”

“Well, I’m Lightning Dust, and I’ll make you bite my ‘dust’.”

To Rainbow’s surprise and anger, Lightning manages to catch up with her just during the final turn toward the finish line.

“You will not win!”

“I always win, not like you and your school full of losers!”

“I never lose! And we don’t lose to you! Not this year!“

Lightning smirks. “Your school only knows how to lose, just like when you lost Sunset.”

Hearing that causes Rainbow to lose focus, stumbling, and completely losing her balance, falling to the ground.

Rainbow can only hear the blonde’s laugh and see how she runs away from her at high speed, reaching the finish line. Right away she is greeted by cheers and applause from her school.

“Crystal wins the Relay Race!” Cadence announces.

The announcement only fuels the celebration. But from her side, Rainbow’s friends approach her as she gets up.

Fluttershy is the first and speaks in a surprisingly high tone for her. “Rainbow! Are you alright?”

Applejack joins them. “Did you hurt yerself, sugarcube?”

Rainbow doesn’t seem to hear them, she just glares at Lightning and suddenly runs towards her. Everyone notices how the Canterlot’s athlete prepares to hit Crystal’s, fortunately Flash manages to take her wrist and stop her. Although Rainbow tries to let go he holds her under her arms.

“YOU’RE A MISERABLE CHEATER!” The chromatic girl accuses, the only thing she wins is a mocking laugh from the other.

“Why is my fault you fell like this? It’s normal for a loser to lose.“

That only provokes another attack attempt from Rainbow, so Flash and now helped by Sandal Woods hold her down.

Immediately, the principals of both schools approach the place and stop the fight.

“It’s enough!” Celestia exclaims. “Conflicts are not allowed.”

Cinch speaks with a stoic but stern gesture. “Your students are too aggressive, Celestia. They lack discipline.”

“Not like yours are better,” Celestia whispers with a frown so Cinch won’t hear her.

To everyone’s surprise, the Canterlot’s party girl suddenly appears with a tray of cupcakes.

“Hey! Instead of fighting, let’s have cupcakes! Who wants cupcakes? I want cupcakes! Have cupcakes!“

Without waiting for any response, she hands out a cupcake to everyone present, including the principals.

Rainbow keeps looking at Lightning, but she just ignores her and walks away from her, eating the cupcake Pinkie gave her. The other Wondercolts gather together and Rainbow huffs in annoyance, then eats her own cupcake.

Pinkie Pie smiles seeing everyone happier.

“Do you always give people cupcakes?” Lemon asks coming over and eating her own cupcake.

“Cupcakes make people happy!” It’s the pink girl’s answer.

“Mmh, you’re weird. I like you! I’m Lemon Zest.“

“Pinkie Pie!”

They shake hands, but Lemon is surprised when Pinkie shakes it hard.

“Wow. Okay, you are cheerful. I realice.”

“I like to be happy and make others happy! It’s what I live for.”

“Heh, I get it. I like to have fun, although I don’t always find something to share with others.”

“Sometimes it happens to me, not always everyone likes my parties. But I always try to make people laugh.”

“Heh, that’s what I’m trying too. I like you Pin-Pie.”


The green haired girl is surprised to find herself hugged by the pink haired girl.

“Meh, okay, it’s not that Sonata doesn’t do this often.”

In those moments, Cadence grabs everyone’s attention.

“Attention please, the penultimate event of the decathlon is about to begin!”

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Just minutes later, both teams are on the school stage in a Spelling Bee.

Most are removed quickly, so it doesn’t take long to get a result. Twilight being the winner on Crystal’s side, and Sunseen as the best on Canterlot’s side.

Thus comes the last event.

Crystal’s principal talks to both teams. “The last event of the decathlon is, as everyone should know, the Elimination Equations,” says Cinch. “Both schools will select a student, who will go to the front to solve the formula presented at the indicated time.”

As the woman finishes explaining the event, both teams are already meeting and deciding who will take the stage.

“Alright, who do we send?”

Sandalwoods looks at his fellow tech genius. “What about you Micro Chips? You are very technological, surely you are good at math.”

Micro Chips shrinks a bit on himself. “Ehh, not so good. In fact, I almost always guide myself with my pocket calculator.” He shows said item in his hands.

Flash thinks a bit. “Well, um, what about you Sunset?”

Sunseen is somewhat surprised. “Uh, me?”

“Well, yeah. You always get the highest grade on everything.“

Rainbow seems to agree. “It’s true. You are definitely the smartest on the team.”

“Do ya think ya can do it, sugarcube?” Applejack asks quietly.

Sunseen seems to think about it for a moment. Subtly, she turns to see Crystal’s team, especially her doppelganger.

After a brief silence, the girl with glasses answers. “All right, I’ll go. If everyone trusts me."

