• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 1,384 Views, 157 Comments

Snickers: The Royal Colt - Mocha Star

After a fallout with his family and friends, Snickers is moving to Canterlot to spend time with Princess Celestia. However, politics and people aren't as easy or fanciful as they seem in books.

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What's Happened

Sage Brush was lying in the Center of Snickers’s bed, reading a magazine she’d found in the fillies’ room. The fillies were taking a walk through the gardens and Rosemary was having breakfast, leaving the younger unicorn alone and unsupervised. Sage turned a page and flicked her tail as the thought of wearing a new dress ran through her mind.

Suddenly, light seemed to be sucked into a void and Princess Luna appeared in the center of the colt’s room with her wings around her front. Struck dumb for a second, Sage stared before she got to her hooves and galloped to the edge of the bed and bowed. “Y-y-your Majesty, er, Highness! To what do we, I… how may I be of cervix? Service!”

Not paying attention to the maid, Luna opened her wings from around herself and showed Snickers held in her forelegs. Sage, still looking intently at the floor from the surface of the bed, didn't see the colt, but she heard him when he whimpered. “Master Snickers?! Your Highness, how can I help?”

Sage hopped to the floor and ran to the colt as he was lowered to the floor, sitting and holding his foreleg to his body still. Sage moved to Snickers’s side and used her magic to turn him to face her, not seeing the upset look she got from Princess Luna. Luna’s look turned to a kind smile as she watched the mare looking over Snickers, without touching him or using magic, to gauge his injury.

“Master Snickers, are you in pain?”

“Are you as dumb as you sound?” Snickers snapped angrily with tears slowly leaving his eyes.

“Can I see your injury? Do you feel you need a hug?” Sage asked.

Snickers scoffed and looked at Luna. “Auntie,” he said, goosebumps crawling down his legs when he saw the canines, the black mare had glint in the light, “can you just heal me?”

“Master Snickers, no! Never get healed while unsure of the wound,” Sage said, walking around Snickers, and looking him over.

“Stop calling me ‘Master’. I’ll be damned before I have a slave or hold myself that high above another creature!”

Luna smirked, keeping her mouth closed, while Sage backed up and bowed her head to the colt. “Yes, Snickers. I apologize, it’s just habit, and I mean no offense.”

Snickers used his good foreleg to flip his mane like Rarity had done. “Quite, be certain to remember that in the future, as well. Now, about my injury?”

Sage stood and looked it over visually, then she cast a brief spell to check it out. “Hm, seems to be fine. You’re cleared for healing, however, I would like to know who stepped on you. I’m certain several guards will be most eager to speak with her.”

“It was a stallion, actually,” Luna said. “And I’ll take care of healing him. You’re released from your duty and may take your reading material to the proper quarters.”

Sage rolled the magazine as it flew to her, then she took her leave. “Thank you, Your Highness. Will there be anything else, Princess Luna, Snickers?”

“Leave us,” Luna said sternly, a final time as Sage galloped from the bedroom. “With the riff-raff gone, let Us see your foreleg. Hold still, you won’t feel a thing.”

Snickers waited and watched as magic so dark it seemed to absorb light itself, healed him. “Well, that was ominous,” Snickers said, rubbing the spot where the phantom pain resided.

Luna sighed and picked Snickers up with her forelegs to toss him onto the bed. Startled, he yelped behind closed lips, then giggled when he bounced on the bed and tumbled over himself, nearly asking for another toss. He would have, had he not seen a black bat-winged, large fanged, slit eyed horse flying at him.

Had he no idea who Luna was, he would have wet the bed and fainted. Regardless, he still managed a small smile.

Luna flew to lay beside him, noting Snickers’s eyes on her bat-like wings. She moved her legs under herself and shimmied a little to get comfortable. “You are afraid of me, aren’t you?”

Snickers looked along the dark alicorn’s body, then nodded. “What are you gonna do if I say you’re really nice, but you look like you’re gonna gobble me up, if I say something you don’t like?”

Luna laid her head on her silver fore-shoes. “I am but a mare who made a mistake. I was changed beyond the physical confines of my old body so I could better emulate the Limelight’s influence.

“I would no more attack you, than I would a feline by the seat of my sister’s throne. The fact you can see through my illusion is curious and worrisome, but I wonder what else you may be immune to, based solely on that.”

Snickers shrugged. “Whatever it is, I don’t know it, I bet. I mean, I don’t know if I can see through all illusions, or just yours. What if I’m impervious to certain kinds of energy, or some spells are doubled in power when they are cast on me… I just wouldn’t know, would I?”

Luna giggled, quietly. “You are indeed wiser than your age. You may grow to be a worldly scholar at this rate, Aquealis.”

Snickers blushed. “You don’t have to say that, Auntie Luna.”

