• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 1,384 Views, 157 Comments

Snickers: The Royal Colt - Mocha Star

After a fallout with his family and friends, Snickers is moving to Canterlot to spend time with Princess Celestia. However, politics and people aren't as easy or fanciful as they seem in books.

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Snickers stood by the small fountain in the hallway rotunda he’d passed twice the previous day with Laxxie and Kiwe by his side. The now green, moss covered timber-pony was trying to lap water from the fountain. Her thick grass mane actually drank from the water she was reaching for, but it was unknown to the other creatures in the room.

Kiwe smirked at Laxxie’s efforts. “She is certainly dedicated to her task.”

Snickers looked at the two gryphons standing on the other side of the fountain with rapt interest and gave a passive grunt, acknowledging Kiwe’s comment.

The male gryphon had had enough and turned to look directly at Snickers. “Can I help you with something, foal?”

Snickers shook his head and blinked. “Sorry, I was spaced out for a minute, there. Oh, cool! You’re talking to me,” Snickers cheered and galloped around the fountain to greet the creatures he’d never thought he’d meet. “Hi,” Snickers said in greeting when he moved to stand almost between the two conversing creatures, “I’m Snickers and I’m a royal guest.”

“Big deal, kid,” the hen of the couple said, “we are, too. Anypony staying in these apartments are royal guests. Now, do you need something, or can you leave my brother and I to talk in peace?”

Snickers looked between the two. “Wait, I thought you were… ya know, together.”

The male clicked his tongue. “And why would you think that?

Snickers shrugged and smiled. “Well, I’unno… I was just thinking that it’d be cool to see two gryphs that were a couple. I’ve only met ponies since I got here, and you’re the first not ponies I’ve met! You have actual fingers?!” Snickers squeaked in surprise, lowering his head to get a closer look at them.

“Hey, leave my talons alone! They aren’t fingers. I’m not a minotaur. Don’t you have a mother you can be bothering?”

The hen snerked at her brother’s frustration. “Oh, c’mon, Gus; let the colt look at your fingers. What’s the worst that he could do, bite them?”

Gus hissed and ruffled the feathers on his neck at his sister. “Why don’t you go nibble on her? Gul is more than eager to share gryphon talons with ponies.”

Snickers snickered. “Your names are Gul and Gus? I guess the naming scheme is true, then?”

Kiwe startled Snickers by speaking from behind him. “It depends on from where they hail, some have different names by where they set sail.”

Gul snapped her beak. “Great, a zebra mystic; just what I needed in my life.”

“Thank you for the kind thought, but I am but the son of one. My mother’s words and rhyme just happen from time to time.” Kiwe smirked at the hen when she frowned. “For a hen with such a lovely name, a glance along your body I could not refrain.”

Gul blushed a little and looked away. “Damn zebra and your rhyming… stop it, you’re not gonna get to me.”

Gus growled like a large predatory feline, clear anger growing in his eyes. “Are you flirting with my sister, zebra?”

Kiwe shook his head. “I am a zony, part zebra, part pony. I find your sister very cute, but a moment looking is still quite moot. I cannot be the one to take her heart, because my own belongs to another.”

“Hey!” Gul snapped. “That didn’t rhyme… I mean, good! I hate rhyming like that,” Gul stammered, her blush covering her cheeks behind her beak.

Kiwe nodded approvingly. “As you can see, my dear cock, my feelings for her have fallen off my dock.”

Gus raised his talons, spread wide and ready to slash down. “You dare compare anything about my sister to your dock?! I’ll teach you respect for a hen!”

Gus stopped before he could swipe. Before a hidden guard could loose an arrow, and a second guard could cast a violent spell, Snickers’ laughter took the group’s attention. “Y-yo-you’re a cock?!”

Gus grimaced and flinched back at the word. Gul snerked while Kiwe stood passively, knowing he was almost scarred for his mouth.

“I am not! I’m a Tom, not a cock!” Gus defended, taking an embarrassed step back. “I’m only thirty percent rooster,” he said, defensively.

“A cock was gonna slap my friend!” Snickers fell over and kicked his legs, unable to hold himself back.

Gus snapped his beak and turned to leave. “Whatever, you’re a waste of my time. Come on, Gul. Let’s let these dweeb ponies graze on some straw, or whatever foals do.”

