• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 12,680 Views, 965 Comments

Queen Of The Wasteland - Jest

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome queen of the wasteland.

  • ...

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Useless Baubles or Fancy Trinkets?

Author's Note:

Surprise! I wrote a random update awhile ago and finally got around to finishing it. Enjoy.

Twilight awoke to find that the sun had risen, and was beating down on her scaly hide with incredible fervor. Despite just how blisteringly hot it was, the deathclaw didn't feel terribly uncomfortable, her cold blood relishing in the warmth. Pushing herself up into a sitting position, Twilight yawned and smacked her lips, glancing around the mostly deserted base.

No, not deserted she realized, rather everyone was simply hiding in the shade, avoiding the sun. The only exception to this was a pair of rather miserable-looking guards standing on the approach up the highway. Twilight stumbled to a stand, wincing as her injuries flared up, prompting her to stop and inspect herself.

As usual, she had healed a surprising amount overnight, a mere rest doing what should take weeks or even months. Thick scar tissue covered the majority of the smaller scrapes, while the largest had scabbed over but were still tender. It was an odd realization, but the deathclaw stocked it up to her strange new physiology and put it out of her mind.

Making her way over to the canteen, Twilight made sure to be a little louder than necessary, alerting the guards. Sure enough, they were surprised for only a brief moment, quickly realizing that it was not just any deathclaw. As they returned to their routines, Twilight made her way into the structure, gently pushing the door open with a claw.

“Jesus Christ,” cursed a young soldier. “You fucking scared the shit out of me.”

Twilight smiled apologetically and gestured towards the back of the canteen to where Janey was supposedly staying.

“Right, yer that wastelander’s pet. I’ll get her,” he murmured, quickly backpedaling away.

Twilight huffed in annoyance, taking offense to the comment, but not saying anything. As she waited, the former pony couldn't help but ruminate on her situation, wondering what she should do. It was clear that despite her faults, Janey was well-traveled and incredibly resourceful, even if she was a bit unstable.

The deathclaw considered changing companions and asking Cass to join her on her quest. Though she ultimately discarded this notion, as she had an agreement with the irritable courier. They were stuck together, at least until now, though Twilight had a feeling that they wouldn't stay that way for a lot longer.

“Hey,” Janey called. “Ya sleep well?”

Twilight blinked and looked over to where a slightly irritated, but well-rested young woman stood nearby. Her armor was clean, her backpack lighter than the night before, a new pistol mostly hidden next to her boot. The pointed look Twilight was giving her companion seemed to be noticed, as Janey reached into her duster.

“Right, here's you’re cut,” Janey offered, extending a hand.

Her fingers uncurled to reveal that there were a good number of caps there, about fifty by Twilight's brief count. The first instinct Twilight had was to give it away as it was difficult for her to carry it on her person, but she thought better of it.

“Save it for me, please,” Twilight encouraged, tapping out her response on the floor.

“Sure,” Janey replied. “We’ll get some breakfast and then roll on out of here.”

Twilight nodded eagerly, the deathclaw licking her lips.

Twilight trod slowly down the beaten highway, chewing quietly on the meat-laden skewer in her grip. The tender yet crispy bits were surprisingly good, though Twilight had to ignore the fact that they came from a squirrel. One last final chomp finished off the last of the meat, leaving behind only a slightly charred piece of wood she threw over her shoulder.

“Full?” Janey asked.

Twilight nodded.

“Good, cus that smorgasbord of meat cost you a good twenty caps by the way,” Janey remarked.

Twilight rolled her eyes and gestured to the road before them.

“We're almost back to the ambush spot,” Janey replied.

Twilight snorted, a deep frown crossing her face.

“Oh don't be so pissy. I made sure to scope it out better. There's nothing there,” Janey pointed down to where their battle had taken place the night before. “See? Nothing over there but… what is that.”

Twilight's eyes narrowed and she noticed that there were a pair of humans shooting at one another from across the road. One was a man who looked to be in his mid-twenties and wore road leathers under a set of metal armor. In his hand was a rust-covered pistol he used to fire at his opponent, a wild purple-haired woman with the bearing of a raider.

Though about the same age by the looks of it, she was clearly the better shot, even if her weapon was wildly inaccurate. The visibly damaged revolver sent slugs off in the general direction of the man, which shot off into the desert. This seemed to annoy the girl, as instead of reloading she threw the pistol at her foe and sprinted towards him, a knife in hand.

Twilight growled, ignoring the comment from Janey and sprinting forward.

