• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 12,683 Views, 965 Comments

Queen Of The Wasteland - Jest

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome queen of the wasteland.

  • ...

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Come Fly With Me Part 7

Twilight and Janey rushed over to the dinosaur, passing by a small group of worried-looking humans. A barret-wearing man was keeping them back, though he didn't make an effort to stop Twilight or Janey from approaching. Once the pair had passed through the small group they could see that a dark-skinned male wearing relatively clean prewar clothes was standing near the door to the dinosaur.

“You get out here this instant you big dumb bastard!” he shouted, wincing briefly and cradling his left hand.

“What the hell happened here?” Janey demanded.

“That monster you brought into town nearly killed me and is now holed up in my shop!” shouted the bald, aging man.

Twilight frowned.

“Not that one,” he remarked, gesturing towards the deathclaw.

“So Jimmy then, what exactly did he do?” Janey asked.

“He wanted to trade, and offered up his minigun and some ammo,” began the man. “But after I opened the back door to grab some spare caps to make the deal a little more even, he suddenly started freaking out. Then before I knew it he had thrown me out of my own shop and nearly broke my hand!”

Janey frowned. “Was anyone else present when this happened?”

“I was there,” declared the gruff-sounding man Twilight recognized from when he stood inside the mouth of the dinosaur. “And from what I heard that crazy mutant wanted to buy all the dino toys, to which Cliff here opposed.”

“He didn't have enough caps to buy them all,” Cliff retorted.

“Wait, those stupid dinosaur dolls? You charged him for that crap?” Janey asked.

“Those are legitimate limited edition merchandise! They are a collector's item,” Cliff declared.

“They’re a goddamn scam is what they are,” Janey yelled back, jabbing a finger at the shop keeper. “He gave you a minigun and a small mountain of ammo!”

“The quality of the weapon was not exceptional,” Cliff muttered.

Twilight looked around to find that the general atmosphere had dulled slightly, with more than a few citizens walking away. The low murmur of discontent that Twilight had felt initially was starting to fade as well, with a few of the townsfolk even turning on Cliff. One nearby man remarked that this was probably even the store owner’s fault and that the mutant may even be innocent. It was all a nice sign, but unless they pressed this advantage, Twilight knew they were still capable of becoming an angry mob.

“Still, it's a goddamn minigun!” Janey shouted.

Twilight raised her arms and released a powerful roar, immediately silencing everyone present. She then knelt down and slowly tapped out her response on a bit of rusty metal.

“Everyone stand back. Janey and I will talk to him,” Twilight declared.

“Yeah, I’m sure we can figure it out,” Janey remarked.

“I oppose this. We should be killing the mutant, not making a deal with it,” Cliff shot back.

“He is a person, and his name is Jimmy,” Twilight declared, the deathclaw leveling a glare Cliff’s way. “He may not be the brightest but he is still worthy of being given a chance.”

“Let them in Cliff,” exclaimed the beret-wearing man.

“Fine,” muttered the store owner. “But when this goes sideways please do not destroy my shop.”

“I’ll make the effort,” Janey murmured.

Twilight stepped forward and gently rapped a knuckle against the door. When no response came she repeated the gesture while also releasing a low roar.

“Is that other monster?” whispered the soft voice of the nightkin.

Twilight did her best to make an uh huh noise.

“You can come in, but just you and the angry lady. Noone else,” Jimmy demanded.

Twilight nodded and took a step back.

A moment later the door opened, and a dark hand ushered them inside. Twilight obliged, stepping into the cramped quarters of the store alongside Janey. Together they crammed themselves into the gift shop, the nightkin moving to the other side of the counter in order to give them a bit more space.

“Close the door,” he hissed.

Janey did just that, shutting it firmly and clicking the lock into place.

“Now, what happened?” Twilight asked, the deathclaw still carrying the piece of metal she had found earlier.

“Jimmy wanted to sell gun. Tiny people scared when Jimmy carry it and Jimmy didn't want tiny people to be scared of him,” the nightkin shuddered. “Their stares don't feel good but scared and angry stares feel even worse.”

Twilight nodded slowly in shared misery.

“But then Jimmy saw Dinosaurs, and Jimmy wanted to free them!” Jimmy declared.

The nightkin ran into the small attached storage room and produced an armload of dolls that were a perfect miniature version of the dinosaur they were all standing inside of.

“See? Jimmy wanted to free them, but human said no and that made Jimmy angry,” declared the mutant.

“I think I see where this is going,” Janey added.

“It not Jimmy fault that shop man want to keep poor dinosaurs locked up, but then hat man came and surprised Jimmy when sale person was trying to take away the dinosaurs. Thankfully Jimmy fast and he not shoot me,” Jimmy continued.

“Augh, what a mess,” Janey muttered. “We should just buy the rest of these things and give them to Jimmy. How many can there be anyway?”

Twilight pointed into the small storage room.

“Holy shit there's hundreds of the things,” Janey murmured.