The hidden guards slunk into the background again while Gus left. Gul followed, whispering something to Kiwe as she passed; something that brought a blush to his face and a bright smile along with it. Gul made a point to wipe the last half of her tail along Kiwe’s muzzle before she flew to catch up to her brother.

Both gryphons left the area to the foals and timberpony.

Snickers got up and sighed. “That was a close one. Don’t open your dumb mouth about a mare… any female’s body again!” Snickers admonished his friend in a serious voice. “I barely stopped him; you’re lucky I knew about the pride of a Tom and their common reaction to being called a cock.

“Twilight’s library is a wealth of knowledge. Seriously, I swear, you can be so dense sometimes.”

Snickers pushed past Kiwe while Kiwe looked flatly at Snickers. “I am not the one who is dense, you are bound by recompense.” Kiwe grumbled to himself.

Snickers looked back at Kiwe as he rounded the fountain. “So, what was the whispering about?”

Kiwe’s blush returned and his smile with it. “Nothing worth talking about. Just some casual flirting between races. She asked me if I liked eggs, I told her how I do, that’s all.”

Once they reached Laxxie, who was sitting like a patient puppy, her segmented stick tail swaying side to side along the floor, Snickers ribbed Kiwe a little. “How did you answer, ‘fertilized?’” Snickers asked. When Kiwe averted his attention to a window, Snickers laughed. “You sly dog! You gonna slap flank?”

“Snickers?! One does not do such a thing with a lovely female like Gul. If it were to happen, it should be handled delicately and with care. Those talons should not appear,” Kiwe shuddered with the thought of being scratched anywhere by a predatory, carnivorous, species; although he might have been shuddering for another reason.

Snickers smirked as Laxxie pushed her mossy side against him and hummed. “Well, maybe you’re right about Gul. I wonder if I should ask her out? Dinner with a prince might loosen her up, right?”

Kiwe, for the first time in over a month of being close to Snickers, narrowed his eyes at the earth pony and Kiwe’s horn sparkled. “It would be wise to stay within your herd, and that is my final word.”

Snickers’s smile faltered and he nodded. “Sure, she’s all yours, bud. I was just joking anyway. I’ve never been into cats; more of a dog person, to be honest,” Snickers wrapped a foreleg around Laxxie’s back.

“Alpha, ‘imber?” Laxxie asked.

Snickers shook his head. “No, being a wolf would terrify most creatures here, so don’t do it. Besides, I kinda like the pony look on you.”

Laxxie cocked her head to the side slightly. “Pony look?”

A series of images passed from Laxxie to Snickers at the speed of thought, when it was over, Snickers shook his head. “No, you can’t have a real pony body, Laxxie. You’re wooden, and a spirit. You can’t just become a real filly, okay?” Snickers said comfortingly.

Laxxie seemed saddened and laid down, resting her chin on her forelegs. If she could have sighed, she would have.

Kiwe nudged her wooden barrel, the reality of her barrel actually being made of wood made him smile warmly. “Do not worry, little wooden pony, you are real to us. Isn’t that enough to warm your… Snickers, do you think she has a heart?”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, it’s just not the same as ours.”

Kiwe leaned down and nuzzled her mossy cheek. “Then it warms my heart knowing you. I only hope you feel the same.”

Laxxie lifted her head and nodded. “Me happy you happy, Kawe.”

Kiwe chuckled. “Kiwe, Kee-way,” he enunciated.


Kiwe sat and clapped his forehooves. “Very good, Laxxie. I will give you a nice cold bath with dirt fresh from the gardens tonight.”

Laxxie hopped to her hooves and leaned forward, licking Kiwe and getting his muzzle and a spot under his eye sticky. “Gah, ponies don’t lick for thanks, silly filly!”

Snickers reacted and reached out, stopping Kiwe from wiping his face. “You want sticky legs?”

“Laxxie have sticky legs,” Laxxie said, lifting a foreleg to show the colts.

The comment made the both laugh and fall over, confusing the timber-pony as to why they were acting so weird. Keeping the thought to herself, she lowered her hoof to the floor. Males are so weird.

Outside, on a balcony, Diamond Tiara sat in a lounge chair with an umbrella protecting her from the sun. “Silver, where are you?” Diamond called behind her.

