• Published 4th Aug 2020
  • 1,384 Views, 157 Comments

Snickers: The Royal Colt - Mocha Star

After a fallout with his family and friends, Snickers is moving to Canterlot to spend time with Princess Celestia. However, politics and people aren't as easy or fanciful as they seem in books.

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Meeting of the Moms, Part 3

Two hours earlier

Rarity arrived at Canterlot Castle mere minutes after waving farewell to Spoiled Rich and, after making sure the enchantments had, indeed, kept her mane and tail in order, left the carriage, promptly meeting the regal Day Princess just outside the landing area. Several ponies were standing from their bows when Rarity bowed her head in respect to Celestia, who was flanked by four guards while a flight of pegasi took formation far above.

“It is an honor to meet you on such short notice, Your Majesty. How, may I ask, is my son?”

Celestia nodded to Rarity and then turned to walk down the airdock with the white mare beside her and slightly behind to her right, a position few could brag at being able to stand, much less walk, by their ruler.

Celestia, staying silent for a moment, began to worry Rarity, but as Rarity began to inhale to speak, Celestia spoke, “He is fine. He does need his mother, but that is the reason I called you here. Since we have a decent walk ahead of us, perhaps we can talk about other things; you know how gossip hangs on each word I say, after all.”

“Indeed, Your Highness. What would you like to discuss in the meantime, then?”

“I heard that you are considering opening a new boutique somewhere; would you care to tell me about it?”

Rarity beamed and pranced a step. “Certainly. I’m scouting locations across Equestria, in all the most fashionable and fashion forward cities. Manehattan, Baltimare, Las Pegasus; why, even Canterlot has caught my eye. Were it not for the exuberant costs associated with opening a location, staffing it, and creating a custom outfit for each pony, I’d have opened a new boutique somewhere by now.”

Celestia hummed. “Well, have you used your authority?”

“Authority? As a mare, I won’t hold my gender over a stallion for a better deal. Besides, most of them have a mare with them, to keep them on track. A simply flick of the tail would be more than enough to guarantee a location in most cities that have male landowners, it seems.” Rarity stopped and looked at the flowing ethereal tail that passed her and gulped. “Y-your Majesty, I apologize for being so blunt; please forgive me.”

Celestia chuckled and looked back, not stopping. “Come along, it seems you don’t know some things that come along with being a knight in my service.”

Rarity cantered to her place by Celestia again and nodded. “Yes, do tell. What are you speaking of? Authority?”

“Rarity, being a knight makes you a noble. Being a noble gives you land rights. Simply trade the land rights you have for the location you want in Canterlot, and it’s done… more or less. There’s still paperwork and contracts to go through, but a good representative of the law will help you with that, which will be covered by your annual budgeted per diem.”

“Wait, a per diem?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, I should have each of your friends brought up to date on this as well, it seems. You’re allotted a certain amount of coinage from the royal coffers, based on your noble rank, each day. It accrues through the year, and at the end of the year it rolls over into a bank account under your name.

“You’re a duchess, Lady Rarity, so you’d have one hundred bits per day, from the day you were knighted.”

Rarity gasped and stopped, a hoof covering her mouth as the numbers ran through her head. “That was… I have…”

“Hm, yes,” Celestia stopped and smiled at the mare accompanying her, “about five thousand bits in the Royal Canterlot Treasury. Haven’t you received a notice of your holdings?” Celestia asked, curiously.

“Wh- no! I haven’t, and it’s been this long? What in the wide realm of Equestria has been happening with the mail service, if this has been happening without my knowledge?”


“Derpy, have you finished your deliveries for the morning?” Fast Stamp asked the grey mare.

Derpy saluted and her eyes drifted. “Yessir, Mister Stamp. All done and ready for the next load.”

“Then take these letters and deliver them to Ponyville, we can’t keep falling behind.”

Derpy lowered her foreleg. “Can I have a muffin break?”

“You’re eating one right now, filly,” Stamp stated.

“A second one?”

Stamp shook his head. “No, finish up and get to work.”

Later, as Derpy was flying over Ponyville, she saw a mail slot on Rarity’s boutique and hovered by it, then fed the latest letter into it and backed away. “Gee, it sure is odd that Rarity has a mailbox on her roof, since she can’t fly. Oh, well…”

Derpy flew off, unaware of the broken shingle she’d been feeding mail into, collecting in the attic just over the showroom.