“Of course we trust!” Exclaims the colorful athlete. The team supports each other. But Sunseen still focuses on Sunset.

“If we are the same … they will probably choose her too.” Sunseen thinks to herself.

Just minutes later, the two chosen students are called to the stage.

Sunseen climbs on Canterlot’s side, and Twilight climbs on Crystal’s side. The fire-haired girl is surprised to see the scientist, and turns her eyes subtly towards her twin, who remains with her arms crossed and a rather serious look.

“Why isn’t she? What does it mean?”

She frowns and looks at her opponent. Twilight remains calm, but serious.

“Is it she can’t do it? My double doesn’t know if she can win this competition?” Sunseen wonders internally. “And if I succeed, will it mean that… I’m better?”

Both girls with glasses exchange glances and there is determination in both.

Both teams cheer on their representative and immediately the event begins.

They both take a piece of chalk and begin to write the formula that gives the solution to the written equation.

Twilight looks extremely focused as she writes. Sunseen, from her side, looks away from her opponent and then looks at her reflection who remains focused on her friend.

Sunseen grits her teeth and her hand trembles slightly but forces herself to continue solving the equation.

All students are attentive and expectant to the result. By the end of time they both have finished their equation. It is Crystal’s principal who is in charge of controlling the results, and this is…


The woman announces dryly and seriously, pointing at Sunseen.

The fiery-haired girl is shocked, and is seen to become extremely depressed.

The Canterlot’s vice principal takes the floor.

“That means the winners of the first round of the Friendship Games are Crystal Prep!”

There is immediate shouting and applause from Crystal’s students, and almost the entire team goes upstairs to congratulate and celebrate her fellow scientist. Twilight turns very red from embarrassment, but she can’t help but be happy.

Sunseen from her side looks down, yet her Rainbooms friends approaches to her with great encouragement.

Rainbow is the first to congratulate her. “That was incredible! Good job Suns!“

“What? But… I didn’t win.“

“Canterlot has never been so close to winnin’.” Applejack says, refusing to compliment.

The four directives meet and start talking to each other. Cadence is the one who speaks to the students.

“After counting the points, we have the students who will go on to the next round. From Canterlot High, Sunset Shimmer.”

Later, her friends hug the girl with glasses making her laugh.

The dean continues. “Pinkamena Diane Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack.”

The Rainbooms reinforce her hug and celebrate together.

“And on Crystal’s side. Twilight Sparkle, Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Indigo Zap, Sunny Flare, and Lemon Zest.“

The six girls remain on stage and congratulate each other as the rest of the team get off it.

From the other side, Sunseen is surprised to see Sunset descend.

“What? She… she didn’t qualify?“

Her question is not heard by anyone, and as Sunset lets out a sigh she meets Flash, then they both start talking. Sunseen seeing her friends still celebrating, decides to follow her double and the boy when they walk away.

Twilight, by her side, feels a heat in her chest and realices that it is her spectrometer reacting. She subtly withdraws herself from the rest, and also steps off the stage.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Flash and Sunset walk down the hall while chatting calmly.

“Congratulations on winning, Sunset.”

“Thanks, Flash. However, I don’t know if my team agrees with it.“

“Why do you say that?”

Sunset takes a moment to answer. “Crystal is very firm about winning, they aren’t happy with the fact we have lost some events.”

“That’s dumb.”

Sunset lets out a soft laugh. “I suppose. But, they want to win, and they elected me captain. They expect me to do my best and… I can’t seem to.”

“Don’t say that. You are winning, you crushed us in almost every competition.“ Realizing his words, Flash feels uncomfortable. “Which is really bad. For my team, of course, but for you, that’s great!… Right?“

Sunset can’t help but laugh at the words of her blue haired friend.

“The point is, you’re doing great. You always do your best for others. You improved school after Anon-A-Miss.“

The memory of that time forces Sunset to look away from her. “It was me who made it worse.”

“No Sunset, you saved us! When you told us not to focus on the past.”

“Um, when did I tell you that?”

“Huh? Ah well… you actually did tell the girls and, then, they spread it to the rest of the school.”

Sunset rolls her eyes in amusement.

“The thing is, without you, the school would still be sad and cold. You always help others, Sunset.“

Sunset smiles and touches her friend’s arm with her fist. “Thanks, Flash. I’m glad to have you as a friend.“

“Whatever you need. You know I’m here to help.“

“Yes, you were always there for me. I’m sorry we parted ways long ago.“

“That’s not important anymore. We are here now.”

“Yeah, it’s nice to have someone so loyal. Hug?”

“Eh? Oh, sure.”

They both hug for a moment and then share a laugh.

When they part, Flash turns around and goes back the way he came. Sunseen, who was around the corner, rushes against the lockers and pretends she is touching them. Flash doesn’t notice her and just keeps going, Sunseen looks back at Sunset who had already moved away from her.