Silver Spoon walked from inside the cool castle into the hot sun. “Right here, now. Do you need something, or are you just gonna try to make me your servant again?”

Diamond turned her head to the side so she could look at Silver from the corner of her eye. “You don’t have to be a bitch about seeing me, you know.”

Silver frowned. “You don’t have to be one… too.”

“Nice come back,” Diamond snarked and returned to relaxing. “Look, can you sit with me? I wanna talk with you about Snickers.”

Silver sighed loudly and nickered. “Seriously, can we talk about something else for once? Every day and every other time we talk it’s about Snickers. I love him, but even I need a break, or I’ll go crazy.”

Diamond patted a spot beside her and scooted over to give Silver more space. Relenting, Silver moved onto the chair and sat back, watching clouds drift over the capitol city with pegasi flying about. “Why are you scared to have sex?” Diamond finally asked.

Silver Spoon wanted to facehoof, hard. Instead, Silver looked away in frustration. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“C’mon, you can tell me. Is it because his penis is gross?”


“Are you scared he’ll hurt you?”

“No,” Silver said again.

“Are you worried about how it’ll feel?” Diamond asked, softly.

Silver turned to look at her friend. “Are you only gonna ask about his penis? Sweet Celestia, no wonder he gets so annoyed with me.”

While Silver rolled her eyes, Diamond waited for an answer. After nearly a minute, Silver sighed. “It’s not about his penis, Diamond,” Silver said quietly. “I just didn’t feel like I was ready. I was ready, my body wanted him… but when he was about to get on top of me, or, like, I thought he was going to… I just realized that all I saw was his penis, and that was all.

“I didn’t see a colt, or a smile, or his eyes looking at me. All I saw was that long thing coming for me, and it scared me. After he left, after we went to Kiwe’s room, our room, and we played and had fun like it was a normal sleepover, we went to bed,” Silver let her hoof touch Diamond’s foreleg. “And I thought about Snickers.

“Yeah, I wanted to think of him like I used to, but when I thought about him, it was just that one part that kept, I dunno, being there.”

“What part was that?” Diamond asked.

“Ugh, like, do you have to make me say it again?” Silver retorted, laying her head back.

“Oh… that part,” Diamond nodded in understanding. “I thought of it and had to take care of myself in the bathroom. The tub echo’s splashing sounds really good,” Diamond giggled and Silver blushed.

“I’ll make sure to try that out sometime,” Silver said sardonically. “Anyway, ugh, like, where was I?”

“His huge penis was thrusting in your mind,” Diamond teased.

Silver gave Diamond a firm shove. “Shut up! It wasn’t… whatever! Fine, if you don’t wanna talk about it seriously--”

“No! I’m sorry, Silvie. I’ll be nice and quiet, just tell me, please.”

Silver scrutinized Diamond’s face and finally relaxed again. “Fine. I was all about him and damming his foal, feeling everything about him, and being his alpha mare; but I realized that all I wanted was his body, like he’d said. I didn’t want him, I still don’t really know him. I followed him all the way here because it was your idea, but I was hoping to...” Silver hesitated and glanced at her friend.

Silver sighed again. “I was gonna give him the shivers and let him snuggle me, then I was gonna start doing that every night until he fell in love with me. But, that’s not the right way to a stallion’s heart, I realized.”

“Then, what is?” Diamond asked.

“I don’t really know. Mommy said it was food, but Mom said it was sex. Daddy said it was gifts, grandpa said it was kisses. Grandma Fern said the way to a stallion’s heart is a plate of cookies, and Grandma Red said it was through the cage and a little to the left, whatever that meant.”

“Isn’t your Grandma Red crazy?” Diamond asked.

Silver shrugged. “Kinda, but I still asked her last week when they all came over.”

Diamond nodded. “Yeah, the monthly thing your family does, getting together for stuff.”

“Yeah, they went over the books while I got to talk to ponies. This time everypony knew I was in love and trying to win a stallion over, but they all had different advice, so I asked them how to win a stallion’s love. That was when I got all those different answers.

“But, anyway, what I've been trying to say is that I finally realized what Snickers meant. I only saw him as a sire to my foals, not the father he could be, or the pony he actually is. I don’t know his favorite color, or his favorite food, or even his human name. What kind of Alpha mare am I, if I don’t even know the basics of the stallion I’m going to spend the rest of my life protecting and taking care of?”