“Calm down, my little pony; at least you now know,” Celestia placated. “Now, let’s finish our walk to the castle in better spirits.”

Rarity nodded and moved to her place. Then, thinking of future business prospects, giggled at the possibilities. “Princess Celestia, thank you for letting me know. Had you not, I may not have found out for many more moons.”

“And your personal account would be that much richer. Would you like time to detour to the local bank?”

“No, darling. I don’t need any money right now; with the help of my friends, I’m much more budget oriented. I am not hurting for bits, thanks to Twilight. It turns out my generosity kept my sales high, only because I was charging at cost, plus twelve percent. I was breaking even, only having owned my land and boutique being in my favor.”

“Oh, my. It certainly is good to know you’ve received help. With those numbers, I don’t see how you could have stayed in business for much longer.”

“According to Twilight, seven months. Then, I’d have to close my doors or start using much cheaper materials. Granted, I’d have a house to live in, but a new job? Whatever would I do? Gem sales? The market isn’t large enough. I’d almost have to move to one of the cities I wanted to open a boutique in, just to become an associate in a dress shop.”

Rarity shuddered. “Imagine me, selling mass produced lines of clothing, made by foals and stallions from fringe towns, unable to care for themselves or find mares to care for them. The thought alone brings a tear to my eye.”

Celestia nodded once. “Indeed, that is a troubling thought; that colts and stallions have to work in mass production lines to service mares. It reminds me of that day we rarely speak of… the reason we nearly all died out.”

“Oh, my,” Rarity said breathily. “Snickers mentioned something of the sort at a spa day we shared. Are we slipping into that mentality again, without realizing it?”

Celestia frowned ever so slightly. “Now that you mention it, I fear that may be the case."

Rarity was quiet until they reached the boardwalk and passed by dozens of ponies that bowed to Celestia. Market sellers shouted as she passed their wares, slightly happier and with more energy after being blessed with the rare chance to see the princess in person, unaware of the growing worry and turmoil beneath their ruler’s regal and pleasant facade.

The two mares reached the castle through service elevators and back passages that only servants or guards used, twice coming across a male guard successfully convincing a mare or two to a casual date. One guard didn’t notice the royal mare until the one he was flirting with bowed.

“...janitor’s closet right now and show you why they call me… you know, most mares face the other way before bowing to me.”

“I believe she is bowing for me, corporal.” Celestia said in a slightly amused tone.

The guard snapped to attention and turned as quickly as he could, saluting. “Ma’am, yes, ma’am.”

Being a guard, he didn’t need to bow, but he still had to show deference to his Commander in Chief. Celestia tittered. “As you were, both of you. You have my blessing to have your fun, just clean up when you’re done.”

The maid blushed while the stallion couldn’t repress a grin. With the princess’ approval and essential permission, the mare stepped past the stallion, brushing her tail by his muzzle. He stumbled after her with a now cheesy grin. “Th-thank you, Princess Celestia.”

Rarity giggled behind a hoof. When the couple quickly passed them, she turned to look up at Celestia, “I hope the best for them, even if it is only a trist in a closet.”

Celestia leaned down to speak softly, her eyes watching the hurried pair turn a corner. “I make sure to have step stools in each closet, for a mare to have something to lean on, if needed. Or, a stallion, as the case may be.”

They shared a warm smile and began walking again. “Rarity, walk by me. You’re a guest, and a noble, and a knight in my employ; you should walk as such.” Rarity slowed and a grin broke onto her muzzle. “Come along, now. We should have tea before we meet the foal. I have some things to cover with you.”

“So, you believe my Snickers is sharing host to your son, Aquelis? And he is now unsure of who he is?”

Celestia set her empty teacup onto its saucer, the clink it made being the only sound in the room for two seconds before and after. “Yes, simply put. It’s one body, two minds. I’ve seen it before, long ago, but never would I have thought that it would happen to my son. I apologize; our son.”

“Snickers is many things, but a liar is not one of them. Have you asked him about any of this... shared body... issue?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, my only comment was… to offer him therapy,” she said and looked away, abashed. If Rarity had had any paper, she would have rolled it and smacked the ruler of the land on her head. “I know, it was a bad tactic…” Celestia paused and glanced at the frowning mare across from her, “but it was all I could think of at the time.