“Hundreds that need to be free!” Jimmy proclaimed, throwing the arm load of plush critters in the air.

“Godamnit. That would bankrupt us even if we got him to come down in price,” Janey exclaimed.

“Wait, I have a better idea,” Twilight interrupted, turning to the mutant. “Jimmy, if they gave you one of these guys and food would you defend the town against other mean people that may want to hurt them?”

“Wait, you can't be serious. This guy’s not exactly all there,” Janey stated.

“Think about it though. The legion was just south of here, and no doubt could attack Novac at any time. Do you really want their only line of defense to be this watch tower thing?” Twilight replied.

Janey grumbled bitterly to herself. “I suppose having a super mutant on the payroll would help deter any attackers.”

“Jimmy could defend town people. Especially if they give him food better then the dirt and bugs Jimmy has been eating,” exclaimed the super mutant.

“Though it pains me somewhat to suggest it, the labor would be pretty much free for the town, and they would have someone capable of defending more than just the bridge out front,” Twilight pressed.

“You’re right,” Janey admitted. “We just need to get them to agree with your idea.”

“I don't think it would be too hard,” Twilight added.

“Just let me do the talking okay?” Janey asked.

“What, not going to try to convince me out of it, or to suggest they kill Jimmy?” Twilight asked right back.

Janey chuckled. “No, even I can tell this would be best for everyone. Plus anything that sticks it to the legion is okay in my book.”

“Alright then. We’ll be right back Jimmy,” Twilight exclaimed.

“Jimmy stay right here and definetly not eat all the chewy candy,” declared the mutant before throwing a handful of gum, wrapper and all, into his mouth.

Twilight rolled her eyes, and gestured toward the door, encouraging Janey to take the lead. She did so, twisting the nob and being the first to step out before the even smaller crowd.

“Cliff, we’ve come to an agreement with Jimmy,” Janey announced. “Though I need to ask you all a question first.”

“And what would that be?” Cliff replied.

“Would you like a nightkin to help with night patrols of the town?” Janey asked.

There were several people amongst the crowd who immediately declared that they would though the majority seemed a bit more hesitant.

“All he wants in return is food, shelter, and a weekly dino toy,” Janey continued. “And for all that you’ll get minigun-toting super mutant watching your backs while you sleep.”

“If he can be trusted to do that job that would be great for the town,” remarked the beret wearing man.

“But can we really trust a crazy nightkin?” asked a female from amongst the crowd.

“Look everyone knows by now that he ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he's as honest as they come and has promised to do his best to protect you all,” Janey continued.

“I still don't like it,” someone added.

“Yeah, I’m not sure it's worth the risk,” declared another.

“But think about it, people. Legion scouts are spotted moving east of town every day. What happens if they decide to raid Novac?” retorted a masculine-sounding voice from the crowd.

There was a short bout of murmuring before attention shifted expectantly back to Cliff the store owner.

“I can't believe you all are considering this,” Cliff exclaimed.

“Do you have a better idea to beef up security?” retorted a stranger.

“Fine,” Cliff muttered, crossing his arms bitterly in front of him.

“He’ll have to stay in the run-down bungalow,” declared a woman Janey recognized as the motel owner. “I can't afford to sacrifice another of the good suites for someone who can't pay the rent.”

“Thats alright. The guy was literally living under a rock until now, I’m sure whatever dump you put him in will be an upgrade,” Janey paused, and leaned back, peeking her head back into the gift shop. “We’re good out here.”

The courier then walked down the steps, her companion, Twilight Sparkle following shortly after her. Before them, the crowd began to dissipate, though a select few remained behind. Those that did, grouped up around Jimmy, the confused-looking super mutant standing awkwardly in their midst.

“Jimmy guard tiny humans?” he asked.

“Yes you will,” the beret man declared. “But first I’m gonna teach you a few things. You can get your key and first day’s wages from Cliff a little later.”

“Okay hat man,” Jimmy replied.

Twilight watched the pair leave, noting that the beret man was gently but sternly instructing the nightkin on how to do his new job. Though Jimmy seemed confused, Twilight could also see a faint flicker of understanding in his eyes. So with the knowledge that the most recent issue was resolved, she turned back around to Janey.

“Come on,” declared the courier. “Let's get the stuff to those crazy ghouls so we can blow this popsicle stand.”

“And then we’ll check out that vault?” Twilight asked.

“Augh yes. We’ll check out the vault that the crazy guy received a vision about,” Janey admitted.

Twilight smiled and chucked the piece of metal off to the side of the road.

Proceeding back out of the town heading west, they reached the edge of town only to notice they weren't the only travelers present. While they were heading towards the hilly area to the west, the other two figures were walking in the direction of town. One of whom was immediately obvious, that being a backpack-wearing Chris Haversam, though he was joined by what looked like a female ghoul.

“Guess he finally realized he wasn't a ghoul,” Janey remarked. “Though I wonder why he’s joined by one of those cultists.”