Her countenance becomes quite serious.

~ Friendship Among Games ~

Outside of school, Sonata is alone practicing her cheer as she walks around waving her pom poms.

“Crystal Crystal yay! Crystal Crystal… ah, what rhymes with ‘yay’?“

A sound like a soft laugh behind some bushes of the place attracts her attention. Curious, she walks through the plant and finds the shy Rainboom playing with her animal friends.

“Hey!” The hairy blue girls calls and the pink haired one is scared a little, taking her little cat in her arms. When they look at each other Sonata smiles.

“I know you! You are the sweet Rainboom. Not sweet in the sugar sense, that’s the pink one. You are the sweet one, of character.“

Fluttershy seems shy, more than usual. Sonata notices.

“Oh, right. I guess you don’t want to see me. I’m leaving now.”

The young siren is about to leave, but Fluttershy stops her. “Wait!”

Sonata is shocked by the call, even Fluttershy shocks herself. She is silent for a moment while the shy girl looks away, unsure.

Sonata looks at her without saying anything. The little animals seem to sense the environment and approach her human friend to caress her, as if encouraging her.

“I’m sorry…” Fluttershy finally says.

Sonata looks confused. “Um, why are you apologizing?“

“I, because … I want to apologize for what happened before.”

Sonata doesn’t understand what Fluttershy means. “Um, before?”

“When Rainbow was about to… well …”

Sonata seems lost for a while, but she finally gets the point.

“OH! When your friend of many colors believe I was magically controlling Sunset?“

Fluttershy can only nod silently.

“Ah well, it doesn’t matter anymore! I already forgot what happened.”

“Aren’t you mad?”

Sonata just shakes her head, smiling.

Fluttershy smiles softly, and Sonata widens her own smile. The kitten next to Fluttershy meows and they both look at him. Fluttershy thinks of something.

“Do you want to give him a treat?”

Sonata just smiles and dares to get out of the bush to sit next to the pink haired girl. The kitten looks at her and she starts to pet him.

Fluttershy smiles when she sees her, and speaks softly. “You are not as scary as I thought. Actually, you are not terrifying at all.”

Sonata looks offended. “Hey! I can be scary if I want to. Look!”

Sonata tries to make a scared face in front of the kitten, but he just meows and rubs her purr. The blue girl can’t resist hugging him.

“Owwww, how cute … I think I should apologize again.”

Sonata leaves the kitten and walks away from her to play with the other animals. “Really? And now for what?“

“For thinking badly of you. I thought you were a bad person but, the truth is, you are very kind.”

“I can be bad!” Sonata says as if she has received an insult. “I’m a siren! … Although, I haven’t done bad things in a long time.”

“Do you want to do bad things?”

Sonata is silent for a moment. “Well, not really. I guess…”

There is a slight silence, but Fluttershy smiles again. “Maybe you did bad things before. But you are not a bad person, there is good in you.“

As she says that, Fluttershy hands Sonata a small white rabbit, and Sonata takes it. She looks at the smiling animal and soon she is smiling too.

“That is why I say you are the sweetest of the Rainbooms.”

Fluttershy just shows a kind smile. And soon her body begins to glow. Her hair spreads, her ears change, and her wings magically emerge from her back.

“WOW!” Sonata is more than impressed with the scene.

Inside the school, in one of the hallways, Twilight follows the trail of her pendant, and looking out the window she can see Fluttershy floating slightly.

Her surprise at the image of her is overshadowed by a slight terror when her artifact is activated, she tries to stop it, but soon the device begins to take the magic of Fluttershy.

To the surprise of both girls outside, holes open around them through which another place can be seen. From plants to small houses.

Sonata sees the portals and is surprised. “What’s going on? Is that… is that…?”

Little by little Fluttershy loses her strength, descends until she is standing, and if not for Sonata she would have fallen to the ground.

Inside the school, Twilight’s artifact takes all the power and the girl is finally able to shut it down. Instantly those holes disappear.

The girl with glasses watches in horror as the animal lover is exhausted, and her singing friend holds her as she looks everywhere for help.

Sunset is passing by and hears Sonata.

“Help! Someone!”


The flamed haired girl rushes to the place and immediately sees Fluttershy leaning on her siren friend. She hurries over and helps her.

Her gaze turns around in bewilderment, but she doesn’t see anything.

In the hallway, Twilight freaks out and quickly runs away just before Sunset turns and sees the now empty window.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading!

I'm glad to know that there are still people who want to see how this story ends.
Don't worry, this time I'll finish it.

We could see the end of the first round but things are only going to get more complicated from here on.
I hope you liked the little changes I made, and in the next chapter, we'll see if Canterlot still has a chance, or if Crystal takes the win. We will also see what will happen with the magic of Canterlot. Do not miss it!