“I have spoken with the Harmony Sisters, they weren’t very forthcoming,” Celestia admitted. “But, they do know they share a single body, even though they don’t know how it came to pass.”

“And, what of the previous ponies that had this happen to them? Were you able to assist them with their problem?”

Celestia looked at her teacup and refilled it. “No, what happened was the minds clashed for dominance until only part of them remained, creating a new pony.”

Rarity shot to her hooves. “Are you suggesting that my son will be mentally damaged?!” Her horn glowed as thoughts of throwing sugar cubes at Celestia until she was crushed under the weight of a star’s worth of gravity crossed her mind.

Celestia blew on her tea and smelled the aroma. “No, neither of our colts will have that problem.”

Rarity sighed in relief as she cancelled her spell. “What a relief! I was worried, Your Highness, that we’d both lose our child. What will happen then?”

Celestia sipped her tea. “Either I create a new body for one of our children to inhabit, or we let them work it out between one another. The stallion this happened to was aggressive, as was the stallion within him. These are two foals, both are dear to us, and both are ready to live their lives as they see fit.

“I can have my darling Aquelis back to rule in my stead, should I leave the lands for a diplomatic reason, and you can have your son back, to do with as a loving mother should. I should point out,” Celestia said with a quiet chuckle, “that he has made a change you will find most appropriate.

“Your son has your sense of style, it seems.”

Rarity flounced her mane. “Well, with only two months with him in my life, I have spent a fair amount of time teaching him the fine art of flair. I do have one question, though, Your Highness.”

“Please, call me Celestia in private. Let’s not stand on formalities in one another’s company.”

Rarity bowed her head. “I shall do my best. Now, then; you mention the Sisters, I was wondering if they’re related to the Brothers that continually harass my little prince.”

Celestia blinked at Rarity. “I suppose they can take whatever form they wish. For me, they have always been mares. Perhaps they are stallions for Snickers and my darling Aquelis.” Celestia stood up and motioned to the doorway from her study. “Shall we, then?”

“I was hoping you’d offer,” Rarity said with a little curtsey. “I don’t know the way, so after you, Celestia.” Rarity tittered at the privilege she was being given.

Celestia took the lead and led them down and through several hallways, passing a very grumpy gryphon tom, stomping and scratching his talons on the floor as he mumbled something under his breath.

Celestia gave him a little more space while Rarity fought the urge to change sides on Celestia. Once they were clear, Celestia spoke. “That was Gus, older brother to Gil and Gul. Gul has been very busy socializing, I presume, since I haven’t seen her for the past day, while Gus has been a bit stressed.”

“What of Gil?”

Celestia smiled. “Ah, she’s been staying in the guard’s quarters, training and preparing for her future in the gryphon military.”

“Don’t they have a forced conscription, or so I’ve heard?” Rarity asked.

Celestia shook her head slightly. “No, that only happens in times of war. Oftentimes, the gryphons hunt in packs of seven or less with a strong military trained leader leading them. It seems like training for military purposes, and I suppose it could be seen that way, but they’re only teaching their young to hunt for themselves.”

“Ahem,” a mare cleared her throat and made Rarity’s mane bristle. “I’m glad I caught up with you, Rarity,” Spoiled stated. She half bowed to Celestia and stood again. “After you left so rudely back in Ponyville, I took the train, alone,” she pointedly looked at Rarity while her ears twitched toward Celestia.

“Rarity, would you like to introduce your acquaintance to me?” Celestia asked as she moved to stand beside Rarity.

“I was just about to do just that, Princess Celestia. Spoiled Milk--”

Spoiled clarified quickly. “Rich, Rarity.”

Rarity rolled her eyes and Spoiled frowned a little more. “Yes, you certainly are. Spoiled Rich, this is the sovereign diarch ruler of the land, Princess Celestia.”

“Charmed to meet Your Highness,” Spoiled said and moved within a step of Celestia, ready to kiss her gilded hoof.

Celestia, though, could tell Rarity didn’t like this mare; and she was inclined to agree. “What brings you to me, my little pony?”

“It seems as though my daughter is cavorting with common ponies. Ponies that are not only blank flanks, but bad influences on her; having her run away from home without telling her mother where she’s gone. She apparently told her father, for what little good that did. Lout didn’t even tell me until I asked about her whereabouts.”

Rarity furrowed her brows. “And when did you ask, by chance?”