Diamond hummed, then teased her friend. “Well, you could always ask him that stuff. Maybe he’ll let you grab his penis and wait for you to give him the shivers after that.”

Silver raised a forehoof and was going to bring it down on Diamond’s arm, when she noticed she’d put her shoes back on. “You’re lucky I put my shoes on, or I’d slap you for saying that.”

“What?” Diamond replied innocently. “You want it, he needs it. So, go do it… I’ll watch.”

Silver whinnied and pushed Diamond from the seat. “Stop being so uncouth and take this seriously!”

Diamond stood up and looked flatly at Silver Spoon. “Silver, I can’t take any of this seriously because I don’t get colts.” Diamond waved Silver aside and took her seat again. “Look, I get where you’re coming from. You like this colt and all that, and I’ve been the same for mares for a long time.

“I’ve even played some of the little games we play on the colts, like showing our labia when doing stretches or falling on my back during tag with my legs up and open so they can see my teats. But, I dunno, I just don’t like them. Snickers is a good friend and will always be there for me, I know that.

“He’s a strong and confident colt, just the opposite of you, which is why you’re such a great match up. But, thinking of taking his dangly thing in my hooves and licking it, or whatever mares do to their stallions, is just gross. Not even because I’m gay, but because those things aren’t even washed unless they come out during a bath.

“When was the last time you saw one out in a bath?”

Silver smirked. “Last night, when Snickers was tickling us, and Kiwe, too. It was only about half way, but… Sweet Celestia, I wanted to touch it so bad, Diamond. Last night, I almost got to do something with Snickers, and if he didn’t run away, I might have turned over and let him take me right there.”

“That’s the thing, Silver! You just said all that stuff about liking him for who he is, and you’re still saying you’d let him stick his… ew, in your body.”

Silver groaned quietly. “I said that was before he ran away! After that, and after we went to take over this room, Kiwe’s room, I realized I was being a jerk about all this love stuff,” Silver lay her head back and looked at pegasi in the sky over Canterlot. “I touched his penis for a second, and I wish it’d been more so I could have felt it.

“Dumb hooves can’t feel anything without enough pressure,” she looked at her hooves with a frown. “If I had hands, or even talons, I could have wrapped it up in my grip and--”

Diamond pretended to retch. “Euck, stop talking about giving him the shivers, Silver! Gross, just thinking of you holding it in your fetlocks and running up and down the long, hard…” Silver Spoon smiled as Diamond trailed off, then glanced at her. “Shut up,” Diamond said, crossing her forelegs over her chest.

“You like Snickers, don’t you, Diamond?”

Diamond’s ears started turning a shade of pink that matched her cheeks in growing hue. “I said I did, but I don’t like him like that. It’s just a dumb filly crush and when it’s over, I’ll be all over mares again.”

Silver scoffed. “You’re rude, mean, uncouth, and like to bully other foals; I bet mares are gonna line up for you.”

Diamond grumbled, then swiftly rolled over and on top of Silver Spoon, pinning the grey filly to the lounge chair. “Who says I need mares? You need the shivers, I need the shivers; let’s help each other, like the old days,” Diamond said softly and leaned closer to Silver.

Silver turned her head away. “No, I’m not a little filly anymore. I know who and what I want, and being your doll isn’t what I want. I’d rather be Snickers’s doll.”

Diamond rolled off Silver with a dejected sigh. “Great, I don’t even have you to fuck anymore.”

Silver gasped. “With that language, you never will get a marefriend. I’m going back to reading my fashion magazine, Diamond. You can keep your uncouth language to yourself out here.”

Diamond watched Silver climb from the chair. “Well, you never cared back then!”

Silver turned to Diamond. “That was then, this is now. I’m not the same filly, and Snickers is changing me into a better filly; the best filly he needs and deserves. I’ll see you later, Diamond Tiara.”

Diamond lay her head back and looked at the spokes in the umbrella, counting them around and around, as though they’d change if she counted them the right way. “Why can’t I make up my mind?” She finally whispered to herself. “Being gay is easy, I just made the choice and went with it. Now, it’s like I have to choose to be straight or gay, and it sucks.”