Luna raised an eyebrow, waiting to be shouted at, but it seemed the moment had passed and Snickers hadn’t noticed, maybe he hadn’t cared for once. “Well… it is true enough. I heard that you… are a human? A creature from a modern book, based in a world of technology and science that rivals our own in magics unknown and unbelievable to pony minds?”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, I was an electrical engineer. I can’t believe it took me almost three weeks to learn to say that,” he chuckled at himself, “I didn’t know the words existed in Ponish, much less how to combine them. It was as simple as taking each word, and then adding the particle ‘ne’ between them, and ‘eigh’ after. The humor isn’t lost on me.”

Luna and Snickers giggled. “Indeed, Nephew,” Luna said, finally using the term freely, “Old Ponish was elegant, Modern Ponish seems to use many puns and musings on the basics of Equine life and existence.”

“I pone, therefore I am,” Snickers quoted. “Twilight taught me a lot of things, and language was one of them. A few words make all the difference in my life; being able to talk about space, electricity, math, and science in ways I didn’t know I could… it’s liberating to have that connection to my old life.”

Luna tilted her head slightly. “Old life? You mean from when you left my sister?”

Snickers snorted. “No, I’m not the colt she lost. I meant my human life. Sure, being a pony is fine, Auntie. I mean, being adopted by Rarity has been great, even though I made her life Tartarus for most of it; she’s stuck by me and learned with me. But, what I like best, is that I can speak between my language of <English, and then hop back to> Ponish, with little work.”

Luna blinked a couple times, trying to understand what was said. “I… noticed you slipped in your modern Ponish when you began to speak again. Much as I used to so often, Ponah trula ert ingula.”

Snickers grinned. “You speak Old Ponish? Cool, can you teach me a couple words? Twilight knows it, but she knows everything, and asking her always gets a lecture. Why, if I were so inclined, I’d have her stand by a lectern when a question was asked,” Snickers said, flipping his mane again while speaking eloquently.

Luna giggled into her shoe. “It seems Lady Rarity is quite the influence on you, young Aquelis.”

“I’m not Aquelis,” Snickers replied. “And, she’s a great mare, and mom. And… I don’t know why mom won’t let it go. I’m not her son, but she keeps trying to win me over, or convince me I am.”

Luna hummed, wondering who Snickers was referring to as ‘mom’. “Actually, you haven’t seen Celestia for nearly a day, now. As you may recall, she was quite hurt when you both parted ways last time.” Snickers nodded and averted his attention to the glass doors that led to the balcony. “You didn’t mean to do so, I’m sure, but she was quite inconsolable for a while, into my night.”

Snickers’ eyes shimmered briefly and he looked at Luna. “Is… is mommy okay? Celestia! Is Celestia… goddesses,” Snickers sat up and held his head in his forehooves, “what’s wrong with me?”

Luna pulled Snickers to her and she lay on her side as she maneuvered him to lie with his head against her barrel. “Young child, I know not of what the Three Sisters Eternal have done to you, but what I can see, it was not with kindness in their eyes. A foal, taken from my sister, brought back with the mind of another…

“It boggles my mind as to what you know is true, or what they may have made up to fill the lost time. Perhaps, even, you never left, but were taken as a token in their game; unknownst to us below them.”

Snickers whimpered and sniffled. “I don’t wanna be anyone but me. Why does this life have to be so shitty? Why can’t I just be liked and loved, and not have something go wrong, or weird, every single day?”

Luna chuckled. “Aquelis, you are liked by your friends; loved by your herd and family. And while you may think your life is… shitty, as you youth must say these days, I believe that if you saw the events more as fun adventures or lessons, you’d have a better outlook on your life. And what a life it is, Nephew.

“Why, to be a lost prince, son to Princess Celestia herself, borne with the right to any land in the nation that isn’t claimed, and the authority to do as you please… most colts would give anything for such power and control.”

Snickers pushed back from the black mare and looked away. “I’m not them, Auntie. I’m me. And, I don’t wanna be Celestia’s son. Stop calling me Aquelis, too. I’m Snickers, and I’m Rarity’s colt. I’m Rarity’s son, and I’m… lucky to have her as a parent here.” Snickers realized, just then, how important his life with Rarity was.

The time he’d first met her and spread chocolate across the kitchen nearly made him shiver from the mess he’d made, not only of himself, but of the area; and Rarity, too. The time they primped at the spa for the first time took away the sense of ick.

The efforts Rarity had gone through, trying to curb his swearing on their first day, and the inception of the swear jar that must have still been a quarter full when he left so abruptly.
Rarity’s defense of himself when Harmony, Discordance, and Order had made themselves known. Knowing that Rarity would have done more than just get messy(er) to teach them a lesson about a mother’s defense of her foal.