“Last evening, about when we spoke, darling.” Spoiled made a point to mock Rarity.

Celestia’s mask didn’t falter, but inwardly she held strong distaste for the mare before her. “I see. And it has been four days now that the foals have been here. Why did it take you so long to seek the whereabouts of your daughter?”

Spoiled looked flustered for the first time. “W-well, a rich pony such as myself has a lot of engagements to attend and soirees to plan with other well off ponies. I can’t be atop my family at all hours of the day and night.”

“And when,” Celestia asked, lifting her head to appear even taller and more imposing, “do you check in on your family, between these engagements? Surely you sleep with your husband.”

“Why, of course, Your Highness. I’m not some tail lifting ragamuffin. I’m a very rich pony, and I can’t put my husband’s company in jeopardy over another stallion or mare’s desire for me.”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, that makes sense. However, I am a little concerned about your description of the foals around your daughter. I have an idea of who they are, and I am about to meet them. Perhaps you should accompany us, since your daughter is most likely with the colt we are looking for.”

Spoiled nodded, a bead of sweat wettening her fur as it traveled down the side of her head from the stress of the moment. “Certainly. Lead the way and I’ll stay in my place.”

Rarity smirked. “Indeed you shall. As will I,” she said flippantly and moved to stand shoulder by shoulder with Celestia. Spoiled’s eyes widened as both mares turned to face the door to the apartment they were going towards.

“Ah, here we are; the herbal apartment wing.”

“Herbal?” Rarity asked.

“Ah, yes. Each wing is known for a certain theme. These are herbal, so each pony working in them has a name related to an herb or spice. There’s also a geological wing, fabric wing, and a lesser used physical wing.”

Rarity smirked. “Physical? Certainly you don’t mean to imply…”

Celestia giggled. “No, it’s used for more physical creatures. Minotaurs, for example. There are other races that are large and focus on physical attributes, so that wing is reinforced and most breakable objects are much more easily replaced. Two minotaurs having a sparring match can decimate a room, after all. Why they won’t use the offered fighting rings in each apartment is a true conundrum.”

Both mares noticed the lack of guards at the door and Celestia halted. “Something is amiss. Stay close and don’t wander off.”

Rarity moved close enough to bump her withers into Celestia’s underbelly, then she blushed and stepped away from the alicorn a quarter pace. “I apologize for touching you, Princess Celestia--”

“It is perfectly fine. I’m going to knock and we’ll see what happens. If anypony is attempting to harm my little Aquelis…” The air around Celestia’s body warmed noticeably and Rarity took another half step away. The alicorn brought her golden hoof up and brought it casually onto the door, sensing for alarm enchantments that may have been broken.

A moment passed before the door opened and Celestia’s attention was focused on her foal, standing by a thestral filly, in the center of the living area. She noted some of the guards looked to be on edge, but stepped closer to her son, by instinct to protect him from a spear wielding guard.

Snickers looked up and saw Celestia, then Rarity as she stepped from behind the ruler. Both mares watched with growing excitement as their foal rushed to them, called their names, then to their horror, fainted.

”Aquelis!” Celestia shouted.

“Snickers!” Five ponies shouted and rushed towards the sleeping colt.

Celestia stood over him, her horn glowing. “My darling son, my dearest Aquelis… don’t leave me again.”

Spoiled was looking at her daughter, who was torn between submitting to her mother, or rushing to her herd stallion. That is, until Spoiled heard Celestia speak. Her blood ran cold as she looked at the colt with ponies surrounding him, the very princess herself watching him with bated breath.

It seems as though my daughter is cavorting with common ponies. Ponies that are not only blank flanks, but bad influences on her… Spoiled gulped and sidestepped from the princess and Rarity, remembering what she’d said about Snickers and the harm it could have on her social standing.

Spoiled blinked and gasped, looking between Celestia and Snickers. “The princess has a secret son?” She whispered to herself.

Snickers stood in a colorless void of white with a colt exactly like him, save for the mane and tail style. He looked at the colt with curiosity. “Who are you?” Snickers asked.

“I t’was about to ask the same, kind gentlecolt,” Aquelis bowed slightly.

“I… think I’m you. Or, you’re me?”

“Your name, sir?” Aquelis asked, again.

“Snickers, nice to meet you,” he extended a hoof that Aquelis stared blankly at.

“Should I be expected to kiss your hoof, or shake it? Both are below what uncle says is of my noble standing.”