The man continued to miss, clearly panicking as the woman closed the distance between them. She never managed to cut him though, as the sound of pounding feet distracted her. The pair glanced over at the charging deathclaw and immediately abandoned their fight, sprinting away.

They didn't make it more than a few feet before Twilight was upon them, her claws wrapping about their midsection. Arms pinned to their sides, the two humans screamed and thrashed, with the raider-looking one biting Twilight's finger. An attack so ineffective that Twilight couldn't help but find it a little amusing.

“Oh good. You aren't about to eat them,” Janey exclaimed, holstering her pistol.

Twilight snorted irritable, rolling her eyes at the human.

“Good now-” Janey paused as the man screamed. “Would you shut up?”

The male paused and looked down at the courier, then up at the deathclaw.

“Wait, I know you,” he muttered. “You’re princess and the courier.”

“What?” spat the purple-haired woman.

“Yeah, I heard about them on the radio!” the male exclaimed. “Oh am I glad to see you. Even if I shit myself.”

“Dude, gross,” muttered the other woman.

“Who the fuck are you, and what the fuck is going on here?” Janey spat.

“She tried to kill me!” Tomas shouted. “Oh, and my name’s Tomas.”

“My name is Jacklyn, and he tried to kill me after I turned down his sexual advances,” Jacklyn retorted.

“What?” Tomas screeched. “I didn't proposition nothing! I asked if you wanted to try hunting some geckos.”

“Wait, you were traveling together?” Janey demanded.

“We were, but then I woke up one day and he was all over me,” Jacklyn exclaimed, tears streaming down her face. “He said I owed him for being so nice.”

“I didn't, I swear- hurk,” Tomas’ reply was cut short by Twilight squeezing his midsection just enough to make his eyes pop.

“Hold up. Something doesn't seem right here,” Janey warned.

Twilight released her grip, allowing the male to fill his lungs with oxygen once more.

“Why do you keep looking at his neck?” Janey demanded, jabbing a finger at Jacklyn.

“Cus I want you to kill the attempted rapist!” Jacklyn spat.

“Wait, neck… she probably wants my lucky bottlecap necklace,” Tomas exclaimed.

Twilight sighed, shooting a withering glare at Jacklyn.

“Who shook her head. “I do not!”

Janey reached a hand into Tomas’s shirt and with a yank, pulled out a long piece of string on which dangled several caps. Unlike normal caps, these ones sported blue stars under them, marking them as unique.

“Stars,” Janey muttered bitterly.

Twilight snorted.

“They're rare. Supposedly they can open up some secret prewar treasure,” Janey explained.

“Wait, really? I thought they were just lucky,” Tomas muttered.

“That's just some old story though. More likely it's all bullshit or some stupid pre-war promotion for sasparilla,” Janey exclaimed.

“Huh,” Tomas muttered.

“So, you don't want these then?” Janey asked, glancing at Jacklyn.

“N-no,” murmured the other woman.

Twilight's eyes narrowed, and her grip slowly started to tighten once more.

“Wait!” Jacklyn shouted. “I’ll tell you the truth. Please just don't kill me.”

“Like you weren't about to kill Tomas here?” Janey shot back.

Jacklyn sighed. “I didn't plan on it. I just wanted to subdue him so I could take the stars without a fight.”

“Cus nothing quite says subdue, like screaming at them while charging with a knife,” Janey deadpanned.

“Okay so maybe I was a little annoyed,” Jacklyn admitted.

Twilight squeezed a little harder.

“But I didn't want to kill him honest,” Jacklyn squeaked.

Janey nodded, prompting Twilight to relax her grip. “Explain,” demanded the courier.

“A man named Allen Marks took my sister, said he wasn't going to give her back unless I found twenty of those star caps,” Jacklyn exclaimed.

“Why didn't you say that? I would have just given them to you,” Tomas remarked.

Jacklyn blinked. “What, really? Do you have any idea how much those things are worth?”

Tomas shrugged. “Money can't bring back people.”

“I… thank you,” Jacklyn muttered.

Seeing that the situation was more or less resolved, Twilight released them both, dropping them to the ground. Where they both checked themselves and breathed a shared sigh of relief at finding themselves unharmed. Twilight ignored them, the deathclaw searching for a board amongst the dirt, which she located near the side of the road.

“Here is what's going to happen,” Twilight began, Janey’s pipboy translating the series of rapid taps. “No more killing people. You will buy them off people fair and square, or scavenge for them.”