The lessons they’d learned together, the fights and shouting, the hugs and cries; it all funneled down to three words that he couldn’t deny feeling and believing.

I trust her.

Snickers smiled at the thought and tried to think and feel the same for all his friends in Ponyville, but with each mental image, the feeling slipped away.

Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, the CMC, Rainbow Dash. Each pony he thought of numbed his heart and chilled his expression until he was frowning. Without intentionally doing so, the image of Silver Spoon sitting on his hind legs, two days before, went through his mind, and he smiled.

Diamond Tiara looking away from her friend as Silver was ready to, at the least, give him his first stroking. Diamond’s head, Snickers noticed, twinged towards looking twice, but it was a big reason he left; he didn’t want Diamond to be a part of something she wasn’t okay with.

What kind of friend would he be if he lied to her? He had promised their first day as friends that he wouldn’t put her in, or force her into, any sexual situations she wasn’t comfortable with.

But, seeing the grey filly shyly looking at him the morning after over breakfast brought a neutrality to him, and a smile broke when he remembered his fillies happily hopping around, being accepted into his herd. He was the alpha colt, and he had two fillies vying for his love.

Snickers chuckled quietly at the feelings of being wanted and loved so much that two fillies wanted him more than he wanted them. The lengths they would be willing to go through to earn his affection was heartwarming and he longed to know what it was going to be like.

All the while, Luna watched Snickers’s expressions change with her sharp vision. Finally, when he was clearly content, she softly spoke, “Would you like me to leave? I’m sure you have many important things to do.”

Snickers shook his head. “No, stay, Auntie. Can we talk a little more, about mom?”

“I am unsure of who you mean,” Luna admitted.

“What didn’t you get? I asked if we can talk about Celestia,” Snickers clarified, unaware of his previous wording.

Luna looked away and bared her fangs. I will call upon the Sisters and demand answers for this… perversion of my Sister’s family.

Hours seemed to pass, and Snickers was still lying with Luna, only now beside her and away from her body. “...so, that’s how I tried to get my mark in basket weaving.”

Luna’s cheeks were getting sore from all the smiling, and she was pleased she was able to deflect the entire Celestia conversation by asking Snickers about his mark. Snickers went over several failed attempts, including the two in the gardens that ended with a thorough bath and, unwittingly, he’d alluded to the evening’s events that led to the fillies sleeping in Kiwe’s room.

“So, that’s what happened, Auntie. Don’t tell anypony, please,” Snickers asked quietly. “Mom knows already, and she was kinda… oh, darn! I didn’t write her last night,” Snickers slapped the mattress, “she’ll be quite cross with me, I wager.

Luna smiled at the colt and began to speak, when suddenly there was a loud knock at the doorway and Celestia let herself in. She saw Snickers on the bed and her wings flew open.

She galloped towards the bed and lowered herself, sliding the last couple lengths to end with her chest fluff lightly brushing the blanket. “I heard what had happened… are you okay? Let me see your wound, I may be able to fix it,” Celestia nearly commanded.

Snickers held his foreleg out and let Celestia look it over. “Mo~m, I’m fine! I just wanna talk to Auntie, can you… what’s wrong?” Snickers asked.

Celestia was pouting, but she seemed to be happy as her eyes brimmed with tears. The white alicorn sobbed once and held her forelegs out. “Can… I have a hug?” Celestia asked Snickers.

Put on the spot, Snickers looked at Luna. When she nodded once, Snickers walked between Celestia’s forelegs and watched her horn move with her head as she pulled him close to her. All he could see was white fur and he smelled Celestia for the first time.

Snickers wanted to push free, but against all his wants, his body relaxed, letting Celestia hold him. “I’ve missed you so much, my little baby. I’ve been so alone for so long, without you.”

Snickers hummed and curled up a little, allowing Celestia to cradle him in her forelegs to her fluffy chest. “Why am I so sleepy?” Snickers asked.

Luna’s horn stopped glowing just as Celestia looked at her, pointedly. Luna and Celestia shared a short conversation though expressions, finally stopping when Snickers yawned quietly and smacked his lips. “Hush my little pony, don’t say a word,” Celestia began to sing, “Mommy’s going to find you a burning bird.

If that burning bird won’t burn, Mommy’s gonna find you a cute little worm. If that little worm won’t wiggle, Mommy will tickle your tummy to make you giggle.”

Snickers playfully slapped at the now shoeless hoof that poked at his belly, making him smile. Celestia sat and was about to continue the song when the door opened and a short pony entered the bedroom wearing a very oversized bathrobe. Unused wing slits showed the color of the pony underneath and Luna called out Kiwe’s name.

The colt jerked to a stop with a startled hop. “Wh-- y-your Majesties?!” Kiwe bowed deeply and pulled the hood back to expose his head to the mares as soon as he realized it hid him from their view.