“Okay,” Snickers set his hoof down and tapped the ground, hearing the sound of water when he did. “Are you me?”

Aquelis shrugged. “My name is Aquelis, son of Her Royal Highness, Princess Celetia. Other than that, I am not sure of much, Mister Snickers. Only that I have been in this place for many a day. I feel no hunger or thirst, yet I long for mother’s milk and, perhaps, some teacakes.”

“Your mother’s… milk? How old are you?” Snickers asked.

“I understand, kind sir, that it is uncommon; yet my mother, the princess of the land, cherished me with all she had. Had I not a pain in my chest and awoken here, I would suckle from her teat to this day, should she allow it. Weaned properly, there is something of a mother’s milk that invigorates a pony, even after sneaking it to me for years after.

“I should hope you recall your own mother’s teat, as the connection one creates while savoring is truly as divine as Mother, herself.”

Snickers had adopted a gross face. “You… really like your mom’s teat. Like, a lot, don’t you?”

Aquelis sighed. “It was common for a doting mother to feed her foal, I thought. The way you speak is oddly accented. Are you, by chance, from the fringes? The township of Manehattan or the burg of Baltimare?”

Snickers shook his head. “Dude, those are cities. Like, big cities. I read that they’re two-hundred and fifty thousand strong, and growing.”

Aquelis cocked his head. “You can read? You do not seem to have the trappings of nobility. Perhaps the child of a squire or as a trade? You are yet unmarked, so the options are limited.”

“No, almost everypony can read. It’s taught in schools and everything. Not everypony cares to read, though. So, some places still use signs to tell what the place is, because, ya know.”

“No, I do not. That is why I asked. Why do you speak in such common words when you can read and expand your knowledge to boundless heights. The tomes available to you must be quite grand for you to have such refinement in your speech.”

Snickers sighed. “That would be my mother’s accent, darling. I’ve picked it up over the months. The more I like her, the more I talk like her, it would seem. Plus, my mane style has a curl just like hers, see?” Snickers said, pointing to the ends of his mane and the upcurl it sported.

“Quite nice, friend. It is acceptable I call you friend, is it not?”

“Sure,” Snickers answered, “whatever floats your boat.”

“I see no water on which to sail, yet I have never been, so it would be quite nice to experience. Pray thee answer, what brings you to my void?”

Snickers shrugged. “I’unno. Magic?”

Aquelis sighed. “The answer of the dull witted and exasperated parent, indeed. Pray thee tell, then, from whence to you hail?”

“Whence? Like, where? Ponyville, I guess.”

Aquelis sighed louder, growing frustrated. He spoke slower for his reiteration. “When do you come from?” He asked in a more casual tone, belying the refined speech he had had a moment before.

“Uh, right now? I guess 2214, summertime, if that’s what you’re asking.”

Aquelis sat down and shook his head. “No, you fib and lie! I have not been here for two hundred years; merely a fortnight, or so!” Snickers moved closer to Aquelis, only to stop. “Stay back, deceiver! You are some conjuration, sent to befuddle me from learning of where I am and how to return home.”

Snickers stepped back. “No, I wanna get outta here, too. I was talking to mom when I appeared here, suddenly.”

Aquelis stared ahead and smirked. “I… recall seeing my mother in my mind’s eye. As well as two of my friends; in a room several hours ago. A white mare, just as mother, stood beside her and a pink mare with,” he giggled, “the silliest muzzle ever, too.”

“That was mom, and Celestia, and Diamond’s mom… Sour Milk, or something.”

Aquelis nodded. “She seems the sort. Whom is Diamond?”

“My herdmare, did you have a herd when you were out there?”

Shaking his head, Aquelis stuck out his tongue. “Meadows forbid; fillies are nothing but sweet scents and teasing tails. Always asking me to mount them like uncouth animals, they carry diseases such as cooties and syphilis. I’ll have no part in their games, nor succumb to their wiles.”

Snickers snickered. “Wow, you really don’t like girls, do you?”

“Certainly not! Mother tried to have me herd with my friends, but they are just that, and only will be forever; friends. Anyway, on to more favorable topics. You say out there like it’s a new world, is that from where I come?”

Snickers nodded. “Sure, I guess that makes sense. I mean, you saw my apartment that I’m staying in, you saw mom and Sour Milk. It’s only logical that you live out there… but, where’s your body?”