Jacklyn nodded meekly. “I hadn't actually killed anyone if that makes things any better.”

“It does,” Twilight replied. “You will direct us to the man who has your sister and we will deal with him for you.”

“Wait,” Janey interrupted, stepping forward. “We don't have time to deal with some petty bullshit like this. The man who killed me is still out there, and you’re friends might be in trouble.”

Twilight hissed and was about to offer some retort when Tomas stepped forward.

“How about I go with her?” he offered.

“You’d do that kid?” Janey muttered in shock.

Tomas shrugged. “I mean, no harm no foul, right?”

Twilight huffed and pointed to Janey’s cap pocket.

“Fine. It's your money,” Janey muttered, dropping a handful of caps into Twilight's hand.

“Take this, and use it to get better outfitted. Your weapons are terrible and you won't survive long if that's all you have,” Twilight exclaimed.

“Awesome. Maybe you can get something better than that piece of crap revolver,” Tomas offered, taking half the caps and stuffing them in a pocket.

“You’re just… giving them to me?” Jacklyn asked incredulously.

“I have a friend who is really good at picking out lies and I’ve learned a thing or two from her,” Twilight replied. “Plus every time you’ve lied before you’ve clenched your right fist.”

Jacklyn looked down at the small pile of caps and gently took it from the deathclaw, depositing them into a back pocket.

“Right. We better set off quick then. I remember seeing some of those caps in a gas station a few miles that way,” Tomas exclaimed.

Jacklyn merely nodded mutely, following after the excitable male as he began to march off into the desert.

Twilight watched them go for a few minutes before turning to Janey. “What, no snipe or quip about this being a waste?” Twilight asked.

Janey shrugged. “Why bother saying it when it's assumed?”

Twilight snorted.

“No, but for real. She’s absolutely going to stab him in the back the second they are out of sight,” Janey remarked.

“People are better than you give them credit,” Twilight stated.

Janey snorted. “Whatever. Let's just head up to Nipton. I want to get that job done for Ghost so we can get on our way.”

Twilight nodded.

Together they began to walk back down the road, making their way to Nipton at a steady pace. They didn't make it far before Twilight's instincts grabbed her attention, and this time she listened. Holding her finger to her lips, she pointed from Janey to the ground under her feet.

The courier nodded back, drawing her pistol and crouching down low.

Twilight meanwhile began to creep over to the lone remaining section of the wall where she paused. There she stood quietly for several seconds before lurching forward and wrapping her arms around the barrier. She then hoisted it, and the person behind it, off the ground, causing the partition to collapse.

“Hey what the fuck?” someone shouted.

Twilight twisted around, revealing that she had managed to catch a middle-aged man with dark skin. On his head were a pair of goggles over a hat, which mirrored a second pair that dangled down around his neck. The male was clearly well-traveled, wearing the normal road leathers of a caravaner, and the double stacked shotgun to match.

“Stop squirming or princess here might feel like giving you a little squeeze,” Janey shouted, holstering her weapon once more.

“Jesus fuck don't kill me, please. I was just-” the man began.

“-Spying on us,” Janey finished. “So start telling us why or I’m going to shoot your dick off.”

“I wasn't spying, honest. Or at least I wasn't trying to,” blubbered the man. “I noticed that kid had a bunch of those star bottle caps but he took off so fast I couldn't warn him about how dangerous flashing them can be.”

Janey raised an eyebrow and glanced at Twilight, who nodded and then shook her head.

“Alright, what's the whole truth? And don't waste my time again. I hate it when people do that,” Janey stated.

The older male blanched. “Okay, you got me. I wanted to buy them off him. I heard he wasn't the brightest and wanted to find the treasure for myself but I swear I wasn't going to hurt nobody!”

Twilight nodded confidently this time, dropping him to the ground, where he stumbled for a moment his trembling legs barely holding him up.

“Why do people keep trying to lie to us? Is it me?” Janey exclaimed, glancing at Twilight.

Who shrugged noncommittally.

“So, are you going to try anything like that again?” Janey demanded.

“Fuck no,” spat the man. “I’m going home and selling what stars I have.”

“Or you could give them to that man as an apology for planning on scamming him,” Twilight offered.

“Fine. I suppose that's the right thing to do,” murmured the male.

Twilight nodded, and gestured in the direction the pair had left, sending the man scurrying away in a hasty retreat.

“What a dumbass,” Janey deadpanned.

For once Twilight merely nodded her agreement.

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