Twilight snorted.

As they neared, Chris raised a hand in an awkward wave. “Hey Courier, Princess,” he greeted.

“So this is them?” asked the ghoul with the combat shotgun strapped to her back. “You’re description certainly didn't do them justice.”

“And you are?” Janey retorted.

“My name is Justice, and once I was a sheriff and after that, one of Bright’s followers but now…” she glanced lovingly at Chris. “Now I’m just a wife.”

“Damn Chris you even married one. That's hilarious!” Janey exclaimed.

Twilight wasn't paying attention to the conversation, even if Justice herself seemed very upset by the remark. Rather Twilight was too busy inspecting the female ghoul a little closer to tell what what was being said about her. She looked younger than most other ghouls, with a full head of grey hair that was missing only a few small sections. Her nose was gone, but her lips were full, her green eyes still sporting the same vibrant color they likely had before their owner had become a ghoul. She was likely quite attractive before the radiation, and even still, the ravages of nuclear fallout hadn't marred her appearance that much.

At least in Twilight's observation anyway.

“Alright alright, sorry,” Janey muttered. “That was over the line.”

Chris sighed. “Look I admit maybe I may have been a bit paranoid and a bit stubborn.”

“A bit? I argued with you for literally weeks about you being a human,” Justice retorted, pulling her husband closer to her.

“Well, that's behind us now, like the majority of our lives,” Chris murmured.

Justice scoffed. “So long as we are together we still have our whole lives ahead of us.”

Twilight quickly looked around for a bit of scrap of metal, and after finding a hunt of rusted steel, returned.

“I’m glad to see you are well, Chris,” Twilight greeted.

“I’m glad you didn't end up getting injured doing Jason’s errands,” Chris replied.

“Speaking of which,” Janey picked up. “Is he going to be able to complete his task without you?”

Chris nodded slowly. “I taught everything they need to know to one of Jason’s assistants. I’m sure John will be able to handle it.”

“That's good,” Janey muttered.

Justice elbowed her husband. “Tell them about the reward.”

“Oh right,” Chris perked up, unslung his backpack, and offered it to Janey. “Here, the rest of Jason’s flock decided to give you what little earthly possessions they had. It ain't a lot, but there's a fair amount of caps in there.”

“He’d give this before we even delivered the goods?” Twilight asked.

“He said and I quote. You will find them on the road with the pieces necessary to complete the great journey, and when you do meet them, give them this,” Chris stated.

“I can't believe that prophet wannabe was correct,” Janey whined.

“You found them both, already?” Justice inquired.

Twilight nodded. “They weren't far, thankfully.”

“Despite Jason’s more cosmic predilections, he was always a good judge of character,” Chris remarked.

“That much we agree in,” Justice added.

“Um Janey, could I have my half from this last mission?” Twilight inquired.

“I can't believe you actually typed out the word um, but yes you can have it,” Janey replied, hastily counting out her companion’s half. “Oh shit there are a ton of energy weapon cells in here.”

Twilight cleared her throat.

“Right, here you go,” Janey stated, dropping a small mountain of caps into Twilight's open claw.

“Here. To help you start a new life,” Twilight declared.

“No we can't accept that,” Justice intruded. “I was a sheriff, and caravan guard, while my beloved Chris is a brilliant engineer. I’m sure we can find gainful employment relatively easily.”

“Oh I’m nothing special,” Chris murmured.

Janey swiped the caps from Twilight's hand, counted out a few, and then jammed her hand toward Chris.

“Here. This is enough for two nights at the motel, and a bit of food. By then you’ll be on your feet,” Janey declared.

“We can't-” Chris began.

“Princess here won't let you leave unless you take something so just accept it already,” Janey interrupted.

Twilight nodded.

Justice sighed. “Take the caps, hun. We’ll need them.”

“Fine,” Chris muttered, taking the offered money. “Oh and before you go, you should be aware that we saw some shapes moving in the hills near the Repcon launch site after we left.”

“Wildlife?” Janey asked.

“Possible. We didn't get a good look at them. More than likely it's just another pack of ferals that escaped from the basement,” Justice offered.

“We’ll handle them,” Twilight declared. “Best of luck you two.”

“Same to you,” Justice offered, giving Twilight and the courier a nod.

The couple then departed, as did the adventurous duo, the two groups heading in opposite directions from one another.

“Say,” Janey began after a few minutes. “Have you noticed that your horns have gotten longer?”

Twilight looked up. They do look a little longer, and a bit more like the horn I had as an alicorn. No, that can't be possible.

“I just noticed that you keep bumping against stuff with them so I figured they were getting longer, but it's not like I measured them when I met you,” Janey remarked.

Twilight shook her head and snorted. We have more important things to worry about right now.

“Right, let's get our heads in the game. There's probably another horde of ferals up ahead,” Janey exclaimed.

Author's Note:

Done as part of a gift for all your amazing support during this time of need. Thank you all.

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