Aquelis and Snickers shared a look and took each other’s forms in. “Oh,” they both said.

“So, are we to take turns in my body, or yours?”

Snickers gulped and looked around the void. “I don’t know about you, but chillin’ in a place that doesn’t even have shadows would make me go crazy. How about you take a back seat and let me drive?”

“If you believe, for more than a thought, that I’d let a commoner with fine upbringing ‘drive’ my body like an automaton, then you aren’t as fine a gentlecolt as I had thought. Why, t’were it up to me, you’d not share my body at all.”

Aquelis stood up and stomped to Snickers, his hooves making the sound of rippling water with each heavy step. Snickers stood his ground, a passive expression contending with the one Aquelis wore, of growing frustration.

“Do you know who Harmony is?” Snickers asked, before his counterpart could get within sniffing distance.

Aquelis stopped as though he ran into a wall, but his expression didn’t change. “No, maybe… I don’t see what matter it is to this confrontation we are having.”

Snickers looked around the void and gestured with his foreleg. “C’mon, don’t you see? It’s a perfect setup to some lame fight; the void, two ponies wanting to control the same body, ready to fight over control from within. Ell, buddy,” Snickers said slyly, adopting a nickname for the prince, “you saw our moms a little bit ago for the first time in two hundred years.

“I really think it’s too convenient for chance. Wanna know what I think?” Snickers asked the confused colt opposite him, “I think there’s a way for us to share the body, by just merging our minds.

“Why, with my smarts and your naturally being a pony, think of what we could accomplish!”

Aquelis clicked his tongue. “First of all, I am not ‘Ell’, the proper shortening of my name is Aquel. Second, I do not even know of your lineage, much less your intentions within my, potentially our, body. Lastly, how would we merge, yet remain ourselves? I would detest losing four years of my life as Mother’s colt, only to have it replaced with memories of rolling in mud puddles and cow pies.”

Snickers sighed quietly. “Look, we haven’t shared any memories, yet. Maybe I can just,” he moved his foreleg several times in the air with different motions. “Darn, I thought that would work. What? In movies, a person throws their arm out and creates screens of their past.”

Aquelis cocked his head and looked over Snickers’s back. “You mean as such?”

Snickers turned around to see a hovering image of himself from a moment before. “Yeah, only with more history. Like, how about the real me?”

“Real you? Are you saying this form isn’t… oh, my,” Aquelis said, looking at a new screen that had appeared near the previous one. Dozens of still images began appearing behind Snickers, from his time as a human from birth to his time as a pony until the moment he passed out. “That creature? What is it?”

Snickers looked back and smiled. “That was me… only I’m naked and in the shower… holy shit, it is big.”

Aquelis moved to stand beside Snickers and both their eyes were attracted to the same part of the naked human’s anatomy. “Is there a reason it’s out… and so low?”

Snickers blushed and waved his forehooves at his image, shoving it aside to show one of his human self grabbing the appendage. “Fuck! No, stop…” the image vanished and Snickers sighed in relief. “That was close.”

Aquelis sneered. “So, you watched other creatures touch themselves in the shower, did you? I’ll not befriend such a perverted creature, much less share my mind with one.”

Snickers waved his hoof at where the image was. “That was me, limp-dick!”

Aquelis eeped and looked under himself, then frowned at Snickers. “Fibber, it’s not even out!”

Snickers rubbed his temple with his forehoof. “Wow, I gotta remember I’m talking to a kid, here.”

Aquelis gasped with a hoof to his chest, in surprise. “Sir, I am many things, but a goat is not one of them! Take it back, or… I’ll throttle you!”

Snickers pressed into his head a little harder. “I didn’t mean goat, I meant child. A kid means child, not just goat. Sheesh, you’re four and don’t know that?”

“I’m five, you… limp-noodle brain.”

Snickers looked his counterpart over. “You said four.”

“I’m four, almost five, just like you!”

Snickers blinked, then did it again. “Five, almost six… I know how old I am, right?”

Aquelis groaned. “How am I supposed to know?”

“I didn’t ask you, shit-ball!” Snickers snapped.

Aquelis gasped louder than he ever had. “You called me a bad word! I’m tellin’ mommy when I see her, and you’ll be on no desserts for a whole week! And you’ll be grounded, too.” As he began stomping in place, venting his frustration, Snickers watched.