Snickers, at that moment, snapped back to his senses and looked up at the mare holding him, into her eyes, and then looked away. “I don’t know what’s going on, but can you put me down?”

Celestia looked at Snickers, blinked, then nodded. Her mane drifted behind her slowly as she lowered Snickers to the floor, where he stood tall and shook briefly. Snickers looked at Luna, then moved to Kiwe’s side. Kiwe was standing awkwardly, doing his best to not look nervous, and failing terribly.

“Kiwe, where’d you go when you ditched me at the nobles meeting?” Snickers asked and bumped his shoulder playfully to his friend’s.

Kiwe grimaced and hissed in pain. “Please, do not touch there at the time; I have need for rest, brother of mine.”

Snickers and the princesses looked worriedly at Kiwe. “Were you in a fight?” Snickers asked. Kiwe shook his head and began to walk to the bathroom. “Wait, you aren’t getting away that easily!” Snickers stepped on the robe, but Kiwe didn’t notice and moved on until he felt the hood on his back and sliding off of him, further.

Luna smirked, Celestia frowned, and Snickers looked at his friend with puzzlement. “Kiwe, who scratched you? Wait… scratched? Talons! That jerk, Gus, right?! I’ll buck that fucking half-bird half-cock into the next town!”

Snickers’s shirt was grabbed in Kiwe’s magic, stopping the colt before he could stomp away. Kiwe, blushing brightly, even through his brown fur, shook his head. “Nay, it was not Gus. It was… his sister, Gul.”

Luna snorted into laughter for a brief moment in time, until she saw the cross look on Celestia.

“Are you saying that Gul had her way with you?” Celestia asked.

Kiwe’s ears went straight up and he looked at Celestia. “N-no, Your Majesty… I… apologize, but there was something about her that… must I say it?”

Snickers looked at the ponies in the room, then realized what wasn’t being said. “Wait, you fucked Gul?! Alright, my colt!” Snickers ran to his friend and held out a hoof.

“Aquelis! I’ll not have you encouraging such acts while I’m around,” Celestia scolded Snickers.

Snickers flicked his tail at her and looked between his hoof and Kiwe. Kiwe shook his head. “No, what I have done is not worth a hoof-bump. I am ashamed to have been caught so soon, and by the Sisters Eternal.”

Kiwe bowed again and trotted to the bathroom and closed the door. “Um, can I go check on him?” Snickers asked Luna. Luna looked at Celestia, who nodded.

“You may go, my little Aquelis. Care for your friends as I care for you.”

Snickers frowned. “I’m not Aquelis, mommy.”

With that baffling statement, Snickers galloped to the bathroom and knocked twice before opening the door and entering the bathroom.

Celestia turned her head slowly to look at Luna. Her breath hitched, and she spoke softly. “What’s wrong with my little boy, Luna?”

Luna looked to Celestia, who was vexed, to say the least. “Sister, the Sisters are playing another game; this time, your son is a piece, and I fear his friends are not mere pawns.”

Celestia stood and her horn lit, lightning and fire crackling and coursing down from the tip to its base. “Then, Lulu, it is time I speak with them again.” In a flash of light that left flames in her wake, Celestia was gone before Luna could ask where she was going, or to ask to come along.

“Darn it… I need a goblet of wine and a good book,” Luna groused as she stood from the bed and stretched her legs. “However, I won’t leave my nephew without a fair farewell…” Luna went to the bathroom door and noticed it was slightly open. She nudged it open and closed it as soon as she noticed Snickers looking under Kiwe.

With the door back to it’s almost closed position, she listened.

“Wow, still wet. You plowed her good, huh?” Snickers asked.

“Snickers, one does not ‘plow’ a hen like Gul. I was sure to be sensual and caring during the act of…”

“Act, shmact, you’re the first colt to get some that I know… how was it?!”

There was a moment of silence, then Kiwe’s hooves began to clip and clop quickly. “It was amazing! I had never been with a creature like her, and never imagined I would… it was predator and prey; wolf and a lamb. I was ready to run for my life every time our eyes met, and it only made me want more.

“Her beak is like leather, not sharp like a blade. It was nice to kiss, during the love we made. Her talons were as sharp as a knife, and each pass on my hide was ecstasy by the slice. She roared when she reached her peak, and even though she was on top, I was cowardly and meek.

“When I finished I told her I was about to be done, she took it all within her and licked my cheek some.”

Luna backed from the door and let the colts talk about Kiwe’s experience, happy the colts had something to talk about that wasn’t violent or dangerous. While she was willing to stop Snickers from leaving to fight a grown tom, the thought worried her; because if Aquelis-Snickers was willing to fight, what would that mean for the future of Celestia’s new family line?