Snickers waited and finally facehoofed. “I wonder what’s happening outside this waking nightmare.”

“Quickly, take him to his room. I’ll have a medical team here to care for him in a minute.” Rosemary ordered and every staff member complied with haste. Celestia picked him up and flew to the upper floor landing and into his room, where she landed by his bed and lay him gently onto the covers.

Rosemary teleported into the room and rushed to Snickers’s side while guards posted by the doors and three at the balcony window. Ponies rushed about, clearing the area with reckless abandon, save for the small alchemy setup Kiwe had been using and the trunks at the foot of the bed.

Rarity rushed into the room several seconds after Celestia had taken a seat, Both mares sat side by side, watching their sleeping son and holding back worried tears.

Spoiled Rich had taken a hold of Diamond Tiara and held her in place. “Diamond Tiara, you’re returning home with me at once. I don’t know how you managed to gain the favor of that colt, but you’re not going to court a royal without proper attire or-”

“Get the fuck off me, mom! I need him, I need to make sure he’s okay!” Diamond shouted and pulled against her much stronger mother’s grip.

“Nonsense, young lady. You may have your father tricked into allowing you to be with some ruffian, but until I hear otherwise, that colt is still bad news. That reflects on you as a Rich family member, and we can’t have that!”

Silver Spoon ran to Diamond’s side and pulled with her friend against Spoiled’s fetlock. “Let her go, you meanie! I won’t let you break us up!”

“Shut your mouth, you little tramp,” Spoiled hissed. “It’s all your fault that my daughter isn’t touring the pageants this season. You had to side with that worthless blank flank and his herd of little whores; you lifted your tail the moment you saw him. Diamond told me the truth about you.”

Silver’s glasses were knocked askew on her muzzle, but she glared past them. “I know that’s not true. And even if it was, she’s a different pony now, and she’s a better pony without you!”

“Mommy, you’re hurting me! Help, help! I’m being attacked,” Diamond began to scream. Spoiled had balanced on her hind legs and was raising her free foreleg up to spank her daughter, when the mare was tackled to the floor.
Cress stood over Spoiled, sneering with her fangs bared and wings open, nearly covering the mare with her wingspan. “Don’t hurt fillies,” Cress literally hissed.

Spoiled scrambled back and got to her hooves. “You can’t stop me from taking my daughter home, you freak of ponykind! I’ll--”

Spoiled went silent as the room’s light flickered and, with a resounding ‘whump’, Luna landed between Cress and Spoiled. “You’ll do what to mine Child of the Night, wench?”

Spoiled sputtered and stammered in anger. “A wench? Your highness, this is a matter between--”

“Between an adult and three foals! Leave this castle at once and do not return as long as these foals are here, or I’ll have you remanded to the dungeons, an hour for each word you speak against my guards and their families.”

Spoiled grit her teeth, then inhaled and stood as a pompous noble would. “Very well. I only request that my daughter be given to me, so that I may take her home to see her father, who misses her dearly.”

Luna glanced back at the two filly friends, then at the thestral behind her. “No, they shall stay, as I said. You, on the other hoof, for challenging my authority, will have to be escorted to a holding cell to await further judgement.”

Spoiled blanched and she stepped back. Diamond ran up to the Princess of the Night. “No, Princess, please! She’s mean, but she’s still my mother. If you send her to the dungeons, it’ll make her really sad and mad, and princesses aren’t supposed to do that.”

Luna sighed and shook her head. “Very well. Know this… what is your name?” Luna asked.

“Spoiled Rich, of the Ponyville Rich’s.”

“Know this, Spoiled Rich of Ponyville, that your daughter saved you from the dungeons, and my verdict between innocence and guilt. Had I--”

The room door opened and a harried Prince Blueblood stood in the doorway. “I heard there was a break-in and Snickers was in danger… Auntie Luna, please, tell me he’s okay.”

Luna narrowed her eyes at Spoiled, then turned to address her nephew, letting Spoiled exhale a stressed breath. “Prince Blueblood, Snickers was not injured during the event. He has not yet been seen by me, but I believe he fainted from the stress of it all.”

Blueblood trotted into the room and past Luna. “I’ll check on him. He’s not to be troubled by most, and I would hate for Auntie Celestia to find him like this.”

Luna was about to say Celestia was already there, but chose not to. A little surprise would do him good.